Veteran's Day Discounts and Free Offers

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Check these out for Veterans Day, November 11, 2014. Identification of some type
reuired for most. !ee hi"h#i"hted note be#o$.
Two notes before jumping in:
Proof of Military Service: Most companies require some form of military ID. These include:
a Military ID Card(active/reserve/retired! Current "eave and #arnin$s Statement
("#S! Drivers "icense %ith &eterans Desi$nation! Photo$raph in uniform! %earin$ your
uniform (if your service permits! &eterans 'r$ani(ation Card (e.$.! )merican "e$ion and
&*+! DD,-.! dischar$e paper%or/! or other form of identification. 'ther restaurants and
companies may $o 0y the honor system.
Participation: )l%ays call ahead to verify locations! dates! times! and participation. Many
of the companies listed are franchises! and may have different policies.
7 - Eleven: &eterans! active mem0ers of the 1S military and their immediate families can
stop 0y 23#leven on &eterans Day and $et a free small Slurpee drin/. 4ust 0rin$ proof of
current or former 1S military service to participatin$ 23-- stores.
Applebee Restaurants: The %ill a$ain provide a meal at no cost for all military active!
retired and veterans. Proof of service is required in the form of a Service 5etired I.D. card or
other such proof. *or a restaurant near you $o to
Bar Louie, Free meal on Veterans a!, "ov# $$# )ctive duty military mem0ers and
veterans can receive a free meal! up to 6-7 in value! and a free non3alcoholic 0evera$e.
)vaila0le at all locations! military ID or proof of service is required (source. *ind a location
near you.
B%s &ongolian 'rill, "ov# (-$$,# -/, off Stir3fry %ith valid military ID. 'nly at
participatin$ locations. *ind the location nearest you.
BE BAT) * BE+," 8ovem0er 9! -7 : --th! ,7; off your entire purchase. In3store
only. 1S Military ID required at time of purchase.
Big Lots - $./ off your entire purchase. 'ffer availa0le to active duty! <uard/5eserve!
veterans! retirees and their immediate family mem0ers! %ith valid ID. Call ahead to verify.
B0%s Restaurant: *ree "unch #ntree or *ree - Toppin$ Mini Pi((a at Dinner
bu!bu!Bab! 8ovem0er 9! -7 : --th! ,7; off your entire purchase. In3store only. 1S
Military ID required at time of purchase.
1abela%s# Ca0ela=s is $ivin$ their standard employee discount to all 1S military veterans!
active duty military! <uard/5eserves! la% enforcement! fire and #MS personnel. Discount
varies from >; to ,7;! dependin$ on the item.
1alifornia 2i33a 4it56en# *ree meal and non3alcoholic 0evera$e for veterans and active
military %ith valid ID or proof of service. *ind a location near you.
16ammps# 'n &eterans Day 3 )ll &eterans : )ctive Duty Military %ill receive a free 0ur$er
(e?cludin$ the Pepper@ac/ Aacon Stac/ Aur$er and The Bo0e Aur$er. Please visit Champps
*ace0oo/ pa$e for more information.
16eeseburger in 2ara7ise. *ree meal from select menu %ith military ID or proof of
service. Aevera$es and $ratuity not included. *ind a location near you.
16ristmas Tree 86ops 8ovem0er 9! -7 : --th! ,7; off your entire purchase. In3store
only. 1S Military ID required at time of purchase.
16ilis# *ree entree to &eterans and active duty military from --am 3>pm.
ELTA 8,"91 T, ),",R VETERA"8 :9T) FREE 8;2ER 4988 1AR :A8)E8 A"
SYRACUSE , NY; ERIE, PA; and CHICAGO, IL Delta Sonic Ca !a"#, in an e$ot to
#ono t#e %en and &o%en &#o "e'e o( co(nt), i" o$ein* +ee S(,e -i"" Ca
!a"#e" and +ee oil c#an*e" to all %ilita) 'etean" and acti'e "e'ice %en and
&o%en on T(e"da), No'e%.e //0 C("to%e" "i%,l) need to tell t#e ca &a"#
ca"#ie o oil c#an*e tec#nician t#at t#e) ae acti'e o a 'etean o+ t#e a%ed
enn!%s: <et free all you can eat panca/es at Denny=s. Call your local Denny=s.
ollar 'eneral# $./ 7is5ount on entire pur56ase on Veterans a!# 'ffer $ood for all
active3duty military! retirees! veterans! <uard/5eserve! : immediate family mem0ers. The
coupon can 0e found in the store circular! or 0y as/in$ an employe. )lso $ood online! use
Coupon Code &#T#5)8SD)C. More info.
