Feis Volume II

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Volume II

Proposed Project:

Newport Marine Club

Project Location:

500 Newport Road

Town of Irondequoit
Monroe County, New York

Project Sponsor / Applicant:

RSM Irondequoit Bay Development, LLC

Lead Agency:

Town of Irondequoit Planning Board

Town of Irondequoit Town Hall
1280 Titus Avenue
Rochester, New York 14617

November 23, 2009




Positive Declaration Issued: June 23, 2008

Public Scoping Session Held: July 23, 2008

Final Scope Accepted: August 11, 2008

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Accepted by Planning Board: February 10, 2009

Public Meeting held on DEIS: March 9, 2009

Contact Person: Anthony Favro

Town of Irondequoit
Planning and Zoning Office
1280 Titus Avenue
Rochester, New York 14617
Phone: (585) 467-8840


Volume I

1.0 Executive Summary ........................................................................................ 1

2.0 Draft Environmental Impact Statement .............................................................. 2

3.0 Corrections to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement .................................... 2

4.0 Substantive Comments to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement

and Responses................................................................................................. 3


Table 1 Comment List by Number .............................................................. 5

Table 2 Comment List by Topic................................................................ 11

Table 3 Alternative Comparison ............................................................. 148

Table 4 Comparable Waterfront Developments ........................................ 156


Figure 1 Development Density (units/acre) .............................................. 156

Figure 2 Elevations of Bayfront Structures ............................................... 157


Exhibit 1 Line of Sight from Newport Road .................................................. E1

Exhibit 2 Emergency Vehicle Turnaround at Newport Marine Club .................. E2

Exhibit 3 Photo – Simulation (Mooring Line Drive) Alternative C .................... E3

Volume II


A1 Written comments received by the Town of Irondequoit ......................... A1-1

A2 Transcript of the Town of Irondequoit Planning Board SEQR Public Hearing,

March 9, 2009 .................................................................................. A2-1

A3 Notes from a Town of Irondequoit Planning Board
meeting of March 23, 2009................................................................. A3-1

A4 Letter dated February 19, 2009 from Costich Engineering, P.C.

to the Town of Irondequoit and the Ridge Culver Fire District.................. A4-1

A5 Letter dated August 17, 2009 from the Office of Fire Marshall and Ridge
Culver Fire District............................................................................. A5-1

A6 Phase II – Environmental Site Assessment Data Report, Day Environmental,

Inc. dated May 2007.......................................................................... A6-1

A7 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Permit No. 80-85-

0147. Install seasonal floating docks .................................................. A7-1

A8 Correspondence associated with Newport Road ..................................... A8-1

A9 Town of Irondequoit Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2010-2015 dated

6/5/2009 ......................................................................................... A9-1

A10 Town of Irondequoit Town Board Resolution (8A.2009-3) ..................... A10-3


Abbreviation Description
CIP Capital Improvement Program
DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement
ECL Environmental Conservation Law
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EPOD, EPODs Environmental Protection Overlay District(s)
FedEx Federal Express
FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement
HA Harbor Area Zone
HML Irondequoit Bay Harbor Management Law
HMP Irondequoit Bay Harbor Management Plan
HOA Homeowner’s Association
HSG Hydrologic Soils Group
ILUC Irondequoit Land Use Coalition
LLC Limited Liability Company
LWRP Local Waterfront Revitalization Program
MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
NYCRR New York Codes Rules and Regulations
NYS New York State
NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
NYSSMDM New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual
P.C. Professional Corporation
RP Resource Protection Zone
RSM RSM Irondequoit Bay Development, LLC
SEQR State Environmental Quality Review
SEQRA State Environmental Quality Review Act
SPDES State Pollution Discharge Elimination System
SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
UPS United Parcel Service
WD Waterfront Development


Article IX – Town Code - Waterfront Development (WD) District –


Irondequoit Bay Harbor Management Law (HML) September 16, 2008–


Irondequoit Bay Harbor Management Plan (HMP) November 2003 –


Master Plan for the Town of Irondequoit New York – Adopted December 1985

Town of Irondequoit Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Adopted April 21, 1988

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