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Scriptures According to

A Woman


Gay N. Blanchard

The texts which serve as the basis for

Christian practice
over the world
were all written, translated and interpreted
by men.

This book offers a picture

of how a woman
might have told the same stories.
It is a woman’s picture of God
and of God’s relationship with us.

Christianity’s story
told from a woman’s point of view
emphasizes spiritual history
the history of feelings
added to knowledge.



In the very beginning of our world there was God

a pure man and a pure woman
in love.

They danced across the sky together,

exploring each other as they turned and leaped and lifted
and ran with the wind.
Cloud scarves were their coverings
and stars spun from their hair.

They were in love,

immersed in the ecstasy of becoming One.
One thought. One heart. One action.

Wherever they danced

the power of their joyful Oneness
vibrated into energy –

Love energy radiated

quietly shimmering through space.

God-Woman and God-Man had One vision:

to create a world.

And so they began.

They shaped and formed the Energy of their Love
into a Home.
Everything they created from Love
was exquisitely beautiful.
Finite words cannot describe the world they built.
But if you look far enough back into your soul
you will remember
. . . just the edges of its glory . . .

God was aware of pure intelligence

in the vastness where They danced.
Not a sea of mass-intelligence,
but millions of separate brightnesses,
each different,
like stars in a night sky.
God remembered their separate songs
and thought on the meaning of each sound.

God the Father and God the Mother

looked into each other’s eyes
and saw the Brightest Intelligence.
Their One-Heart
heard its cries to become more than intelligence.
Their One-Mind
knew its place and purpose in their creation.
Their One-Love
moved them slowly, tenderly, powerfully,
into its birthing dance.

Fingers touch with sensuous giving

lips taste sweet the kiss of life
hearts beat one compelling rhythm
pulse of husband, breath of wife
passion’s mystic fragrance melts
two dancing bodies
into one whirling, lifting ecstasy.
The holy new creation is begun.

Now the dancers turn,

And reach out to the yearning intelligence.
Gently, with infinite patience,
they draw it into their dance
and spin its unique profoundness into a clear melody
which blends with their own harmonies.
They weave its rainbow lights
into the very fabric of their love.
They shape and form it into their own image.
It is created of Love, by Love, into Love.
God breathes the Energy of Pure Love into its veins.

The dancers turn, turn, turn, in a golden circle.

They sing a sacred birthing song,
and feel the consummate glory of new life
quickening, pulsing, shimmering into pure joy.
And behold!
When the dancers move apart
the circle is four.

God has created from that Bright Intelligence

a boy
and a girl.

God calls him Jesus and calls her Joyous.

The children dance together

through the rainbow faceted gardens of Heaven
a glad dance of fulfillment
and discovery.

The divine music of Love breathes around them.


Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are still in love.

They have danced the birthing dance many times.

They danced it once

for YOU.

Once they spun your intelligence

into a spirit person of Light
with Pure Love the power that quickened your being.
The core of you
your center and heart
that offspring of God.

Perhaps your Intelligence was born to God as two,

a girl and a boy.
But only if you wanted it that way.
If you are a mind and heart and being
who yearns for fulfillment with another
then there is another half of you somewhere.
If your true nature chooses commitment to one beloved
there IS One.

Or your Intelligence may have been born singly.

God knew how you wanted it.
They still know.

And why did God make a spirit body for you?

First of all, because you (your intelligence)
yearned to progress.
God sensed your need,
and in the magnificence of Their Love,
came to your rescue.

And secondly, because God needed the specific light

which your unique Intelligence
could bring to Earth’s creation.

Yes, you helped create the Earth.

If you sometimes feel déjà vu

when you rest in a quiet mountain glen,
or exult with crashing ocean waves,
or hold a rainbowed crystal in your hand,
or smell a violet,
commune with an oak tree,
inhale a sunset
leap across flowered meadows with a deer,
run with a white wolf
fly with the snow geese –

You probably helped create that very thing.


The world God created, first had spiritual dimensions.

All things are created spiritually
before they are enhanced into physical form.
When God danced US into being
we too were made of spiritual matter.

As creation evolved though, God said,

Let us bring the Earth
into the dimension of physical reality.

And so They began.

We had a lot to learn about that.

It took a few more than six days (as mortals measure time)
but we had good teachers,
who orchestrated pure music
from our singular songs,
and together we made a mysteriously wonderful
beautifully complicated planet
using the potent Energy of Love
as our power of creation.

When God (and we who helped)

had finished creating the Earth,
all of us agreed that it was very good
and we rested for a while.

