Tradition of Āyurveda

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Tradition of Āyurveda and Charaka

-Arun Kumar Upadhyay, IPS

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Western authors lack sense of history or knowledge of any calendar system and are
following 23-10-4004 BC as start of creation interpreted from Bible. Āyurveda
started in Siddha era before Svāyambhuva Manu (29102 BC). After that, it was
revived and improved by Uśnā (Śukra), Indra, Dakśa Prajāpati, Aśvinī-kumāra
(Dasra and Nāsatya). After Vaivasvata Manu (13902 BC) it was revived after glacial
floods in about 10000 BC by Bhradvāja, who revived the tradition of Indra and
taught to Ātreya-Punarvasu who taught Charaka-samhitā to Agniveśa, Bhela,
Jātūkarŋya, Parāśara, Harita, and Kśārapāŋi. Around Mahābhārata time, it was
written by Charaka, who might be Vaiśampāyana, who classified branches of Vedas.
Charaka is one of branches of Kŗşŋa-Yajurveda. It was improved by Dŗɖhabala. The
Āyurveda text or its commentary was written by Patañjali who also wrote Yoga-
sūtras, commented by Veda-Vyāsa. He explained grammar-sūtras of Pāŋini with
Vārtika of Kātyāyana. It was lost and revived last time by Govinda-pāda, guru of
Ādi-Śankara in about 600 BC. Tradition of surgery was started by Dhanvantari at
time of Kūrma incarnation in 15800 BC when Devas and Asuras joined hand for
mineral exploration called Samudra-manthana. King Divodāsa, of Kāśī is called
incarnation of Dhanvantari as he revived it. Suśruta in his tradition wrote Suśruta-
samhitā. Kaśyapa-samhitā was in about 17500 BC which specialized in infant
diseases and poisons. It was revived by Vŗddha-Jīvaka and Rāvaņa. Last of old texts
is Aşţānga-Hŗdaya by Vāgbhaţa, who was in about 700 BC after Vişņu incarnation
Buddha born to Brāhmaņa Ajina of Magadha. Āyurveda is science of giving life.
Human body suffers defects or diseases due to genetic, environment, daiva (acts in
past life, surroundings), food, mind, injury. 5 types of hospitals were maintained for
free treatment-medicine, surgery, psychiatry, poison/infections, and injuries. There
was a separate veterinary hospital. Old texts went to Greek via Arab and
Hippocrates started western system. Arabic system is still called Unani medicine.
Homeopathic system is mentioned in Charaka-samhitā and still exists in Taittirīya-
1. Destruction of history by western authors-Herodotus (484-425 BC) of
Greece is considered father of history (western) followed by Thucydides (454-399
BC). Their main aim was to show that civilization did not exist anywhere else and it
started in Greece only. Frequent attack by Persians forced their mention, but all
references to any knowledge from Egypt is omitted. That destruction of history was
completed by Alexander (352-325 BC) who destroyed vast libraries of Alexandria
and Persipolis in Persia. Euclid had gone to Alexandria to learn axiomatic geometry.
Appolonius of Perga also had gone there to learn conic-sections, but had to visit
India to learn and write book of that name. But Till today, western historians like
David Pingree, completely ignorant of mathematics quote their own articles to show
that mathematics has come from Sumeria to India. It is tendency of religions in west
Asia to destroy everything prior to their prophet, and the trend continued all over
Europe where all pre-christian remains were destroyed. Even afterwards, all non-
christian knowledge was destroyed and followers were burnt alive. After start of
British rule in India, the trend intensified to destroy all old books and misinterpret
the remaining. In Kerala itself, over 16000 palm leaf manuscripts of were destroyed
by British government to remove competition to western allopathic medicine.
Oriental Institutes were set up in Calcutta and Puna to replace Indian chronology
and history by destroying and changing records. To streamline destruction of
history, Boden chair was set up in Oxford in 1831 with declared aim of destroying
Vedic history and culture, so that Christianity can be spread in India. Indian
followers like Radhakrishnan, P.V. Kane, R.D. Bhandarkar and R.C. Mazumdar were
more loyal than the king. After Radhakrishnan became President, 3 ordnances were
brought to remove traditional Sanskrit scholars like Ramvyasa Pandey of BHU and
B. R Sharma of Tirupati who had actually seen Sanskrit texts. Kauthumī samhitā of
Sāmaveda was sent from Tirupati to Harvard for publication. Chief Justice M.
