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Nursing Philosopy

Nursing School University of Brawijaya
Define theory and list characteristics of a theory
Describe the components of a theory and its use
Trace the development of a nursing theory
Theory Development in Nursing: Historical Overview
Describe the different types of theories and examples of each.

Introduction to Theory
Nursing as a profession
There has been questions about whether nursing is a profession or an occupation.
An occupation is a job a career.
A profession is a learned vocation or occupation that has status of superiority Ana
precedence within a division of work. It needs widely varying levels of training or education,
skills and variable knowledge base. All professions are occupations but not all occupations
are professions (Logan, Franzen, Butcher,2004; Schwiran , 1998)

Why is Theory Important?
Nursing is strengthened when knowledge is built on sound theory
Criteria to be a profession: distinct body of knowledge as the basis for practice
Nursing must be viewed as a scholarly academic discipline hat contributes to society
Ultimate goal is to support excellence in practice

Theory Guides
the Professional Nurse in.
Organizing and analyzing patient data
Understanding connections between pieces of data
Discriminating between important and less pertinent data
Making sound clinical judgments based on evidence
Planning effective nursing interventions
Predicting and evaluating outcomes of interventions

Theory-Based Education
PhD: a research degree that generates new, discipline-specific knowledge
Masters: use theoretical perspectives focused on the patient for specific nursing outcomes;
base practice on evidence from research & experience
BSN: introduced to research process & the use of theory to guide it
ADN: find middle range theories useful as they are specific to patient care

Theory-Based Practice
Occurs when nurses intentionally structure their practice around a particular nursing theory
and use it to guide them in their care of the patient
Provides a systematic way of thinking about nursing that is consistent and guides the
decision-making process
Challenges conventional views of patients, illness, the health care delivery system, and
traditional nursing interventions

Theory-Based Research
Great strides have been made in the last 25 years in nursing research
Nursing research tests and refines the knowledge base of nursing
Research findings enable nurses to improve the quality of care and understand how
evidence- based nursing influences patient outcomes
Research is vital to the future of nursing and theory is integral to research

Passes on knowledge to students
Explain practice to others
Contributes to professional autonomy
Develops analytical skills, challenges thinking, and clarifies your values and assumptions
Definitions of theory
Defining theory is the first step towards developing a set of criteria for the evaluation of
Many of the early definitions of theory in the nursing literature were influenced by the
Logical Positivistic Received View (Suppe, 1977), where the focus was on structure and
Ex.1.McKay (1969) defines theory as a logically interrelated set of confirmed hypotheses
and Jacox (1974) defines it as a systematically related set of statements including law-like
generalizations that are empirically testable.
These definitions are consistent with the Received View philosophy on theory at the time.

Definitions of theory
Chin and Jacobs (1983) define theory as a set of concepts, definitions, and propositions
that projects a systematic view of phenomena by designating specific interrelationships
among concepts for purposes of describing, explaining, predicting, and/or controlling
This definition begins a departure from the Logical Positivistic Received View, in that it
does not emphasize the structure of the theory.

Problem in nursing : lack of agreement on the definition of theory
Many authors have used the term theory as interchangeable with such terms as conceptual
framework, conceptual model, model, and paradigm.
Fawcett (1989) clearly states that conceptual models and theories are clearly distinguished
by their levels of abstraction and thus must be used in different ways .
She defines nursing theory as a relatively specific and concrete set of concepts and
propositions that purports to account for or characterize phenomena of interest to
the discipline of nursing.
Many authors have used the term theory as interchangeable with such terms as conceptual
framework, conceptual model, model, and paradigm.
Fawcett (1989) clearly states that conceptual models and theories are clearly distinguished
by their levels of abstraction and thus must be used in different ways .
She defines nursing theory as a relatively specific and concrete set of concepts and
propositions that purports to account for or characterize phenomena of interest to
the discipline of nursing.

