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Many adjectives are followed by


in with
(up) on

absent, different, distinct, remote
enough, fit, good, grateful, necessary,
responsible deficient, proficient, successful
compatible, consistent, content, gentle, patient
dependent, intent
careful (or of), enthusiastic (or over), happy
afraid, aware, certain, conscious, critical, deserving, desirous,
envious, fearful, fond, full, glad, guilty, ignorant, innocent,
jealous, positive, proud, thoughtful, tolerant, worthy
acceptable, adjacent, attentive, beneficial, detrimental, essential,
faithful, friendly, generous, hostile, inferior, kind, obedient,
painful, partial, polite, preferable, rude, similar

Use the required preposition after each adjective.

1. He is frequently absent __________ school because of illness.

2. All that equipment is not necessary ___________ our experiment.

3. He is very proficient___________ English, but very deficient______________

4. We'll have to be content ____________the few supplies we have.
5. The young man left home because he no longer wanted to be dependent
____________________ his parents.
6. He was quite aware ______________the appeal he had for women.

7. That proposal is not acceptable_____________our company.

8. He has always been faithful _____________his wife.

9. He is quite different ____________his brother.

10. We're very grateful to you_______________all your help.

11. He has never been successful________________anything he has undertaken.

12. He's very critical________________everyone but himself.

13. How thoughtful_________________you to send flowers to the old lady in the
14. The cemetery is adjacent_______________the church.

15. Too much smoking or drinking is detrimental________________the health.

16. Is the paper bag strong enough________________this carton of milk?

17. Although he's a stern, gruff man, he's very gentle______________children.

18. He's not enthusiastic_________________his new job.
19. She's very fond_______________young children.

20. He is very attentive__________________all the details of his work.

21. The jury decided the defendant was guilty________________the murder he was
accused of.
22. She is responsible_______________ all the supplies that are distributed.
23. He always tries to be polite ___________________his elders.

24. She's very jealous_______________the attention her younger sister gets.

25. She has always felt inferior______________her sister.
26. I'm proud________________the way you behaved in that difficult situation.
27. You must be very careful _________________what you say to him.


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