The Children of Feyl The Prophet's Words

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Children of Feyl: The Prophets Words

By: Logan Gardner

Chapter 1: Wicked Light and Gentle Darkness
Hestion sank to his knees, overcome by Misery himself. He only sank to his
knees metaphorically; of course, for gods do not have knees, for they never kneel.
Hestion had lived a long time, and he had never, ever kneeled before. Now that he was
kneeling, he wished he had knees so that the action of kneeling could be more
Kneeling, sitting, standing, in such a place as this, it did not matter. Comfort did
not matter in place where every moment Pain cut you like a knife, where Sadness was in
the air you breathed, where Hate burned and froze your skin at the same time. Yes,
Hestion was a god. But even a god could not stand by himself in such a place.
He had been here since before man existed, and he would be here when man
breathed his last breath. He had given up Hope of escape. Hope would do nothing for
him here. Hope only served one master, and it was not Hestion.
Hestion still could not muster Rage at his brothers betrayal. In this place, where
the Curses of Humanity were all that reigned, he could feel nothing that those forces did
not tell him to.
Hestion bowed his head in defeat, praying for his miserable existence to end. But
it could not end, for he was a god and gods were immortal. So all he had to look forward
to was an infinite number of moments of unbearable agony. He raised his eyes, looking
forward but unable to see. Darkness had closed his eyes, even taking away his ability to
understand. Yet suddenly, relief came from this unbearable suffering. Light shone forth

from somewhere in the unending darkness. It was a blinding light, a brilliant blaze that
Hestions broken vision could not stand. Yet he forced himself to keep his eyes open.
He knew that this may be his last chance to see, forever. Out of the brilliant light, walked
his brother.
Man called him Lightbringer, Exalted One, He-Who-Rises, and an endless list of
titles that he did not deserve. Hestion had his own list of titles for his brother: traitor,
deceiver, tyrant, maniac. But his brothers true name was Feyl, and naught else.
He had occupied much of his eternal life imagining this moment. He would
destroy his brother, like he had failed to do all that time ago. For the moment, Hope
returned to him, as did Rage. He used both to climb to his feet and shamble at his
brother, putting both into the assault. Feyl gave a bored sigh and simply touched his
brother. Pain sliced into him with more fury then ever before, and he screamed with the
voices of a million men. He lay on his face, feeling nothing but shame and defeat.
Hello, brother. I will go soon, do not worry. I simply wished to inform that the
Lost One has returned to earth. Soon I will use it for myself, and you will be destroyed
totally, which I believe is even worse than your current existence. When you are dead
alongside the Lost One, Man will no longer stand in my way. He gloated.
Monster. Was all Hestion could say. A very weak effort, by human
standards. But Hestion had no Strength to assist him.
Goodbye brother. My endgame nears, and so does yours. Enjoy the end to your
miserable existence, you weak, broken excuse for a god. The Lightbringer spat upon
him with intense loathing. The brother had never gotten along, a bad start to a long

history of violence and war. Feyl turned away, and, in a flash of blinding light, Feyl left
his brother with Darkness and the others for his only company.
Despair gripped Hestions shriveled heart, but for a moment he had a plan. It
wasnt particularly strong, and would probably fail. But it was more Hope than hed
known for a long time.
He was sending his last soldier onto the final battlefield. He sent his command
out into the world, hoping it would reach his soldiers ear.
Please, fight for me one last time, old friend. He whispered.
The reply he heard shocked him and made Hope grow in him. He hadnt heard
his friends voice in a long time, and hed missed its sound, like water in a brook.
Lord, I never stopped. Ive only been calling you, waiting for you to beckon me.
Tell me its time for us to retake this world. Feyl thinks the universe is his, but he is
wrong. This is far from over, this battle is only beginning.
With an extreme effort, Hestion raised once again to his feet. This was his not
brothers world, and he would not simply kneel and let him take it.

Chapter 2: A Prayer
Artur bent his head alongside the other novices. He looked around at them in
disgust while they prayed. They shifted uneasily on their knee, sneezed, farted, and did
any number of heretical things. The dozing mentor was even worse, who woke
occasionally only to vaguely reprimand the worst two in the back of the class. Was this
truly Feyls Chosen Voices, collected in this room? Artur knew only one of the Voices
and Voice-In-Training was truly the Voice of Feyl. It was he and nobody else. The rest
of them were lies, figureheads of Feyls Way with no true connection to the Lightbringer.
When he ruled the world, he would make all men, including these bumbling
nitwits, pray fourteen hours daily, without moving a muscle. Maybe after doing that,
they would have atoned for their weakness now. The world had forgotten its gratitude to
Feyl. One day, Artur would remind them.
But for now, he only had to play the part of a lowly novice. Artur bowed his head
deeper and murmured prayer after prayer. He sat in this intense meditation until he was
yanked out of it by the voice of the mentor.
To your quarters, it is time to sleep. The dull, droning voice beckoned me.
Artur stubbornly stayed with his head bowed. The teacher took an irritable swing with a
flexible branch from a sapling. Artur flinched, and got up.
He glared at the teacher, who struck him again. Artur got moving then, following
the other novices. Everyone in the House of the Chosen was ridiculously over-indulged,
fat off sweet pastries and cured meats, soft from their comfortable lives. It sickened
Artur to see these men, who didnt even care for Feyl, elevated so in society.

Artur would burn and slaughter them all. He would cut away their arms and legs,
then force them to lay in the dirt and plead with Feyl for the remainder of their useless
lives, feeding them only water and stale bread enough to keep them alive. Begging for
Feyls forgiveness, which wouldnt be given to them by any means. But they would beg
Feyl, just the same. Because that is what Arturs master deserved. And that is what Man
hadnt given him.
Artur spent endless hours every day fantasizing about the day when Man would
be extinguished. It was a secret thought, for he was the only one his father trusted to tell
about it. His thoughts were as they always were when he collapsed into his bunk that
night. He hardly slept, only continued his prayers kneeling on the hard stone floor of his
But suddenly the room blazed with blinding light, and Artur fell to the ground,
groveling before his master, father, and god. Feyl leaned down and stroked his sons
hair. Here was Feyls messiah and son. Artur was the only human Feyl had genuine
affection for, he loved Arturs zeal, He was a model of how all men should treat Feyl.
They lacked devotion so they would die.
Rise, my only true son. Feyl commanded softly. And Artur rose, though
bending slightly and averting his eyes. Artur had vowed never to look into Feyls eyes
until he had done all Feyl desired and was deemed worthy.
What is it you have visited upon this sacrilegious place for, father? Artur asked.
It is time for you to do as your predecessor failed to do, son. You must take up
the mantle of Ullaya and finish what he started. Soon, you will rule this pathetic place as
he before you. And when you do, silently begin to kill all of the others. War will start

and be as never before, making this world weak and unstable. Only then can we push our
plan into its next level. Soon, my son, soon. Soon we will have destroyed this land and
we can rebuild it, in our image. Feyl, patted his son on the shoulder, and stepped back
into the blinding light from whence he came.
Artur drew the knife hed long been keeping hidden in his robes. It was time that
Artur took control of Feyls Way, but first there were a few that werent worthy to fight
in this war. It was these who Artur would visit tonight.

Chapter 3: Espera
All true life comes from our magnificent and glorious Feyl, creator and
protector. He gave us all the benefit of his everlasting love and has left us his kingdom
to rule in peace and plenty. He commands we leave it not to the heathens of our time,
who seek to steal what Feyl wants only for us. Feyl commands that we honor his
kindness and that we fight his battle
I yawned loudly as the sermon blackened to extremely violent propaganda.
Alvas, hush. Feyls Chosen Voice has started his message. My fathers hard
eyes glared down at me. Feyls Chosen Voice why would Feyl choose this ancient bag
to speak for him? Only men who choose this fool to speak for a god. The opening prayer
began, it was always the worst part of the service, it was so unconstructive as well as flat
out insulting to non-believers such as myself. The dithering old man stood before the
congregation, covered in a dreadfully ostentatious robe of stark white- to symbolize the
purity of Feyls goodness, and was showered with hundreds of Scarletans (A red gem of
high value)- to symbolize the blood of those who are Feyls enemies. Id hated this man
for many years, every day being forced to listen to his wheezing of Feyls greatness. This
was a price paid by those that lived in the boundaries of Espera, and almost everyone did,
in these days.
The story of how Espera came to be begins in a time before time. When the Twin
Creators: Feyl and his brother Hestion werent enemies
It all started, as Ullaya writes in his The Prophets Words, with Hestions
selfishness. Hestion didnt want to share creation with his brother, Feyl, because he

believed creation was meant to be his alone. So he began a plan to destroy Feyl, and
created an army of Solless creatures known as Deomen to overwhelm his brother.
Feyl discovered his brothers plot before he could execute the fratricide, and so Feyl
began to create his own army, the armies of Man. He knew that, although the Deomen
were strong, their greatest weakness was their Sollessness, and so he gave his soldiers of
light the sollums, so they would be greater than the Deomen.
And Feyl with his armies met Hestion with his armies, and Feyl came out
victorious. What ensued is known as the Flight of the Solless. Feyl locked his brother in
a massive prison, and he called it Caste. The Deomen fled Feyls paradise, Halla, and hid
them on the surface of Caste, where they began to diverge into different races, no longer
the Deomen they once were, instead they called themselves simply the Old Ones, because
they were the first inhabitants of Caste. Although originally some attempted to find a
way to free their master, they never found the place he was entombed. Hestion was
forgotten, and the Old Ones began to live in peace.
Feyl was enraged that the Old Ones had escaped his justice, and so he sent Man to
erase every trace of them, and found Man more than willing to do so. However, this
changed once they arrived in Caste. While at first they hunted the Old Ones, eventually
they tired of their quest and found Caste to be a harsh, inhospitable land that they werent
fit to survive in.
The Old Ones soon became allies to some of these Men, who turned away from
Feyl and lived among their former enemies. They then began to mix blood with the Old
Ones, and found that they created entirely new races, both Old One and Man. These half

bloods were known as the Nether Races, and had both the Sols of Man and the
characteristics of the Old Ones.
The Nether Races left the Old Ones, and formed their own nations. But both the
Nether Races and the Old Ones couldnt have predicted the return of Man. There was a
group of men that had rejected the assistance of the Old Ones, and had not forgotten the
Feyl that had charged them with the absolute destruction of those whod belonged to his
brother. These were the Esperads.
The Esperads multiplied at an alarming rate, soon becoming the greatest in
number of any of the peoples of Caste, but most were against the idea of waging war on
the Nether Races and Old Ones, afraid of the consequences it would bring to the young
civilization. Ullaya the Pilgrim Prophet was the one to change this unwillingness to go to
war. He roused his people with a book he claimed was passed to him by the great Lord
of Light, Feyl. The book detailed not only the history of creation, but also a prophecy of
how Man would be allowed to return to Halla if they extinguished not only the Old Ones,
but also the Nether Races. The Prophets Words drove the Esperads into a killing frenzy,
and their desire for salvation soon made them the most powerful of all the nations, and
the most deadly. They killed millions indiscriminantly. There was never a trial; Ullaya
was proud of being absolutely uncompromising. Ullayas war was known as the War of
the Words, because it was driven by Ullayas famous works.
But once they reached a position to complete their genocidal attacks, they were
suddenly halted. A mysterious woman, whose name not even history knows, killed
Ullaya in the dead of the night. In the grief-stricken aftermath of the tragedy, opposition
to Ullayas aims began to emerge, and Esperas unity broke apart. Instead of doing as

Feyl wished, they began to trade hesitantly with their conquered enemies, and they began
to steal from them and tax them, and before long they were relying on them as thoroughly
as they relied on their own craftsmen. But Feyls Way never entirely abandoned by
And let all whom praise Feyls great and terrible name go out and convert the
heathens, so their Sols will be saved from Feyls judgment. This, my fellow believers, is
our divine and holy purpose, to save the Sols of Feyls enemies. Open thine copies of
Ullayas The Prophets Words.
What a load of dung. I said under my breath. This was the worst and most
common theme of the Tithmaw services; they always seemed to boil down to one thing,
saving Sols. The most devout and willing of Feyls Way have always carried on the
teachings of their Messiah, Ullaya. Ullayas The Prophets Words are the stories of the
times man did not remember, that were whispered in Ullayas ear by Feyl himself. The
Messiah himself tells us of his obsession with Sol-saving.
Ullaya liked nothing better than to make a man kneel before him for the first time
and sing Feyls praises. The Tithmaw has always claimed it was the pleasure he got from
saving Sols. Ive always reckoned he did all he did in his lifetime because he loved one
thing more than everything in the world, hearing people worship him.
Frankly, I shouldnt even be here. Im from Allardon, and Allards are a Nether
Race. Im the enemy, and for some reason Im sitting right in the middle of their camp.
And so may you all go out and convert under the will and guidance of Feyl
almighty. On your way out make sure to give back some of what the Lightbringer has
given to you


A sign that Espera seems to want to continue its conquest: it is becoming more
and more pushy about collecting its increasingly unreasonable taxes. Id heard stories of
soldiers entering mines, farms, and many other places and tearing these businesses apart
and taking things they may need. Food, metals, jewels, and anything of value, they take
at least a quarter of it all, sometimes half. It makes me sick to think of Espera, the
righteous giant, stealing food from poor farmers and stealing the money they use to feed
their children. Theyd even go as far in some Tithmaws as to not allowing the
congregation to leave until theyd paid their donation.
Go forth and serve Feyl with your entire being. For there is no greater purpose
than this. I hoped desperately that this was the dismissal. Andyes! The blessed
light shown forth from the decrepit mans right palm, meaning it was time to go forth
and save the souls of the wicked heretics. I jumped from my seat, smiling as I did. I
stood still for a moment, and wondered how long it would be before Espera again
continued their dark deeds.
The shining light in the mans hand was his Sollum. The sollum is mans greatest
weapon against Hestions forces. They are special powers that originate at the base of the
wrist of the right hand. There are thousands of various sollums, some are hereditary,
while others just seem to appear out of nowhere. Ones sollum power determines much
of their path in life, because Espera selects a persons path based on the nature of their
sollum power. It is believed by followers of Feyl that he tells a person what they should
do by their sollum, a message just from him.
The sollum doesnt emerge until around the point of maturity, about sixteen,
though the time of emergence is never apparent. My sollum will not be long at all in its


emergence, Id had pains at night in my right arm as it has been twisting and shaping to
prepare for the transformation for over a year. A persons sollum usually manifests itself
at a point of great emotion, when the sol is most active. The Light Palm is a quite useless
sollum, no real value to it at all, but it is said to reflect the mark of a chosen servant to
Feyl, so those who possess it are revered by Feyls Way. Typical Espera, putting the
weakest on a pedestal.
After the Light Palm was cast, I wasted no time in immediately rushing away to
the entrance of the Tithmaw. I never stayed longer than I had to. I smiled as I pushed
open the massive doors that led into the street. I let out a rather unintentional contented
sigh as I opened the heavy wooden doors. Sunlight flooded into the candlelit building,
killing the eeriness created by the rather soft and inadequate glow of the candles that
littered the church like so many weeds in an old, dead garden. I could scarcely contain
my excitement as I stepped off to the side of the building to wait (impatiently) for my
overly reverent and slow-moving foster parents.
They simply loved their precious Feyl and his damned country. They had both
served in the Great Soul Liberation and were so very proud of their service to their
country. I dared not share my dissent with them, for Id surely be punished in the most
severe way (prayer meetings with the wrinkled old fraud from the Tithmaw). No, I kept
my thoughts well to myself, as far as my parents knew; I was as dedicated as them. It
was a lonely thing, being the only heretic in the family, especially a private heretic. This
thought was rather irritating, and immediately decreased the feelings of euphoria I had
when I left the Tithmaw.


Hey, mom, dad, hurry up. Ive been out here forever. You ever want to leave
the dark and come into the sun. Its a beautiful day, and I dont want to waste it standing
still like some old I called to them with impatience
-Shhhh. Youd do well to show more reverence in this most holy of places.
I repressed a snort at my dads strict attitude. Hed never been as loving or accepting of
me as my mother had. Id been adopted from Allardon, when I was seven. It was clear
as day from one look at me, I was like most Allards, tall, lanky, nut-brown skin. From
what Id gathered in my lifetime, he still was unhappy about my lineage. I know hed
much have preferred a fair-skinned, short and stocky (I was already taller than him by an
inch or three) Esperad boy.
Give the boy a break, Oseph. Its the first warm day in months, he must be
dieing of excitement. A wave of affection for my mother washed over me. She had
slightly faded dark-brown hair and a kind heart-shaped face. She was far from the
coldness of my father. She absolutely loved my dark skin, calling it far more beautiful
than any Esperad. She was the only reason that they hadnt broken me. All it took to
make me smile was for her to tell me I was perfect as I am, with that loving look of a
I always thought that she had been beautiful once, but war and time had robbed
her of her long-lost radiance. That didnt make her any less lovable, she made you want
to hug her no matter who you were.
I was already beginning to feel the euphoric affects of spring fever take over. I
was already feeling my body screaming at me to go do what Id been aching for since I
went to bed las night, all I wanted to do now was run.


Running is the exact opposite of Tithmaw. Thats probably why I like it so much.
Running isnt about listening, or sitting, or being made to do something. Running is all
about action; you can run anywhere and do it anyhow. Nobody tells me where, how, or
why, when I m running. Running gives me the happy illusion that I am free to whatever
life I want, instead of having choices made for me by my parents and Espera.
Dad, can I? I looked at him pleadingly, and he knew what I wanted. Id been
running essentially since I could walk. He stared at me for a moment, as if
contemplating how unusual children were.
Fine lad, but dont draw attention to yourself. I would for you to be caught
performing such hooliganism the old man was odd, he thought running was
hooliganism? Im sure I couldve stood there, confounded, for hours but the Tithmaw
was looming behind me and I suddenly felt a rush of desire to be as far away from that
gloomiest of places as I could. So I shrugged carelessly at my stiff-backed father and got
in stride. I was wearing formal garbs that were heavy and difficult to run in, I rarely took
notice of how my body was holding up under the stress. A dangerous problem, Id
collapsed more than once overreaching my bodys limits. My feet pounded against the
ground, gracelessly loud, my shoes had thick wooden soles, and not at all ideal for the
type of hard running I was meant to do. I decided that if I wanted my time to be stretched
than Id need some real clothes. I home was the first stop I needed to make before going
out for my run. I didnt want my father to change his mind about letting me out; he
seemed to think I wanted to cause enormous trouble every moment of every day. I
quickly hopped the fence that led to my rather tiny backyard. I quickly ducked behind a
thick tree that dominated the tiny piece of land.


This followed a swift shimmy up the drainpipe, an athletic move Id performed

hundreds of times before. My parents still hadnt figured out how I often seemed to
appear out of nowhere without ever bumping into them, our house wasnt very big, only
two bedrooms. The pipe led straight onto the windowsill above my room.
The tithes are becoming a drain, Oseph. Were not poor yet, but the Tithmaw
has never asked so much of us. I heard my mother plead. Shed been begging father to
ask for a pardon on our taxes, but he refused to do it; either too proud or too zealous to do
We owe it to them, Luteine. They clearly need it or they wouldnt ask it of us.
Are you sure of that, Oseph? Theyve been getting greedier and greedier ever
since the defeat of Allardon.
Hold your tongue, woman! They act in Feyls will. You dare insult the
I held my breath. I hadnt heard the two of them fight in a long time. They didnt
value me in the same way. But they loved each other deeply, I was certain of it. Id
never heard my father sound angry or disapproving at her before, she was too sweet. I
shook my head slowly as I threw on a pair of cloth shorts followed by a cotton shirt. I
thought about staying to further eavesdrop, but even the troubling conversation Id just
heard couldnt rob me of my desire to run. I climbed out of my window, slid down the
drainpipe agilely, and hopped the fence. As soon as I my feet hit the ground I shot off in
pursuit of the freedom that came with running hard and fast.


Chapter 4: The Field of Dreams

One, two, one, two. My feet hit the dirty cobbles of the streets at fever pitch. I
looked about me as I ran. Half the joy of running was that when I did I was outsider
looking in. A man free of Feyl, who had to watch these people jaded by years of tyranny
at the hands of Feyls Way.
I was bound somewhere else, but felt an urge to be out of the city. Outside the
city was a dusty road that broke into many different paths that led to various places
around the continent of Caste. The paths were overgrown and largely deserted. Id
found them berry picking one day in the forest.
One led north, to Kecklas, one led west into the Nomads Land desert, and one led
deeper into Espera. I took the one that led deeper into Espera. There was a bud of tasty
Chilberries that I found in a scenic field of wildflowers. Id had many happy memories
in the field. My mother and I had spent many hours collecting useful plants in the forest
when I was littler. When I got older, and my father became more severe in his ways, I
escaped to this field.
I went to my berry bush, and found its delicate branches crushed, destroyed by a
strangers sandal. Its berries had been picked clean, and its pretty red leaves had been
scattered to the wind or lay torn and ripped in the dust.
Anger of a righteous kind burned in my heart. How could a person be so callous,
to destroy a living thing another person loved simply because they couldnt be bothered
to move just a foot or two in another direction. I then turned to face my field, and fell to
my knees in despair. The once-beautiful field of wildflowers had been massacred much
like the berry bush. Petals were crushed into the ground and stems hung at awkward


angles like broken bones. I began to cry, unable to stop myself. I had grown up in these
fields, Id found peace here, and someone had destroyed it without thought. Somebody
would pay.
I followed the trail of destruction for about a mile. The pleasant fields with their
plants and beetles had been smashed and churned mud. The trail stopped where the
fields ended and the terrain became more rugged. I hiked to the top off the hill, and my
jaw dropped. There were tents as far as the eye. Tents enough to hold thousands upon
thousands, the entirety of the Esperad Army maybe. Why would they mass here? What
is the purpose? I didnt wonder at it, so potent was my fury. Reason spoke in the back of
my mind, telling me to calm down, but surging rage drowned its wisdom. I had long
been prone to rage I felt now. It felt like it came from a dark corner of my heart and
claimed me for its own. I didnt speculate, I just watched and cursed Espera. It made
sense that they would ignore my sanctuary and just keep walking on. They were nothing
but men, and men treated life like it meant nothing. I made a vow right then and there, a
vow born of anger, of hate. I swore that one day I would see Espera burn, burn until all
was left was ash.
Heat coursed through my mind and my right arm. I couldnt get the thought of
fire out of my mind. The rage so overpowering that it made me gasp. I had felt control
slip before, but never like this. I envisioned all those tents burning, men running and
screaming as fire slowly claimed their bodies. I tried to shake the images away, but I
could not, in the end, all I could do was stand and watch. Then a voice called to me. It
was a rich voice it came from the earth.
Peace, child, peace. Forgive them, for they know not of what they do.


It was Feyl. Feyl was speaking to me. I shook my head again, and there was no
orange fiery glow. There was only the night sky, with twinkling stars the only break in
the deep blue of the night. I could breath again, and I did so gratefully.
Dully, I trudged back to my field. No anger, no agonizing pain at my crushed
garden. Only a deep sadness, I was sad that this was the way things were. Those in
Esperas way would be destroyed and ground into the earth. And we couldnt stop them.
I sunk down beside the bush, and I laid my cheek down on the earth that had been
churned by the feet of a moving army.
I saw in front of my face what looked like a speck of dust. But Id seen enough of
them to know what it was. It was a Chilberry seed, vibrantly turquoise. I scraped away a
little hole where I laid the seed, a testament to the fallen field. Everything vanished from
me as I did. I buried it all with that seed. I drifted off to sleep as I did, feeling safe even
though I was outside with the beasts and the cold.
I awoke in sunshine, and saw the most amazing thing. It was my bush, ft
Chilberries hanging from its thin branches. I stroked the berries smooth skin in awe. I
plucked one from the branch and delicately popped it into my mouth. It was as sweet as
Id ever tasted.
I laughed in joy, because I couldnt help myself. Feyl had done a miracle here.
Where destruction had been, so came redemption. Where fire came, so did new life. A
humble lesson, one I could remember.


Chapter 5: The Fountain

Lightbringer City was unlike any other city in the world. It had a character about
it like no other in the world. Many cities of character are known for their energy, their
diversity, and their history. But Lightbringer City was known throughout Caste for its
purity. The great architect Asema, with the intention of building a massive tribute to
Feyls creation of the light, built what was essentially an enormous glass prism. For
several blocks outside the Gathering Circle, an enormous plaza filled with many vendors
looking to sell things, Asema had coated the buildings with a sheet of glass with Runes
that altered light. The result had been small rainbows reflecting of each other and the
walls. The result was pure brightness as beautiful as anything Id ever seen.
I was bound for my favorite place in the city, for with the coming of the warmth
there would be a ceremony every year, the First Flow of a fountain in the city named The
Well of Prophecy. During the times of frigid cold, as had been the last several months,
the great fountain in the city square was shut down. But every year, the event that for all
of Espera marked the beginning of the warm season. People from every corner of the
empire came to witness the first flow. Id already seen at least three Allards heading in
that direction, as well as a group of Vithtans, two Estians, and a towering Magran. It was
a indeed magical and wondrous sight, the fountain.
In the center of the sculpture stood a man, with his sollum raised skyward. Also
there was several other men, all cowering before him. It was made by a Esperad
seer/sculptor. It is supposed to tell of the future, the messiahs second coming to wipe
out the greatest enemy Feyl had ever known. Id never put too much stock in the
prophecies made by various seers in the land. They all seemed to be corrupted by Espera


so whatever truth might have been in their predictions of the future is drowned in a tidal
wave of Esperad propaganda. Feyls way always found the prophets and forced them to
tell the world of Feyls eternal reign over Caste or The impending doom of All Who
Oppose the Lightbringer.
Hello, brother. An Allard woman said casually as she slid into place beside me.
I was amazed, she had sidled up next to me with such stealth I hadnt felt her presence at
my shoulder in the slightest.
Ive come to watch the fountain. I responded hesitantly.
You traveled all that distance just for this? What a silly fancy. The fountain is a
blight on this world.
This fountain is beautiful. And I am not from Allardon, Im an orphan of the
Liberation, taken from my true father and country by Espera. I was bitter and frankly
sharing far too personal information with her, without even knowing her face. I turned to
look at her. She looked about thirty years old, about an inch taller than me. She had skin
much darker than mine, but her hair was identical to mine in color, like desert sand. Her
eyes were bright green, with a fierce, searching look in them. She turned them to the
fountain and said in a faraway voice
This fountain is a terrible thing, saying that Esperads are above all other things.
Look carefully and you will see, the man in the center has the features of an Esperad,
while the others have features of men from Vithta, Estia, Kecklas, Magra, and Allardon.
I looked far more carefully at the details of the sculpture-fountain, she was correct.
Youre right, damn them. Im Alvas. What is your name? I held out my hand
for her to shake. She took it and said,


I am Vexa. You have been raised by the Feyl-lovers, far away from your
people. She stated it, with certainty, and I also detected pity.
Yes, I said around the lump of loneliness caught in my throat, You see much,
She ignored my answer as though Id never given it. I noticed her eyes shot
towards the statue and she rocked onto her toes.
If you ever feel like coming home, Alvas. Come to Rataan Outpost, it borders
the two countries. Allardon is a wonderful country, a place to feel the sun on your skin.
Unlike this country, this is a dark, gloomy land. I stopped as I saw the fountain erupt in
great streams of water, it was magnificent, the rainbow light shattering against the water,
distorting it further. Water erupted from the mans sollum, showering the others. Water
poured from gaping holes in the other watchers, I realized the artist intended the holes to
be wounds; the Esperad was killing all other creatures. My insides constricted in anger.
Was this the idea of Espera, to kill anything different? Did Feyl want this sculpture to be
the future? Was Feyls enemy everything not Esperad? Was this Feyls will?
Do you still think its beautiful? Vexa whispered. I heard the vindictive rage
that crept into her voice, and it was an ugly sound. So different from the tone she used
before, that sounded like cool water. I was about to reply when I saw something
repulsive and evil trudge onto the stage. It was none other than the old man from the
Tithmaw. His rheumy eyes squinted against the brightness, flanked on either side by two
of the Snowguard. White-cloaked wraiths were posted at every entrance.
The Snowguard was an elite unit in the Esperad military, responsible for the
protection of high-profile people. They were taking the protection of the Voice very


seriously. The Snowguard was some of the best there are, known for their use of the
longbow but also adept at any range. They were each well over six feet tall on average
and were cloaked in white, no part of their bodies visible.
I took a moment to stare at sky, already tinged orange slightly, an early sunset for
the time of year. I noticed something other than the early sunset as I looked up. A huge
bird was flying by, one bigger than Id ever seen.
Look at I tried to keep speaking but a hand was clamped over my mouth like
an Vael vice. A cold sharpness dug into the base of my spine, prepared to slip between
the vertebrae and paralyze or worse.
Dont try to speak, boy. If you do, youll ruin me, and Ill be forced to kill you.
I can see you hate this godforsaken country as I do. We share a common enemy. If I let
you go, do you promise not to speak? I nodded fervently at this, thinking both of saving
my life and the fountain that showed that wicked Esperad killing Allards. The pressure
from the blade at my back ceased mercifully and the firm hand came away from my
mouth. I breathed in gratefully, Vexa sheathed the dagger, and she was beaming at me.
Sorry, one cant be too careful talking to an Esperad in Espera.
I stared at her, mouth agape. For some reason, I could only think of one thing to say,
Im not an Esperad.
Well see. She winked at me and grined in a predatory, violent movement of
Her eyes darted skyward, I thought I saw her bob her head in a quick nod. I
shook my head, the day was getting hot, and the heat must be messing with my head.


Vexa couldnt talk to birds, could she? I was feeling far more concerned with my sanity
than the fact that Vexa just threatened my life.
She seemed completely unperturbed by her actions, as well. She tensed her
muscles, concentrating very hard on a point in the sky. I followed the path of her eyes. I
saw nothing. Maybe I was mad, first this woman talks to birds, and then shes starting at
nothing. But maybemaybe she was special.
Vexaif youre not here to see the fountain, what are you here to do? I asked,
fearing the answer for some strange reason.
Excellent question, Im here to destroy it. She said distractedly.
Oh. I said. But I couldnt say anything else after that.
Goodbye, Alvas, though I think I might see you again some time, down the road.
If you ever feel like coming home, meet me at Rataan Outpost, before the moon gets to
its next half.
BOOOM! An explosion rocked the entire area, knocking me onto my back.
What the hell happened? That explosion detonated right on the head of the Esperad in
the statue, right where Vexas gaze had fallen. I looked around just in time to see Vexa
leap several feet into the air. I saw for a moment the last ray of sunlight of the day glint
off the handle of what I recognized as a Salehm blade underneath Vexas billowing
cloak. The blade flashed from its sheath and was in Vexas grasp before I could even see
her hand move. She was barred by two tall Snowguards brandishing spears. Vexa
danced around the spears like a ghost, and the wicked curve of her Salehm darted out and
planted a bloody kiss on the neck of one guard. The second attempted to take advantage


of the opening she presented in her attack, but somehow found a dagger planted in his
white chest, the ivory cloack becoming soaked with red.
The great arrows of the Snowguards flew from places that even I hadnt noticed.
They thrummed towards her with deadly efficiency, and yet even the shiny arrows, tipped
with a fine pearly white metal known as Vael, couldnt pierce her cloak, and they
clattered harmlessly against the stone. My guess was that the cloak had been thoroughly
enchanted by Runeweavers.
When I awoke, I could hear voices. And they werent friendly, either.
Ill ask you one more time! Did you have any knowledge of your sons
involvement in this malevolent and heretical terrorism?
My eyes slowly readjusted to the darkness and focused on a blank, gray wall.
I felt terrible, the back of my head throbbing violently, as if it was ready to split open at
the slightest movement.
Asking again wont change the answer you get from us, sir. We dont know
anything about terrorism and neither does our son. I recognized the indignant voice of
my father. Even in my current state, I was mildly surprised to hear him disagree with
what sounded like voice of authority, due to his adoration of the established order.
The voice of authority sniffed contemptuously, Youd better hope youre right.
Theyre bringing in the Interrogator to have a look inside your head. And if youre
wrong, then all three of you are accomplices on crimes of terrorism and heresy. But
thats no problem of mine


I stopped listening. I could no longer take the pain. I staggered to my feet and
immediately retched violently several times. This didnt make me feel any better,
unfortunately. I took a couple unsteady paces away from the puddle of vomit and
immediately collapsed back onto the floor of the gray box I was stuck inside of.
I slept for seconds, maybe hours, maybe days. It was ever so difficult to keep
track of time in the cell. I dreamt of strange things. But mostly I saw Vexa in my sleep, I
saw Vexa riding massive birds, I saw Vexa chopping up the fountain and many other
senseless things.
After awhile, I felt myself being shaken lightly but quickly from my
immeasurable sleep.
Wakey wakey, little Snakey it is time for me to see whats inside your itty bitty
noggin. I didnt respond, I did heave in another attempt to empty my stomach, but
nothing came but a dribble of saliva.
Weeheeheehee, he laughed madly, I think that Snowguard thumped him a bit
too hard, it mightve addled his little brain. I rolled away so I wouldnt have to face him,
but could do little more. I was weak and helpless, sluggish from days without sleep and
blurred by pain. Oh no no no, Little Snakey. Dont you try to crawl away from me. We
have work to do. He crooned. I began to regain control of my muscles and orient myself
to my surrounding. It slowly came to me that this man was quite insane, how hed com
to be this way, I did not know. I rolled back to face him and immediately attempted
feebly to push him away.
Get away. I croaked, tasting vomit on my breath. I was still in very, very bad


The Little Snaky is afraid of me. Oh dear, I didnt want to scare the little
Snakey. Ill try being sweet to him. Dont be afraid, Snakey, old Mister Cecil will take
care of you. I focused my eyes on this strange dwarf. His entire being was petite and
thin, dramatically so. My guess was that he hadnt eaten in weeks, or only ate enough to
keep his fluttery heart running. Nothing to do with this Cecil was threatening, until I met
his eyes. They were vacant of any kind of perception and glazed over with madness.
They seemed to stare pass me, fixed in a permanent look of hunger. They now looked
back into mine, though they didnt register me.
He smiled menacingly as his hand moved towards my face I found I hadnt
regained control of most of my muscles just yet. I knew that I couldnt let his searching
fingers find what they searched for. I felt his soft right hand brush against my lips. I did
the only thing I could to stop him. I bit down as hard as I could on his hand.
He pulled away in an instant, a feral screech leaving his lips. He screamed curses
at me viler than Id ever heard. He put his bleeding thumb into his mouth. I tested my
arms and legs to see if I could move them just yet. The old man lay curled up on the
ground, sucking his thumb as hard as he could. Like he was trying to taste it.
Dont touch me. I said firmly and calmly, careful not to give any sign I could
move. I wanted the advantage of surprise when it came time to defend myself.
YOU WICKED EVIL SNAKEY. Oooooo I was going to make it hurt as little as
I could but now
What were you going to do to me? I asked, keeping my voice even. I was
attempting to pacify him with reason.


Im going to go in your head and find out if youre a heretic, Snakey. Does
Snakey kill innocent people? thats what the prison-man asks me. So I find out in your
head. I bet Snakey does kill that poor old Voicey man and his white-wearing men. The
waif of a man spat.
So Vexa had managed to kill four Snowguards and the Voice. She was special, to
accomplish such an amazing feat, she had to be. But if did let the Interrogator in to my
head, hed find me innocent and my name would be cleared. Id be free to go home.
Finego ahead, Ive nothing to hide. I said hesitantly.
Ok, Snakey, lets have a looksy. The Interrogators eyes twinkled with
demented glee.
He crawled over to me; I noticed he was shaking, as if he was afraid to get too
close to me. Why? Was he afraid of me? Or the job he needed to do?
I wondered if he enjoyed being in other peoples minds, it would be empowering,
I suppose, to be able to see all the darkest corners of another persons mind, to relive the
happiest moments. But there was so much to know. Such a burden, it was too high a
price. I saw the small fingers of his right hand crept toward me, and I shivered with
unexplained fear. They stopped suddenly, hovered there for a moment, shaking
I will enjoy making you hurt, Snakey. He hissed at me. And before I could stop
him, he pushed his bloody digits hard against my clammy forehead.
Immediately I felt a rush of immense pain. It felt as though blades were
penetrating my forehead in the five places where his fingers were pushing against my
skull. Like a crushing and a stabbing pain pressing into my forehead, all at once. The


knives descended ever deeper. My back arched in pain and I screamed with agony and
Stop, please, in the name of Feyl!
The old man either didnt register my screaming, or was ignoring it. I heard him
mutter to himself under the sounds of my screams.
Where is the memories? Give me your secrets, Snakey! GIMME GIMME
GIMME! his voice rose to a fever pitch, I recognized vaguely from beneath the
unyielding agony and feeling of invasion, that the knives had stopped going deeper, but
the pain hadnt stopped, it felt as though the knives were moving in circles, probing. I
writhed as the incredible pressure and piercing pain and humiliation over having my
mind laid bare all came to an unendurable climax.
Ah here is the secrets, Snakey, I found them.
First the probes withdrew. The Interrogator had walked away, murmuring about things
hed seen in my mind. The pain was gone, but the feeling of humiliation wasnt. I felt
like someone had stolen part of me. Taken away the privacy and security of my mind.
My body was energized by the desire for revenge. In a fit of fury, I climbed achingly to
my feet, stumbled to him, now towering over him. He stared at me with the eyes of a
person who knew a dirty secret he didnt really want to. He knew many. This look sent
me over the edge. I cranked back my fist, and struck him in the cheek.
He pitched over, nearly falling over from the force of the blow. He looked at me
victoriously. Because he knew the pain that he had cause me was far worse than Id
done to him. In spite of the punch that had already swollen his cheek, he never refrained
from giggling insanely.


Innocent, Innocent, Snakey is INNOCENT. Weeeeeheheheheheheheheh.


Chapter 6: A True Story

I trudged home, feelingdrained. Id departed from the local Imprisonment. It
was a good a mile away from the outskirts of Lightbringer City, where I lived. They
found me awhile after hed finished with me.
Id lost consciousness after Id socked him. Theyd found the Interrogator, Cecil,
however, in reportedly worse condition. He was sitting in fetal position, rocking back
and forth, still yelling innocent in between fits of laughter. I wondered what had
destroyed his mind so fully that he thought I was a snake. And for that matter, why
would he approach a person he thought was a snake. These were the questions that came
to my troubled mind as I trudged along the deserted dirt path that led to the city. I then
remembered something that Id heard my father say once: A man has a difficult enough
time bearing his own thoughts, worries, fears, joys, guilt. To try and bear your burden
and anothers, this a terrible thing indeed. That didnt keep me from the anger and
shame that I felt now over what had been done to me.
I thought wearily of the worried and angry expressions of my parents that would
meet me when I got home. The huge bump that the Snowguard had raised on the back of
my head ached, discomfort spreading from it to the base of my shoulders and down my
back. The sun stung my eyes that had long been away from proper and decent lighting.
In this way I stumbled, hunched over and with closed eyes, towards the city. It
was nearing sundown when I reached the front door of my home, and Id left at nearly
first light. I considered attempting to shimmy up the drainpipe to avoid the long barrage
of questions that would be waiting for me inside. But then I thought of my mother, who
would worry through another night and be shocked to see me in bed in the morning.


Besides, no matter how much I wanted to, I was too exhausted to do anything but
collapse into bed at the moment. So I went up to the door, turned the knob slowly, and
pushed the door open. I found my parents as I would expect them, my father wearing
down the floor with a constant, brisk pace while he muttered angrily (I was sure he
wouldve disinherited me by now), and my mother, blotchy-faced from what looked like
shed been crying every moment of the last few days. They both looked over to the door.
I suddenly knew I couldnt even attempt to endure their questions.
Innocent. I croaked through thoroughly cracked lips, and for the fourth time in
the last few days I swayed drunkenly, and passed out. But this time I mercifully never
felt myself land hard on the floor. Firm, strong arms were cradling me.
But before I passed out, I had a final thought. It was a vow, really. It had been
growing inside me for years, planted by my parents death, and then kept alive by the
destruction of my field. Vexa had also watered it with her voice and her defiance. But
what had made me realize it was this. Espera had called me a terrorist, beaten and
tortured me all because of my skin. And for all these things I made a promise to me. I
would see Espera come tumbling down, crushed to dust. Because any country who
would do someone as much harm as Id been done for my skin or religion, that could
only be evil.
I woke as I felt warm sunlight strike my face. I took a few seconds to remember
what I had done yesterday. I still was debating on whether or not Id gone insane in the
Imprisonment, and was simply imagining home.
Yesterday I recalled how far away home had seemed, the fact Id somehow
returned now seemed nigh on impossible. I lay there several moments before hesitantly


pulling off the covers and climbing out of bed. I felt stiff and sore, but otherwise, healthy.
My head felt much better, no longer did I have a splitting migraine, now it was only a
persistent throbbing where the Snowguard had struck me.
I had been cleaned of dust, but splashed some water into my face to wake up. I
stared at my reflection. My skin was naturally a rich nut-brown, made slightly lighter by
the sunless Espera winter. My eyes were amber, like brown though touched by a flame.
They smoldered back at me from my reflections serious face. I brushed my sandy hair
from my eyes; it was always a little bit too long.
I was excited to see my mother again, so I hobbled stiffly down the stairs, hoping
to see my mother waiting for me there. I was not disappointed, my mother waddled
towards me as fast as Id ever seen her and wrapped her arms around me. I winced with
pain for a moment then felt a cooling, soothing sensation sweep through me.
It was my mothers sollum power, sweeping through me. She was a kind of
healer, the rare, powerful kind. While most healers could heal the body but she could
ease pain and discomfort and make a person feel instantly refreshed and healthy. She
always told me that injuries of the heart and mind were far more painful and difficult to
heal than those of the body.
I really never thought Id miss her that much, her love and warmth a constant in
my life. To return to this feeling of happiness after so much pain felt so good I wanted to
cry. She said nothing for a few moments, squeezing me tightly around my chest. She
looked up at me with such emotion, as Id never known from her. I never appreciated
that shed loved me like her own child, even when she was ridiculed for giving me so
much as a bed.


Mom, I gasped through the bone-crushing embrace I was still engaged in

wheres dad? She loosened her arms slightly, giving me room to draw breath.
Oh hes headed off to work. She said in flippant manner, but I saw her wince
considerably as I stiffened with anger. How could he not even want to see his own son
after days of thinking he would never see him again? Was I really so unimportant that he
wouldnt want to even greet me back from the most horrific experience of my life. I was
inwardly fuming, but wanted to spare my mother the resentment I felt building towards
my father. I managed to let out nothing but a little squeaky oh and ask whats for
breakfast. We were silent as she slowly cooked several hens eggs for breakfast. She
finished the eggs and I bent sullenly over them and began to eat. She attempted some
small talk when I was in between bites.
So your sollum, must be coming along soon, son, with all the night-pains youve
been getting in your sleep.
I grunted, she was right about the pains. Id had them for months but during my
time in the Imprisonment theyd been getting more frequent and much more painful, Id
ignored them because it felt like I was just one massive, beaten pulp during my time
there. How shed known this I could only guess, but I was far from wanting to make
active conversation.
Id bet my right arm your sollum will be along before you know it. Im so
excited to see what your sollum will be. Id bet youll be a healer, just like me, youre
such a gentle spirit. I shook my head in disbelief. She seemed to have somehow
forgotten that I wasnt a blood relative so my sollum would be completely different from
hers. I knew as well as she did I was no gentle spirit; Id inherited my true fathers


warrior blood. Hed been an Allard captain of fairly high renown. He was among the
greatest fighters of the Allards. Id lived with him alone when I was a baby when we lost
the war. I remembered that he was a brave man, passionate, and loyal.
Mother always had told me affectionately Id inherited his best qualities. Id
never known anything of my mother, she left my father, cradling me, and the moment Id
emerged from her womb. My father had mentioned sadly to me that she wasnt a woman
who would ever sit still, never happy unless she was on the move. Id never resented her
much, but I resented my father for dieing far more. I noticed finally that my mother had
stopped chattering, as if waiting for my answer to question shed asked.
Sorry? I questioned dumbly, feeling embarrassed about not following the
Id asked if you were excited to start Sollumas? She said impatiently, clearly
annoyed Id been ignoring her.
Oh yeah, I am, Sollumas sounds interesting. I said earnestly. Sollumas was the
highest level of education they had in Espera only, it started after the emergence of a
childs sollum and ended whenever their career began. Sollumas determined the rest of
an Esperads life. After Sollumas was finished, the students were offered jobs based on
their determined skills. It was mostly a mystery, due to the fact I had no friends to tell of
Education was up to the discretion of the point up until Sollumas started. Most
parents (mine included) didnt think that their child would benefit from pre-Sollumas
education and most our lives were rather dreary without something to keep us busy. All I
had to keep me busy was running, and often something other than a swift jog through the


city was more than welcome. Yes, Sollumas was a very busy time, as a childs chances
of being hired decreased greatly after the first four years.
My mother was interpreting my distracted mood as sullen, and looked hurt. I had
too much of a soft spot for mom to hurt her feelings with a surly attitude. I told her I was
feeling overwhelmed, and needed time to think, especially about my vow. I hugged and
kissed her and told her I was going for a jog. I also promised with exasperation that I
wouldnt get associated with any questionable people with swords.
I decided first I would visit the fountain where my the struggles had started just
under a week ago. I jogged along in my loping gait, my long legs making me faster than
any Esperad. I satisfied my mind with resenting my fathers lack of caring for me. I had
always accepted my fathers formality with me because I had thought he was less than
thrilled with my heritage, but he didnt even miss me. Not even enough to wait to see me
in the morning. Perhaps he was disappointed to see me stagger, half-dead, through his
door. I was clearly more trouble than I was worth to him. Not only that, but how could a
mother and father who loved me (supposedly), still trust a system that would do this to
I had finished the run to the fountain at record speed. My anger had made me
unwittingly increase my tempo. I put my hands on my knees, panting hard, staring at a
tiny bloodstain that sat between my legs on the uneven stone pathway.
I felt rather ill as I wondered whose blood that was. Was it that old man who had
died in front of the fountain? Was it those strong Snowguards, whose lives had been
taken by Vexa that mysterious and deadly woman who had spoken to him at the First
Flow? I thought again of her offer to me, Come home. that is what she had told me. It


was indeed a tempting offer. She was right about so much: she even was right about how
people always looked upset when I was around. I didnt belong here. I wasnt Esperad
by nature.
But then I thought of the face of my mother. She had raised me and given me all
the love any child could hope for. How I would hurt her if I took off for Allardon now. I
thought of the glimpse Id gotten of her face before Id passed out last night, the face of a
person whod undergone great torture. I couldnt do that to her, I couldnt run away so
young. I would stay for four years of Sollumas, I owed her that much.
I caught my breath and walked towards the courtyard entrance, only to find it
blocked by a short wooden barrier. I leaned over it and peered into the courtyard. I was
astonished and impressed by what I saw. The stones and walls had been scrubbed
absolutely clean, evidence of Vexas act scoured from the surface.
I wondered just how much blood the Snowguards had taken from that formidable
terrorist. I realized suddenly that I admired her, as she had taken action the way a
brave warrior should.
The truly admirable piece of work the bird and Vexa had done was the
adjustments the explosion had made to the fountain. I clapped a hand over my mouth to
stifle the laughter that bubbled up from my chest. The Esperad, who had once held his
right arm aloft regally, was reduced to nothing but a lone pair of legs, standing tall. The
remains of the torso had been cleaned up as well.
How the bird had known the precise way to drop it so it wouldnt remotely
damage the other non-Esperad figures was so precise. The enemies of Esperads no
longer seemed to cower before the disembodied legs of the Esperad. They now seemed


to laugh and mock his weakness. It was a priceless victory to those who secretly detested
Espera and all stands for. I allowed a few more moments of wistful silence before a boy
just older than me approached me.
Unbelievable, these terrorists, arent they? he whispered conversationally, A
woman attacks and kills four Snowguards and a Voice, then makes a clean getaway.
Nice piece of work, that.
What did you say? I said, my voice rose in disbelief. How could she possibly
gotten away free? There mustve been twenty Snowguards blocking every entrance, she
couldnt have fought her way, strong as she must have been.
Oh yeah, I saw I was there, at the fountains First Flow. But lower that voice,
mate. Espera dont want us sayin much bout the whole thing. But man, they must be
feeling pretty confident if they dont even expect anything at an event with tons of
spectators to witness them and a high-profile Voice in the open. If you ask me, theyre
getting too cocky for their own good. They never even expected an aerial attack. What a
strategy! He whispered sagely.
Yeah, it was clever to use a Teardrop Bomb. Theyre awfully rare and the
Snowguard would never expect it. I said, trying to offer something to the conversation.
The truth was that I had very little clue as to what had occurred at the fountain. I was
desperately interested in the matter. I had been afraid to ask my mother what had
happened exactly. I didnt want to betray my interest too fully. Now I kept my voice
casual, it was dangerous to portray too much interest Vexa to any regular Esperad. But
this kid seemed anything but regular. He was smiling hugely, as if reliving the victory.


He was a lively, animated little kid with sparrow-like features and twitchy mannerisms.
He had long, jet-black hair that couldnt be Esperad.
And who would expect them to have Raaka on their side? The terrorist mustve
been an Allard. He said knowingly, I could already tell he loved that I was interested in
what he had to say. I smiled to myself. It wouldnt be difficult to get information from
I leaned in, as if hanging on every word that came from his wide mouth. Really?
A Raaka? Whats that?
He snorted, Whereve you been? Everyone in Espera must know this story. But
anyway, Raaka are the biggest birds in Caste, fierce raptors able to carry a full-grown
person. They only nest in Allardon. They can be tamed using Runic Collars. But who
could be crazy enough to put a collar on a Raaka?
Tamers were specialized in working with the fiercest of creatures, befriending
them and then collaring them with special, mystic collars that created a special bond
between the Tamer and his animal. These collars were specially made only in certain
places in Allardon. Usually they had a sollum called Call of the Wild, which gave them a
special link to the ways of nature.
Allard Tamers were known to breed Heathhounds, massive desert-dwelling
hounds that killed animals as large as a house. Ive heard they dont drink water, only the
blood of their victims satisfies their thirst.
So she was a tamer, of great power, but how could that help her kill those people?
Theres no chance of her killing the Snowguards without use of a Sollum. Shed cut
down Snowguards like wheat in a field with just a sword, Id never heard of a human


killing one in single combat, let alone outnumbered. Even a Heathhound couldnt help
her against a Snowguard.
What happened after the explosion? I said, using the same tone of fascination to
make sure he didnt stop talking. The stranger took a step back, and small swelled his
chest, then said loudly;
The woman, I heard she just ignored the blast. She drew a big Allard military
scimitar and charged at the Voice faster than lightning. She took down two fast as you
can blink, then fought the other two. She was incredible, fluidly blocking every strike
almost before it happened. They were both dead in seconds.
The little guy paused, chest heaving with excitement. I waited patiently, but he
didnt continue.
Well, what happened next? I prompted.
Sorry there, lost my thoughts for a moment. Well she walked to the Voice who
stood head high. That old man was mean, but he sure was tough. He said; Feyl will not
let you live for this, for he will destroy all his enemies soon. Youve not done anything
but doom yourself further. She looked at him with both disgust and admiration and then
looked to him and said Let Feyl try to destroy me. And then the Voice died.
Then she just stood there, all calm-like. The Snowguards cornered her, she knew
she didnt have any chance at escaping them. But they hesitated, all scared of her.
Imagine that, twenty Snowguard afraid of one woman and a sword!
At this I gave a little oh! and he risked raising his voice even more, as he had
been getting steadily louder.


That hesitation cost those Snowguards big time, the swordmaiden, threw up her
left hand, real dramatic-like and shouted: Long live Hestion! The Snowguards seemed
to move back at this. I must admit I was even made a little nervous by this from where I
was watching, behind the wall of Snowguards. She was indeed a striking figure, a huge
sword held loosely in her right hand, the other hand skyward. The next thing that
happened was the oddest part of it all; she gave us all a big wink, and then stuck her
tongue out. Then bird picked her up and carried her. I bet it let her down soon after,
even a Raaka cant carry a full-grown woman long.
Thanks for the story. I mumbled, still imagining the strangeness of what the
man had told me. Though nothing stranger than her final words, Long Live Hestion.
Hestion the evil, the wicked, the Darkbringer? Was she part of some evil cult?
As if reading my thoughts, the kid said defensively, Im not a liar! Ask anyone
if I told you the truth.
No I believe you. I said quietly.
Oh, well then the boy trailed off awkwardly. Without another word, he
shuffled off, muttering discontentedly to himself.
I ran home without further ado, mulling over the things Id heard today. The
mans story made complete sense to me. Id seen signs of all of it, her strange connection
with the bird, the aura of strength, the drive to defeat Espera Id sensed in her.
It all matched up with the bits of the story I already had. It was all so exciting,
and one day I might get to be like her. But I would only be like her if she werent an evil
cultist worshipping a demon god.


All I had to do was give up the life I was so unsatisfied with in the first place.
Why then, was I so unwilling to leave it behind? It would be a warriors life if ever there
were one, I would fight Espera with every breath left to me. I would be amongst Allards,
brothers, instead of those here that rejected the very blood that ran in my veins. I felt a
kind of longing, for the life that was so infuriatingly close. I felt like I was at the edge of
a cliff, the promise of a better life at the ground. All that was required of me to seize this
life was a bit of initiative, and I just didnt have the backbone to take that life. I felt a
deep sadness, unusual to be sad while I was running.
Now Alvas, no use wallowing, its your own fault, isnt it? And after all
anything can happen, maybe sometime soon, youll be in the Rataan Outpost, fighting
with Vexa, defeating Espera. This fantasy cheered me greatly and Id soon once again
lost my troubles in the miles to my house.


Chapter 7: The Office of Information

Weeks and weeks passed, my life was irritatingly business-as-usual. I was still
left to entertain myself for days on end, and after nearly two weeks of running and little
else in the hot sun, my favorite pastime even began to lose some of its wonderful charms
and benefits. My dear old dad and m had an enormous shouting match over what had
happened at the First Flow. He seemed to be maintaining that I had humiliated and
caused the family great grief over talking to someone who was, not to my knowledge at
the time, a terrorist. I furiously recalled my fathers callousness to my suffering,
unwillingness to doubt the establishment. But worst of all, he tried to blame it on my
What were you thinking? Socializing with random and dangerous people, you
should be cast out of the house right now.
What are you saying, do you honestly think that I knew she was a terrorist?
Well I thought we raised you---
How could the way I was raised have anything to do with this? I cut him off,
even though he hated to be interrupted. I knew this, now I was goading him.
He stood there for a moment to angry to speak, but when he did speak, it was a
choked voice. I realized he was closing his throat to stop himself from screaming to
Well most would ignore her just because of her skin.
Youdyoud ignore her just because she was an Allard. I AM AN ALLARD,
LOOK AT MY SKIN! I shouted as fiercely and loudly as I could, my adolescent voice


cracked unimpressively. He didnt dare respond to that, hed let slip too much already.
He told me he thought Allards were evil. And by his double standard, I was evil too.
It was dark out now, Id taken to sitting on the flat roof of my home. I was
shaking with anger at the memory of my father. Of course Id always known of his
extreme discomfort with my birthplace, but having it confirmed like that, was horrible.
The cool night air pacified me slowly, I felt the bitterness slide off me as I gazed
into the majesty of the heavens. I took a long look, and it occurred to me that there had to
be a god out there. Id spent night out here for a good part of my life, and every time I
stared up, the realization became clearer and clearer. I couldnt deny that this was the
work of none other than an omnipotent imagination. It was simply too much beauty to
have just sort of fallen together. It was with this revelation thoroughly occupying my
mind that I fell asleep, gazing at the stars.
Alvas! Alvas! I heard a deep voice call out. I landed on the wide windowsill
of my bedroom, agile as ever, and hopped into my room through the open window. I
found my father in the doorframe, looking embarrassed and apologetic.
Oh, um, Alvas! Hello son! he said, his voice falsely cheery, still looking
extremely sheepish. In return I threw him the most venomous glare I could muster.
Sure you should be talking to me? I am an Allard, after all, and I might turn out
to be a terrorist. I said, my voice dripping with contemptuous sarcasm.
Wellyou see, Ive been feeling terrible about the things we said to each other
over your involvement in the terrorist attack.
You mean my uninvolvement? I said coolly.


