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Kiss by Kate Chopin is about a women, Nathalie and

two men, Harvy and
Brantain, both interested in her. In turn, Nathalie loves Harvy, but also wants
wealth, which could be given by Brantain. She plans to marry him, but at the
same time, to still have Harvys love. Once, when she is talking with Brantain,
Harvy comes in and kisses her ardently. Brantain, who is really embarrassed by
this situation, goes out. Then, Nathalie
shouts on Harvy and he claims, that he didnt see her companion. Next day, she
goes to Brantain and lies to him, that she really cares for him and that she
and Harvy are like brother and sister. Eventually, she marries Brantain, but
looses Harvy.
"The kiss" we find a picture of relations between three different
characters. Nathalie is intelligent, crafty and shrewd. She carefully plans,
how to achieve her aims. She can also act, pretend and also use her charm. She
is able to make Brantain believe in her lies about her and Harvy, although he
clearly saw, that their kiss was not at all like the brother's and sister's
kiss. She is determined and ruthless in achieving her aims - she uses lies and
tries to manipulate people. But, she also overestimates her skills. She
believes, that Harvy is so enchanted by her, that, even when she marries
Brantain, he will love her.
tries to manipulate two men. She succeeds, as far as Brantain is concerned.
Brantain is naive and has a weak character. He believes everything Nathalie tells
him, for example about her and Harvy, and doesn't see that she needs him only,
because of his money. Brantain is guileless, frank and shy. He can't hide his
feelings towards Nathalie, although he fears to tell her about them.
turn, Harvy, unlike Brantain, doesn't let Nathalie manipulate him. Although
Brantain believed that his attitude to her was brotherly, he refuses to go
steady with her anymore. He is not at all naive. He sees what's going on
between Nathalie and Brantain. He says, that situation, when he kissed Nathalie
in Brantains presence, was unavoidable. Perhaps, he even provoked that
misadventure, in order to make Nathalie finally decide, whether she prefers him
or Brantain. She is important to him, but at the same time, he doesn't want to
be manipulated.
Kiss shows a relation between three different characters. One of them,
Nathalie, tries to manipulate and use the other two. She succeeds in case of
Brantain, but Harvy is not so naive. Nathalie
wanted to have both love and wealth, each from another man. It appeared, that
it was unachievable.

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