Fa5e Values is5ount )ealt6 * Beaut! 8ovem0er 9! -7 : --th! ,7; off your entire
purchase. In3store only. 1S Military ID required at time of purchase.
Famous ave%s# Participatin$ locations (see their %e0site! are offerin$ different meal
deals for current or retired military on &eterans Day.
Foo7 Lion# -,; off all $roceries (some e?clusions for )ctive : 5etired Military Personnel
%ith military ID and M&P card. More info.
Fo< * )oun7 an7 Baile!%s 8ports Bar# &eterans and )ctive Duty Military %ill receive a
free item from the 2 under 62 menu. )ctive military ID! retiree card! or other proof of
service required. *o? and Dound Aar : <rill E "ocations E *ind ) "ocation 8ear Cou
Free 1ar was6. Thousands of car %ashes around the country are offerin$ vets a free car
%ash on &eterans Day!. *ind a list at <race for &eterans! %hich helped veterans receive
-7-!>F2 *5## +ashes.
'ol7en 1orral =)ours var! b! lo5ation>?: Military )ppreciation 3 <olden Corral
restaurants %ill host their Military )ppreciation %ith a meal at no cost for all military active!
retired and veterans. 8o proof is required to en@oy this 0uffet meal. <uests of veterans %ill
have to pay the re$ular meal price. 8o ta/e outs. *or more information refer
to http://$ If you have questions! can contact their
Corporate Deadquarters at <olden Corral Corporation! >->- <len%ood )ve.! 5alei$h! 8C
,2G-, 9-932H-39F-7. Deadquarters says ICou %ill need to contact the location you are
plannin$ to attend to find out their specific hours as some of the locations are ma/in$
ad@ustments to accommodate the veterans.J
'ra5e for Vets: 'ffers *ree Car%ash. The <race for &ets Pro$ram honors all veterans and
military personnel 0y $ivin$ them a free car%ash. The pro$ram has car%ashes participatin$
in all >7 states and includes .G2 car%ash companies representin$ -!-H- car%ash locations.
*or more information and to find participatin$ car%ashes! visit the <race for &ets %e0site.
'reat 1lips: 'n Monday! 8ov. --! customers %ho come in for a service can $et a free
haircut card to $ive to their favorite veteran. &eterans can also receive a free haircut or $et
the free haircut card. Daircuts are redeema0le until Dec. F-.
)ome epot &ilitar! is5ount: The Dome Depot(5 is offerin$ all active duty personnel!
reservists! retired military! veterans and their families a -7 percent discount off their
purchases in honor of &eteran=s Day. The offer is valid on purchases of up to 6,!777 for a
ma?imum of 6,77 and is availa0le at The Dome Depot stores! The Dome Depot Desi$n
Center locations! Card0irds and #KP' Desi$n Center(5 locations. The -7; military
discount is availa0le everyday for active duty and retirees! 0ut not all veterans. Dome Depot
ma/es this offer availa0le to all veterans on most military holidays. Cou can also find Dome
Depot discounts online.
)ooters: *ree Meal. DooterLs is servin$ -7 *ree Dot %in$s to military veterans all day on
&eterans Day. 'ffer $ood for all veterans and active duty military personnel. 'ffer valid at
participatin$ Dooters onlyM open to all active duty and military veterans %ith valid military
ID or proof of military service. Drin/ purchase required. *or more information!
)!-Vee, Free Brea@fast# *ree &eterans Day 0rea/fast from 2am N --am at all Dy3&ee
supermar/ets %ith in3store dinin$. Please call ahead to verify participation! and 0rin$ proof
of service.
012enn!: &eterans! active duty and family mem0ers receive an e?tra ,7; off in stores
8ov. G3-- %ith coupon.
0os# A# Ban@ 8pe5ials: &eterans Day Sale3 - Day 'nlyO 4oS. ). Aan/ &eterans Day Sale
4nottAs Berr! Farms: )nnual tri0ute to the Military! past and present. *5## admission for
&eterans or current servin$ military personnel and one $uest %ith proper I.D. presented at
turnstile. The eli$i0le person must 0e present. Dependent I.D.s %ill not 0e accepted. Plus
purchase up to si? additional tic/ets for @ust 6-9.77 eachO Tic/ets can 0e purchased at
BnottLs. Chec/ out BnottLs Aerry *arms
+e0site: http://%%%./
4risp! 4reme: *ree dou$hnut and small coffee. )vaila0le only at participatin$ Brispy
Breme stores. 'ffer availa0le to all active3duty! retirees : veterans on. Ae sure to call ahead
to verify your local Brispy Breme is participatin$.