A conceptual model vs. A theory
A conceptual model is an abstract and general system of concepts and propositions.
A theory deals with one or more relatively specific and concrete concepts and
propositions(Dudley-Brown , 1977) .
A conceptual model is an abstract and general system of concepts and propositions.
A theory deals with one or more relatively specific and concrete concepts and
propositions(Dudley-Brown , 1977) .

Distinguish a conceptual model from a theory
If the purpose is to describe, explain, or predict specific phenomena, the work is most
likely a theory. Ex. the works of Peplau (Alligood & Tomey, 1990) and Orlando.
If the purpose of the work is to articulate a body of distinct knowledge for the discipline of
nursing, the work is most likely a conceptual model. Ex. the works of Johnson, King, Levine,
Neuman, Orem, Rogers, and Roy.
Most of these theorists have been described by others as proposing a nursing theory, not
a conceptual model.
Failure to distinguish a conceptual model from a theory, Fawcett (1989) states, leads to
misunderstandings and inappropriate expectations of the work.
However, according to Meleis (1985), the use of different labels (theory, paradigm, model,
and framework) corresponds to differences in emphasis rather than substance.

Definitions of theory
Pinnel and Menesis (1986)
Systematic set of interrelated concepts, definitions and deductions that describe, explain or
predict interrelationships
Walker and Avant (1983)
Internally consistent group of relational statements (concepts, definitions and propositions)
that presents a systematic view of phenomenon and which is useful for description,
explanation, prediction and control
Chinn and Krammer
creative and vigorous structuring of ideas that project a tentative, purposeful and systematic
view of phenomena
Meleis, 2005
Theory is an organized, coherent, and systematic articulation of a set of statements related to
significant questions in a discipline that are communicated in a meaningful whole.

Some commonalities
Structured ideas
Describe a phenomenon or occurrence

Components/Elements of theory
1. Purpose Why is the theory formulated
2. Concepts are building blocks of theory ideas, mental images of a phenomenon, an event
or object that is derived from an individuals experience and perception
3. Has a major concept like nursing, person, health or environment.
4. Definitions give meaning to concepts which can either be descriptive or procedural
(stipulate-use of term within the theory)
Propositions are expressions of relational statements between and among the concepts. It
can be expressed as statements, paradigms or figures .
Assumptions- accepted truths that are basic and fundamental to the theory. Or value
assumptions where what is good or right or ought to be.

Characteristics of a Theory
Systematic, logical and coherent
(orderly reasoning,no contradictions)
Creative structuring of ideas
mental images of ones experiences and create different ways of looking at a particular event
or object.
Tentative in nature ( change over time or evolving but some remain valid despite passage of

Theory Development
How does a theory develop?
Four strategies of theory development:
1. Theory practice theory ( theory developed in other discipline and used in nursing
2. Practice theory evolved from clinical practice
3. Research theory or inductive method
Must evolve from research findings or empirical evidence.
4. Theory research theory
theories developed by other disciplines are utilized but given unique nursing perspective.
Original theory examined and given a new research findings.

- Most abstract level of knowledge. In nursing this is main concepts that encompasses the
subject matter and the scope of the discipline
- Central concepts of person, environment, health and nursing

- Knowledge level which specifies the definitions of the metaparadigm concepts in each of
the conceptual models of nursing.
- Nightingale is considered philosophical approach
- Out of these philosophies theory maybe formalized

Frameworks or paradigms that provide a broad frame of reference for the systematic
approaches to the phenomena with which the discipline is concerned.
different views nursing like Roy focuses on adaptation, King on interaction and Abdellah
on interventions

Group of related concepts that propose actions that guide practice
Nursing theory
Group of related concepts that derive from the nursing models. Some derive from other
nursing discipline like Leininger which comes from anthropology
Nursing theory is defined as a conceptualization of some aspect of nursing reality
communicated for the purpose of describing phenomena, explaining relationships between
phenomena, predicting consequences, or prescribing nursing care (Meleis, 2005).