Yeswell I was wondering if I could make it up to you by taking you to work

with me today? he said awkwardly. I gaped at him for a moment in amazement.
My fathers occupation had always been a carefully avoided subject in our family.
Id often wondered what was so secret that I couldnt even know the slightest generalities
of his line of work. From his proposal I gathered two things: One, his job wasnt so
exciting that I couldnt ever know about it; and two, he really felt terrible about how hed
treated me. I made the snap decision to forgive his unkindness and dropped my sullen
attitude slightly.
Sowhen are we leaving. I said coyly, doing my best to suppress my
excitement. But my father seemed to have picked up on it because he told me wed leave
in an hour or so, told me to dress as well as I could, and walked off with a little bounce in
his step.
I threw on a dressy dirt-brown tunic that made my back itch irritatingly, but
ignored it, heeding what my father had told me to do. I combed my spiky hair into order
as well as I could, I guessed that my hairs usual tousled look wouldnt sit well with my
dads presumably serious fellow employees. I wolfed down a piece of buttered rye toast
and waited for my father, itching at my back.
It wasnt long before he marched into the room pompously, evidently still feeling
rather pleased with himself for getting on my good side. I shot him a disdainful look, not
wanting him to think that he was free from my wrath entirely. He ignored me and sat
down, munching on his piece of dry bread while I fidgeted with my tunic. He patiently
gnawed for moments that stretched into minutes.
Can we please go? I burst out impatiently.


Patience is a virtue, son. He said wisely, enjoying this new found power he had
over me. But he stood up and moved towards the door, then motioned for me to join him
where he stood I hurried towards the door and strode through it. He let the door slam
shut and swiftly followed me. As I was already half way down the street, walking as
swiftly as I could.
Alvas, My father beckoned me airily, other way. I caught up with his shorter
strides almost at the intersection of the street that led into the city, Lightbringer Cross,
and the street that my home was on, Lightbringer Sanctuary (all streets had names that
started with Lightbringer to symbolize that the city belonged to Feyl.)
We walked into the heart of the city, I was holding my breath in silent anticipation
when we hit the Governmental District. At this I felt both hugely disappointed and
excited. I had secretly wished my father had been pretending to love Espera and had
been secretly working alongside Vexa. It was farfetched, but it did make the routine of
my life seem just a bit more exciting. The exciting part was that he could be doing
something really important. Though I didnt believe the Esperad Government, I did like
to think my father was a person of influence. Because if he was important, then I must be
as well. I guessed that it was probable that he had a fairly high status because his Sollum
was of high potency. I have no clue as to what it might be, fathers are usually not
supposed to reveal their Sollum to their son, unless it warps the surface of the arm (those
that do are usually very powerful), of course. Most fathers show their children his
Sollum, but my father is simply too much the law-abiding citizen to reveal his Sollum to
me. I had gotten clues that it was either very useful or very powerful, because people


seemed to always regard him with a certain wary respect, and this was how men of
strength were treated in all of Caste.
We stopped in front of a relatively large building Id never seen before. It was
painted a murky black color and had been given far too little a number of windows.
Feyl, no wonder dads so stern and grouchy all the time, who wouldnt be after
working in this depressing hole for so many years? I thought to myself.
Well, lets go in. he said cheerily. Id scarcely ever seen him so happy, his job
must be fascinating if he wants to return to it after being stuck in such a dreary building.
He threw wide the equally dark and windowless double doors and I followed him in. As
soon as the doors to the
I struggled to see a woman sitting behind a desk, for nearly every bit of light had
been sucked from the room when the double doors had closed. I felt my father grab my
right shoulder and lead me to the desk where I could now see a greasy-looking woman
sitting behind the desk in the minimal amount of light.
Morning, Azrilla. He said happily to the woman sitting a good ten paces away
in large entrance room.

She gave a sort of moan in response, I looked at him

questioningly but he just bobbed his head at the sweaty, moaning woman and moved to
what I could barely recognize as the outline of a door. He twisted the knob and opened
the door, which led into a room that was even more poorly lit.
Well, son. This is it, the Office of Information! He said proudly. I could make
out huge bookshelves, and several desks scattered in my very short line-of-vision. What
do you think? he said eagerly.


Well, its a bitdark. I tried to minimize the disappointment that I felt. Id

really expected far more from my fathers enigmatic occupation, it seemed hed kept it
secret simply for his own vanity.
Dark? Ohyes, I do forget sometimes. To work here you need near perfect
night vision to read the documents and navigate and such. If you try to expose one of
these documents to light, theyre enchanted to catch flame to avoid a thief from reading
them He looked at me, hoping that Id be a little more impressed. He frowned when my
expression of discontent remained.
WellIll just give you a little introduction, then. He plowed on bravely
The Office of Information was designed by none other than the great Vithtan scholar,
Danaelus, who came up with the genius anti-theft system, architecture, and even
furnishings in this whole place. And nowafter nearly two decades of loyal service in
this building, I have been chosen to run it. He laughed loudly in a way that forcefully
reminded me of the crazed Interrogator. The laugh died off awkwardly and we stood in
the darkness.
Soyou run this library.
Its more than a library, son. Its every piece of literature of any nature that is
published. We have it all checked here, edit or change it if need be. This is the base of
operations for all the information that is sent out into the world.
This was incredible! My father was a man of extraordinary influence. He
controlled the information flow of the entire. People believed what he said across the
globe. And yet I knew something was wrong. It was also horrible; he was in charge of


the lies. All I abhorred he allowed t to be said that Allards were evil, that Espera was a
benevolent and kindly ruler.
So, I said quietly, Youre in charge of the anti-Allardon filth.
He looked at me, dumbstruck for a long moment
stormed out, tripping unceremoniously on a chair and banging my knee on the wall as I
blundered towards the door. He was next to the door before I did, mumbling as he
opened the door into the brighter room, but not following me out as I ran from the
I sprinted towards my home, tears streaming furiously as my insides burned with
rage and loathing for my father. He could have stopped all the prosecution my people
and I were going through by simply not saying the words he said. The parchment that he
printed his evil declarations was fueling the racism and discrimination that burned this
country. I saw for a moment the Office of Information engulfed in a raging inferno, then
I saw a huge field of short Esperad soldiers, running from a towering wall of fire. I saw
many strange, burning things until nothing but flames engulfed my vision. I felt a searing
pain as the flames in my eyes licked the already damaged spots where the Interrogator
had been in my head. I saw in my minds eye the old man hooting with laughter as fire
ate him as well. I crashed into my living room, and collapsed.
Alvas? Whats wrong? Wheres your father? she asked, but fell silent when I
howled with agony as the fire crawled all over my body. Then it all seemed to be sucked


into a single point, the base of my right wrist. Where the pain got still more excruciating,
then subsided. I looked down at my right hand, and realized for the first time, it was
dancing up and down with bright orange flames.


Chapter 8: Welcome to the Rest of Your Life

I stood there for a moment, not at all grasping what was happening. Why was my
arm on fire? Id never heard of an arm burning up without the person noticing. Maybe
Id accidentally brought home a paper from the Office of Information, and it had caught.
The pain seemed to have stopped, but I still kept seeing fire cracking inside my
eyes. My mother just stared at my arm for a second.
Oh! Your Sollum, dear! Um I know this can be messy but She filled a large
pail of water and used it to douse a rug that Id unintentionally set aflame. She then filled
a second pail of water and splashed it onto me. I felt that horrible pain lance through my
arm and I squealed with the pain. But the fire didnt die; it only got higher, repelling my
mother forcefully away.
Of course it doesnt work, Im so sorry dear. She said fretfully. I was about to
respond but was silenced by a, image of my mother burning up, I cried out with fear.
Mom! No I didnt mean to
Its all right dear, Im still okay. I know this can be extremely emotional, but
your emotions control your Sollum, you need to find a way to calm down. She said,
urgent but still gentle. I stood there trying desperately to find a way to calm down. I
thought of the happiest things I could, but still the blaze clouded my vision, making it
nearly impossible to calm down. I was barely conscious of mom dashing frantically
about, desperately attempting to extinguish the fires that were catching about the room. I
kept trying, but nothing seemed to douse my sollum. I couldnt think of a better course
of action, so I turned away from my mother, opened the door (it melted as I grasped it)
threw the door open and sprinted off in opposite direction of my house.


I closed my eyes as I ran. I didnt care where I was going. I ran for long hours as
hard as I could, unable to breath but kept going because I could still see flames.
Gradually the intensity of the fire died off and I staggered back into reality. I opened my
eyes with a bit of difficulty as they had been closed for a very long time. It was night,
and the only light was the twinkling of stars just over my head. I dully recognized that
my feet shouldve been aching from hours of running. My dress tunic had also been
burnt also entirely away.
Sweet Feyl, Ive been in pain every second of the last few days, havent I? But
now I feel greatodd. I thought. For some reason, I now felt totally fine. More than
that, I felt optimistic. Life would get better now, because I would soon be starting
Id soon be bidding my parents farewell for the entire week, only needing to
tolerate my dads (by his double-standard) hatred of my kind for weekends at a time. I
thought excitedly of all wed be doing. It wasnt education in the sense of grades and
written work, Sollumas was nothing but career training for a future that wasnt at all long
in coming.
Most kids need only a few years of Sollumas until they were taken on for
positions by craftspeople, corporations, and the government. Most of Sollumas was spent
preparing a child for a multitude of possible career paths that could be chosen. At the
end, the many and diverse employers choose the children as their new employees.
I finally reached the front yard of my house. I surveyed the damages on the
house. The front door was blackened in numerous places, the lawn seemed to be
smoldering, though the fire had long died out, but I was happy that the house was at least


still standing and whatever damage Id caused would be repairable to some extent. I took
what felt to me like a walk of shame. I would walk into the house, ankle smarting, and
find the entire place destroyed absolutely. Much of the already fairly meager furniture
would be turned to a heaping pile of ash, and my mother would be burned badly from
extinguishing the fires Id managed to create. I pushed open the door slowly, trying to
take in what I saw with as much composure as I could. It was almost exactly like Id
imagined it, the entire room was filled with carbonized waste that had been the sparse
furnishings of the great room that had served as both the kitchen and sitting room. It
wasnt really a sitting room any more, because all the couches were consumed by the
flame before my mother and father had gotten rid of it.
But there was one massive difference between what I pictured and what I now
saw. Id imagined my mother weeping pathetically while my father paced the room,
pounding a wall with his fist every few paces. My prediction couldnt have been farther
from the truth. Both parents stood, arms around each other, beaming at me happily. My
mother and father rushed to greet me with equal enthusiasm; my father reaching up pat
me heartily on the shoulder while my mother wrapped her arms around my midriff.
Congratulations, son! Congratulations! dad beamed at me excitedly, Your
sollum has emerged. And a very powerful one by the looks of it!
My mother just raised her soot-covered face up to me and gave me a very watery
Uh, thanks dad. I was too bewildered by their strange attitude towards the
events that had recently transpired to act coldly towards my father. In fact, I felt too good


to be angry with my father had I expected this treatment from my guardians. I felt
strangely tranquil and glad-hearted.
How do you feel son? he fixed me with the same warm look as he spoke.
UmwelllighterI guess. I stammered, unable to find the right words to
describe the sensation.
He nodded at me sagely, Of course you do. When your sollum emerges, you are,
in a way, reborn. All the physical aches and pains are gone from you that you had
weighing on you in your childhood is lifted from your shoulders, to give you a good start
into adulthood. Feyl takes all your pain on his strong back, another gift he gives to us.
He said this all with his usual great reverence. I was relived to find that I still felt
contemptuous towards my fathers habits of Feyl-worshiping. I now knew that it hadnt
changed my character, only taken my past pains away.
ButI destroyed most of our house. Arent you both mad?
Oh darling, nothing to worry about itll be fixed. And we dont blame you.
Sollum emergence is extremely traumatic. Even more so when you consider how
powerful your sollum is. She said, glancing at my arm, which now seemed to be charred
and blackened, even though the burn caused me no pain or inhibited the use of it. I
realized that it wasnt actually burned, but the emergence had warped the surface, as was
the case with the most potent sollums.
Dont worry about the damages, Alvas. Lets celebrate! Because tomorrow its
off to Sollumas with you. Said my mother as she grabbed a long-necked bottle of the
best Alcabaubble we had (Alcabaubble is an extremely highly-carbonated alcoholic
beverage). I chose to accept without question the glass of liquid that my father had


explicitly forbidden for me to drink before today. And so I and the two people that had
taken me in, I who was an orphan of their enemy, and we laughed and talked long into
the night.
I woke as sunlight filtered through the drawn curtains of my room, striking my
eyes. I guessed it was fairly early judging by how low the sun was in the sky. I felt as if
the events of the last few days had never happened. As if Id slept off the residual aches
in my back and the throbbing had left my head. It was indeed as my father had told me,
somehow my pains had been removed from me in every way. The massive lump the
Snowguard had raised on the back of my head was no more. The tiny scars left behind
by the interrogation had also vanished. I checked my body over thrice more and found
not a single blemish (except for my blackened right arm, which would be cinder-colored
for the rest of my life). It was a wonder how much had occurred when my sollum had
emerged. It was intended to be this way. My father told me that only after Emergence
was all made clear by Esperas design, Feyls Way wished for Emergence to be a magical
and mysterious experience for those who havent yet experienced it.
I dressed in my same baggy cloth shorts and cotton short-sleeved shirt. I walked
down the stairs and inhaled the salty aroma of sizzling Bliidswine meat. My mother had
chosen to make my favorite breakfast on the morning of my first day of Sollumas. I
pelted down the stairs and towards the small remaining table in the kitchen. Seeing the
burns on the walls made me remember the events of the previous nights. But when I tried
to recall the fire in my eyes or any of the horror I found all I could remember was the
proud gazes of my parents. I decided to accept as my parents had that I couldnt have
helped what Id done to our home and that guilt was unnecessary.


I sat down and cheerfully bit into the briny, soft flesh of the perfectly cooked
Bliidswine and let my tongue run blithely over the smooth surface of the meat. I
salivated with pleasure as I ate, unable to stop myself from doing so.
I looked at my father as I chewed slowly, savoring every bite. We were silent for
a while, choosing not to make conversation because our mouths were busy working on
the Bliidswine steak. After we finished eating, my father decided it was time to go. My
mother walked us both to the door, and unexpectedly began bawling.
Mom, whats wrong? I exclaimed disbelievingly
You Y-you-youre not going to h-home anymore, and I going to m-m-mmiss you
lots. She stammered emotionally. I looked at her, dumbstruck. The woman had her
entire home ravaged with fire just yesterday and could still smile without a second
thought, but her son left for a few days and she breaks down. She cried feebly into my
fathers shoulder, looking very childlike. I wrapped my long arms around her and bent
down to kiss her wet cheek.
Salright, mom. Ill be back by the weekend and I cant wait to see you. I
patted her uncomfortably on the shoulder. I wasnt used to being the one who consoled
her. It had always been her taking care of me. Now, she couldnt do that anymore, and it
was making us both a little sad.
My father and I left her at the doorstep, still waving to us sadly. It was then I
realized that this would be her first day alone in nearly twenty years, and I appreciated
how hard my absence would be on her. We stopped at the end of the walkway leading
away from our home. We turned and looked at each other, he gave me a look like he
never had before. He actually looked like he was proud of me, like he really wanted me,


no matter what my skin looked like. And I knew that this was all he needed to do to earn
my forgiveness for all the hurt he had caused me throughout my life. He extended his
hand and I shook it firmly and we wordlessly turned in opposite directions and walked
away. I never turned back, I didnt feel any sense of loss and I didnt feel the need to try
to see one last reminiscing glance of my old life of being stuck in the sand and unable to
I was actually doing something new for the first time in my life and it felt
wonderfully empowering.
Sollumas leads to my destiny and for now I accept it. I said determinedly and,
unable to fight the urge, I took off in the direction of the orange sun coming up onto the


Chapter 9: Sollumas
Sollumas wasnt far away from where I lived in the city limits. But Id never
been there before. In fact, I had no idea it was there at all. The location was a carefully
kept secret, though Id never tried to actively find it, making it even easier to keep
All part of trying to sustain the mystery behind Sollum Emergence, I guessed. I
saw other students coming in from different directions all around me, the crowd of my
peers was thick and noisy, though I still stuck out, being taller than most of the Esperads.
I guessed that this unknown building would have to hold around 700 of near-adults,
seeing as how most every 16-20 year old within the city limits would be coming here to
learn and gain a trade. I felt out of place with the crowd. I felt nervous.
As alone as I felt, I knew there had to be other adopted War Orphans, maybe
that still felt like they belonged somewhere other than Espera. I couldnt be the only sane
person in Lightbringer City - that was just impossible.
I was just one tiny droplet of water in a river of children that pushed now into a
narrow alleyway. It was unusual to find such an important building in such an obscure
location. I was vaguely aware of the men that lurked in their hooded smocks. Their eyes
darted manically through the crowd, searching for a curious-looking child that might be
trying to blend into the crowd. Every so often they would pull a child away from the
stream of adolescents and ask them a few questions. I prayed to Feyl that the shadowy
men wouldnt stop me, and my prayers were answered for the men took no special
interest in me. Though the same could not be said for the pupils, they couldnt stop


staring at me. I wanted to shout, Im just a little taller and darker than you, and its not
that special! Move along! But I said nothing at all, I just kept moving.
I searched the crowd for other sore thumbs like myself. I was able to spot a
fire-haired Estian boy and a massive, hairy man that could only be of the giant Magrans.
These were the only two that stuck out in the crowds that made their way to a huge
wooden gate that led to Sollumas.
The great doors led into a long, dark, torch-lit tunnel that the stream of children
funneled into. I was jostled even more and knocked around. But I was determined not to
fall down, to appear weak or clumsy. I knew how quick people could make judgments
and making a fool of myself so quickly would be less than ideal. We all filed into a
massive antechamber, clearly designed to hold a great number of people. The place had
no distinguishing features, except it was circled with statues of men whom I assumed
were past Sollum Masters (overseers of the entire Sollumas). They stared down at us
I stood still along with the rest of my peers, feeling tall and awkward as many
gazes rested on me. I saw no others besides the Magran and Estian. A man entered the
room, he was taller and much thicker than the average Esperad, his hair was in a short,
military crop and he looked serious as death. The Sollum Master, I presumed. I looked
at his right arm. It wore a ring that glowed brightly in the poor lit room. Id heard
rumors of this man. It was said that from that ring he could shoot pure energy powerful
enough to pierce bone and armor.
Welcome all to this week of Sollumas, well be starting a Pathway based entirely
on the fine careers of Arathmetics. Well be working on this for the entire week, and I


am told that some of you especially gifted in the art of Arathmetics will be offered
positions. Many people groaned, but the greatest part was when the man once again tried
to continue talking, but the Magran interrupted by howling loudly and weeping
hysterically. Several people laughed at him, while the Estian boy tried to console him.
The man waited for the Magran to calm down, wrinkling his nose in an
expression of strong distaste. I already wasnt fond the man. He struck me as
authoritative and controlling. Not to mention his express dislike for the Magran.
The Magran stopped bawling and the hushed laughs and whispered remarks all
around me stopped, I guessed that they were afraid the great juggernaut might hear their
insults and react to them.
Well, we welcome all you humans andothers. It will be a wonderful week I
am sure. He finished with a gruff little cough and marched rigidly from the front of the
I looked incredulously at the place where he stood did he seriously just call nonEsperads not human. He is a horrible, wicked, pure-loving cretin. It was common
knowledge in Caste that the Esperads were technically the only purely human race, but
that didnt give him the right to speak hatefully of us. We were as every but as human in
our hearts, if not in our blood.
I was deeply troubled by the fact that this place was still carrying such old
prejudices. It occurred to me that this was probably the thing that still kept those ancient
biases in the hearts of the people, because every Esperad that passed through here learned
about them from teachers like the Master. In the city, in Sollumas, even in my home, I
experienced such oppression. I could never truly escape the clutches of Esperad bigotry.


I entered the dining hall feeling the weight of the Esperads attention. I slumped
my shoulder in despair. I tried to find a seat next to any of the War Orphans, but found it
impossible. I was sandwiched in between two Esperads that were practically identical. I
found that it was the same here as most anywhere I went; all the people looked
depressingly the same. Keeping Pure blood was a prerogative of Feyls Way. It was
no longer a crime to be of Other blood. But if you were, you were a pariah.
This manifesto had led to a race of people who hardly looked different at all.
Food was shuffled down through the tables by clones of one another. The food was good
but basic, raw vegetables and fruits with a small portion of dried meats.
I kept my head down as I ate. I crunched on the food, feeling like a whipped dog.
I felt impotent fury, desperate to strike out, but knowing the price would be too great to
do so. I was trapped here, under their glares. And here I had to stay. The freedom I had
wanted, it wasnt here. And that hurt.
I cant believe theyre starting a unit on Arathmetics. Someone complained
I know, I felt like doing what the idiot Magran did and just start crying like a
child, another voice said.
I bristled, I already felt a kinship with the Magran; we were all in the same boat. I
wondered how long it would be until people began to insult me behind my back. I
realized that some had probably started slandering me the moment they saw me join the
throng of Sollumas students. I looked down at my blackened right hand, wondering who
had already become curious of my power. Mealtime finished after nearly half an hour
had passed. It was the longest meal of my life.


They led us to several different hallways, I and a two other students who were
starting off today were each directed to different hallways. I was told to join group
Quatrus, or the fourth hallway. I was filled with relief when I saw that there was a
Kecklas girl was in Quatrus as well. But other than her, there were none other War
Orphans in this hallway. It emptied into yet another room, this time filled with chairs and
desks all centered on a large, empty space. It was the lecture hall of the Sollumas. I took
the closest seat I could to the Kecklas, who didnt seem to have many friends. But there
were two girls who included her (barely) in a rapid and trivial chat that was typical of
many adolescent girls.
I felt her looking at the back of my head and turned to her with a smile. She
turned away from me; I was surprised by the coldness of this gesture and turned away
from her, feeling dejected. I thought about asking her what in the name-of-Feyl her
problem was, but my I was distracted from my hurt feelings by the entrance of a
spectacled man who was unusually thin for an Esperad male, who were usually solidly
built. But his stature, as I soon realized, was no indication of his demeanor. The moment
he entered the entire room felt into a sort of fearful silence. I guessed the veterans of
Sollumas knew this man, and were afraid of the result of chatter. He strode confidently
across the room, eyes faced straight forward, not looking towards the students. He
stopped walking and turned to face us in very stiff, pronounced motions. He looked over
his emerald-tinted glasses and into his audience severely, as if wed already greatly
wronged him. He spoke in a clear, resonating soprano voice that was high-pitched but
not weak or shrill


Welcome to this cycles Pathway on Arathmetics, or the art of logical and

objective calculations. I am Professor Glennice. I am not here for you to spend hours of
memorizing, as in everything we do in Sollumas this will all be knowledge applied to
your possible futures. I wont lie to you; this Pathway is often a challenge for students.
But I am also being entirely truthful when I say that Arathmetics will be used constantly
in most careers, and those with dreadful scores on these tests will not be accepted into
some of the more wealth-bringing and interesting careers. Lets get started.
I noticed that his right hand hadnt stopped moving; it was still twitching and
shaking while he spoke. He then, without further ado, strode to the board in his swift and
precise way. He snatched up an Ashstick and began to write on the smooth white wood
of the board behind him.
I figured out what his sollum was within seconds, his right hand moved in a blur
across the back wall, leaving the most beautiful and perfect printed scrawl behind it. He
was a Scribe, a very savant ability to work with language and words. Scribes were
almost equal to Voices in terms of respect they were given. They spent their lives doing
simple research.
He talked without even needing to concentrate on his writing; it was like his brain
needed only to think and the words appeared on the smooth wall. He actually stopped
watching what words his hand wrote and turned to look at us while he spoke. I paid very
little attention to what he was saying, I just watched what his Ashstick wrote and
understood what his mouth said. I was sure that nobody heard a word he said, they were
so entranced with his sollums handiwork.


After awhile, the class began to drag on. There was no change in scenery or pace.
I was used to both, spending my time running through different places. I was a restless
spirit and I found I was less and less interested in his jittery hand.
By the end of class, I had fallen into a daydream of flashing colors and the rhythm
of my feet on earth. My eyes had glazed over and it didnt really register what was
happening anymore. I was shaken from the moment by a little shake of my shoulder.
Sir, hes still alive. The melodic voice of a girl spoke loudly and exasperatedly.
What a relief, Said a sarcastic voice, I thought I may have been so dull as to
kill the young fellow.
I cussed under my breath, I had to spend a week trying to receive good marks
from this guy and hed already caught me snoozing on the job.
Sorry sir. I said glumly, awaiting some form of punishment.
Wellit is your first day. It can be difficult to find a learners state of mind. So
I will be kind and not repeat the lesson during you free time, but this will be my only
lenient response, hurry along, Alvas, and you as well Karli. He said primly then turned
I turned to see whose voice had awoken me, and felt the breath leave my lungs. It
was the Kecklas girl, and she was beautiful. She was totally gorgeous by anyones
standard, but what made her even prettier to me now was that she was blessedly different
in this place of oppressive sameness. Her skin was pure ivory, but not veined or sickly
like the white of the Esperad skin. She had Kecklas hair, which was deep, ocean blue.
Her eyes matched her hair, and the light played strangely in her eyes, changing hues


almost constantly. She looked much friendlier now, with a slight smile playing at the
corners of her full lips.
Soyoure Karli. I said lamely, feeling the opposite of charming.
Yes, I am, welcome to Sollumas. She said with an amused smile, absolutely at
ease with me. I was glad, because I was as awkward as I could be. My social skills were
less than developed, a way in which she clearly wasnt disadvantaged. She paused for a
moment Whats your name?
Alvas. I said too quickly.
Well, Alvas, shall we go to the courtyards? she offered easily. Her voice was
mesmerizing, like a sirens call.
Umsure. I said, nerves kicking in. She was by far the prettiest girl Id ever
talked to. Almost the only girl Id ever talked to.
We walked down the hallway that led to the dining hall, but made a detour in one
of the branches of Quatrus hallway. This hallway led to a crowded plaza-like area. I
noted that there were arched openings on either side, and students moved continuously
through these doorways, each leading into one of the seven Pathway courtyards. Karli
and I made small talk the entire time. I found her easy to talk with, and walked with her
the entire way, my original discomfort eased. She waved to several of the girls that
passed us by, but not one other of the boys. We crossed three plazas and stopped in what
was by my count the Unus courtyard. It was almost empty compared to the other
courtyards, most of which were near full. This one was almost completely deserted, with
a small group against the back wall being the only occupants. By the looks of the
occupants, I could guess why.


Hey Karli, picked up the junior, I see. Said a sassy young Estian girl with fiery
hair. I noted that her every motion had a certain grace and fluidity to it, like a dancer.
She was also incredibly beautiful, as Estian women were famous for.
Yeah Tiva, hes an Allard. Karli said
I can see that, its excellent. Allards are almost always naturally adept in the
ways of combat, training or no. An excellent addition to our little band of misfits. Said a
raven-haired Vithtan, who was scrawny even by the low standards of the race. I could
already tell that he was intelligent, just from the way he sized me up, so thoroughly
absorbing every inch of me. It wasnt insulting, just a bit disconcerting.
You always see people by their tactical values. Dont you, Sani? said the Estian
boy whod calmed the Magran down before, but I could hear he was excited by my
arrival as well. He had bestial features. His hair a crimson mane, and something about
him was primal and aggressive.
Yes I do, Kalsiffer. And while were on the subject, he appears to have a rather
powerful sollum. But hes far too young to be able to control it. Sani said
Karli and I approached the group; the reason Unus courtyard was so much less
populated was because that was where the War Orphans often were. Feyl forbid that
Esperads would have to anywhere near us. I noticed a shape looming just behind
Kalsiffer. I focused on it and saw that it was the Magran, laying on its side.
Who is that? I asked the question to Tiva, and looked past her.
Him? she said, jerking a thumb back towards Thats old Buggrum. Poor guys
been here longer than all of us put together, but nobody will give him a job. Magrans are
stupid as boulders, you know. A class of Arathmetics puts so much stress on his brain


that he needs to nap it off. But he sure is sweet, if you dont get on his bad side. She
said affectionately and gave him a tender pat on his gargantuan shoulder. She then
looked at me and said seriously. But please, in the name of the Almighty Feyl, dont get
on his bad side.
I took a moment to celebrate this discovery. The Others had already united to
protect themselves from what I had heard Karli call Esperads: the Pures, from their proud
blood status.
Arathmetics Pathways are a dangerous time for us Others. said Karli suddenly,
Buggrum sleeps a lot, and the Pures just seem much more willing to attack. The
professors never seem to step in, even they avoid Unus courtyard. Is it from fear, malice,
or simple uncaring? Whatever the reason, they always seem more ready to let us kids
solve our own problems.
Lets solve them quietly, we dont want to wake up the big guy. Tiva insisted.
I was confused by Karlis seemingly random observation, but my new comrades
picked up on her meaning immediately. Everyone seemed to shift themselves into subtly
more aggressive positions. Tiva revealed two shafts of hard wood as long as my forearm.
Karli took out a sling that shes wrapped around her right leg and fit a small stone in the
weapon from her pocket. I saw Kalsiffers sollum when five wicked talons extended from
his cuticles. I saw in my peripheral vision Sani meld into a dark corner and disappear. I
saw the purpose of the Others change in posture when six burly boys passed through the
arch and into Unus courtyard. The mood around me suddenly became tense and
apprehensive, all eyes rested on us.


Welcome to Unus courtyard, gentlemen. Would you like anything before you
leave with your tail between your legs? Custa, Id like to give you a spot of
reconstructive surgery on that face of yours, I think it would do you wonders. whispered
Kalsiffer casually, pointing a clawed finger toward the leader of the new arrivals, Custa,
the largest and cruelest of face. The boys right arm was three times as muscular as his
left. I guessed hed do enough damage with one arm.
Were here to chase you Half-men out of this place, you arent even human
youre all part evil creature. A boy piped up insolently from behind the rest, smaller and
weaker than me.
Shut up, youre just a bunch of talk. Allow me to knock some of that out of you,
you undersized toad. I snarled at him.
He pushed his way to the front of the group. Oh youll pay for that, halfling,
come on and get some from ol Lenn. Ill bleed some of that contaminated blood from
your dirty brown Allard skin. I was about to shout something else when suddenly
Karlis hand, no longer seeming so delicate, clapped over my mouth.
Shhhhh, fix him, but quietly. Karli instructed. I nodded and she let go, then
patted me on the shoulder.
I wasnt much for finesse, never had been. When Id had to assist my mother
with making dinner, I was never allowed to wield the knife. But I was strong; I usually
helped with the crushing, and the pounding jobs. I was better at them, and all that
crushing and pounding helped me now.
I used the explosive speed Id developed through a lifetime of running to give
myself the element of surprise. I rushed headlong into the crowd of Pures without a


second thought, tackling Lenn forcefully. I pinned him beneath my weight and got in
one, two, three, powerful punches before I was thrown off him by another Pure who
dragged me away. He threw me back to the ground kicked me in the gut.
I felt a sickening lurch and felt the urge to vomit. Without explanation, the Pure
dropped to the dust next to me, clutching his head. I looked over and saw Karli wink at
me, already reloaded and twirling her sling again. I got to my feet just in time to see Tiva
fighting two at a time. She swung her wooden weapon, missing, but then delivered a
devastating high kick to his jaw. The second one took advantage of this vulnerable
position, pulling the leg she was standing on out from under her. She fell with a cry,
dropping her weapons. One rolled toward me. I picked up the baton and rushed the big
kid looming over her. I brought it down over his head like a hammer. He dropped like a
The next one rose with a groan, rubbing his jaw. He saw me and froze. I tapped
Tivas weapon on my hand.
Why dont you help your buddy out, he decided to take a nap. I suggested
menacingly, pointing the baton. He nodded hurriedly, and began dragging his friend out.
Tiva looked up at me and said gratefully Thanks, rook, I was in trouble there for
a second. Mightve done a lot worse if not for you. She then held out her hand right
expectantly. She had a tattoo on the back of her hand, three wavy lines.
My sollum is called the Flow. It allows my body enhanced flexibility and
greater range of motion. It is the ability of the Estian Amazons, an elite circle of women
warriors. Once, my mother had belonged to this group. But the Amazons take a vow of
chastity, which she broke, obviously. One day, I plan to return there and take my place


among them. She told the story passionately, her voice taking on an edge of
determination shed normally lacked.
I believe you will. I agreed, and helped her to her feet. She was incredibly
light. She sprung her feet, then grabbed me by the shoulder and leaned into me. But then
she suddenly flipped over shoulders, kicking my knees out as she did. I fell to my knees
and sat there. She playfully grabbed my hair.
So am I good, or am I good? She bragged.
Show off. I muttered
The group had fled, except for their leader Custa, who now stood alone. Kalsiffer
was before him, his arms crossed over his chest.
You lost, Custa, Esperad proves yet again to be weaker than any other. Go, you
pathetic little worm.
Dont come back unless youd like another whipping. Tiva called after them
In which case said Kalsiffer
Wed be happy to oblige. Finished Sani and they laughed and clapped each
other on the back.
Hell of a first fight you put up there, Junior, you crazy bastard. Karli laughed
and helped me up.
Yeah, not too bad. But not as flashy as my first fight. Tiva bragged.
As I recall, you hit Karli on the back swing of that bonnyknocker and made her
release a stone right into my head. Kalsiffer criticized dryly. Tiva blushed and turned,
embarrassed. I noted how infatuated she was with Kalsiffer. It actually cheered me.


Tiva was Karlis equal in beauty, in different ways. Where Karli was delicate and
birdlike, Tiva was curvy and muscular. Either way, they were both two of the prettiest
girls Id ever seen, even with the cuts and bruises that patterned their faces and bodies
into a virtual quilt of past battles.
It was my first day of Sollumas and Id already found where I belonged, amongst
this hardy group of warriors.
The next two days were just more of the same; it was a strange existence I was
well designed for. When I wasnt fighting Pures I was sitting in a lecture hall, learning
how Arathmetics could be applied to find out what a Bliidswines urine will smell like.
Although it had been rough the first day, I came to liken the principles of Arathmetics
and found them rewarding. What I liked even more than I liked the subject was our
teacher. I had tremendous respect for the way hed overcome the physical difference
between him and others of his kind, a. There was no doubt in my mind that I would learn
much from him.
It was a holiday then and I spent a day recuperating, letting my mom clean and
bind the many marks Id procured in just a week. I dodged her questions, but I could feel
how worried she was.
I napped away the rest of the day. My parents asked me why I was so tired, but I
just told them I was up late studying. I knew they wouldnt want this life of persecution
for me, and would probably remove me from Sollumas. Which was something I really
couldnt handle, in spite of the grittiness of my life, for the camaraderie I felt, and
because I loved fighting. I liked even more that I didnt pick the fights. I had a
justification. It was rewarding for a goodhearted fighter to be able to fight in the name of


justice. The first half of my week was gone, now I needed only to make it through three
more days of Arathmetics, which were now only half as long and the endless classes
would be split between Sollum Control Class and Arathmetics. I was looking forward to
Sollum Control, I had come to grips with the fact that I had a very powerful sollum and I
was anxious to harness the incredible power inside me.
I woke up on Thursday with excitement. I felt extremely well, fully rejuvenated
with the day of relaxation Id had yesterday. I kissed my proud yet weepy parents
goodbye and once again was off to Sollumas.


Chapter 10: The Docks.

I spent nearly a month with the Others. It was the most challenging, happiest
month Id ever had. We repelled the Pures day after day. They came at us in numbers
greater than our own, wielding crude weapons in their hands. But we beat them every
time. We were a well oiled fighting machine. Buggrum, the lovable giant was a terror.
He was like a tree, his arms braches he used to great effect in battle. For Buggrums raw
strength was his counterpart, Tiva. She had such finesse, clubs spinning and dancing in
her grasp like living things. She was an artist, striking and weaving like a wasp.
Karli was always a few paces removed from the battle, raining stones on their
heads. It always seemed to me that as soon as I was overwhelmed by a Pureblood, Karli
dropped him with her flying stones. She refused to show me her sollum, loving the way
that it maddened me to be ignorant. Id learned that Karli loved control over her world,
hated not knowing and not being able to do.
But Kalsiffer was by far the most significant force. He fought with the ferocity of
a lion, with bloodcurdling howls ripping from his throat as he felled every assailant with
his claws. Buggrum may have been the largest, but Kalsiffer was the most feared.
Nobody would challenge him, because they knew he would not hold back, would not
hesitate to do serious damage to them. Theres no better deterrent to attacking us than
seeing your buddy with claw marks running down their neck, inflicted by the person who
you want to assault.
But even I, a naturally strong but untrained novice, had my own role to play. I
held a sort of mystique in the eyes of the Pures. Allardon had always been the main rival
of the Esperads; to have to fight me was an entirely different experience. They were


aware I had a very powerful sollum as well, and didnt want to face it. Id taken to
fighting with a simple staff, using it like a bludgeon. But I was careful never to do any
damage too serious. Enemy or not, they were only misbehaving children, and didnt
deserve more than a firm rebuke.
I walked with my stave in casually in my hand to the docks, Sani had told me to
come to the fishing district. Lightbringer City was built along the Degas River, which
was fed by runoff from mountain snow in Kecklas, then cut south through Espera until it
reached the Ferian Ocean.
I met them down by the docks, sitting on some crates filled with goods brought
from different ports along the river. Even in the hustle and bustle of the port, they were
given a wide berth. It didnt help that Kalsiffer snarled like a beast at anybody who he
thought came too close. I did not like Kalsiffer. He was paranoid, cruel and controlling.
He encouraged the most extreme measures to bring down enemies. Id seen scars left
from his claws on many of the Pures. No wonder they feared and hated us so, with
Kalsiffers violence representing us. I was beginning to suspect that this hatred ran both
ways, neither side acting to end it.
So what are we doing down here? I asked Kalsiffer. He looked at me sidelong,
keeping one suspicious eye on all the passing people.
Theres been rumors in the city of weapons shipments coming in by the
thousands. You yourself have seen the thousands of troops mustering nearby. We want
to make sure theyre true. He said, reminding me of my destroyed field.
But why see for yourself? I wondered aloud.


Were going to track them to the hidden enemy barracks, then try to eavesdrop
on the Voices blessing. Sani informed me, from his protected spot in the rear of the
This sounds risky, and I cant be caught in it. Im already on their naughty list.
I reminded Kalsiffer.
Yeah, yeah, weve all heard that story before. But youre right, this is a big job,
Alvas. Were all highly visible. But Tiva met a boy down here, and she talked him in
to lending us a couple Lightbringers Army uniforms, and a couple of the handmaiden
uniforms to cover Tiva and Karlis hair. You and me will wear the army uniforms, Karli
and Tiva will wear the handmaiden uniforms. Youll blend right in. Sani informed me.
So you worked a little magic on some poor kid? I feel bad for him. I grinned at
She smiled back at me roguishly Dont. He was a pig. But Bugsy taught him a
lesson. Knocked him out cold and put him on an express trip to the frozen north.
Serves him right for messing with you. Nice work, Bugs. I complimented the
lumbering giant. Nothing enraged Buggrum more than when somebody messed with
Tiva. They were as close as brother and sister. The overly-friendly dock boy was lucky
he escaped with his life.
So you in or what,? Karli asked me. It had caught on over the time wed spent
talking. Talking was really just hours of arguing over things. She took Kalsiffers
pessimistic view of things. Said that there was no hope of a future of peace. Said that I
hadnt been fighting long enough to understand. So that was why I was the junior, the


only one who hadnt been fighting long enough to understand why the only victory over
Espera was one where it was ground into the dust.
But in spite of the arguments, Karli was still my favorite of the Others. She was
thoughtful, calm, yet passionate about her loyalty and her beliefs. Karli appeared to be
cool and indifferent. I think Im the only one who sees the fire that rages in her under the
surface. Her fire is like mine, but mine I wear on my sleeve.
Karlis expectant face, her little, vaguely amused smile set me over the edge
Yeah Im in. and Karlis smile grew just a little bit. Feyl help me, I just cant say no to
Alright then, we move in slowly. Keep weapons concealed. Follow me when
Sani and Buggrum create the distraction. Kalsiffer ordered.
Wait, what distraction? I asked, bewildered.
Oh, just a little something I cooked up. Sani said as he flashed a brilliant white
smile. That was not good. Sanis sollum was called Earth Sense. It gave him the ability
to make incredible things from natural elements. Sani used it to create mainly things that
went boom. And Sani had a very flashy taste in booms.
Now. Kalsiffer commanded. And Buggrum turned around and swept his
massive arm across the crates, which fell, making crunching and shattering noises. I
followed Kalsiffer, Karli, and Tiva as they melded into the crowds, which were now
focused on a roaring Buggrum and Sani, who was trying to pacify him. The situation was
now attracting many guards. Buggrum growled at the guards and took a false swipe at
one, who backed away.


I watched in fascination as Sani raised his right arm and it made a loud bang right
in front of Buggrum. An blinding light then followed. I staggered away from the
sunburst, clutching my eyes. Karli grabbed my burnt right arm and led me blindly by the
hand. I didnt regain my vision for several minutes, only seeing spots like those made by
staring into the sun.
When my eyes finally cleared, I was crouching behind a stack of shipping crates
next to a large ship. The shipyard was free of guards, but still bustling with merchants
who had taken no heed of the situation outside the yards.
Keep following. Karli whispered to me. I nodded to her fervently. I had
dropped my staff when Sanis explosion had temporarily blinded me, so it no longer
inhibited me. We crawled to the edge of the Ferian Sea, hiding underneath a cart driven
by a domesticated Waneta, ox-like animals local to Allardon but used as beasts of burden
around Caste. Kalsiffer nodded once to us then belly-crawled to the edged of the yard
and dove in, striking the water silently. He reemerged underneath the nearest dock,
completely unnoticed. Tiva went next, somehow making it look easier and more graceful
then Kalsiffer. I looked at Karli doubtfully. There was no way I swim in the water of the
pier. It was pissed in by man and beast alike, filled with the refuse of oversea voyages. It
was brown, with a layer of flotsam over the whole thing.
Karli returned my look with her own of commiseration. Karli was endearingly
vain for a hardened warrior. It took a really special kind of crazy to be more worried
about your hair in a battle than your enemy. Needless to say, Karli was even less thrilled
with this new development than I was.


You first. She whispered pleadingly. I nodded, crawled to the edge of the
stinking water, held, then jumped in. I gagged on the tiny bit that entered my mouth, but
forced myself to stay beneath the film of filth that covered the bilge water.
I resurfaced next to Tiva, who looked relatively unbothered by the whole thing.
She was, much like her sollum, flexible. I swear that nothing in this world could faze
Tiva. The opposite of Karli, who wanted to control every aspect of her world.
Very smooth, Alvas, you splashed everywhere, you were almost caught. Karli
will have to wait for the attention to go away now. Kalsiffer hissed.
At least I made it. Dont complain. I hissed back, though the sound was less
impressive due to the fact I was plugging my nose. We sat in the stinking filth for about
another ten minutes before Karli finally jumped in. Whether she was trying to wait for
all eyes to return to their work or she was simply becoming mentally prepared, I did not
know. But she did it haphazardly, and almost surfaced before it was time. But she made
About damn time. I whispered irritably. But she just shrugged.
Alright, now we have to climb out. Theres a large wagon with our uniforms
inside. We change in there, get out two by two. Kalsiffer relayed. I had to hand it to the
Others, they really knew how to plan. Though how theyd set that up, I could only guess.
When the moment was right, Kalsiffer hoisted himself out of the putrid water,
shielded partially by crates and partially by the cart. Tiva next, of course doing it with
ore grace and fluidity than shouldve been humanly possible. Karli, clambered out as
soon as she was able, eager to be out of the water.


And I was last, feeling again clumsy and awkward. Once I was in the hay, I
immediately slid off my stinking clothes and slid into the Esperad uniform waiting for
me. It consisted of a set of thick clay plates covering vial areas held together by thickly
woven wool. I finally slid on the metal helm, pushing down the visor to hide my face.
Kalsiffer and Tiva emerged from the hay, hand in hand. Tiva even giggled
bashfully as she emerged. I was painfully aware of what this was supposed to look like.
They looked like a couple, and, to my mortification, Karli and I were supposed to do the
We lay side by side in the hay for another twenty minutes, with the smell of
moldy hay and bilge water in our nostrils.
Finally, Karli whispered to me dryly, Showtime. She grabbed my hand, and led
me up. She was giggling girlishly as Tiva had, though it did not suit her whatsoever. My
face burnt under the mask as heads turned to watch us go. It felt as if each one of them
could see my face, though I knew there was no way they could.
An older man scolded us Hey, have some respect, thats just disgusting and you
should be ashamed. I just put my head down and muttered an apology. We brushed past
him as he ranted about how in his daythey showed women more respect than that.
This was turning out to be a nightmare.
Karli led me to where a small gathering of soldiers was standing around a long,
flat-bedded cart was hooked to a team of ten Waneta.
Kalsiffer was chatting with a few other soldiers when we arrived. He turned to
me and addressed me petulantly.


Finally! Heres the guy I was telling you about, Ren, Neff. This is Duane, and
his girl Shell. You two sure took your time back there. So inconsiderate, dont you think
Ren? Kalsiffer turned to the grunt, Ren.
Man, Kal wasnt lyin, you sure are a tall drink of water. He observed with a
hint of suspicion.
Hey, speaking of a tall drink of water, why dont you do your job and get us
some of the wet stuff, handmaiden. Kalsiffer addressed her coarsely. I bristled and
Kalsiffer raised his hands in a peacemaking gesture.
Whoa there, Duane, calm down. Lets just get this weapons caravan to base and
then you n Shell can get back to whatever it was you were doin before. Kalsiffer said,
his eyes trying to send me a message. I nodded in recognition. Those weapons were
going Esperas barracks, and so were we.


Chapter 11: Blessing of Blood

The sun was setting as we trekked away from the city until we hit the Crossroads,
where we turned in the direction of my once treasured, now ruined secret garden. I
almost threw myself in front of the weapons caravan as it trampled the buds, which were
trying to grow in the churned earth.
I breathed deeply, searching deep inside for some self-control. I could feel myself
losing my grip on my sollum. I envisioned burning down the whole caravan, burning it
until the only remains were a few scraps of melted spear heads. I saw the Waneta fleeing
from the fire with strength from basic, instinctual terror.
I was shaking, this was getting worse. The skin of my knuckles was stretched
white over the bone as I gripped my staff with all my strength, fighting the demon rage in
my heart. My right arm felt white hot, the heat spread through every inch of my body. It
was no longer simply a matter of anger; it was desire. I wanted a release from the heat,
the pain, the mental torture of fighting it. I could give in so easily, I could burn this down
here and now. I could find the army on my own, and kill them all too. I was now
horribly certain I could do it, and I would.
I turned to Karli, who looked shocked by the pain that was no doubt written all
over my face. Then recognition. I had told Karli the entirety of this story. I had also told
her I would never return here, afraid of what I might do without divine intervention to
help me resist.
Then the most amazing thing happened. Karli reached out with her right hand,
and gently pulled mine apart and slid her delicate hand gently into mine. I knew my skin
would be hot enough to cook a pig, but Karli didnt flinch. Her touch felt beautifully


cooling, like my mothers. In that moment, I could see what else would happen if I gave
in to this anger. Karli, burnt away to naught but, then scattered to the wind. I uttered a
little cry of fear and pain at the thought, and my sollum was suddenly ice cold. I could
never do that to Karli. Never.
I picked up her right hand in my left. My handprint was perfectly visible in hers,
outlined in livid red. I could feel myself start to cry, tears of deep-seated shame.
She looked at me and smiled empathetically, Its okay. It doesnt hurt so much.
Come on, lets go. She said it so gently, she sounded like an angel. It only broke my
heart more.
I nodded, though I didnt stop crying. We had fallen behind the caravans other
guardians, so we caught up. Kalsiffer and Tiva both looked at us with concern, though
they did not speak.
We walked with the caravan for another hour, until we reached the hilly lands that
were much of Espera. It would stay like this until it reached Terron Mountains of Magra,
the domain of the Mountainmen. I had finally stopped blubbering when we reached the
muster point, and none of the other guards were the wiser, as the trip had been silent and
the guards had mostly kept to themselves, other than Kalsiffer chatting every once in
awhile with the guard wed met first. I saw only about a thousand men, clearly the
newest recruits from Espera.
The training ground for the soldiers was an enormous crater, perhaps made by
some ancient force of nature. It was all but hidden from view until you crested the final
hill. The only entrance and exit was a series of narrow foot pathways, the method of
transportation was a few large pulley systems. We led the Waneta to one such pulley, at


which point their harnesses were removed and they were ferried into a large pen. I
noticed a covered cage next to the pen, from which there were snarls and roars coming
that were worthy of Kalsiffer.
Whats that? Tiva asked, her voice a girlish twitter that sounded nothing like
Something real special for the ceremony, honey. Something to give the Purgers
the protection of Feyl himself. Ren said with a leer, eyes raking over Tiva. Kalsiffers
eyes flashed at him angrily. He wasnt as interested in Tiva as Karli, but he was fiercely
loyal and would hesitate to tear that man to ribbons under different circumstances.
Despite the conflict of ideas that we had, I was certain he would never leave me behind.
So this camp belonged to the Purgers. The Purgers were the elite infantry units
of the Esperad military. They were born warriors. On Mount Sungrazer, the highest
mountain in the Terron Range, there are villages of Esperads that had migrated there long
ago. They were fanatics, attempting to survive in the starkly dangerous mountains
because they wanted to be closer to Feyl. Their ways bred strength and cunning, making
leaner, bigger, and stronger men. These men were sent off to become Purgers, expert
hunters of the largest prey. Dire Wolves, Vampires, Wights, Sandmen, Mountainmen
and anything else too dangerous for other men were their quarries.
There was the blow of a brass horn, and I watched as the entire army slowly
began to gather, with a cushion of space at the very center of the circle. In this space
stood a figure in white robes, presumably the leader of the ritual. We were in packed in
with one thousand other soldiers who reeked of blood, sweat, fear, and pain. The odor
itself was overpowering, without even having to look at the battered bodies of the


assembled. Each man had a lattice of scars crisscrossing his bare chest, stone slices
procured by climbing rough stone with no armor but cloth. Many still held their
weapons, a weighted throwing net to ensnare and a three-pronged trident to kill. Never
before had I felt fear of an Esperad. But these were only barely Esperads; they were
tanned by the intense heat, lean and hard-bodied from a life of fasting and fighting, and
each with a mad gleam of hate in his eye. They wore a thick Mithras helmet and
shoulder pads that gave them an ethereal look.
Lets get a better view. Kalsiffer suggested to Ren, who nodded and motioned
to us. We pushed through the collection of men who were, actually, as tall as me. We
were able to get to a better view, but not without great resistance. I could see the white
robed figure, and was shocked. It was just a boy, no older than me!
Greetings, high ones, The boys voice resonated and echoed through the camp,
thick with power and authority and truth, It is such an honor to finally meet the greatest
among us. Your people are the honored by Feyl above all others, for you sacrifice to him
beyond what others are capable of. The Voices believe that they are marked as the Feyls
chosen, but I tell you now, as the true messiah of Feyl, that Feyl loves you far more. At
this the crowd roared with approval. This boys words were a surprise beyond imagining.
The Purgers were used to feeling exiled and used by Espera. To hear a boy, calling
himself the messiah, praise them so. He had wanted to win their loyalty, and it seemed
he had done so already, with a few words.
This is what you must know, and you are the first to know. I have suffered in
watching our leaders, the so-called Voices of Feyl, abuse their own false worth and
pervert the name of our god, Feyl. The sad fact is that Espera, most of it, has come to be


ruled by the weak. And that is something I cannot and will not abide by. And that is
why, I am going to ask something of you that I know only you would understand. He
was so steady, so certain. I looked at the faces surrounding me; through their helms I
could just see their pupils identically focused on the speaker.
I, Artur of the Light, first ask you to pledge you sole allegiance to me, and help
me to destroy this weak order, and establish a new order, built on strength, no privilege.
For that is the only order that will survive the war that the heretics bring to us. He was
mad, absolutely mad. He was a sixteen-year-old boy, speaking to a group of the worlds
most hardened soldiers, asking them to help him perform a coup. Yet he didnt seem
mad, he seemed calm, and absolutely sure of himself and his plot. And judging by the
roars of approval ripping from the crowd, they were as certain as he was.
When they died down, he continued to speak. And once the hand of Feyl on
earth is once again made strong, we will use it to strike the Darkbringers hold on our
land. Now this is the last I ask of you, in Vithta is an ancient library. It holds histories of
things the people of Caste are better off forgetting. You must find this place, and destroy
it. But that is not enough. Vithtans are the worst of Feyls enemies. They hold stories
of Hestion the Wicked sacred. They pass them on through the shadows, through the
underground, through the church of Hestion, also known as the Magus. There were
gasps throughout the crowd, including myself. MAGUS Corp. was the largest merchant
liaison in Caste. Almost every merchant of any kind in Vithta or Kecklas was a part of it.
The notion they were a secret cult was a sign of insanity.
So the only way to kill Hestion on earth is to burn his servants to the ground.
We will go to Vithta, and turn it to ash. Then there will be none left to tell Hestions


tales. Now it was quiet. The entire crowd was stunned. A genocide of Vithta? But
why? Of course hed just said that. And he was right. If he wanted to destroy the past,
then Vithta was the place to go. The Wizens were the oldest of all beings, and they kept
records as far back as the Battle between Feyl and Hestion.
A grizzled, graying man stepped forward. He wore regular clothes, but he was
big and had an air of power. I am High Chief Movi. I have slain seven Dire Wolves, a
mated pair of vampires, a Wight, and twenty Allardon heretic soldiers. I speak for my
people and my voice alone commands them. You say many things of strength, yet you
are a child, and not a large one. Any of the High Tribes young could best you. What
makes you fit to lead? He asked disdainfully.
The voice, Artur, was unperturbed. I was hoping youd ask that. He said with a
satisfied smile. He made a motion, and the covered cage was brought out into the circle.
There were a few growls emerging, but the snarling beast from before was gone. Perhaps
it could sense the hunt coming.
Artur ripped his robes from his body, revealing solid gold armor underneath. I
noted that there were Runes etched into the surface. Id never seen them before. Runes
were ancient symbols used to command spirits to do your bidding. The Runes on his
armor were complex and beautiful, clearly very powerful. He motioned again and a
young servant rushed out carrying a solid gold spear and a golden shield, also with runes
etched into the metal. He lashed out with a lightning fast spear thrust, which broke the
latch on the cave. A massive wolf leapt from the cage, snarling. Arturs sollum became
active, its light shining even beneath the gauntlets he wore. His Runes began to glow
making him look like an angel. The two circled each other; the Dire Wolf crouched low


to spring, while Artur adopted a defensive posture, his glowing spear held above his
shield, ready for a counterattack. Artur attacked first, a feint with his spear, which the
wolf fell for. He bashed its nose with his shield, and it recoiled, dazed for a moment. It
recovered just in time to dodge a jab at its eye. It grabbed the spear in its powerful jaws
and ripped, throwing the weapon away from Artur. It gave a cry of victory and leapt at
Artur like he was a hurt Waneta. Artur did not back down, he caught it underneath with
his shield and flipped it over his head. It landed lightly on its massive paws. He had to
have a powerful Rune of Strength on that armor, the wolf weighed almost as much as a
Waneta. Artur rolled towards his spear, but the wolf caught him mid roll, snapping at his
unprotected head. It missed, but swept a claw at Arturs face. The animals claws lacked
the razor sharp tips that Kalsiffers had, but the beast was much stronger. They scored
his face, his right cheek was now bleeding. But he did not cry out.
He finished the roll and snatched his spear and landed the roll perfectly on his
feet. His young face was filled with concentration, his blond ringlets dull with dust,
blood running down his neck. He looked young no longer. He looked ancient and
formidable. That was the moment I knew that this boy would one day be the one to
decide the fate of everything.
He glanced into the crowd, and I swore he looked right at me. And I dont mean
the thin guise of an Esperad soldier which I wore. I mean the real me. My past, my
present, my future, everything. Like he knew everything about the world.
The Dire Wolf, servant of Hestion, had no chance, and it knew. It made a lunge
at the boys leg, but he brought his shield down on its head. It fell into the dust,
whimpering. It looked like a puppy in front of Artur. It had never had a chance to do


anything but die, humiliated and afraid, in a strange place. It tried to rise, but Artur
brought a foot down on it neck, pinning it.
You are a mongrel of a soon-to-be dead god. You are a monster, like all who
serve him. Now, die like a mongrel monster, pinned in the dust. He spoke the words
like a god. He then speared the beast through its heart, pinning it to the ground.
The next words were ceremonial I am all of you, and this beast is all who serve
the darkness. Like this evil thing, they shall die!"

