Summer 2009 Newsletter 3

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North American

Mission Board
News from Randy & Ronda
Mission Service Corps Summer 2009

On a Personal Note:
Wow! God is worthy to be praised. Second Quarter 2009 has been busy and we continue to see God’s hand
at work in this ministry. We see His mighty hand working out small details, answering prayers, providing our
every need and growing us in His grace and showing us His tender mercies. We are so grateful for each of
you and pray for the Lord to continue His blessings on you. Philippians 1:9 “This is my prayer: that your
love may abound more and more in knowledge and depths of insight.”

Beginning in Arizona……
We attended the National Disaster Relief roundtable
meetings in Phoenix, AZ on April 20th thru the 23rd.
Unlike past events where Randy taught, our primary role
was to assist our Adult Volunteer Mobilization Team with
the setup and logistics of hosting the meetings. During
the week we found time to build on existing relationships
and discuss evangelism strategies with our Disaster Re-
lief Directors from across North America.

Next Stop, Atlanta...

We were invited to attend and teach at a National Some Highlights with Disaster Relief
Incident Command training held in Atlanta, Georgia
 Randy presented evangelism at the NC Disaster Re-
on May 11th thru the 15th. This is a special group of
lief Volunteers training in Greensboro, NC on May 1st
trained volunteers who are called to respond and
setup a command center when a disaster occurs. and 2nd to approximately 400 attendees.
They along with the North American Mission Board  Randy presented evangelism at the NC Disaster Re-
and the local State Disaster Relief Directors coordi- lief Volunteers training in Lenoir, NC on May 29th and
nate the manpower and resources available through 30th to 300 attendees.
the Southern Baptist Convention. Randy was ex-
 Randy & Ronda shared about their ministry as MSC
cited to teach a three hour evangelism workshop
and impress upon these leaders to use their influ- Missionaries with the members and guests at Dunn’s
ence to keep the focus on people as we work the Rock Baptist Church in Brevard, NC on June 7th .
projects and share Christ as we serve. Disasters are There were approximately 25 in attendance.
a terrible thing to experience, however they open  We are thankful to our home church, Biltmore Baptist,
doors of opportunity for Christ followers to reach out for hosting the region 9 Disaster Relief Training on
and help others. This builds credibility with individu- June 11th,12th , and 13th. We had the opportunity to
als and communities and can eventually earn us the help coordinate this event and it was a privilege and
privilege to share Christ in a non-threatening envi- blessing to work with our church staff, church volun-
ronment on their turf. teers, and the North Carolina Baptist Men. Sixty vol-
Carol Ann and Thomas
unteers from Biltmore Baptist along with fifty volun-
teers from the North Carolina Baptist Men worked
Disaster Relief Trainees
hand in hand to make this one of the smoothest train-
from Dunn’s Rock BC
ings we have ever experienced said the staff from the
North Carolina Baptist Men.
 Randy presented evangelism at the NC Disaster Re-
lief Volunteers training at Biltmore Baptist Church in
Hannah and Christina Arden, NC on June May 1st and 2nd to approximately
Disaster Relief Trainees 220 trainees.
From Dunn’s Rock BC
Page 2 News from Randy & Ronda
Onto Wyoming ….
We attended the Campers on Mission National Rally in Gillette,
WY with our team from the North American Mission Board on
June 14th thru the 19th. Randy taught evangelism workshops
and Ronda taught prayer walking. Ronda also lead a prayer walk-
ing team to pray over the facilities, activities, and the state of
Wyoming each morning. Approximately 100 trainees attended
classes and/or participated in the actual prayer walking.
One of the highlights of this Rally was the focus on the spiri-
tual needs of Wyoming. As we were out and about in the commu-
nity we had the opportunity to encourage and pray for the peo-
ple. We had an opportunity to minister to a young women at Of-
Hosea 10:12 “Sow for fice Depot. The first day we met Brandi, she said this was the
yourselves righteousness, worst week ever and that many things were going wrong. We
reap the fruit of unfailing ask permission to pray for her and she said that would be great.
love, and break up your The following day we had to return to Office Depot for supplies,
unplowed ground; for it is she asked if we had prayed for her? We told her yes only to hear
time to seek the LORD, her say that things were much better as she had received two
until he comes and show- awards at her work, which included money for her glasses and
ers righteousness on you.” her car was deemed in good working order. The third time we
visited her, we were able to pray with her and give her a Bible.
Brandi said this was the best gift ever! What a joy it was to en-
courage and love on the Wyoming people!
After the Campers on Mission National rally we traveled to
Wamsutter, WY to spend time with our dear friends and Mission
Service Corps Missionaries, Harold and Barbara Lunsford. We
were privileged to go out with them on the mobile unit in the Oil
Field Ministry. We had an opportunity to present the gospel to a
Oil Field Workers
worker by the name of Gerald who drove a water truck. We felt
compassion for the oil field workers and continue to pray for their
physical and spiritual needs. What a blessing Harold and Barbara
are to those who thirst in the desert of Wyoming.

Second Quarter Results ….

A very busy second quarter ended with approximately 1,700 people engaged
in evangelism training or in ministry presentations. We give God the glory for the
Visitor from the Wild, Wild West things He has done! We count it all honor for the Kingdom!
We are spending some time on the home front getting caught up on projects
and paperwork before the next storm. We continue to covet your prayers. If you
have a prayer need, please email us at We feel such grati-
tude to the Lord for the way He touches hearts to be part of this ministry. Thank
you for your part! Blessings to each of you in the name of our Lord and soon
coming King Jesus!
Randy and Ronda Corn
Flaming Gorge, Wyoming

Those wishing to donate to this ministry can make gifts payable to the North American Mission Board at NAMB-MSC, PO
Box 116543, Atlanta, GA 30368-6543. Please include our account number (8922) and our last name (Corm) in the
memo section of your check. All gifts are tax deductible if you itemize.

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