15062-209 GEMS Percentage MineSched

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GEMS Percentage Models in MineSched

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This procedure explains how to use GEMS percentage models in MineSched.

1. In the Navigator drag the
.bpr or .bpr2 file into the
graphics workspace.

Surpac will load the GEMS
block model with all the
associated attributes.

2. From the Block model
menu choose Block model
> Save. This will save the
GEMS model to a Surpac
.mdl file. The Surpac block
model gets saved to the
same folder as the original
GEMS model and with the
same name.

3. Perform a block model
summary (Block model >
Block model > Summary)
to ascertain the properties
of the model

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4. Of particular interest is the
list of attributes. Each
rock type should have a
density, percentage, and
grade attribute.

However, MineSched
requires that the grade
attributes be named with
the grade first and then
the rock type, as in
au_dyke, au_ore, etc..

5. Create new grade
attributes with the correct

6. Create a new attribute for
each grade/rock type pair.
Name the new attribute
using the grade_rocktype

Make the attribute types
calculated. This way you
simply have to enter the
name of the original
attribute in the Expression

GEMS Percentage Models in MineSched

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field to obtain its value.
7. Create a new attribute for
each density/rock type
pair. Name the new
attribute using the
percent_rocktype syntax.

Make the attribute types
calculated. This way you
simply have to enter the
name of the original
attribute in the Expression
field to obtain its value.

In GEMS percentages are
stored as values between
0 100. In Surpac theyre
values between 0 1.
Therefore, the expression
must divide the original
percentage by 100.

8. Also create an attribute to
hold a single material
value. This attribute must
be integer type.

9. Choose Block model >
Block model > Save and
hit Yes to confirm the

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10. In MineSched choose the
material attribute created
in Step 8.

11. In the Specific gravity
section choose Constant
and enter a background
density for the deposit.
This will only be used if
densities are not assigned
to any rock type.

12. In the Material classes
pane enter one line for
each rock type.

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In the Model value
column choose the single
background value entered
in Step 8.

In the Partial Attribute
column choose the
percentage attributes
created in Step 7.

In the SG Attribute
column choose the density
for each rock type. The
name of the density
attributes does not need
to follow any specific

13. In the Qualities pane enter
one line for each

In the Name column enter
a name for the
quality/grade. This name
is how it will be referred to
in MineSched.

In the Attribute in xx
column (where xx is the
model name) enter the
prefix (grade) of the
attribute names created in
Step 6.

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