Uses of theory
1. Theory guides and improve nursing practice
Theory provides goal for nursing care and with goals, nursing practice is rendered more
effective and efficient.
Theories help to focus the goals, making nurses more confident about the practice.
2. Theory guides research
according to Meleis, primary use of theory is to guide research. It validates and modifies the
3. Theory contributes to the development of the disciplines body of knowledge
4. Theory enhances communication

Theory Development in
Nursing: Historical
Theories that Define Nursing or Discuss
Nursing in a General Sense
Florence Nightingale
Virginia Henderson
Ernestine Wiedenbach

Where do I begin?
Florence Nightingale
- Considered first modern nursing theorist
- First one to delineate what is considered the nursing goal and practice domain.
- placing the client in the best condition for nature to act upon him
- Taught about symptoms and what they indicate, rationale for actions and trained powers of
observation and reflection

Historical Development of
Nursing Theories: Significant Events
Nightingale until the 50 s
Florence Nightingale Notes on Nursing
control of the environment to care for the individual
(ventilation, light, warm , noise absence or reduction, cleanliness & diet )
1952 Nursing Research Journal publication
1960s nature of nursing practice was debated, defined nursing practice, or develop nursing
theory, and created a substantive body of knowledge

Historical development
1960-1970 proliferation of conceptual models and frameworks, and philosophy of nursing.
Examples: Abdellah 21 nursing problems and Halls Core, care and cure
1969 first conference on nursing theory
Role of nurses where questioned; what they do, for whom where and when
were determined.
purpose of nursing, process of theory development was discussed
1980 s characterized by acceptance of the significance of theory in nursing. Less debates
on whether or not to use theory, practice theory or borrowed ones.
More and more publication up to the present.

Types of theories
According to range
Grand theory
Middle range theory
Micro theory

Types of theories:
Grand Theory
Grand Theory consist of broad conceptual frameworks that reflect wide and expansive
perspectives for practice and ways of describing, explaining, predicting and looking at
nursing phenomena. They are the most complex and broadest in scope.
Hendersons The Nature of Nursing ;
Levines The Four Conservation Principles of Nursing,
Roys Adaptation Model, and
Orems Self-Care (Marriner-Tomey)

Types of Theories:
Mid Range-
Mid Range- less complex and narrower in scope than grand theory and micro theory.
A more workable level is the middle range.more limited in scope and less variables, and
grand theory on stress and adaptation might not yield any interpretable guidelines on
practice but if the theory is focused on chronic lingering illness as the stressor on family, the
stress theory becomes operational for both research and practice purposes.
Ex. Peplaus Psychodynamic Nursing and Orlandos Nursing Process Theory

Types of theories:
Micro theories
Micro theories- are the least complex. They contain the least complex concepts and are
narrowest in scope. They deal with a small aspect of reality, generally a set of theoretical
Deals with specific and narrow defined phenomena

According to Orientation or
focus of the theory
1. Client centered: Nightingale, Henderson
2. Client-nurse dynamics: Watson
3. Client-nurse environment : Leininger

Client centered
Focused on the needs and problems of clients which are met, resolved or alleviated by
nursing interventions
This category includes theories developed by the following : Nightingale, Abdellah,
Henderson, Orem, Pender, Roy, Levine, Hall.

Nurse client dynamics
Focus on interaction between the nurse and client.
This category includes theories developed by the following: Peplau, Watson, King and

Client-Nurse Environment
Focus on the interaction between nurse and client in an environment that includes broader
dimensions of time and space.
As well as culture, cultural diversity, and universality.
Theories of Neuman and Leininger are discussed under this category.
Theories of Neuman and Leininger are discussed under this category.

Framework to Analyze the Nursing theory
1.What are the major concepts?
Person, nursing, health and environment
2. Based on Focus
Client centered, nurse-client dynamics, nurse client-environment dynamics
-How similar and how different are their concepts of persons, nursing, health, environment
3. Key concepts unique to the theory. Some theories have several key concepts and it may
have sub-concepts.