Hidayatullah passed severe stricture on ordnances issued telling that all traditional
sanskrit scholars are to be removed as soon as they ‘fall sick or die for good’
(1961 AIR 1059 1961 SCR (3) 380). R.C. Mazumdar in his original book-Ancient
India, page 135 had given strength of army of Andhra kings on authority of
Megasthenes quoted by Pliny etc. But that indicated Gupta period at time of
Alexander, so he omitted that from next book in collaboration of K.K. Dutta and H.C.
Raichaudhary to show that Alexander attacked at start of Maurya empire. For that
loyalty, he was made General Editor of 12 volume history of Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan.
Usmania university maintains both contradictory versions-reference to Andhra kings
for culture department and Maurya period for history. About 90% students of history
honours take Hindi or other regional language as side subject, where they read that
local languages started by Gorakhanātha in eighth century, but in history they take
it as period of Śankarāchārya. All devotees of Marx/Oxford start fighting when
anybody talks about calender, or geography. Megasthenes has described Delhi
(Palibothri =Prabhadraka) with pillar of Hercules (Kutub-minar) on banks of Yamuna,
but that is to be shown Patna, about 1200 kms away, so geography and chronology
are to be avoided.
2. Indian Chronology-In Vedic system, there are 7 yugas, out of which 2 large
eras are used for astronomy and geological periods. Remaining 5 are used for
historical eras. Astronomical era is of 12000 divya years. In astronomy, divya year
means 360 solar years, but in history, it means solar year. Vāyu purāņa tells
saptarşi era of 3030 Mānuşa years (of 12 rotations of moon in 327 days) or of 2700
divya years (equal to solar year of 365.25 days). Manvantara in astronomy is axial
rotation period of galaxy of 71 astro yugas= 306.8 million years. But Historical
manvantara is defined in Brahmāņɖa purāna (1/7/26) of 26000 years which is equal
to rotation period of earth axis around perpendicular to ecliptic (called precession).
That period had passed from Svāyambhuva Manu to 3102 BC when Kali started. Till
Vaivasvata Manu, 16000 years had passed equal to 43 yugas of 360 years and then
28 yugas till kali start. Ayanābda yuga of 24000 years has been used in Vāyu
purāņa with two parts of Avasarpiņī and Utsarpiņī of 12000 years each. First part is
Avasarpiņī starting with Saya, Tretā, Dvāpara, kali of 4800, 3600, 2400, 1200 years.
Second part is Utsarpiņī with yugas in reverse order. This system started with
Vaivasvata Manu, so Brahmā or Svāyambhuva Manu has been stated in initial tretā,
he did not start system from Satya yuga. 24000 year cycle matches cycle of
geological flood/ice more correctly than modern estimate of 21600 years cycle. It
combines rotation of earth’s apogee in 100000 years and precession in 26000 years
in reverse direction. In India, long term component of 312000 years of apogee
rotation has been merged-
1/26000 + 1/312000 =1/24000.
Each yuga has been divided into parts of 360 years. Detailed chart is in my
book-‘Sānkhya-siddhānta’, or in ‘Vedic View of Śrī Jagannātha’. Glacial floods were
in 31000 and 10000 BC as per modern estimates and Indian chart which were
breaks in progress of civilization. In middle periods of glacial ice, center of
civilization shifted near equator. In periods of flood, it moved to north temperate
zone. India survived major changes due to shielding by Himalayas, so all Greek
historians have written that India had always been self sufficient in food and never
attacked any country is past 15000 years. Last attack was by Kārttikeya who had
destroyed Krauñcha Dvīpa (north America) in 15800 BC. Language of his navy
called Mayūra still survives as Maori all over Pacific ocean. Ayanābda yuga is called
day of human Brahmā, and now third day is running from Vaivasvata Manu in 13902
3. Āyurveda-It started 3 yugas earlier prior to Svāyambhuva Manu-
या ओ॑षध॒ीः पूवा ज॒ाता देवेभयिसतयुगं पुरा । (ऋक् १०/९७/३, वा. यजु १२/७५, तैितरीय संिहता
४/२/६/१, िनरकत ९/२८)
=These medicines were created by Devas 3 yugas back.