Eden flourished.


some of us began to think

Why were God-the-Mother and God-the-Father’s bodies

different from ours, with more substance,
like the new physical world we had helped create,
while ours were of mere spiritual substance?
We had made the Earth physical . . .
Could we make ourselves physical? Or could God?
Could we become like God?

God said
You can choose to have physical bodies.
But becoming like God?
Well . . . that is a
long, hard,
challenging process.
You may not want to risk it.

Naively we argued
Of course we want to!

God said
The law of free agency will still be in effect.
Some of you may choose less than your full potential.

No we won’t!
we protested.
We were pitifully innocent then.

God said
You will need a Savior –
One who loves you enough to sacrifice everything
in order to open doors you can’t open.

We looked at each other.

It was a word we didn’t know.

Jesus and Joyous said

We love enough.

God said
Yes. You do.

Lucifer and Lillith said

We are strong!
We will open the doors
and make sure everybody gets through.

God said
That’s good of you. But how?
They said


It was another new word.

We shivered a little, at the way God said

Undaunted, Lucifer gallantly flung his promise

I will guarantee your salvation!
You will only have to do what I say.
Beautiful Lillith sensuously encouraged
It will be easy, it will be fun,
and of course
you will want to give me the glory!

Give ME the glory

Lucifer contradicted.

Men have called what happened next

The War in Heaven
because war is the usual method men employ
to solve problems.

It was really simply a matter of choice.

Each of us
had to decide whether we wanted to
continue living in God’s environment
under the laws of love and freedom
give our allegiance and our free agency
to Lucifer and Lillith.

Those who chose to give up choosing, left Heaven,

because force can’t coexist
with Love and Freedom.

Many of God’s children, at that crucial juncture,

chose to become less than their potential.
God wept.
The rest of us didn’t understand what was happening.
We had never experienced sorrow before.

God honored our desire

to risk the challenge
of trying to become ALL that we could become

And so They began.

They built a home called Eden

in Earth’s most beautiful garden
and lived there,
taking into themselves the elements of Earth.

With tenderness and passion

they danced the Dance of Love.
Mother received
Father’s physical seed
into her physical womb
and carried there physical bodies
for a boy and a girl.

In a journey of wrenching separations

God brought Their first-born spirit children
out of the realms of light
down through many veils of forgetfulness
into narrow darkness
and finally left them
inside the tiny bodies.

Quickened by the nourishing energy

of Their perfect love,
Mother God gave birth
Father God received into His powerful hands
the new life –
pulsing heart, living breath,

God blessed the babies

gave them new names
Adam and Eve
and watched them grow.
The children were full of questions,
and curious about their surroundings,
which they explored with zest.
They named everything –
laughing and making it a game of inventiveness.
They ate the fruits of the garden
drank from the clear streams,
and made pets of the animals.

They listened to many tales of Light

and learned the workings of their new world,
their new forms, their new powers.
They skipped to the music of the days,
and fell asleep to God’s sweetest lullabies.

Father and Mother showed them eternal truths

about how to create
the indestructible and fragile environment called

But, as children do, young Adam and Eve

paid more attention to today’s adventures
than to tomorrow’s paradoxes.
They only half listened when God said there was a tree
which could give them a knowledge of evil, as well as good,
for a price!

Two-score years by Earth’s sun

God stayed in the Garden
loving, teaching, nurturing Their children.

Then God blessed Adam and Eve

with a sacred covenant
of Eternal Unconditional Love,
cast over their spirits one last blinding veil of forgetfulness,
and moved from the visibility of mortals
back into Heaven’s dimension.


After God left

Adam and Eve opened their eyes
to a different world.
They were on their own.

They had not forgotten language

so they could speak to one another
and the first thing they talked about was God.

They remembered Mother and Father God

with a fierce, joyous faith!
And yearned for Their energy-giving presence.

prayer was their first invention.
They called upon God for guidance
and listened whole-soul for answers.
Sometimes God spoke to their ears,
sometimes to their hearts.
Adam and Eve were responsive to both.

Gradually they recalled a few crucial clues

God had given them.

One was
that they could multiply and replenish the earth
if they chose to.
But they didn’t know how to do that.

Another was that if they ate fruit

from the tree of knowledge of good and evil
they would sooner or later die.
They didn’t know what it meant
to die.

So instead of worrying about it

they simply savored the joys of living.
They tasted and touched and smelled
and listened and looked
and were happy together.
They talked long into the night about many things
and slept when they were tired on soft meadow grass.
When they awoke
they greeted each other with a holy kiss
and a joyous song of thanks to God.
They began to learn the Dance of Love.

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