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University of Tirana
Faculty of Information Technologies
Master Program

Java I, 2013

Course Project

Subject: Program Development in Java
It is mandatory that the project should be developed in groups of two students

It is well known that the car parking in the street is a serious problem for many cities
mainly due to lack of space but also due to lack of information on free parking slots in
the city streets. For this reason, and to alleviate some parking problems, we want a
computer application, which we call "ParquingOnBoard" that allows drivers to know
the free parking slots in the city streets. Thus, drivers can choose the parking street, in
which there are free slots to park. The objective of this software is to help drivers to
avoid moving around in the city central areas that usually are occupied with regard to
parking and to redirect drivers to areas with free parking slots.

To develop the application in question, we asume that the city council has put sensors
along the parking slots in the streets so every time you park the car in a free slot, the
sensor sends this information to a central computer to indicate such fact. Similarly,
when a parking slot is freed, the sensor informs the central computer. So we can know
if a slot is free or busy at any time.

The city streets are identified by their names and either one or both sides of the street
can be used for parking.

The Java program must provide the following options (you can implement a contextual
manu for these options):

1. Managing information on streets:

a. Add a street. A street is defined by its name, the number of sides available
for parking (could be one or two) and the total valid car parking slots.
b. Close a street. This operation allows to close a street to the effect of
parking and is useful when the street becomes unavailable for parking due to
for example maintanance work, city holidays etc.
c. Validate a street: This option returns a closed street to making it
operational in terms of parking slots again.

2. Managing parking slots
a. Add a parking slot to a street. The new slot should be uniquely identified
with a number and must be associated with a street.
b. Remove a parking slot. Removes the specified parking slot from a street.

c. Close a parking slot. This operation allows to close a specified parking slot
of a specified street.
d. Validate a parking slot: This option returns a slot back to a valid parking

3. Parking
a. Parking. This option will offer drivers the possibility to find a free parking
The driver is requested At what street do wish you to park? The driver
provides the name of the street or * to indicate any street. In the latter
case, the user should be able to choose a street from the list.
The program will indicate whether there are slots available in the
requested street and will give a list of free slots with their respective
If there are free slots from option b, the user should choose a number of
the free slot and the corresponding slot becomes occupied. If there are
no free slots in the requested street, the program asks the user if he
wants to try another street.
b. Unparking: This option allows to free a parking slot.

4. Statistics
1. Street statistics: This option computes statistics about the parking slots in a
specified street (% of free slots, % of occupied slots, % invalid slots).
2. City statistics: This option computes statistics about the parking slots for
every Street in the city, and show which streets are less occupied (with at most
25% occupied slots) and those that are heavy occupied (with more than 75%
occupied slots).

5. Exit the program. This option finalizes the program.

Project Delivery

The date of delivery of the project will be announced by Prof Rozeta Miho / Renalda

Documents to be delivered to Renalda Kushe: one zip file that includes:

1. Project documentation (doc or pdf) should include:
Decisions taken to design the program.
Description of the data structures used.
How to run the program.

2. Software
The java source code
The executable program (all .class files)

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