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get OUT

Trip Guide ...................................................................................3

India ..........................................................................................4
Guatemala Medical.....................................................................6
New York City..............................................................................8
How to "Get OUT" .......................................................................9
Leadership Opportunities..........................................................10
Custom Mission Trips................................................................11
Financial Specifics....................................................................13
Age Requirements.....................................................................13
About RIM.................................................................................14

01 800.77 GO RIM

Real Impact Missions Helps

You Explore Gods Heart
for the World:
By shattering your perceptions
By enlarging your view of God and others
By transforming hearts, minds and bodies

Eat. Sleep. Work. Play.

We all have a routine something thats comfortable, something
that feels good, seems normal. Those things we do without conscious
thought. We learn our routines from those we care about our family,
friends, schools, jobs, TV shows, playlists, social media accounts.

Take your everyday, ordinary life -- your

sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking
around life -- and place it before God.

e to
Its OUT.


(Romans 12:2 The Message)

For a week, two weeks or a whole month, step away from all that.
Make new friends: teammates, Guatemalans, Panamanians, Indians
and more. Get OUT of your predictable routine and grow toward
something beyond yourself. Reach for your passions. Get OUT of
whats comfortable and explore Gods heart for the world. Get OUT,
meet needs, give of yourself and share Jesus with the lost.

Be prepa
red for G
od to use
you in big
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etime. You
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truly get
d see God

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- Megan,
Tha iland


Summer 2015 Trips

For Groups and Individuals
Intimidated by planning a trip for yourself or your favorite group?
RIM helps you keep it simple.
Application process? Weve got an app for that. Processing
details, paperwork and booking international airfare? Do it all the
time. Tracking donations and receipting donors? Got it covered.
Providing ministry tools and training that you need? In our
sleep. Partnering with established contacts and organizing daily
ministry? Been there, done that, going on 19 years!

Trip Guide 2015

COUNTRY..................... 2015 DATES................................... PRICES
India I ............................... July 2-30 (1 Month).......................................$3,495
India II .............................. July 2-16 (2 Weeks).......................................$2,995
Guatemala I ....................... July 2-30 (1 Month).......................................$2,195
Guatemala II ...................... July 2-16 (2 Weeks).......................................$1,795
Medical (Guatemala) .......... July 18-26 (1 Week)......................................$1,895
Thailand............................. July 2-30 (1 Month).......................................$3,795
New York City..................... June 12-19 (1 Week)........................................$795
Custom Trips........................... For Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere.......... (See Page 11)
Groups of Any Size Can Join All of the Above Trips!

03 800.77 GO RIM

Carved temples, marble palaces, dusty villages, man-eating tigers, plodding
camels, and holy cows. Millions of people living in poverty and fear. Traditions like
animal sacrifice and ancestor worship that perpetuate spiritual darkness. Hindu
religion that defines both culture and way of life.
What Youll Do:
Community outreaches
Care for orphans
Ministry at schools and villages
Saturate the city in prayer
Adventure Day:
Visit ancient temples
Explore Golconda Fort
Barter at colorful bazaars
Taste-test authentic Indian curry
JULY 2-30 (1 MONTH) $3,495 OR JULY 2-16 (2 WEEKS) $2,995
*Price includes international airfare from Miami, FL to Hyderabad, India 800.77 GO RIM 04

A land of mountains, active volcanoes and beautiful remote lakes. Many
people live in overcrowded shanty barrios and you will see Mayan descendants
still wear their traditional Indian dress. Some still believe in ancient Indian
spiritual traditions while others have never heard the Gospel at all. Share the
truth of Jesus with both groups.
What Youll Do:
Gospel presentations in high schools and universities
Community Development Projects with pastors in impoverished barrios
Discipleship connections with local families and campus Bible studies
Mobile medical clinics (1 Month team members only)
Adventure Day:
Climb an active volcano
Explore Antigua, a quaint cobblestone village in the shadow of the volcano
Shop at native Indian markets
JULY 2-30 (1 MONTH) $2,195 OR JULY 2-16 (2 WEEKS) $1,795

*Price includes international airfare from Miami, FL to Guatemala City, Guatemala

