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1. Lesson Theme/
Sub topic

2. Specification

English Year 6

Date: 10/10/2014
Day: Thursday
World of Knowledge/World of self/family/friends
Wonderfully Made

3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering

comprehension questions
3.8.4 Read and understand cause and effect relationship.
3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story
3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story.
4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on
words and phrases given & on picture stimulus.

3. Learning

By the end of the week, pupils should be able to:

4. Evaluation

1. Has the reason of selecting the inquiry topics been appropriately

2. Have role division and the plan been well designed?
3. Have the results been successfully organized and explain?
4. Is the presenter clearly comprehending the contents of knowledge
prepared and has the presenter successfully delivered what have
5. Have the result been well expressed?
6. Have the contents been interestingly designed?

5. Time Allocation

60 minutes

6. Class
a. Year
b. Prior Knowledge

Year 6

7. Curriculum

This lesson plan covers the subject matter, techniques and

methodology of teaching and evaluation on the topic as well as
reflection on the techniques and methodology of teaching.

1. Listen to the story and answer comprehension questions.

2. Identify difficult words from the story and understand meaning of
words by constructing at least 5 simple sentences.
3. Read and extract information for main one and talk about one
4. Read and extract information for main ideas

1. Pupils have heard and read different stories.

8. Teachers
(Non ICT)

1.Handouts(story script and exercises)

Workbook, white board marker pen.

Teaching Aids
9. ICT Integration

Videos from Youtube

11. Learning

1. To have an open discussion about the passage read

2. To read the passage and answer questions orally
3. To answer seven comprehension question pertaining to the
passage read.

12. Teachers Activities

1.Teacher plays music and conducts a game

called poison box.

13. Students Activities

1. Pupils play game called poison box.

2. Pupils pick a word and paste the word card

2. Teacher asks pupils pick a sweet and

come to the front to pick a word and paste it
on the board.
3.Teacher plays a story from youtube with
4. Teacher asks pupils to get into groups to
discuss and rearrange the jumbled up story

on the board and make association to the word.

3. Pupils listen to the story and pronunciation of
5.Pupils get into groups of 5 to rearrange the
jumbled story.
6. Pupils listen and read the story and have an
open discussion about the story

5.Teacher gives out handouts and this time

pupils follow the text silently.

7.Pupils answer comprehension question

6.Pupils listen again and pupils are picked

at random to read the story.

9.Pupils watch video and talk about the values.

8. In groups pupils construct 3 sentences


7.Pupils complete comprehension questions.

8. Again in of 5groups to brain storm 3
sentences using words picked from the story.
9.A video clip is played and pupils talk about
the values in it.

14. Special

To guide pupils who are weak in the language (individual attention)

15. Reflection

16. Impact
17. Morale Value

The importance of conveying correct messages

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