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Title: Humanize Me!

Saad Manasterli
Who are we as a people and what are we to do with time, for time does not last forever and we
are most definitely not everlasting. So in turn I ask myself, what is everlasting and what can
withstand the tides of time and its withering ways of evolving?
I sit here and contemplate whether or not I am on the path of righteousness, and if I am, is it
really the right one? Doubt is the everlasting disparity that was handed down to us by the
almighty creator, doubt is the one thing that makes us human, some people feel as if it is actually
the brain, the thought process, but even animals have personalities. You might think that I am
crazy, but then why arent all animals the same, why do some feel above humans and why do
some feel as if they are an integral part of the family?
I then seem to ask myself another question, could it be love that sets us apart from the savage
animals? Hmm, I wonder if love really is love or if it is just a few words that we put together to
have a title for an unexplained feeling. Maybe it is all just sexual, we all have our sexual instinct,
and isnt that what actually attracts us to the other person, be it of the same sex or not? Claiming
that only animals mate in the middle of nowhere without regard to the surroundings, I put it to
you like this, if Man didnt create laws against that particular activity, or if Man didnt drill the
sense of it being taboo into the skulls of the people, then would that make us animals as well?
If we arent just basic sexual creatures then why all of these urges to mate, and spread the love?
We can express how we feel in words, but it does not relate to how you can express yourself in
the physical sense. Ok, dont we always say: Actions speak louder than words! If we follow our
own words then mating is just an expression of the man-made word love. And when we tell each
other that we love and/or love not, how can we all tell if that is true, I mean even Cher knows the
answer to that question, as she quite simply put it: If you wanna know if he loves you so, its in
his kiss.
So by process of elimination I can conclude that words are merely letters that facilitate a
communicative expression between humans, but by talking we hear distinct voices, but the
language in this case, lets say English, is only understood because it has been indoctrinated into
society, and the combinations of the letters are known to be recognized as such, so basically every
sound has an attached value, just as in mathematics, where we have X and Y; by themselves they
mean nothing, but when combined in a certain way we deduce a meaning that was instilled in our
society. For example: X+Y=love. Isnt math the universal language anyway?
So I still sit here feeling constricted to these thoughts and ideas and I continuously ask the
question again, who are we? But to bring it closer to home, who am I? I pose a question to myself
that I have yet had the chance to answer, Ive searched high and I looked below, Ive turned
mountains and dug holes, in an attempt to figure out the puzzle or the riddle called Me. But my
calls are still left unanswered, and it begins to dig into me, like an overzealous homicidal maniac.
Maybe its a curse that I would want to know who I am, but wouldnt you want to know?
Still no answer.

Have I been granted the title of human because I walk on two feet and have opposable thumbs, is
it because I can understand what the combinations of letters means, is it because I do go
gallivanting in public trying to mate, is it because I have a brain that allows me to think for my
own. But animals do that too. Am I human because I am free, and I have the ability to make
choices, then again every single being has the ability to make choices, yet it seems that the
animals have more rights than we do. Especially in the states, where it seems like people have
taken an I have no purpose in life pill and decided that they should save animals (which I am
not against). But what about the people that actually need help? If you see a poor skinny cat or
dog on the street, you feel sorry for it, and you say awwwww, you poor thing! Then maybe you
pick it up and take it to a vet. On the other hand you have people dying of famine and diseases,
and you wouldnt lift a finger. You tell me whats wrong with that picture. And it even costs more
to take your pet to the vet instead of taking yourself to the doctor, see that just doesnt make any
So here I am torn apart by this question. What makes us human? What constitutes the fabric of
humanity, is it because we are humane? Doubtful! If that was the case then why all the wars and
suffering? If taking care of pets makes you human, then I am human four times over; I have four
Still not the answer! Then what is the answer? How can I find the answer to this everlasting
question, which echoes itself through space and time? How could it be possible for us to have
survived time and end up where we are today as a race of humanity? Looking in the mirror I see
me, but the reflection is just missing an answer to my humanity. Still, the question will always
remain to be: Me.

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