Little 1aesars 2i33a# 1S Military and vets $et a free order of Cra(y Aread! %ith proof of
military status/service. Call your local "ittle Caesars to ma/e sure they are participatin$ in
this deal.
Lone 8tar 8tea@6ouse# (update: )ll veterans and active duty military %ill receive a *5##
entrPe from the Stars : Stripes Menu. ID required! please call ahead for verification.
Long )orn 8tea@6ouse# Complimentary Te?as Tonion and non3alcoholic 0evera$e for
&eterans and active3duty military mem0ers. &isit their site to find a location near you.
Lowe%s &ilitar! is5ount: "o%e=s Companies! Inc. %ill offer all active! reserve! honora0ly
dischar$ed! retired military personnel and their immediate family mem0ers a -7 percent
discount on in3store 1.S. purchases made durin$ the &eterans Day holiday. The discount is
availa0le on in3stoc/ and special order purchases up to 6>!777. To qualify! individuals must
present a valid military ID or other proof of service. #?cluded from the discount are sales
via "! previous sales! and purchases of services or $ift cards. "i/e Dome Depot!
"o%es offers this discount daily to active duty military mem0ers! 0ut not to veterans.
Do%ever! they e?tend the offer to military veterans on military holidays. Cou can also find
e?clusive discounts at "
&a< * Erma%s# Participatin$ Ma? : #rma=s locations are offerin$ military mem0ers and
veterans a free Aest Cheese0ur$er in )merica Com0o! %hich includes tortilla soup or side
Caesar salad! seasoned fries! and chocolate chip coo/ies. "ocations.
&51ormi5@ * 856mi5@As: Complimentary "unch or Dinner. The McCormic/ : Schmic/Ls
&eterans )ppreciation #vent on! is offered at participatin$ restaurants to veterans defined as
a person %ho served in the )rmy! )ir *orce! Marines! 8avy or Coast <uard. &erification of
service is required (retired ID card or DD,-.. McCormic/ : Schmic/Ls hi$hly encoura$e
reservations for the &eterans )ppreciation #vent as ta0les fill up quic/ly for this event each
year. Cou can easily ma/e their reservations online throu$h the restaurantLs %e0site
at %%%.McCormic/andSchmic/
&assage Env!: Participatin$ Massa$e #nvy locations in the +ashin$ton DC! Maryland! and
northern &ir$inia re$ion are offerin$ a complimentary -3hour massa$e to active military!
veterans and spouses on Monday! 8ov. --.
&en56ie%s Free Fro3en +ogurt 'n &eterans Day! &eterans and active duty personnel $et a
free G o(. fro(en yo$urt. Sho% a valid ID or 0e in uniform to receive.
"ational 2ar@s: 8ational Par/s %ill offer fee3free days to )"" visitors at more than -77
national par/s that usually char$e entrance fees. &isit one of your national par/s on
&eterans Day! and you %onLt 0e char$ed an entrance fee. )nd ma/in$ the fun even more
afforda0le! many national par/ concessioners are @oinin$ the 8ational Par/ Service in
%elcomin$ visitors %ith their o%n special offers.
,live 'ar7en: &eterans and active duty military $et a free meal on &eterans Day. +ith
proof of service! choose from a special menu %ith 0readstic/s and a choice of soup or salad.
,n T6e Bor7er# ISi((lin$ Salute to &eteransJ promotion. Mention this special! and 'n the
Aorder %ill donate ->; of your purchase to Carry the "oad! a non3profit military
or$ani(ation. &eterans and Service mem0ers %ith ID %ho dine at 'n The Aorder %ill receive
a certificate for a free entree (up to 6-7 valid at corporate locations only. *ind a location
near you.
,utba5@ 8tea@6ouse: )s an e?pression of 'ut0ac/ Stea/houseLs appreciation to our
CountryLs veterans and active duty militaryQ! a free AloominL 'nion and Coca Cola %ill 0e
availa0le to them at every 'ut0ac/ in the country. "earn more. Please
visit %%%.out0ac/.com for locations.
2a5iugo 'elato 1affe Paciu$o %ill than/ our nation=s veterans and troops on &eterans Day
%ith a free -, o( <elatte. Military $uests %ill need to provide proof of military service.
Re7 Lobster# *ree )ppeti(er on &eterans Day %ith military ID or proof of service. &ets may
choose from a select list of appeti(ers. *ind a location near you.