We departed the camp almost immediately, leaving hours of walking and

pondering on the way home. Ren and Neff joined us, accompanied by three other
soldiers who had accompanied other caravans similar in nature to our own. We stayed
silent, trying to become as inconspicuous as possible. But Ren was boisterous, and had
clearly taken a liking to Tiva. He approached several times, flirting with the clearly
younger Tiva obnoxiously. Tiva, for her part, bore it with as much grace as she could.
We were just inside the city gates, in a deserted alley, when Ren no longer would take no
for an answer.
Such a pretty face, but yet so shy. Its yer job to serve the soldiers, girl, so serve
me. He commanded, grabbing Tivas chin and yanking her averted eyes to meet his
Thats enough! Kalsiffer snarled.
What, Kal, you had your turn in the wagon, now its mine. He said with a nasty
grin. Kalsiffer moved quickly, but Tiva was faster. She snatched his wrist and twisted it
at a vicious angle.


Let me go, wench! He yelled. Tiva eyes were filled with cold rage and
determination. It made her look like more than the silly girl Id once perceived her to be.
She looked like a warrior, and a killer.
Threaten and order me, will you? Im superior to you, no matter what you think.
Youve made a mistake. She said, before calmly breaking his wrist. As he howled, she
wrapped her leg around his arm, and there was another crack.
Little brat! Another guard said, pulling Tiva away by her hair. But she slipped
away. Unfortunately, the fabric hiding her hair came away with a few strands of flaming
Youre Neff started. But he was interrupted by a weighty stone plowing into
the back of his head at high speed.
Kalsiffer pounced onto the next guard, tearing his helmet off and bludgeoning
him with it, knocking him out with one blow. I caught one guard in a chokehold. He
thrashed in my grip, but he was fat and weak compared to my wiry strength. He slowly
gave up the struggles, slipping into unconsciousness.
I watched in sheer wonder as the last soldier took a clumsy spear swipe at Tiva.
Tiva dropped, anticipating the move. She swept his feet out from under him and he fell
heavily to the cobbled stone. Then Tiva used her arms to launch herself up, delivering a
pile driver to his stomach. I could hear as his breath left him in a whoosh. Tiva drew
a small herb from the folds of her servants dress, proceeding to put it in his mouth. His
eyes closed instantly, and he began to snore. Tiva sprung lightly to her feet.
What was that? I asked her.


Leaves of the Frass tree, a powerful sedative. She was holding it for me. I
havetroubles sleeping. Kalsiffer answered. I could sense hesitation, like there was
more to the story.
Very subtle. A voice commented from the darkness. I recognized it as Sanis
by its dryness and superiority.
We dont need to hear it, Sani. Nobody needs the sarcasm. Tiva said,
sounding stressed.
So what do we do? I wondered aloud. I was well aware how Sani felt about
these stupid questions, but even he was too preoccupied to scold me for my unproductive
This is easily solved. We kill them. Kalsiffer said indifferently. Everyone
except Sani looked at him in shock. Kill them? We arent killers, were children. To do
that, would be beyond unimaginable. I looked at each of their faces in the dim
moonlight. They were barely even soldiers; they were just fat, silly old men who played
at being authorities.
Are you crazy? I challenged, my voice far louder than Id intended with alarm.
They cant be allowed to report. They know what she saw, and Tiva is easy to
track down. And we are easily implicated. We would all be locked in the Imprisonment
for eternity and a day. Kalsiffer reasoned.
There has to be another way. Karli insisted, her usually steady and calm voice
wavering with panic. She looked to Sani, and then we were all looking at Sani. Sani was
using his Earth Sense now. He had once described it as communing with the plants,
learning from them great secrets.


There is one plant that, if used in a high enough dosage, can wipe away a
persons memory of the last day. One that is conveniently present at this moment. Frassa
leaves. Sani said, but it wasnt a relieved voice. He sounded grim.
Great, so well just feed them Kalsiffers leaves, theyll think this was a bad
dream, and well be fine. I said with a sigh. At this, Kalsiffer recoiled as if Id struck
No! He spat at me. I actually saw the red hairs on the back of his neck raise.
His pupils focused into little slits. He was slipping in the control that he barely held onto
even in the best of times.
Its the only way, Kalsiffer. Tiva said, once again sounding like the scared little
girl half of her was.
Its not, I will kill them. None of you will have to look; Ill be quiet, clean, and
merciful. Blood will not touch the stones, I swear it. He was promising me, for he knew
I was the only one that he could not break.
Youre crazy, Kalsiffer. Youd kill these poor men for a pocketful of leaves? I
pressed. I said, returning his glare without flinching.
Kalsiffer surged to his feet, his clawed right hand inches from my throat. He
looked desperate to get at my throat. I stood my ground in front of him, muscles taught
as a drawn bow, ready to fight. I saw nothing but the fear of deprival in his eyes. And
desire. Desire for my death. These werent just leaves, not to him.
And then Karli was between us. She shoved Kalsiffer away, and was shielding
me. My ears turned scarlet as I realized she was trying to protect me. My right hand
burned in indignation.


Come on, Kalsiffer. Give us the leaves, stop joking around. Karli sounded
shaky like Id never heard her before. I wasnt surprised that she was shaky. This was
the Kalsiffer that had led them into countless battles. The Kalsiffer that was never
perfect, but always strong. Now he looked like a cornered animal, filled with fear and
hate. I hated to see him reduced to this, but I didnt have the same view on it as Karli. I
was new to this, and I didnt trust Kalsiffer anyway.
Fine, take it. Kalsiffer said finally, ripping the bag from his armor and hurling
it at me. I reached up and caught it indifferently. Kalsiffer gave me one more hateful
look, and sprinted off with a long, bone-chilling call. And that was how my entire life
came crashing down for nothing more than a bag full of dried leaves.


Chapter 12: Sollum Control

The next day was spent in absolute rest. The physical and emotional toll of our
little misadventure still taxed my mind. Kalsiffer was angrier than Id ever seen him, and
he was angry with me. I had been the deciding factor in forcing him to relinquish his
precious herbs. But, more importantly, I had defied him like no Other would dare to. I
had stood up to him, and in doing so, showed Karli and Tiva his weakness. This would
not stand, but as to what form his vengeance would take, I did not know.
But this was absolutely inconsequential compared to the other news. War was
coming, that much was a certainty. This Artur would lead the Purgers into Lightbringer
City, using them to destroy the old order and create a new one. Artur was right about one
thing, what had protected Caste from Espera before was the softness of the Voices. With
Artur and a government of High Chieftains, there would be no weakness. This battle
would end only when Espera ruled the world or had been defeated absolutely.
I came to the now familiar path that led to Lightbringer City Sollumas, and was
pleasantly surprised to find Karli. She was leaning coolly against a wall to the left of the
narrow alleyway. I jogged over to her, I realized I was more eager to see her after being
a day apart from her than I was to see my parents after several days. I felt a wave of
affection for Karli as she looked at me out of uncovered left eye with a look of
amusement/comrade-like affection. I guessed that I missed Karli so much because Id
spent my entire life with my parents and after just a short while was already missing the
adrenaline-pumping existence Id only gotten my first taste of.
Hey. I panted, slightly winded from having ran the way to Sollumas.
Hi. She said as we started to funnel into the alleyway.


So what was the deal with Kalsiffer? Do you know something I dont? I asked,
confused by the importance of something seemingly so insignificant.
No. All I know is hes mad. Mostly at you. She said sullenly. This was
different. She sounded dull, emotionless.
Whats wrong? I asked, very concerned. Whatever hurt Karli, hurt me too.
None of this is what I expected. Youve changed things. Kalsiffer was supposed
to be right, but it doesnt feel like he is. It feels like you are. She said in a far-away
voice. She wasnt talking to me, she was talking to herself, and it sounded like she was
Whats wrong? I repeated.
I think hes going to make me choose. She said, chewing on her lower lip. She
actually looked nervous, indecisive. If Karli couldnt hide her emotions, then they were
true. So Kalsiffer wanted it like this, one of us gone.
Oh, I see. LookI dont know if Im right or not. All I know is I would do
anything for you, or any of the Others. I said simply and honestly.
I know. She responded, returning my gaze evenly. Never had I felt as if I knew
her better. I was about to tell her something important, very important, but suddenly the
crowds separated us and the important thing slipped from my lips and back into the
deepest corners of my mind.
It wasnt until we reached the antechamber and we were able to sit down during
the same speech that Id heard on my first day here that we could continue our
conversation (A speech that was given by the Sollumass Sollum Major, named Major
Tafta). Major Tafta was a self-righteous and pompous man who despised Others. But he


was incredibly fond of his own voice, so you could carry on a conversation while he was
speaking to you and he wouldnt even notice.
I spent most of the Arathmetics class on the edge of my seat, excited to test my
hand at Sollum Control. I knew that if I could master my sollum then that can almost
always lead to success in Caste, since sollums were almost always useful in some way.
In fact the only sollum that Id seen that was really purposeless was the Light Palm
possessed by all those that were Feyls Chosen Voices. I also noted some of the shortterm advantages to success in Sollum Control. If I could somehow grasp my sollum in
the next hour then it could be used, should the battle with Kalsiffer turn to violence.
Long-term benefits were far more critical than my position on the social ladder.
War was coming, and soon, I felt it in the whispers of the teachers, the increasing attacks,
the even more magnified cruelty of everyone. I feared for any non-Esperad, innocent or
otherwise, when war finally did come about.
Arathmetics class was actually fairly interesting. It was about how Arathmetics
applied to Sollum Control Class. I learned that sollum control was as much about losing
control as much as gaining it. It was about seeing how loosely you could grip your
sollum, for the more you let loose, the more powerful it was. But if you lost control
completely, you would become a monster.
Many people try too hard to control their sollum. Feyl wanted us to learn that
our greatest potential can only be achieved through faith. The funny thing about Sollum
Control is that to follow the instruction I have just given you, you need to ignore
everything Ive taught you in this short amount of time we have together. Arathmetics is
about calculations, controlling variables, gathering information and basing a decision on


that. Sollum Control is exactly the opposite, about trusting what is in our nature and
throwing out the rest. If you cant trust yourself, youve already stunted your sollums
potential, finished Professor Glennice.
I wrote down what he said word-for-word, it was the first note Id taken in
Arathmetics in the near twenty hours Id spent in the classroom. And the note wasnt
even about Arathmetics. I realized it would be a miracle if I somehow passed the
Arathmetics written test. I would access Sanis exceptional knowledge on the subject, as
he was, in a word, a prodigy, when it came to Arathmetics. I knew he could devise some
way for me to cheat, as he did for Karli and Tiva. I walked to Sollum Control with Karli.
My mind was racing, as I was sure hers was. But I felt awkward, so I made the most
basic conversation I could.
Hey, whats your sollum? I blurted suddenly, unable to hold back the question.
She looked at me like shed snapped out of a dream. Her cream-colored face took
on a mischievous look as she spoke.
Youll soon find out. She said, as I expected her to. Knowing Karli, Id
guessed shed hold it over my head until the last moment she couldnt. I could tell she
regretted that I hadnt asked her sooner, so she could milk it more.
I just shrugged, it wouldnt be long before she had to show me it when she we
were practicing, so I let it go.
We reached the doorway to the outdoor area where Sollum Control was learned,
Sollum Control was held outside because it often got very nasty, and they were afraid of
any chaos happening inside Sollumas. I felt nervousness grabbing hold of my gut, like
some invisible had had reached into my stomach and was twisting my intestines. Id


come to terms with the fact that I had a terribly powerful sollum, and I didnt want
anyone to fear me because of it.
I knew that if I somehow set fire to the yard, and maybe spread it to the building,
then I would be viewed as this unstoppable force of nature. If I couldnt control myself,
then I would be alienated. And to be honest, Id sealed it off once, and I didnt know if I
could do it again. I shook my head slowly; I knew these fears were somewhat
unfounded. Id never heard of someone being unable to control their own sollum. The
words of Professor Glennice rang in my head.
There is a reason that our sollums are so different, its because were so
different. Feyl gave us each a destiny, and our sollum is designed to help us meet that
destiny. Feyl gives no man or woman more than they can handle, because no matter how
much we may feel that our sollums bring us our worth, we are much more than our
This thought comforted me. I looked at my charred fingers and said to them
silently, I am your master, and you are not mine.
But I wasnt quite sure of that.
I snapped out of my nervous reverie when Karli nudged me, and motioned for me
to watch as the doors opened and an imposing and frightful sight greeted me.
It was a man, larger than any Esperad Id ever seen, standing confidently in the
center of the field. His great stomach hung off him like some alien being that had latched
onto him after years of stuffing his face. I silently wondered how he managed to carry it
around. He had a broad and blunt face, leering out of cruel eyes. He looked closer to a
Magran than an Esperad. But I could tell he was Espera-born because he had the typical


Esperad body type, thickly built with short legs and bullish skull. He had the typical
Esperad skin tone as well, sickly pale with pale blue veins that showed under the skin.
He wore a prideful sneer as he looked down at his pupils. He had a massive jug
in his right hand, which he slurped out of compulsively every few seconds.
For those that dont know me, Im Master Gellart, he announced, taking a
massive drought from his jug then continuing. Well, I hadnt heard that another
Contaminated Sol was joining this class. He wheezed irritably. His voice was a breathy
baritone, filled with unfiltered contempt as he leered at me.
I was filled with incredulous anger, hed used a word to describe us that even the
Pures wouldnt dare using, a word that is the highest insult an Esperad can use on an
Other. He called us Contaminated, meaning our blood had been spoiled by the touch of a
Old Race. The blood roiled in my veins and I felt a flicker of a flame move in front of
my eyes.
And I didnt know that they let beastly lardbags teach in Sollumas. But I guess
were all locked up in this hole to learn, arent we? I snarled at him, feeling the heat that
spread from my right arm to my body.
He didnt show any signs of reaction, only smiling at me unkindly, which only
further angered me, the flicker Id seen had grown into a mad dance of many flames, and
I knew it wouldnt be long before my arm would catch fire and Id torch the entire field.
He beckoned me forward, raising a finger that actually jiggled with the fat that hung off
of it.
I barked a laugh at the sight and did as he indicated. I bumped into my piers
uncoordinatedly, my vision obscured by red-hot fire. They giggled at me as I stood. I


felt myself being pushed closer to the edge. The disorientation of the fire in my vision
had an effect similar to a bull seeing red, and my embarrassment at being laughed at
seemed to transform into rage. Usually looking at Karli calmed me down, but now my
vision was too obscured by the flames in my eyes. As usual, once my sollum ignited, it
became more and more difficult to control. My entire body was catching fire inside.
Why dont I show this little spoiled-blood how I punish those who cant keep
control? Once the war starts up again, there wont be any of you left, and Ill be glad.
Come on, little Contaminated, take a swing at me. You wont even touch me. He teased
in a crooning voice, like I was nothing more than a dog or infant.
Fine, you deserve the burn. Was all I said as my fist ignited into raging crimson
flames as I swung it forcefully toward his vast belly. I expected to feel sizzling fatty
flesh cushion the punch. Id put a lot of power behind it, and there was no way he
couldve dodged fast enough. But I never felt any connection between my fist and
human skin. All I felt was a great faintness as a chill swept up my arm, instantly killing
the raging fire in my body.
I felt my arm go limp as I noticed he had a firm grip on my wrist. His hand was
unmarked where hed grabbed it, even though the spot had been blossoming with flames
like scarlet flowers. I saw a look of surprise on his face as he released my hand, which
immediately felt much better and the strength returned to it. I fell to the ground, my body
absolutely drained.
I opened my eyes and saw that the students eyes were moving in concert from
me to Gellart. Karli looked at me in shame and horror. She was shaking her head
slowly, looking heartbroken.


I expected the gazes to shift in my direction as I moved to sit down, but they
remained resting on the piggish man with the ability to douse fire. I really didnt know
what they were so confused by, but I saw my classmates gazes darken, turning from
incredulity to disgust and disdain. Gellart glared at me with a hatred that Id never
known; with such utter fury that I was surprised he didnt bury my face in his stomach
and suffocate me then and there. He then turned to face his young charges with a
sheepishness that was new, all cockiness gone from his face.
Yesumeveryone needs to work on triggering and turning off their sollums, I
will come around and provide feedback while you he trailed off as everyone walked
away whispering swiftly to each other, ignoring his words. The general tone was that of
fear, and revulsion.
I was confused by the change that had taken place in Gellarts temperament. He
definitely seem like the kind of man that would be ignored, but now he looked relieved at
the childrens lack of attention.
Karli immediately moved in the opposite direction from me, it hurt my feelings,
but she was under orders from Sani, whod warned them that they should isolate another
Other whod attracted too much negative attention. It was a way of keeping the Others
neutral, that they didnt try and create enemies, only protect themselves. This was bad.
This was a rule Id broken, leverage for me to be removed.
I wondered what they thought was curious about him. I didnt think hed done
anything spectacular at all. I felt dismay swelling in my heart as I locked eyes with a
livid Karli, whose eyes bore into me furiously. I hung my head, too exhausted to try and


awaken my sollum again, I just watched displays of sollum control all around me. Karli
had turned away from me and had blocked her arm from view with her body.
I gathered it wasnt going well because every so often shed gasp and clap her
hand over her eyes. I felt gazes now lock onto me more frequently now, it seems the
initial amazement over the earlier events had shifted away from Gellart and onto me. I
listened intently and picked up furious whispers circling around me, both my name and
Gellarts were mentioned. Gellart also looked at me with a sort of incredulous, yet
passionate hatred. I think Id done something more horrible than Id realized.
I wondered what could possibly be so terrible, he hadnt been hurt, but from his
expression it looked like Id done something even worse than that. What a strange power
he had, to do what he did. Id never heard of such a power in a sollum, and it terrified to
think of what he could do to me in a touch.
Class ended and Karli took off without a look back, out the door before I could
catch her. I didnt try too hard. I felt weary and drained by whatever Gellart had done to
me. I also had a bad feeling about what I would find when I got back, and felt the desire
to procrastinate. I trudged miserably back through the corridors, losing myself in them
without the constant guidance of Karli. I realized how lost I was without the Others at
my side. Id come to rely on them far too much.
I finally found my way into Quatrus and wandered back to Unus, feeling exposed
without anyone to back me up in a fight. I made my way to Unus, and saw the Others.
They were all huddled around Buggrums sleeping form, having an intense debate, no
doubt about my position and the fight with Gellart.


Hi, Im here. I said, feeling every empty foot of the room as my word echoed
back unanswered for a long minute.
Finally, Kalsiffer turned to face me. His posture was slumped and tired. He
looked absolutely exhausted. Evidently, he hadnt slept last night. I felt bad, and then
was mad at myself for feeling bad. He could lose sleep for one night to save five
innocent men!
Alvas, your decisions since youve been here have been reckless. Your actions
have created divisions where we can not afford to have them. We tried to take you in, to
protect you like weve protected each other. But you are a liability, one we cannot afford
to keep any longer. He delivered the words with thin apology. But his eyes were filled
with malicious glee.
Oh? Ive created the divisions? I think youre the one who created this division.
Because you are the kind of person who will do anything to get what he wants. You are
the kind of person who leads the good-hearted astray. And Im you worst nightmare.
Someone who sees you for what you are. Id thought of the words long and hard. They
were the greatest weapons I had, because they were the truth.
You dont know me, boy. You dont know anything. This world is still knew to
you, you can see it with fresh eyes untainted by reality. You and me, we cant afford to
treat them like more than they treat us. We cant be the better man. Come back here
when theyve beaten that stupidity out of you. Kalsiffer said, turning away.
And then everyone was turning away. I was slowly fading from view, my speech


If only it were that easy. I said through my teeth. And I charged as he turned. I
saw a wicked smile cross his lips as he sidestepped the clumsy attack, sending me
sprawling. I sprung lightly to my toes, adopting a boxers stance.
Come on then, lets make it a little harder, on you. Kalsiffer invited me as
talons grew from his right hand. I feinted a jab, and he bought it, swiping and
overbalancing. I dodged and threw a left hook that caught him in the side of the head.
He howled and kicked at my feet. He missed and I countered with a left-handed jab. But
he caught my wrist and brought himself inside my guard. He punched me in the gut,
pushed me back and knocked me to the ground.
And heres something to remember me by. Now youll never forget, that we are
all monsters inside. Kalsiffer said, pointing to his right arm. He raised his clawed hand
and was about to strike down. But a smaller, far more delicate hand gripped his.
No, Kalsiffer, hes not worth it. Alvas, just get out of here, and dont come back,
I dont want to see you ever again. The voice was smooth, steady, and melodic. It was
so beautiful. That only made the words cut deeper, if that was possible. They entered my
ears, and tore into my mind. Like claws tearing into me. How ironic.
Karli helped Kalsiffer to his feet, and they stood over me. They were standing
hand in hand. The message was clear. Shed chosen him. Which meant that Kalsiffer
had won. Shed picked strength, safety, and camaraderie over me. And why had I
expected differently. It was absolutely part of her nature. She wanted to survive, and
people were a means to that end. I was stupid to even imagine in my wildest dreams that
she might pick me.


And so I stood up and walked out. Then I sat down, and buried my hands in my
eyes. That was as far as I made it. I didnt get up and move, to preserve my dignity
because there was nowhere else for me to go. Id lost everything. Id lost my friends, my
safety, and, even worse, my faith. Id come here to find those like me, and it turned out
that they were nothing like me. Id begun to think that maybe I was the only one left in
this Feyl-forsaken country that still had any hope of change. And my hope was almost
gone, because I could finally see Mans true face.


Chapter 13: A Child Close to the Sun

It had been two weeks since the incident in Sollum Control, and those two weeks
were the worst of my life. I was endlessly tormented by legions of Pures. They came at
me ten at a time, overwhelming me immediately. I was like the sick calf, separated from
the herd. I was immediately fed to the wolves. I tried to fend them off, even try to
activate my sollum in desperation, but I couldnt even muster up any decent anger, I was
so filled with hopelessness. After a while I just let them hurt me, it was easier that way,
they were slightly less merciless when I just took it, resigned to my fate.
There was no comfort in classes either. The teacher of our latest pathway, Rock
Quarrying, wasnt an intelligent or fair man and forced the most strenuous tasks upon
Karli and I. And these were long, hard hours of toiling next to Karli in absolute silence.
Because Karli still wouldnt speak a word to me.
What hurt worst of all was Karlis indifference, I truly had no idea how much I
enjoyed her company until it was taken from me. I watched her for most of every class,
trying to catch her eye. I tried to confront her, but she always brushed past me coolly. I
shouldve given up, but I still felt some kind of connection with her. Maybe it was how
sometimes her gaze strayed in my direction. Or how she looked when the Pures hit me.
She looked like she was in as much pain as I was. But maybe it was my imagination,
feverish with desire for my old connection with her.
But not even the Pures could compare to the spite of Gellart, who took every
opportunity to harm me. He used his power to drain me to the point where I passed out
with lightheadedness. The Pures hated him more than they hated me now, giving him
disgusted looks and pranking him however they could. Everyone stared to refer to him as


Leech, or Soulsucker, or Abomination. I was curious about why he was so

abhorred, but had no one to ask.
It was a sunny day. I was sitting alone, in the darkest corner I could find. I
always tried to fend them off with my back to the wall. It eliminated the ability to use
their numbers to flank me. I had gotten harder in mind and body. I hadnt given in, not
yet. I was using a long staff to fend them off. I swiped it, jabbed it, whatever I had to do.
I was leaning against the wall, stave in hand when he approached me. He wasnt wearing
the normal city kid attire. Most wore woven cotton like myself, but he was wearing a
vest of furs.
You are the one who attacked the Wight. The one called Alvas. His accent was
harsh, filled with over enunciations and noises of the throat. It was the accent of the High
Villages people, the Purgers.
I was hesitant to answer. He hadnt attacked me yet, but that didnt mean he
wouldnt. However non-threatening he now seemed, he was not from a peaceful place.
Not that I was.
And why?
He deserved it. I said simply. It was true, because he had deserved it. But that
didnt make it worth what it had cost me.
You are honorable to do so. I would have done no different. He deserves
oblivion. Balkar said as he spat on the ground. He was tall, lean, and predatory.
I agree. But what did he do to you? I asked.


He is a Wight, one of the sworn enemies of the Purgers. They are the wickedest
of creatures, monsters that feed on your Sol. Worse than the Spirit-Catcher shamans of
Estia that trap lost Sols. You know of the vampires that dwell in the north, she waited
for him to nod then continued, Well then you must also know of their ability to change
humans into their kin. Vampires are cruel beasts, their single-minded bloodlust makes
them animals. But the vilest of vampires dont just drain blood; they drink the fluid in
the Sol. And the venom in their fangs turn them into something terrible, a Wight. With
the pure liquid of the inner Sol replaced by such an evil presence, the Sol reacts by trying
to cleanse itself by stealing the power of human Sols. Whatever its Sol once was
becomes a parasite that consumes Sols with a touch. The Wights hunger is legendary,
ten times as voracious as that of a vampire.
Why is he here? I asked the High Villager angrily.
They are fed Sol Substitute to curb their appetite. The fools of this land use
them to stop those who lose control of their sollums. Stupid, the same work can be done
with a blade. Balkar exclaimed with a snort.
Im glad that some Esperads will get their hands dirty. I confided.
Yes, the High Villages are bred for war, like your people are. Balkar informed
me proudly.
No, I think that we are alike because my people and yours, they are close to the
sun. They still have hope that everyone else will see the sun too. They havent yet
forgotten what could be, one day, I think. I told him sadly. I recognized the look in his
sky-blue, High Villager eyes. It was the same look of all the Purgers. It was the same
thing in me.


But we serve different masters. I serve the light, and you the darkness. I must
remember that, no matter how your kind may seem. Balkar said coldly, making an
especially harsh, throaty accent.
Are you sure of that, Balkar? Nothing is all light or all darkness. Theres good
and bad on both sides of the fence. Maybe one day youll see that like I have. I told
him, feeling older than I should.
That time will never come, for you and I are enemies by nature. If the time
comes that you and I must battle, I will not falter. Balkar warned me, as if an
Neither will I. I responded wearily.
Promise? Balkar asked me, doubting my resolve with his eyes.


Chapter 14: The Rogue

I made my way to Sollumas after a delightful weekend yet frightening weekend.
It was delightful because of the rest I got, and frightening because I was sure war would
be rearing its ugly head any day now. There was little doubt in my mind that if war
broke out I was dead. And I do mean dead. Allardon would almost certainly be at the
rebels front lines and I would be loped in with my brethren. Though I doubt the my
fellow Others would fare much better, but at least theyd have some kind of intimidation
factor with their reputations as backing, Buggrum and Kalsiffer especially.
I caught myself as I felt myself move away from anger and into jealousy.
Jealousy was a petty emotion, and I had to control it to keep strong. Theres no point in
wanting something you cant have, it can only lead to your destruction.
I hit the ground painfully after a forceful and obviously intentional shove got me
in the back. Wow, not even in Sollumas yet and theyve already started on me. I felt
myself being pulled up, and let them help me get to my feet. I was desperately hoping it
would be Karli, but already knew it wasnt because this grip was smaller, yet incredibly
powerful for its small size.
Come on, mate, on your feet. Wed better get out of the way before more of
those Pure vultures come around to take another shot. The voice was medium in pitch,
not too high and not too low, flippant and cheerful even in urgency.
I dusted myself off and just in time to see a scrawny boy slink off. I made a splitsecond decision to follow him and followed him. The boy walked comically, his step
springy and lithe. He was fast; in fact his every movement seemed marginally faster than
the normal humans.


We finally stopped in a deserted little alleyway Id never noticed before, and both
took a moment to catch our breath. I raised my head to size up my assister; he had jetblack hair just like Sani, and was just barely bigger. But that was where the similarities
ended, this boy was athletic with sinewy strength where Sani was frail. Sani I had always
thought was very plain looking, with an overlarge nose and thick eyebrows. But this kid
was perfect looking. He was nearly as dark-skinned as an Allard and had no blemishes or
imperfections on his face. His eyes were full of intelligence, but it wasnt Sanis
intelligence (being a Feyl-damned know-it-all), it was cleverness and resourcefulness.
There was something unusual about them as well, I looked closely and noticed that his
irises were entirely black and his skin had a leathery quality to it, like an old man. Ahh,
so the kids part Wizen, bet he doesnt make many friends being part Solless. Id never
seen even a person who was even part wizen, Wizens were incredibly rare even in Vithta.
Youre welcome. You were in more trouble than you know, the nastiest Pures in
the school were right around the corner and they dont take kindly to you or me. He said
jovially, clapping me on the back.
I looked at him for a second and finally said, Thanks a lot. Waityoure that
kid who I met at the fountain, after it got blown up. I recalled, remembering the smallish
boy with the black hair.
Yep, names Cayss, nice to meetcha, Alvas.
I looked at him, surprised, You know my name?
Oh, mate, I know everyones name. And not many know mine. Even if you
werent the talk of the town these days. He said it lightly, but I remembered those
words. They spoke volumes.


What bring you around here? he said casually.

Umm, you do. I stammered, my voice hampered by confusion.
Oh, I dodont I? Have to excuse me, mate. My mum is really quite insane,
and it does rub off on me just a bit.
So yourepartially insane? I asked, genuinely wondering if he was serious.
Certainly, about 100% thirty-two percent insane. Its on me old mums side of
the family, I think. He said, musing as he did, as if he wasnt quite sure.
I really didnt know what to say to this, so I chose to just let it drop. Shouldnt
we be heading in now?
Eh, we might as well miss the introduction, the old headmaster aint too creative,
Im sure youve noticed he always gives the same speech. Its the Pottery Pathway this
week. Followed by the Military Pathway. Ill be avoiding that one. He said the last bit
Not much for fighting? I asked, trying to keep him talking
Not me, mate, Im more into the spoils of war. Im a bit small and weak for the
ways of the warrior, unlike you. Im more suited for the shadows, stealing, hiding,
running. Its lucrative business, with several excellent perks, this being one of them, He
said, holding up a bottle of a brew called Darkspirit. It was a drink commonly used for
medicinal and recreational purposes in Estia and Allardon. Espera had outlawed it to kill
the trade industry of the countries. Therefore, it was extremely hard to come by.
This guys a thief, and looks like he might be a good one. We sat for a bit
drinking the Darkspirit. The brew was highly rich and aromatic, and quite pleasant.


Well, guess wed best be getting back to Sollumas, he sounded unhappy, like
hed really enjoyed my company, even though neither of us had said anything for several
minutes. The truth is, I really enjoyed him too. He was quirky, but still kind and really
fascinating, and I guessed he was as alone as I was if he was part Wizen.
Hey Ill see you in the courtyards. I said hesitantly, unsure how hed react. The
Others avoided me like the plague, why shouldnt he?
I felt relief creep up as his expression brightened Alright, mate, meet me in the
far right corner of Trius courtyard.
I cringed as I remembered the crowds that I had to push through to in Trius. It
was the most crowded courtyard of all.
Trius? But wont we be easy pickings for Pures?
Only if we want to dance with em and I wouldnt recommend that, its gotten
me into all sorts of trouble. he said seriously. I stifled laughter as we slipped through
the big doors to rejoin the crowds. We were unbothered as we did, to my surprise. The
Sollumass staff seemed either otherwise occupied or just very inattentive. I found
myself thanking my lucky stars that I might not have to be alone any more.


Chapter 15: Military Pathway

I spent the next week entirely with Cayss, he really was wonderful company and
he had some ingenious methods of staying safe. They were tested thoroughly, as he was
a third-year member already in Sollum Manipulation. He always hung in the most
crowded courtyard because that way the people were a barrier between our potential
assailants and us. And if we kept ourselves hunched up and silent, often we werent even
noticed. Trius was heavily guarded, as it was the most full courtyard. The guards
tolerated little fighting in their own turf.
I was in only three altercations all week, when before Id averaged nine. All led
by the same boy who usually led the attacks on me, named Custa. He was more muscular
than me but not as tall, and not half the fighter I was.
Cayss only tried to help me once, and he was right, he wasnt much for fighting.
He stepped in front of a boy nearly his size (if a little bigger, nobody was quite as small
as him) at one point. Once Id dealt with the others I had to pull the runt off a bloodied
Cayss. After that we agreed that Id handle the fighting.
I also learned Cayss really was more than a little crazy. He was a borderline
dependent on the Darkspirit, the drink, if had in a large quantity it had a pleasant,
hallucinogenic effect. I learned that he stopped living in his home once he came to
Sollumas, living in the same nook where he kept his Darkspirit.
When I asked him why, he told me that his mother was a good deal nuttier than he
was. I didnt press, he didnt want to talk about it, and I wouldnt force him to. I sensed
a lot of bad blood there. However his years of solitude hadnt hurt his mind or his charm,
as he was both mentally sharp and incredibly likeable.


The crowds funneled off into their respective groups, and we streamed into the
same field we used for Sollum Control Class, but this time for Military Pathway. Great,
a demonstration, now the Pures get permission to use me like a punching bag.
I mustered my confidence and strode onto the field.
Welcome, welcome all. The Pathway instructor was a High Villager, big, tan, and
extremely muscular. His bright blue eyes didnt have the cruel expression that most of
Sollumass teachers wore when they laid eyes upon me. I felt a small glimmer of hope.
Perhaps this man possessed the fabled sense of honor so strong in the cliffs.
Alright ladies and gentlemen stand at attention, he barked, his voice a low
growl, Welcome to the Military Pathway. You can call me Captain, my name beyond
that is irrelevant. He shouted, his voice was a permanent, dog-like bark. He glared at us
all collectively, like a warning of what disobedience would mean. I instinctively liked
the man, he didnt have any air of self-importance that was so common in those who
Alright then, he harrumphed, Grab one of these quarterstaffs. Theyre made to
simulate the spears used by the Esperad Infantry. He gestured to a line of rods that were
each around a inch in diameter and as tall as me, about 6 ft. Well practice a few
basic swings today, no man-on-man combat just yet. Captain said.
I heard a few groans from the boys in the back. Custa eyed me disappointedly. I
knew he was already keyed up for a chance to crack me on the head. I had to admit I was
at least as excited to do the same to him. I could win a fight against the Pure ringleader,
but it wouldnt be easy. But I had never fought him before; he always used his cronies to
do his dirty work. His sollum was a low-level version of the Muscle Mass sollum that


increased his arm strength exponentially, but he had no clue how to use it. He was
always itching to pound on an Other, but had a tougher time getting to one before I was
exiled. Without Kalsiffer or Buggrum watching my back, I was easy prey.
Hed taken to stopping by every other day, his friends held me down while he
struck me so he would not leave any marks. He mostly avoided the harsher marks, just
the minor cuts and bruises my mom had healed. I guess he didnt want the Others to
interfere. Dont worry Custa, they wont. Not today. I thought bitterly.
I grabbed one of the sturdy quarterstaffs, testing the thick wood in my palms. I
was feeling better than I had in weeks. The stiffness was gone and the Pures had had no
time to redo the damage my mom had repaired. I practiced the set of swings hed shown
us. The basic moves were not at all how Id hoped theyd be. They were tight little
thrusts and jabs. Spearmen of Espera fought with spear and shield. I had once imagined
Esperad soldiers as feared and terrible warriors, spears swinging in massive, sweeping
arcs as they screamed bloodcurdling battle cries.
Sir, why do we only use the stab? This seems weak and easily countered. I
said. I wasnt being critical.
I cringed for a moment, sure Id incurred captains wrath. But he just laughed and
Yes, it would seem like that, to you. Your people are bigger, stronger, braver
than we are. We have always been the weakest, unable to stand against Solless or
Allardon alike. And so we have created this method. Using our numbers and quickdefensive strikes allows Espera to crush less organized forces. You may preach courage,
but your men came to battle, singing their war-songs, and they crashed against Esperad
sword and shield.


Captain was speaking only what was the truth. He was telling me the history of
how Man had come to power. And how they fought only illustrated that. Men are
cunning and cruel by nature, a machine designed for domination. Feyl had designed
them for this purpose, to rule. So thats why Espera has this thirst for power, they are the
only purely human race, and the one that Feyl made for the purpose of total domination.
Old Race blood had diluted the ambition of the Nether Races, but the Esperads were the
same as Feyl had created them.
Everyone looked at him like he was a heretic worse than me (and thats saying
Esperads being weaker than the cowardly Allardon? Absurd. And moreover,
youre trying to tell me that Feyl wanted us to get to the top through stabbing everyone
else in the back? Look at this dirty Allard, Custa said; stabbing a thick finger at me at
me, I can destroy him anytime I want, no tricks needed.
Silence, coward. I have watched you in the yards. You cheat this boy of a fair
battle. And why? Because all your talk and bluster are meaningless when you are truly a
mewling kit. I refuse to see my people represented in this fool. Allow me to
demonstrate. Balkar stepped out of the crowd. Everyone was looking at him, filled with
fear and misunderstanding of him. Esperads often called the High Villagers as barbaric
as the Nether Races. And so they were despised for their strength. No wonder they were
so eager to please Artur, who gave them the respect they deserved.
If thats the way you want it. Ill keep my promise. I said, grinning at Balkar.
Poor kid, still trying to prove himself to those who would never understand him.


So you two want to do a little demonstration? Fine by me. Have at it. Captain
said. All the other Pures backed away, their faces a mixture of fascination and fear. We
were alien to them in every way. They were about to see something they never would
have imagined. A fight between two warriors that theyd only dreamed of.
We circled each other, feinting and dancing. I could feel a smile of bloodlust on
my lips, but Balkars face was disciplined and concentrated, the face of an ascetic.
Dont you see how they look at you, Balkar? They will never understand you
like I do. I wheedled him with truth, feeling confident and fearless.
It matters not whether or not they accept me. I require the acceptance of only
Feyl. Balkar said stubbornly. But I could see the lingering doubt in his eyes, and my
smile grew at the sight.
But what if Feyl isnt the holy master you think you serve? What if youre on
the wrong side? I continued, feeding his doubts.
Enough talk. He concluded and lashed out at me with his staff, using it like a
sword. I parried the blow and returned with my own. But each strike was parried easily.
Soon our staves blurred the air, coming together with resounding cracks similar to the
sound of a woodcutter who fells a large tree. We were incredibly even, my edge in speed
balanced by his edge in strength. I became angrier and angrier as adrenaline flooded my
body. I altered my strategy, putting hefty, two-handed weight behind every swing. I was
gaining ground with this. I was getting stronger, and he was getting weaker. Finally, my
blows snapped his rod in two as he fell to the ground.
I pointed my stave at him, still smiling. Do you concede? I asked him.


Balkar looked at the ground, muttering something. All I heard was:

Losttodarknessfailedthemaster. I looked at him quizzically. He was
literally shaking with anger.
Balkar, its over. Give in. I insisted. His head snapped up, his blue eyes
clouded with anger and incredulity.
No. Its not over. I am a Purger, and I will do my duty and show you Feyls
wrath. He raised his hand and blazingly bright chains spiraled from his palm and
wrapped around me. The moment they touch me, I felt the most incredible pain. But I
could not escape. It felt like I had been encircled in molten metal. I screamed as I felt it
begin to burn me away and I was helpless to it. I looked at Balkar eyes, and saw that he
was horrified. But he could not stop, the chains refused to let go. I knew in that instant
that he had lost all control. That he would kill me, then himself.
But an angel intervened. It was an angel in the form of a medium size, jet-black
stone that struck him directly between the eyes. The golden chains slid away from me,
and slowly traveled back into his arm. And then both of us were falling backwards. The
last thing I remembered was a flash of dark blue, flashing and changing hues in the sun.
A beautiful cream-colored face was leaning over me, and drops of wet fell on my face. It
couldnt be that bad, as I felt no pain any longer. My eyes were drooping closed, though
I didnt want them to, as I was certain that if I closed them that would be the last time I
saw that face.
The next face was elfish, with long, raven hair. It looked like it was in pain, but
was trying not to show it. I felt bad, and wanted to comfort the faces, but my voice
wouldnt work. Was I getting tired


The last face was tan and grim. It looked like it was disappointed, not afraid or in
pain. I didnt like this face all too much. But it was this one that raised me in its arms. I
couldnt feel any part of me, no arms, legs, or even a heart. I just didnt want to leave
that first face. But the third face carried me away from the first face that was still awash
in tears. And then there was nothing left to hold on to. I could slip away into sleep. And
so I did. S


Chapter 16: I Wake Up to A Whole New World

I lay there (wherever there was) for a while. Sweating, moaning, it was far too
reminiscent of the days between the murder of the Voice and my interrogation. The
difference was my environment. I almost always felt someone there. I am here to tell
you that people still understand you when theyre in a comatose state. I was almost sure I
heard Karli, Cayss, Captain, Glennice, and most memorably Tiva. This was what she
told my lifeless form:
Im so sorry, Alvas! II hate all these things Kalsiffer and Sani make us do, but
I cant bear to say it to Kalsiffer. You have to understand, Alvas, I know you know how I
feel about him. You saw me when you wereI just cant
It all slipped away after that. Poor Tiva, she was always too fragile for fighting.
Always so desperate for attention and caring from her crush, she could find none in the
Others, and neither could I. But shed fallen in love with Kalsiffer, and shed never
desert him no matter what destruction he brought on them.
She was nothing like Karli. Karli wasnt indifferent, but there was something else
driving her. Something greater than Kalsiffer, the Others, or I could ever be. I didnt
know what it was, but that thing had made her hide away. Maybe that was why Kalsiffer
preferred her to Tiva, because she was broken like him. They deserved each other.
I woke up sometime during the evening. There was a cool cloth lying on my
forehead, and Karli was at my side. We locked eyes for a long moment, hers deep blue
and mine golden-amber like desert sand at sunset. Her eyes were warm, glad to see me
all right. It occurred to me that if we hadnt been brought to Espera, then if we would
meet, wed likely be foes, because Kecklas and Allardon are rivals. I struggled for a


moment to imagine hating her. But the warmth faded quickly from her eyes as she saw
realized the intimacy of the moment. As soon as I was awake, she had to put her guard
back up. As I processed this, I grew angry. I broke the silence harshly.
Come here just to stare at me? Will Kalsiffer not let you speak, so you must sit
and stare. I was almost shouting, but Karli did not rise to the bait, she simply stared at
me some more, reading my face and body. I averted my eyes, looking down at my chest.
My entire midriff and arms were covered in bandages. Karli finally broke the silence, but
her voice was calm and dispassionate.
No, but Im breaking the rule, just this once. I owe you an explanation. I dont
really care for Kalsiffer. He noticed you and I were becoming close, and wanted to drive
me out along with you. Now I am proving my loyalty by being with him. Nothing more,
nothing less. Karlis eyes were back to their normal look, blank with a slight mistrust of
everything around her.
So you are pretending to care about him so he wont exile you like he did me.
Some friend you are, to deny me as soon as Kalsiffers against me. How do you sleep at
night? I knew I was being unfair, but I didnt care.
You still dont get it. Im not out to make friends. As far as Im concerned, one
thing matters, and thats my next breath. She wasnt trying to convince me, she was
trying to convince herself. She wanted to believe that so bad she was nearly crying. It
was obvious to me, for I knew that she wasnt the selfish person shed have me believe
she is.
I wanted to comfort her. I wasnt sure how, because I still didnt know what hurt
her. But I wanted to help her stop it, more than anything. Before I could tell her any of


this, she turned away, and left, without a single hesitation or backward glance. That was
Karli, always moving forward.
Once Karli was gone, the searing burns could return to the forefront of my mind.
I began to cry, and wanted to scream, but didnt want to give anyone the satisfaction of
hearing me do it. So I shoved a fist cloth in my mouth and bit down. And that was how I
sat, biting down with tears running down my face. The bright light, what had it been?
Mate, you dont look too sprightly. Here. Ive brought you something to take
the edge off. Infirmary painkillers dont work on paper cuts. Heres my favorite way to
kill pain: dried Saylee berries. Wont feel a thing in five minutes. I ripped the cloth
from my mouth and swallowed four berries at once. The relief was tangible and
immediate. But the berries were the bitterest flavor imaginable. Cayss read my
expression and produced a bottle of Darkspirits.
Nasty arent they? Wash it down with this. He tossed me the bottle, which I
took a long draught of and tossed back to him. We were lucky the transition was
successful. The berries worked wonders; I had no feeling in my extremities whatsoever.
So, whatd I miss in the last few days? I said, my casual air disguising my
intentions of finding out what was causing the sense of unease in the people around me.
Bad business, mate, bad business. I figured Id leave off telling you for a later
date, so you could rest easy, but Cayss took nothing seriously, so if he was worried
enough not to disturb me now, it was very bad.
Just say it, Cayss. I interrupted his musings forcefully, desperate to know what
terrible thing had happened.


He looked at me for a second, then nodded slowly to himself. He took a deep

breath and started Remember what you told me Artur, the self-proclaimed Second
Yes. I prompted.
Well altar boy declared himself the new lord of Espera, publicly executed the
Voices for heresy, and declared the High Chieftains his new council. They unanimously
voted it was time for Feyls Way to become the only law of the land. They imposed new
laws of worship or death. Vithta, Allardon, Estia, and Magra immediately announced
their resistance.
Terrible, isnt it? I dont know what theyre thinking. Theyve no chance of
victory. He said dejectedly, he sounded extremely disappointed. Id long suspected that
he, like most not of Esperad blood, was opposed to their rule over Caste. But Id not
brought it up to him, as it was an extremely sensitive topic and one that is always risky to
speak of.
I felt the desire to argue with his pessimism, How can you be so doubtful? The
Magran and Allards are the two fiercest warrior countries in all of Caste. Their combined
strength will give us a fighting chance. Let alone the wisdom of the Vithtans and the
treasure troves of Estia.
Dont fool yourself, this isnt the same Espera that conquered Caste. They are
immeasurably stronger, larger, and better organized than when they first expanded their
borders. They have for nearly two decades grown fat off the work of their citizens. Their
taxes have sapped the resources that are needed to wage war. Weve no chance of
victory. Cayss let his head sag down, looking as broken and hopeless as anyone Id ever


seen. I knew he was still trying to stop himself from hoping that they just might win this
Have a little faith, Cayss, the people of Caste have grown stronger too. They are
ready for change. This rule will not stand, mark my words.
Anyway, Alvas, we need to stop worrying about the chances of victory and start
worrying about our own lives. You may have thought the Pures have been aggressive
and cruel, but now well be viewed in the same light as the rebels from our homelands.
They will give no quarter, well be dead before its over.
I saw the horrible truth in what Cayss was saying. There would be no reasoning
with those vicious mobs once the fighting started. Wed be killed; there was no doubt in
my mind.
Well then, looks like its time to get out.


Chapter 17: Time to Go

Thats insane! Do you even realize what youre suggesting, Cayss blustered,
This place is a inescapable trap!
Really? There must be exits around somewhere, Cayss. Look, youre the
perfect guy to get us out. You break into underground Darkspirit breweries in the night
and steal a case out from under the noses of criminals. Theres a way and youll find it.
I noticed that he softened for a moment at my artful flattery, but immediately became
wary again. Cayss wasnt stupid; such things wouldnt cloud his judgment.
Im sorry, Alvas, this just isnt possible. Dont think I havent tried to scout out
an escape route should I need a getaway?
Cayss, you said it yourself, you know what happens if we stay. If we were part
of the Others, then maybe we could get through, but the two of us alone against the Pures,
wed not stand a chance, I pleaded desperately, Why dont we just sneak out when
were home? I asked him; surprised he hadnt already suggested the idea, as he was a
much quicker thinker than I was.
He looked at me for a moment before speaking, Thats right! You were out
when we went over changes in security during times of war. Hate to be the bearer of bad
news, mate, but in order to protect us, we remain here all the time through the war.
Protecting the youth from the evils of war and all that.
So we cant go home? I questioned, feeling tired and angry. Cayss just shook
his head and I slumped back onto the mattress. Dont you have some idea? Please. I
asked one last time.


Cayss fell into deep thought, his accentuated wrinkles becoming deep creases in
his face, and then I saw something dawn on him.
Mate, this is a real long shot, but I could try and contact some guys Ive done
business a few times. If anyone can get us out, they can. I could break the lock, with the
proper distraction
Okay. I said, feeling rejuvenated by the small glimmer of hope still left.
Cayss and I both spent the night in the safety and warmth of the infirmary. Several times,
I prompted Cayss to tell me who would be breaking us out, and several times he dodged
the question. I slept well on the herbal potion the nurse created for me. I laughed when
the flustered nurse shot down Cayss when he asked for a cup of the potion.
I felt better getting up, if a bit groggy with the herbal remedy. I removed the
bandages, and looked at my tan skin. It was now patterned with a latticework of angry
red scars, directly where the chains had been.
Cayss looked at me and whistled, Ive never seen the work of Hallas Chains
before. So few survive ityou were really lucky, mate.
So thats what it was called, Hallas Chains.
Yup, chains straight from Feyls own dungeon in his kingdom of Halla. Only
the most devout Purgers were given the power, a reward for their pilgrimage. Its said to
only burn non-believers. Cayss went on to say.
Chains: the mark of a non-believer, a dissenter, and of the oppressed, I kind of
like it. I said with a grim smile, tracing the marks Balkar had left on my flesh.


I went to Sollum Control and found that Balkar had been removed from Sollumas.
He had been sent to join the fight. Captain agreed he was certainly ready for the
Balkar would no doubt be put at the front lines and he would be just another
casualty of war at far too young an age. In spite of what hed done to me, I still felt bad
for him. It was funny how anger never really seems to leave the world. He didnt hate
me, but hed inherited his peoples anger and was powerless to quell it. Maybe that was
why I had such difficulty controlling my sollum.
Gellart left me alone after my injury. Wights were incredibly vulnerable to
Hallas Chains. The scars Balkar had left had apparently made me incredibly dangerous
to the Soulsucker. But what he did now was almost worse. He stared at me manically,
his right hand trembling fiercely. He looked like he was going into withdrawal. I think it
was more than just spite that drove him to suck at my energy like that. I think he was
addicted to my power. I dont know how or why, but the thought chilled me deep down.
When I came to Military Pathway, Captain greeted me like a hero.
By Feyl, what a fight you two had! You know hed been taking combat training
for years, and was stronger than you. But you matched him blow for blow. With a little
channeling of that raw ability, you could be a terror on the battlefield. He promised, with
his eyes twinkling at the thought. This both flattered and frightened me. It sounded like
Captain was going to draft me, something I could not endure. I would not fight my own.
But if he wanted me, thered be no choice in the matter. No doubt, I had to get out of


As the days went by and there was no reply from the mysterious group Cayss had
contacted, I grew more and more anxious. Captain was still entertaining the idea of just
taking me with him when the Pathway ended. Military Pathway was a couple days
longer than average, but that still didnt leave us much time at all before I was whisked
off to the frontlines and used as fodder for my own kind. I decided if it came to that then
Id turn my blade on the Esperads and hope the Allards would simply let me join their
ranks. I certainly looked like them enough.
But even if they didnt slay me, Id just be brought down by the Esperads in the
heat of the fighting. I was scared of my future if my escape didnt happen, no doubt. I
think Cayss was almost as keyed up as me. He was missing his Darkspirit, bad. His
usually bright, happy eyes were half-crazed with lust. He was punished with hard labor
for making a mad dash out the main door one day. This was when I knew he might be
gone for good. Cayss could escape, but his loyalty to me wouldnt let him. And if there
were any chance of him getting out, getting back in would be impossible. Cayss rushed
to me after three long days of waiting, looking rejuvenated and hopeful. I knew what the
news was before he told me. He handed me the note reluctantly, as if not sure he wanted
me to see. But I snatched it quickly before he could refuse. The message was written in
calligraphically artistic writing. The author looked like a learned man, noble even.
Unlearned men could never write with such beauty and finesse. I couldnt imagine this
was a common knave we were dealing with.

Hello there, Cayss. I admit that I was surprised to here from you.
We didnt exactly leave off on the friendliest of terms, but Im


happy to hear that youve reconsidered our proposal. Were happy

to let you out now that youve come to your senses. The Hestral
screams in the black of the new moon. Be out of your bunks then. I
am so excited to see you again.

Cayss turned away from me as I read. I saw he was hopeful, but not just hopeful,
frightened. I dismissed it as a sign of apprehension for the events of tomorrow night. I
was deeply disturbed by the second to last line. If that line was any judge, these were
extremely dark men we were dealing with. The night of the new moon was known as
The Night of Feyls Agony. I never paid any attention in Sollumas, but I always loved
this story. I really shouldnt, but I found myself deeply attracted to it for some unearthly
It is said that on the first new moon in the history of the world, the dark god was
born. His name was Hestion. He was the birth of evil. He melded his own race on the
dark side of the moon called Deoman and attacked Feyl. The Deoman walked on two
legs like Man, but had no sollums and were said to have been nearly as much beast as
Also born with Hestion were three lesser gods Hestions closest friends and most
powerful allies. The first was the Warrior Goddess, Axeva, the most powerful being ever
to live. She slew fifteen legions of humans in the great battle. But the second god was
even more powerful: the Wise Man, Mesa, who knew all things of the past, present, and


Feyl called Man to his side, and a great battle was fought between Man, Hestions
Deoman, Feyl, and Hestion. It was a lost fight from the beginning for that of Hestion.
The Deoman were being overwhelmed when Axeva thrust her blade into Feyls heart,
causing him to endure incredible pain and weakening him greatly. But she saw the battle
was lost and she fled, vowing to avenge the fallen.
Feyl sent Hestion to a prison in the center of the earth and cast the Deoman to the
earth, making them mortal (they became the Old Races, it was said). And Man dwelled
with Feyl in heaven for many more centuries until they too were banished for their greed
and weakness.
But now on every new moon, Feyl is weakened and evil reigns supreme for one
night every lunar cycle. The fact that these men picked that night can mean only one
thing. I shrugged, I knew that whoever Cayss chose, they werent gonna exactly be
clergymen. I wouldnt worry about that, or the offer they made Cayss. I would worry
about only one thing, getting out. The rest could be dealt with afterward.
No, not true. I had one more worry, the Others. I knew I couldnt leave them
behind, I decided Id make a deal with Cayss to let them come along. Having giant
Buggrum lumbering through the halls would make escape that much more difficult but it
simply wasnt fair to make them stay here. And the deal I made Cayss would make it
that much harder, but it could be done. I knew becausewell I guess not because the
lord was on our side. No, even better, we had darkness on our side.


Chapter 18: Loose Ends.

We had another problem. We had no idea where we were going. Cayss told me
that he could take me to a safehouse after we got out, and theyd also take care of us.
When I asked him how he knew he shrugged and said it was part of the deal. Cayss was
looking bad, he kept opening his mouth like he wanted to say something but then just
closing it again. He was only halfheartedly arguing where we should go. It seemed like
he didnt really care and was only debating for my benefit. It was frustrated to see him
soapathetic. What I loved about Cayss was his spirit and wit, both of which the
Darkspirit had robbed him of. Now he had only desire. He was desperate, and
desperation was dangerous.
But when I came to the answer it seemed plain as could be. Vexas words echoed
in my mind. If you ever feel like coming home, Alvas, meet me in Rataan Outpost. I
knew suddenly that this was the place I needed to be. I couldnt live on the run. Maybe
Cayss could, or even the Others, but I wasnt as resourceful as they were. And I could
never be satisfied with that type of meaningless existence. And here was my goal to
Cayss, I know where were going. I told him.
Where? He asked idly. He sounded dull and uncaring, not like himself.
I never told you this but and I told him of the short conversation with Vexa
that had set my entire life into motion. Now all I needed to do was fight for the
opportunity Vexa had given me.
Thats a great place for youus to go. he had recovered from the slip of his
tongue quickly, but it hadnt escaped me in the least.


What did you say? Are you deserting me? My voice was more alarmed and
accusatory than I had wanted it to be. But without Cayss this was a hopeless dream. I
needed his intelligence and positive outlook to keep me both safe and sane on this
Nowhere, Al, nowhere. Alvas, you and I are mates now and Im not going to
abandon you. He assured me, his voice adopting easy sincerity. I was far from certain,
but it was the perfect time for me to ask a favor, now that he was off-guard.
Hey, can we bring along a few friends? I asked suddenly, already expecting the
The Others. Cayss said, not at all surprised. It sounded like hed long expected
it. There was nothing but hurt in his voice.
Yes. I said
Dont you get it? They want nothing to do with you. His voice was cold, and
his tone was aiming to hurt. It worked too well. Although I still hadnt gotten over their
recent rejection, I still wanted them with me. I so desperately wanted their acceptance
because theyd been my gateway into this strange world of rebellion and war. But theyd
just as quickly thrown me out of it. In some ways, I felt like if I couldnt earn their
approval, then I was not truly strong. For if I couldnt impress a few adolescent wannabe
warriors, what chance would I have in the far harsher realities of war?
Cayss, theyll be able to help us once were out. They wont survive this either.
Please, let me try. I pleaded with him.