05 800.77 GO RIM

Guatemala Medical
Mending bodies while Jesus heals hearts
Tangibly care for the people of Guatemala through the work of RIMs Medical
Team. Each year we treat over 1200 patients in the span of a week. Join as a
doctor, dentist, nurse, health care professional, medical student, or a servantminded team member in conducting mobile medical clinics in and around
Guatemala. Adventure day includes exploring an active volcano and visiting
Antigua, a quaint cobblestone village with authentic native markets.
Be a part of healing the people of Guatemala, both physically and spiritually, as
we embark on this journey together.
JULY 18-26 (8 DAYS ) $1,895

*Price includes International airfare from Dallas (DFW) to Guatemala City

100% worth it!

Humbling, thrilling, emotional, and
- Leslie, El Salvador

rewarding experience.
A life changing, challenging, but

ver changed.
Your perspective on life will be fore
- Sam, Thailand 800.77 GO RIM 06

To the eye, Thailands tropical array of elephants, exotic culture and temple
ruins are a stunning Southeast Asian experience. But spiritually, the
landscape is ominous. It is a place to Get OUT and minister where less than
2% of the population profess Christianity while the other 94% practice
What Youll Do:
Embark on tribal village outreaches
Plant rice at an orphanage where girls are rescued from prostitution
Teach Thai students conversational English
Prayer walk through ancient Buddhist Temples
Monk chat
Adventure Day:
Ride elephants in the rainforest
Visit the lively local markets
Stunning excursion on Bamboo rafts to pristine waterfalls
JULY 2-3O (1 MONTH) $3,795

*Price includes international airfare from Miami, FL to Chiang Mai, Thailand

07 800.77 GO RIM

New York City, NY

Dive into this urban submersion trip
With more than 7 million people living in 309 square miles, its easy to feel alone and insignificant.
Go and make a personal connection with those who are lost in the crowd, telling them the
truth about a God who genuinely cares!
What Youll Do:
Volunteer in soup kitchens and clothing distribution centers
Feed the homeless at shelters and through mobile feeding programs
Work with inner city kids in after school programs
Partner with Times Square Church and Metro Ministries
Adventure Day:
Ride to the top of the Empire State Building
Take a boat tour around the Statue of Liberty
Explore Chinatown, Times Square, Rockefeller Plaza, and more
JUNE 12-19 (1 WEEK) $795

*Price includes ground transportation, food, lodging and ministry supplies as

well as admissions to free day adventures

How to
1 Go apply online at
2 Have pastor/youth pastor email a

recommendation to

Pay the $39 application fee online, plus send a

picture of yourself to RIM via email to

RIM will contact you promptly upon acceptance

and will send you an acceptance packet with
all of the information you need to Get OUT!

Leadership Opportunities
Leadership isnt just a label, its a lifestyle. Its about living a life that people want to follow. Thats
what the RIM leadership experience is all about. Expect to be stretched as you play an important role
in serving your team members this summer!

Team Leaders
TLs guide their team through daily ministry sites, provide
motivation, direction, support, safety and accountability for
each of their 25-30 team members, while assisting their
countrys Project Directors.
Qualifications: 21+ years old, previous leadership, heart for
God, proven character, a desire to help people reach the
next level in their relationship with God, attend Leadership
Training Camp.
Mission Advisors
Disciple groups of 4-8 young people by leading group
discussions, facilitating daily evangelism and lead
free-time explorations into the local culture, while
assisting TLs.
Qualifications: 18+ years old, heart for God and helping
people, attend Leadership Training Camp.

Leadership Training Camp

Intense and innovative preparation for missions.
Training in servant leadership, team dynamics,
problem-solving, discipleship, and team management.
Dates: June 30-July 2, Miami, FL.
Leadership Application Process
Step 1: Complete the application online at
Step 2: Have Pastor/Youth Pastor email a recommendation

Step 3: Receive an invitation to attend camp.
Step 4: Attend Leadership camp.

Interested in finding out more about missions,
discipleship and Gods heart for the lost? RIM has
an 11 month internship that you can check out at Come, join us!