Period prior to Devas has been called Sādhya yuga in Puruşa sūkta (Yajurveda
य॒जेन॑ य॒जम॑यजनत द॒ेवासतािन॒ धमा॑िण पथ॒मानया॑सन् ।
ते ह॒ नाकं॑ मिह॒मानः॑ सचनत॒ यत॒ पूवे॑ स॒ाधयाः सिनत॑देवाः॥१६॥ (वा. यजुवेद ३१/१६)
=Devas worshipped (linked) yajña through yajña only. Those were the first
dharmas. Those great men reached the top (nāka=pole of the sphere of solar
system). In nāka of earth (north of India), the Sādhyas lived who were Devas of
earlier period.
The scholars of were called siddhas whose system of medicine was called siddha
system and is still used in south India with that name. The siddhas are also
worshipped daily in 5 Namokāra mantras of jainas. When all yajña systems were
united by Brahmā under umbrella of Vedic unification-it was part of the original
Atharva Veda. When it was classified into 4 vedas and 6 angas, it became a
separate Upa-veda called Āyurveda. As internal yajña of management of body, it is
part of Yajurveda. Physicians were moving and were called Charaka, which means a
moving sanyāsī in general. In China also, they were called foot-doctors. Charaka-
samhitā is a separate branch or rendering of Kŗşņa Yajurveda. Most of medicinal
herbs are described in Atharva veda and some medicines are in Ŗgveda also. There
are detailed references of treatments in each of the 40 chapters of Vājasaneyī
yajuveda, compiled by author is a separate article. The first verse itself tells that we
should be free from Amīvā (Amoeba) i.e. infections, and from Yakśmā
ॐ इ॒षे तवो॑जे तवा॑ व॒ायव॑ सथ द॒ेवो वः॑ सिव॒ता पापर॑यतु आपया॑यधव मघनय॒ा इनदा॑य भ॒ागं प॒जाव॑तीरनम॒ीवा
अ॑य॒कमा मा व॑ सतेन ई॑षत माघशँ॑सो धुवा अ॒िसमन् गोप॑तौ सयात ब॒हीयरजमा॑नसय प॒शूनपा॑िह (वा. यजु
In fact, if we take the internal meaning of opening verse of Yajurveda, it indicates all
the subjects of Charaka-samhitā. Flow of energy from Sun has been called Īşā, it is
central axis of all life, so it is called Īşā-daŋɖa (axle rod) of ratha of sun. Its measure
is given in Bhāgavata purāŋa, part 5 as 6000 yojana (1 yojana = sun diameter). In
human body, it is spinal cord which links brain with body. Sun in space is life, its
image digestive system around maŋipūra-chakra feds the body. Here, cow is called
Aghnyā, i.e. not to be killed. In general, ‘go’ means sun-rays, any place (e.g. earth)
where yajña is done, yajña itself, and human organs. Thus all as cycle of production
are to be maintained and only its remains are to be consumed as taught in Gītā
(3/10-16). If we maintain chain of yajña starting with human body and organs,
family and Indra (king , space radiation) we will be bestowed with Prajā, will remain
free of any infection and decay. We will not take due of others. ‘Gha’-the fourth
letter indicates 4 Puruşārtha (aims of human life). Not following the path is agha
=sin. We should not deviate from Puruşārtha which is taught by Charaka by
maintaining healthy life. Then man and society will run steadily and wealth will
increase. On earth surface, agriculture is base for all other yajña . So the rod of
plough (Hala) is called Īşā or Harīşa (hal+īşa). That is put to start any worship whip
is a model of all yajña. It is also called yūpa-dāru (wood for central axle). If that axle
is kept moving for efficient agriculture (agri =first of culture), we remain healthy,
wealthy and do not need other’s wealth.
Vāyu purāŋa gives sequence of pioneers (Āchāryas) staring with Dhanvantari at
time of Samudra-manthana (explration of minerals) in 15800 BC. In second
Dvāpara, Dhanvantari-2 (like original, his incarnation) was born as Divodāsa, son of
Śaunahotra, king of Kāśī. Āyurveda with science of medicine was written by
Bharadvāja who divided into 8 parts and taught to disciples.
