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Fuel from waste

It is a well known fact that producing waste is a part of our daily life and plastic holds a good proportion
of it. Even in India, 15,342 tonnes of plastic waste is being generated every day.
But what after that? Is it going to remain as it is? It is an important issue to sort it out in an eco-friendly
manner as plastic is non-biodegradable. Generally the 3R strategy is used to get rid of plastic waste
which constitutes reusing, reducing and recycling. Still, we are left with non-recyclable waste. It was
being processed in the form of open burning and landfill. But, landfill causes degradation of soil and soil
pollution and open burning results in highly toxic emissions.
A better & efficient solution for dumping is still missing. Here it goes, we can convert the rest of the
plastic into some useful form which can release a high amount of energy (equivalent to fuels like coal)
and less toxic gases.
We are processing the waste plastic in order to form high density plastic nuggets (having high calorific
value comparable to coal), thereby managing the waste and producing high amount of energy at the
same time.
Our idea is to channelize the solar energy and store it in the plastic waste in form of a fuel. We are using
waste plastic as input and using solar energy and mechanical compression for its processing to
manufacture a solid form of fuel.


Our idea:

Our idea is usage of solar energy to manage waste plastic. We are using waste plastic being generated
on daily basis for processing in order to get high density plastic nuggets. The input energy consists of
solar energy as well as mechanical energy (compression).

The solar energy is being concentrated at the target area (die) using parabolic reflectors by
placing die at the epicenter of two parabolic reflectors
The mechanical energy is being given by a plunger running through a motor.
The input for this process will be waste plastic and the mechanical energy. The output will be
plastic nuggets having high calorific value.

1. A mechanical die is placed at the epicenter of two parabolic reflectors.

Sun Rays


2. The die consists of a hopper to input plastic, a small outlet for storage of gases in the specified
containers, an opening for nugget extrusion and a plunger.
Container for the storage of toxic gases


Outlet for the

plastic nuggets

Heating Die
3. The plunger is being run by a motor that acts as a crank and provides an oscillatory motion to
the plunger.

Working Layout
Stage 1: Collection of waste plastic through municipality & other sources.
Stage 2: Set up the parabolic reflectors and heat the die up to an optimum temperature to use(135 oC).

Stage 3: Put the waste plastic into the die via hopper after each cycle of extrusion.
Stage 4: The plastic inside the die is being compressed in with each rotation.
Stage 5: Once a certain high density is obtained at the front, we open the outlet and let the plastic
extrude, which is then cut into uniform pieces using hot knife.

Plastic Nuggets
Alternate for the Gases released

A hole is made in the die for the passage of toxic gases through the tubes, which are
then stored in the containers.
Remaining gases pass away without being part of the reaction.

About the Product : Plastofuel

The dense "Plastofuel" nuggets can be co-fired cleanly with
Wood, and
Other fuels.
During the gasification of the granulated waste plastic, temperatures are kept high- 2,000
degrees Fahrenheit.

Eliminates emission of black, toxic smoke due to burning at very high temperature.

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