Fine, if you need them to be. His tone was harsh, angrier than Id ever seen
him. I didnt know what to say. I just gave him a pat on the shoulder and headed back to
the old base of Unus Courtyard, which Id been told never to return to.
Id like to say that I strode in confidently, that I puffed out my chest and
demanded to speak with their leader. But I didnt. Because in spite of my dreams, I was
still a child, and they still held power over me. Kalsiffer reacted to me first. Though I
was certain Karli had warned him of approach far before.
Turn around and leave, boy. I let you off easy last time, but I wont do so again.
But I heard youve already been hurt, as I said you would be. Are you here to beg me.
And now Kalsiffer could treat me as hed always wanted to, like I was just a dog that had
been beaten into sheepishness. But just because I was beaten didnt mean that I didnt
still have teeth.
I have an offer to make you. I said quietly, although there were no listeners.
Oh, the mad Allard has an offer to make us? What could you possibly offer us?
Kalsiffer taunted. I grinded my teeth to force down my anger. Just the sight of him made
flames jump in my vision.
Were escaping. Cayss and I. I said, now looking at Sani since I knew the
decision would ultimately be his.
Ridiculous, impossible. You really are mad now, and desperate, just as mad and
desperate as you drunken friend. Sani scoffed at me. I wanted to punch his smug little
face in. I looked down at my charred right hand, and saw sparks jump in between my


Leave it to you to align yourself with someone part Solless. Kalsiffer spit the
last word, as if it were something ugly. I gaped at him and recognition dawned on me.
You wouldnt let him in because he was part Wizen. I said, my voice quiet with
Of course we wouldnt, just because we arent Esperad doesnt mean were
against Feyl like you. You have to be to keep company like that. Sani said. In that
moment I knew Sani was the mastermind. I had always thought Kalsiffer was the evil
one. Kalsiffer was a beast. Sani had trained him to be as he was. Poor Buggrum, Tiva,
Karli, and Kalsiffer. Sani had brainwashed them to become sightless and coldhearted.
Truly, they were victims of their masters, just like Balkar.
So the truth comes out, I see. You people never cared about me, or each other.
You have all been jaded into thinking that all you could do was fight people. Im
leaving, but you need to start believing in something if you ever want this to stop. But
you dont, do you, youve forgotten how to believe in anything. All it takes is for one of
you to see that these walls arent all there is to believe in. Show you can still see things
on your own. I was doing better. A passionate speech was an excellent, inspiring
thought, not to mention my lack of preparation. But it was still meaningless to them.
But then I looked at Karli. Karli was looking at me with fierce indecision. She
was battling all the lies Sani had given her that protected her from the harshness of the
life of an Other. Not just the Others in Sollumas, but all the Others in Caste.
Karli? I know how proud you are of your eyes, prove you can still see the truth.
She looked at me; her eyes had once again become masked. She simply shook her head.
Kalsiffer hugged her closer to him, as she was as usual under his left arm. I nodded


numbly and walked away, hunched over dejectedly. I was at the door when I heard a
voice as cool and smooth as glacial ice called to me.
Wait up. Said Karli as she shrugged off Kalsiffers arm and strolled casually
after me. I saw Kalsiffer go from shock immediately to rage. His pupils became slits and
his claws extended. He raised his hand to strike her with his claws. My sollum reacted
immediately, bursting into flames as I bellowed at him. And for a moment I saw fear on
Kalsiffers face. He was afraid, of me.
The pause was more than enough for Karli. She whirled around and delivered a
powerful haymaker, her fist plowing into his nose. The force of the blow carried him
right into the dirt and onto his rear end. He sat on the cobbled stone of the courtyard,
looking dazed. Karli blew on her fist and shook it out.
She really didnt look the least bit perturbed, as she spoke Oh my god, you really
have never been dumped before. Pull it together. By the way, you should all listen to
Alvas, because he proved Kalsiffer wrong, they couldnt break him. She stated calmly,
like obvious fact. She looked at Tiva, nodded, and winked. I saw Tiva grin blissfully at
Karli and rush to Kalsiffers side.
Karli back to me and gave me the slightest of smiles. She motioned for us to
leave and we walked back to the yard, back to Cayss.
And Karli never looked back.


Chapter 19: Escape

We decided on meeting in Unus courtyard. It was closest to the least guarded
hallway in all of Sollumas. It wasnt much of an advantage, but anything that could give
us an edge we needed to use. Cayss had insightfully called it poetic justice, bringing
all our journeys in Sollumas to a close in the exact spot theyd begun, one way or
Cayss and I had spoken and reconciled over the Others. I felt no crave for their
attentions now and he had happily agreed that they were all downright nasty little
blighters. Cayss had also accepted Karli fairly well, especially after hearing what shed
done to Kalsiffer. But he also seemed wary of her. Id heard him call her use the Pures
nickname for her: Ice Queen, because both her homeland and herself were more than a
little wintry.
She hadnt said a word of the events nor shown any sign of emotion. I knew that
her mind was working a mile a minute, but she was always tried to hide it. I already
knew I knew her better because I could tell she wasnt nearly as serene in her mind as her
face showed.
I was under no delusions this would be easy. On the contrary, I was quite certain
it would fail, and we would be left to rot and die, though not necessarily in that order.
Cayss and Karli seemed fairly confident, each for their own reasons. When Id
ask Karli how she could be so calm, she told me that she was simply good in the dark.
What that meant, I was left to wonder. Cayss was extremely self-satisfied with his
decision on calling his mysterious allies. Though when I asked about them, he became


very upset. And there were times, when he thought I wasnt looking, that I could see a
great worry on his face,
I didnt fall asleep, my mind sharpened by adrenaline. I thought sympathetically
of the feeling that Cayss must be having. Caysss sollum was simply called Buzzing.
His sollum shot ungodly amounts of adrenaline into his system, speeding his reactions so
much it was almost like time slowed. This state was addictively powerful, but it
consumed incredible amounts of energy to maintain.
Finally, I crept out of the bunkroom and down the hall into Unus courtyard. I was
the last to arrive. Cayss and Karli were both waiting for me. Karli was still as stone but
Cayss was jumping up and down, shaking with his Buzz. He handed me one of the
training staves from the Military Pathway (he mustve stolen it at some point). He
offered Karli one but she refused. I could vaguely see her point to her right palm, which
would undoubtedly have her sling wrapped around it.
Alvas, you always have wondered what my sollum was, well here it is. She
whispered proudly. She held out her wrist and I watched in fascination as it gave off a
brief glow so I could seea giant eye. I looked up at her face, and saw that her right eye
had vanished! So this was Karlis power, it was obvious, really.
Id heard of such a sollum, called the Seeing Sol, it was unique to Kecklas and
even there incredibly rare. The right eye moved away from the eye socket to the wrist
where it sits on top of the persons Sol, working as a lens for her Sol to look out at the
world. It allowed the user to have perfect vision of her surroundings, very useful for a
marksman. Undoubtedly this is what she meant when she said she was good in the
dark, her eye would be unaffected by the dark.


I however, wasnt so sure it was good. The thing was bulbous and disgusting, and
I couldnt help but gag a bit. Karli punched me in the arm, none too lightly.
I saw that! she hissed angrily
Well, youve got to admit, its kind ofunpleasant. I could think of worse
things to call it.
Well your severely burned and blackened flesh isnt exactly attractive. She
retorted in a voice as loud as a stage whisper.
Wow, I never thought of that. Ouch.
Cayss was about to shut us both up when we heard a shriek like an animal in enormous
Was that? I asked. A Hestral. It was said to be the messenger of the
Darkbringer, one of his three pets. It was huge, and black as death. It had the size of an
eagle, the cruelly brilliant mind of a raven. It was one of the most feared creatures in
Shhhh! Lets rolls, ladies and gentlemen! Cayss pulled open the creaky door
and walked through. Karli and I followed. We were excellently equipped to handle the
dark corridors. Cayss and I were blind as prophets, but Karlis night vision was our
greatest weapon.
I saw down the hall a guard carrying a torch standing a ways down the hall. He
was peering down the hall in the exact area in which we stood. But his torch didnt cast
the light to see us. I looked at the black blob where Karli stood, making a swinging
motion with my hand. She nodded and pulled a stone from her pocket. She was a dead
eye on any day, but her quintuple-strength vision made the task of knocking out a guard


that much easier. After four revolutions of the sling, a stone sailed through the air,
striking the poor man directly between the eyes.
Then the voices began. They sounded so close, but so far. The echoing stone
made it very difficult to judge space and time. Their ghostly voices said this:
Theyve broken into the Sollum Masters quarters, stolen his favorite
So? Make the bloody idiot get new ones.
This echo belonged to the Sollum Master One more word out of you and youre
out of the job! Catch that thief!
I chuckled softly as we ran. We were all bare-footed, and so our footsteps were
unheard. But the hallways were rough and uneven. If we fell, it wouldnt be pretty.
Wed made a pact that wed escape together, or not at all. Although Karlis ME policy
made me question her loyalty to that promise.
We encountered no more resistance. The Unus passageway was way out of the
way from the SollumMasters office. We ran through the twisting hallways, the rock
scraping our feet painfully. I was breathing silently, in excellent shape from my religious
city runs. Cayss had an even easier time than me, due to the ridiculous amount of
adrenaline in his blood. But Karli was dragging behind us. She had no cardio, used to
standing and firing. With only me to shield her, I wasnt sure shed be safe standing still.
Stop! Karli hissed to us urgently
I stopped to abruptly, rubbing the skin off the bottoms of my feet. It hurt like Halla, but
the calluses Id developed mostly protected me. I was more than used to running
barefooted and it felt easy.


What? I whispered back to her.

Tripwire, she said between gulps of air. I began to fear she was going to start
hyperventilating, but she slowly calmed her breathing. Her small soft hand took hold of
mine and led me forward. I tried not to be grossed out, ignoring that eyeball that bulged
out of her wrist. That aside, her hands were beautiful. They were the hands of a girl, not
the hardened warrior I knew Karli was. I relaxed in her grip. We stepped over the wire,
but held hands for a couple more moments before she hastily let go.
Feyls breath, something in here. Cayss whispered in our ears. Sure enough, I
heard a nasty grinding noise of stone on stone. Then it stopped and I heard 1000-pound
footfalls coming toward us.
Feyl help us. Karli whispered in horror.
Well well, looks like weve got a few students out of bed. Come on, lets get
these troublemakers back to bed. Spoke a voice that sounded like an axe on a grinder. It
was the face of the Sollum Master, but a grotesquely rough-hewn version, barely
recognizable. It wore a disgusted expression similar to how the real thing looked when it
saw me.
It was a Claywalker, a creature created by a Runepotter (A man who made living
things out of clay by binding spirits to clay bodies). Claywalkers were common infantry
in the Esperad army. I shouldve guessed theyd be here.
Karli whipped a stone out of her sling, shattering the things head. That did
nothing to slow it down. A ghostly laugh echoed in the empty cavern of its body.
Theyre driven by a Possession Rune on the inside back wall of their bodies, and
the only way to kill one is destroying that seal. But if this thing is military issue, that spot


will take nothing less than a hammer blow to shatter. Take out the knees, its his weak
point. Cayss relayed quietly.
I drove my staff into the things knee and wrenched it to the side, snapping the leg
of with a breaking-pot sound and a puff of clay dust. The thing fell almost lazily, lying
on the ground. Its arms flailed as the headless body rolled around on the stone. Despite
the inappropriate moment, or maybe because of it, I dissolved in helpless laughter. Karli
and Cayss both turned to me. Cayss actually looked at me like I was the crazy one for
Alvas, stop, I think youre ticking him off. Karli said as she chewed a lip.
Why? What can he do about it? Hes just a disassembled and frankly useless
guard. I said, mocking the thing. Looking back, it really was bad form on my part.
You really done it this time, kid. That really hurt. Now theyll have to take me
in for repairs. Oy, you lot, this silly little piglets are tryin to escape. The echo came
from the torso. At his call, there was a horrible ripping as century-old stone came away
from the wall to which it had been attached.
Nice going, Al, you really have a way of making friends. Cayss observed
Crap, were done. Its been nice knowing you guys. I said, ruining the
nonchalant mood. The air was filled with the crack of stone on hardened clay as Karli
destroyed the left knee of the first Claywalker. But this one was knees were apparently
reinforced, as it didnt shatter completely.
The first one wasnt military grade. These wont go down easy. Hold the choke
point, its our only chance. Cayss said sullenly. Then the fight was upon us. These


guards were armed with metal shields and swords. They were slow, and could only
attack three at a time. But they were miraculously strong and sturdy. When they broke,
they became jagged shards that cut our feet where we stepped. We were pushed back,
and finally surrounded by the living statues. I dodged clumsy strikes, counterattacking
with my much weaker weapon. I picked up a sword, using the weighty blade like a club.
Cayss and Karli were working as a team. Cayss running all the risks to protect Karli
while she slowly chipped away at the small army. I had taken out about eight, Karli and
Cayss had five. There were only seven left. But I was fatigued. I didnt think I could
even hold a sword much longer. Caysss Buzz couldnt last very long either; I could see
he would soon collapse. And there would be no mercy from these war machines.
A cry pierced the corridor, ghosts of it echoing through the deserted halls. Karli
had fallen. I could see blood coming slowly from her body. It stained her perfect white
skin, made paler by blood loss. I could see her eyes flickering in and out of
consciousness. I flew into rage like never before. I was no longer under my own power,
my body flooded with liquid flame in my veins. It wasnt adrenaline, something more. I
felt like a God, like Axeva. I picked up a second blade, twirling the previously heavy
sword as if it were a knife. I sliced one head to toe, destroying the seal. The other six
turned away from Cayss and Karli to look towards me. I grinned lustily; this power was
addicting. I drove my left hand sword directly through one of them, the second I
disturbed the Rune it turned to dust. I saw another three figures, outlined in hallucinated
flames, which I knew my sollum had brought on. I bent low and cut through all three
pairs of legs in one strike. The last one was on the ground, I didnt know or care why. I
couldnt see it clearly, my vision obscured by the ever present mind-flames of battle lust.


I just wanted to kill the heartless thing, to send it from whence it came. I no longer was
enjoying myself, I wanted the rage to end. I raised my sword and
Alvas, what are you doing? She screamed. The first time Id ever heard her
terrified, and the last time I would for a long time. The blinding blaze that had obscured
my vision was gone, and I found myself to be standing over Karli. She looked so deathly
scared of me, it was something Id never forget. Her being more frightened of me that
she had ever been of any Pure. I dropped the remains of the staff that had been clutched
in my right hand, it now looked as ravaged by fire as my own arm was. I looked at my
hands, self-loathing and shame penetrating me.
Alvas, mate. Whatever just happened, forget about it. Weve got to scoot or
were caught for sure. Cayss stepped in front of Karli, his hands held up in a
peacemaking gesture. Like he was trying to talk a Dire Wolf out of eating him. He was
trying to sound calm, but he was quivering pathetically, desperately afraid of me.
L-Lets go. I said, my voice wasnt in such great shape either. I looked down at
my feet, they were bloody with cuts from clay shards. But hey, I was so high off
adrenaline that it didnt really matter.
Its no good, Im done. Goodbye, Alvas, Cayss. Karli said, closing her eyes.
Despite the finality of her voice, I could see her chest still rising and falling.
Shell be fine, Alvas, the Others will take her back. Cayss tried to persuade me.
And I knew it was true, they would forgive her. She would plead with Kalsiffer, and she
would be forced to pretend to care for him. She might somehow survive the war, and
then marry either Kalsiffer or some other nameless and menacing goon who could never
care for her as much as I do. And I would never see her again, I would likely die young,


either before or after I find Vexa. She would move on, as her survival instincts dictated.
And that would be the end of it.
I fought a battle with myself, knowing full well what was right. I should leave
her, it was probably safer here then wherever I was going. It was what she wouldve
done for both her own benefit and mine. And as I watched her lay there, the most
beautiful person Id ever seen, I made the most selfish decision I couldve, the wrong
decision. Nothing felt worse than knowing Id chosen wrong, and couldnt keep myself
from doing so.
I can carry her, well still make it. I decided. Cayss knew better than to argue.
I picked her up with a grunt, put her on my back, acknowledged Caysss doubtful look,
and began to run.
I followed Cayss down the hall at a dead run, Karli bouncing on my back limply.
Cayss pushed the door open, the way had been cleared by his friends. It was absolutely
black, no moonlight to guide us by. I followed Cayss in near blindness, simply trusting
him to get us to safety. Cayss took us down a complex and winding trail. We heard
shouts in the night, which was cause for concern because it was against the law of Espera
to be out on The Night of Feyls Agony. Not even guards stayed out tonight, it was so
sacred a belief. They left their Claywalkers on guard, but I wasnt concerned about being
caught by them in the open. I could outrun them, even with my feet cut to ribbons and a
full-grown teenage girl on my back. My adrenaline buzz was gone, and every step sent
daggers through my shredded feet.
We attracted Claywalkers, but avoided them easily. And that was the most
resistance we faced. Nobody would dare leave home tonight, not even to chase a


fugitive. We stumbled up to a small building it was crammed up between two of the

large glass buildings. It was made of wood, and it certainly didnt look like it was
bothering anyone.
By now my feet were practically leaving footprints of blood. It would be an easy
path to follow in the morning. Id be surprised if we survived the night. Honestly, I
barely cared. I just wanted to sit down, have a glass of water, and wait for the sweet kiss
of death. Im being melodramatic, obviously, but I was exhausted.
Cayss took the final steps evenly, knocked on the door, and promptly collapsed in
a heap. I smiled dully at how funny he looked, my mind slowed by fatigue. I set Karli
down as gently as I could, swayed and fell down next to her. I hoped that whoever were,
they checked their mail early.


Chapter 20: The Den of Heretics

My eyes shot open, and darted around the room, absorbing my surroundings
swiftly. So this was where Caysss friends lived. It was a large room filled with about
ten small beds, spaciously lit by bright lamps, whose light reflected off bare white walls.
It was almost a perfect re-creation of the infirmary at Sollumas, other than having down
mattresses and being painted into pristine perfection. These guys were no slouch, thats
for sure.
Why hello there. Im glad youre up. It was a woman. But it wasnt a woman.
Sure, the face was that of a gorgeous woman. She had sparkling blue eyes with a few
locks of blonde hair lay perfectly across her right eye. Big pink lips were set in an
alluring, mysterious smile. But as beautiful as her face was, her body was equally
grotesque. It was covered in layers and layers of flabby fat that hung from him. He was
so incredibly large, it was a wonder to me he was even standing. I didnt think it was
possible for a human to become so fat.
Thank youmam? I said awkwardly, guessing at the strange person. I looked
up sheepishly, her face looked terribly offended, then broke into a large grin. The woman
tore off her face and whipped it against the wall where it shattered. I was horrified to
find it was a bald face, with only a mouth to define it. He was a Morphling. Morphlings
were created by a special brand of vampire, called a Facestealer. A girl who became a
vampire before her sollum emerged became a Facestealer, a creature who could literally
steal a persons identity for her own. Most Morphlings like Maskmaker lived in small
communities, shunned by the world. Maskmaker seemed to be a Runepotter who created
his own faces out of clay.


Hah! I knew it would work! And they say Im, too fat to be a woman. Ill
prove them wrong yet! He cried in triumph, and then looked back a me. He pulled
another face from a satchel at his waist and slid it on. It immediately latched to his face,
sucking on like a parasite. He saw my bewildered expression and smiled genially.
Oh sorry, Alvas, you must be terribly confused. I am the Maskmaker, leader of
the Lightbringer City Heretics. He said proudly. In spite of the strange introduction, I
immediately liked him. He reminded me of Cayss, though even more cheerful and
friendly. His face was more than a little grotesque, however, and I couldnt quite look
him in the eye. He seemed a littleunnatural, somehow.
Sirwhere am I? I asked hesitantly, looking away.
This is the headquarters of the Lightbringer City Heretics. The only chapter of
the Kleptos Cult in the entire city. This time it was Cayss who spoke, coming from the
shadowy doorway.
Of course, it was all so obvious. Cayss was an elite thief so naturally hed be part
of the largest group of organized crime in all of Espera. The Kleptos Guild had come out
of MAGUS CORP. It was a splinter group, formed by Merchant Lord Siever himself.
Siever was demented, determined to be a dissenter. He did so by stealing millions
of dollars worth of jewels and using the money to start the Kleptos Cult. The Kleptos
Cult worshipped a false god, Kleptos, and believed that he protected the evil and had
developed heir own, fanatical belief system based on the premise that in order to find
favor with Kleptos, one must create chaos. It had Chapters all over Caste, but I never
expected to find one here.


Come on, Alvas, let me give you the grand tour. The Maskmaker sounded like
an excited child as he spoke. He wore the biggest, most amiable grin a person should be
able to wear, but it still feltfalse. And I didnt mean that literally. It was as if he
wasnt really feeling anything. Like he wasnt alive, like he was just playing along.
I shrugged off my worries and followed Cayss and him. Cayss looked totally
miserable, so different from how I felt and how he should be feeling. We were the first to
ever escape the prison that was Sollumas. We were free birds.
His feet were wrapped in gauze, as were mine. I really hardly remembered how we did
it. I didnt care, we were safe!
All your feet had shards of clay in them, deeply embedded by your running.
Cant imagine that felt good. But not to worry, our doctors removed them. We have no
healer, but they applied their best herbal salves, your feet will be fine in less than two
hours. Well also give you some shoes and cloaks, for disguise.
Thank you, we wont stay long, weve somewhere to be soon. I said quickly,
not wanting to sound rude but making my intentions clear.
Oh, is that so? Where are you going, may I ask? He questioned earnestly.
Were headed out to join the rebel army in Allardon. I said. There was a risk in
sharing this, but if he was Kleptos hed be pleased. I was correct.
Oh, how wonderful! Its great to see the young people of the world interested in
fighting for their rights. Here we are, the Grand Chamber. You can eat for a few minutes
while I gather the other members for our meeting. The room was warm, a fire blazing
merrily, beautiful masks presumably made by Maskmaker hung all around.
Sitting at a massive table made of darkened wood, was Karli. She had her arms


crossed over her stomach, looking alert. We sat down and Cayss almost immediately
spoke up.
Why in Feyls name would you tell them where yourewere going? Youve
made this a disaster! Cayss hissed, like he was trying to hide his voice from someone.
Because theyre wonderful. I said emphatically The Kleptos are supposed to
be fanatics.
Oh, they are, beyond fanatics. And even worse than how they believe in it is
what they believe in. Cayss explained.
What do they believe in? Karli prompted.
Chaos. Absolute madness, nihilism, and anarchy. Kleptos told them that the
only law they should follow was that of their hearts. Any other law was false, the attempt
to limit the freedom that was the right of all sentient creatures. Cayss explained.
How do you know them so well? Karli had picked up on it even faster than me,
she was sharp.
Oh, weve crossed paths. Cayss, said; too vaguely.
When, Cayss? I drilled.
When I left my mom, mates, I was in bad shape. I was filled with hunger, thirst,
guilt, and sadness. All the craftsmen in town knew that I was part Wizen and refused to
hire me. I had nowhere to go. But the Heretics took me in, they taught me what they
believed, taught me to look out only for myself. That no one else mattered. And I
believed them. Cayss said, his face turned downward in shame.
They brainwashed you. Took advantage of your desperation. I interpreted.


I guess so. But then I got a bit feisty. They were taking almost everything I
stole. I was asking for bigger cuts, they had introduced me to Darkspirit, and I always
wanted more to drown my sorrows in over leaving me mum. Even though theyd told me
to stop worrying about helping her, I couldnt get her out of my head.
Thats awful. Karli whispered, her voice as horrified as Id ever heard it.
So I left. I ran away. But not without taking several valuable items which I
used to buy food for mum and drink for me. He said, a little twinkle of mischievous
pride returning to his voice.
Why did they even help us escape? I asked Cayss.
I actually promised them Id return everything I stole and rejoin the ranks, I am
quite good. He added modestly
And are you? I asked, my voice quiet with betrayal
Ummm, yes and no. Im hoping that theyll be feeling generous and will let the
pair of you go. I drank away the goods I stole long ago, so no to that one. Im afraid
theyll be rather peeved. Cayss was trying and failing to sound unapologetic; he looked
on the verge of tears. He was grossly overestimating the mercy of the Kleptos, and we all
knew it. Wed be lucky if any of us lived.
Great, thats just great, Cayss, were all going to be killed now. Alvas you were
a fool to trust thisblackheart! And I was an even bigger fool to trust you! Karli was
on her feet, furious like Id never seen her. If the soles of her feet bothered her, she
didnt show it.


Im sorry, mate. I didnt know what else to do. I knew how bad you wanted to
leave andI was feeling so parched. He sounded so desperate it was almost scary.
You used me to get out. You knew you couldnt do it without me. You were so
desperate for a sip of Darkspirit you were willing to get us killed. Youre a monster. I
was beginning to see that serpents surrounded me. First the Others cast me away to die,
and now Cayss sold me for Darkspirit. It seemed Karli was the only person around me I
could actually trust. But shed never forgive for misplacing my trust in Cayss. But it
wasnt as if that mattered, theyd kill us both anyway.
I felt like I finally understood addiction. Cayss was a resourceful, quick-witted,
charming friend. And the drink had reduced him to a lethargic, broken child. I knew
Cayss hadnt wanted to do this, but that didnt make me hate him any less.
We sat in silence, all terrified and angry at each other and ourselves. Finally,
judgment came. And not how Id hoped at all. The Heretics swept into the room and all
the flames were put out as they did. They were monsters. Literally.
Each face was more terrifying than the last. They had the faces of demonic
creatures of pure evil. I saw one with living tentacles squirming on its face, another
covered in boils so foul I could see little else. It was horrifying, drawing upon some kind
of irrational fear. I couldnt think straight. The Maskmaker was a kind man, why did he
keep company with these abominations. Their leader was the most terrifying of all. It
had a gaping maw filled with yellowed fangs. But they were nothing compared to the
eyes. They were a violent red and had a piercing gaze so powerful I thought I could feel
it crawling beneath my skin.


I looked at Karli, who had her cool demeanor and had shut her eyes tight and put
her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. Cayss looked unimpressed, his
filled with contempt and loathing.
Cayss the Traitor, we have been kind to you. Though you have stolen from us
and shunned our ways, we have forgiven your transgressions and allowed you to return to
the Kleptos fold. Pay you debt, and we will let your friends live. The leader hissed
solemnly at Cayss. His stare burned into Cayss, who returned it, nonplussed.
Look, Maskmaker mate, you dont scare anyone with that get-up of yours. You
might as well give that up. Cayss said casually, some of his old flippancy returning.
The demon sighed and is face took on a very un-demon-like look of defeat. The masks
suddenly morphed into silly charades of their former monstrosities. Of course. The
Maskmaker had probably placed a Terror Rune on each of the masks. But a Terror Rune
dissolved as soon as one person saw through it.
Oh, very well, Cayss, but you do spoil my fun. So, will you give us the articles
you stole? It was the Maskmaker, attempting to intimidate us. He removed the ugly
creature mask and put on the one that suited him so well. At this cue, all the Heretics
removed their masks and drew almost equally frightening menagerie of blades.
It was official. This was the most dangerous situation Id ever been in. I was
surrounded by creatures carrying brutal looking swords who were really men, though the
fact that they actually were men only made me slightly less scared of them.
My amber eyes darted on the room, desperately looking for some way out, even if
I had to fight. I guessed that I had not a prayer of fighting my way out, since these men
were easily the most dangerous foe Id ever faced.


Their minds and bodies were trained to fight against terrible odds in the most
dangerous of circumstances. They were no doubt among the fastest fighters in the world.
I guessed any of them could be at my throat before I could turn to run.
I found myself blaming the whole thing on Feyl, cursing his name. I still didnt
know how he got me into these circumstances or why he hated me, but he did and he
does. I halted that line of thinking, chiding myself for being unproductive.
I heard Cayss take a deep breath and say slowly A bit awkward to say, but I
traded off your stuff awhile back. Needed to put bread on the table for me n mummy.
You did what? Cayss, Ill kill you for this! he roared drawing his own sword.
It was encrusted with jewels, unlike the others. He swung it around expertly, and thrust
for Caysss head. Cayss turned his head to the side, the blade opening a small but on his
cheek. A single drop of blood ran down his cheek. Cayss brought a knife up from
underneath the table, the point directly underneath his chin.
That didnt work three years ago, and it doesnt work now, Mask. Alvas, take
that shiny bit of metal off his hands and we can come to some sort of agreement. Cayss
ordered me confidently. I did as he asked, and he didnt try anything. He clearly wasnt
ready to test Caysss mercy.
Ah, youre right, Cayss, but I am learning, slowly. Who knows, maybe next
time Ill actually get you. Maskmaker said with a theatrical sigh. He was quite the actor.
Start negotiating, Mask, I havent time for you games. Cayss ordered coldly.
Why would I make a deal with you? Any one of these men could put a knife
through your eye before you could jam that little letter-opener through my neck.


You know me well enough, Mask, to know that is absolute poppycock. Back to
the topic at hand, mate. Cayss said levelly.
Alright, point taken. Besides, I wasnt going to kill you anyway. Youre all too
talented. I dont know what your friends can do yet, but you trusted them to take on a
small army of high-quality Claywalkers. Ill tell you what, you retrieve what you took
from me, and you can join us. Cayss as a thief, you two as assassins. He said,
backpedaling now that he was in danger. I tried to ignore the trusted part of that topic.
Cayss couldnt have know about the security, could he? That would mean he was simply
using us, a possibility I did not want to explore.
Youre not exactly in a position to barter. I snapped, pointing the Maskmakers
sword at him.
Ah, but neither are younot anymore. Said a voice from nowhere. In the
following seconds, several men dropped from the shadowed ceiling, swords at Karli and
Caysss necks. I now felt one at mine too, though I didnt look away for a second
Congratulations, I just decided you three get a third strike. But if you mess this
one up, Ill force you to eat metal spikes until you die. No, Ill take your face off, let you
live without it. A particularly cruel little girl taught me that one. I cant imagine a worse
punishment. His voice was sarcastic, but also honest. His life mustve been torture
beyond compare.
I thanked Feyl for the second chance and nodded to Maskmaker. There was no
way Id become a hitman, but we could skip town once wed gathered the articles. By
we, I meant Karli and I. There wasnt a chance I was going to have Cayss join us. Hed
proved himself to be a viper, just like almost everyone else in this world.


They left the room, sweeping out elegantly, with weapons no longer in their
hands. They were all pathetic, really, creating a huge spectacle just to try and scare a few
kids. Terror Runes or no, they would never match the real strength presented by warriors
such as Vexa or the Snowguards.
Well done, all. That worked out as well as it could have. Were getting a second
chance. Cayss was excited, jittery with excitement after escaping death. I was in no
mood. I felt anger roar in my ears and I lunged at Cayss. He didnt have a chance, but he
escaped death once again, this time his savior was an unlikely one.
Why dont you let me kill him? He sold us all to these cutthroats, at least let me
break his nose. I seethed. I really needed to learn to control my temper, but I wouldnt
mind making a slip in this case.
Were all on the same side, none of us want each other dead. Well, not as bad as
they want us dead. She said jerking her thumb back at the door the Heretics had left
After he used us for his own to take down those Claywalkers? Youre really
generous, Karli. Are you forgetting we almost died? I reminded her. I took the look of
guilt as confirmation of Caysss knowledge.
Come on, now, thats not fair. I thought they were a few service-class models,
used to scare naughty children back to bed. I didnt think wed have any trouble beating
them. Cayss retorted.
Lets just save our lives. What did you steal from them that were stealing
back? I snarled at Cayss.


You know the ceremonial robes of the Voice of Feyl? The Heretics got their
mitts on em. I then in turn got my mitts on em and sold those fancy duds right back to
the Tithmaw. They called me a wonderful child of Feyl. They were getting pressure
from a higher authority to get it back and gave me a price that was more than
reasonable. I made an absolute mint. Cayss told us with a wistful, self-appreciative
Youve got to be joking. I insisted.
No, why? Its the easiest place in world to break in. No security, no locks. The
Heretics are the only ones in the city who would dream of stealing from Feyl himself.
Idiots think he would smite anyone who did. Its barely even a punishment. Cayss gave
us the rundown with a grin.
I just gaped at him. Because this was the last place in the world I ever wanted to
go back to. I rather break into a maximum-security Imprisonment or even the Voices
Seminary Home. I had already promised myself to never return here unless it was to
burn the place down. Yet here I was, returning to Tithmaw.


Chapter 21: Feyls Messiah.

I hate Tithmaw. Ive hated it my whole life. I hadnt gone for weeks. Theyve
been the happiest weeks of my life. Okay, a slight exaggeration. Theyve actually been
the most terrible weeks of my life. In these weeks Ive been knocked unconscious,
wrapped in white-hot chains, had some weirdo force himself into my head, and Ive been
repeatedly attacked in various unsavory ways. Change is happening so fast I can hardly
keep track of things. And now, weeks later, Im returning to the place I was a rebellious
kid. But now Im, a highly dangerous escaped fugitive. And Ive come to take a
precious article in order to save my own life from a gang of vicious anti-Feyl thieves.
How times change.
Cayss, Karli, and I walked through the streets of Lightbringer city in the dead of
night. Guards patrolled the streets, though they were of no consequence to us. Cayss
told us that the guards moved in a simple pattern, and as long as we followed him wed
remain uncaught. It was an unpleasant journey to say the least. Wed be walking alone
down a long street when all the sudden Cayss would silently hit the ground, pulling me
with him. I hit the ground with a loud, dull thud. My hips would be covered in bruises
by the time the night was over. Well, that was the best-case scenario. The worst was
wed be put to death in the morning in front of the entire population of Lightbringer City
including my parents.
We finally made it to the Lightbringer City Tithmaw, the holiest collection
agency in the land. I vaguely considered just setting it on fire on my way out, but
decided that might get someones attention. And I still didnt want to hurt anyone. We
crept silently to the back window. The pane was made of light translucent glass, stained


a brilliant white. The windows of the Tithmaw were stained the three colors of Feyl,
black, red, and white. I could shatter it in one blow, but knew the sound would be heard
throughout the whole deserted city.
Allow me. Cayss said with toothy smile that fit the persona of a robber
perfectly. I shivered, this was not the Cayss who had picked me up and dusted me off in
Sollumas. He was a stranger, a selfish and wicked one who was playing for himself.
Just get it done. Karli whispered angrily. She was far from forgiving Cayss,
though not as far as I was. She couldnt hate him like I did, because, at her core, she was
just like him. She had made no apologies for using both Cayss and I. And what was
pathetic was that it didnt make me care about her any less.
Caysss grin disappeared, though he couldnt keep himself from bragging a little.
Mates, youre about to see my patented glass removal method. Observe as I take this
bottle screw and make a tiny hole in these specific pointsthere! The screw made a
squeaking noise as it went in, but it wasnt loud enough for anyone to hear. Then he
gently applied pressure with his hands to the glass and a series of cracks formed along the
glass, creating a perfectly clean and quiet break. He wrapped his hands around the glass
and laid it down
Do you use that to uncork all that Darkspirit you drink? I jeered pettily. It was
stupid, but I couldnt help but enjoy how he squirmed in shame. Where was all this anger
coming from? It had been building inside, ever since my sollum had emerged. It had
been briefly relieved after my episode escaping Sollumas, but it was back, even stronger
than ever.


We stepped through the window and into the back entrance to the hall. We
looked for the luxurious garment, but found nothing. It would probably be in a secure
place. Lightbringer City had one of the only genuine versions garb in all of Caste, most
were made of fake stones. The Esperad government didnt want the public to know it
couldnt afford to provide most of the world with the beautiful gem-studded robes. But
people found out and Espera was shamed.

We hesitantly moved into the great room. It

was lit with candles. I was concerned; I hadnt seen any light coming from the building
when we were in the front entrance. Somebody had lit them just moments ago. We
quickly backpedaled but a voice rang out, stopping us dead.
No need to rush out, why dont you stay awhile? I am alone. The voice was
high, clear, and definitely familiar. It was the beautiful voice of the young and ambitious
Voice, Artur. I wanted to leave, but knew we wouldnt make it far before he called the
guards onto us. We would likely have to take him down. I gave Karli a meaningful look,
and she nodded at me then loaded a blunt black stone into her sling. She then closed her
eyes and activated her sollum. I resisted the urge to look away as the giant eye opened on
her wrist, a lens for her Sol.
She took a minute to spin the sling. I waited several seconds for him to keel over,
since she had not missed. I knew because one: there was no sound of a rebound, and two:
it was Karli. But Karli gasped, and I knew she had missed.
An excellent throw. But not quite quick enough. The boy said as he showed us
the stone in his hand and tossed it to ground. Hed caught it, I realized with incredulity.
Even Cayss wasnt that fast. Who was he?
Are you here to kill me, too? He asked placidly.


No. Cayss answered hesitantly.

Oh how wonderful. I do hope youll stay awhile, its been such a long time since
Ive had company. The cherub said warmly, beaming at us pleasantly. He was a strange
boy, he didnt seem to have a care in the world. It was a different figure then the one
wed met in the valley. He looked like he was filled with bliss and peace, not like the
righteous avenger who had killed the Dire Wolf.
Have many tried to kill you? I wondered aloud.
Oh, just a few. Though none quite as young as you.
What happened to them? Karli questioned fearfully.
Wellnone have managed it yet. Not as long as my master shields me. He
sounded unbothered by the concept of attempts being made on his life.
We have no intention of hurting anyone. And I wouldnt mind sitting a spell. I
admitted. It had been a stressful night, and I was curious about this boy. He looked a
year or two younger than me, though his sollum had already emerged. I motioned for
Cayss and Karli to join me. We all three joined him at seats around the altar. It looked as
if hed been expecting company.
I love it here, dont you? I spend all night here, I love it so. I find that, despite
what you may think, Feyl truly does create safety for his followers in this house. He fills
me with incredible strength, strength enough to block that expertly placed rock of yours.
Were you to throw that stone outside this chapel, it would likely have struck me. He told
us conversationally, evidently still unconcerned and threatened by us. I tried to keep the
look of bitterness from crossing my face, but it did anyway. He caught it and he frowned,


a graceful thing. He looked at me more closely and a sudden recognition touched his
Ah, youre the one. He said. We locked gazes and suddenly Cayss and Karli
disappeared, and only he and I mattered.
What do you mean? I inquired slowly.
He told me that there would be one here tonight that needed my help. He told
me that if I do not contain the anger inside of him, then it will consume him. That is
Who told you that? I said, stunned.
Feyl. He tells me many things, all of which I do for his glory.
Did he tell you to start this war, to kill all those innocents? I shouted, taken by a
sudden rage.
He did. Feyl knows things that you and I could never fathom. He wants to
create safety for all people. He wants it desperately. But he needs to create a new order
to do so. This war is the beginning of the creation of the new order. An order which you
will forge with your own hands. Artur prophesized. This only made me angrier, that he
should know so much, which I knew was true but didnt want to be.
Youre wrong, Ill never create a world for Feyl. Because Feyl is my enemy, I
swear it. I was screaming in desperation, in a voice that was cosmically different from
my own. For a moment, I could feel the anger inside me become its own being. What
that being was, I could not fathom.
Elxen, you know the truth, that this is all written, and there is no reason to fight
it. Arturs voice has become something else as well, transient and godlike.


You know that there is still work to be done, Raea, before judgment. I will stop
your Feyl. My voice said, shaking with anger.
Fool, it is all written. It is time for you to sleep. He said simply, and without
another word, laid his hand on my shoulder. That brilliant light blazed into the massive
hall, illuminating it for a second. And suddenly I knew what he meant. I didnt like it,
but now even I had to acknowledge that it was somehow beautiful. Then the anger was
A final warning, child, you must not use your sollum. The seal Ive placed upon
the anger that isnt yours will only partially hold it. You must tame that temper if you
want to use your sollum.
Karli and Cayss came back into focus, he removed his hand from my shoulder
and the trance was broken.
I know what you seek, and you may have it. Feyl told us that all things are
precious, jewels no more so than dirt. He quoted Ullayas The Prophets Words. Now I
saw what he meant, I knew that Ullaya was right.
But wont the people be upset with ya, mate? Cayss asked, he must really like
this guy. Normally, he wouldnt care a bit what happened to one of his victims.
Cayss, if Feyl doesnt care then I dont care. And if I dont care than neither
should they. Artur said, casually sweeping one of his golden ringlets from his eyes.
What are you? Karli voice was full of awe, like she was in the presence of a
I am the Voice of Feyl. Until we meet again, I hope soon things become clear.
He said, his voice firm and commanding, all traces of boyhood gone from it.


He handed Cayss the beautiful garment and bowed his head and began to pray. I
knew he would speak to us no more.
We went our way home in silence, all too stunned by his presence to speak. I was
impacted by what hed done to me. Id seen people as evil, terrible things. I was filled
with paranoid anger, afraid of putting trust in people because so often they hadnt come
through for me. But the worst part wasnt that the feeling had been there. The worst part
was that it wasnt me who felt it. It belonged to something inside me, something that
Artur had called Elxen. Who could that be? How did it come to be in my heart? And
why had Elxen called Artur Raea. None of it made sense. I was out of my depth here,
there were forces at work I couldnt begin to fathom. Yet I somehow felt that they were
vital to me, I just didnt know what they were.
I didnt know what had happened to me, but whatever it was, it hadnt been mine.
I hated Espera with the entirety of my heart. Espera had taken my parents, taken my
home, and so much of me. But Feyl had never hurt me; hed never done anything. I
realized something now that I hadnt before. God doesnt kill people, nor is he
responsible for what his children do to one another. He loves us all, and wants the best
for us. Maybe that was why he needed to create the new order. For us.
I had questions, so many questions. I had a feeling that these were questions that
few could answer. Vexa was important, of that much I was certain. Suddenly the
importance of finding her had increased tenfold. This had become much more than a war
of men. If Artur was right, then this could mean a profound shift in the balance of these
worlds. This could mean the end of everything. Or this could be a crackpot kid who was
making a silly play for power. I knew so little of any of this, but I already felt like this


supposed new order was only the tip of the ice berg. And that was why we needed to
get to Vexa, because she had been the one to set it all into motion.
We reached a deserted alley, and instinctually Karli and Cayss turned to face me.
I found that both their faces seemed to have changed. Cayss looked profoundly sad, not
hiding the shame he felt at the power that the drink held over him. Karli was wearing her
little smile, the playful one that warmed my heart with affection. Artur had helped me
one more time, hed removed the doubt that had grown in me and turned me against my
Im sorry, Alvas, Karli, I admit that I kept the information I had because I was
worried you would abandon the plan. Because I needed you both to get me back to the
mistress that had held me captive for years, he name was Darkspirit. But I think Artur
changed something, because I want her taste no longer, and will not let her tempt me
away from you two, my closest friends. Cayss stopped. His chest was heaving with
sincere emotions that wracked his body. I patted him on the shoulder and nodded. Karli
said nothing, but she nodded too.
So, Alvas, what now? Karli asked, always efficient.
I know somewhere that we can find shelter, and answers, but shes a ways away.
Across the desert, in fact. You in? I asked her.
Nowhere else for me to go now. Why not? Karli shrugged.
Im with you, too. Cayss promised. He was eager to prove his loyalty.
Well its time to go then. Lets just skip town. Karli suggested
Im afraid not, we cant hide from the Heretics, theyll chase us down.
Well, I decided lets destroy them, then.


Chapter 22: Escape #2

We were all agreed on the plan. It would no doubt wreak some serious havoc in
the Heretics organization. We were going to literally obliterate their faade in front of
the entire city. They had existed under the authorities noses, but they wouldnt have
anywhere to hide after we were finished. By tomorrow morning, theyd be in the
Imprisonment and wed be a memory.
We would skip town as soon as we were sure we were leaving uninhibited. Cayss
knew a place we could go to get water not too far outside the city limits. He assured us it
was extremely inauspicious and secluded. No one would look there for weeks, if they
ever bothered. He wouldnt tell us where, but assured us that it wasnt dangerous. He
justdidnt have time to explain. Without the paranoid influence of Elxen, I had no
trouble trusting my friend. I stopped worrying about Cayss, and focused on the trials
ahead: The Nomads Land.
Nomads Land was a small desert of absolute inhospitable conditions. Almost
every inch of the place was the territory of one of the lone, vicious Dire Wolves that
populated the stretch of land. Equally vicious and far more numerous were packs of wild
Heathhounds that prowled the land, or the possibility of eating some deadly foliage, or,
even worse, accidentally disturbing a nest of the Flying Teeth. But what had allowed the
hell-field to escape the grips of the Esperad Empire was the Sandmen
The Sandmen are some of the most feared warriors in all of Caste. And when
they were in their native environment, none were more deadly. When Caste was new,
there had been a great many natural cataclysms, fire raged in the sky, the earth shook as a
fusillade of meteors battered it. And none of these things touched the Sandmen, for they


had been able to hide from it deep in the sand. Hestion had given them a gift when he
made them, the gift to move through the sand as a fish through water. Espera knew that
if they attempted to remove the Sandmen from their lands then they would face the most
difficult opponent ever. Instead they let the Sandmen be and skirted Nomads Land,
attacking Allardon from above, in Kecklas. Wed soon be traveling through land where
the worlds largest army dared to tread.
We stopped just before the door to share a look. It was midday, and the rainbow
streets of Lightbringer City were full of witnesses to what was about to be the biggest
scene of chaos since Vexas display. We then looked away, and began to walk. Cayss
had asked to take point, and so Karli and I fell in next to him at either side. All three of
us felt confident. For me, I felt guided. Like I was back on the path someone had laid
out for me long ago. We strode through
Hello, Mask, got something for you. Come get it Cayss said as he held out the
ornate robe.
Ah, Cayss? Maskmaker exclaimed, standing still for a moment. He then went
to reclaim his prize, snatching it up with hungry fingers. Didnt think you three would
make it out of there. He then returned to the safety of the crowd, clearly afraid of us.
We did. Were ready to join the fold. Cayss said, way overselling our devotion.
Yes, yes, you will. Bu, howd you obtain the robe? Maskmaker looked
completely astounded, I liked that. He thought hed given us a death sentence, like the
other assassins. How much more wrong could he have been?
Well, mate, we snagged it from the Voice himself. Cayss bragged. Technically


No way! Everyone weve sent to kill him has disappeared. Shouted a voice
from the rugged group, they looked stunned and many were shaking their blades at us
with disbelief.
I killed him. Karli admitted suddenly, with a flash of brilliant white teeth. How
typical of her, taking credit for all the murder. She was so proud of her violent streak.
Wow, miss, thats quite a feat. You three are certainly ready for a life of
nihilism. Welcome to the Heretics. The Maskmaker sounded pleased. So glad to
Well, Mask, we were glad to help. You know, I do have one problem with all
this business. I said with a theatrical scratch of my head. I had thought of this one
ahead, and was very proud of it.
Kleptos preserve us, these kids are spoiled. What is it?
One more small request, if I stay in the dark as long as you all have, Ill get pale.
I think you should let in some light, just because its healthy. Karli, I turned to her and
winked, Take the roof off. She grinned at me and nodded.
Karli pulled a tiny pebble from her pocket and loaded it into her stone. Two
guards reacted the fastest. They had time to rush at us, and to draw their swords before
Karli released and brought The Rain. A nickname for the most explosive of Sanis
chemical explosives, a single drop of water, rolled in clay, then covered on the outside
with his signature Blasting Powder that, if it absorbed the perfect amount of water, would
create a massive concussion of air followed by a upward jet of water that could put a hole
in the roof, which is how it was named. The initial blast of air sent scattered the entire
room, chairs, tables, thefts, and their thieves. We had immediately dodged behind


various objects that were all fairly stationary. We then turned around to watch the real
fireworks. Karli had deployed The Rain with her usual accuracy, and had hit her target
perfectly, the main support beam that had held together the roof. A jet of water a
hundred times more powerful and impressive than the Fountain of Prophecy blasted
through the central beam of the roof and into the sky, no doubt attracting more attention.
Without it, the entire roof began to fall down, first slowly, then in bigger and bigger
Karli helped me to my feet, wearing the grin of a small child who had just
destroyed an anthill. That was my Karli, only happy when making a flashy exit and
leaving only destruction in her wake. We sprinted to the back door, which Cayss had
previously informed us had a small secret passageway letting out into the street. I paused
only for a moment, to remove the ceremonial garb from the crook of Masks arm and
cover him with it like a blanket, an effigy to criminals all over the city. The last thing I
grabbed was an eye-catching sword hanging off a mans belt, which I felt it was my
privilege to take a spoil of war. I wasnt worried about them dieing, the roof was rickety
enough that the chances of any of it coming down before they could recover was
And so Karli, Cayss, and Alvas disappeared from Lightbringer City, the only
evidence of their passing a pile of destroyed pottery and the wreckage of a prominent
crime syndicate. A job well done, Id say.


Chapter 23: A Family Reunion

To your house? Your moms still alive? I asked incredulously. We were
walking along a small country path, the kind traveled by those who were going east.
Cayss had just told us his mother was still alive. A fact I had trouble believing. Every
single thing about Cayss screamed orphan vagabond. His thin frame made him look very
underfed, the fact that he slept in a deserted alleyway, his former alcoholism, and most of
all the fact hes nuts enough to live in a cell. I mean, come on, anybody would assume he
was homeless with a profile like that.
Eh, sorta. He waved the question off, the way he did when he was extremely
uncomfortable. But I could already tell there was more bad blood in this family than in a
pack of Dire Wolves.
We dont have time for you to say goodbye to your mother. You dont even live
with her. Why all the sudden do you want to talk to her? Karli said with very Karli-like
Because I might never see her again, Ice Queen. Jeez, are you some kind of
human reptile? Cayss said with very un-Cayss-like anger. I saw a little more bad blood
between these two. Id have to work that out. Wed need to have each others back if we
want to survive to the Outpost.
Shut up, Karli. Caysswhy now? I asked, summing things up. There was
more to Cayss than I knew.
I promised someone Id do it, okay? Cayss looked so pleading, as desperate as
he had during those days when we were planning our escape, when he sick for need of
Darkspirit. But now he wanted something else, something good. Redemption.


I tried to find anger at him and found there was none there. Artur had given me
deliverance from the alien fury that had nearly consumed me like a cancer. Cayss
deserved what Artur had given me. I also had a strange feeling that Cayss was acting on
a Feyl-given mission given by Artur. So if hed talked to us, it was likely hed talked to
Karli too. Not for the first time I wondered, why us?
Alright, we go. And Karli not another word about it, okay? I commanded as I
immediately struck out after Cayss who was walking as briskly and excitedly as Id ever
seen. Surprisingly, she listened to me, and was quiet for the entire time. She looked
wistfully into the sky as we walked, completely silent. It wasnt sulky though, just kind
of longing. I wondered who her parents were. Shed never spoken of them, but I guessed
that whoever it was hadnt been her birth parents.
Caysss mother lived on a small estate that was a few miles outside of
Lightbringer. Her house was sad. That was the only thing I could call it. Sad.
It was huge, ornately carved and painted a faded yellow that held echoes of sunny
grandeur in its hue. All the artisan etchings that had been scattered in the woodwork of
the house had become dilapidated and ugly. It left in my breast a desire to see the
brilliant, happy place it had once been and would never return to being. If it was gloomy
for me, then it was agonizing for Cayss. Hed said nothing the entire way there, looking
both scared and determined. Cayss wasnt his usual chatty self. Even under pressure he
usually babbled like a brook. Not now. Now he was solemn and looked as miserable as
the house.


I put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. We can still go back. Theres no

shame in leaving whatever feelings there are left for a better time. We could just sneak in
tonight and grab the water and the food.
Ignore him, Cayss. You need to face her, whatever she did to you; you need to
find peace with her. The only way to deal with anger is to let it out, but on your terms, it
will come out if you dont. Karli implored fiercely. Besides, she added lightly I
walked all this way, Im not turning back unless theres some serious family
reconciliation going on.
Cayss tuned to her and smiled gratefully. Her chilly shell broke momentarily, and
she gave Cayss an affirming wink and a smile that melted away any sign of coldness. I
patted her on the shoulder and nodded my affirmation to Cayss.
She was right, I was wrong. Karli wasnt necessarily as intelligent as Cayss or
Sani, but she had a clarity of thought that Id never seen anything like. Whatever was the
answer, she saw it in a way that went deeper than even her sollum. That was what made
her special most of all, and that was why I needed her (well, not just that).
Cayss went up to the rotting door on rusty hinges and tried to pull it open. I
stepped forward, pulling the sword from where it hung on my new belt. I admired its
keen steel edge; in its steel pommel etched a single Dense Rune. It was a low-ranking
Dense Rune, simple enough from what I could see, but it should do the trick for now. I
raised it over my head and, in two messy but effective strokes, cleaved through the door
hinges. I then kicked down the door, and stood aside
Welcome home, Cayss. I said with stately formality. What I meant as a simple
joke made Caysss face fall as he swallowed nervously.