िदतीये दापरे पापते सौनहोतः पकािशराट् । पुतकामसतपसतेपे नृपो दीघरतपासतथा ॥१८॥
तसय गेहे समुतपनौ देवो धनवनतिरसतदा । कािशराजो महाराजः सवररोगपणाशकः ॥१९॥
आयुवेद ं भरदाजशकार सिभषक् िकयम्। तमषधा पुनवयरसय िशषयेभयः पतयपादयत ॥२०॥
(वायु पुराण, अधयाय, ९२)
Śaunahotra in second Dvāpara—Dhanvantari-2 = king of Kāśī—Ketumān—Divodāsa
= Bhīmaratha —Pratardana. This Divodāsa is famous in Vedas in time of Dāśarāja
war in about 7000 BC from Persian sources and second dvāpara indicated here.
Same is found in Harivamśa (1/29/22-27) and Brahmāŋɖa purāŋa, upoddhāta
Charaka-samhitā irself gives start of this science. Indra had preserved the
medicine systems developed by Sādhyas. Deva supremacy was for 10 yugas or
3600 years from 17500 to 13902 BC in which there were 14 main Indras who ruled
for about 100 years each called Śatakratu (100 yajña for 100 years). Group of Ŗşis
deputed Bharadvāja to bring the knowledge of Āyurveda from Indra. He went there
and brought the mass of knowledge.
स वकयित अमोपायं यथावद् इनदपभुः । कः सहसाक भवनं गचछेत् पषु ं शचीपितम् ॥१८॥
अहमथे िनयुजयेय ं अतेित पथमं वचः। भरदाजोऽबवीत् तसमाद् ऋिषिभः स िनयोिजतः ॥१९॥
स शक भवनं गतवा सुरिषरगण मधयगम् । ददशर बलहनतारं दीपयमानिमवानलम् ॥२०॥
(चरक संिहता, सूतसथान, अधयाय, १).
In Taittirīya Brāhmaŋa (3/10/11), it is stated that Bharadvāja spent 3 lives with
Brahmacharya to study Vedas by grace of Indra. At end he became very old and
bed-ridden. Then Indra asked what he would do if offered a fourth life of 100 years.
He stated that he will complete his study of Vedas. Indra showed him 3 mountains
as form of 3 vedas and took fistful of dust from each-telling that Bharadvāja had got
knowledge equal to that.
भरदाजो ह वै ितिभरायुिभरबरहचययरमुवास । तं ह जीिणर सथिवरं शयानं इनद उपबजय उवाच । भरदाज
! यते चतुथरमायुदरदा, िकमेनेन कुयया इित ? बहचययरमेवैनेन चरेयिमित होवाच । तं ह तीन्
िगिररपानिवजातािनव दशरयाञचकार । तेषा हैकैकसमानमुिषमाददे । स होवाच, भरदाजेतयमनतय ।
वेदा वा एते । “अननता वै वेदाः” । एतदा एतैिसतिभरायुिभररनववोचथाः । अथ त इतरदनूकतमेव ।
(तैितरीी य बाहण ३/१०/११)
After return from Indra, Bharadvāja presided over a conference of Ŗşis at Himalaya.
Many Ŗşis have been listed here who are of different eras. That indicates the
process of Samhitā-it is a collection of wisdom of at different times. It is Apauruşeya
(beyond human) in that sense as it is not creation of a single man. Actually, all
science texts include discoveries of different scientists of different periods. It also
indicates that names of Ŗşis are related to the subject of knowledge-Kāpya tells
about Kapha, Vāyorvid tells about Vāyu-doşa. Pitta is due to sun in 6th house of
horoscope, or over action of sun at navel center, so its teacher is called Marīchi =
sun. Even the main organizer is called Ātreya Punarvasu. Atri is primordial Ŗşi which
is single and it does Pūşaņa = nourishment-
पूषनकषे यम-सूयर पाजापतय वयूह रशमीन् समूह । तेजो यते रपं कलयाणतमं तते पशयािम योऽसावसौ
पुरषः सोऽहमिसम ॥ (ईशावासयोपिनषद् १६)
=Pūşā is the single ŗşi which is creative (Prājāpatya) by linking Yama (to regulate,
sink as opposite of sun) and which collection of radiations from Sūrya (sun). Your
form is brightness, its most beneficial part we see. I am the same Puruşa, which You
(Supreme) are.