Re7 Robin# *ree 5ed=s Tavern Dou0le and Aottomless Stea/ *ries for all 5ed 5o0in $uests
%ith a military ID or proof of service. 5ed 5o0in is also partnerin$ %ith Dein( for &eterans
Day to 0enefit the +ounded +arrior Pro@ect. 5ed 5o0in %ill also donate 6-7!777 to the
+ounded +arrior Pro@ect. *ind a location near you.
2irate%s inner A7venture: 8ovem0er Hth3--th! &eterans and )ctive Military are free.
'ne free admission per paid admission. &alid at C) locations only. Call HGG .F93,.G9 to
ma/e reservation! and mention I&eterans *reeJ.
86one!%s ,ffers Free All-Ameri5an Burger Shoney=s says RThan/ Cou= to )merica=s
heroes 0y 0fferin$ Shoney=s )ll3)merican Aur$er to )ll &eterans and )ctive Duty Military
Mem0ers on &eterans Day.
8i33ler: &eterans and Military can sho% proof of service $et a free Go( Stea/ #ntree %ith
the purchase of a second one.
8ports Aut6orit! - $(/ off all pur56ases. )ll &eterans and Military personnel please
stop 0y your local Sports )uthority store to receive ->; '** C'15 #8TI#5 P15CD)S#O
8port 1lips - Veterans a!# Sport Clips offers a Deroes discount %hich includes active
and retired military. Please call ahead to verify participation. *ind a location near you.
8teve &a77en# +e=d li/e to salute our heroes 0y dou0lin$ our everyday military discount of
->; to F7; '** for &eteran=s Day '8"C. &alid %ith a form of Military identification (past or
present in Steve Madden stores only (not valid online. Q*ull priced merchandise only. *ind
a store near you.
8ubwa! =not all stores parti5ipate - 5all a6ea7?: *ree Si? Inch Su0 3 Select Su0%ay
locations offer a *5## si? inch su0 to military veterans on &eteranLs Day. Do%ever! Su0%ay
restaurants are franchises! so this offer may not 0e availa0le every%here. Please call ahead.
Te<as 1orral# *ree entrPe (dine3in only. 'ffer availa0le to all active duty mem0ers and
veterans %ith ID. 8ote: )ll Te?as Corral locations also re$ularly offer a >7; discount to
active duty police officers! firemen and military personnel dinin$ in.
Te<as Roa76ouse: *ree lunch. 'ffer varies 0y locationM our local Te?as 5oadhouse is
offerin$ a free meal from openin$ until .pm. 'ther locations may vary in offer! hours! or
availa0ility. Call ahead to your local restaurant for more information.
T#'#9# Fri7a!As - Free Lun56: &alid for all 1S Military personnel and veterans. Must %ear
uniform (if permitted 0y your service or present military ID or other proof of service. 'nly
valid at participatin$ locations for anyone %ith an old or current military ID. More details
on T<I*
T6e ,live 'ar7en, Free entrBe. 'ffer $ood for veterans and active duty military! durin$
re$ular 0usiness hours. Chose from a special menuM all entrPes include freshly 0a/ed $arlic
stic/s and choice of soup or salad. 'ff er $ood in 1S and Canada! proof of service
required. More info.
Travel 1enters of Ameri5a Free &eal 'n &eterans Day! all CD" drivers %ho are Military
&eterans eat *5## at participatin$ full3service restaurants %ith proof of service. Must
present valid ID.
Tu5anos Bra3ilian 'rill )ll active duty! reserve and retired military and veterans receive a
complimentary Churrasco meal. )lso! $et -73percent off the entire 0ill for veterans and
troops %ho dine %ith their families! from *riday! 8ov. H throu$h &eteran=s Day.
Twin 2ea@s *ree entrPe for service men and %omen (up to 6-7. <ood for veterans and
active service personnel %ith valid ID or proof of service. Dine in onlyM $ratuity not
included. "ocations
;no 16i5ago 'rill. *ree individual pi((a or entrPe %ith the purchase of a pi((a or entrPe of
equal or $reater value. )vaila0le for all active duty and veterans. 8o coupon necessaryM
proof of service required. *ind a location near you.
Veterans a! in Virginia: ) list of &eterans Day #vents and Memorials in the state of
&ir$inia is availa0le on the &acation in &ir$inia %e0site. Dotels! 0ed3and30rea/fasts! and inns
across &ir$inia are offerin$ special rates! reductions and promotions for &eterans Day.
8ational Par/s and 8ational Par/ Service sites are also free to all visitors on &eterans Day in
1ost 2lus :orl7 &ar@et 8ovem0er 9! -7 : --th! ,7; off your entire purchase. In3store
only. 1S Military ID required at time of purchase.

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