Well then, sally forth, ladies and gents. Ill go get the water and victuals for our
expedition. Cayss said with his usual elegance as he strode confidently through the
door. But I saw how nervous he looked as he stepped into the dark house, for his jaunt he
was more scared now than facing down the Maskmaker. Hed was a master thief whod
defied both heretics and zealots to travel through the most dangerous land in the world
and go take on a nearly unstoppable army, but now he was reduced to frightened little kid
just for seeing his mom. Amazing what parents can do to a person.
I pulled Karli back for a moment Thanks, you really helped.
She smiled at me, a little proudly Of course I did, her smile then turned bitter I
know that nothing could stop me from talking to my parents, if they just gave me the
Where are they, Karli? I asked because I needed to know. I wanted to help,
badly. Though I loved my foster parents, the sense of loss of my own parents never
faded. It was what made me hate the Esperads, it was a feeling all War Orphans shared
Im sure.
I was seven. I was in my village, Denrin, a large civilization of which my family
was the Keeper. A villages Keeper family represents it in the Kecklas government,
makes the laws, and looks out for the general welfare of its people. My parents treated
my brother, Damon, and I well. One day, when I was about seven, the Esperads came to
our little village and demanded they give up the Keepers daughter. I knew not why, I
was desperately scared and confused and knew nothing of any of the talk. My parents
refused at first, but they first tried to bribe them, which failed. But the men told my
parents that they would destroy my familys Ancestral Bastion. The Kecklas believe in


no religion other than the protection of their Ancestors. It is in the Ancestral Bastion
where the Ancestors ghosts go after death, where they spend eternity guarding the
current living. Without it, our familys honor would die and so would our fortune,
without the guardianship of our Ancestors. Our line was long and powerful, and it was
rumored our Bastion was one of the greatest in Kecklas. My parents cared more about
some stupid superstition than about me. They gave me up. Karli was near tears, though
her face was still expressionless and her voice monotone. She didnt seem to be aware a
tear had fallen down her cheek, as if shed been able to seal the loneliness and hurt into
just her eyes.
I was brought to the Sollumas and raised by its harsh masters. They taught me
many things, which I did not accept or even acknowledge. For many years, I survived on
only the hope my parents would find me and save me. When I realized they were never
coming for me, all that hope turned to bitterness, and I made a promise that I would make
them remember me. And that is what has kept me going since. She was back under
control again, looking slightly mistrustful of me.
Thanks for telling me that. Im sorry they did that to you. I told her
I often say too much around you, Alvas. It is a dangerous habit. For me to be
in. She eyed me skeptically, expecting some sort of comment.
I swallowed my judgments and lectures about revenge. It was the same thing I
was chasing, in a way. Revenge on a bigger and in my opinion more noble scale, but
never the less revenge. It was an ugly part of all those who had lost something, revenge


was a way to get it back. But was the price too high? I didnt know yet. Maybe I
wouldnt until it was too late.
Hey you two mooncalves, mind getting back the matter at hand? You can bet
Im not going in here alone, hop to it. Cayss sounded impatient. I couldnt blame him.
We mustve been standing here for a while.
Alright, were coming. I said, embarrassed I delayed Caysss personal journey.
And that he called us mooncalves, a thoroughly ridiculous word.
If the exterior of the house was dilapidated, the inside was completely destroyed.
There was shattered glass everywhere, furniture and pieces thereof were scattered at
random on the rotting floor. The dried feces of hundreds of small mammals covered the
floor. The place mustve been deserted, and then ransacked by looting criminals.
Caysss mother had to have moved away years ago. Nobody could live in this filth; it
would kill you by the smell alone
Get out of my house, monsters, youll never touch my Albert! Ill beat your
heads in before you touch my dear little man! A manic voice screamed from somewhere
in the house, with equal measures of animal rage and animal fear that was so raw it hurt
the ears. And I instantly understood exactly why Cayss had left long ago. Cayss had
once told me that hed gotten partial insanity from his mother. He hadnt been kidding at
all, because his mother was actually mentally unhinged.
Hi mum. Cayss called up the stairs, his voice horribly fake-cheery, he then
turned to us with an equally faux smile plastered on his face. As you can see, my mom
can get quite destructive when shes mad. He explained to us with levity that masked a
terror that


She screamed even more furiously You wretch! Ill never let you touch my dear
Albert. I dont care if youre my son, you cant touch him.
It was right around now that I realized this was a terrible idea, that there was no
healing to be done here. That there were wounds here that would never heal. Cayss
began to move up the stairs, still smiling falsely. He was so desperately pretending
everything was ok. He motioned for us to join him. I wasnt so sure I wanted to meet
this woman.
We walked up the stairs into a bare, sunny, blank room. In it was two of the most
horrifying creatures Id ever seen: Caysss parents.
Caysss mom looked like shed been stuck in a nightmare. She was tall, and
skeletal, with long fingers that grasped and clutched in random spasms. She had wild
hair with random bald patches occurring far too often. I could guess that the bald patches
werent natural, for I could see that shed torn out large amounts of her own hair. I
suppose a few missing hairs mattered little in the mad womans world. The worst part
about her was her eyes. Sunken deep into her head, they were beady and bloodshot,
staring out at the world with mistrust and hate. These eyes now burned into us with their
glare. She bared her remaining yellowed teeth at her son, the wild expression of a
cornered animal clear on her bony face.
Ill be going away now mum, youll have to go fetch your own food now.
Cayss said, masking the pain in his voice with brightly fake cheer.
Now I could see Cayss even more clearly. Where Karli had shielded herself from
the world by shutting down, Cayss had forced himself to be positive. He had gone into
the city to make money to feed his insane mother, trying to not let his situation break his


spirit. And somehow, with the assistance of the Darkspirit, he hadnt failed. He was
brave, despite what Id thought of him. Now I couldnt blame him at all for his addiction,
it had only been survival.
Go away! Albert will fetch my food, for he takes such wonderful care of me, no
thanks to you. I dont want you here, leave us be. She sobbed hysterically, though there
was no reason to be upset. Then I saw what she was clinging to, and irrational terror
gripped my stomach like a clammy hand of ice. It had once bee Wizen, but it wasnt any
more. It was the body of a Wizen, but it was an aberration of nature. Caysss father had
died, one way or another, but his body had been turned into a Shambling Corpse. A
Shambling Corpse is created by what is know in Caste as a Sol-Breaker. A Sol-Breaker
is a person who can split their Sol into pieces, and place them in other bodies whose Sols
have passed. The result is similar to Claywalker of flesh, able to complete instructions
given to it by the Sol-Breaker, but unable to do anything else.
Mom, Albert cannot do anything for you, he is dead. You brought him back.
Now you need to let go of him. You cant live like this. Caysss voice was firm and
commanding like Id never heard. He was drawing from a reservoir of strength I didnt
know existed. But, understandably, his reserves were running out quickly, I could see
him glancing towards the door, legs shaking unsteadily. He could bolt from the room at
any moment.
Albert, tell our wicked son and his little thieves to go away. They are wicked,
and they upset me. Her voice took on a more commanding tenor, and Albert nodded,
and began to move slowly toward us. Most Shambling Corpses were dreadfully


ineffective, as they only had a small fraction of a Sol inside them. Most enhanced their
abominations with Runes, but Caysss mom was raw and unskilled in the art.
I looked into Alberts eyes for just a second. It was unlike anything else Id ever
seen. There was literally nothing there, just an forlorn, empty hole. It was depthless and
dark. Those eyes spoke of a world I could never imagine. They spoke of oblivion. I
looked away with a shiver.
Mom, its time him to go now. He cant make you happy anymore, hes not
dad. Caysss hand was shaking
Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! She screamed in desperation. Albert moved ever
closer to his son, reaching for him slowly. It was truly a pathetic display to watch.
Cayss, you know what you have to do. I implored him. And Cayss did know.
Cayss needed to free his fathers body and his mothers Sol. He looked back at me, his
face filled with horror, tears streaming down his face.
I cant do it, mate. He whispered to me hoarsely. Alberts body was moving
closer and closer. I somehow knew that if those cold, lifeless fingers touched Cayss, then
it would break him. Because just inside those fingers was the remnants of the darkest,
maddest part of his mothers Sol.
Albert was reaching for what had once been his son. There were only inches of
air protecting Cayss from the touch that could break his entire being. It reached, still
expressionless. There wasnt enough Sol in that body for emotions. It only had its duty
to its master. I tried to move, but the monstrositys gaze had petrified me. I couldnt


It was the end; I knew it when the fingertip was hovering almost touching him, its
outstretched finger sure and calculating in a way only those who are not alive can be. It
was imminent.
A sunburst of light flooded the room, driving the creature back. I watched as
Hallas Chains sprung forward by the dozens and wrapped the Shambling Corpse. I
turned and watched as Artur ascended the staircase, a multitude of the heavenly shackles
coming from his wrist. I felt the scars Balkar had left burn from the proximity and
strength of Arturs sollum.
Artur? Cayss said, shielding his eyes from the brightness of the celestial chains
that Artur had bound Albert with.
Hello again, it seems I arrived just in time. Feyl warned me that the Sols of
everyone present hang in the balance. It appears I arrived just in time. Artur said with a
knowing smile.
What should I do, Artur? I know what you told me, but how can I take away
from my mother the one thing that keeps her from going over the brink? Cayss cried.
Cayss, I know what it seems like, but Albert isnt the thing keeping her going.
He is a cheap lie, one that hurts her far more deeply than it helps. No, her real source of
strength isnt your the cruel faade of your father. Artur explained.
But what is it? Cayss beseeched him. And I knew the answer. Because only
one thing was strong enough to keep a mother alive who had lost everything.
Its you, Cayss. I answered quietly. Cayss looked at me, closed his eyes,
breathed deeply, drew his knife, and he turned and thrust. The blade penetrated deep into


his father, but no blood came out. Instead, the chains engulfed him completely, and then
they withdrew and no evidence was left of Caysss father.
We all looked at Artur, who said: Go, I will care for her. Then, we fled in
unison, unable to comprehend the horrors we had witnessed. The final thing we heard
was screaming full of agony that was nearly inhuman. We ran and ran from that place,
none of us stopping for even a moment to breathe. Just the nearness to such incredible
raw emotion shredded the mind like jagged claws.
When we finally stopped, Cayss was the first to collapse, sobbing uncontrollably.
Karli and I got down next to him, and all three of us clung together, each comforting each
other. There were things I saw in that room Id never forget. The sight of Artur, glowing
golden with righteous strength, that screaming driven by such exquisitely painful loss, but
mostly the eyes, so infinitely and horribly empty.
We fell asleep huddled together that night, for sheer survival. When we woke up,
we were all silent. We trudged slowly down the road for a long while, when Cayss
suddenly asked,
How could I have done the right thing? Now nothing can save my poor mum.
She wasnt always like that, but when he diedshe just snapped. You wouldnt know it
from that episode, but she was getting better. She actually recognized me one day; she
told me she loved me. Now shell just get worse.
You did the right thing, Cayss, you freed both your parents. Now they can move
on for good. I told him. But he just buried his face in his hands and once again his body
shook with silent tears.


I told you Cayss, I see everything, Karli said with a sad smile The last thing
your father did in his time on Caste was smile thankfully at his son who loved him
enough to let him go.


Chapter 24: Peace in the Desert.

We walked through the whole day, stopped for the night, and walked through the
next few with the same pattern. The desert was unyielding in its sameness, miles upon
miles of shifting sands peppered with small plants. Though there was something
rhythmic, poetic even, about the peace of a land that knew of no gods. The desert needed
no Feyl to command it, no lord to rule over it, just itself. It was a rare example of
freedom like Id never imagined. I could see why the Sandmen were so drawn to it.
The sun was relentless. After months in the cold of winter, feeling the heat of the
Nomads land was even more unbearable. Our black cloaks, though they shielded us
from the rays, also seemed to draw the sun to them and cooked us inside. The night was
a thankful relief from the heat of the sun. But the safety from the heat wasnt the only
reason I preferred night to day.
At night, the heavens opened before me, it made me feel close to Feyl in a way I
hadnt in my entire life. It was amazing, how an open sky could get me closer to god
than a Tithmaw service ever could. I sat, in awe of Feyls creation for an immeasurable
period of time. I could see why the Frostgar spent their lives staring out into the sky.
Your watch ended hours ago, mate. Go get some shuteye, weve a long day
ahead of us tomorrow. Cayss sounded alert, apparently he hadnt been asleep.
I just love to stargaze. Its amazing out here. Feyl made something beautiful
things in this world. I knew wonder was obvious in my voice, I didnt care.
And some horrible ones. Cayss said, his voice was bitter.
Cayss, you know you did the right thing. You saved your parents lives, both of
them. I was desperately trying to convey how I felt. But it was a terrible burden he


would have to bear. I wanted him to know it was his only option. But he looked at me
blankly, contemptuously.
I know I did the right thing, mate. I never doubted it, but that doesnt mean it
didnt hurt more than anything Id ever done. He broke into tears, his whole body shook
with sobs as he coughed on tears. I was at a loss for words, Cayss wasnt crier. Cayss
was someone who shook it off with a quick joke and a twinkle in his eye. But I knew it
was unfair of me to expect that now, now it was just too much.
I know it was hard, but it was what had to be done. Anything less, and your
mom would still be clinging to that shadow of your father. I reasoned with him. It was
the first real conversation wed had in our week in the desert, and I wanted to help him
before we returned to the silent progress of the day.
Really, well what does mum have to live for now? Whats left? He said
between deep breaths, a futile attempt to stop himself from hyperventilating.
You are, Cayss. Youre all she has left, be strong for her now. One day you will
return to her. Until then Artur will help her, I know he will. He is touched by Feyl, he
will protect her. Healing words sprung from my mouth, murmured soothingly in a voice
that was too rough to be my own.
Thanks, mate. I think Feyl may have a plan for you too.
Somehow, I knew he was right, but it wasnt comforting it was frightening.
But I didnt say anything else. I gave him a firm pat on the back, and left him
alone. I knew that some time alone with the sky would do him well. I made a hump in
the sand for my pillow, as comfortable a pillow as I had ever know. I wrapped my cloak
around me tight, the desert became cool at night without the sun the keep it warm. I


settled in to a peaceful slumber. I found that while I slept, the desert seemed to wrap and
cradle me, giving me warmth and comfort against its harsh nights. Maybe the desert was
my mother, it was as real a mother as I had ever known. My adopted mother had been
kind, nurturing, and loving as anyone could be. But the distance that separated our
cultures was a veritable gulf. She was never as close to me as a mother should be.
It didnt take long for me to find sleep, thoughts that usually came to me like Will
we ever find Rataan Outpost? or Whos gonna try to kill/maim me tomorrow? Those
worries didnt reach me. I only thought one thing: The desert is good.
I didnt get to sleep too long. In this barren land dawn shined with great vigor and
was impossible to ignore. But I felt rejuvenated, which was rare. Wed been on the road
a long time, and life had begun to wear on me. But I still hadnt stopped being relieved
that we were finally free. It was amazing wed somehow escaped from the Sollumas and
after that the Den of Heretics.
Putting it all together only increased my feeling that we were being watched over
by something. But how? And even more importantly, why? We were three misfits with
nothing incredibly special and yet for some reason the whole universe was conspiring for
our success. It was frankly unbelievable how much wed been relying on sheer luck. I
wondered where our luck would give.
We stopped to rest on a massive dune wed just climbed, as high a climb as Id
ever made. Karli and I sat side by side, staring at the cloudless, blue sky. I turned and
looked at her intently, but she pretended not to notice. The desert had changed her
profoundly as well. Her skin was still ivory, and her eyes still a piercing, depthless azure,
but her hair had brightened to a brilliant blue that matched the sky. She had taken her


hair that had previously flowed around her and pulled it back, a single long braid tucked
behind her ear.
Your hairs gotten lighter. I commented offhandedly.
She returned my look and nodded Has it? I figured it would. So few Kecklas
see the sun, but it leaves its print on our kind. It will probably never fade Karli told me,
fingering the single braid. I smiled to myself; she had become almost a completely
different person than shed been in Sollumas. Around the Others shed been cool, polite.
Out here, she was still generally not prone to be talkative, but she smiled more freely,
wasnt so careful about what she looked at, or where she looked. I loved that she felt safe
enough around us to let go a little bit.
I hope it never does fade. You look so unique, so special. It suits you far
better. I told her earnestly.
Her returning smile was amused, with a bitter edge Nothing could be truer. But
it isnt a good thing to wish on a person of Kecklas. The sun-blue hair is a sign of an
outsider, one who has traveled outside the land of snow. I will never blend in now. She
didnt sound too regretful, simply realistic.
I dont care what it means in your land. I love it, and you are unlike any other
person Ive ever met. Were all different, you, me, Cayss thats why were together.
Thats why I dont regret it. I wish you didnt either. I implied meaningfully.
You both are the best friends Ive ever had, I would take an arrow for either of
you. But to ask me to not regret being torn from my home into that strange place, that I
cannot do. You never let go Alvas; dont as me to let go either. Karli told me. She was


being honest, and nothing was hidden for a moment. But just because her guard was
down didnt mean I liked what she was saying.
I felt a push in the back and I went tumbling down the huge hill, sand making its
way into every crevice of my body. I lay there for along moment looking up at the sky. I
laid there until I heard Cayss yell:
Feyls Feet, its a sandstorm, and its huge! I looked up and saw a huge,
whirling cloud of sand coming over the next dune. My stomach dropped as I realized the
chances of our survival. A sandstorm of that size meant sand particles flying fast enough
to blind a man. Our luck had run out.
No. Not a sandstorm, a stampede of Desert Waneta. Karli sounded horrified.
This was about the only thing worse than a sandstorm. Desert Waneta were massive,
powerful creatures. Huge, 600 pound buffalo with long, thick, blunt horns used to gore
its foes.
And when a herd of over a couple hundred got moving at thirty miles per hour,
nothing could stop it. The Esperad Army had once stampeded a hurt into the Allardon
village of Wazka. They had flattened the walls, then the buildings, and finally everyone
who lived there.
How many are there? Cayss asked calmly, his mind was already looking for a
way out. But here there was none, there was no chance.
Feyl damn it, I cant see anything! Karli yelled in frustration, falling to the
ground and punching the sand. Karli hated blindness more than she hated death. Soon,
wed be both.


What do we do, mate? Cayss had no clue either; they were both looking for me
to lead them.
This couldnt be happening. We hadnt come all this way to be flattened out by a
herd of Waneta.
Ill release my sollum. I want you both to get behind me. I instructed. I tried to
find some of that righteous anger that had so filled me when Id taken my first steps out
of Lightbringer City. But the desert was whispering in my ear. It was telling me that
things happened for a reason, that if it was my destiny to die out here, then I should not
defy that destiny. I found that I could muster no anger or desperation at all. My
shoulders slumped, and my head hung.
Its no good. Im sorry, both of you. I felt awful, but the desert had spoken, and
I had to trust it.
Karli stepped beside me and took my head. I found that rare, serene smile on her
face. The smile that meant she knew what was in my mind, and that it was okay. I
smiled back to her, then turned to Cayss and clapped him on the shoulder.
Its been a privilege. I told him, and Cayss nodded with a cheerful smile
reminiscent of the day I first met him. Cayss looked older, stronger from all wed gone
through. His hair was long as usual, but more unkempt now. His pale skin hadnt
avoided the effects of prolonged sunlight and he was darker than I thought he could be.
He seemed to be sharing in the tranquility Karli and I had. The desert brought harmony,
oneness. It had given us this gift and I was grateful. I was glad that I could die here, it
felt more like home than Espera ever had.


The herd came fast, I closed my eyes and waited for impact. I waited and waited,
feeling the vibrations in the ground more and more. But it never came. It wasnt our


Chapter 25: Waneta Soldiers

I was so prepared for the end that when we were saved so suddenly I literally
collapsed with relief. I closed my eyes for a moment and thanked Feyl for the miracle. I
then climbed to my feet, prepared for whatever the next moment would throw at me.
I saw them now. Several of the beasts bore Sandmen. Id never imagined that the
Sandmen would be so totally alien. I towered over almost every other person at six feet
three inches. I was nothing compared to the Sandmen, who mustve been at least seven
feet on average, each one impossibly muscular from pulling themselves through the sand.
Their skin was jet black, and their hair equally so. A stark, solid black
uncompromising in its totality was the color of their skin. All their hair was in long
dreadlocks, often with strange bits of bone or color woven into them. The other amazing
feature was their arms. They were all extremely muscular, and too long for their bodies.
Each had a set of claws on their massive hands. They bared their teeth at us aggressively
A particularly dangerous-looking Sandman dismounted his steed and walked
toward us, each stride twice as long as one of Caysss. He stepped toward us, his posture
I gulped as I looked at their claws. These werent Kalsiffers sharp claws
designed for rending flesh. The Sandman had heavy digging claws perfect for
penetrating sand. He couldnt hurt me with them, but I doubted he needed to scratch to
cause damage.
You have nerve, outsider, daring to come into our land. He talked in a very
controlled, commanding voice. He was their leader, his entire demeanor pointed to it.


We are traveling to Rataan Outpost, we will join the rebellion there. I spoke.
Espera was hostile to the Sandman tribes. I hoped I could earn their sympathy by telling
them I was rebel. It was the wrong thing to say, I saw the other Sandmen exchange angry
I see you are armed, young child of Allardon. Are you a warrior? He asked
Well, Ive never been taught to fight, but I have learned a few things from
experience. Id say I may be a warrior. I said modestly.
You do realize, that youve just granted me the right to kill you?
What? I exclaimed in surprise.
By admitting that you are a warrior, you declared you are not helpless. Unlike
Man does, we do not slay the helpless. You are my enemy, and you are a warrior. And
so I may kill you. He explained, his voice remaining cool, still a calm murmur.
Butwhy am I your enemy. Espera is all of our enemy. I insisted.
Oh, are they? Has Espera enslaved my brothers? No they havent. Your
precious rebellion has. He was shouting in my face now, pain on his ebony features.
What are you talking about? Allardon wouldnever do that. I back away and
stammered, still not understanding what he was talking about.
Allardon stole tribesmen from the Tribe of the Sun-Drunk and forced them to
fight. You Men are a hateful, evil race. And you three will be tried on the crimes of your
Please, we dont know about any of this, just let us go. Cayss pleaded.


This one is a warrior, I will give him a chance to fight me for his freedom. A
chance the Sun-Drunk never were given. If you can cut me, you may go freely. The
leader offered grimly.
Without giving him a chance to react, I drew my sword and slashed at him. But
he was no longer where hed been a moment ago. He had danced back several steps. I
roared, following up with a combination of three strikes, a feint, a overhead slice,
following by flipping the sword and driving up with the point. Every move was dodged
with equal ease
This is what Man calls a warrior? Ha, you are pathetic. Every move is
inefficient, clumsy, and unguarded. A Sandman half your age could best you! He
laughed at me. I was enraged, but I only got worse as I became angrier. I stopped for a
moment, huffing and puffing. The heat was getting to me, as well as the frustration of the
one-sided fight.
Enough games. It is time I ended this. He said, his amusement disappearing.
He knelt for a moment, and, in a cloud of sand, he was gone. I looked around for a trace
of him, and found none. I stood ready, holding my sword before me. There was no
warning; it was over before I knew it. He shot from the ground inside my guard. The
perfect location to ensure I couldnt defend myself. He grabbed my throat in his right
hand and threw me to the ground, cutting of my air supply in his strong grip.
Drop your sword, child. He ordered. I obeyed him without a thought. He let go
of my throat and picked up my sword, twirling it thoughtfully.
You do have a talent for battle, boy. But you are useless without training. But I
doubt there will be time for you to become stronger, as you will die soon. Another word


of advice, a sword is not a proper weapon. It is a jack-of-all-trades, only powerful in the

hands of a true master. I fought many swordsmen, enough to know that you do not have
the dexterity nor the balance to be a swordsman. Especially with a blade as cheaply
made as this one. He then took it in his hands, and brought it down on his knee. The
weapon snapped easily. He then threw the two halves as far as he could. He ordered a
man to tie me up with a rope that smelled like the beasts, then doing the same with Cayss
and Karli.
I was ashamed. I had shown that I was not a soldier. I was an unskilled boy who
had fancied himself strong. But Id been no match for the great man. When I looked
back, Balkar was the greatest foe Id ever bested in real, one-on-one combat. And in
truth, hed bested me, though using his sollum hardly counted. Every other fight Id had
other than that Id had friends at my back. The Claywalkers didnt count, it had been
Elxens strength not mine that had won the battle.
The leader threw me over his Waneta. I could see that this was no wild herd.
They seemed to be bred to be lean, their short coats were glossy. Most noticeable were
their dagger-sharp horns, no doubt designed for piercing armor. I saw Runes branded
into each of the animals. They were incredibly complex and no doubt very powerful.
The Old Ones all had a far more complete knowledge of the meanings of the Runes and
why they worked. Humans Runes were crude and weak compared to some of the Old
Ones Runes, and some even knew what force gave the Runes their strange powers. But
this was one of their greatest secrets, and it was never written down, and passed from one
generation to another orally.


The creature bore the combined weight of its master and I easily and
uncomplainingly. Even this beast obeyed the spokesperson of the group unquestioningly.
This man had the same quality as Artur; he commanded loyalty and respect from every
living thing without even asking for it.
Every Sandman I saw gave me a look of incredibly passionate hatred. I dimly
recognized that this hatred was grossly unjustified, but understood the strange ways of a
mob. They wanted blood for their losses, and we would satiate that thirst.
I passed out from the combination of nausea, heat, exhaustion, and the pressure
building in my head. When I awoke, I was alone in a small hut. I was tightly bound in a
rope made of thickly woven Waneta hair. I tried to break free, but quickly realized that
doing so would be impossible. Again I tried to find that rage that was Elxen, but Artur
had sealed him well.
The huts we were in were made of Waneta bones and some of the larger types of
cacti. The Sandmen relied greatly on their creatures. Their meat was a large source of
their food, as well as using their bones as building materials. Their hides became clothes
and armor, augmented appropriately with Runes. Not to mention that they rode them into
battle. The tribe was tied intimately with the Waneta.
As far as what I learned of the people, I soon saw that they were an incredibly
well organized and civil tribe. They were nothing like the fabled mercenary bands of
Allardon, all-male groups of Sandmen who were infamously fond of killing and money
equally. The tribe was structured to be entirely self-sufficient, with no need for trading
with other tribes or humans. The downside of this way of life was that there were only a
couple in the tribe who spoke Ehrish, the language of man. Most spoke Mohav, the


language of the desert, with a single tribal dialect added to make it even more complex.
It made it difficult for me to negotiate any kind of understanding of my situation.
I watched them live for endless hours of the day. The first thing I saw was that
male and female Sandmen looked drastically different. Where the men were tall and
muscular, women were shorter and more elegant. Both shared equal roles in work, such
as caring for the War Waneta, though men were the warriors and women far more
domestic. Their hair was also somehow a symbol of their rank. The bones and colors
woven into the hair of the men signified their rank and skill.
One day a girl that looked around my age entered the hut. I watched her
curiously. Sandmen only entered my private prison to fill my cup or feed me a hard,
sand-covered bit of bread. I looked her up and down coolly. She was very muscular for
a woman, her arms almost equal to those of the other boys. She was very beautiful, and
equally elegant to the other women. But she was also different. She had an aura of
warlike strength and independence more like the men of the tribe. But it wasnt as
strong. Likewise, her hair was pulled back in the thick dreadlocks of the warriors. She
had several threads of green in her hair, suggesting she was of the apprentice rank. But
Id learned that the amount of decoration a Sandmans hair possessed, the more renown
that person had obtained. Id say she was extremely close to joining the warriors.
We stared at each other for several moments, the air was crackling with tension. I
kept my expression defiantly placid, hers was filled with derision and open despise. I
noticed that unlike other women she wore the leather armor of a warrior and carried one
of their signature weapons, the horn of a Waneta fashioned into a jagged, primitive blade,
called a Matunaga. The bone blades were short but sharp, sturdy, and no doubt deadly in


the hand of any Sandman. They were decorated with Runes more complex than any Id
seen save those of Arturs armor.
What do you want with me? I asked evenly, not betraying any emotion.
You are a devil. She said, accenting the statement with a slap to my face. I
didnt flinch, steeling myself to the blow. When I started in Sollumas I wouldve
provoked her, but Id become smarter and knew now that it was good to avoid getting hit
I am no devil. I have no misgivings towards your people, nor was I aware of the
enslavement of your people by mine. I was proud, articulate, controlled. I had done
well, the desert had taught me to be calm and patient and Id kept my temper in check.
Liar, tell me where my parents are! She jammed her Matunaga under my neck, I
still remained cool.
I dont know your parents, but I do have some idea of where theyve been
taken. I continued to stay calm.
Where, where? Tell me, or Ill kill you.
What do you mean kill me? Why would I tell you, the information is whats
keeping me alive. I decided
She grinned at me, a cruel, vengeful grimace I will kill you either way, your fate
is sealed. I have requested to carry out the sentence on you and your friends. You will
pay for your crimes with blood. What I offer you is a chance at redemption from your
We are innocent, children just like you who are searching for our home, just like
you. Kill me, but, pleasenot them. Was all I could manage to say, my voice choked


with pain. She looked unsure for a moment, as if I wasnt the monster shed convinced
herself I was.
The doubt was there, her certainty broken by my raw emotion. But then her
bitterness returned. Like so many others, she was clinging to her perception of things. It
was so much easier for her to blame me for her parents disappearance, why try and
understand it any other way?
I do not need you to find my parents. I will do so on my own. And you think I
would allow you to leave? After what you three helped to do? I think not. Enjoy death
without any absolve of sin. She gave me a contemptuous kiss on the cheek, took the
bone away from my neck and turned and walked away.
Youre wrong, and you know it. I am not your enemy, and you do need me. I
just hope you realize before its too late. I called after her as she left the hut. Whoever
she was, she was a good person. Shed built a picture of me in her head, and I hadnt met
her expectations. She had honor, and killing me would not fit that honor. If she was the
one performing the execution, then maybe there was still some hope.
I lay in the dust as I had for nights longer, wondering if tomorrow would be my
last day alive. I wasnt ready to die, of that I was sure. I had faced numerous enemies,
but not one had the raw hatred that the girl from yesterday had. That kind of desire to
kill; it was terrifying. I feigned sleep as two of the tall Sandmen ducked into the hut and
pulled me to my feet. I pretended to blink sleep from my eyes as I was dragged outside.
The world was drenched in sunlight already, and my eyes took a moment to adjust
to the brilliant rays. I saw Karli and Cayss, also bandaged and on their knees, but
otherwise unharmedfor now.


Seeing them only affirmed a decision Id been pondering. I had to unleash Elxen,
that deadly stranger. The fact that I was unsure of this tells the gravity of the situation. I
knew that there was a possibility that when I snapped out of it the only thing that would
be left of the village would be scorched earth. But I would do it, and control myself. I
would somehow survive another impossible circumstance with the use of my friends, my
wits, and a heavy dose of fire.
The one who was carrying out my sentence was not the girl Id met. He stood
alone in the sunlight, her skin ink-black against the sand. She held two Matunagas. It
was amazing that such a simple thing could be so devastating in the right hands. She
pointed one menacingly at me as she spoke:
The Kecklas first. She is a woman, and I dont want her to have to watch her
friends die. Karli gave him a mocking smile as they cut away her bonds. She hugged
Cayss, then me. She got on her toes and kissed me on the cheek. I was too numb with
sadness to even feel it. She then let a Sandman take one of her arms in each hand.
My name is Dama the Executioner. Any last words, brave young woman from
the North? She addressed Karli respectfully. I tried to release my seal, but found it
stronger than Id imagine. I strove to feel anger, but the fear and horror I felt still were
not powerful enough.
Karli then spat on his face spitefully Ive always been alone. How fitting that I
should die in this place, so far from all who knew me in life. Get on with it, you
coward. She then turned away from her and looked into my face. The scene had taken
on the qualities of a mirage. It felt like a dream. Karlis expression was a mask, the one
shed worn throughout her life. It didnt change when a scarlet blossom spread across her


white undershirt. She fell to the sand, soaking it with blood. Her face still had never
changed in death. It was her final defiance, even the pain of death had not forced her to
show emotion. It was starting to feel very, very real.
I would kill them all. Feyl help me, I would kill them all. Some, in great pain,
feel numb. I simply floated away. I left another in control of my body. His name was
Elxen. I didnt know him, but I knew that he would kill them all while I slept.
Anybody who wants to live, get the hell away from here. All that will be left
when I finish is molten glass. I whispered. Then I took a backseat in my own body,
watching as flames erupted on my arm a mile high . First, I shot a jet of flames at the
Executioner, and they engulfed him and incinerated him. Good. Now for the rest.
I would never have regained control if not for a voice. It was a mystical voice;
filled with compassion and peace. Peace. I thought peace had died when Karli had. Yet
here it was. Your body is not lost, child. You must wake again. Hestion compels you.
Hestion. The name of the dark god whod, eons ago, challenged Feyls eternal
reign. But the desert did not speak it like it was something dark. He spoke it like it was
good. I believed the desert for that moment. Hestion was good. The desert had told me
to wake, and I owed it compliance. Even if Karlis body lay lifeless on its sand. I
touched my face and felt the tears that streamed from it. Elxen didnt care about Karli, I
did. And that meant I was still at least partially in control. I couldnt be responsible for
killing innocents. I had to return.
I opened my eyes and I was on the ground, and the girl was standing over me.
She seemed to be filled with awe.


You were on fire, you killed Dama after hekilled her. I see now that I was
wrong to have said those things.
Waneta Soldiers, the deserts humble child wishes to enter your camp. It was
the same voice that had spoken the evil out of me. But I now saw it came from a man
that looked older than the desert itself. His old skin was tanned and leathery, he
possessed a long beard but no hair on his head. But I looked into his eyes and saw such
overwhelming and glorious serenity and grace that I immediately sunk into a deep bow.
Now I was not the kind of guy who bowed to anything; but his bearing was almost
godlike in its regality.
My Lord! There is no need for you to ask permission, we are your servants.
The leader that had captured me was now groveling. The events of moments ago had lost
importance in the face of this mans arrival. I was tempted to stab the man in back while
he bowed, but knew Id be dead if I tried.
Spare me your idiocy, Avonaco! You realize you just executed a young woman
who not only innocent, but incredibly important? You are blinded by your hatred, you
fool! The man rumbled in a voice that was centuries old and powerful. He had changed
in the moment, suddenly appearing thousands of feet tall.
What? No! Im sorry, master! He cried, then beginning to weep.
You are lucky that you live, Avonaco. I would kill you, if I wasnt able to repair
the damage done. You are forgiven, because of that. The man then once again became
normal sized. He walked over to a Karli who was still bleeding into the desert. He
touched her wound, and the flow of blood suddenly reversed. Before I could grasp what


was happening, Karli was sitting up. Cayss and I sprinted to her and embraced her. We
sat there for a moment, feeling the relief of the moment.
Karli stood up after a moment. And approached Avonaco, leader of the Waneta
Soldiers. He bowed before her.
Lady Kecklas, I cannot apologize to you enough. This never should have
happened, I cannot describe to you the remorse I feel right now. He bent his head low.
The entire crowd watched as Karli removed the sling from her pocket, loaded an
enormously large stone, and brought it down on Avonacos enormous, overly important
head. He slumped on the ground. Then, Karli looked around her, and announced.
Im tired. Im going to go sleep in the leaders tent. Anyone got a problem with
that? She challenged. She was met with silence.
Good. Talk to me in the morning. She then stomped off, opened the flap to the
tent, and went in. After several moments of silence, the old man said in an authoritative
I think that its been a long day for these children of Feyl. They will be allowed
a day and a night to rest. As will I. Tomorrow, at sunrise, we will discuss the future of
the children. But now these poor, abused young men must be exhausted, and they may
join their companion. Avonaco will be hitched to the back of a Waneta, and dragged
through the desert for three days and nights as penance. See to it. Now go about your
business. The sagacious old man then walked over to a tent, and climbed in. I looked at
Cayss, and we both headed to Avonacos tent. I think we both wanted to be close to the
friend wed come so close to losing.


Chapter 26: Departure.

I woke up. Sunlight was filtering through the leather of the tent. This brought out
the strange, mystical etchings of the Runes that patterned it. I was lying in the sand next
to Karli, who lay on several thick carpets, yet again made of Waneta. When the Waneta
Soldiers had named themselves, they had been quite accurate. Her hair flowed around
her face in sleep, framing her face in disarray that somehow seemed perfectly in order,
like Karli always was.
Her hair had turned yet another shade lighter, if I wasnt mistaken. Perhaps it had
lost some of its color in her death; perhaps the old wizards magic had done it. I didnt
care how it had happened or why. I just thought it was beautiful. I shivered thinking of
the terror and rage that had flowed through me when Karli had died. I felt as if Id been
ripped to pieces and scattered to the wind. It was dangerous, to feel like this for
somebody. Especially when life was as dangerous as it was for Karli.
Morning. Karli greeted me as she let out a lengthy sigh.
Hey. I answered her, continuing to watch her unabashedly.
Waneta skins are extremely soft, for being so tough in life. Karli commented
languidly as she ran her hand delicately along the skin. I nodded hesitantly, mimicking
her movement. This proximity and mood were unlike anything Id experienced with
Karli. I could feel no barriers up in Karlis mood. She seemed almostflirtatious. How
Alvas, would you do me a favor. Would youlook at the place where he got
me? Tell me if theres a scar or anything? She asked hesitantly. She sounded sweetly
nervous. I nodded to her. She rolled over onto her back. I slowly moved the shirt away.


The skin of her back was as creamy and unblemished as her face, until I reached the
wound. It was directly on her spine, which was right behind her heart. The Matunaga
must have severed her spinal cord before reaching her heart. I knew of no cure for a
severed spinal cord, much less a punctured heart. But the only remnant of the blade was
a strange, complex scar. It was a seven-pointed star, with a swirling pattern of lines
around it.
I traced lightly the design with fascination, trying to make sense of it. I made a
little noise of amazement at a sudden revelation.
Alvas? What is it? Karli asked me with alarm.
I think its a Rune. But like nothing Ive ever seen before. I then put her shirt
back down and she rolled back over. I looked into her eyes. I remembered them being
more azure, but they were now a bright blue that suited her far better. She suddenly no
longer seemed to care about the scar as she stared into my eyes.
Thank you, Alvas.
What for?
Everything. And that was all she needed to say. I leaned in, my lips puckering
ineptly. She wore a little smile as she leaned in as well. But the romance ended there as
Cayss, the old man, a male Sandman warrior, and the Sandman girl-fighter burst into the
The children will travel with me, Sarado. I want a proper staff for the boy, and
the best longbow you have for the girl. Your best armor for the Allard boy and your best
clothes for the other two. The withered old man told the big man. He spoke like he
already knew. Like he already knew everything, and he had found peace because of it.


And I am coming with you. The boy has agreed to assist me in finding my
parents. The Sandman girl who would have killed us shouted at him excitedly. Yeah, I
was so disrespectful, she can just spout off at any respected elder and thats not rude at
Malia, you havent finished your apprenticeship, and cannot assist these people
in any way. There is no cause for you to go, and so I cannot let you. Youve yet to even
be paired with a Waneta. My lord, in regards to the raven-haired boy, I havent a set of
clothes to fit him, he is barely bigger than those who are beginning their training.
Hey there mate, no need to be cruel. Snot my fault Im small. Besides, I have
other talents. Cayss said cheekily as he held up feathered bracelet.
Sarado snatched it away from him angrily. He looked ready to snap Caysss neck,
but was afraid of displeasing his lord. The ancient man commanded incredible loyalty
from every Sandman he saw. He was an enigma, probably some kind of lone wanderer.
I couldnt tell his heritage, he looked like he transcended race.
Sarado, you will accommodate this boy, lest youve forgotten you nearly
condemned him to death for no cause? And I see no reason why you hold Malia back
from being a warrior when she shows prowess in the ways of battle nearly equal to your
own. I declare her to be one of my own Disciples, and therefore she ranks above you. I
need her to teach Alvas how to fight. As Avonaco showed he needs to improve greatly. I
will hear no more on any of these matters. Why are you two sitting there, follow
Sarado? The old man commanded Karli and I.
We must leave soon. I am meeting an old friend in the desert shortly and he
doesnt like to wait. I thank you all for your company, unfortunately I may not return to


you for several months. The world prepares for a great change and there are many
preparations to be made. I have ancient allies that I will call to arms. I announce that I
will be fighting as an ally of Allardon. He spoke clearly and gravely. Protests rose from
the crowd angrily, all of which he silence with a wave of his hand. Why did they so
oppose his alliance with Allardon? More importantly, who were these ancient allies?
I wish I could explain why, comrades, but I havent the time. I also bring you
good news; your brethren will be slaves no longer. Because these children are going to
free them. He believed that absolutely, and so did I. I had no intention of being part of
anything that kept men enslaved, and I had already planned to free them at some point.
The crowd took his word, which was a shock. How could they go from wanting me dead
to believing I was their savior on the word of one man. It was ludicrous. He continued
speaking after that sunk in. Arm the children, and let them rest, we will depart when the
sun goes down. The sun will set early tonight.
We were guided back to a larger hut, filled with wicked weapons of wood and
bone. The Waneta Soldiers were obviously not an entirely peaceful tribe. Malia told me
that, while the herds and trade with neighboring tribes mostly sustained them, they would
occasionally run raids on those villages closest to the border.
The first thing we were all given were our armor. We were all given baggy shorts
made of hide that had no armoring, but the hardened leather vests that were imbued with
powerful Runes of Protection would stop a sword without Runes with ease.
In selecting my weapon, I looked back on my battle with Balkar. I had become
better when Id gone with a more heavy-handed method. I chose this style in my


weapon. It was a kind of warclub. A Waneta skull, mounted on a wooden shaft. It was
light, but after several swing I knew that it would be more than formidable.
Malia entered after us. I watched her grab a long spear, a second Matunaga, and
finally a set of Battle Bones, strangely shaped bones that fit over ones knuckles. She
informed me proudly that she was the best at unarmed fighting in the tribe. Wearing a set
of Battle Bones, she could punch with almost as much force as I could swing the club. I
gulped at this, thinking of the training I would endure at her fists.
She put the other two Matunagas at a sheath at her thigh, strapped the spear to her
back, and slipped the Battle Bones into her shorts. She was as tall as me, the tallest girl
Id ever seen. She was more muscular than me, though with thinner shoulders and
shorter arms. We were clad the same as she was, a pair of baggy Waneta-hide shorts and
the tight fitting armored vest, though Malias was specially made to billow outward at her
chest. While we were given cloaks to shield us from the sun, Malia wore no additional
clothes. The men went completely bareback as well. They were able to because the skin
of the people of the sand let go no water. They drank very little, struggling more in the
constant search for sustenance for their abnormally high metabolisms.
I watched as Karli spoke with the enormous Sandman Arms-Master, Shamblor.
They were discussing the specifications of Karlis bow. He was massive, rivaling
Avonacos height. Were it not for the Avonacos orders, he probably never wouldve
entertained giving her a bow. I watched as his opinion of her quickly changed from
mocking to apologetic to professional and sheepish. Through all this, Karli stood before
him with her arms crossed expectantly, rattling off questions and demands. I laughed
quietly. That would be the last time he made the mistake of belittling Karli.


I left the large hut and went in search of Avonaco. There was one last lesson I
needed to have, and I had a feeling he should give to me. I found him where I thought I
would. He was training the younger warriors. I stepped next to him as we watched the
children spar. They spun and struck gracefully at one another.
A Matunaga is not steel. If you fight like it is steel, then you will die. You must
use it like the Waneta who owned it before you did. You must make it an extension of
you, and protect it as such. You must strike quickly, and withdraw twice as quickly. If
you do not, then you do not know your weapon, then you will die. That is why every
warrior only is only allowed two Matunaga, the matching horns of a dead animal. Do
you know your weapon yet? Avonaco spoke without turning to face me.
No, that is why Ive come to you. What is this? I brandished the club, looking
into the empty eye sockets of the skull. The horns of the beast had been removed, and the
skull was filled with sediment to give the club weight.
What you are holding is the second great tradition of the Waneta Soldiers. The
first of our tribe was a young man named Cuthloma. He had been the greatest warrior of
his tribe, but jealousy had led him to be betrayed by his fellow warriors and hed been left
for carrion in the desert. He wandered the desert for eighteen long days and nights.
Finally, he threw his hands to the sky and, in a voice hoarse from dehydration, he begged
the desert not to take his life. And from the desert rode a Waneta, thrice the size of a
regular Waneta. Like Cuthloma, it had been too powerful to travel in a herd and had
been exiled. So Cuthloma called him Nomad, and Nomad permitted Cuthloma ride him.
They traveled the desert for decades, conquering neighboring tribes until he had
united the Sandmen as one tribe and one country, which he named Nomads Land. But


the Children of Feyl were becoming interested, and one day they ambushed Cuthloma
under a flag of truce. Cuthloma was gravely wounded, but Nomad became enraged and
he managed to kill nearly fifty men, so the story goes. But in the end he was brought
down and died a warriors death. Cuthloma knew his friend was a true warrior, and
would wish to do battle even in death. So he cut the head from Nomad, removing the
horns and creating the Matunaga, then removing the skull and fastening it to a shaft of
wood with sediment and calling it the Deliverer, after his rescuer in the desert.
Cuthloma never rode another beast, but he desired others to be allowed to share
the bond he did with Nomad. So he abandoned his kingdom with a small group of his
most loyal followers, and they became the Waneta Soldiers. And we ride to this day.
Avonaco finished nearly in tears, so great was his passion for his tribe.
Thank you for that story, it was beautiful. But how does that help me fight?
When you are about to fight, picture yourself as a bull Waneta, protecting your
master. If you battle to protect and rescue somebody you love, then you will fight like
Nomad and it will take fifty men to fell you. That is all I have to say, Firebringer. The
old sage will wish to see you soon, now hurry up. He said brusquely, embarrassed for
showing such emotion.
I am forever grateful, Avonaco. I said as I felt the smooth, hard skull with
He gave me a smile You have a warriors heart that is unique in a son of Feyl.
Never forget that courage, even in the face of fifty men. I nodded, knowing there were
no more words to speak with him now. It was time to depart the camp.
Well, children, you all seem to have prepared thoroughly. He said, his eyes


narrowed at Malia, who was armed to the teeth. She looked unashamed, proud that shed
been requested for such an important assignment. The old man must hold great
importance to them.
I have great plans for these weapons, sir. Malia threatened in a way that was
both a jest and a warning. As she said this, she turned to me with a savage grin. Her
civility and subtlety were continuously impressive.
The leathery face gave her a stern look and cajoled her. Malia, you and Alvas
will be sparring, not engaging in mortal combat. Karli will also need to learn the use of
that longbow. I trust that Shamblor instructed you sufficiently? Malia isnt an expert,
but she should be able to fill in the gaps. The hermit informed, and Karli responded with
a silent nod of approval.
Good. In that case the only thing left is to tell you Children of Feyl is my name.
Throughout the centuries, they have called me many things. The Architect, the Weaver,
the Prophet, the Teacher, and the god, but I was first named Mesa, and that is the name
by which I am known to you. He declared with booming authority inappropriate to his
small frame. Lord Mesaimpossible. And like that, I knew what series of coincidences
had kept me alive through my travels so far.


Chapter 27: Lord Mesa

Karli, Cayss, and I had come under the protection of a god. I couldnt imagine
how it had happened, nor why. We were all born anonymously, with little in the way of
special skills and talents, yet here we were. What a funny place the world was. What a
sense of humor did destiny have!
Lord Mesa? I asked incredibly, unable to say more.
Yes, dear child. The god responded placidly, as if completely unbothered by the
questioning tone. He preened in a cocky manner that was most undignified for a deity of
his stature.
Are you the Mesa. Karli asked incredulously. Even Karli couldnt keep the
stunned expression from her flawless features. I didnt quite believe it myself, but
somehow it fit perfectly. He was Mesa. Looking at him, how could he be someone else.
But he confirmed it anyway with a nod and a knowing smile. That was the perfect word
for Mesa: knowing. Wizens were known to be zealously devout worshippers of Mesa.
Because he achieved something every Wizen desired. Mesa knew everything. Past,
present, and future.
In the birth of the god Hestion, so had three other gods been born as well.
Counterparts to one another, much like Feyl and Hestion were themselves. Their names
were Mesa and Axeva. They were representative of the two worlds: physical and
ethereal. Mesa was the Ethereal, his intelligence exceeding that of any other being to
exist, including the two greater gods, Hestion and Feyl. He had foreseen the ending of
the celestial war between Feyl and Hestion, and had fled before he could be hurt. Axeva,
however, fought until the end, and lost much of her strength in wounding Feyl. But Mesa


retained his original power today as well. The final god was simply known as the Lonely
God. He had been born without a twin, and thus unbalanced. This unbalance drove him
mad, he became obsessed with the idea that there was another god out there that was his
twin. And so he abandoned the gods to battle for Caste, while he left to search the
cosmos for the twin he knew existed.
We leave now, my ally is waiting for us in the desert. In the distance, I heard
the baying of a wolf. But it didnt have the feral quality of other wolves. It was
restrained, impatient, annoyed. Mesa muttered to himself: Im coming, Im coming.
He then strode off, whistling to himself. I look at Cayss in disbelief, he nodded
at me with his jovial smile, and nodded his assent then followed. Cayss seemed to find
this development interesting, if not bemusing. Oh, Cayss, still unfazed, even in the
presence of a god.
Nobody bid Malia farewell as we followed Mesa away from the village. I had a
feeling she was an unpopular character in the village. Being a warrior seemed to fall
specifically on the male side of the gender divide, a divide that seemed to go back as long
as the Sandmen did. And Malia was crossing that divide, and she was apparently very
good at doing so. This would win her many opponents in the tribe. I turned back and
watched her avoid the eyes of the curious and hostile stares that met her as we departed.
I dropped back to try speaking to her. So I guess youll be showing me how to
be as good a warrior as you are. I started with a compliment as well as an attempt to
gauge her willingness.
I will teach you if Mesa wishes me to, but I doubt a mere human will ever be as
good as I am in battle. She said without looking at me once. She checked the tip of the


spear with hands that were bigger and stronger than any womans hed ever seen. I noted
that her nails were filed down to nothing.
By the way, whyd you file away your nails? Doesnt that make it harder to
dig? I was really trying to be friendly, though she was arrogant and violent, which
seemed to be her two main characteristics.
Filed nails do make digging harder, but Waneta Soldiers dont usually dig
anyway. Most like to keep them, but it does have its advantages. Harder digging, easier
punching. I took an involuntary step back as a blow flew in his face, stopping barely
short of my nose. I knew if the blow had connected, my nose would be squashed like an
overripe fruit.
Its good to know that Im in capable hands, thank you very much for doing
this. I bowed my head sincerely. Sometimes, I amazed myself with my charm.
You thank me now, but I doubt youll be so grateful after Ive battered, bruised,
or broken every inch of your thin frame. When you have been leveled, that is when I will
be able to build you strong. But first I have to break you down. I can promise you one
thing: I am not gentle like your sky-haired mate. She insisted. She was already putting
on airs of toughness. She was used to being misjudged.
I broke out in laughter, unable to fathom where her perceptions might be coming
from Let me set the record straight: Karli, Cayss, and I fought our way to here together.
We are companions and friends. We share a bond, but not like that. I hope you and I can
become friends to. I told her as I extended my hand.
I doubt it. Regardless, we will never be friends until my people are freed. Malia
snarled. Shed taken my laughter as an insult.


Look, I didnt meanif thats what it takes, then we will soon be friends, and
thats a promise. I was deadly serious, as soon as I had the trust of the rebels, I would
free the Sandmen, even if it killed me. I patted her firmly on the shoulder and caught up
with Karli and Cayss, who were clearly feuding about something.
We should ditch this guy, Alvas. Hes dangerous and delusional. This was
Karli as I knew her, incapable of trusting mostly anyone. Karli and I had been through
thick and thin, and she still barely trusted me. Even if this guy were a god, Karli
wouldnt trust him without good reason. In her opinion, it was probably just more of a
reason not to trust him. Fortunately, we had the best reasons in the world to trust him.
Karli, we have no idea where we are in relation to the outpost, and if we try to
leave then that will give Malia to tear us limb from limb. I explained.
Youre actually scared of her? Feyls feet, Alvas, who is this girl? She asked
incredulously. I suppose that she thought of me as fearless, which to her meant the same
thing as stupid. But I guess I was usually pretty stupid.
Lets face it, Karli, without this old geezer were as lost as locusts in a
sandstorms. And yes, I am scared of Malia, somewhat. I admitted. Karli looked like
she was pacified about going, and also smug about the fact I was finally being smart
about something. It was about time, probably.
I huffed at her and caught up to Mesa. Getting Karli some answers to the
questions that were on all our minds would like help give her some peace about the
situation. She didnt know enough right now.


There were a few moments of silence as we sized each other up in the silence.
Despite my having several inches and about thirty pounds on the old man, I still felt
So why did you save us? I decided to start with the most base and pressing
matter at hand.
Because you are far more important than you could possibly fathom. And letting
you die would be irresponsible on my part. And He said with a sage smile.
What do you mean, youve got to give me more than that? I insisted. Hed so
far only given us the absolute minimum information to keep us from leaving him, and I
was tired of it.
If you needed to know, then Id tell you. And dont interrupt me. If Im
speaking, and I am a god, you ought to listen. He retorted crisply.
I gaped at him trying to form words in my head, to ask him again. But I just
couldnt make the words come out. Oh, you cant bother me anymore? I am practicing
mind domination on you. I am the original mind, and I can impose my will onto you,
whether to make you shut up or stab your best friend. Maybe that will teach you some
respect. I know youve thought about running away from me, and I suggest you dont
bother trying. He was deadly calm, and ancient, and dangerous.
I had a creeping doubt that maybe traveling with Malia and Mesa was too
dangerous. I shoved the doubt back down, knowing that if I didnt endure the trip, I
might never find the outpost.
I felt my tongue loosen again, so I stuck my tongue out and said impudently:
Youd really force us to stay here? I then walked away, feeling like I saved face.


Dont give me that long-suffering look, I know you werent really planning on
staying. Believe that, at least right now, I know whats good for you. And even though I
may seem like an overbearing father, I am on your side.
Is that temporary too? I asked accusingly.
Alvas, when youve been around as long as I have, youll see that everything is
temporary. He flashed me another toothy grin, then walked away.
Once I was away from the ancient, my worries were able to overcome my welldeveloped natural rebelliousness. I felt as if this was a very dangerous scenario for us.
We were caught between a temperamental god who could kill us with a look. One thing
was for sure; Mesa was not the one whod been defending us all this time. He wanted us
alive, but apparently alive didnt have to mean intact.
On the other side was Malia, who planned on spending a majority of her time
breaking me down physically while Mesa did the same mentally. Maybe I never would
make it to Rataan Outpost.


Chapter 28: Trials of the Desert

This spar will be an experiment. Show me what you know, and Ill do my best
to undo the damage. She twirled the staff professionally. She sounded like all business,
no hint of anger. I immediately lost fear and worked the strikes that Captain taught me.
She batted them aside lazily, not even trying. Getting past the guard was the trademark
style of the Esperad fighting style. But for all the success I had penetrating her guard, I
might as well have been trying to stab a stone wall. I tried to take out her legs and she
easily sidestepped it and her staff snapped out like a Death Adder, knocking the Deliverer
from my grasp. She grunted with satisfaction as she swept out my legs easily. The soft
sand cushioned me, but I would have a bruise where shed hit me. I got back up and she
handed me my staff.
Never extend your arm fully. It weakens your grip and an experienced fighter
would find it simple to break your arm or bones within. Like so. She then put pressure
on my elbow with the staff and put pressure forward. For a panicked moment, I thought
she was going to break it, but then she released it. I got up and was already panting with
the heat and exertion of the fight.
I was already breathing heavily after one fight. Malias breath was absolutely
even, she hadnt even broken a single drop of sweat.
Thats okay, you need to commit more to each blow. Dont be so worried about
your opponent. You are unusually strong for a human; this will allow you to dictate the
pace of the battle. You must stay in control. Do so by stringing together moves, tiring
them out. Ive seen you also possess extraordinary stamina, use both your stamina and
strength to win in battle.


Okay. In the next round, I launched a flurry of strikes, but with the same result.
She slipped past me quickly and jabbed me in the stomach, making me double over.
Then she floored me with an uppercut. But it wasnt just for her satisfaction, it was a
training technique taught in Arathmetics. Glennice had told us:
In battle training, if a student is not punished for failure than he learns failure in
battle is not serious. The harsher the trainer, the higher level of preparation for the real
thing, the more likely it is that you actually survive when there are edges on the swords
and points on the spears.
I nodded at her in understanding, and climbed back to my feet, sucking wind as I
did. Malia threw me a piece of cloth, which I used to staunch the flow of blood from my
nose. Within moments, I stood ready again, and once again was knocked down. This
time she kicked me while I was down; explaining that if I wasnt on my feet immediately
after I was knocked down; another blow would follow. We did this three more times, and
after that I managed to scramble to my feet before she could strike again.
She then began to teach me an entirely new set of attacks Sandmen used, suited to
take advantage of being bigger and stronger. We practiced until I passed out, at which
point it was Karlis turn to learn to fire a bow. When I woke up, the two were at each
others throats already. Karli was being a difficult pupil, and Malia was frustrated by it.
In Sollumas, Karlis ability to learn had always faced the barrier that Karli thinks she
already knows everything. Apparently, Malia was continuously fighting that barrier.
We traveled for days more, Mesa kept mumbling about how we had to catch his
friend. He had been talking to Cayss and Malia during the night, though why he did was


not something I knew.

Malia was an incredible warrior and mentor, if not a bit overly

It was at twilight of the third day, we were walking in silence. My eyes were
drinking in the still-brilliant sky overhead. I heard Karli sharply suck in air.
What is that? She was alarmed, and I strained my eyes to see in the half-light,
what she was talking about. All I saw was a huge shadowed form. The huge shadow
raised its head and bayed at the moon. It was a wolf; at least four times the size of a
regular wolf, about as big and heavy as a Waneta. A dire wolf was three times the size,
roughly. This would be the largest ever recorded. It barked at us, the sound echoed
around the desert. Then, it came bounding towards us with impossible agility. I gripped
my Deliverer, Malia grabbed a Matunaga for each hand out of her thigh sheath, and Karli
strung an arrow into her bow. But Karli kept her bowstring taught, and Malia didnt look
any more comfortable.
The beast stopped in front of us and growled menacingly. It was even bigger than
Id imagined, and so lithe, it was beautiful. It had a glossy, white coat that told me it was
healthy and well fed. Many dire wolves were said to be dirty and black. This beast was
proud and strong. I stopped admiring it and focused on the fact that it was all too capable
of tearing my head off in a flash.
Stop being so rude, Skollgan. We got here as quick as we could. He scolded
the wolf, which immediately calmed down.
Children, this is Skollgan, The Father of All Wolves. Mesa told us. I gaped at
him. Somehow the fact that the father of a species was right here, was beyond any of the


incredible that had happened to me. I staggered toward him, and stroked his coat in
wonder. The wolf let out a rumbling growl, as if to warn me I was crossing the line.
Its so different than Id expected a Dire Wolf to be. They always told us that
the creatures were ugly, mangy things.
At this a snarl erupted from the wolf that sounded much like a sandstorm. Its
hackles raised, and for a moment I could see an ancient hatred burning in the things eyes.
Hatred as old as the world itself.
Careful Alvas, Skollgan wants you to know he wants to kill you, and is very
close to. It would be wise to apologize for the insult. Ive seen him do it for less. Mesa
I bowed my head deeply and apologized.
Very well, and he wishes I speak for him, to clear your Esperad ignorance. The
Dire Wolves are nothing but another product of the cruelty of Man. You should know
that, much like so many, the Wolves were once a proud race, called the White Wolves.
They dwelt in a hierarchal society as complex as that of man, and they had many tongues.
But when Man came on his cleansing mission, they were afraid of the Wolves and their
power as a whole, united under the Wolf-Father. And so they created the powerful Runes
of Binding, which they used to enslave a great number of the White Wolves, turning their
coats the color of dusk and creating the Dire Wolves. They used these poor slaves to
destroy the remaining White Wolves, and then turned them free from enslavement.
When Skollgan was the only White Wolf remaining, he attempted to rebuild with the
Dire Wolves. But their enslavement had turned them dumb and embittered, and they
could no longer be as they had once been. I looked into Mesas eyes, and saw that


ancient hatred burning in them. It told me that there was no atonement to be made, that
nothing could undo the damage Man had done. It was the same look Id identified in
Mesas eyes, and Vexas, and, for some reason, something I knew existed in Elxen, in my
own heart. To see this world so poisoned by it frightened me.
How do you talk to him? I asked, not knowing what else to say at that horror.
He is actually incredibly intelligent, smarter than you in fact. I read his thoughts,
if he allows it. Mesa informed me quietly. There was residual anger in his voice at
retelling that sad tale of Man dethroning yet another good king.
I ignored the jab at my intelligence and drifted away from the wolf. He was
giving me dagger-eyes and, even if he was smarter than me, he still didnt look
housebroken. I couldnt even fear him any longer, not properly. Not when I knew what
hed been through; now I had only pity for the old king.
We stopped for the night. Cayss and Mesa went out into the desert, followed by
the super-wolf, and Malia went hunting. Malia explained to me that Sandmen hunted by
burrowing under the ground and waiting.
Karli and I were alone at last. I was thrilled; I hadnt had a chance to speak to
Karli alone in a while. We spent a lot of time talking, but not actual singular
So what do you think of Mesa? He is quite a savior. I inquired.
Humph, savior indeed. I dont trust him, Alvas. Power changes people, and hes
simply too powerful to be trusted. Anyone as powerful as him could only want one
thing: more.
I dont think that applies to gods.