Finally, filling by text is by Bharadvāja (bhara = to fill).
Opening chapter of Charaka-samhitā gives sequence of development of Āyurveda-
(1) Brahmā among Sādhyas was the first to compile Āyurveda , (2) He gave it to
Prajāpati (Dakśa and others got it from 7 Brahmās later on), (3) Dakśa gave it to
Aśvinī-Kumāras (twins called Dasra and Nāsatya), (4) From Aśvinī-Kumāras, Indra
got it, (5) From Indra, Bharadvāja got it, (6) Bharadvāja taught it to many Ŗşis, in
particular Punarvasu Ātreya. (7) Punarvasu Ātreya taught it to 6 disciples-among
whom Agniveśa was the first to compile a tantra. Remaining 5 students also wrote
tantras in their name-Bhela, Jatūkarŋa, Parāśara, Hārīta, Kśārapāŋi. (8) It was
revised by Dŗɖabala, (9) At beginning of Kali it was written or commented by
Patañjali. Vijñāana-Bhikśu in his Yoga-Vārtika has prayed as creator of Yoga-sūtra,
commentary on grammar, and Āyurveda. Charaka has been called Vaiśampāyana
also, which is a gotra name. After Vyāsa, he might have spread it. Vaiśampāyana
might have compiled existing material and Patañjali wrote commentary as he did
for grammar.
योगेन िचतसय पदेन वाचा मलं शरीरसय तु वैदकेन ।
योऽपाकरोतं पवरं मुनीना पतञिलं पाञिलरानतोऽिसम ॥
Patañjali was contemporary ofVedavyāsa (c3200-3090 BC) and Pāŋini. Pāŋini wrote
4000 sūtras of grammar. Kātyāyana wrote Vārtika to supplement or explain them.
On sūtras and Vārtika both, Patañjali wrote his commentary Mahābhāşya.
Vedavyāsa wrote commentary on Yoga-sūtra of Patañjali.
This contemporary nature has these effects-(1) Charaka samhitā indicates
beginning of Veda creation. Its last part shows last version at time of Kŗşņa-
Dvaipāyana-Vyāsa. Last summary is in Gītā, whose technical explanation is only in
this book-about effect of past and present deeds and surroundings. (2) As yoga-
sūtras were written by same Patañjali, it is also explanation of that. (3) It is an
explanation of 2 streams (nişţhā) of past Sānkhya and Yoga indicated in Gītā-
लोकेऽिसमिनदिवधा िनषा पुरा पोकता मयानघ ।
जानयोगेन साखयाना कमरयोगेन योिगनम् ॥ (३/३)
Grammar of Patañjali was lost twice, it was revived first in Kashmir in time of 52nd
Gonanda king Abhimanyu (1234-1182 BC) (-Rājatarangiŋī of Kalhaŋa) and then in
Ujjain by Govindapāda, guru of Śankarāchārya (509-476 BC) i.e. in about 600 BC
(Kathā-sarit-sāgara, Bhaviśya purāŋa). Thus, it contains reference of Puşyamitra
Śunga (1218-1158 BC).
The last edition of Charaka and Suşruta samhitās was in time of Vikramāditya of
Ujjain (82BC-19 AD), who started his Samvat, standard ill today for all festivals. One
of the 9 jewels of his court has been called Dhanvantari who did the last edition.
4. Other traditions- Patañjali has been called incarnation of Śeşa or Ananta.
Tradition of surgery is by Dhanvantari, incarnation of Vişŋu, sleeping on Ananta.
Thus, scope of Charaka is more general. Surgery is a part of it. Dhanvantari was
born at time of war between Devas and Asura for sharing products of Samudra-
manthana. To cure injuries from war, surgery is more needed. Among Asuras also,
Uśnā or Śukrāchārya developed Mŗta-sañjīvanī ( reviving dead) for war injuries only.