Analysis of theory
Clarity How clear is this theory?
How simple is this theory?
How general is this theory?

How accessible is this theory?

How important is this theory?

Florence Nightingale
originally published in 1859)
lth, illness, and the nurses role in caring for patients

ted to environment

Virginia Henderson
ction of he nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the
performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or a peaceful death) that
he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge.
t, a helper to the patient or a partner with the patient

Jean Watson

ing aspects of nursing
tors differentiate nursing from medicine (curative)
with lack of harmony within the mind, body, and soul
or creating and maintaining an environment supporting human caring
while recognizing and providing for patients primary human requirements
that nursing be concerned with spiritual matters and the inner knowledge of
nurse and patient as they participate together in the transpersonal caring process

ength is recognized, supported, encouraged
ss to understanding of self andothers
, accepting relationships where feelings are shared and confidence is

Dorothea Orem
le in contemporary society want to be in control of their lives.
ine ability to provide adequate self-care is assessed


Imogene King

on persons, their interpersonal relationships, and social contexts with three
interacting systems

izes goal attainment and patients involvement in setting goals (Goal Attainment

Sister Callista Roy

(second edition 1984)

scipline that
emphasizes the persons adaptive and coping
to further patients adaptation
(second edition 1984)
ve system
emphasizes the persons adaptive and coping

Hildegard Peplau

e is the focus of attention
interpersonal relationship

health problems and learn from them as they develop new
behavior patterns
technical expert, surrogate, and leader

Ida Orlando
-Patient Relationship: Function, Process and Principles (1961)
onfirmation of patients verbal and non-verbal behavior, which identify
patient needs
to determine and meet patients immediate needs and improve their
situation by relieving distress or discomfort

Madeleine Leininger

viewed in the context of their cultures

Modelguides the assessment of cultural data for an understanding of its
influence on the patients life

continuous, and dynamic process. One
can not exist without the other.
theory critique, testing and
human process that includes not only
valid findings but also observation, agreements, useful solutions to problems.
it is the responsibility of each
clinician, academician.

Please see the attachment: Adaptation model ofnursing
1.Define theory and list characteristics of a theory
2.Describe the components of a theory and its use
3.Trace the development of a nursing theory
4.Theory Development in Nursing: Historical Overview

Perawatan Filsafat
Sekolah Keperawatan - Universitas Brawijaya

-komponen dari teori dan penggunaannya

erawatan: Sejarah Ikhtisar

Pengantar Teori

Ada pertanyaan tentang apakah keperawatan adalah profesi atau pekerjaan.

adalah panggilan belajar atau pekerjaan yang memiliki status keunggulan dan
diutamakan dalam pembagian kerja. Ini kebutuhan yang sangat beragam tingkat pelatihan
atau pendidikan, keterampilan dan variabel basis pengetahuan. Semua profesi pekerjaan
tetapi tidak semua pekerjaan adalah profesi (Logan, Franzen, Butcher, 2004; Schwiran, 1998)

Mengapa Teori Penting?

kepada masyarakat

teori Guides
Perawat Profesional di ....
sis data pasien

Teori Berbasis Pendidikan

Master: menggunakan perspektif teoretis berfokus pada pasien untuk hasil keperawatan
spesifik; praktek berdasarkan bukti dari penelitian & pengalaman

tengah berguna karena mereka khusus untuk perawatan

Praktek Teori Berbasis
dan menggunakannya untuk membimbing mereka dalam perawatan mereka dari pasien

proses pengambilan keputusan

intervensi keperawatan tradisional

Penelitian teori Berbasis

n dan
memahami bagaimana berdasarkan bukti pengaruh keperawatan hasil pasien
integral dari penelitian


ang lain

-nilai dan
Definisi teori
untuk evaluasi teori.
positivistik Diterima View (Suppe, 1977), di mana fokusnya adalah pada struktur dan proses.
Ex.1.McKay (1969) mendefinisikan teori sebagai "seperangkat logis saling hipotesis
dikonfirmasi" dan Jacox (1974) mendefinisikan sebagai "satu set sistematis terkait laporan
termasuk hukum-seperti generalisasi yang dapat diuji secara empiris ".
i konsisten dengan Diterima

