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Neha Jain

Hi Fellow dentist,
I will be starting at UTHSCSA next July. The application process was a roller coaster ride - it had its ups and its
downs. But I knew that I could not let go of my dreams. I came to the USA after getting married and quickly realized
that I needed a DDS to work here. Little did I know that about 700 people apply for a handful of seats! This forum
helped me to get to where I am. The following is my way of giving back to this community. As for my stats:
Indian, PG in periodontics.
GPA 3.44 , 3.4
TOEFL 100 ( I was shocked! J)
NBDE 1&2
2 yrs work ex in India between BDS and MDS
Shadowing in USA for about 10 months (day I stepped in the USA to the beginning of the application season)
Research Volunteer at UOP for about 4 months. ( this started after I had sent in all my applications)
Solid essays and great LORs (not the standard 5 line LORS but very personalized to my capabilities- each of my LORs
were at least 400 words each)
Beginning with Loma Linda
Loma Linda
The interview happened in the month of August first in California. In my mind they invited everyone who applied.
This is not confirmed. Just a guess. There were 185 candidates on the day of the interview. The interview process
was in two steps
Step 1 : This step was broken into 3 steps:
Step 1a: An interview for about 10 mins. Questions: Tell me about yourself and a checklist of what dental treatments
done (prostho and endo treatments). Do not be afraid to say a no if you have not done the treatment. Its better than
Step 1b: Written exam based on DAT format. I was taken aback by surprise. There were about 200 questions (I am
dont remember this accurately) to be completed in 2hrs.
Step 1C: Class 2 Amalgam preparations on right and left upper second premolar
Step 2: Only selected candidates were called for second round interviews ( It was just not my day -I did not perform
well in the first round so I was not invited). I have no further details about this round. They use Kilgore
They threw open their labs for 4 days for us to practice. Great help! Got feedback from current students and made a
ton of friends. About 80 people were invited for the interview
The process was over 4 days:
Day 1: Registration and Bench exam (3 hrs). For the bench all the instructions were provided before hand i.e. with
your invitation to interview letter. We were asked to do 2 preps Full Gold crown on #14 and PFM on #27.
Day 2: School Tours & Interview
Day 3 & 4: Interviews
You could be interviewed on any one of the days. The interview lasts for 20 mins. Very casual. Why UCSF? Why
California? What other schools have you applied to? Some ethical questions.
For the bench you could wear scrubs and for the interview wear business formals
They use Kilgore

The process was over 4 days. About 125 candidate were invited
Day 1: Registration and dinner
Day 2&3 : School Tours & Interview Interview was very relaxed for 20 mins and had very similar questions like
Day 4: Bench exam (3 hrs). Before the bench starts all the requirements and the steps are diagrammatically
presented to you. 2 practice teeth are given mounted in dental stone. We were asked to do 2 preps Class 2
Amalgam #3 and PFM on #9.
They use Kilgore
They hold multiple sessions of interviews. Do not know how many batched. My batch had about 12 people.
1 day process broken into 2 components Bench and Interview
You begin with the interview, which lasts for about 30 mins. Standard set of questions. With some ethical scenarios.
For the bench exam we asked to do 3 exercises:
1) Bridge preparations on #3 with gold prep on #2 and PFM #4
2) Class 2 cavity prep on #21
3) Amalgam restoration and carving on #30 for which the cavity was already prepared
They use Columbia
One of the toughest interviews in my mind. They invited about 130 candidates.
Held over 2 days
Day 1: registration and problem based learning ( they do not have an interview). PBL is like a case discussion and
they will provide you the details before the round. They are checking your analytical and communication skills. This is
the methodology they use to teach and they want to understand if you are a fit
Day 2: Bench we were asked 3 things to do:
1) PFM on #8
2) Ceramic onlay MOD on #30
3) Wax carving canine (last year they had also asked RPD but we did not get that)
You are expected to bring everything. The school will just give you the compressor. All preps are to done table top.
They use Columbia
They hold multiple sessions of interviews. Do not know how many batched. My batch had about 9 people.
Spread over 1 day.

There also a pre interview written section where they ask about you e.g. what is your biggest concern about starting
Interview lasts for about 45 mins. They asked everything on my resume. Know everything you have written on your
resume. They can ask anything
Written test: 64 MCQ questions based on NBDE part 2. 8 questions per subject except pharmacology.
Bench: Dr Parma will explain the steps required for the bench. We had to do Class 2 Amalgam on #19 and Gold
crown on #3. Composite build up on a stone model
Hope this helps.

Interview Experience & Practical Exam
Hi everyone, By now, a lot of you have already had your interviews and practical exams from different dental schools. Thus, I think it would

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