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1. I also checked the invoice page. It does not populate. Dates are out of order. School
and date sorting does not work.
In invoice page records populate only after you click the search button.
Records filter based on the following criteria (Date From, Date TO and School Name).
We didnt provide any sorting facility over here.
We need the sorting tools to provide efficient records.
2. It might be easier to add new schedule for the students on the report page, as we
are checking the Physician availability from that page, I guess.
Yes you can create a new schedule in schedule page based on the availability of
physician. Physician availability can be checked on report page by just select
physician name alone. I am trying to avoid going back and forth between both
pages. One student generally gets a schedule for 6 rotations. This would mean going
back and forth 12 times. We need something either on the report page to input the
schedule or merge both pages to gather.
3. Student registration from public website does not work properly.
We checked its working fine.
If you found any error can you take snapshot (print screen) and send it to me as a
image. It will help us to fix it.
It does not work. I am trying to use Morton Grove as a City, Zip 60053, State Illinois.
It is asking me country, but does not let me input. Also asking for registration fee
$100.00. You can just remove the fee of $100.00 as we do not charge that anymore.
This works fine. For the City, some cities have two words. Such as Morton Grove.
However, you have to input as MortonGrove to be able to register.
4. We somehow need to control the registration, so unauthorized schools or students
cannot register. We do not want any documents in the library, Physician info etc
accessible to unauthorized schools or students.
We provide registration facility only for students alone in website frontend.
We fixed file access to public.
Once student register successfully we will insert a record on DB as inactive
status and send a mail to him/her as You will notify shortly on your new
registration. Thanks, admin.
Mail to admin: A new student register in our site and below is the details
Firstname: abc
Lastname: xyz
School: zxy

5. Library: Please remove the Adventist Faculty from this list, as I do not want anyone
to have access to the Physician List.
Do you want us to remove all the physician register for Adventist Hospital and
remove Adventist Hospital from hospital list too?
We do not want anyone to have access to the Physician list. Physician contact info
will only be available to the student 2 weeks prior to the start of the rotation, just for
that rotation. The student should be able to see his/her complete schedule, but no
physician info till 2 weeks prior to the start of the rotation.
Remove all Physcians associated with Adventist Hospital as well as the Adventist
Hospital itself.
6. Waiver form: Remove the one in the system, as it contains info of a student. The
form should be blank.
Do you want to remove waiver form student registration and school?
I am emailing you one for Avalon University. We do not need one for UMHS. I am
also emailing you one for a new school Xavier.
We need waivers from Avalon and Xavier. When a student indicates which school it is
coming from, the corresponding waiver should be available for them to fill out. Right
now, the waiver that we have available has a students info on it, so I will e-mail you
a blank one for both schools.
7. NMEC registration form, there should be a separate for each school. Only Avalon
Form shows up.
Working Fine.
8. Seems like the student has access to the forms completed by other students.
Student should only see its own info not info of other students.
Fixed and its working fine
Works Fine.
9. In the registration process, when you access the waiver form, it opens up the whole
library to the student. Only relevant forms based their school should be accessible to
This is working fine.

Index of /uploads/school

Parent Directory

Apache Server at Port 80

Index of /uploads/doctor/schedule

Parent Directory

What is this ?

Apache Server at Port 80

Index of /uploads/school/schooldoc

Parent Directory
20120627002531_Scan0005.pdf should be a blank for based on the school.

Apache Server at Port 80

Fixed and its working fine.
10. I just tried to add schedule for me from the add schedule page. After one input, it is
taking me to the schedule home page. It should ask, if I want to add more schedule
s for the student, instead of going back and forth.
Fixed and its working fine
Works Fine.

Meeting Notes 12/11/13


Unable to open the uploaded application in student section - Satish is working on it

Fixed and its working fine. : It does not work. I just checked Aaron Grigg and one
other student. It still goes to Error 404.
Note: Kindly try to shorten the file name length as much as possible.


Unable to download student application in student account- Satish is working on it

Fixed and its working fine. It does not work. I just checked Aaron Grigg and one
other student. It still goes to Error 404.
Note: Kindly try to shorten the file name length as much as possible.


Student schedule doesnt show in student account- Satish is working on it

Reason: Schedule details show only before two weeks.

I just added schedule for me. It did not work. This is the screen, I got.



Upload Application

Download Forms

Avinash Verma
Sl.No Physician Name Hospital Name


Start Date




02/17/2014 03/29/2014





01/06/2014 02/15/2014



End Date


Physician Detail Page- Speciality field should be alphabetical- Need to assign a

Fixed and its working fine.


Physician Detail Page- After editing, save is not allowed and the following message is
displayed Username already exists- Need to assign a resource
We can able to change the Physician details and save successfully.
Note: But we cant able to change their username alone.
Need confirmation on this whether we want to change their username also.


Unable to reset the user name for any doctor or student- Need to assign a resource
We cant able to change their username alone.
Need confirmation on this whether we want to change their username also.


Report Section: When a search is done for a particular student and a particular
doctor (combination) then the result should only show the rotations, which this particular
student has done with this particular doctor- Need to assign a resource
New Feature included and its working fine.


Schedule Update: When a physician is selected, the speciality of that physician

should automatically pop-up in the rotation field- Need to assign a resource

New Feature included and its working fine. It does not work. I just checked Anis
Rauf and Pranjal Shah. In their registration they are Internal Medicine Physicians, but
when I pull FM report, it shows them under FM . Noziana Aftab is Infectious Disesces,
but show up under Internal Medicine. Mihir Majmundar GI physician, Michelle Kosik,
Surgeon both showing up under IM report. Mihir and Rauf also show up in Surgery.
What a mess ?
12/27/13 : Problem still exists.

Reporting Section. Need to add another search field called Speciality which should
have the following filters:
1) Speciality
2) All doctors in that speciality
3) All students under each doctor with the start date, end sate etc.
New Feature included and its working fine.


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