Definisi teori
proposisi yang memproyeksikan pandangan sistematis dari fenomena dengan menunjuk
keterkaitan khusus antara konsep untuk tujuan menggambarkan, menjelaskan, memprediksi,
dan / atau mengontrol fenomena".
tidak menekankan struktur teori.

Masalah dalam keperawatan: kurangnya kesepakatan mengenai definisi teori
ah menggunakan teori jangka dipertukarkan dengan istilah-istilah seperti
konseptual kerangka, model konseptual, model, dan paradigma.
dibedakan oleh tingkat mereka abstraksi dan dengan demikian harus digunakan dengan cara
yang berbeda".
konsep dan proposisi yang dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan atau mencirikan fenomena
menarik bagi disiplin keperawatan ".

Sebuah model konseptual vs teori

1977) yang spesifik dan konkret.

1977) yang spesifik dan konkret.

Membedakan model konseptual dari teori
uannya adalah untuk menggambarkan, menjelaskan, atau memprediksi fenomena
tertentu, pekerjaan kemungkinan besar teori. Ex. karya Peplau (Alligood & Tomey, 1990)
dan Orlando.
berbeda untuk disiplin keperawatan, pekerjaan kemungkinan besar model konseptual. Ex.
karya Johnson, King, Levine, Neuman, Orem, Rogers, dan Roy.
keperawatan, tidak model konseptual.
mengarah ke kesalahpahaman dan harapan yang tidak pantas pekerjaan.
gma, model,
dan kerangka) sesuai dengan perbedaan penekanan daripada substansi.

Definisi teori
Pinnel dan Menesis (1986)
Kumpulan sistematis konsep yang saling terkait, definisi dan pemotongan yang
menggambarkan, menjelaskan atau memprediksi hubungan timbal balik

Internal kelompok konsisten relasional laporan (konsep, definisi dan proposisi) yang
menyajikan pandangan sistematis fenomena dan yang berguna untuk deskripsi, penjelasan,
prediksi dan kontrol

penataan kreatif dan kuat dari ide-ide yang memproyeksikan tentatif, tujuan dan sistematis
lihat fenomena

Teori adalah artikulasi terorganisir, koheren, dan sistematis dari serangkaian pernyataan yang
berkaitan dengan pertanyaan penting dalam disiplin yang dikomunikasikan dalam
keseluruhan yang bermakna.

beberapa kesamaan
ide terstruktur
Menggambarkan fenomena atau kejadian

Komponen / Elemen teori
1. Tujuan "Mengapa teori dirumuskan"
2. Konsep sedang membangun blok dari teori - ide, citra mental dari fenomena, suatu
peristiwa atau objek yang berasal dari pengalaman individu dan persepsi
3. Memiliki konsep besar seperti keperawatan, orang, kesehatan atau lingkungan.
4. Definisi memberi makna pada konsep yang dapat menjadi deskriptif atau prosedural
(menetapkan penggunaan istilah dalam teori)
lasional antara dan di antara konsep-konsep.
dapat dinyatakan sebagai laporan, paradigma atau tokoh.
- asumsi menerima "kebenaran" yang merupakan dasar dan mendasar untuk teori.
Atau nilai asumsi di mana apa yang baik atau benar atau seharusnya.