That tradition continued till Suşeŋa, physician of Rāvaŋa, who had revived
Lakśmaŋa. Till today, this system partly survives at Kalupada in Orissa and Poteru
near Tirupati. In Vedānta also, Rāmānuja is incarnation of Ananata, as he combines
Abstract unitary source with visible forms. Śankarāchārya describes abstract only.
Suśruta-samhitā specializes in surgery. Like Charaka, Suśruta also means well read
(śruti= veda). Dhanvantari literally means surgeon-
धनुः शलयं पारं अनतं इयितर गचछित इित धनवनतिरः
= Dhanvantari is a person who inserts instrument for treatment.
Suśruta-samhitā itself tells its tradition (Sūtra-sthāna, 1/20)-(1) Brahmā, (2)
Prajāpati, (3) Aśvinī-kumāra, (4) Indra, (5) Dhanvantari.
In second incarnation (1/3)-(6) Bharadvāja, (7) Dhanvantari-2 or Divodāsa, king of
Kāśī, (8) Aupadhenava, Viataraŋa, Aurabhra, Pauşkalāvata, Karavīrya, Gopura-
rakśita, Suşruta etc, (and Kalāyāna, Gārgya). Later Suşruta-2 may be around
Mahābhārata time-slightly after Charaka, who does not mention it.
Kaśyapa-samhitā is very old and specialized in pediatrics (kaumāra-bhŗtya) and
poisons. It passed on to Vŗddha-Jīvaka, then to Rāvaŋa. Later on, Vyāsa got it from a
Yakśa-Anayasa. Vāgabhaţa wrote Aşţānga-hŗdaya and has prayed Buddha, but is
devotee of Hara and Hari also. He should be just after Vişŋu incarnation Buddha,
son of Brāhmaŋa Ajina of Magadha who had united 4 leading kings of Agni-kula in a
yajña at mount Abu in 756 BC under king Śūdraka-Paramāra, Pratihāra, Chālukya,
Chāhamāna- to check attacks of Asuras in Assyria. Finally, king Chāhamāna
completely destroyed Nineve, capital of Assyria in 612 BC mentioned repeatedly in
old testament of Bible. Durgā-saptaśatī, chapter 11 indicates Śākambharī
incarnation at that time, so the kings were called Chauhānas of Śākambharī. Then a
Śaka was started indicated by Varāhamihira in Bŗhat-samhitā (13/3). Works of
Charaka-Suśruta-Vāgabhaţa are called Bŗddha-trayī or great 3. Vāgabhaţa mentions
interesting historical reference that the liquor of barley was started by Dionysus
who had captured north-west India in 6777 BC. He has been called Bacchus in Bible,
so the drink is called whisky.
5. Special features-Charaka-samhitā, classifies the whole medical science in 8
parts-(1) Kāya-chikitsā-body treatment by medicine, (2) Children’s diseases (Bāla-
roga), (3) Para-psychology (Graha or Bhūta-bādhā), (4) ENT (Śālākya, limbs above
neck), (5) Surgery (Śalya), (6) Poison (Vişa), (7) Old age (Jarā, or rasāyana), (8)
Gaining strength (Vājī-karaŋa).
In modern medicine also, man is affected by climate, but goes far beyond that. Man
is a complete image of cosmos. It is written in Genesis (1/27) also-God created man
after his own image. In Charaka-samhitā, śarīra-sthāna (5/2), it is written-
पुरषोऽयं लोकसिममत इतयुवाच भगवानपुनवरसु रातेयः, यावनतो िह लोके मूितरमनतो भाविवशेषासतावनतः
पुरषे, यावनतः पुरषे तावनतो लोके ।
Due to multi link of man with world, his well being is affected by planets of solar
system, mantras, herbs of many kinds.
In particular it is only theory which can explain homeopathy which has 5 un-
explained processes by modern science-(1) Medicine is prepared only in alcohol
solution, not in water, oil or milk, (2) By dilution, power of medicine increases, (3)
Dilution is always in steps of 100, (4) Only dilutions of 30, 200 and 1000 steps are
effective, (5) Medicine of power 30 means alcohol solution diluted to 1 part in 1060.
But that is number of electron-positron pair in solar system, and even in that space,
no molecule can remain with that dilution. But still, medicines are effective.