Then you are as blind as I once believed you to be, and all really is lost. Karli
wasnt trying to be insulting, it seemed. She was almost prophesizing.
I just dont get whats not to like. Its almost impossible not to like him. I said,
Exactly. She waited a moment before it dawned on me. You see now, dont
you? Of course, it made sense now. He was using his mind abilities to force me to like
him. This man was dangerous, his ability to manipulate the mind uncanny. I shouldve
been aware of it. I had to be more careful now. He could now plant actions in me, I had
to question my own behavior. There was something wrong about all this, something to
do with Cayss. He was different, but I didnt know how. I found it often that when Mesa
was near I had these half-thoughts that never finished. It was horrifying; between Mesa
and the alien anger, it felt as though I was no longer myself. I was slowly losing my
humanity to these mysterious and godly forces. Was my body simply a vassal for these
powers, or was I meant to have my own destiny? I had to regain control.
Youre right, I agreed, which pleased Karli immensely. But hes our ticket to
Rataan Outpost. We will no longer need him once were there. He makes me nervous,
and Im excited to wash my hands of him. He scared me more than I had known;
literally. The mind control had made me feel at ease, but now that it was gone, my true
feelings were revealed.
Sowhat do you think of Malia? She was attempting to sound casual, but I
heard the suspicion in her voice.


Shes interesting. Id say Ive grown quite fond of her. The first part was true.
But the second was not. Malia beating on me all the time didnt make me like her any
more, even if she was helping me become stronger.
How could you like her? Shes awful! Karli accused me. I figured out what
was going on, she was jealous. I couldnt imagine why. Malia was of the Sandmen, and
although her body was like that of a human woman, I didnt think I could be attracted to
her in that way. She was too muscular, too rough for a human to find attractive.
Likewise, I would always be too soft for her extra-human tastes.
Shes taught you how to fire that bow quite well, arent you grateful for that? I
guilted her. I continued the ruse, wanting to see what shed do.
Wellyes, but she was incredibly annoying. I mean, once she taught me how I
didnt need any help. Not to brag, but I am a natural. Even she admitted it. Karli said
with a smug little smile.
Im sure you are, but Malia also thinks youre a spoiled brat, so maybe you could
try to, for once, not to let everyone know how absolutely spectacular you always are. I
patronized teasingly.
Ugh, fine, but I doubt it will do any good. No matter what I do, everyones
always aware of my incredible abilities. She said with silly arrogance. I just rolled my
eyes and chuckled.
We talked for a long time like this, uninterrupted. We joked and laughed
superficially. I could talk to her like this forever. But as we did I felt a thought rise up
and I knew what had been bothering me about Cayss.


He was also enthralled by Mesa, much more tightly than Karli or I were. Cayss
had gone through hell before wed left the desert, and he was emotionally vulnerable.
This was the exact weakness that Mesa could exploit. The lack of proximity mustve
broken his hold on me for a moment, but I was overwhelmingly aware of what a fool Id
been. Who knows what damage Mesa couldve done in the time Id been fighting Malia
and flirting with Karli?
Mesa, Cayss, and I sat at the small tent we shared in silence. I watched as Karli
and Malia worked on firing the bow. Malia grabbed Karlis elbow firmly, and Karli
pushed her away. Malia said something that looked hostile, and Karli took a swing. I
recalled the perfect haymaker shed laid on Kalsiffer in another life. This punch was
identically perfect, but Malia made Kalsiffer look like Cayss. Malia dodged the punch
lazily. Karli huffed in frustration and tackled her. The two rolled in the sand, grappling.
Malia had a massive advantage in strength and skill, but Karli fought shamelessly,
pulling, grabbing, clawing, and even, once biting. I chuckled with false mirth and
observed flippantly:
By the blood of the Darkbringer, look at those to go at it. Come on, Cayss, lets
get them apart. I sighed and rose, Cayss followed close behind me. I looked over to see
him confused and frightened, like a calf taking its first steps away from its mother.
Seeing him restrain Karli so meekly made me realize how much father gone he was than
Id thought. We both wrestled, overmatched by our prisoners. Eventually Malia and
Karli both stopped struggling.


Talk it out, you two. I demanded, feigning exasperation to get them away.
Then, before he could return to Mesa, I pulled Cayss off to one side. And began talking to
him urgently. He hushed me and spoke in a dazed sounding voice of indifference.
You dont understand everything yet, Alvas. Mesa has told me things, things
only he could know, and Im beginning to understand. All of this is a big game, Alvas,
and youre a pawn in a game only Mesa knows how to play. I need to help you. Cayss
didnt sound like him, he sounded like an echo of Mesa. This was bad. And what was he
talking about?
We dont need him, Cayss. Were strong enough on our own.
Alvas He was trying to save something, but for some reason I didnt think he
could. This was weird, what did Cayss know? But it didnt matter. It was either a lie, or
seeing what it had done to Cayss, I didnt want to know.
Cayss, you dont need Mesas help. You have Karli and me. Nothing else
matters. I insisted.
He said I could be his disciple and his child. I would be his favorite son. I need
him. Cayss gave me a look of heart-rending longing. I nearly wept looking at his
desperation. Mesa had found Caysss utmost desire, to once again have a family. Cayss
had lived alone for awhile, and he had lost his family to unimaginable tragedies. This
was even more powerful than his guilt.
Karli, You, and me. Were family. I meant it, too. I could count on them
through anything. We were lost orphans who had somehow become as close as any
family. They had given me something few other War Orphans ever got, a second chance.


Mesas child and disciple He babbled meaninglessly as he fought against

Mesas hold over him.
Cayss, last time I checked, you were a thief, not a disciple. It was a last ditch
effort, recalling a past memory. It was the definition of Cayss. And it worked. Cayss
blinked. He wiped his eyes, and the roguish twinkle immediately returned to his
mercurial eyes. He nodded at me as he wiped the tears away. Unable to resist the surge
of emotion, I grabbed him in a tight, brotherly hug.
He patted me awkwardly on the back.
Relax there, mate, Im alright. Cayss affirmed by using his usual,
swashbuckling style of speech. Karli strolled up beside us as I released Cayss. She was a
mess. Her blue hair that was usually tied at a twist behind her head was wildly flowing
around her shoulders, her lip was spilt open and her right cheekbone had a bruise on it.
But she was smiling slightly as she said something Id heard almost never before:
Youre right Alvas, I like her.
This is my family.


Chapter 29: Home At Last

We spent another week in the arid world of Nomads Land. It was a tough week.
Mesa practically attacked us mentally. His voice whispered in our ears at all times,
telling us things we didnt want to hear. I had nightmares he was ever present in. I think
Cayss was the only thing that got me through. When we talked, he was his old plucky
self. Joking with me, making light of life. Id missed him. Malia and I got closer too.
Especially when she was kicking my butt in sparring for at least six hours of practice a
Sandmen were superior warriors to humans in almost every way. Pulling
themselves through sand gave them incredible musculature and stamina. Their superblack pigment allowed them to completely resist the suns rays and they had no pores,
which meant they didnt need to sweat so they retained water ten times as easily as
humans. Bottom line: they were stronger, faster, and had better endurance. But they
were missing one thing: a sollum. Sollums defined us as humans. They made us
individuals. The Sandmen appeared to be the same at first, but then I noticed they too
had subtle differences. Sollums also gave us a very powerful weapon. No matter what
your sollum is: you wield great and terrible power that you may be able to tap. Sandmen
dont have that potential inside them. I wondered why whoever had made them hadnt
given them sollums. Ullaya had once decreed that a being without a sollum had no Sol,
but I knew this was false. Wherever life existed, the Sol was there, even if you couldnt
see it.
But lacking a sollum didnt keep Malia from knocking me down hundreds of
times. I doubted I could ever become as superb a warrior as she was. But by the time we


made it to the Outpost, I was mentally and physically spent. But Malia had transformed
me from a unskilled brawler to the beginnings of what would be, by human standards, a
great warrior. Karli had refused further help from Malia, insisting that she could do as
well on her own. From what I saw of her shooting, she was right. Karli had an affinity
for the bow, and she was a natural. Her shots flew straight, and although she still needed
practice to perfect her art, she would be a master in a matter of two years. That may
sound long, but most marksmen take a decade to hone their skills. Karli was already
dangerous, no doubt.
Skollgan became more and more friendly as the time went on. He seemed to hate
me for whatever reason, but he warmed up well to Cayss. Cayss was small, but
undaunted by the size of things. His playful manner and outgoing attitude made the
massive wolf love him.
But there was still a menace behind the Wolf King. I knew that although he was
fond of Cayss, he would tear him apart at a word from Mesa. Our resistance was more
and more frustrating to Mesa. He had expected us to be easily manipulated, but we were
all made of tougher stuff. I didnt know what his motive was, but Mesa had told me that
Karli, Cayss, and I had a destiny. I guessed that whatever it was; he wanted to be able to
choose it for us. Why a god would desire power over three relatively insignificant
children, I did not know. But all I know was that I was overjoyed to see Rataan Outpost
come over the horizon.
Heres what I know about Rataan Outpost: It was the first base taken by the
Esperads in the Great Sol Liberation. It is a small research post as well as an incredibly
defensible fortress. It was built to house a large garrison of Allards to protect against


Sandmen raiding across the borders, as many Sandmen do. Its also conveniently placed
on a plateau of solid rock to prevent attack from below.
But it quickly became an intellectual sanctuary as well; due to the scholars of all
races who wanted to explore the desert, but needed a base of operations. That led to the
creation of a rare combination of intellectual and warriors that made it such a dangerous
It was also physically impossible to assault. It is on top of a large, sandy hill that
put it out of the reach of siege machines. The only sure footing for an army to climb on
was a single narrow stone pathway. The entire hill outside of the pathway was a
minefield of booby traps laid in battle preparations. The attacking army had lost nearly
thee times the men that the defense had. But once they made it up the hill, the battle was
lost. The city garrison was routed, but the building preserved. But Allardon had not
forgotten itself, my own parents had not died in vain. And now, this place was the home
of the new rebellion.
We came to the top of a tall dune, and Mesa indicated we all should rest, he then
said; Well, my friends, this is as far as I take you. Rataan Outpost is two miles in this
direction. Skollgan will get you the rest of the way there.
I didnt know about my companions, but I felt I would miss the desert. It had
taught me patience, given me time to rest, if only so briefly, and made me stronger. I
thanked it silently.
Youre welcome. Mesa responded to my thoughts absently.
What do you mean, youre welcome? I flinched as my voice cracked. As if I
hadnt proved my youth enough to him.


I heard you thank me in your thoughts. Sorry for reading your thoughts I know
you dont like it. Alvascome aside with me for just a moment. He apologized like he
wasnt really sorry. His high-and-mighty attitude was getting really annoying. I shouted
it from my mind, making sure he heard it.
What do you mean? I thanked the desert. I asked, perfectly aware it was weird.
Actually, its not strange. Because the desert is me, I have given it all of my
knowledge and made it practically alive with my presence. It is a life that hides in the
sand, and the sun, and the wind and the sky, a life that few can see. But you see it, dont
you? I guess youre more perceptive then I give you credit for. And maybe that means
we really do have a chance. He seemed to ramble, but I could see the focus and lucidity
in his old face, so tanned by the wind and sun.
A chance? What are you talking about, you old riddler? In all this time, youve
kept me in the dark, whyd you do this? I demanded angrily. I felt anger again since the
first time we met Mesa, and it was good. I no longer felt anesthetized by his soothing
presence, so his hold was breaking. Or loosening of his own accord.
Oh, Alvas. If youre going to survive this, youd better learn that answers you
discover are much more valuable than those you are told.
Thats not an answer. I didnt know why I said that. Mesa read something even
I didnt even understand from it. He nodded thoughtfully.
No, its not. And if you were listening, you wouldnt ask again He said
emotionlessly. I didnt need to read his mind to know he was lying.


Well about time! Youd think being a god would win me some respect, but no.
Since you were so polite, Ill give you one more clue: trust nobody but the sand and the
sky and the steel and the fire in your own heart. Rataan Outpost is another mile in this
direction, it is time I bid you farewell. He waved up the hill, the wind picked up some
sand, which blew into our eyes. When mine opened, he was gone, the ghost of his cackle
carried on the wind. I returned up the hill. Nobody was surprised by Mesas sudden
flight, I think we were all too weary. Not to mention we were adjusting to bizarre things
like that happening. I ignored Skollgans annoyed growl and pacing and looked at Malia
and spoke to her sincerely.
I want to thank you, Malia, you made me so much stronger than I was just a
couple weeks ago. I know you dont like me, but I want you to know that I was serious.
I will free your people. I said firmly.
Why are you saying goodbye? Malia looked at me quizzically.
Wellyou cant intend on going into the city. And fighting for Allardon, you
hate them. It didnt add up, what was she thinking?
Alvas, I believe you are sincere in your promises and I have come to respect you
and even like you. But you are still a rather novice fighter, and I am staying by your side
to make sure you dont mess it up. With all due respect, I wont have the fate of my
people in your hands. She said with a deadly serious expression. I didnt try to change
her mind; I just accepted it. Malia was as stubborn as a herd of Waneta put together, and
she would be coming with us, even if she had to tie us in knots to let her. I wondered
how wed be received, as four children, dressed in rags, without any kind of notice that
we were ever going to get here. I doubted wed pass the gates.


As a matter of fact, there was no gate. The planners had apparently been so
confident that their defense was unstoppable that theyd neglected to put up a barrier of
any kind. A dangerous gamble, to be sure.
But apparently my new commanders shared that confidence, despite the fact that
this base had been taken before. And I would guess that this was garrisoned by Esperad,
since it had been under their control. They had probably been imprisoned or killed. But
that meant this place had no defenders. I needed to find out what was going on here. The
Esperads would attack here first, they couldnt invade with this fort at their backs. Then
theyd be caught in a pincer between this Outpost and the capital city of Katuu and they
would be at a great disadvantage.
We stopped at the foot of the sand stairs that led up to Rataan Outpost, to Vexa,
and to our futures.
Skollgan was already briskly stalking away, looking menacing and nasty as usual.
Cayss ran to catch up to him, and we all followed. We stepped carefully on the steps
slippery with sand. We were all wearing the tight sandals that we left in. Most people
only possessed two pairs of shoes;, thick, leather sandals and tanned leather boots for
winter. Malia was, as usual, barefooted. Her feet were rough and calloused to protect her
from the hot sun. I had become intimately familiar with Malias feet, as they had kicked
me many, many times.
We found ourselves at the top, though it had been a climb none of us were
breathing heavy, being constantly on the run had changed us all profoundly, the least of
these changes being we were all extremely fit. As a matter of fact, we were all different
from out time in the desert.


Cayss had removed his cloak and taken in enormous amounts of sun, tanning him
deeply. His hair that had once been short was now shaggy and long, streaked with gold
by the sun. His stringy muscles had also gained slight definition, and he stood straighter
and more confidently.
Karlis changes were even more spectacular. Her hair that had once been a dark
azure had reacted oddly with the sun and turned light blue, a shade that somehow fit her
much better. Her hair that had used to fall at her shoulders was tied back in a pony tail
with what looked like the remains of her sling, which she had traded for her bow. Her
former elaborate network of curls and waves had been traded for a single braid that
started at her forehead and was tucked behind her right ear. This small touch gave her
hair a unique and individual character. It was an example of Karlis deft ability to carve
her own identity, a stubbornness to not let the world define her. She was herself in a way
I strove to be, which was perhaps the thing I loved most about her.
I admired the changes that being in the desert had wrought on my body. I looked
at my long, once lanky arms had put on incredible amounts of muscle that stood out with
thirst. My sandy hair had grown too long, and I resolved to have Karli hack it short
before our next fight, which would inevitably be soon.
I saw very few people when we walked through the streets. The ones I did see
avoided us. I didnt see what they found so intimidating, besides of course, the four
hundred pounds of wolf that was snarling at anyone who got too close.
The place was even more developed than Id imagined. There werent any
buildings here that would rival the towering, modern glass structures of Lightbringer City
in size. The buildings here werent made of flimsy glass though. They were made of


thick stone, ready to stand against any threat. I noted that the windows were all boarded
up, a sign that war was on its way. Overall, the place looked rugged and tough; a place
designed for warriors to live.
We headed for what was obviously the Outposts center. It had tall lookout
towers, higher, thicker walls and slits a bow could be fired from. We hoped against hope
to find someone who could tell us something useful.
We stopped at the gate and I hesitated for a moment. What if the army had
already marched out to meet then attackers? We would never catch them. I took a deep
breath and entered the building. What I found made every one of my fears dissipate, I
stared right into Vexas eyes.
Well, well. The kid actually got here. Izin, you owe me a bottle of Darkspirit.
But thats besides the point. The point is; you made it. Welcome home, Alvas, welcome


Chapter 30: Vexa

Thanks for getting them here, Skollgan, and thank your master as well. You
may return home now, Wolf Father. She bowed to the wolf, who nodded regally, turned,
and took off with his incredible grace and speed. I stared at Vexa for a moment, taking
her in. She was much like I had remembered her, even the Interrogator unable to destroy
her striking image.
I had traveled across a desert, infiltrated an Esperad war camp, stolen from a
priest of Feyl, and fought against a god to get me here. I never understood what had
made me so sure about following Vexa, but I knew now that my intuition had been
correct. Here was the strongest person Id ever seen, with convictions as deep as mine. I
took a moment to look at her for the first time.
She possessed a kind of feral beauty, much like Skollgan did. Her features were
hard and predatory: the edges of her face defined and angular. She was much taller than
me, something Id never experienced with a woman. But her mouth was set in
permanent, grim half-smile that was somehow both inviting and chilling. In a sheath on
her shoulder was the Salehm. The Salehm was a sword that had said to have been long
ago wielded by the Deomen soldiers of the original Darkbringers Army. It was a
wicked, broad-bladed curve made from Black Mithras, a metal that was both lightweight
and hard.
So Alvas, I see youve found yourself some companions since we last met.
Please, introduce them. Vexa prompted me.
Ohright. This is Karli, Kecklas marksman extraordinaire, Cayss, professional
sneak and general neer-do-well. And Malia, Sandman warrior of renowned skill and


valor. I introduced them formally, using titles to make them seem more prestigious. I
wanted us to be viewed as more than three vagrant children who just showed up to find
refuge. Truthfully, only Cayss fit that description. Karli and I were both here to fight for
the rebels and Malia would join us until she could free the Sandmen.
Well, youre all quite a colorful bunch. I trust by the faith Alvas puts in you that
you will all be very helpful to the cause of the rebellion. I surmise by your presence here
that you all wish to join the rebellion? Vexa was wasting no time in inviting us to join
her. She had been expecting us, though I dont know why. We were inconsequential,
unimportant. But I didnt care why we so interested her, I was just happy we did.
Yes. I said without hesitation
For now. Karli echoed
Lets get to it, mates. Cayss said with his usual gusto. I sensed nothing false in
his voice, either, which made me smile.
if I must. Malia added with a sniff of disdain. I shot her a look; we needed to
seem not suspicious. But part of me was just glad she didnt put up a fight. I already saw
the uneasy glances the others were giving Malia. But nobody would argue with Vexa,
which was a good sign. Wellalmost nobody.
Are you sure thats a good idea, Lady Vexa? We do not know them even
slightly. They are dressed as urchins, and my guess is they fight like urchins as well.
They would not be a credit to this army. An aristocratic-looking Estian, about two
years older than me stepped forward. He was dressed in flamboyant crimson silks and
had an ornately crafted thrusting sword called a Perriot in a sash at his waist.


Just shut up, you pompous idiot. Weve been through hell to get here and have
as much a right as anyone to fight the Esperads. Lady Vexa, Ill warn you now, I dont
suffer fools well. Karli snapped at him.
Do you know who you address? I am Lord Izin of Estia, second son of King
Orion, and member of the High Strikers. I am Lady Vexas personal apprentice in
Swordsmanship, Estias ambassador to this branch of this Darkbringers army, and also a
general. He stated proudly. So the Perriot wasnt only for show, he really was a member
of the High Strikers. The High Strikers were another group of soldiers made legendary
by the Great Sol Liberation. In one of Ullayas journals, he had named eight groups of
soldiers who were the greatest warriors of the war, a class he called the Masters Tools.
They were: the Earthshakers of Magra, the Snowguard of Kecklas, the Amazons of Estia,
the High Strikers of Estia, the Cold Knights of Kecklas, the Bleeding Wolves of
Allardon, the Forgiven of Espera, and the Purgers of Espera. They were also called
respectively: the Helm, the Arrow, the Snake, the Sword, the Shadow, the Dog, the Tears,
and the Light. Its said he ranked them from last to first in order of greatness, but this is
only speculation and likely untrue. But if one was a member of one of these, then he was
likely one of the greatest warriors known to the human race. Which meant that Izin,
despite his arrogance and perceived frivolousness, was not a joke.
For a moment, Vexa looked doubtful, as if she was truly considering what Izin
said, then she spoke to all five of us clearly.
Izin, Karli is right. They have a right to fight in this army and so they shall. You
four shall stay for the remainder of this meeting, and I will speak with you afterwards.
Vexa instructed. Karli smiled coldly at Izin.


The Assembly Hall was massive, and filled with soldiers of Allardon and Estia.
The crowds were predominantly Estians and Allards. The Estians were known for
fighting with crossbows, and there were at least a hundred wielding their weapons of
choice. Crossbows were easier to fire than longbows, and more accurate to boot. But
they were comparatively cumbersome, and didnt have a longbows range. I would guess
Karli was superior to all of them. Along with them were a full brigade of pikemen and a
few men dressed in flamboyant red silks like Izins. They were
Allards used assorted short swords, axes, maces and small, round shields to fight,
using each equally for defense and offense. Their utilization of the shield made them
unpredictable. As I learned from Arathmetics: Unpredictability was the key to success in
single battle. But Allardon men did one more thing that was considered by Feyls Way to
be sacrilegious: they fought with their sollums. Feyls Way states that a sollum shall
never be used to harm another human, only the Deomen and their descendants. Likewise,
no man shall hurt another mans sollum, since death in that way s so gruesome and
horrible. But Ullaya knew that his army could only win by using fear, as the Allards did.
So he made what would be known as the Solless Decree. That the Nether Races were
simply Deomen that had stolen sollums from humans, that those that used them against
Feyl didnt deserve them. And so the greatest horror of that war began. The Esperad
Army began to execute women, men, and children alike by cutting off their sollums,
called Sol Separation. The fear of it was ultimately the thing that ended the war in
Esperas favor. But it had also showed the world something else: that Espera was a
monster. After the Solless Decree, Estia withdrew its support of Espera and became a
neutral nation.


Soon more men would be captured, and soon more Sols would be separated. I
wonder; will we hold strong then? I looked around the room, there were about three
thousand men in the room. I saw the determination, the hardness in their eyes, and I
knew that they would not falter, no matter what the punishment was.
Standing aside from the rest were the Bleeding Wolves. They were the pride of
Allardon; the Dogs of the Masters Tools. They began as a tribe of hunters that all shared
one thing: the Jaws of the Fallen. Somehow, theyd survived a bite from a Dire Wolf on
their sollum arm, and this infection had made them take on some of their aspects.
Mainly: their faces elongated, along with their teeth, to make them a formidable weapon,
their backs hunched to allow them to run on all fours comfortably, they became stronger,
but, most importantly, their disposition became increasingly similar to the that of the
wolves. The affliction quickly evolved into a cult of warriors. Joining was a three step
process that began when they first were bitten, second, killed the wolf that bit them, and
third, drank the blood of their kill. It was a grisly ritual that few survived, but those who
did found incredible power.
The city garrison listened to generals debate in silence. We stood apart from the
rest, attracting suspicious glances from the soldiers. I listened intently to the men speak.
I will delay this issue no longer, war eminently is upon us. Our spies and scouts
have reported Espera soldiers mustering in the Vithtan city of Esuva, which is placed
where the borders of Vithta, Allardon, and Nomads Land meet. It seems as if they are to
march on us in a matter of days, which puts them at our doorstep in no more than a
month. Vexa spoke so dispassionately and calmly, as if warfare was nothing more than


a chore to be dealt with. Just thinking of joining a battle so soon made my palms sweat.
But I kept my face impassive, determined to look strong
Yes, Vexa, no need to bore us with facts we already know. Now we must speak
strategy. The man was a Vithtan, heavy-set and balding. He was no military man, and
was therefore probably a lousy general. Good generals understood the rage of war from
firsthand experience and could better judge a situation because of that. This man was not
charismatic and seemed plain stupid to me.
I was merely keeping the new recruits up to date, Palos, no need to be impatient.
I am eager to hear your strategies, dear friend. Please, enlighten us. Vexa mocked him.
His face took on a reddish hue from anger and embarrassment as the entire assembly
laughed at him, who obviously having no inkling of a plan in his mind. I was
disappointed with him. Sani was the only Vithtan I knew and he was incredibly smart.
Cayss shared a similar makeup to a Vithtan and was easily as smart as Sani, though he
applied his intelligence differently. Whereas this man was an idiot, and I lost faith
knowing this man would be in part governing me.
Right then, Palos, if you have a flash of brilliance, do tell. But otherwise, keep
silent. You have no right to speak among fighting men. Izin taunted him. Izin and Vexa
were clearly both enemies of Palos. If he was a general it meant he carried significant
wait with the army, humiliating him was a bold political move. But, as a royal, a move
Izin was familiar with.
Lets move on now. Our strategy is effective and brutal. We know that the
enemy will be using a large number of Claywalkers in an attempt to root out our booby
traps on the hill. The Estian archers will use heavy arrows specially designed to destroy


those pottery freakshows. But we have to assume that they will make it up the hill.
When those remaining walkers do, the archers will drop back, and the wolves will flood
the street, quickly decommissioning the walkers then retreating. From there I will divide
the soldiers into units, which will be charged with defending the city from attack. The
civilians will be barricaded in this room, so this is the point that must not be penetrated.
You are all aware of how the Esperads defeated our charges, by stabbing one man to the
left, and here we will employ the same principle. Our forces will use our advantage of
defense to flank, separate, and overwhelm each unit. Vexa laid the strategy out before
us. It was simplistic and basic, but we needed nothing more. This garrison was
experienced and perfectly suited for the pitched, close-quarters, city battles wed be
engaged in. The Bleeding Wolves would slaughter the enemy here. But they would
slaughter anyone anywhere.
It was also a huge advantage that we would fight here. These men had families in
this town and Im sure they had grown up here as well. They would fight three times as
hard for their home when the attackers had no motivation but their orders.
We had superior skill, terrain, tactics, and motivation. Everything was on our side
except for two things: numbers, and Feyl.
And I was starting to question whether or not I wanted Feyl on my side anymore.


Chapter 31: The Truth

Alvas, brother, how have you been? After the council of war, Vexa greeted me
like an old friend. I remembered her smile well, still just like broken glass. She gave me
a hug, which was somehow not awkward in the least despite the fashion wed left things
in. The feeling that Vexa and I were somehow old friends only increased.
It wasarduous. I finished. It was true. I was mentally and physically
exhausted, and needed sleep badly.
I trust you were incredibly bored. She joked with a crooked smile.
An absolute snooze, milady. Im a bit confuzzled by yourour armys title.
Why do we serve the Dark God? Cayss was being unusually audacious. I saw that he
was desperately distressed. One thing that had brought him back from the brink of
mental slavery to Mesa was his odd devotion to Artur. Artur had cured his alcoholism
and had sworn to nurture Caysss mother back to full health. Cayss wasnt a follower of
Feyl, but pledging himself to a faith against Arturs was undoubtedly not ideal to him.
Vexas brow darkened, perplexed. You four still dont know the truth. But I
thought Mesa would have told it to you. No matter, I will enlighten you. You three all
know the stories of Ullayas The Prophets Words whispered in Ullayas ear by Feyl
We all nodded, including Malia. Even Sandmen knew those tales, they were
known by almost everybody in Caste, with the possible exception of the Frostgar in the
deep frozen north.
Well unfortunately, everything you know is wrong. She informed us matter-offactly.


What do you mean? Are you trying to tell me Feyl doesnt exist? Karli asked
disbelievingly. Even skeptics of the basics of Feyls Way acknowledged with full
certainty that Feyl existed.
No, it is true that Feyl does exist, as do the other gods, and Feyl did not lie in his
telling of the battle to decide the fate of the universe. But Im afraid that the reasons
behind the Great War are a lie. When Hestion tried to forge a peace between himself and
Feyl, Feyl rejected Hestion and declared that only one of them could rule. And so they
assembled their forces and clashed.
Well, while Feyl and his new servants dwelled in his celestial realm, he
imprisoned Hestion below a barren land called Caste. Mesa and Axeva fled to the
planets surface, the only place safe from Feyl. They brought the Deomen with them, and
those peoples hid from Feyl in any way they could. They survived. Vexa became
incredibly bitter at this point, though I couldnt see why.
Caste is full of life now, Vexa. How did it come to be the lush world of today?
I questioned.
Hestions goodness began to blossom onto the planets surface, making it what it
is today. As for the Elder Races, they were the army Mesa and Axeva built in
preparation for the day when Hestion broke free. Feyl saw all this, and he was afraid; so
he sent Man down to Caste to vanquish the army before it began.
But they failed. Malia finished passionately, swelling with pride for her people.
Thats right, they did. But the Elder Races did not succeed either. In the end,
Man and the Elder Races forgot their gods and merged as one to create
The Nether Races. Karli finished.


Vexa nodded and continued her amazing tale. The inevitable war that was
coming to Caste was put on hold, but not indefinitely. Not all Men forgot their
allegiances. Espera remains loyal to Feyl, and is making its final attempt to destroy his
enemies once and for all. The Nether Races, so it seems, have chosen Hestion as their
master. And Hestion has chosen me to lead his people against his armies. Vexa finished
with pride and determination.
And just who are you, Vexa? For whom do I fight? Karli asked, her arms
crossed expectantly over her chest.
Why, Karli, I assure you, there is no better person to fight for in the entire world.
I have led armies against the so-called Lightbringer for eons. I am the one who proved
that he can bleed, with my own sword. I am the Goddess of War, Axeva! And in that
moment, Vexa drew her blade, and it shown with the incredible power of the mystics
Runes that patterned its steel. At the end of the blade was an imperfection, a jagged tear.
And I knew that the blade had cut Feyl himself, and I knew that Vexas, Axevas words
were true. And I knew what I had always known. That I was no child of Feyl.


Chapter 32: The Calm Before The Storm

This was big. This was really big. Vexa had totally made the world make sense
to me. I had, for the longest time, been confused. Id always had a feeling there was
more here. How could Feyl be good if his followers were so bad? Why was Hestion
dark and Feyl light? It was, in fact, his fault. The victor writes history, and nothing was
as the victors had said it was.
Feyl had created Man in his own image. Feyl did not play well with others; he
wanted them dead and wanted to be the lord over everything. He had given his followers
the same domineering spirit he had. That was their greatest weapon over the Elder Races
was that spirit, even more dangerous than their sollums. They had a restless, allconsuming spirit born of their master. They wanted to own it all, much like Feyl.
Dont misunderstand, I knew I was partly human too. And that was a good thing.
Espera had positives too. Men were loyal, courageous, and proud. But their ambition
was simply too dangerous to be left unchecked. They had to be stopped, lest Caste would
never have peace.
And it made all the sense in the world that Vexa was truly a god. No regular
mortal creature could fight with Vexas strength and skill. But this did not make her
invincible. Because if the stories were true, and Vexa had told us they were, then that
meant that it was also true that striking that blow against Feyl had weakened her too, and
that until her sword could be mended, that she could never destroy Feyl.
Made speechless by all wed heard, we followed Vexa out into the sun-drenched
military town and were met by silk-clad Estian prince, Izin. He began to speak but Vexa
cut him short with a raised hand. A massive, familiar shape suddenly landed next to


Vexa. It was the Raaka that had born her away from the fountain on that fateful day we
first met.
I didnt really comprehend how massive a bird it was the first time Id seen it. It
was at least as tall as a young boy, and twice as heavy. It was covered in mottled brown
feathers, though its head feathers were white. It had four, wickedly sharp talons on each
foot, capable of slicing anything to ribbons. A hooked beak designed for tearing into
meat topped off the condors deadly arsenal. The only thing that kept me from bolting
right then was the collar around its neck. It was painted with strange runes and glyphs
that had been lost to time to all but a few shamans of Allardon. Id heard of it, called a
Bonding Chain, it essentially linked a master and beast together, forging a bond that
ended when the master died and the beast followed it soon after. But it was different
from the Bonding Runes used on the White Wolves, it did little to affect the creatures
mind or body besides creating the link. Adding humanity to the animals, rather than
taking it away.
Sorry for interrupting you, Izin, Dyami has a rather unlucky sense of timing.
She apologized absently, caring little as to his reply. Izin, who looked deeply affronted,
merely bowed his head slightly and spoke through gritted teeth.
No offense taken, Lady Vexa, Dyami need not bother with me. Izin seemed like
an annoyingly haughty person, being typical royalty. Yet even he was sucking up to
Vexa pathetically, which made sense as how she was a goddess. I grinned at him and he
flashed me an angry look. He didnt scare me, his status meant nothing out here, I could
see that. Sure, he got extra special treatment from his own men, but the Allards treated
him like their own. He wasnt my prince, and so I owed him nothing.


Izin, show them around, introduce them to Bellumere, request that he fashions
Alvas a decent weapon, the boy cant go on fighting with just that skull, he wont last
long. Izin inclined his head, but I head him mutter as he walked away
Wouldnt last long? What a shame. Cayss gave me a hearty clap on the
shoulder, I grinned in return and we followed him.
Karli walked beside us and called forward to Izin Whos this Bellumere?
Bellumere is a famous Magran blacksmith. He is a personal friend of Vexas
and truly the most spectacular smith Ive ever seen. Most people have heard of him, but
of course you three were brought up on enemy territory, so you wouldnt. He said
snottily. I heard Karli breathe out harshly through her nose, a sure sign she was trying
not to hit the fool. I shot her a sympathetic look, and she shook her head.
On the other side of the camp, slightly apart from everything else, was the second
biggest building Id seen. It was black with soot and had a huge smokestack belching
This is the forge, Bellumere has been making weapons in there for months in
preparation for the battle. He is a craftsmen; he makes weapons for those who earn them.
I dont see why hed make you one. Youll be dead before the next battle, if they even let
you fight. Youre probably too young anyhow.
I know what Im doing, princess. I doubt that youll fight, probably dont want
to dirty those fancy silks of yours. I said with a threatening grin. He might have been
older than I was, but I towered over him, and noted with satisfaction that he had no where
near the muscles I possessed.


Ive been trained by one of the most elite fighting forces in Caste, you couldnt
even touch me. He sniffed at me arrogantly.
Well, by Axevas ankles, lets just see. I challenged as I shoved him away, and
he staggered back a couple steps, then adopted a duelists stance, with one hand behind his
back and the other pointed towards him palm up. I didnt know what type of hand-tohand training the High Strikers had, but I would need to be cautious.
A circle slowly formed around us, made up entirely of Allards. I could see they
were barring the fight from the Estians, who would not like to see their prince being
attacked. Allardon was a warrior culture, and they likely approved of this battle. I
needed to prove my worth to them, and this battle would likely be important to that end.
Surprisingly, the prince made the first move. It was a clumsy punch to the face,
which I dodged easily and threw one of my own. But it never struck. With incredible
agility, Izin ducked the blow and delivered a devastating jab to my Solar Plexus. I
gasped and doubled over, falling to the ground.
High Strikers are trained to exploit weaknesses and kill in a single stroke. The
style works better with a sword, but isnt difficult to apply in hand-to-hand. I cant
believe you disregarded me so easily. It proves your lack of maturity. You lose. How
dare he lecture me! I made that mistake once, but I knew I could beat him, so I got back
Shouldvefinishedme. I said, and then grinned in a way that displayed
aggression rather than humor. He emotionlessly adopted his stance again, waiting this
time. He was good, but that misguided sense of formality and honor would be his
downfall. He wasnt used to fighting for keeps, that was me. I charged him, but he


altered his stance and tripped around me, tripping me as he did. Once again, he allowed
me to rise again, a big mistake. I now knew exactly how to beat him.
I charged again, and he attempted the same pivot. But this time I was ready. As I
fell to the ground, I kicked out the back of his knee, forcing him to collapse onto his
knees. I now tackled him from behind and pinned his face to the sand with ease.
I just proved that I know what a real fight is like far more than you do. You may
be a better duelist, but war isnt one of you duels. War is chaos, and Ive learned well to
survive in chaos. No, I thrive in it. Thats why Ill beat you, every time. I bent low and
whispered it in his ear. The voice wasnt entirely mine, I could hear a duality to it that
warned me I wasnt entirely in control. Elxen hadnt left me alone.
But then the duality broke, as the Estians broke through the ring and I was
attacked. I was tackled off of him by a big Estian, who was in turn pulled off and
knocked down by a defensive Malia, who led me out of the ring and to a place where
Karli and Cayss stood alone.
Did you win? Karli asked. I nodded, and she wordlessly nodded her approval.
I felt a momentary thrill at winning her approval, which was so sparingly given, but then
she turned away and I returned to being a peripheral to her. Ah, another wound to my
Lets go to the forge. She said emotionlessly.
The Forge was nothing less than hell on earth. It reeked of sulfur and sweat; the
enclosed space was smoky and ten times hotter than the Allardon sun.
Massive men bustled about the forge. They were so big they could only be
Magrans. It made sense, since the Magrans were the most well known smiths of any


race. And Bellumere stood apart from other Magrans in both size and renown with the
hammer. He was bigger than anybody of any race Id ever seen, slightly taller than the
tallest Sandman and twice as wide. His entire body was black like a Sandman too,
though his was with soot. He wore the uniform of a blacksmith, a simple leather smock.
Muscles built by a life of hard labor bulged underneath the thick layer of ash smeared on
his skin.
What in the name of fire and brimstone brings you into my forge, recruits? He
roared over the din of the place.
Hi, Im Alvas. These are my friends: Malia, Karli, and Cayss. Vexa sent me to
get a weapon fashioned I said as I shook his huge hand. He pounded my shoulder
happily, grinning, his teeth white against his black skin.
Oh, a warrior, are yeh? Yep, I can see it from here. You four all know how to
handle yerselves. But only a weapon for you?
Cayss isnt a warrior, he prefers the shadows. Karli and Malia are set with on
weapons. That leaves me. I explained. He eyed Karlis bow, then quickly snatched it
before she could protest.
Waneta Soldier workmanshipgood flex, superb draw strength, fits you well...
yep, this is a bow alright. Couldnt do better myself. Those desert people sure know how
to make a weapon. He said admiringly.
What about me? I interrupted, anxious for my new weapon. A staff is useful,
but I needed a way to protect myself from anything. There was only one reason Id held
on so long, I was afraid of killing someone.


I was not a killer by nature. I was a fighter; I have great difficulty controlling my
temper. Unfortunately, most of the fights I got in I start and finish. If I think someone
needs to get hit then Ill hit them. But beating up people who annoy me was much
different from cutting down an enemy in cold blood.
But I hope nobody mistakes reluctance for inability. Because when the time
came, I would do what was necessary. I didnt intend to die, not for a long time.
So Alvas, what kind of weapon are you interested in? I can see your currently
using a mace, would a similar piece of steel be in order, to smash Esperad shields and
Esperad skulls? He asked absently
I like this weapon, but a metal mace is far too heavy for me to handle. I need
speed and strength. Id considered this
Oh yes, no poking and jabbing like an Esperad dog for you. I bet a battleaxe
would do your young heart good. Not too heavy, versatile, yet strong. It will be a
challenge to create, such a weapon, but I am a genius. Okay, boy, battleaxe you shall
have, and before you must fight. The giant babbled, musing to himself. I could hear he
was truly an artist, applying his intelligent mind to the task of creating me the perfect
We left him to his thoughts, leaving the heat of the flames and feeling relieved by
the open air. We wandered about the camp until we found the tents where the warriors
lived. Wed been assigned to a tent with a dozen other men, which was where we were
headed, but we had to bypass another obstacle. That obstacle was a huge party with the
entire garrison, drinking out of huge barrels of Darkspirit and singing bawdily, they
looked like the merriest group of soldiers ever to live. It was hard to imagine these men


becoming ruthless killers, but Id seen their eyes at the prospect of a battle, both somber
and hungry.
I like this place, I like it a lot. Hey there mate, grab me a tankard of that
Darkspirit, theres a good chap! Cayss shouted, Karli grabbed his arm and dragged him
away from the drunken man who attempting to put a veritable bucket of Darkspirit in
Caysss hands.
We tried to avoid attention, which was difficult with Cayss hollering as Karli and
I dragged him past the party.
Ho there! Im being abducted by these scruffy scullions, all I want is a sip to
soothe my Sol. Let go, you heartless wretches.
Cayss, you are not allowed to drink any more, you know what that stuff can do
to you. I lectured severely. He ignored me and continued to shout. He really was quite
I bet I can out drink anybody here! You bunch of lightweights havent a prayer.
He bragged.
Cayss, youre the only lightweight, these guys could drink you under the table,
not be quiet. Karli was getting frustrated. I looked back at Malia, who was deadly silent.
She didnt seem to have much of an opinion on whether or not Cayss broke his
Nobody seemed to make any move towards us as we dragged our friend. I saw
that many Allards and Estians alike had fresh wounds from the brawl, yet there was no
residual tension. We found our cots were already set up, all nearby. There was no
womens barracks, women were allowed to serve in the army but few chose to. Those


who did were treated the same way as the men; lack of gender divisions was a universal
standard in Caste.
We each got mismatched robes on our new beds and found a latrine to use as a
changing room. I saw that most of the soldiers wore homemade or trophy armor, no
unified symbol besides the black circle. This was not the case for the Espera army, which
had matching armor, spears, and large shields. Similar to their uniforms, Esperads were
known to engage in battle as a single entity, using their numeric advantages to
overwhelm opponents. Most battles were won based on numbers, though our strategy
would nullify that particular advantage.
We now had additional clothes, which we all put on, carefully hiding the valuable
Sandmen armor. Cayss and I stepped outside to allow the women time to change.
Heard you four already stirred up trouble. Izins rather furious; hes been
looking for you Alvas. You four are all newcomers and Alvas is the only one who
doesnt look out of place, though theres been talk of those strange red eyes of yours.
Vexa was suddenly behind us, without warning. She could be silent as a cat if she
wanted to.
My eyes arent nearly as red as the Estians hair, and it isnt considered strange.
Izin cant treat me like dirt, I wont put up with him. I said stubbornly. I meant it too, I
didnt put up with anything from anyone, as is commonly known by those who have had
the pleasure to know me.
I understand your feelings. Izin really is a good boy, much like you, hes just
rude to strangers. But dont hit him again; I dislike the racial division it creates. Vexa
warned me.


How so? I asked.

Estia has little qualm with Espera. They have been treated fairly because they
have been so meek to the invaders. They have not faced the hardships Allardon has and
so they are no as passionate as the Allards are.
Why fight at all? Makes no sense. Karli observed with her usual cold logic.
King Tyrus and Queen Isidora, king and queen of Estia, are motivated by pride
and vengeance. They fight because they dont want to become part of Espera; they want
to rule their land independent of the wicked ones. But they fight for much more than
that. King Tyrus is the younger of the two siblings; his older brother and former king
was quietly executed last year. They want to seek Espera face retribution for their
crimes. Here comes Izin, your four had better go now.
We took her advice and left in a hurry. Malia admitted she wanted to go sniff
around, and Cayss offered to help her, probably an excuse to find some good food and
water. Warning Malia not to let Cayss steal or drink, we allowed the two to depart. And
Karli and I were alone.
Hey Karli, mind cutting my hair? Its getting awful long, and I dont want to
fight with it in my eyes. I said, quickly coming up with an excuse to spend time with
Cut your hair? Im not your mother you know. She said with a playful smile.
The sun had warmed her heart considerably; she never used to smile. But I was careful,
these moods of joy that seemed to take Karli at random were fleeting and often followed
by great anger.


Please, its a matter of life and death you know. I pleaded, playing along with
her. Karli loved to be begged, and I wasnt too proud to beg for something if it worked.
We were a good pair.
WellI do like you better alive than dead, I think. Alright, lets go. She gave
in, this time. It was never a sure thing that she did.
We borrowed a pair of shears from the local tailor (thats right, Cayss isnt the
only one who can steal), and found a good place to be away from everyone else. Our
hiding place turned out to be a flat piece of sand shaded by one of the rare desert palms,
the wood used by the Sandmen for everything that they couldnt build from bone.
Sandmen raided the populated oases of the desert largely because they needed lumber to
build the frames of their homes.
Karli was an artist when it came to all things related to appearance. Tiva had
always been so beautiful because Karli did her hair for her. I used to think it was vanity
and pride that drove her love of hair, but I now understood it was just Karlis desire to
leave her mark, to define herself and help others do the same. That was what made Karli
so good with hair.
She cut away locks of my sandy hair in comfortable silence, content to have
nothing to worry over for a while. It had never been this way, never before had we
reached our goals and had time when we werent fighting. Now that we werent, I found
it hard to make conversation. So we simply delighted in the peace and the silence. When
she was nearly finished, I found words to say.
So, were officially members of Hestions army, what do you think? I asked.


I like it. I dont care about Hestion, its just nice not to have to share a god with
the Esperads. She said with a laugh. But I shared the sentiment, if she meant it or not. It
was hard to think of worshipping a god who had so much evil done in his name.
Religions should stop spending time trying to convert people and start trying to help
them, it sure would be more effective.
Something was always off when I was in Tithmaw. It feltwrong. This is
right. I decided.
Im scared, Alvas. These arent the war games we played in Sollumas, this is all
getting too real. Karli said suddenly, I realized her hands were shaking. I tenderly
removed the scissors from her, mostly for my own safety.
I wont let anybody touch you, Karli, Id sooner die. I promised, looking deep
into her eyes. She, of course, smiled at me in amusement, ruining the moment
spectacularly. I looked away, embarrassed. Im pouring out my soul here, throw me a
bone. I didnt look at her for another moment, until she roughly grabbed my chin with
an exasperated, forcing me to look at her.
I know you will, Alvas. And it drives me crazy, that I cant be like you. That I
dont have the courage to make promises like you do. This was so much different than I
had ever been with her. I had something to tell her, and this was the moment.
Well, maybe nows the time to start. I said slowly, embellishing every word as I
intuitively moved closer to her.
She looked a little nervous, but didnt back away. My heart was thumping in my
chest as I imagined the proximity of her heart, fluttering beneath her breast just inches
away. I though about how I would do anything, anything to keep that heart beating.


Start what? She asked slowly, looking up to meet my gaze without breaking it.
Maybe it was the heat, maybe it was the fact we could very well die soon, or maybe it
was simply the march of time, but Karli had finally opened to me. And I couldnt let her
close up again.
Making promises. I suggested.
And what promise would you have me make? She asked, smiling up at me with
the sun reflecting off her perfect teeth. I wanted to kiss her then, but I knew that what I
was about to say was too important for that now.
Promise me that when this all over, youll give us a chance to be together. And
the moment I spoke, I knew the spell was broken. Her smile disappeared, replaced by a
look of indecision and disappointment.
Dont ask me to. You know I cant do that. She said flatly.
Why? Is it because of your silly revenge? I asked, feeling like Malia had
kicked me full force in the chest.
She nodded wordlessly, looking on the verge of tears. She was still vulnerable to
me; she hadnt had a chance to close herself off yet.
You think it will make it hurt less? You think that the pains of being left behind
will be fixed when youve destroyed your own history? It will be there, Karli.
Regardless of whether or not you erase its physical evidence, you cant escape it. And if
you cant see that, then you are the one who is blind. And to want to do that to your
family, that is simply monstrous. She was open to me, and I was undressing her pain for
her to see. I had done damage to her here, terrible, terrible damage. Every word I had
spoken was an arrow of truth, aimed at her most vulnerable spot. I swore she was about


to cry, then the tears froze in her eyes, and she went cold. She turned away from me, and
I knew Id just undone everything that Id been working towards with her.
She began to leave, and I tried to stop her. I thought she would hit me, I wished
she would. But she just walked away, looking beaten.
Please wait, please. Im so sorry. Stop, please. I begged. But she didnt even
seem to hear me, and she slipped away. I watched her go, planted to the spot in guilt and
After awhile, I felt my hair. It was soft and downy compared to the coarse texture
it gained when it was long. That was the last haircut Karli ever gave me.


Chapter 33: The Storm.

A month had passed, and the enemy was fast approaching. I could barely focus
on the fact that I might die today, my chest still hurt from Karlis rejection. We hadnt
spoken in a month, both burying ourselves in preparing for the coming battle. I was now
the equal of many of the soldiers in this army, trained by Vexa, Malia, Bellumere, and
Izin, Id improved quickly. Id been practicing with a blunted axe, but had yet to be
given my true weapon. Bellumere insisted these things took time.
Its a good day for a battle. One of the older veterans from the Bleeding
Wolves, named Redgrin, said sullenly. They were good men; they had treated all of us
fairly and kindly, including Malia who many scorned. They had adopted us as their own,
for all were childless, career soldiers. I doubted it was an accident wed been placed with
these men; Vexa had great compassion in dealing with us, and had selected the most
mature soldiers, ensuring that Karli and Malia wouldnt be harassed.
They remembered the Great Sol Liberation as it had been, firsthand. They fought
in it as young men, and had the scars to prove it. The language of Esperads cruelty was
written all over their bodies, in the many tortures they had endured. Vexa had chosen
men like these, those who were most thirsty for blood
Whats it like, sir? Karli questioned respectfully to one of the oldest, named
Akabaar. We all shared a feeling of awe towards the older men, and regularly grilled
them on their grisly pasts, the uncertain future, and most of all, on our terrifying present.
Battle? Exhilarating. It possesses you so fully that you no longer own your own
body. It is also frightening, to have a chance to lose so much so easily.


But that is what makes it fun. That is what makes it so satisfying to win.
Redgrin said. Redgrin had gotten his title for his excessive use of his wolf-canines in
battle. He was a good man, but like all the Bleeding Wolves just a little less human than
What about killing, the first time? I asked. The responding silence was
deafening, all men ceased to move, each thinking thoughts to dark to speak aloud. Even
Redgrin was silent.
You dont want to know, son. But swear to me, on Hestions name, that when
the time comes you will not hesitate. You mustnt. He insisted passionately. He was
scaring me, and I could tell he was getting to Cayss. Karli, as usual, was attempting to
look apathetic. But I could see the fear in the way she shifted her body, the way she
blinked, as if trying to clear something from her eyes. Not tears, never tears, but
something. I knew her so well.
Malia was aloof to the conversation, already desensitized to the horror of killing.
The Waneta Soldiers fed their dead to the Waneta, as a sign of respect, and they hoped
this would allow their fallen to be reborn as their favorite beasts. Likewise, they believed
fallen Waneta to become Sandmen. Malia described it as a great cycle between master
and servant that lasted for all eternity.
I swear on Hestions name that I will strike down my enemy, I will not falter. I
tripped over my words slightly, tongue-tied. I looked into Karlis eyes and saw that she
was never speaking of dieing. Her fear was killing. I gazed steadily into Karlis eyes as I
And you, Karli? He asked.


Karli watched me as she spoke intentionally That is the one promise I will
We all left the tent and went our separate ways. Then I remembered what
Akabaar had said, about battle possessing you. If I went into this battle, I could wipe out
the entire Outpost. I needed to talk to Vexa. I caught her near a huge tent that I hadnt
seen before, a makeshift one. Behind it was a large caravan. It was a group of traveling
merchants who arrived here in the night.
Vexa, I need to tell you something. I said, then followed by telling her of my
curse, my horrible power. She looked shocked, and somehow excited by the prospect.
That isquite a gift, Alvas. Once you can control it. That I can teach you. But
until then, I think we can figure something out. This is quite convenient, actually, theres
someone Ive been wanting you to meet. Vexa sounded excited.
We went into the tent, and emerged into the strangest place Id ever seen.
The walls were lined with all sorts of runic wares: collars, recipes for Claywalkers
and other strange scrolls and artifacts. The floor was covered in rugs and tables were
erected with other odd things that were in jars.
Why did you let this child in here, Vexa? You know that this is meant to be a
secret. A small, plump, Vithtan approached us. The man looked like he was eternally
fretting over one thing or the other.
Relax, Ethicus. The kid needs some help. Hes got an out-of-control sollum,
how can you help? Vexa was essentially commanding his assistance.
I would recommend cutting his arm off, will take the care of the problem tootsweet. The man suggested hopefully.


What! I exclaimed, horrified.

I dont think the boy likes that plan-of-action. An ulterior plan? Vexa was
playing along with him.
Oh, Vexa, it wounds me when you so ignore my wisdom. However, it so
happens that I have just the thing. I call it a Sol Chain. He said proudly as he held up a
thin brass-gold chain covered in runic symbols.
The Runes of these desert shamans is really quite spectacular.
How do Runes work? I asked.
The Runes are the Language of the Dead. A Rune binds a spirit to the object on
which it is written. The Rune then enslaves the spirit to do a specific job. Ethicus
seemed to be a passionate scientist, but what was a scientist doing working for an army?
Ethicus gave me the Sol Chain and showed me how to bind it round my wrist,
then excused himself, saying he was readying a weapon for the battle later today. That
left me to speak to Vexa.
For whom does he work? I asked
Vexa gave me a lopsided grin as she spoke The people funding this war.
What? MAGUS CORP? How can that be? Theyre clandestine, totally off the grid. I
stammered, amazed.
Yes, they are. But much like me, they have long remained loyal to Hestion, and
were eager to back the request for supplies and money to pay for the war effort, in
exchange for twenty percent of everything we win. An excellent investment on their
part. She said with another grin.


I stopped to think about it, and saw it made perfect sense. Espera had pursued
MAGUS CORP for years for tax evasion and theyd gone to great lengths in the past in
order to antagonize them. It gave me hope to know that such a powerful organization
believed in our victory.
So whos Ethicus? I inquired.
A brilliant scientist who came here to study the desert peoples Runes as well as
represent MAGUS CORP, along with Palos.
Palos is a MAGUS CORP employee?
Yes, a crooked one at that. He runs their black market operations, a job well
suited to his low moral standards. The carts behind that tent are full of something he is
hiding, I am anxious to know what, some sort of secret weapon he plans to unleash
during the fight. Vexa hurriedly finished her explanation when Izin comes strolling up, a
sneer on his face.
Hey, hack-n-slash, Bellumere told me your meat-cleaver was ready. Go get it.
Izin ordered. Izin and I had developed a competitive relationship through sparring. We
were Mithras sharpening Mithras, my reckless and overwhelming battle style against his
precise and fluid one. We had battled fifty times in the last month, his thirty to my
twenty. Id lost more in the beginning, but I was improving, even he admitted it.
I wasnt running because I didnt want to mess with Izin. Wellmaybe a little.
But mostly I was excited to see my freshly made weapon. I met Bellumere in the forge.
He was holding the most magnificent weapon Id seen in my entire life. It was black as
night, with a long shaft that twisted and waved in places, a technique that made it able to
take a greater stress. It had a great double-edged head at the end.