Karakteristik Teori sebuah
sistematis, logis dan koheren
(penalaran tertib, tidak ada kontradiksi)
penataan Kreatif ide
citra mental dari pengalaman seseorang dan menciptakan cara-cara yang berbeda dalam
memandang suatu peristiwa tertentu atau objek.
Tentatif di alam (perubahan dari waktu ke waktu atau berkembang tetapi beberapa tetap
berlaku meskipun berlalunya waktu)

Pengembangan teori
Bagaimana teori berkembang?
Empat strategi pengembangan teori:
Teori praktek 1. Teori (teori yang dikembangkan dalam disiplin lain dan digunakan dalam
situasi keperawatan)
Teori Praktik 2. berevolusi dari praktek klinis
3. Teori Penelitian atau metode induktif
Harus berkembang dari hasil penelitian atau bukti empiris.
Teori penelitian 4. Teori
teori yang dikembangkan oleh disiplin ilmu lainnya yang digunakan tetapi mengingat
perspektif keperawatan yang unik. Teori asli diperiksa dan diberi temuan penelitian baru.

merupakan paradigma
- Sebagian besar tingkat abstrak pengetahuan. Dalam keperawatan ini adalah konsep utama
yang meliputi materi pelajaran dan ruang lingkup disiplin
- Konsep Sentral orang, lingkungan, kesehatan dan keperawatan

- Tingkat pengetahuan yang menentukan definisi dari konsep paradigma yang di masing-
masing model konseptual keperawatan.
- Nightingale dianggap pendekatan filosofis
- Dari filosofi ini teori mungkin diformalkan

sistematis untuk fenomena dengan yang disiplin yang bersangkutan.
interaksi dan Abdellah pada intervensi


teori keperawatan
disiplin keperawatan lain seperti Leininger yang berasal dari antropologi
keperawatan dikomunikasikan untuk tujuan menggambarkan fenomena, menjelaskan
hubungan antara fenomena, memprediksi konsekuensi, atau resep asuhan keperawatan
(Meleis, 2005).

Penggunaan teori
1. panduan Teori dan meningkatkan praktik keperawatan
l untuk asuhan keperawatan dan dengan tujuan, praktik keperawatan
yang diberikan lebih efektif dan efisien.
2. Teori panduan penelitian
menurut Meleis, penggunaan utama dari teori adalah untuk memandu penelitian.
Memvalidasi dan memodifikasi teori.
3. Teori kontribusi untuk pengembangan disiplin tubuh pengetahuan
4. Teori meningkatkan komunikasi

Pengembangan Teori dalam
Perawatan: Sejarah
Teori yang Tentukan Perawatan atau Diskusikan
Perawatan di Sense Umum

Di mana saya mulai?
Florence Nightingale
- Dianggap modern pertama teori keperawatan
- Pertama untuk menggambarkan apa yang dianggap tujuan keperawatan dan praktek domain.
- "Menempatkan klien dalam kondisi terbaik untuk alam untuk bertindak atasnya"
- Diajarkan tentang gejala dan apa yang mereka menunjukkan, alasan untuk tindakan dan
melatih kekuatan pengamatan dan refleksi

Pengembangan Sejarah
Teori keperawatan: Peristiwa Penting

pengendalian lingkungan untuk merawat individu
(ventilasi, cahaya, hangat, kebisingan tidak adanya atau pengurangan, kebersihan & diet)

-an diperdebatkan, didefinisikan praktik keperawatan,
atau mengembangkan teori keperawatan, dan menciptakan tubuh substantif pengetahuan

sejarah perkembangan
-1970 proliferasi model konseptual dan kerangka kerja, dan filsafat keperawatan.
Contoh: Abdellah 21 masalah keperawatan dan Balai Core, perawatan dan penyembuhan
(orang, badan, penyakit)
konferensi pertama pada teori keperawatan

teori dalam keperawatan. Perdebatan
Kurang pada apakah atau tidak untuk menggunakan teori, teori praktek atau yang dipinjam.

Jenis teori
Menurut berbagai


Jenis teori:
Grand Theory
perspektif yang luas dan ekspansif untuk praktek dan cara-cara untuk menggambarkan,
menjelaskan, memprediksi dan melihat fenomena keperawatan. Mereka adalah yang paling
kompleks dan luas cakupannya.


