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Bio - Exam 2 Corrections

Part A
14. I answered that during the light reaction, ATP is formed. I forgot that H20 is also
split, so the correct answer was that both occur during the light reaction.
19.When I saw that division process was in bold, I assumed that this was referring to
cytokinesis. After reviewing the question, it is evident to me that the entire explanation
was pointing to mitosis. So mitosis is the form of reproduction that this question
20. I was able to quickly eliminate a few of the choices in this question. My options came
down between sperm and blood cells. Sperm cells are not somatic cells that are regularly
being replaced by rapid mitosis, so the correct answer was blood cells.
22. For this question, I knew the correct answer could not be any of the last three choices.
I did not know the correct answer, so I had to guess between the nuclear envelope
reorganizes and the spindle breaks up and centromeres split in two. After reviewing
the diagrams in my textbook, I now understand that during telophase of mitosis the
nuclear envelope reorganizes and the spindle breaks up.
24. I actually knew the correct response to this question. When a mother cell gives rise to
four sperm cells, it is essentially impossible for all four to be genetically identical. For
some reason I second guessed myself while taking the exam and selected an incorrect
29. I looked back at my notes from class when we discussed this topic. On my notes I
have G0 written in and I understand that this should have been the correct answer. I was
thinking that cells that stay in this stage would remain in the G1 stage, so thats why I put
that as my answer. Clearly this was incorrect, because cells that simply grow old and die
stay in the G0 stage.
34. I found this question to be somewhat confusing. After reviewing it I can see where
my mistake was. Sex cells do not divide mitotically and this is where my error occurred
when answering the question. So the correct response was the first one, and I now have a
better understanding of the sequence of events that transpires.
38. For this question, I was partially correct. I knew that Johns father could not have
type B blood, because he had type A. However, my response was incorrect because
Johns father obviously could not have had type O blood either. So the correct answer
was that his father could not have had type B or O blood.
Part B

38. The correct answer for this fill-in-the-blank question is centrosome. I had to guess on
the test because I did not know the correct answer. After looking at diagrams in my
textbook I can see that the centrosome is the structural feature where a spindle fiber is
able to attach in order to control the chromosomes position.
42. B. It is during Prophase I that the homologues synapse. On the test, I had no idea
what the answer was so I simply guessed. I looked at the diagrams in the textbook and
read the information below them. I now understand that during Prophase I the
homologous chromosomes stick together in pairs (synapse).
43. During interkinesis, no DNA replication occurs. Like the question before, I did not
know what the answer was, so I guessed. After examining the process of meiosis in my
textbook, I now believe that no DNA replication, or duplication of chromosomes, occurs
during interkinesis, unlike the interphase that precedes mitosis and meiosis.
45. I did not know what the correct answer to this question was while I was taking the
exam. After seeking the help of a biology major, I think I have figured out the answer.
Using a trihybrid cross, it is evident that there are numerous possible phenotypes for the
children. They could range anywhere from fair skin to dark skin, including everything in
47. I asked for a biology majors help on this question as well because I did not
understand it. I believe I now have the correct response. Yes, the husband is right in
accusing his wife of infidelity. The husband could have only passed on the recessive
allele if he were to be color-blind himself, which he his not. Therefore, the mother would
have had to have one recessive allele on one of her X chromosomes and she would have
had to produce the child with a color-blind man who was not the husband. Therefore the
wife was unfaithful and the husband was correct.

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