Customized Mission Trips

Get a Group and GET OUT.
We create customized mission trips for anyone!
Many churches, ministries and families have a heart to Get OUT, but lack the time, information and personnel to plan their own trips. Thats where
we come in! Church groups, youth groups, schools, sports teams, college groups and families: RIM staff will be with you every step of the way.
We do the paperwork while you live the passion.
11 800.77 GO RIM

Real Impact Missions

Pre-trip training at your location: evangelism, leadership, drama tool
(if applicable) and building your team through group activities.
Veteran missions leadership, who will oversee every detail of the trip.
Project set-up (before the trip).
Airline ticketing.
Tracking finances, receipting donors and fundraising resources.
Transportation - Meals - Lodging.
Outreach Schedule and Adventure Day Activities.
Costumes for drama outreach.
Visa processing and Supplemental International Insurance (if needed).

You provide:
Dates for the trip.
25+ Students/Adults.
Dates for pre-trip training at your school/church.
Region of the world preference.
Prices start from $400 for Domestic and $1500 for International

Imagine where
you can go

Assist with Rural Medical Clinics


Join the Tsunami Relief Effort


Help Run Community Outreach Projects


Work with Homeless Population


Build a Bamboo Church in the Jungle


Trip Details
Safety is a serious issue with Real Impact Missions. We do not take the trust of those who join us lightly.
Listed are the calculated measures we take to stay safe:
RIM monitors the safety of each country by staying in contact with the U.S. State Department.
RIM has an extensive leadership structure in each country.
All 3 levels of leadership undergo a thorough screening process involving leadership and
accountability, as well as FBI screening for our top level of leadership.
A leader will accompany every group that leaves the lodging complex.
If physical or political conditions make travel inadvisable, RIM will alter the project locale.

All summer training for international trips will take place in Miami, FL (with exception of the Medical
Team departing from DFW).
Training Includes:
How to Share your Faith
Drama Training
Praise and Worship
Team Building Exercises
Teachings on personal growth, development, missions, and spiritual health on the mission field

13 800.77 GO RIM

Trip costs include international travel, meals, lodging, and transportation from the first day of
training at dinner through the last day of debriefing. Trip cost does not include domestic airfare to
training, fees for passport or visa (if applicable), travel insurance, drama costume cost or money for
laundry and souvenirs. Any costs associated with an early return as the result of illness or serious
violation of rules set forth by Real Impact Missions will be the responsibility of the individual involved.
Trip costs are based on Fall 2014 prices and are subject to change. Do not purchase domestic airline
tickets until the trip has been Green-lighted by RIM (usually by March).

Donations to Real Impact Missions are tax-deductible. Real Impact Missions is a registered 501 (c)3
non-profit organization. Checks should be made payable to Real Impact Missions.

Must be age 13 by 12/31/14 unless accompanied by a parent, pastor, or guardian.

About RIM
Real Impact Missions is a multi-denominational organization that mobilizes
individuals and groups for short-term mission trips around the world.
Founded by Scott and Cara Boss in 1997, RIM mission trips include: evangelism, work projects, medical trips, and disaster response teams. Our heart
and passion is to bring the lifesaving Gospel of Jesus Christ to the hurting
and broken around the world.

The Bible to be the only infallible, inspired, authoritative Word of God. In
one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
In the deity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles,
in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily
resurrection, in His personal return in power and glory. In the Holy Spirit
who leads and equips us to fulfill the will of the Father in our lives as
recorded in Acts 1:8. In the resurrection of the saved and the lost: the
saved to the resurrection of life, the lost to eternal death. In the spiritual
unity of believers in Christ.

The Board


Trip Guide 2015

COUNTRY..................... 2015 DATES................................... PRICES
India I ............................... July 2-30 (1 Month).......................................$3,495
India II .............................. July 2-16 (2 Weeks).......................................$2,995
Guatemala I ....................... July 2-30 (1 Month).......................................$2,195
Guatemala II ...................... July 2-16 (2 Weeks).......................................$1,795
Medical (Guatemala) .......... July 18-26 (1 Week)......................................$1,895
Thailand............................. July 2-30 (1 Month).......................................$3,795
New York City..................... June 12-19 (1 Week)........................................$795
Custom Trips........................... For Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere.............See Page 11
Groups of Any Size Can Join All of the Above Trips!

Real Impact Missions

PO Box 1532 Gainesville, GA 30503


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