Jenis Teori:
Mid wilayah sebarannya
dan teori mikro.
variabel kurang, dan dapat diuji.
pada praktek tetapi jika teori ini difokuskan pada penyakit kronis berlama-lama sebagai
stressor pada keluarga, teori stres menjadi operasional untuk kedua tujuan penelitian dan
Ex. Perawatan Psikodinamik Peplau dan Orlando Proses Keperawatan Teori

Jenis teori:
teori mikro
- adalah yang paling kompleks. Mereka mengandung konsep yang kompleks
dan paling sempit dalam lingkup. Mereka berurusan dengan aspek kecil dari realitas,
umumnya satu set pernyataan teoritis

Menurut Orientasi atau
Fokus teori
1. Klien berpusat: Nightingale, Henderson
2. dinamika Klien-perawat: Watson
3. Klien-perawat lingkungan: Leininger

klien berpusat
dengan intervensi keperawatan
-teori yang dikembangkan oleh berikut: Nightingale, Abdellah,
Henderson, Orem, Pender, Roy, Levine, Hall.

Perawat - dinamika klien

-teori yang dikembangkan oleh berikut: Peplau, Watson, Raja dan

Klien-Perawat Lingkungan
yang lebih luas dari ruang dan waktu.

Kerangka untuk Menganalisis teori Keperawatan
1.What adalah konsep utama?
Orang, keperawatan, kesehatan dan lingkungan
2. Berdasarkan Fokus
Klien berpusat, dinamika perawat-klien, dinamika perawat klien-lingkungan
-Bagaimana Serupa dan bagaimana berbeda adalah konsep mereka orang, keperawatan,
kesehatan, lingkungan
3. Konsep-konsep kunci unik untuk teori. Beberapa teori memiliki beberapa konsep-konsep
kunci dan mungkin memiliki sub-konsep.

Analisis teori
- Seberapa jelas teori ini?
- Bagaimana sederhana adalah teori ini?
- Bagaimana umum adalah teori ini?

- Bagaimana diakses adalah teori ini?

- Seberapa penting teori ini?

Florence Nightingale
pada tahun 1859)
it, dan peran perawat dalam merawat pasien

Virginia Henderson
kinerja kegiatan-kegiatan berkontribusi terhadap kesehatan atau pemulihan (atau kematian
yang damai) bahwa ia akan melakukan tanpa bantuan jika ia memiliki kekuatan yang
diperlukan, akan atau pengetahuan. "

Jean Watson

-faktor ini membedakan keperawatan dari obat (kuratif)
n yang mendukung
kepedulian manusia sambil mengakui dan menyediakan kebutuhan primer manusia pasien
-hal rohani dan pengetahuan batin perawat dan
pasien karena mereka berpartisipasi bersama-sama dalam proses peduli transpersonal

diri adalah terinspirasi

Dorothea Orem

-orang biasa dalam masyarakat kontemporer ingin mengendalikan hidup mereka."
sien untuk memberikan perawatan diri yang memadai dinilai


Imogene King
untuk Keperawatan: Sistem, Konsep, Proses (1981)
erpersonal mereka, dan konteks sosial dengan tiga
sistem berinteraksi


Suster Callista Roy
atan: Sebuah Model Adaptasi
(kedua edisi 1984)

mengatasi kemampuan

Hildegard Peplau

mengembangkan pola perilaku baru

Ida Orlando
erawat-Pasien Hubungan: Fungsi, Proses dan Prinsip (1961)
-verbal pasien, yang mengidentifikasi
kebutuhan pasien
memperbaiki situasi mereka dengan menghilangkan tekanan atau ketidaknyamanan

Madeleine Leininger


kehidupan pasien

tidak bisa ada tanpa yang lain.

yang tidak hanya mencakup temuan yang valid tetapi juga observasi, perjanjian, solusi yang
berguna untuk masalah.
masing dokter, akademisi.

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