This, me laddo, is an axe fit for a warrior. Some of my best work, but lets face
it; all my work is the best. It may look like a simple axe, but I added a few tricks as well.
Fashioned it out of Vithtan Black Mithras, you like her? The Black Mithras will
make her strong, but it is something else that makes her beautiful. I may be a master
smith, but I also am a Runecrafter of fair renown, and I used the full extent of my
knowledge in this weapon. The shaft has a Protecting Rune, one so powerful that should
any other man attempt to wield this weapon, it would do him great harm. Along the left
blade I have placed a lacework of Corroding Runes, so that any regular weapon will
begin to dissolve at meeting it.
But my best work is the right blade, however. This Rune I created is
revolutionary, however it will take time to master. I understand that you are able to
generate and control flames through your sollum, well I created a Rune, here. He said,
indicating a unique design at about the middle of the handle. This Rune links to your
sollum and then brings the power to this Rune on the blade, and thenflames! He
boomed excitedly. I was speechless for several moments.
You are a virtuoso, Bellumere. There is no greater craftsman than you. I
praised, making the giant blush and grin widely. This is the finest weapon Ive ever
seen. When I said this, the grin disappeared.
My weapons are more than tools of destruction, they are a friend and protector.
There are spirits I have bound to this weapon, and if you do not honor them, they will not
fight for you. You must name her, but choose the name wisely, it will define her as a


He handed me the axe, and I spent a moment looking over the details of it. I saw
how the handle twisted and waved sinuously, like the body of a serpent, how there were
teeth in the Poisonous edge. This weapon was vicious, fast, deadly, dark. It was built to
kill, and I was its master. Or was I? I felt almost afraid to wield such a weapon, but at
the same time felt a desperate compulsion to do so. The name was obvious; a live snake
wriggling in my grasp.
Adder. The shadow servant of Hestion I declared solemnly, and his grin got
even wider.
A glorious name for such a wicked weapon, I heartily approve. He clapped me
on the shoulder, nearly bowling me over.
A runner approached us. He was winded and looked extremely frightened. I
knew what his news was before hed spoken. It was the news that had been coming for a
The enemy marched briskly and through the night. They approach quickly.
Vexa wishes you both to meet her at the Choke. We both nodded, and he departed.
There were clearly more people to tell. This would be bad, if they were able to get within
firing range before we were mustered properly it would create chaos and disorder that
would throw off the battle strategy.
I was prepared for battle, with my Sandman battle vest in place as it had been for
thirty some days and a simple pair of pants, with a few pads to cover arteries and
important bones. And now my Adder. I was ready to fight. I waited while Bellumere
assembled his armor, a suit of steel that turned him into a giant, shining behemoth. He


then hefted his enormous war hammer and we both strode together towards the Choke,
which was the point where the stone staircase ended.
They are marching in typical Esperad phalanx. They will likely attempt to root
out the traps with Claywalkers, there are around three hundred, more than enough to
destroy the traps, but not enough to root them out before our archers massacre them.
From there, we will use the Pikemen Company E to hold the Choke until there are
archers in range, at which point they will retreat. When at least four hundred men are in
the corridor from the Choke to the Great Hall, the Wolves will rip into them from the
front, the Strikers will lead the Pikemen on from the right, and the Allards will hit them
on the left. They will be caught in a vice grip and either be forced to flee or to be routed.
From there, well, discuss further options of an offensive. This entire time, Id been
watching the troop movements, and a strange formation appeared, a large tight ring
suddenly opened up and there were at least four hundred white cloaked men standing
there with bows drawn
Find cover! Screamed Izin.
That was when the first volley came. Before I could comprehend what was
happening, deadly tipped arrows cascaded onto us. Bellumere acted quickly. He grabbed
me and threw me under a nearby arms table just as about seventeen arrows hit the sand
where I was standing. All around me, I heard the screams of the wounded and dieing,
howls of fear and pain filled the air as thickly as the arrows did.
I looked down the point of an arrow that had nearly made it through the table.
The points were razor sharp and thick. The shafts were like stakes, incredibly thick
around. It would take a heck of a big bow to fire that kind of arrow. The arrows were


those of the Snowguards, who werent supposed to be here. And if they were here, then
who knew what other surprises the Esperads had hidden up their sleeves.
Regroup in the Great Hall! Vexa shouted as she sprinted off.
Cmere, stick tight to me. Were going to find Lady Vexa. Bellumere
instructed me. He then grunted and brought the table above his head, and took off
running. I stayed on his tail, arrows hammering the wooden table. Bellumeres hands
were saved by his thick gloves, designed to withstand the heat of the smelting oven. I
gripped my new weapon tightly, practically sick with adrenaline. But no fear and no
anger came to me, eliminating my sollum and giving me relief from the constant fear of
having such raw power.
We made it to the conference hall to find Vexa, Palos, Izin, and about half the
forces inside. Cayss greeted me, looking frightened.
Whats going on? I asked, desperate for information.
The Esperads had Snowguards hidden in their ranks, nearly a hundred, and
theyre open-firing now. There was something he was reluctant to share.
Where are Karli and Malia? I said, preparing myself for the worst.
Neither accounted for yet, mate, the archers were setting up on the bluff when
they struck, there were many casualties. Cayss recounted grimly, putting a supportive
arm on my shoulder
Im here. Malia ran up beside us, a trickle of blood on the smooth, black skin of her
arm. She saw me looking and said; An arrow grazed me before I could get
underground, think nothing of it.


I of course, ignored her. Binding a strip of cloth around her arm to staunch the
bleeding the way my own mother had taught me. Are you sure you want to do this,
Malia? This isnt your fight and you owe us nothing. I told her, thinking of how shed
gone from wanting to gut me to becoming one of my closest friends, through teaching me
to fight and through all our time in the desert. And how devastating it would be to lose
You may have already forgotten this, but this was my fight long before it was
yours, the Sandmen havent forgotten Hestion either. Maybe if these dogs wouldve
listened to us instead of enslaving us, theyd know that.
Thanksteacher. I said affectionately. She smiled grimly back, her eyes filled
with fierce battle lust.
We looked away from one another and looked towards Palos, who was addressing
the army. Brave men, the battle does not go as planned. They attacked with the element
of surprise. Their commander has taken advantage of it, advancing with his Claywalkers,
using them to spring our traps. That means this battle will be thrice as fierce as the one
we expected. But fear not the Snowguards, my secret weapon will handle them. He
spoke confidently, attempting to win over favor with the troops. But he was
somehowinsidious. Even now, he attempted to hide his plans. I knew they were
We approached Vexa and Izin, who both looked as apprehensive as I felt. Izin
nodded to me, indicating that our rivalry was suspended for a later date. I returned him
What is his game? I asked Vexa, who shook her head helplessly.


We sure we wish we knew, but Id prefer if the snake would keep his head in the
dust. Izin said disdainfully, absently drawing his Estoque and slashing at a few loose
cobwebs. We were all feeling keyed-up for the battle, except Vexa. She always was
perfectly calm, which was the strangest thing Id ever seen. As if killing (something she
was adept at) meant nothing to her. She was a god, and the lives of mortals she killed
likely had come to mean little to her.
Well, when the snake raises its head, we cut it off. Vexa said ominously. She
grabbed her Salehm and handed me a shield to protect our heads. Vex took none for
herself, somehow trusting the arrows wouldnt hit her.
Cayss remained, leaving us with wishes of good luck. He would help protect the
women and children, along with a small number of troops left behind. If they got their, it
wouldnt matter what they did. But they would be fine, barricaded in very tightly. At
least thats what I told myself.
We took down our shields, the constant streams of arrows had ceased, apparently
Paloss secret was fast acting. We joined a group of men who were cheering, watching
the scene below as the remaining archers fired down on the steadily advancing
Claywalker troops. Explosions, arrows, and blades flew as the booby traps were
destroyed, along with our initial advantage. I saw chaos as some group of fighters
fought, outnumbered on all sides, surrounded by white bodies that looked like ghosts.
What was this? I already knew in my heart, but I didnt want it to be so.
Palos stood aside, looking very self-satisfied. We marched over to him.
What have you done, Palos? Vexa questioned harshly, presumably shed come
to the same conclusion as I had.


A new Rune I created, based on the Wolf Runes, He twittered excitedly We

used Ethicuss new ideas to create a collar that worked on the Solless.
No, you cant meanyou son of a-- I was cut off by Malia, who leaped at Palos
and immediately began thrashing him as hard as she could with a set of Bone Knuckles. I
was still too stunned by what hed said.
Vexa, stop her! Stop Her! Palos gurgled through mouthful of blood, yet no help
came. The color had drained out of Vexas face, which was twisted by unfathomable
I pulled Malia off; she fought against me hard, bloodying my nose in the process.
Malia was now alternating between furious screams of Ill kill you, I swear I will soak
the sand with your blood! And desperate cries of Call them off! Call them off!
Palos, a bloody pulp, now looked at Malia in contempt, as if she were some kind
of animal. Flames jumped madly in my eyes, but my Sol Chain wouldnt allow me to
burst into flames. I was almost about to cut that bastard in half, when suddenly a blade
was at his throat.
Call them off, now, or die where you stand. You have three seconds. One,
two Izin was steady, nothing was more frightening than his honesty. Izin would.
Palos murmured a few words in some strange tongue, which made the Sandmen
disappear into the desert. Palos then turned and waddled away as fast as his little legs
could carry him. Malia grabbed her bow and strung an arrow in one fluid motion. She
pulled the bowstring taut. Nobody moved to stop her, everyone present wanted to see the
snake die.


Malia, leave him for later, the enemy is advancing. We all turned at Karlis
melodic voice. Her lucid blue eyes were clear and bright, and she smiled at me grimly.
Karli? Youre alright! I cried,
Around us lay many of those whod been slain by arrows. Estians, Allards
whatever theyd been in life they were equal in death. And soon Esperads broken bodies
would lay beside their enemies, all equal in death.

Chapter 34: The Rage of War

They came up the hill, untouched by our traps or arrows. The Shield Wall was
methodical in its progress; I could hear the somber sound of men praying as they
progressed. We could never break that wall head on without mass casualties, and so we
were forced to watch.
Vexa stood before the Company Commanders for the entire army, quickly doling
out new instruction, evaluating the battle on the fly. If anyone could get us through this
battle, it was Vexa. But we were flustered and chaotic and outnumbered and
demoralized. It would be a hard fight.
The remaining bowmen looked, as a whole, shell-shocked. They had just seen
almost the entirety of their forces slaughtered, nearly three hundred men. Karli and the
others were assigned to the rooftop of the Great Hall, the final defense of the people. Not
the role wed hoped they could have Malia, Izin, and I were added to one of the newly
formed smaller units in our Company. In our unit were Redgrin, Akabaar, and two twin
High Strikers named Raymond and Delli.


I looked over to Karli, who looked as mentally broken down as the other bowmen
were. I got past my relief at her survival to notice she was smeared with blood. Id
forgotten our argument, although even in Karlis current state I could see she had not.
Karliis that yours? I asked numbly, fearing the worst. She looked at me
blankly, and shook her head.
No, her name was Elena, an Estian, she was another archer like me. She had
been nervous, and I had talked to her to make her feel less uneasy. We were the only two
women there, and we started talking. She was telling me of her boyfriend somewhere in
the camp, his name was Caleb. That was when she died, an arrow in the breast. She
looked haunted, her mind replaying the image. She saved my life, after she died. I hid
beneath her, I was safe from the arrows. I remember the sounds so well. A thump, and a
squish. She broke down then, sobbing in torture. I held her tightly, for the first time
releasing my white-knuckle grip on my axe.
I gently pushed her away, and into the Great Hall. My unit had been waiting for
me patiently. I nodded to everyone, and we were off. The previous strategy of
outflanking and focusing on hitting their backs was dead, they were having no trouble
attacking in masses too great for that strategy to work. Now it would come down to the
ability of our superior force to divide the Shield Wall. If we could break it, then there
would be a chance.
We weaved through the alleys, seeking a chance to spring onto the field of battle.
We now waited at the entrance of an alley just a few feet away from a skirmish between
about fifty Estian pikemen who battled against about seventy-five of the Esperad. An
Esperad had broken away from the mass, charging a wounded Estian pikemen with his


spear. Delli drew back the bowstring on her crossbow with a rapid motion and drilled the
Esperad in the back. The Shield Wall had broken, but the battle was still in favor of the
Esperads. They had gotten greedy, and were eager for their kills. Thats when about
twenty High Strikers emerged from a building and went to work, thrusting and parrying
as they laid waste to the Esperads.
Then the battle took another turn for the worse. The Esperads seemed to be
starting their final offensive. They created a Shield Wall that stretched from one end of
the street to the other. The battle seemed to be going on within the body as Allards and
Estians clashed with the opposing forces. But the advance would not be halted.
Raymond, the leader of the unit, gave us our instructions. There is one way to
win this battle. We must find the man in golden armor, and kill him. We stick together,
we will slip in when I see a hole. He waited, watching for a weakness with the practiced
eye of someone who made it his business to see weak spots. Dellis bow was loaded,
waiting to fire the second that Raymond gave the word. We readied ourselves.
An Esperad turned his head to look at us. He shouted something and suddenly a
chunk of the shield wall came away. There were about ten who attacked us. Some came
with spears lowered at a charge, others came slowly, with shields raised. Three charged,
Delli shot down one, Raymond calmly stabbed at a seconds shoulder, and suddenly he
cried out as his arm went dead. Izin held, held, held, and then suddenly tripped the man
like he had me, planting a knife in his back as he did. The man was dead before he hit
the sand. The next seven were more cautious. I turned Adders corrosive edge on one
and smote his shield in two. I kicked him in the chest, feeling ribs break as I did. I saw
another, he was small and fearful looking. I screamed a challenge at him, and he slowly


began to back away. I charged him and drove my shoulder into his shield. The boy fell
to the sand and was trampled by his own army, nobody dared stop marching or even step
over the poor soul. He screamed for a while then was silent.
War was not for the weak.
But now the massive Wall was taking notice of us. They were flooding the alleys
now, and soon we would be entirely surrounded.
Fall back! Shouted Raymond. But it was too late. The flood was coming at us
from all sides. We fought and fought without any semblance of relief. When I was
certain we all dead, I heard a deafening roar as a steel giant crashed through the alley,
swinging his massive hammer. He and his unit had cleared the entire alley. They were
the other Magrans who worked in his forge, equally enormous, steel-covered, and
wielding a menagerie of oversized weapons of mass destruction.
Ah, Alvas! The battle goes poorly, I fear we may all die here. Bellumere
joined me, looking monstrous in full-body armor and toting a huge two-handed
warhammer. From these giants emerged Vexa, toting her magnificent Salehm. Both her
and her sword were covered in the blood of possibly hundreds of slain men. I wondered
how many would run, if they knew they were fighting a god. I knew none of those men
would run, because I knew their general, and they would never dare defy him.
Im afraid youre wrong, dear friend. These ones simply cant die. Not today.
Vexa came up beside us, looking calm and in control, as if we werent about to die
Malia, take Alvas and Izin. Hide yourselves in the sand, come up when all this
is over, we are to be beaten on this day, I fear. We will surrender ourselves, and


regrettably and unavoidably terms of that surrender will be my execution, as well as that
of every man who fought here today, including your people, Malia. Vexa reported
calmly, looking at Malia.
Lady Vexa I began but Vexa interrupted me as if nothing had happened.
But that will not happen, because you three will rescue us. I have absolute faith
you can do it, so not another word.
You think Id leave without Karli and Cayss? Even you couldnt stop me from
getting to her, and I dont care if Im executed as well. I gripped my axe, prepared to
strike at them. I was trying to keep my voice steady, but the thought of leaving her
behind was absolutely terrifying.
Youre their only hope now too, Alvas. You have to save us, if you dont Karli
dies. Vexa said with a bizarre smile. Like this was a hard-fought victory, rather than a
hard-fought loss.
What is this, some kind of sick joke? An army of veterans, Bleeding Wolves,
High Strikers, and you choose three kids to place the entire fate of over five thousand
people on our shoulders. What, are you playing at Vexa? Do the lives of mortals mean
anything to you? I asked bitterly. Vexa had trapped me perfectly, how only a god could.
Id hoped to get out of the desert to get out of the hands of Mesa, and now Id become the
plaything of another god.
Oh, Alvas, everythings a test. But how could I have predicted this? Youre
paranoid. Theres not really another option, is there? Now go with Malia, time is short.
Vexa patted me on the shoulder in a way that was almost maternal. It made me sick.


We found a secluded spot that we thought would be safe from the patrols, but we
still wanted to watch the formal surrender. I felt sick as I allowed myself to buried in the
sand, buried deep down so only my eyes and nose were thinly covered enough to use. I
doubted we would be found, but I would almost have preferred it. It would be easier, I
decided, to let myself be captured and die with my closest friends than to try and save
them with these comparative strangers. Easier, yes, but not better.
We watched from our hiding places as Esperads surrounded the place, forming
the famed Espera Shield Wall around us. The two armies stood, staring at one another,
until a break in the shield wall formed and a man walked out. He was dressed in simple
red robes, holding a golden spear in his right hand.
Heathens! Youre perverted ways have led to your destruction, and Feyl will
serve justice on your souls. Do any of you seek redemption, will you leave your wicked
brethren behind and fight for the just and mighty Feyl? The voice was familiar: soft but
strong and compelling, full of ancient wisdom and power. Artur. The gentle boy whod
spared me from retribution now stood at the head of an army come to kill women and
children. I realized sickly that the robes he wore were not naturally red, but saturated in
my brothers-in-arms blood. It was incredibly shocking, seeing such a pure soul lowered
to killing. He was holy, revered. How could he be a killer? Only one thing could
corrupt a man so: his religion.
We will never pledge ourselves to your evil god, child. We have a god worth
dieing for as well. Vexa said calmly, stepping away from the ranks. The two generals
faced each other, sizing one another up. I saw how Vexa gripped the Salehm, how Artur
gripped his golden spear. They were on the verge of a


Lady Vexa, the famed slayer of my predecessor as Lightbringer Citys Voice of

Feyl. You are the warrior the people proclaim you to be. Artur complimented her. He
wasnt lying either.
Vexa acknowledged the compliment with a nod And you are the crazed zealot I
heard you to be. Will you cut us down where we stand, Feyl-sent destroyer of children,
or will you herd us like cattle back to your lands and sell us into slavery.
Do not speak to me about slavery, death-bringing usurper, for I saw you forcibly
enslave hundreds of peaceable creatures today. No, I will bring you back to Feyls lands
and you will all be given fair trial for the crime of Heresy, a crime you and your soldiers
are all guilty of. Those who did not fight, however, will be freed if they pledge
themselves to Feyl. On the next new moon, in one month, you will all be sacrificed to
Feyl as a show of victory over Hestion. Your sacrifice, on the night of the new moon,
will restore our master to his former glory and never again will you challenge him. Artur
rose his voice to address everyone present.
Rather melodramatic, dont you think? But if thats your method, who am I to
judge? Vexa said with little smile.
Drop your weapons. Artur barked. Vexa motioned for the men to heed his
command and they did. The Esperads moved in quickly, quickly capturing each and
every man present.
They chained the soldiers together, and hauled them off to their camps at the base
of the hill. They then broke down the doors and did the same with the women and


I watched in horror as they forced the crying and screaming children down the hill
at spearpoint, along with the defiant women of Allardon. The women of my country
were strong, and many tried to fight. But the guard stopped them by laying about with
the butts of their spears. I strained to look for Karli, but never did I catch that flash of
They didnt stop after the people were gone; they burned the entire outpost to the
ground, destroying a developed village that had taken years to create. We remained
undiscovered throughout, well hidden by Malia. We stayed hidden in the hot sand for a
eighteen hours, when Malia came and helped us out. I rose slowly, pulling Adder out of
the sand behind me.
I finally got a look at the damages wreaked on the outpost for the first time.
There was nothing left, no food, water, weapons, or buildings. Not even the dead we left
behind to signify that a battle was fought here, for they had burned the corpses. All that
was left was rubble. An army of practically five thousand Esperads had destroyed what
had taken more than four decades to build in eighteen hours. Destruction came much
easier to man than creation did. We gathered in front of the place where the meeting hall
had stood, staring at the destruction in awe. We were now the sole hope of the families
that had lived. We were Vexas sole hope. We were Caysss sole hope. We were
Karlis only chance of continuing to live.
This was hopeless.


Chapter 35: Alone

We silently foraged for things that could be useful on the journey back to
Lightbringer City. Just us three, we were the only remnants of the dreams of change this
place had fostered.
We grabbed loose arrows, knives, and a few pieces of armor. We found a tattered
yet intact canvas and the pieces of wood necessary to make a frame to hold it up. But
there was no food, and the Esperads had destroyed the only water pump in Rataan
Outpost. We were all in dire need of water, since we hadnt had a sip to dink in days.
Thats why were actually relieved when Malia announced that there was a Sandman
raiding party on the way here, hoping to loot what was left of the outpost. They would be
disappointed to find, not treasures, but desperate left-behind children willing to risk death
for a drop of water.
They entered confidently, unaware. They would be alerted to our presence if they
werent so careless, since Sandmen can feel vibrations in the ground to sense animals.
They probably assumed we were some kind of desert animal judging by their ease. Four
hulking, deadly Sandmen, each carrying back pack no doubt filled with things we needed
and holding rough-hewn weapons. These were not the proud tribesmen that wed known,
who fought with the traditions of the tribe in their left hand. These were mercenaries and
scavengers who roved the desert, trying to scrape off a little of what was left.
Evidently they were aware of the carnage that had occurred and didnt think
anyone would be left. They cast about, swearing in their native tongue to show their
displeasure with the lack of pickings here.


That was when we ambushed them. Malia shot from the sand, using her
momentum to delver a jaw-shattering uppercut to the biggest one with her set of Bone
Izin had been concealed behind a fallen piece of rubble, and he stepped out and
hurled a rock at the mans face, he dodged and Izin drew his sword in a quick motion and
sliced the mans arm as he reached for his blade. He screamed in agony, gripping his
arm, but Izin stepped in and rammed the hilt of his sword into the Sandmans ribs, no
doubt breaking a couple. I rushed at one of the scavengers who was still conscious, but
he was ready for me. Adder clashed with his sword, and he pushed me back, coming at
me with superior strength. I dodged his next strike and used my momentum to turn and
deliver a powerful kick to his groin. He groaned but kept to his feet. While he was still
off-balance and bent up, I rammed my elbow into the base of his skull, which knocked
him out cold.
We all three turned on the last one, who dropped his pack and fled, and we each
grabbed one of their packs, using ropes we found in the packs to tether them to a fallen
support column from the meeting hall, and set off, leaving them there. We dressed the
wounded one as best we could, but it wasnt a serious cut to begin with, as, Izin pointed
out, hed intended it to be. We only tied them tight enough to hold them up for about an
hour, it was really more about principle than actual function of restraint. I doubted they
would attempt to find us, for nobody knew how large the desert was better than
wandering Sandmen. Their packs hadnt been terribly valuable to them, a few knives,
some water and food, all easily replaced. We even left them a knife each. They were
lucky we were nice.


We walked down the narrow pathway that led down the hill that Rataan Outpost
sat on top of. Wed arrived there only a month ago, and it had already become the closest
thing to a home Id ever had. Another to add to the list of things I loved that Espera had
We wandered the desert for about a week, meandering in the rough direction of
Espera. We spoke little, trying to wrap our minds around the scale of the problem at
hand. But as hard as we pondered, there was simply not any solution we could see.
Izin and I were the only ones who talked. He asked me about how living among
the Esperads had been, and I asked him about things like how it was to have a real family
and a real home. The talks were pleasant diversions that were steadily turning Izin into
something more than a rival: a friend.
We kept moving, our water running dangerously low. I asked Malia to use the
Sandman technique of drawing out groundwater, but she was young and not yet learned
that art. I sat alone, staring at the stars, thinking of a way out. Desperate, I begged the
desert to give me an answer, but I was only answered the by the resounding cosmic
silence Id felt so profoundly in the desert. I lay back in the soft sand, tears of
helplessness and despair welling in my eyes. In my heart, at that moment, I gave up
hope. Then hope gave itself right back to me.
Giving in so easily, child? A leathery, tanned face leaned over me; a toothy
smile on his face. Unable to help it; I sprung up and gave the old god a bear hug. He was
absolutely stick-thin, probably because he didnt eat much out here. Mesa was here
because he had the answers I needed, I knew he did.
You waited for the moment I was at the lowest to come save me? I hate you.


In order for something to be built, something must be broken. Another lesson

you will grasp before this is finished. Mesa spouted off sagely.
Mesa, things are bad. The force in Rataan Outpost is captured or dead, and were
the only ones who can save them, thanks to Axeva and her strange fancies. I blamed
viciously. Vexa had become a focus point for my dread.
Alvas, it is imperative you do just that, and we will talk about how. But first;
there are things I need to explain to you. Things you dont quite understand just yet.
Mesa said carefully.
What are they? I demanded, remembering that Mesa was dangerous and I
needed to watch my back.
First, lets get the others around here. He suggested. I nodded and shook my
sleeping companions awake. They all got up to see Mesa.
Who exactly are you? Izin asked uncertainly, hand on his sword hilt.
Just a very old and relatively knowledgeable hermit. Mesa said modestly. What
a charmer.
Hes Mesa, God of Wisdom and King of The Desert. I recounted his title in a
bored, monotone, which only confused Izin further.
Youreserious? He asked and we all assented with nods. He looked as if he
was about to explode for a moment, then sort of deflated. All right, well now that thats
been cleared up, continue.
Thank you Prince Izin. So Ill start by apologizing for attempting to take over
your minds before. So now that the airs clear, Ill tell you that your destinies are


cosmically important, and will forever affect the course of nature for all of time. Mesa
began ominously.
We sat in silence for a moment, waiting for him to continue, but he didnt.
Well, how? Izin prompted him.
Thats the problem, I dont know how. I, being a man who has very large ears,
heard that there was a prophet, a Frostgar, that made the most important foreshadow of
all time. The prophecy that is said to tell of the fall of gods, Feyl specifically. I am one of
two people privy to that information, and the other is your general, Vexa. Probably why
she was so interested in you. You in particular, Alvas. Mesa said as he pointed a bony
finger at me.
So what do we do from here, Lord Mesa? How do we save the Darkbringers
Army? Malia asked politely.
Havent the foggiest. Ah well, Im sure it will come to you. You certainly must
stop Artur from sacrificing Vexa and the others. If he performs the ritual, then it will
heal the wound that Axeva gave Feyl in the final battle between Hestion and Feyl. If that
wound is healed, then Feyl will return to his former power and will destroy us all. The
best I can give you is a couple of clues: theres a reason they have to kill Vexa on the
New Moon, everything is a little bit less his, and a little more ours. Mesa said with a low
chuckle. I didnt understand why he was laughing, hed just told us that Feyl could and
would kill all non-Esperads if Vexa were sacrificed.
What do you mean? How are you helping me? I yelled in frustration. This was
simply unbearable, all these half-truths and ulterior plans. Could anyone give me a
straight answer?


Sorry, Alvas, nothings so easy. I can only give you one more thing. He said as
he tossed Malia something, a few black feathers, a few white hairs, and some shiny
scales, threaded along some strings. At the end was Mesas symbol, a sun carved into a
small wooden token.
He was still laughing like a madman when a wind picked up and he was blown
away with the sand.
You decrepit old bastard! You know exactly how to save them, but you want to
torture us! I yelled at the desert, perfectly aware that he could hear me. Suddenly a
white blur hurtled at us, knocking me over. When I got up, I saw a pure white wolf
sitting in front me, looking regal and majestic. He was here for a reason, I knew, and a
plan was already forming in my mind.
Izin was appropriately stunned. Malia introduced them as she stroked Skollgan.
Izin, this is Skollgan, the Father of Wolves. Karli introduced them while Izin
gaped at the huge, snow-colored wolf, which Skollgan did not appreciate.
He voiced his displeasure with a snarl, Izin tripped over his feet in his effort to
look back. He then sniffed the air and looked around, searching for something, or
Skollgans canine royalty, and must be treated as such. Malia warned Izin, who
nodded quickly. Skollgan was pacified, and stood down.
Who are you? Izin wondered as he stared at me in disbelief. He was being
introduced to the mystical at a rapid pace, but he would catch up.
I approached him, eyes downcast, trying to been unthreatening. He looked at me
with big dark pupils, highlighted by his pale irises.


Greetings, Wolf Father. I said respectfully, afraid of appearing condescending,

to a wolf. Aware of how ridiculous that was, I proceeded.
Your friend, Cayss, was taken by his enemies. I whispered in his ear. Skollgan
reacted with an angry howl, startling everyone.
Dont worry; were going to get him back, but we need your help, I think. I
know that your people were taken from you, but I think that now you must bring them
together, one last time. The New Moon approaches, and Feyl is weak. Find Mesa, have
him assist you in uniting the wolves. It can be done, somehow I know it can. Skollgan
gave a bark of ascension, and my heart leapt with excitement.
I dont suppose you could gather them, request that they help us to get back your
friend? I said timidly. Skollgan cocked his head to one side for a long time, pondering
my request, then gave another bark.
I gave a whoop of excitement then whispered some more instructions in his ear.
He actually bowed his head, then bolted off into the desert night with incredible agility
for an animal with such bulk. I had an inkling of a plan. Mesa hadnt shown himself
without reason. I had asked the desert for help, and he was showing us that he was on
our side. And the Wolves were not the only people of the desert.
So wheres he off to in such a hurry? Malia asked after the dust of his departure
Skollgan and Mesa are going to win over the Dire Wolves. What we need to do
is win over someone else.
And whos that? Izin questioned warily, distrusting of my judgment. Eh,
couldnt blame him.


The Waneta Soldiers. I said, getting shocked looks from Malia and Karli.
You dont get it, Alvas, the tribe, once left, cannot be rejoined. It is a sacred
rule. They will not let you return. Malia promised.
I dont know, I sort of thought we grew on them. I lied. Malia snorted, which
was the closest to laughing shed ever gotten.
What so funny, Malia? I said indignantly.
This is gonna be good. She said to herself. I knew I would probably beg to


Chapter 36: Revolution

Malia, what are you doing back here? You know that once you leave the tribe,
theres no returning. And with human scum no less. After a week-and-a-halfs
searching for this damned camp that was our greeting? I wished that, just once,
somebody would be happy to see us. The guard was old and dangerous looking, the
threatening air added to by the half-drawn bow in my face. I gripped Adder tighter, well
aware that swinging on him would lead to our death. This was a waiting game, a game
that was not mine to play. This was Malias game, and she had only one weapon, which
she was about to play.
I know our laws! But I am not back here without protection; this gift was given
to me by Mesa, to ordain our safe return. He wishes me to his work.
Hes a fool then, for he sends a woman-child to do a mans work. The man
turned away, and we followed Malia into the village. We got dagger-glances from
everyone we saw, eyes boring into us. A few of the younger ones even pulled weapons
on us. But Malia shooed them off, and we moved on.
Avonaco came at us, an angry and questioning look on his fierce face. Tell me
why I shouldnt slay you now, Malia? I dont care that it was the Desert-Watcher himself
that called you, by our laws you may never return.
You know that you may not kill us, Avonaco. Not while we bear this charm that
is marked by the Wise One himself. Malia insisted, shaking the amulet in his face.
Malia knew well that she could no longer defer to the tribe leader. She had to begin her
challenge now, or he would never accept what she would soon do.


Fine, you may have your say, girl. Speak now or leave. Avonaco ordered as he
crossed his huge arms across his barrel chest expectantly. This was good, for we hadnt
expected to make it this far without a fight.
Malia raised her voice, and suddenly she was addressing the entire tribe, First let
me express the great respect I have for you and our tribe. Under your leadership, we
have become the most powerful tribe in this desert. You protect the herds well, and we
prosper for that reason. But leaving has shown me that the world is much bigger than this
desert. I have seen armies powerful enough to grind us to dust that dwell on the border of
our country and theirs. As I saw these armies about to do battle, I wondered why they
fought so hard for this patch of land or that one, when they leave the Sandmen to have the
desert for themselves. Why should our piece of this country come so easily?
More were gathering now. Malias voice had taken on a powerful tenor that was
hers, but at the same time so much more powerful than Id ever heard before. The whole
tribe was watching her now, and I could see some seemed to be agreeing with her.
It is because Man has given us nothing, and weve accepted it! I know, many of
you say that our tribe has existed this way for eons, and we get by. But we are the lucky
ones; I recently encountered some wandering fools who had only a few pieces of steel
and a few crumbs of foods to their name. And this is how many of our people live, as
enslaved to Man by their need for food as the recently freed Sun-Drunk Tribe was. Look
bigger, our people have suffered in this hot hell forever, and we have forgotten that only a
few miles in any direction, the land is lush!
But that is our lot, Malia. We are peaceful, why go looking for trouble? This
girl-pup brings us silly notions of revolution, when nobody has ever beaten Man before.


Why bring their wrath onto us? I plead with you, brethren, do not let her lead us to
destruction. Avonacos argument was compelling, but it was not enough to negate what
Malia had said.
You have become blind to our situation. And Im not talking about just our
tribes, Im not even talking about only our race, Im talking about all of those that have
not forgotten the Old Master. We have been pushed to the edges of Mans civilization
and given scraps to survive on.
The Old Master is gone! All who remember him have been pushed away by
history, forgotten as the defeated. Stop bringing back these painful memories, you are a
child and know not of what you speak. Avonaco disregarded her.
I opened my mouth to speak, but Izin stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. I
closed my mouth; I had to trust Malia to speak for us.
But the Old Master is not gone, Avonaco. I have seen an army of men wearing
his mark, led by none other than the one who dealt the Great Blow, the War Maiden
Axeva. And now Mesa has shown his face, for all of you to see. I met many honorable
men warriors who would no doubt welcome us into their army. She said, looking at Izin
and I.
They are the revolution weve waited for so long. The time for revolution has
come, and now has come the time for the Sandmen to rewrite history the way it shouldve
happened all that time ago. But our chances grow slimmer as the New Moon grows
nearer, because the Esperads have captured our War Maiden, and we must rescue her.
The Wolves are gathering for her rescue, and so must the Deserts Children. I offer our


people a chance at a new life we never before couldve had. There was silence that was
eventually broken by Avonaco with a sneering doubt.
Your lies are pretty, Malia, but they are lies. Yes, Mesa has returned, but it
could mean nothing. I ask you all, where is this War Maiden, where is Mesa, and where
are the Wolves? Where are these risen gods? Where? Avonaco threw his arms out with
the question. He sounded angry, and doubtful. Because even though it would
dramatically change everything, even Avonaco had to admit that he wanted us to be
telling the truth. Because even Avonaco had been worn down by the way things were.
And he, like all of us, just wanted to see things.
A long silence. Then a wheezing cough that was very familiar.
Sandmen were suddenly on their knees, praying and groveling and crying. Malia was
smiling widely and Avonaco was quietly gulping air like a fish on land. I turned to see
why, and for one time in my life, I found exactly what Id been hoping for.
Hello, Alvas. Took your time getting here, didnt you? Skollgan and Ive been
waiting for you to get here for quite some time. Mesa said with his knowing smile.
I was so grateful for his presence that even I didnt have a smarmy comment to
make. Avonaco stood up, but kept his head bowed as he approached Mesa slowly.
My lord, has Malia spoken the truth in this matter? Has the Sword Maiden
returned? Avonaco asked reverently. He seemed to be near tears, just seeing Mesa
standing at the head of nearly fifty massive wolves, all black as night and, although they
werent as big as Skollgan, they were all well larger than a man. I couldnt blame him; it
was about the most beautiful thing Id ever seen.


Yes, Avonaco, the Sword Maiden has returned. And she would have your
people fight for her once more, as they did in the beginning. But be careful, Avonaco.
Remember the result of the last war your people fought which she led. You barely
survived last time, so bear in mind that losing this war could mean the extinction of your
kind. Mesa told him gravely. There was little point in doing so; Avonaco knew the
consequences of failure well.
My family has waited for Axeva to call us again for centuries, and I am honored
that it should be I that answers her. I will fight with the Wolf Father, his children, and
these Children of Feyl. However, I cannot speak for my people. Any who do not see this
as their fight may stay behind. Avonaco offered. I waited in hesitation, expecting
somebody to come forward and accept the offer. But there was only silence.
Mesa smiled and made another proclamation Well good. But it will take the
strength of the entire desert to rescue my sword-bearing sister. Avonaco, bid your men
mount their Waneta and ride out to the deepest corners of this desert and gather your
brethren. Tell them Axeva needs them once again. You will need this, He said, drawing
from his robes a n ancient looking scroll. This is the Sand Contract.
The Sand Contract? But that document hasnt been seen for centuries! That was
the original pledge made to Hestion by the Sandmen. Malia whispered.
Yes, master, with this we will gather the full strength of our people. The return
of this document means that the True War has once again begun, doesnt it?


And what of you, Mesa? Where will you be? Asked Izin, the only other person
who was on their feet. Izin would only bow if it were diplomatically necessary. He, like
myself, had an underdeveloped sense of awe.
I can do nothing else for you; it is not my job to wage war. Youll have to figure
out the rest for yourselves. Mesa said. And, for once, I felt like we were on the same
That, I said with a wicked smile, I think we can handle.


Chapter 37: Dead Kings.

Wed been traveling towards the border for about another two weeks now.
Skollgan and the Wolves were slow moving, hunting as they went along. It was a very
stressful time. Skollgan had struggled to hold his army together, often having to fight
aggressive males who wanted dominance or chasing down those who attempted to desert.
These conflicts had often endangered us, as when somebody had a poor hunt it was often
suggested that the Waneta wed been given be used as dinner.
The Waneta were skittish and undisciplined around the Wolves. They were fat
cows, usually kept for breeding or meat rather than as beasts of burden. Not only were
they undisciplined, but also slow, not that we needed speed at the rate which Skollgan
and his army moved.
The days had come to mean little; I now gauged time by the nights. Every moon
became steadily darker, and the last night had been the darkest of all. The New Moon
would be here tonight, of that I had no doubt. We were on schedule to arrive in just a few
hours, I could see the breakfast campfires of the Sandmen army rising above the next few
dunes. We would be meeting them in a short time.
Id been working up my nerve and doing more preparation for the rescue mission.
Malia, Izin, and I had been fighting and fighting and fighting when we werent on the
move. We rotated, fighting each other one-on-one, two-on-one, or even asking Skollgan
to help us with three-on-one. We were all terribly aware now that in a battle, the odds
were never stacked in our favor, and this battle would not be any exception. Artur would
be expecting us. He would have the larger army, the better equipped army, and the one
advantage wed once held, we were now the attacking army. He would be able to throw


at us everything he had. There would be Claywalkers, Purgers, and maybe even a few of
the Forgiven to contend with. But now we had an advantage he didnt: unpredictability.
He would have been expecting Vexas allies to come from the East, in Estia, not from the
western desert. As far as he knew, she had no allies in the desert. Most Esperads thought
of the desert as a dead land, and although Artur knew differently, he had many of the
Sandmen on his payroll, and those he didnt he thought would figure out that they
couldnt fight him. He didnt count on the Sand Contract, the only document in history
that could convince the Sandmen to fight.
Izin was sitting in the sand, whetting his blade, Fyrenz. He had insisted I do the
same as well, and wed taken to spending time side by side, honing our blades in silence
I sat down next to him. Took Adder from my back, and drew the stone from my
pocket, and sat next to him.
Izin, are you going to be king? I wondered.
Absolutely. I was born to rule. He said confidently. His disposition truly
wasnt that kingly. I liked it that way, he been kingly at the beginning, and Id hated him.
How do you mean? What is a king like? The concept was rather foreign to me,
as Estia was the only monarchy in Caste, and its history was hardly studied in Espera.
A king must hold the hearts of the people in one hand, and their gold in another.
Thats the tenant of our family, its been taught to me my whole life. Ive learned how to
get what I want. And Ive learned that a king has to get what he wants. And getting what
I want is my Feyl-given talent.
What does that mean? Izin was alarming me. This was sinister stuff he was
talking about.


My sollum. Its called Ancestral Guard, Bloodline, and the Dead Kings
Gauntlet. But it only appears in those who will one day become king. He opens his
hand, and there is a rune that looks almost engraved in the skin of his palm.
What is that? I ask, mildly horrified. Having a Rune on your skin is bad.
Runes call upon lost spirits, and having a Rune on your body invites a spirit in.
This Rune is special. It called back the spirit of a dead king named Marchen.
He shares my body, and both he and I work for the success of this body. The dead are far
wiser than the living. He leaves sometimes. He explains. This is dark stuff, even if it is
a sollum. And unique, successfully calling back and conversing with spirits is an art
known only to the Frostgar. And living with them in the same body is another matter
Like a servant?
Not like a servant. Not at all like a servant. He does as he will, but he takes
good care of my body as a way to preserve his safety in my body. The world is a difficult
place for a spirit, exposed without protection by flesh. He sometimes takes over.
Sometimes he is cruel, crueler than I can be by far. But I am still more powerful than he
is, and so he is only cruel if I allow it. Needless to say, he helps me greatly in getting
what I want, uninhibited by my own self. Izin was drifting, his voice far-off. This
wasnt a normal state for him; perhaps he wasnt entirely in control of himself at the
And how would you kill me, Marchen, if you needed to? I addressed the
spirit, aware now that it was to him I was speaking, not my friend.


Izin smiled cruelly, a not-Izin smile, drawing his blade, Fyrenze Easy. I would
take my blade, Fyrenze, and I would put her through Karlis heart. That would kill you
far more totally than any death I could give you. That death follows you into the spirit
world. Izins voice was gone, this voice was raspy and decayed. This was the voice of a
man who spoke rarely, maybe who had forgotten his vocal cords entirely.
Wake up, Izin. I said calmly, then reaching over and shaking him gently. His
eyes unclouded, and he sat there in a daze.
Did he tell you? Izin asked. I nodded, and he swore several times to himself.
Thats a secret, one of the biggest my family has. I can trust you, I know that, and so
does Marchen, or he wouldnt have said anything.
Was that the Marchen Ive heard of? I asked Izin.
He bit his lip and nodded. Yes, Izin shared a body with one of the most famous
bastards in history. He had been the one that put Izins family on the throne. Hed been
a commoner, but had been extremely handsome and charming, and had managed to make
the princess fall in love with him. Hed then with his own sword, Fyrenze, had killed his
sisters four brothers, her father and mother, and finally her. He then had one of the most
successful kingships ever, and had created the powerful empire that is Estia to this day.
Marchen took a special interest in me. He thinks I have great potential. Izin
doesnt sound happy about it, he sounds frightened.
Thatsgood. Your secret is safe with me, dont worry. I assure him. Izin
nods. Izin was now the most dangerous person Id ever met now. I promised myself I
would keep him close, and try to keep him as a friend.
Because Feyl knows I cant afford to have him as an enemy.


Get some sleep, Izin. Tomorrow we ride hard and fast until we reach the city.
There wont be any time to lose after that, well attack immediately. To make sure we
dont alert the scouts. I was rehashing the details in my mind, trying to remind myself of
the bigger picture of things.
Izin rolled over, And about time. The sooner I dont have to smell these Feyldamned wolves, the better. And dont even mention those Waneta. Rank beasts. Izin
was definitely himself now. Nobody hated the smell of animals and nature more than
I laughed to myself. I couldnt share his courage, but I did share his
determination. I would rescue Karli if it meant burning the entire city down.


Chapter 38: Dusk.

The stars were out when we reached Lightbringer City. But the familiarity of the
desert night was gone now, suddenly and completely. Billowing clouds obstructed the
sparkling, celestial diamonds that I had gazed at with such awe. The night was darker
without the glow of moonlight. And it was chilly compared to the desert climes we were
now so used to.
I strapped Adder to my back. Id been honing Adder for days using the stone Izin
had given me, and felt that she was ready to do battle. Tonight, there would be no
escaping bloodshed. We left the herd and about half the army with them about a mile
outside the city, walking the dusty path to the city. We were alone, everyone was inside
because tonight was the Night of Feyls Agony and they would not venture out tonight.
A chorus of howls suddenly broke the night silence. Without warning, Skollgan
bounded in front of us, flanked by twenty-five enormous Dire Wolves on either side. I
went up to him and whispered in his ear. He barked and the wolves split and stepped into
rank next to the Sandmen, who whispered in awe and fear. Dire Wolves were truly some
of the most feral and vicious animals in Caste. They were loners, never running in packs.
Only the Wolf Kings call could bring them together, and it had. These were probably
the only wolves in the entire desert, though they were found in nearly every part of Caste
in small numbers. Skollgan had gotten together more of them than I couldve hoped for,
it was a great bolster to my confidence.
Lets move. I whispered, and the small army did move, in perfect unison. Dire
Wolves had never, and would likely never again march beside men. We snuck into the
city in utter silence. Sandmen fought barefoot, and the padded feet of wolves made no


sound on the cobbled streets of Lightbringer City, meaning that we made no noise
besides the quiet-yet-menacing sound of claws on stone.
We started by sending out a scouting party that consisted of Malia, Izin, and I.
We didnt know where the sacrifice was to be held. We wandered through the streets on
cats feet, until we saw a low light, cast by many torches. We followed the glow, sticking
to the shadows, until we came to the great plaza where the fountain had once stood. The
entire place was packed with Purgers, and a few of the Forgiven, their naked, tattooed
skin glowed ethereal red in the torchlight. They faced outward, tridents and nets raised,
nearly five hundred in number, as many as could fit in the courtyard alongside the army.
I knew that the main body of the Lightbringers Army was waiting for the Estians
on the other side of the city. We had to beat the forces in the fountain courtyard and get
them out before the full strength of Espera came crashing down on us. A nearly
impossible feat, if not for the ingenious plan wed made.
In the center of it all was an altar, which the white-robed Artur stood at. He held
a copy of Ullayas The Prophets Words. Bowing before him, bound in chains, was
Vexa. She stared into his eyes balefully, wearing her broken-glass smile, teeth glinting in
the torchlight.
Artur read from the book, though we were too far away to hear what he was
saying. We departed from the scene, knowing all we needed to. Our army was waiting
for us.
What did you find? Avonaco whispered urgently, his warrior senses keyed up
for battle.


About five hundred men, surrounding the army. No sacrifices have been made
yet, everyones still alive. I reported
Good, Ill inform the runner. Malia, you should make some kind of speech, it
will be good for morale. Avonaco said and walked off, a Deliverer club held in each of
his massive fists.
She nodded and turned to address the silent group of fighters.
Men, wolves, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all youve
done. For all of time, we have had the right to make our own decisions. But there are
those out there that would take that away from us. They want us to be like them. But it
is plain to see that we are not like them; so we are cast to a place where they dont have
to look at us. That is their true crime, above all others theyve committed. We will save
our brethren from the hands of our oppressors, and we will share some desert culture
while were at it! Malia gave the speech in hushed tones; but it only aided the effect.
There was electric excitement in the air that felt far more like a roaring mob than a silent
army. Malia made a motion to follow, and we did.
We gathered in the shadows cast by the torches that illuminated the plaza. Artur
now held his golden spear over Vexas heart.
Your crimes against our lord are too great for you to repent, General Vexa of
Allardon. It was your kind who drew blood from Feyl, and it will be your blood that
heals him. He said as he prepared to drive down the spear. I heard the creak of a
bowstring being drawn, and saw the Sandman named Sarado draw back his huge bow
and release it. The arrow flew straight at Arturs heart, but he was too fast. He backed
away from Vexa, holding his spear before him defensively.


So our guests have finally arrived. Fine, Alvas, if you wish to be a sacrifice as
well, I will not deny you. Come on, Im waiting. Artur said as his shield was handed to
him. He bashed the shield and spear together with obnoxious warlust. I relished the look
of shock on his face when the Dire Wolves charged out of the shadows, led by Skollgan.
The air was rent with screams as Skollgan s army tore through, wreaking havoc on the
surprised Purgers. We had actually surprised Purgers. It didnt take long for their ranks
to break and the fighting to spread out.
The wolves had had just effect wed hoped for. Now it was time for our second
unlikely ally to fight.
Alright men, for Hestion, the Darkbringer! Malia rushed forward, smashing a
disoriented soldier with the butt of her spear. I took up her right flank and Izin her left.
We cut straight to Vexa and Artur. The disorganized Esperads were rallying around
Artur and the altar, though we were still a distance from them. I saw Skollgan hurl
himself into the fray, forcing his way through simply using his bulk. The hole in the
shield wall he created allowed our men to pour in.
Malia, Izin, and I attacked the left flank. I swung Adder in a huge arc, causing
shields, blades, and armor to slowly disintegrate with the corrosive poison of Adders left
edge. I laughed madly as the battle turned in our favor. Even these monster hunters
couldnt have predicted this astonishing turn of events.
Malia was engaged with two Esperads, fighting for her life. Knowing she could
handle them, I left her. Izin was dispatching man after man, his Estoque magically
finding their weak points. I heard him let out a laugh that had the voice of a demon, and


knew the real Izin wasnt present in this battle. That left only me to ensure my friends
Karli! Cayss! I bellowed above the din of battle. My voice had more than a
little of Elxens in it, and the volume increased as we shouted in synchronization.
Alvas! I heard the call nearby. There she was, her face bloody, he sky-blue hair
a mess, and her body wrapped in chains. I charged toward her, taking out two men as I
did. But then somebody stepped in front of me. His face was bare, unlike the others who
wore visors. His only armor was worn on his arms, and he carried a huge one-bladed
broadsword over his left shoulder. He was bigger than he had been, but I still recognized
Hello, Balkar. Youve grown. I greet him, hiding my surprise casually.
I was so sorry to miss you at the Outpost, Artur wouldnt bring any of us to that
fight. He wanted us back here, guarding the city. But when he came back with all these
delicious sacrifices to the Lightbringer, I begged him personally to allow me to be one of
the five hundred. And when I saw your brat here, I recognized her, even though her hair
is lighter. And I knew that if I just waited with her long enough, that I would get my shot
to kill you again. You see, you really got under my skin, and I jus felt so bad for letting a
freak like you live that I swore I would kill you, no matter what. Balkar explained his
obsession calmly, like it wasnt absolutely raving mad.
Do you think that by killing me it will make what I said to you back then less
true? Do you think it will mean that people will look at you like youre an Esperad
instead of some freak? I remembered how Id pushed his buttons, and decided to do it


Enough of your talk. Im like Artur; I dont care what people think of me as
long as Feyl loves me. He insisted.
If thats what helps you sleep. Why dont you try to convince me a little
harder? I beckoned to him with my hand. He roared and lunged at me. I parried the
blow with Adders handle. I recognized the Runes on his blade, I didnt know what they
mean but they were unfamiliar and looked very powerful. The poison edge would never
work on that. I rolled backwards, coming up just in time to parry again. He bore down
on me with the combined weight of the heavy blade and himself, knocking me to one
knee. He was strong, and I realized what his rune was, it was called a Gravity Rune, it
increased the gravity that affected the blade towards the end of the blade, meaning it felt
much heavier to me than it did to him. I let go of Adder, allowing it to be pinned beneath
the blade of his sword. Then I grabbed his sword arm and twisted his wrist until it broke.
He roared and dropped the sword, but punched me with off-hand gauntlet on the cheek,
and I reeled backward. He then buffeted me with a combination of blows, and I finally
fell to my knees, unable to stand against his fists. Between blows, I noted the location of
a Matunaga lying nearby. I guarded my face with one hand and reached for the blade,
feeling my fingers wrap around it. I grabbed it and cut him across the chest with it. I
then reversed it and jammed the handle into his temple, knocking him out. I forced his
girth off me, and left him there, picking up Adder as I did. I raised her and brought her
left edge down on Karlis chains. She rose, rubbing where her restraints had been on her
wrists and ankles.


Id like to say that I embraced her tearfully and confessed my love for her, but
since we were in the middle of a battle, my next action was to fight off a Purger who was
coming after us. Then, I shouted to her, Wheres Cayss?
I dont know, but you need to get to Vexa, shes in trouble. Ill be fine, go.
Karli insisted, and then took off. She was right, she was no longer in trouble.
I charged straight for Artur and Vexa, I could see only them, Elxens fire clouded
all else.
I got to my feet and continued to move towards Artur. He and Skollgan were
locked in a furious battle. Skollgan leaped, but Artur thrust his spear and caught
Skollgan on the shoulder, blood spurted from the wound. The Wolf King, his beautiful
coat flecked with drops of blood, whimpered like a mewling pup, laid down, and closed
his eyes.
He approached Vexa slowly, golden spear aloft. I was still too far away, with no
hope of reaching them on time. It was over. Feyl would reclaim the earth and our battle
would be forever lost.
All my rage, all my pain, all my fear welled up inside of me. I stared at Artur,
focused every single bit of hatred inside of me, raised my right arm, and released its
power. A blast of fire erupted from my palm and consumed Artur. He ran around for a
while, and then tore off his flaming robes. He left them to burn, now standing in a heavy
suit of armor, hidden under his robes. My fire would not be enough to dispose of him.
What are you Artur? A priest or a warrior? I asked him.
My friend, they are the same thing. He said calmly.


Give up, Artur. Hestions army has destroyed yours, look around you. Your
men are all dead! Vexa shouted.
Maybe, but you will die and Feyl will return. Time to die, Vexa. He said and
brandished his spear.
Youll have to best me first, Artur. I challenged as I gripped Adder. He lunged
and I met his strike, golden metal meeting black as we danced back and forth. Adder
sung as I swiped down, but passed by Artur harmlessly. He struck me the stomach with
his spear butt, knocking breath from my lungs. He kicked my legs out from under me
and I hit the stone.
Ironic, isnt it? This is the place that brought us all together. When Vexa
destroyed this fountain, she met you, and brought me to power by killing my predecessor.
Now you will both die for killing him. Here is revenge for Feyl and for him. It is fitting
you should die here, where you first were tainted by Hestions ways. I will give you one
last chance, brother, rejoin us or you die now. He offered me his hand, which I scorned.
Go ahead, do it, priest murderer.
And so ends the tale of the rebellious heretic god and her blind followers. Artur
said as he held his spear to my neck.
If only it were that easy. A voice said. Suddenly, an arm was wrapped around
Arturs neck, a blade at his throat.
The hands were pale and grimy, but still strong. But the blade was familiar.
Cayss! I shouted hoarsely.
Kill him, Cayss. He is your enemy. Vexa urged.


I cant, we owe this man our lives. Go, Artur, my debt is repaid. He announced
gravely. He let Artur go, who sprinted out of the plaza unimpeded, he sounded retreat for
his men as he did.
Come, men, the enemy is here, you fools! Artur shouted to the main body of his
army that was still so far away.
The ground rumbled. Good, that meant they were close. I hugged Cayss like a
long-lost brother. He pounded my back.
Howd you get out? I asked, still bear-hugging the little rogue.
Do you know of any prison that can hold me, mate? Hey, whats that noise
coming from the west? He said as he grinned mischievously.
It was my turn to grin. Thats our ride out of here.