Explanation in vedas-(1) Solar system as a drop (drapsah) is floating in ocean of
ethyl alcohol in vacant space of galaxy-Ŗgveda (1/154/5). (4) Medicine is an image
of that process and it is effective much below atomic level. (3) Solar system has
image in Maņipūra chakra in navel region. That controls digestion which is linked to
most diseases. So dilution equal to electron numbers in solar system will cure most
diseases. From sun as center, earth is at 200 radius and Jupiter (largest planet) at
1000 radius. So, 200 and 1000 power medicines are used. Sun controls intellect
which is linked to man at speed of light. That link goes to sun and returns 3 times in
1 muhūrtta (48 minutes-Ŗgveda 3/53/8). (5) Original matter of universe was Rasa
which gives Ānanda (happiness, cure). In constructing visible world, this is spent. So
its amount increases 100 times as we move to rarer dhāmas (zones, loka) from
earth, which is densest-Taittirīya upanişad (2/7/2 and 2/8).
5 parva (stages) of universe are parallel to 5 chakras in spinal cord-
Space Symbol Chakras Symbol
1.Universe=1011 galaxies A Viśuddhi h
2. Galaxy=10 stars Ī Anāhata y
3. Solar system U Maņipūra r
4. Lunar orbit Ŗ Svādhişţhāna v
5. Earth Ļ Mūlādhāra l
Primordial mind of space was in vacuum (śvo-vasīyasa)-corresponding to sahasrāra
chakra with 1000 alternatives of creation. When it desired creation, there was
duality of matter, corresponding to Ājñā chakra, at center of brain. Number of cells
in brain are 1011, equal to galaxies in universe or stars in our galaxy (Śatapatha
brāhmaņa 10/4/4/2, 12/3/2/1, 5). Thus, all are physical mind. Rotation of galaxy is
called Manvantara of 31 crore years. Solar system gives energy for creation and
mind, so it controls intellect. Field of distance stars is affected by moon, nearest to
us, so it controls fluctuations of mind.
Indian chronology can be seen in 1, 2 and more detail in 5. Article on Homeopathy
proves the need and correctness of Vedic model described in Charaka. Other
references give original texts and philosophy of Āyurveda-
(1) History of Science & Technology (1998)-Vol. XIV of 18 Vol. book-The Study of
Indian history and Culture-General Editor Dr. Shripad Dattatreya Kulkarni-Shri
Bhagavan Vedavyasa Itihasa Samshodhana Mandira (BHISHMA), B-7/8, Shreepal
Apartments, Panch Pakhadi, Thane-400602, Phone-25332241.
(2) Bhāratavarşa kā Bŗhad Itihāsa (1951, 1961, 1994)-Pandit Bhagavaddatta, Vol. 1-
Pranav Prakashan, 1/28, East Punjabi Bag, New Delhi-110026.
(3) Vedon men Āyurveda (2001)-Dr. Kapiladeo Dwiwedi-Vishvabharati Anusandhan
Parishad, Jnanapur (Bhadohi), Varanasi.
(4) Ayurveda-The wisdom of Longevity (1998)-By Dr. Vedavyas-University of Vedic
Sciences, Plot 56, Road No. 8, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500033-
(5) Sānkhya Siddhānta (2006)-Arun Kumar Upadhyay-Nag Publishers, 11A/UA (Post
office building), Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007.
(6) Science and Technology in India through the ages-Editors-Sri B.K Srivathsa, M.A.
Narasimhan-Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote-571431-2003.
(7) Charaka Samhitā (1975, 1998)-Hindi commentary in 2 vols. by Sri Jaideo
Vidyalankar-Motilal Banarsidass, Bunglow Road, Delhi-110007.
(8) Suśruta Samhitā (1975, 1997)- Hindi commentary by Acharya Atrideo, who has
translated all 3 original texts (Bŗddhatrayī)-Charaka, Suśruta and Vāgbhaţa)- Motilal
Banarsidass, Delhi.
(9) Āyurveda kā Bŗhad Itihāsa-Uttar Pradesh Hindi Sansthan, Mahatma Gandhi
Road, Lucknow.
(10) My articles-(i) Vedic Model of Homeopathy and (ii) Frontiers of Scientific
Research through Vedas-are available on scribd/arunupadhyay.

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