Parlor Game - Idioms and Collocations

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Parlor Game Idioms and Collocations

Complete the idiom or collocation. E.g. if the clue is yin and ____________, the
answer is yang
Basic rules:
(a) antonym pairs are not allowed, e.g. answer to "love and _______" cannot be "love
and war" (even though this is a good collocation)
(b) some clues have a two-word answer, indicated by ________ ________
(c) some clues have more than one answer -- but some answers definitely stand out above
the others, e.g. for the clue "biscuits and _________", the answers "biscuits and jam"
biscuits and honey" both work, but there is another collocation better still.
(d) bonus if you can come up with more than one good answer for the clues marked
____________/____________ (requires you to think in different semantic domains).

apple pie and ________ ________ ICE CREAM

apples and ____________ ORANGES
arm and ____________ HAMMER (baking soda brand)
ball and ____________/____________ a) CHAIN, b) SOCKET, c) PIN (a kind of
trailer hitch) (also accept ball and GLOVE? but usually "bat ball and glove")
beans and ____________ RICE
bells and ____________ WHISTLES
biscuits and ____________ GRAVY
bit and ____________ BRIDLE
bits and ____________/____________ a) PIECES b) BYTES (spelled with a y)
blood and ____________ GUTS GORE, also VIOLENCE? (note also blood, sweat and
tears, but this is three elements)
blouse and ____________ SKIRT
body and ____________ SOUL, MIND, SPIRIT (in this order, according to number of
Google hits)
bow and ____________ ARROW
bread and ____________ BUTTER
bricks and ____________ MORTAR
burger and ________ FRIES
cap and ____________/____________ a) GOWN b) TRADE
cars and ____________ TRUCKS
cats and ____________ DOGS
cereal and ____________ MILK (but do we usually say "milk and cereal"?)
chicken and ____________ DUMPLINGS, RICE
crash and ____________ BURN

cream and ____________ SUGAR

coffee and ____________ TEA (note: "coffee and tea" and "tea and coffee" are about
equal in terms of Google hits)
cookies and ____________ MILK, also cookies and CREAM (an ice cream flavor)
crime and ____________ PUNISHMENT
cups and ____________ SAUCERS
dark and ____________ DREARY, STORMY (note "light" is an antonym)
deep and ____________ WIDE
dollars and ____________ CENTS
down and ____________ OUT
dribs and ____________ DRABS
drum and ________ ________ BUGLE CORPS
fast and ____________/____________ a) FURIOUS b) PRAY
fear and ____________ TREMBLING, TREPIDATION, etc.
fife and ____________ DRUM
fingers and ____________ THUMB, TOES
fit and ____________ TRIM (some say fit and fiddle but correctly fit as a fiddle)
footloose and ________ ________ FANCY FREE
fruits and ____________ VEGETABLES
fun and ____________ GAMES
gold and ____________ SILVER
good and ____________ TIRED (note "bad" is an antonym)
grace and ____________ MERCY, PEACE
grumbling and ____________ COMPLAINING, etc.
guns and ____________ BUTTER (govt spends on military or social welfare) also
accept Guns n' ROSES? (an American rock band)
ham and ____________ EGGS
hammer and ____________/____________ a) NAIL, CHISEL b) SICKLE
(Communist emblem)
hand and ____________ FOOT
hear and ____________ OBEY
heel and ____________ TOE
hide and ____________ SEEK
hit and ____________ RUN
hook and ____________ LADDER (k.o. firetruck)
horse and ____________/____________ a) BUGGY, CARRIAGE b) RIDER c)
hotdog and ____________ BUN
hugs and ____________ KISSES
judge and ____________ JURY
ketchup and ____________ MUSTARD
kiss and ____________/____________ a) TELL b) RIDE (drop-off lane at commuter
rail station)
kit and ____________ KABOODLE
kith and ____________ KIN
knees and ____________ ELBOWS

knife and ____________ FORK

law and ____________ ORDER
life and ____________/____________ a) LIMB b) TIMES
light and ____________ AIRY, FLUFFY (note "dark" is antonym)
listen and ____________ LEARN
live and ________ ________ LET LIVE
liver and ____________ ONIONS
love and ____________ CHERISH, AFFECTION, RESPECT
Mars and ____________ VENUS
meat and ____________ POTATOES
middle school and ________ ________ HIGH SCHOOL
moaning and ____________ GROANING
motherhood and ________ ________ APPLE PIE
mortar and ____________ PESTLE
needle and ____________ THREAD
oil and ____________ WATER, VINEGAR (also from Bible, oil and WINE, e.g.
Samaritan story)
peace and ____________ QUIET (best) PROSPERITY (okay) (but "peace and order"
should be "law and order")
peaches and ____________ CREAM
pick and ____________ CHOOSE
pillow and ____________ BLANKET
plain and ____________ SIMPLE (note "fancy" is an antonym)
park and ____________ RIDE
part and ____________ PARCEL
pork and ____________ BEANS
rack and ____________ PINION (e.g. car steering mechanism)
rank and ____________ FILE
read and ____________ WEEP
rise and ____________ SHINE
roots and ____________ ALL
salt and ____________ PEPPER
sand and ____________ GRAVEL, GRIT (also allow SURF, SUN, SEA ?? but usually
"sun sand and surf")
sheep and ____________ GOATS
sheets and ________ ________ PILLOW CASES
shirt and ____________/____________ a) TIE (req'd at fine affairs) b) SHOES (req'd
at many fast food joints)
shirts and ____________ SKINS (teams in pickup athletic game)
sick and ____________ TIRED
skin and ____________ BONES
slim and ____________ NONE (also accept TRIM? but fit and trim better)
snakes and ____________ LADDERS (older name for game Chutes and Ladders)
socks and ____________ SHOES
song and ____________ DANCE
soup and ____________ SANDWICHES

spaghetti and ____________ MEATBALLS

spit and ____________ POLISH
star and ____________ (____________) CRESCENT (MOON) (Islamic symbol)
stars and ____________ STRIPES (also "stars and BARS", for southern diehards)
steak and ____________ ALE, SHAKE (both Am. restaurants) (also allow steak and
EGGS?) (note steak and potatoes is better: meat and potatoes)
sticks and ____________ STONES
sun and ____________ MOON (hmm, are these antonyms?)
surf and ____________ TURF (meal with lobster and steak) (also allow SUN, SAND,
table and ____________ CHAIRS
toothbrush and ____________ TOOTHPASTE
trip and ____________ FALL
trucks and ____________ BUSES
trust and ____________ OBEY
turkey and ____________ DRESSING
wait and ____________ SEE
watch and ____________ PRAY
weeping and ____________ WAILING
wind and ____________ RAIN

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