Chapter 39: Dawn

The rumbling grew, and began to mix with shouts of agony. The remainder of the
Espera guard was now being introduced to the Wanetas hooves, in a rather unpleasant
manner unfortunately. The Waneta were very smart creatures, they knew which to avoid
and which to trample.
The Waneta each had a harness on that led to a sled. The sleds each could hold at
least ten full-grown men, and the full herd of the Waneta Soldier Warbeasts was present.
We had enough to get everyone who couldnt walk out.
Come on, get everyone on a sled, if you can, women and children first! We
hurriedly loaded hundreds of children onto sleds, even the Dire Wolves hauling people by
their teeth. I tried not to look at the blood, the death on both sides that littered the plaza.
Children cried, but obeyed at their parents urgings. That was when the reinforcements
arrived, and not ours.
Alvas, cut me loose! Vexa shouted, but Cayss was already taking care of it. He
jiggled the locks on her cuffs until they came loose. Vexa grabbed a spear and hurled it
into the midst of the advancing army and was rewarded with a shriek from them. She
then ran over, and with a grunt pushed a bloody Skollgan onto the sled of a Waneta, who
struggled to haul the weight. She ordered some soldier to assist her, and soon he was
slumped between two sleds, and the riders were taking off. I didnt know why she
bothered saving him, for he looked dead or as close as it got to dead.
Men, we must hold them off until the herd escapes. she shouted. She held up a
spear and the army rallied around her. That army now consisted of about two hundred
Sandmen and thirty wolves, all that was left of the small force that had crushed an army


of five hundred. But the foe was now at least one thousand strong and not tired in the
The wolves were now in an absolute frenzy at the killing of their king. They
howled in fury and foamed at the mouth in rage. The Esperads advanced hesitantly; in
spite of the numbers they had never faced such fearsome opponents.
Alvas. Cayss. Karli called as walked up next to us, a bow in her hand and a
quiver of arrows on her back. So shed gone scavenging. I wasnt surprised in the least.
Oh, Karli. Thank Hestion. I breathed a sigh of relief. I resisted the urge to
throw my arms around her, and watched the approaching enemy. The last sled took off
away from the carnage of the fountain.
Now that everybody was crowding Vexa, she deliberated a moment, and then
gave a surprising order.
Run, follow me or scatter! For the desert, regroup at the Soldiers camp! Vexa
screamed. Everyone understood. We sprinted off, following the trail of destruction that
the Waneta had left in their wake. We were too fast for the Esperads to throw their
spears, and soon we were off into the alleyways of the city. Vexa made a great call
The night was still black and it would be hard to pick us out. They would
probably not catch the smart ones in the army, though Sandmen with no concept of
stealth would likely need to fight their way out with Vexa. But the athletic and longlegged Sandmen made great sprinters, and could disappear as soon as the soil became


Not so for Karli, Cayss, Izin, and I. We would stick together until we were out of
the city. We found Izin running at Vexas side and all of us broke away from the group
and disappeared into a side alley. We found a deserted dead end alley and stopped and
form a plan.
Where do we go? We cant hide out in the streets for long, Esperads are gonna
search every nook and cranny in the whole city. Izin whispered.
Cayss, you have places to hide all over the city, anywhere nearby come to
mind? I suggested calmly.
I have tons of places that we could hide, mate. But I dont come to this end of
the city too often, wed have to cross the plaza for a decent one of my hideouts. Cayss
said apologetically.
I wasnt allowed outside the Sollumas when I was in Lightbringer City. Sorry.
Karli said.
Alright, well that leaves my plan. Looks like its our only option. Follow me. I
ordered regretfully. We left the relative safety of the alleyway at a dead run. There was a
patrol at the mouth of the alley, we could hear them yelling. I peered around the corner
and saw it was a group of three men, one being a Purger.
Karli strung her bow, but I shook my head. We didnt need to kill anyone. Izin
looked at me and I mouthed No Killing. He nodded and we crouched in preparation for
an ambush.
They turned the corner, and we struck. I used Adder like a club, bringing down
the blunt and flat of the axe head on his helmet and watched him crumple like paper. Izin
blocked a spear thrust and bashed the guy with the basket hilt of his sword, breaking his


nose. He then gave a rather unsportsmanlike kick to the groin and that man crumpled as
well. But the last man was fleeing, hollering bloody murder. Cayss emerged from the
shadows and tripped the man. He flew through the air and face planted in the dust of the
alleyway. Cayss then held a knife to the mans throat as he gagged him by shoving a ball
of rags in the mans mouth. Karli ran to help him bind the mans arms and feet,
threatening him barbarically the whole way.
We kept to the most secluded alleyways I could think of; I knew the city well.
Cayss and my knowledge combined allowed us to lead our group through the city without
another encounter with the guards.
It took us many hours, I guessed, to reach the drainpipe that I had shimmied up so
often as a child. The window was open, as I had left it so very long ago.
My companions shimmied awkwardly up, making noise and cursing softly. I
climbed up as if I had done it yesterday, without noise or difficulty. The first light of
dawn came into my open window, illuminating my room. It was kept in perfect
condition. We sat in there, uninterrupted for roughly an hour. We crouched in silence. I
heard my dad leave for work, and as I did something came to me. This would be the last
time I was ever in my room: the last time I ever heard the normal sound of my dad
leaving for the Office of Information (though it was hardly normal to hear him storm out
at the first hint of dawn), the last time I was ever in the same room as the woman who
raised me. I was amazed at how small everything had become, and not just in size. In
significance. Who cared that I had ever been a troubled kid, that Id had a family, that
life had existed before I had fought? Now the stakes were a hundred, thousand times
higher than the stakes of that life had ever been.


I suddenly felt the need to say goodbye. To one last time hug the woman. She
loved me, and I owed her an explanation for everything Ive done.
I need to say goodbye. This will be it. I said, looking straight at Cayss. He
nodded mutely. I knew that he understood what I meant better than anyone else. I didnt
know about Izin, but Karli would do the same thing for certain. First, I set my weapon on
the bed, knowing that it would be bad to show my mother my new toy.
I walked down the stairs and into the mundane room that Id once eaten breakfast
in. My mom was busily cleaning up. I knew well that her normal reaction to a trauma
such as the din of yesterdays battle outside her window would be to clean. I walked up
gently and tapped her on the shoulder.
Hi, mom. I said before she could turn. She nearly passed out when she looked
at me. I held her up, feeling how small and delicate she was for the first time, like a
childs toy.
Alvas, what happened to you? Why arent you in the Sollumas? She gasped. I
helped her to a chair.
I have some things to tell you. You probably wont like it. I said slowly. I then
went straight into my journey, in every minute detail. She nodded, shook her head, bit
her lip, and was overcome by emotion finally. When it was all over, she threw her arms
around me like only a mother could.
Im very proud of you. She said, her head buried in my broad, tan shoulder.
Why? I said dumbly. That was the one thing Id never expected to hear.
Curses, tears, I was ready for anything but this. I then began to cry, overcome with the
loss of my childhood and homesickness for my mother.


Ive known for longer than I dare tell you that Espera has lost its way. My
country has hurt people, Alvas. Weve created a rift in this world. Thats why people
need gods, Alvas. We need gods so kings can have power. So people can build walls. I
know this isnt what He intended for us, but this is what He made us. Im glad that you
had the courage to see that. Through brave Children of Feyl like you and your friends,
perhaps gods can break down the walls weve built with their help. Go make it right,
Alvas. She sad with a final squeeze, and let me go.
A pounding was at the door, and my mother pushed me gently towards the stairs.
I dazedly went where her touch guided me.
Hello maam. We were wondering if there has been any unusual activity nearby
you. The voice was commanding and sure, the voice of a soldier.
No, thankfully. I heard a great noise in the streets, what was it? Luteine said
There has been a battle in the fountain plaza. Some enemy soldiers are
reportedly still in the city. Watch out for them, scream if you are approached, there will
be someone within earshot for the remainder of the day and the night. He said stiffly.
Thank you, Feyl bless your paths. She said warmly. I heard the door close.
Her little feet moved up the stairs, she walked in and spoke hurriedly, nervous in
her own home.
Until tomorrow morning you will stay here. I will keep Oseph away, dont any
of you worry. He rarely comes in here anyway. I will make food for you all. I insist that
you have just one more day of rest before you leave on your journey again. She then
went around to Izin, Cayss, and Karli in turn and hugged and kissed them each on both


cheeks. She whispered something in Karlis ear, and Karli smiled strangely and hugged
my little mother back. I didnt like the look of that.
We did as she asked. We relaxed, laying out and sleeping despite the constant
danger of Oseph. But I knew Oseph would have no desire to be reminded of me, and
wouldnt want in. And I knew my mother would keep us safe, as I promised my
In the morning, without a word from anyone, we slipped out the window and I left
anything that was left of my old self behind with my mother.


Chapter 40: Returning to Lightbringer City.

Wearily, we left the city. We started by crouching low in the dust and avoiding
drawing any attention to ourselves. But theyd already given up hope of finding anyone.
Theyd assumed the fleet-footed wolves and Sandmen had made it to the desert without
any problems. Karli had to dispatch some men with her bow, but only a couple. It was
amazing how after the battle with the Esperads I no longer felt sad to watch my enemies
There was no regret left for my enemies deaths, I already had too much for those
of my friends and allies.
I looked down at my blackened right arm, remembering for the first time that I
had controlled my sollum. I fired a fireball at Artur to keep him from killing Vexa. It
was the first semblance of control Id ever had over my sollum. I recalled the
exhilaration that had come with being its master. Perhaps I could do it again, if I
practiced. But for now, I would continue to wear a Sol Chain.
I remembered walking this same dusty road a few months ago. I had been a
desperate fugitive then. Now I was a desperate fleeing soldier. I was desperate because I
knew that the army would not be there to meet us. They probably had guessed we would
not return at all.
The dusty roads gradually tuned to uneven slippery sand as we trudged along. As
we walked, the desert day turned to cool desert night. I finally picked up my head to see
a crackling fire. I sprinted towards it, knowing who would be there.


Vexa! Izin cried, hard on my heels. Izin threw his arms around Vexa as she
stood up. I stood aside, though as I did the sand began to boil and a dark girl arose from
it. I hugged Malia hard, thrilled to see she made it. She hugged me back tightly.
I knew youd make it back. Malia said, chin resting on my shoulder.
You didnt have to stay, you know. Youve done great things for me, and I owe
you my life. I will miss you, but its time your returned to your people. I cant ask you
to give your life for me any longer. I said sadly. It killed me to say that.
She let me go, and looked at me deeply, thankful. She looked healed, like shed
never been before. The battle had been a great success, I knew. It didnt feel like it
though, with everybody who was dead.
With the Sand Contract, you have earned yourself one more ally in this war. It
matters not where I am, I will fight for the Darkbringer and for your, Alvas. She
announced with a smile.
Maliathank you so much for everything. I really didnt know what I would
do without you. I stammered.
Well, glad you two are finally getting along. I like it better when you two hug
than when you fight. Cayss said with a grin.
I dont. Karli said coolly. We all laughed and she gave me a look. Apparently
she wasnt kidding. Fair enough.
So where are we going? I take it its not where the armys going. Izin said
casually. He didnt mess around for long.


Thats right, Izin, we have to go back to Lightbringer City. The Army moves
under Bellumere and Avonaco to meet the armies of Allardon in the capital. I trust that
youve spoken to Mesa about the prophecy we must find? Vexa asked offhandedly.
Yeah, but how did you know? I shot back.
Me and Mesago way back, as you know. There are way we have of staying in
touch. She said with a self-amused smile.
I chose to ignore that, but asked another question.
Were fairly notorious in Lightbringer City at the moment. Its big, but we cant
disappear that fully, can we?
No, but we arent without contacts in the city. We have people who can
effectively camouflage us. Actually, theyre the best in the business.
Oh, I think youre already quite familiar with them. Vexa said honestly.
No way. Not Cayss muttered
Im afraid so. Vexa apologized.
The Heretics? Karli guessed.
Vexa nodded then elaborated: We share a common enemy with the Heretics.
Even though I abhor the false idol they fight for, they are invaluable allies. Though Im
not sure how willing theyll be to help us after you destroyed their hideout with that
Teardrop bomb. She said with a frown.
Wasnt our fault, I was happy to do it. Karli affirmed stubbornly.
Me too, mate. Maskmaker has always given me the creeps. He is mad, you
know. Cayss said matter-of-factly.


More than you know. The first mask he wore, the pone he was born with, was
that of a killer and a zealot. He has a lot in common with Artur, also with myself.
Hes nothing like Artur. Cayss objected hotly. It made me cringe to hear him
defend Artur but not her. The fact that he was more committed to Artur than
Vexaboded poorly.
and much less like you! Izin denied her claim. But I agreed with both
parallels, so I remained silent.
And why not? Artur was willing to slaughter dozens of families for a madmans
ritual. You must accept that no matter what hes done for you, Artur is a ruthless disciple
of a murderous god, and our enemy. Are you really on our side, Cayss? Vexa accused
Cayss saved me, and you Vexa. If he werent, then why wouldnt he let us die?
Cayss is like my brother; if you insult him you insult me. Dont insult me again. I yelled
the threat. I couldnt believe my own words, going against Vexa so furiously. I realized
suddenly that my anger was not my own.
Im sorry, Vexa, do you have a Sol Chain? I need one. I said shakily. I was
changed by that battle, I needed something to control me so my anger could not. She
handed me the chain and patted my shoulder.
Maskmaker is a monster, using him is a bad plan. Cayss stated.
Yes, but now he the only one who can disguise us. Which is why we are going
to him now. Vexa said before striding off. We followed her, the vastness of the desert
inspiring silence.


I thought of the amazing things that are done with a madmans dreams.
Something is seriously wrong when the leaders of countries are willing to slay children
for their beliefs. What kind of god would ask for that from his followers? Either a devil,
or a god who is misinterpreted by his followers.
We tired quickly and lay down beneath the stars. We fell asleep quickly,
comfortable with the solitude of the desert. Vexa, who was anxious to keep moving,
woke us prematurely. We followed behind her a few steps, though Izin walked next to
her. A shape emerged from the desert, cloaked in a rags and sand.
Mesa. Vexa acknowledged him briefly with a nod.
Axeva. He greeted her solemnly.
I thank you for helping the children get my freedom and save the others. I owe
you my life. Vexa said in a distinctly ungrateful voice.
You owe me your life many times over, well simply add this one to your debts.
I wish to serve the master however I can. Mesa said earnestly. The two operated under
veiled hostility. Mesa then turned to us for the first time. Children! I am most
impressed by your saving the goddess from that over-zealous child. Our confidence in
you is not at all displaced. He praised warmly.
Thank you for all your help, and we are all worried about Skollgan. Is he all
right? I asked, my fear and urgency betrayed. Skollgan had become a good friend
during our time with the wolves, he had fought hard for us as well.
I used all the healing ability of a god, and Skollgan will be fine. Hes a big
animal, and he has a lot of blood. It will take more than a spear in the shoulder to kill
him. Mesa said assuredly.


How does the armys progress go? Vexa asked.

They are hidden deep in Nomads Land and are being re-supplied and mended
by the Sandmen. In exchange for Paloss life, which will be left to them as forfeit and
repentance, Mesa said with his wheezy little laugh,
A fair deal. Karli whispered. We all nodded our assent.
These children have made for you yet another critical ally in your war, Axeva.
Your odds of victory grow less slim, though they are still small.
Thanks for your report, Mesa. Now you may go. Vexa dismissed him. She was
very, very ungrateful for all his help. She did owe him plenty, and that was no way to
treat someone who you were so indebted to.
I didnt just come for that. Ive come to remind you that you must get the
prophecy. It is the key to all. And if you fail, Axeva, you must not let yourself be
captured again. All he needs to bring Feyl back is you. With that warning, I leave you.
Mesa said before he sunk back into the sand. Another strange appearance of the old man
with the rags. Though his warnings werent nearly as veiled and useless as usual.
That was odd. Karli said uncertainly.
He wanted to read us, not to speak with us. He is very interested in our
progress. Vexa explained.
Why? Izin asked.
Mesa has never been a fighter, it is not the nature of the god of wisdom. But
Mesa does desire to help Hestion and influence events, as he always has. He can only
offer one thing: his mind. No small weapon. He has many ancient friends and knows
many, many things. He is the Darkbringers second greatest ally, besides myself. Vexa


assured us. I could detect jealousy in her tone. So that was why Mesa and Axeva rarely
worked cooperatively. They were, even now, competing for his favor. Not an effective
strategy for winning his freedom.
It was dark when we returned to Lightbringer City. We stole into the city and we
followed the alleyways. We managed to avoid the guards but narrowly missed them
several times. Security was increased slightly, but Esperad arrogance led them to have
already decreased their measures.
Wed wreaked significant damage on the tattered building when wed departed,
but the Den of Heretics had survived and had returned to its former shabby splendor. It
was nice to know someone was raising hell around here while I was gone. I had always
born a grudging sort of respect for them. Even hearing Maskmakers horrifying story
didnt make me hate him.
So, what do we do? Knock? Cayss guessed.
Something like that. Vexa responded as she approached the door. She knocked,
nobody answered for onetwothree seconds.
Alvas, would you kindly? She asked and held her hand out. I nodded and
pulled it out of the makeshift holder I wore on my back.
Vexa admired the weapon as I held it in my hand, her eyes noting the Runes and
their location.
A deadly axe if ever Ive seen one, Bellumere did well by you. And how keen
the edge is, youve been sharpening it religiously. And those Runes! That man is a true
genius; you should thank him for it again, sometime down the road. Care to demonstrate
its power? She suggested. I nodded, turned the Poison edge, and brought it down with


tremendous force. I sheared the weak wood of the door in half. It was designed to be
camouflaged, not sturdy. Vexa drew a sword that had been in her belt. It was shorter and
sturdier than most blades, an Allard Stoutsword, used by Allardons infantry. She
walked in
Wordlessly, we drew our weapons. We might be going into a fight.
We walked in to see Vexa standing toe-to-toe with Maskmaker, who was a good
deal shorter than her. Heretics were scrabbling for their blades.
What in the name of Kleptos are you doing, Vexa? He shouted.
Best quiet yourself, Mask, you never know what guards you might attract in the
silence of the night. Vexa warned him.
Very well, but what do you want with us, warrior demoness? He threatened.
Apparently Vexa and the Heretics werent quite as simpatico as Vexa led us to believe.
Whoa there, mate. Thats a bit harsh, dont you think? Cayss said cheekily.
Maskmaker was wearing the face of a handsome young man at the moment.
Blotches of angry blush came to his face when he laid eyes on us.
And you bring the same children who destroyed my home, nearly exposing my
entire business, just a few months ago? On second thought, I dont care what you want,
get out. He enunciated the last two words more clearly, voice climbing in anger.
These same children seem to have a knack for mayhem. They also orchestrated
the battle on the new moon. What do you think of that? Vexa retorted smugly.
Maskmakers expression immediately became warmer. Vexa used us to exploit
his soft spot for chaos and mayhem. How classic of Vexa, using the achievements of her
friends to her own benefit. That was what made her a great general.


Well in that case, how can we help? I must admit to you five that I really do
love your work. Weve been at this for years, and weve never caused that much panic in
the streets. I must know your secret. He begged. He was practically kissing our feet.
This guy really was crazy.
Er, Im not really sure. We just sort ofcharged. I summarized our complex
battle tactics eloquently.
Fascinating, bold! My skills and men are at your disposal, how may we assist?
Izin, Alvas, Malia, and I will need Snowguard attire. We are too tall to pass for
citizens, but Snow Guards wont attract too much attention, especially during wartime.
But arent Snowguard just Esperads in white cloaks? Amazingly, Id hardly
wondered at the origin of the enigmatic archer group.
Not even I know who they are, nobody does. They are a carefully guarded
secret. Vexa said dismissively.
I heard a quiet cough from the back, and everyone looked to Karli.
I know a little something about the Snow Guards. She offered with a small
Please, enlighten us. Maskmaker said eagerly. Karli was Kecklas, but what
could she possibly know that no one else does?
I was very young when I was forfeited to Espera, but I remember the details
clear as day. I was dragged away from a village that loved me, kicking and screaming.
But not only I left that day. Young men came from all over to our village, the best
hunters in the many settlements all over the Mystic North. I remember watching them as
they donned ivory cloaks, swearing to never take them off again. She retold the tale as if


it were yesterday. I remembered again the sting of betrayal that burned Karli underneath
her layer of cool.
Sothe Kecklas are fighting with Espera? Were finished. Cayss surmised.
No, we don know that. Perhaps the men were extorted into joining, like Karli
was. It would make sense. That would effectively neutralize the most potent part of the
Kecklas military without forcing Kecklas to choose one side over the other. Malia
thought it out with her usual military frame of mind. She saw things differently than
humans, sometimes more clearly.
How the Snowguard were formed is irrelevant, what matters is that a cloak offers
us perfect disguise, and we will take advantage of it to sneak into the Office of
Information. Izin didnt want to speculate, he wanted to move. Izin had a lot of men in
that army, and Im sure he was anxious to return to them, to count the ones that lived.
I agree with Izin, but that wasnt all I had in mind. I said with a look at Karli.
She immediately understood and beamed her thanks at me.
What else, Alvas? Vexa asked.
I feel an urge to visit some old friends, pay some debts, wreak havoc in some
familiar halls. This and that. I said in a singsong voice.
And where would these friends, debt, and halls be located? Vexa replied.
Let me guess: our old schoolyard, Lightbringer City Sollumas. Cayss said with
obvious displeasure.
I nodded and Cayss groaned loudly. Alvas, come on, dont make me go back
there. Cayss pleaded.


Dont worry Cayss, you dont have to go anywhere. Youre not big enough to
pass for a Snowguard, and I dont want you there if things get sticky in the process of
getting the Others out. I said while putting a hand on Caysss slight shoulders.
No way, mate, you arent getting rid of me that easily. Cayss said stubbornly.
Cayss, this isnt your day. Spend your time poking around the block the Office
of Information is on. Well need the place checked out, meet us in front in exactly one
days time. Vexa instructed him carefully, trying not to hurt his pride.
Alright then, fine, Ill look it over. Ill visit some of my old haunts around the
city too, see what I can pick up about the situation in the city. He caved, looking mad.
That was all right; he could not be there when the fight started, no matter what.
The great room with the crackling fireplace emptied after the meeting. Cayss and
I hung back, we hadnt gotten chance to swap information and we needed to.
Hey, Cayss, thanks for saving me from Artur back in the plaza. I said again. He
nodded and smiled at me. The smile disappeared faster than usual.
Snothing, mate. Youre my best friend, I wouldnt let him skewer you. He said
with a pat on my bicep.
So howd you get loose? I asked.
Im insulted youd expect less from me. I can turn just about any moment into a
getaway. But really, what can I say? I have a gift. He boasted, but it was half-hearted
compared with his usual enthusiasm.
Whats wrong, youre down? I finally cleared the air.
Artur came to me in the cell, pulled me out to talk to me in private. He said


Did he hurt you? I perked up with fear.

No, itshes been helping me mum, shes all better now. She visited me.
Thats wonderful! How was she? I asked haphazardly. It was hard for me to
reconcile that Artur would do that: after all he was willing to do to his enemies. How
could a person be so good yet so bad? It was the paradox of humanity.
She was healthy, happy to see me, quite in a tizzy over me leaving and such.
She doesnt really remember how awful she was, which is better I think. She missed me
as much as I missed her. She told me I could come visit her in the Tithmaw any time.
But I know hell be waiting too, so I cant go. He sighed wistfully. He finally had a
mother, but fate had placed them on opposite sides of a battle. I could practically see the
conflicted emotions playing out on his face. It was horrible.
Im going to leave for now, but Ill meet you at the Office of Information
tomorrow night. He began to walk away. I was suddenly much less sure of Caysss
loyalty than I had been in the past. But I grabbed him in a bear hug before he could.
When I let him go, it felt like it would be a long time before I could hug him again.


Chapter 41: Blood Battles

We swept through the streets of Lightbringer City, surrounded by the bustling
crowds of the city on every side. We were uncontested in our cloaks the color of driven
snow; avoided even. I could understand the way the Esperads looked at us, they
understood that the Snowguard were different from them, and treated us as Esperads treat
those that are different from them.
We were silent, hooded figures, made inhuman by our mysterious garb. Our look
completed by the longbows slung over our shoulders. Snowguard were meant to be this
way, outside the lives of decent, normal Esperads. I remembered how I felt now, lonely,
disturbed, and yet somehow extra-human. I think that being apart from others makes us
feel that way.
I led the procession, tallest of the group. When Id met Vexa, I was nearly an
inch shorter than her. Id grown nearly two inches since then, and had put on about
fifteen pounds in pure muscle. I was not the scared child that Custa had bullied anymore.
I wanted to free the Others, but this was also a revenge on this place, this prison.
It was a secret desire of mine to burn it down, but self-control stopped me.
I pounded on the door and a Claywalker answered it. Wed guessed it would be,
so that if it were an enemy they would none of the guards would lose their lives.
State your business. The clay golem said emotionlessly.
Snowguard never spoke, and only worked with officially stamped documentation
by the Voice of Feyl himself. Maskmaker had had an excellent forgery made of such a
document, that read like so:


Sollum Master,

It is of absolute urgency that every single child of Nether Race lineage be

released to my custody for a wartime assignment on the front lines. These
children must be obtained by any means necessary and delivered by the
Snowguard Emissaries to whom the order is entrusted. Feyl bless your eyes.
Exalted Voice of Feyl, General Artur Saylen

I had never known my friend and adversarys surname. I had never known mine,
and refused to adopt my foster parents surname, Calrein. I was a nameless wretch, I
suppose. But this was no time for lamenting things past.
Vexa had gone over the plan before we left: Okay, so we get in, grab them, and
go. There should be no reason for any other action on their part, so this should be quick
and clean, no fighting. Shed ordered.
I held my breath, as the living piece of pottery looked it over. He nodded, clay
joints grinding on one another, and stood aside to let us in. We entered the torch-lit room
and the night of our escape washed over me again. The statues had been replaced, though
the depiction of the SollumMaster now only had one hand, my fault.
He led us to the SollumMaster, to whom he handed the letter and walked
deliberately away, filling the stone passageways with the eerie grinding noise of a
Claywalker on the move.


SollumMaster read the order and bit his lip nervously. Im sorry, but this
cannot be done. The children barricaded themselves into one of the courtyards; theyve
been there for weeks now. Theyve probably starved themselves. But the entire building
has worked itself into frenzy. The Others have been attacking the normal children for
years, and the good little children had finally had enough, they chased them in there and
the Others hid like cowards. He spat on the ground. It was al I had not to leap at the
guy. This man was the one behind the intolerance in the Sollumas. He fed it, rewarded
it, brought it to life, and now was defending it and lying for it. We all new that it was
people like this who perpetuated the hatred of us, and wouldve liked nothing better than
to strike out at him.
I did as Vexa had instructed, and pointed insistently to the words on the page by
any means necessary.
SolllumMaster thought for a moment, then got a cruel look on his face They are
barricaded in with large amounts of wood, it may be risky, but we could burn the barrier
down. He suggested maliciously.
I didnt want to, but I knew that if I refused his request, he would report us. We
were obedient servants, what did we care if a few Others got some nasty burns? I nodded
reluctantly, knowing the risks all too well.
He beckoned a few guards to him, and gave them orders to start the fire. He told
us to make ourselves comfortable while they made a merry blaze out of the Others
defenses. The Others had smuggled tables, chairs, and all manner of items to separate
Unus and Decus courtyards. Smoke flowed from the furniture as it burned. In a matter
of one jour it was gone.


SollumMaster approached us, the sun gleaming off his head. You will enter
first, then Captain Murdock, our military instructor, and myself will lead the guards in
after you to help subdue them. He recited the plan. He didnt ask our opinions because
they didnt matter.
I nodded at the others, took a running start, and leapt over the hot embers of the
burnt barrier. As soon as I got to my feet, I had to roll away from the swipe of a razor
sharp set of claws. The next blow came quickly, aimed at my face. I grabbed Kalsiffers
wrist as he struck and shoved him away. He snarled at me like a caged beast.
Kalsiffer, calm down, its me. Were back for you guys, calm down. I hissed at
him. I looked at his eyes, they were slitted like a cats and didnt focus on me. He was
an animal now, incapable of understanding. He wanted a fight. Fine, I was going to
enjoy this.
He came at me again, claws rending the air as I dodged. Id watched Kalsifer
inflict some pretty deep cuts with his talons, but hed never attacked so ferociously. He
was aiming to kill, extreme even for him. I grabbed his wrist again and head-butted him
with my forehead. He staggered backward. I was amazed how much stronger I was than
him, how times change.
Come on, Kalsiffer, you cant beat me. You dont want to beat me. I insisted.
He apparently disagreed. He suddenly crouched on all fours, and began to change
drastically. His mouth suddenly filled with fangs, his left hand grew a set of claws, and
his ears elongated, like a bats.


Of course, I shouldve seen it before. Kalsiffer was a vampire. Vampires ruled

most of the Mystic North, the land beyond Kecklas. They often fought Kecklas and their
neighbors, Magra in an attempt to expand their borders south.
Kalsiffer lunged at me, his attack more ferocious then I couldve imagined. I held
him back by barring him under his chin. He slashed at me with long claws, my blood
driving him into an even greater frenzy. I compulsively went for Adder, but it was gone,
left in the Den of Heretics. I drove up with my knee and he whimpered as it connected
with his crotch. I rolled hard and suddenly I was on top of him, pinning his head by his
long hair. I grabbed a shredded piece of my cloak and shoved it in his mouth. He
struggled for a moment, then relaxed. I let him go, and he raked his claws across my
arm, shredding the skin.
I roared savagely in anger. That would scar. He deserved to be put down for
awhile. I clapped my hands on his eardrums and he grabbed them. I then laid a
commanding punch onto his jaw, and he was out with a whimper.
Now stay down, bloodsucker. I told his unconscious form. Karli came over and
pulled me to my feet as Tiva rushed to Kalsiffer. Thanks for the welcome, Tiva.
Everyone was watching me. On one side were the Others, Vexa, Karli, Izin, and
Malia. On the other SollumMaster, Captain, and about a dozen guardsmen.
Um, Alvas, your hood fell off. Tiva informed me. Oh.
You are the Allard whos escaped three new moons ago. Alvas. Captain said
slowly. While they processed that, Vexa threw off her cloak, revealing her Sandman
leather armor vest. She then cracked her longbow on the nearest Esperad head. Then the


battle began in earnest. Vexa pulled out two of the Stoutswords. She pointed them at the
spear-wielding guards.
Let me handle these fools, you get out of here. Vexa instructed us coolly. She
then threw herself at the group, blades twirling and stabbing as Vexa fought.
We skirted the battle, confident that Vexa didnt need any assistance handling a
couple dozen guards. Kalsiffers limp body was slung over Buggrums back. Our whole
party had weapons drawn and was ready to fend off attack. I made due with a sturdy
spear shaft I could use like a stave.
What we found past the ash-covered doorway was bad. There were about thirty
Pures, wielding makeshift weapons. At Sanis words, Buggrum gently set down the
incapacitated Kalsiffer and stood tall. Sani had a knife and was crouching protectively
over Kalsiffers body.
A familiar boy stepped forward. He was the first battle Id ever won. A small
boy, even smaller now, he looked at me boldly.
Well not let you escape! Well stop you all and be war heroes! He cried
shrilly. Ah the idiocy of youth, their minds so plagued with dreams of grandeur and
conviction there is little room left for common sense.
I dont want to hurt you, were soldiers, and we will kill you if youre in our
way. I said tiredly. That was true, I was tired. Tired of Esperad stupidity, passed on
from generation to generation by people like SollumMaster.
You will die, heathen! He cried and charged. I heard Karli draw her bowstring
back, but I was faster than her for once. I moved like lightning, ducking a wild swing
and decking him. He groaned, laying in the dirt. Poor idiot.


Dont be stupid, you dont have to be. For once, just stop doing what they tell
you and think this through. I persuaded.
Hes right! Someone in the crowd shouted. Suddenly, everyone was hollering
his agreement. They parted before us. Guess sometimes all it takes to save thirty lives is
one person in a crowd who isnt an idiot.
We all walked out together, others watching silently as we did. Maybe children
didnt have to be caught in the thrall of crazy brainwashing by adults. Maybe there was
still hope for Espera.
We hid away for several hours in one of Caysss checkpoints, the one nearest the
Sollumas. We held our breaths; it was taking Vexa an unusually long time to defeat the
guards. Two-dozen Esperads was usually about five minutes, but shed been gone for
about sixty. When she finally walked up, she was unscathed in her cloak.
What took you so long? I couldve finished those men off faster. Izin boasted.
He could not.
I was doing a couple things to cover our tracks. First, I locked them all into
Decus courtyard so they cant go for help. Second, I burned down their records room so
they wont know whom any of you are. Third, it took longer because I didnt want to kill
them; the Esperads have enough ammunition against me. They were all good reasons to
be late. She was good, very good. I wouldve never thought to do any of those things.
Where do we go from here? Sani asked timidly. He was very confused, and I
knew that inside Sani had always known exactly what would happen when, and he could
handle it. Not anymore, Sani. Out here you have no control over anything but yourself.


Well all go back to the Den, youll be refilled with food and water, and a few
packets of blood for your friend over there. Then youll go into Nomads Land, an old
man will meet you and lead you to our army. Youll travel with them, because I assume
its your only option. Vexa already had everything planned out in her head, though the
Others seemed to be struggling with it all.
Buggrum looked as if he had just woken up from a weeklong nap. But Tiva
seemed to be handling it decently, so he nodded and we moved. We sat silently until
nightfall, we moved none too stealthily the. Buggrum blundered about like a drunk with
Kalsiffer slung over his shoulder, while Sani had trouble keeping up. Tivas eyes were
locked on Kalsiffer in worry, at least that hadnt changed. But Vexa had to put a few
guards to sleep in order to keep our path clear.
We made it back to the Den to find it empty. Apparently the Heretics were out in
the city causing mischief, which was just as well for me, as I really didnt enjoy their
company anyway. I decided to chat with Tiva because Sani was annoying, Buggrum
wasnt much of a conversationalist, and Kalsiffer was still unconscious. We thought his
body was going into withdrawal for lack of blood (other peoples not his own). Sani
irritably asked for a mound of ingredients he could use to create a feasible substitute. My
feelings for him hadnt changed, and I refused to get anywhere near the little insect.
So are you glad you stuck around? I asked Tiva lightly. Seeing her now was
like seeing her with new eyes. She was shorter and thinner, but in a way that was
somehow threatening, like a sharper knife blade. But her eyes still told me that she
hadnt grown up. Her eyes still lacked that edge of cynicism that life had forced into my
heart like it had to so many others.


I had to stay, Alvas, you know why. But we certainly should not have. After
you left, things got worse. Pures came at us in swarms. They werent just using their
fists anymore either. I have old scabs all over from wounds by homemade knives.
Kalsiffer was amazing; he single-handedly kept them off us. He confessed to being a
vampire after we found him licking blood off him claws after a battle. He thought he
could go without for a while, but when we barricaded ourselves in he was almost at the
breaking point. I think he wouldve drunk your blood if he beat you. She told me in
Thanks for telling me. Its a good thing he could never beat me. Tiva, you
realize that you cant hang on to him. Im warning you, he will rejoin his own people one
day, and youll have to let him go. I foretold. The army would deliver him to the
vampires if he didnt leave willingly.
I figured, and I wont try to stop him. Hes never had the same feelings for me
that I had for him. It will be better for me when hes gone. She said bitterly, and I
nodded in agreement unconsciously.
I think that Im going to take Buggrum and head to Estia, maybe find the
Amazons, maybe join the war, maybe just become civilians. I dont know. But I have to
get out of the country, thats for sure. Tiva sounded anxious and unsure of herself.
I raised my eyebrows. I was reluctant to agree with this plan. Tiva was just a
girl, and although Buggrum was a good bodyguard, Tiva would have to care for him like
a child too. It would be a hard journey, one I wasnt sure she was ready for.


Thats risky, Tiva. Youll be traveling through warring territory, and with war
comes other unsavory things that make it dangerous for you. At least let me send you an
escort. I tried to persuade her, but I knew that it would not be done even before I tried.
Ill be fine. I know that part of you thinks Im still a scared little girl, but I think
another part of you knows I never was one. And people tend to underestimate both
Buggrum and I. Well prove you wrong. Tiva was determined. I truly admired her.
Shed somehow managed to look at this ugly world and still believe in something: herself
and Buggrum. That was strength. Shed be fine.
And now the only business left to attend to is cutting the bonds youve made. It
was something I was familiar with.
Tiva hugged me, Youre strong, Alvas, stronger than Kalsiffer by far. I dont
know what I ever saw in him that I didnt see in you. Im sorry for not seeing it sooner,
but I see it now. Well meet down the road, Alvas, and when we do, maybe you can
think of me as more than the child you see now. They were interesting last words. They
could mean many things that I dare not think on too hard. They were words that would
keep me up late at night for years to come thinking on what was and what could be.
I could think of only one thing to say, Take whatever you want, a knife at the
very least. You wont stay alive long out there with just those batons you used to use.
She laughed, a tinkering, gentle thing Ill help myself to a good blade, or four, or
five. Well, time to cut more bonds. Goodbye, Alvas. She got up and walked away. I
watched as she approached Karli and hugged her, as Vexa handed her several knives of
varying size and shape, as she curtsied to Izin, as she hugged Sani. She then bent down
to Kalsiffers body, stroked his hair, then kissed his jaw: purple and swollen where Id hit


him. It was a lingering kiss, a kiss of an indecisive but inevitable goodbye. She then
took Buggrum by the hand and walked out. She looked back at me once and blew me a
sad little kiss. All I could do was imagine Karli wouldve departed. Without a hug, a
kiss, or even a backward glance. I didnt know how I felt about that.
She came over and sat down next to me. I felt her grab my muscular arm and
begin to wipe away the blood that had dried on my arm and to apply the bandage. It was
the first interaction wed had, and there was something beautiful in how gentle she was.
I missed you. I admitted in a whisper. But she ignored me. There was
something important in her mind.
Things have changed, Alvas. Theyve changed so much I cant even fathom it.
That stupid kid who we used to wrestle with in the schoolyard, I almost shot him down
with my bow. And I cant even pretend that I wouldnt have really done it. Karli said
with a shiver.
Remember when we were sitting in that tent back at the Outpost, listening to
those grizzled old soldiers talking about battle? How they sounded weary. I think I
understand the weariness better now. Its as much about the dreams that follow the
battle. The stuff you and I know that we never used to know. How seeing a kid charging
at you with his fists looks a little too much like a soldier with a lance? But making sure
the new things dont bleed into your life too much, thats the important part. Id thought
about this long and hard, for I too had thought about how easy killing had become.
Sometimes I think Im a monster. I think that wanting revenge has turned me
into one. If I dont avenge myself, then Ive let myself be forgotten. And being forgotten
is worse than being a monster.


There were judgments I wanted to make, things I wanted to say. But I realized
that maybe it was time for me to stop judging Karli.
Im a monster too. But I dont yet know what my monster wants, I just know its
angry. And its made of fire. And that was the worst of it. Elxen was still just an angry
monster in my chest. I didnt know what he needed to find peace.
Well Ill fight your monster if you fight mine. Karli bargained with a halfplayful-half-serious smile. I returned it.
Sounds good. And so Karli and I had one more battle to fight.


Chapter 42: Prophecy

We spent the rest of the day in the Den. We emerged when the night was black.
We moved through the streets. It was slow going, guards were posted over every street
and they were on high alert. We made it to the Office of Information with some
difficulty, though no encounters. We were all too used to this to get caught in it. We
slipped into the alley next to it, the place where we were meant to meet Cayss; he was not
Lets go on without him. Malia quietly voiced her opinion.
No, I said Id wait for him. A little bit longer. I pleaded.
Guards make their rounds down this alleyway every ten minutes, Alvas. We
havent got the time. We go now. Vexa whispered with finality. I nodded reluctantly.
We drew our weapons and snuck in the front entrance, which was surprisingly unbolted
and unguarded. When we entered, I knew everything was wrong immediately.
After Izin entered, the door slammed and bolted behind him. Artur stood in the
center of the room, in his full raiment of heavy golden plates. Holding his golden spear
and golden shield, he looked like an avenging angel. That wasnt all, surrounding us on
every side were Snowguards, with bows at full draw, ready to fire at the drop of a hat. It
was a trap!
Well, well looks like my information was good. You are here to get the Great
Prophecy. How foolish of you. Artur said, his voice dripping malice.
How, how did you know? Vexa wondered in horror. Vexa was actually scared,
that never happened.


Why dont you ask him? Artur suggested. Out from behind the Snowguards,
stepped a little man wearing the ceremonial robes of the Voice of Feyl, holding a
womans hand. Cayss. It was another moment of absolute numbness, similar to the
moment Karli was killed. Everything was suddenly cosmic, lacking in earthly
importance, and I floated in some space within my own mind. My best friend had killed
Shall I take it from here? A voice spoke from within me, ancient and powerful.
I responded in mild surprise Elxen? I didnt know you could talk.
I can. But should I rescue your fragile body from destruction?
I frowned to myself. Will you be gentle? Will you avoid my friends?
You are the only human I care about. I cant tell the difference between your
enemies and your friends. So no. But are your friends really worth having, as you can
hardly tell if they truly are? Wouldnt having no friends be easier?
I debated this for a moment, simply for the sake of philosophy Easier, but not
better. I think Ill handle this myself.
I will help you. You cant do this alone. Elxen said firmly. I then felt my sollum
open, despite the Sol Chain I wore. It was the first time I ever felt truly whole, both
Elxen and myself as one being. In spite of the betrayal of my friend, I still felt better.
The sudden realization that Elxen was my ally and not my enemy was a temporary
anesthetic from the pain of betrayal. That would come later. Now would come payback.
My voice was clear and steady and powerful as it rang out in challenge to Cayss.
I dont know why you did this, Cayss, and I dont much care. You have never
been out for yourself. Youve only every used us as hired muscle and never as friends.


And the times I thought you were a friend, I was wrong. You cant stop me Artur, for I
fight with justice on my side, and you know it despite your blindness. It is time for us to
get what came for, and I then well be off. The Sol Chain began to glow under the strain
of attempting to hold Elxen back.
Stick to the plan. I said quietly to my friends. I trusted they heard me and acted
like I knew I had to. I focused on Cayss, drew all my anger inward, threw my hand up
and released. The Sol Chain shattered as a wave of flames blasted from my right arm.
The arrows from the bows of the Snowguards were carbonized in midair, saving my
friends and I from becoming pincushions. I had controlled my sollum and used it to stop
them. I sprinted towards the entrance to the massive library, Karli on my tail.
I noticed that most of the Snowguards had dodged the wall of fire, and Artur still
stood in my way. My sollum was active, and it had caused flames to spring from Adders
right edge. I raised the white-hot edge of Adder and brought it down on his shield,
Mithras edge clanging hard on the flat surface. He fell, his arm ringing with the force of
the blow. Karli and I ran past him before he could recover, and we were in the library
We ducked behind the nearest towering shelf, to hide. I forced my flaming right
arm to go out so we could hide. Karli and I both knew she was here to be the eyes, her
Seeing Sol unencumbered by the darkness.
She took my hand and led me away, down a few aisles. And stopped. We
entered another door into a slightly smaller room.
The Hall of Prophecy. Karli whispered in my ear. I followed her, when a
booming, somehow familiar voice rang out.


Alvas, you are an ungrateful heathen. I will end your traitorous journey now. It
said. Suddenly, a shelf collapsed between Karli and I and we were separated.
Trying to remain calm, I called, Karli?
Yeah? She said, sounding unfazed and strong. I breathed a sigh of relief, and
instructed her further,
Go on, find the Great Prophecy, then get out of here. Ill deal with whoever else
is in here. I said as flames covered my right arm, casting some light. I turned around,
and in the half-light, I saw my father. He had a spear in his hand, and murder in his eyes.
Your mother was wrong, Alvas, you cant change the destiny Feyl planned for
you. He planned you to be a dissenter and a heretic, and he planned for me to slay you
now, to atone for what I shouldve done so long ago. He said sadly.
And what did Feyl want you to do to me? I asked, voice cracking with emotion.
The only father Id ever known, standing here.
He told me this long ago. He told me to kill you. He said. He couldnt know
these things, it was impossible that he did. But he could, if it was really he. He stood
there ready to kill me, his only son. I howled in rage and threw fireballs at bookshelves
on both sides. They caught, and soon the entire shelves were aflame. I gripped Adder on
top of the Sol Rune and it flamed once again, I would defeat him with my axe, to prove to
Feyl he was wrong. I raised my axe and charged at him.
I dodged his first thrust, swinging my axe at him. He dodged as well, kicking out
at me. He connected with my knee, and I moved back. We were circling now,
surrounded by flames. He struck again, and this time his spear grazed my side. He was
good, better than me. I shoved him back, sucker-punching him in the kidneys. Then the


shelf came down on top of him. He screamed in pain, being burnt all over. I suddenly
broke, unable to watch my father die in such a horrible way. I collapsed, and crawled
forward, attempting feebly to dig him out of the wreckage. My left hand burnt, I could
smell my own skin melt and burn as I wildly attempted to save him. But I didnt care.
The man who had helped raise me was burning to death. Suddenly, hands were pulling
me away. I numbly let them take me.
The world blurred around me. There were shouts, screams, and noises around
me. Or were there? Maybe they were my own, maybe they were my friends, and maybe
they were in my mind. It didnt matter. My father was dead, and I killed him.


Chapter 43: Down the Road

I awoke in a white room. Thoughts raced through my head. Had I ever woken up
after Balkars Chains of Halla? Had I died at the Fountain? Maybe that was better, after
all the sadness and pain Id seen. That Id caused.
I turned to my right, and Karli was there, her face was black with soot, but tear
tracks uncovered two lines of her beautiful alabaster skin.
Youre awake. She said with a guarded, but relieved smile. If Karli was here,
that meant everything was real. I looked down at my hand, and they were covered in
gauze. I began to cry silently, then began to weep, then sob. Karli sat next to me and
held my hand. When I was finally done. I asked, Where are we?
The Den of Heretics. They arent here, we dont know where they went. She
said steadily. She was trying to keep calm, for my sake.
I nodded, and hugged her tightly. Thank Feyl youre alright. I said, head buried
in her shoulder like a baby. We had made it. Karli was still safe, and it was all thanks to
Ditto. She said awkwardly. I laughed in bitter-edged relief, and began to climb
out of bed.
What does the Great Prophecy say? I asked half-heartedly. I wasnt really all
that curious. I had killed my own father, and my only brother had abandoned me for my
greatest foe. Did anything matter?
Vexa wanted you to read it first. Karli informed me.
Lets go. I said as I got up.


Alvas, theres one more thing. Cayss came here. Alone. Says he want to talk to
you. Karli said sullenly. I processed this for a moment, then walked out of the infirmary
and into the large room. Adder was lying on the table next to Cayss, who watched me
nervously. He was holding a letter
Hello, Alvas. He said, his voice husky yet confident. He wore a mocking smile
that was more evil than I had thought possible for my friend.
What do you want with me? I said, Elxen was trying to say something, but I
wasnt listening. He could wait.
I want to give you something, and tell you that youve chosen the wrong side.
Feyl had his reasons for banishing this woman, and so does Artur for destroying her
utterly, for he will. He said earnestly. What happened to his voice. And was he bigger
than usual. But these things were less important than attempting to restrain myself from
killing him.
Let me correct your message, which is, as typical of your people, absolute
garbage concocted in the mouths of blind men. Feyls reason for banishing me was
because Im his worst nightmare, and I still am. You think that whimpering, golden
armored fool could ever kill me? Her was rising in fury. Vexa was outraged like Id
never seen her, but her anger was like mine. Hot. She was itching to kill him. Me first.
But when was Vexa ever the most important thing? I thought you were my best
friend, and you do this? I rose Adder, ready to bring its sharp edge down on his head. At
the last moment, I turned it away, cleaving the big table down the middle. Hed have his
say, then hed die.


He laughed at me, his face twisted in ways that were ever less like the person I
used to know.
Still not able to make the move that matters. So weak. He said with a theatrical
I struck him, hard, across the face. But instead of feeling the hardness of bone
under the softness of flesh, I felt unrelenting hard. Smooth surface. Caysss face flew
across the room and shattered against the floor. Underneath was a bald face void of
everything but a mouth.
I stared into the mans facelessness, and the face cracked a grin. Shocked, I
couldnt speak. I walked across the room, and picked up a shattered piece of Caysss
face, next to it, was a note that had been behind the mask.
I read it to myself.

Dear Alvas,
Cayss is with me. He couldnt bear to say goodbye, so I sent the Maskmaker
in his place. He wishes you the best, and wants you to know that he did what
he had to. I know that everything that happened between our sides may be
difficult to see, but I wish for you to return to the fold. Over time, it will
become clear that youve chosen the wrong side. When it does, dont be afraid
to come home. To prove to you that Cayss is willingly with me, he has signed
alongside me. Goodbye for now,


Artur Saylen, Cayss Sindra

P.S Congratulations, Alvas, youve proved your devotion to this twisted,

broken cause. Youre a real soldier. And Ive left you a trophy to prove it.

This Artur is formidable. You will need my help. Elxens ancient voice was less
threatening when it wasnt giving input in times of trouble, but it was less welcome. His
voice was dark and low and soft.
So is this going to be a common thing, with you talking to me? Its a little
disconcerting, especially considering that youre in my head and I dont know what you
are or why youre here. There. Id wanted to ask Elxen what he was for a long time.
Oh, I dont want to give it away. Youve worked so hard to find it out already; I
dont want to ruin the surprise. This wasnt like any ominous, far-off voice Id ever
heard. It was too smug and too human sounding. I tried to speak to Elxen again, and it
didnt work. He didnt want to speak any longer.
I looked up from the letter. What did he mean, everythings a test? I didnt
know what test I passed, or how he could test me further and was it just him who was
testing me. This only confused things, which I think is what he wanted to do.
He wanted to give you this. Maskmaker croaked. He handed me part of a clay
mask, it was broken in half, and the face was completely black. I wiped away the ash,
and looked into the agonized eyes of my father, frozen in a terrified death stare. Artur


had made Maskmaker disguise another man as my father to test me, that sick-minded
Why did you do this, Mask? Vexa seemed at a loss. Shed trusted the
Maskmaker, and hed betrayed her. See how she likes it.
He told me that if I gave up the Heretics and served him, hed give me back my
face. My beautiful faceit was just one more mask, of the boys father. He moaned,
overcome with longing. Vexa kicked him away in disgust, and motioned for us to leave.
I didnt kill my father! Artur didnt lack humanity quite as much as I thought he
did. But what was his game? He had barely attempted to stop us from getting the
prophecy, and hed gone to great effort to observe how I would handle my father. He
was a formidable foe, as Elxen had observed. We left the city unmolested. I sensed that
Artur had called his guards away to give me a clean exit from my adopted city. I had
won the game he had given, and this was my victory walk.
Dawn came over Lightbringer City quietly. There were no guards, no people; the
peace was almost as total as the desert. We left the city and stopped at the dusty
crossroads that led in to Nomads Land one way, and to Kecklas the other.
Read it here, Alvas. Vexa commanded. I was too lost in conflicting thoughts to
even remember the prophecy wed gone through so much to gain.
Vexa handed it to me, and I read aloud

Eyes of the North, Hands of the Sand, Sword of the West, and Heart of Flame.
The Unholy Four, death of gods is to blame.


The Sword will bring its master to shame. Eyes filled with unshed tears of pain,
bring about the end of a good kings reign.
Hands hold the desert in their grasp, only they can save him from his final gasp
The Heart is the chosen of a wandering god, Elxen the old vagabond.
Together the four bring freedom and death.
But this may mean Mans final breath.
All that is left is to stop his final foes. So Man can sit on his rightful throne.

So youre a god, are you Elxen? I spoke to him in my head.

You should really be more impressed. Its not every day a person finds out that a
god has chosen to dwell inside of him. Its quite an honor.
I already know a couple of gods already, and they arent exactly invincible.
Ones an old man living in a desert and another I had to save from being killed by a kid.
Im a little bit more impressive than them. Ive managed to keep you alive this
I was growing frustrated with this voice that apparently thought it was a god and
thought that I wanted it. It was useless, and it had never done anything for me.
Ive done more than you know. I ignored it now, and decided at that moment that
this voice should be a secret. Dont want anyone thinking Im mad.
Were the Unholy Four arent we? Karli asked Vexa quietly. Vexa nodded
Yes, I believe you are. Funny, everyone knows the legend of the Unholy Four
was out there, yet they never thought it could be you, youre just kids. There is a bright


side and a dark side to this. Regardless, I always thought it would be you, but its nice to
know She was musing.
What are you talking about? Karli demanded. Vexas generally vague manner
was more frustrating to her than to the rest of us, considering the person she was.
On the positive side, Im sure you were all concerned with plans for Vithtan
genocide. That will now deal with itself. Vexa concluded.
Artur thought that by now his gods health wouldve been restored by my death.
He had planned not for a war, but for a cleansing of the land. Ullaya was too merciful; he
allowed Feyls foes to live on, if incompletely. Artur has no intentions of doing the
same, I can tell you that. If he wins this war, he will kill all whose loyalty is in question,
hence his plan in Vithta. Now he has to fight his war. A war we will win. Vexa finished
confidently, although even I detected the doubts in her tone.
What do we do now? I asked, a question of incredible weight. How do we fight
this war that will span the entire continent? The sheer magnitude of it was making my
head buzz uncomfortably.
The battle at Rataan Outpost showed me that we need more support. Even with
MAGUS Corps resources, we lack the manpower to use them fully. Espera is simply
too big to beat right now. Even with the Sandmen on our side, the army we face here is
only a small portion of what exists throughout the world. Soon Artur will enact a draft
and a war toll. The size and armaments of the Lightbringers forces will only increase.
There are advantages though. We fight a guerilla war and a war of attrition.
What we need to do is make this war last, but to do so will require both more allies and


more land. And the largest untapped resources of both lie to the north, on the other side
of the Verdana Forest in Kecklas. The barrier of the forest will give us time to recoup
and reorganize. But that respite may not come for years, if at all. Kecklas is as slow
moving as the glaciers, for many reasons. That is why Izin and Karli will need to go
there. Having two members of the prophetic Unholy Four may be the final thing to push
Kecklas over the edge. Only time will tell.
So you want to split us up? Unacceptable. We need each other. I insisted with
alarm. I needed all three of them now that Cayss was gone, and the thought of leaving
Karli in Izins hands was terrifying. I remembered how she used to love Kalsiffers hair.
Stop, Alvas. Kecklas is ripe for revolution, with the theft of the Snowguards and
the number of other ways they have suffered like the rest of us under Esperas tyranny.
But they are a land of tradition, and Karlis influence is critical. We must do what is
necessary for victory. Do you agree, Karli? I know I ask much, and will not force it on
you. Karli barely hesitated before nodding. Here was a clear and direct order from
Vexa, finally something she could act on. Karli had been waiting for this from her. She
would do her duty.
Izin, your father will meet you a ways up this road, and together you will
persuade those dusty old men that they need to act. He will tell you all you need to know
when he meets you. I think it will be an interesting experience for you, some true
practice in diplomacy. Vexa said with a smile. Izin bowed to his master. He was
essentially graduating now; he would no longer be her charge.
Alvas, do you understand why this is necessary. I will need you and Malia to
lead your people as well. You will both be my lieutenants, and will answer only to me.


Together, the three of us will buy Izin and Karli the time they need, because this war
doesnt truly begin until then. Say your goodbyes, and soon we set off to new lands and
new battles. Vexa said with her grim, broken glass smile.
Izin clapped me on the shoulder with a sad smile Well there, Allard, I guess this
is where we part ways for now. You know, I used to think you were a clumsy hothead
with a smart mouth. Izin said, looking back affectionately. I couldnt believe wed ever
fought, the prince now felt like my second brother. I was trying not to think about the
I used to think of you like a spoiled, snotty brat who was too scrawny to fight. I
countered smartly. He had definitely helped me with my retorts. Him and I were like
iron sharpening iron.
Like I was saying, my opinion has changed. Youre not all that clumsy, though
youre still a hothead. He jibed.
And I was all wrong about you, youre scrappy enough to make up for being
undersized. I admitted. I suddenly became serious, Take care of Karli, okay? You
know how important she is. And keep an eye out to make sure she doesnt try to run
away to her old village. I warned him. He nodded seriously. I grabbed him in a hug,
relishing how much smaller he was than me for the last time. I whispered something like
midget. He pushed me away in disgust, then walked over to where Malia and Karli
were bidding each other farewell distantly. Karli walked over to me, until she was
looking up at me, very, very close. We didnt say anything for a good long while.
She then wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed me for several moments.
The feeling was indescribable. On some levels it was simply flesh on flesh, like any


other touch of skin. But on an entirely different level it was more. It was a culmination
of every feeling Id ever had for her and her hidden ones. It was the second clear picture
Id ever had of how she felt. And the only unambiguous proof I had that she felt how I
did. She continued the embrace for a longer time, not pulling away.
Now that thats out of the way, could I ask a favor?
Favor is awfully close to promise, but I guess Ill accept the technicality. What
is it? Karli said with her amused little smile.
Wait for me to get there before you return to your village. But if you do, then
Ill give you a favor of my own. Wait for me to come with you, and if you feel the same,
Ill help you do whatever you need to there. You know how dangerous it could be for me
if you act rashly, so just wait until the royalty cant change their mind.
She bit her lip delicately in exaggerated indecision, but she gave in with a slow,
uneasy nod.
Fine. I get two in exchange. Dont fall for Malia, and dont die. She said, her
smile blossoming. I laughed aloud at the thought, but nodded.
I swear I wont die until I kiss you again. And I wont kiss another until I do
you. I made an oath, one I meant to keep.
She nodded in thanks, then turned away to catch up with Izin, who was cat-calling
obnoxiously. The last thing I saw before she turned her face away were her cheeks,
which were perpetually ivory were now flushed with color. The color brought life to her
like Id never seen, and I would swear she was an angel with hair as blue as the sky.
My lips were tingling; I dully thought that she was a good kisser. I was stunned
beyond words, so I stood there for about a minute. I desperately wanted to chase her


down, to walk that long road to Kecklas with her. Longing to abandon my mission like
Id never experienced hit me. We didnt have to do this. The prophecy never had to
come true. We didnt have to be part of the Unholy Four.
Dont lie to yourself; you know thats not true.
I guess, but cant a guy dream?
No, not if he wants to live long in war. Dreamers and Philosophers can live only
in peace. Elxen scolded.
Give me a break. I just lost the love of my life.
Are you going to come, or do you just want to wait for Artur to charge out of the
city after us? Malia called.
Vexa was standing there, a small smile playing at her lips as I argued with my
inner voice. Malia was next to her, looking annoyed and bored. Shaki circled above us,
like the skys halo. Id gone too far down this road to quit now.
I caught up with them, and walked at Malias side. She ribbed me in a comradely
way. Being as muscular as Malia, an elbow in the ribs could be pretty painful. I took the
opportunity to thank Feyl that those elbows were on my side, not the other way around.
We turned in the direction of Nomads Land and started walking.
This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Elxen said excitedly.
Just leave me alone. You cant be talking to me like this all the time.
Get used to it.
Its going to be a long war. I thought. But I didnt know just how right I was.


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