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Excel Exam Fall Semester 2012

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. The numbers, text, or cell references used by the function to return a value are called ____.
a. expressions
c. data
b. arguments
d. values


2. Which of the following is not a comparison operator? ____

a. =
c. <<
b. <=
d. <>


3. Lookup & Reference is ____.

a. Excel 2007s online Help system
b. a group on the Ribbon used to access Excel 2007s Help system
c. an Excel function category
d. a reference panel found on the Office Button


4. In SUM(number1 [, number2, number3, ...]), number 1, number 2, and number 3 may be numbers or ____.
a. letters
c. symbols
b. cell references
d. operators
Case-Based Critical Thinking Questions
Case 2
Pamela is getting ready to purchase her first condominium. To get ready for the mortgage process, she gathers
her Excel spreadsheets that contain all of her financial information.


5. Assuming Pamela is faithful to her monthly payments and her interest rate does not change, she should be
able to calculate the ____ of the loan.
a. nv
c. fv
b. nper
d. principal


6. Placing a chart in a ____ displays only the chart and no worksheet cells.
a. new worksheet
c. graph display
b. tabbed view
d. chart sheet


7. To display Mar 17, 2008 as a custom format, you would type ____ in the Format Code: box in Excel.
a. mm-dd-yy
c. mmm-dd-yyyy
b. mmm-dd-yy
d. mm-dd-yyyy


8. Which of the following shows the correct order of steps for adding a data series to a chart?
a. Select the chart, Click the Add button, Click the Select Data button, Select the range
b. Select the chart, Click the Select Data button, Click the Add button, Select the range
c. Select the range, Click the Select Data button, Click the Add button, Select the chart
d. Select the range, Select the chart, Click the Select Data button, Click the Add button


9. Excel includes a gallery of ____ different shapes organized into eight categories.
a. 10
c. 160
b. 100
d. 220

____ 10. Which of the following are examples of shapes you could choose from the Excel design gallery?
a. banner
c. block arrow
b. flowchart symbol
d. all of the above
____ 11. The ____ is a rectangular area that labels the markers or symbols used in a chart.
a. x-axis
c. chart area
b. y-axis
d. legend
____ 12. A table can include all of the following EXCEPT ____
a. numbers
c. underscores
b. spaces
d. letters
____ 13. After data is filtered, you can do all of the following EXCEPT ____ it.
a. sort
c. copy
b. expunge
d. chart
____ 14. Criteria filters allow you to specify relationships other than those that are "____" the criteria specified in the
filter records.
a. in
c. greater than
b. like
d. equal to
____ 15. A PivotTable summarizes data in different categories using functions such as ____.
c. MIN
d. Any of the above
____ 16. One advantage of PivotTables is that you can easily ____ different categories in the PivotTable to provide
alternative views of the data.
a. rearrange
c. display
b. hide
d. any of the above
____ 17. The PivotTable button is available in the Tables group on the ____ tab.
a. Format
c. Home
b. Design
d. Insert
____ 18. A worksheet ____ is a collection of two or more selected worksheets.
a. index
c. group
b. roster
d. cluster
____ 19. Like cell ____, a worksheet group can contain adjacent or nonadjacent sheets.
a. controls
c. tabs
b. groups
d. ranges
____ 20. To select nonadjacent worksheets, you use the ____ key.
a. Alt
c. Esc
b. Ctrl
d. Shift
____ 21. To remove a worksheet group, you can right-click the sheet tab of a sheet in the group and then click ____ on
the shortcut menu.
a. Remove Group
c. Exit Group
b. No Group
d. Ungroup Sheets
____ 22. If a sheet range includes more than one sheet, you specify the first and last sheet in the range separated by a
a. colon
c. comma

b. semicolon

d. plus sign

____ 23. A link is a connection between two ____ allowing information to be transferred from one to the other.
a. cells
c. columns
b. ranges
d. files
____ 24. The ____ dialog box lists all of the links in the current workbook.
a. Show Links
c. Link and Embed
b. Edit Links
d. Paste Special
____ 25. ____ are usually represented by colored words with underlines or images.
a. Indices
c. Templates
b. Hyperlinks
d. Icons
Bonus Question:
____ 26. Connor wants to create a hyperlink to a location in his current workbook. He clicks the Hyperlink button in
the Links group on the Insert tab. What option should he select from the Link to list?
a. Existing File
c. Create New Document
b. Place in This Document
d. E-mail Address

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