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Oral Exposition /30-08-2014/

Axe deodorant advertisement

Image: A couple having very different activities during the day, see,
man being a professional welder while the woman is going to throw
some firecrackers.

Image: 2 images compared side to side. In the former one we can
see a set of cleaning products (detergents, soaps, bleach) while on
the proper there is a kind of reproduction of what a kid would see
instead, that is something inoffensive, in this case it has been
represented through a group of animals resembling the colours and
forms of the cleaning recipient products.

! (Lenovo Mobile Phone Ad)
= The Lenovo comes with Face Recogniticon Security
Image: The ordinary rectangular box we are being shown when are
about to introduce our personal security code. Instead in this Ad, the
man introduces his head/face there, so that to help convey the main
message and final product the company presents to us. Also
important you to note the background bluish colour used, which it is
done in purpose of course to remind us of the Facebook blue colour it
has by default, and catch more viewers/customers.

! (GYM Ad)
Image: An apparently fat man picture showing his big belly, which
doesn't allow the man see his masculine item himself.

! (Mobile Phone Ad)
= Fast Internet access when and where you need it / Phone 900
Image: There is a situation being shown to us, in which at the very
middle we have a close-up of a snake about to bite the human. In
response to that there is the human being holding a mobile while
searching Google how to dodge/avoid a snake bite.

Oral Exposition /30-08-2014/
Taboos, Euphemisms and DYSPHEMISMS.

- Taboo word! It is a word which is not said directly as it is.
-Instead we use EUPHEMISMS, which are more delicate and indirect
expressions, which make reference to the realities which society
prefers not to tell or hide.
- But we also use DYSPHEMISMS, which are expressions even more
unpleasant than taboo words.

Euphemism! It is a word/expression, which it is used to replace
other ones, which are too much ugly/inadequate to be uttered.
Ex: It is often used to refer to something, which is
embarrassing/unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more
acceptable than it really is.

User fees ! Taxes
Training centres ! Prison camps
Hes going number one/two ! Going to the toilet
Hes pushing up daisies ! Referring to death

Dysphemism! It is a word/expression, which makes reference to a
reality in a pejorative way (! Euphemism).
Ex: It is often used in a (derogative/insulting/humoristic) way. So we
can regard its use as done in purpose

Estirar la pata ! Morir (taboo) ! Fallecer (Euphemism)
Me das un cancer? ! Un cigarrillo.
Snail mail ! Correo ordinario/postal.

-As all Euphemisms tend to deal with topics such as: Sex/Death, then
the Dysphemisms too.
-Even the very same expression can be used in a Euphemistic or
Dysphemistic way, what will make the difference it will be the
-There are a very wide variety of Dysphemisms due to its highly
strong semantic potential power they have.
-Some of them come in the form of comparisons, others as:
metaphors, neologisms, irony, contempt Lots of them appear due to
POLYSEMY, that is the phonetic similarity between the different

Oral Exposition /30-08-2014/
Death Theme
- Some taboo words make reference to Death, due to its obscure
meaning, but also cause of its strong religious presence. So in
somewhat religion gives some universality into language.

Morir ! Se fue al cielo, Pas a major vida, Entreg su alma a Dios.

-So, from a cultural and human p.o.v., these changes are used to
lighten the pain of such a pain it is to lose a familiar.
-From a lexic p.o.v. These expressions try to convince us that what
has happened (someone has died) has even good connotations
-In this case, the usage of a Dysphemism is not very normal to say,
it is only reserved to the ones who are not very educated and not so
much respectful towards the others.

Sexual Theme
-The examples regarding this theme have a direct relation to the
sexual organs. To the parents who have little children, these dirty
words need to be changed by any other words, for better and formal
- The usage of the Euphemisms of Sexual words has also to consider
the generational variable (thats to say, the elder people), who are
not used to use pejorative vocabulary.

! So for instance (Prostituta), they will call it any other way but not
that one. And because of this Creativity combined with Syntax do the
Prostituta ! P5t1, mujer de vida alegre, mujer oficio ms antinguo
del mundo.
Ex1! Vowels: A E I O U = 1 2 3 4 5

[Dysphemisms] Prostituta
-They are referred as easy things, that they do not make
themselves respect Because of this exist Apellatives which
lower/degrade this woman condition itself: Make her appeal of little
importance. As a consequence, the majority of examples are very
Prostituta ! Maraca o sulelta de raja (woman that can ease things
up for cash)
Prostituta ! Igual que la table del uno (it is not easy to be with her,
actually, everybody can)
Prostituta ! Californiana (Makes reference to a hot environment, is
a reference to the sexual act)

Oral Exposition /30-08-2014/
-In the case of ___ the available Dysphemisms are very harsh and
pejorative. It seems that its only lexical meaning/objective it is to
insult the homosexual being and even the ones who are not. In
somewhat what most of these words do is make people doubt about
the others sexuality with its consequences.
So most of these examples reveal a very informal and illiterate
Homosexual ! Maricn/Amariconado (-on/-ao suffixes tend to have
strong lexical power)
Homosexual ! Hueco (less insulting power)
Homosexual ! Loco de la cartera (homosexual works in prostitution
= working item)

OTHER ONES---------------------------

loco! Pela cables

-Exist more Dysphemisms than Euphemisms in most of cases.
-Our society tend to use a more humoristic/two-way meaning
through the ordinary expresions (specially in the sexual ones).
-Due to the use Dysphemisms we can understand that there are two
types of users:
Formal speakers! are more conservative
Informal Speakers! are more creative, are more open to
further changes => they are the true promoters of the speech
-How? Dysphemisms tend to disappear in time, because are being
less and less used, due to new ones that appear which are more
expressive/representative than the former ones.

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