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//Joshua Major

Description of program
This program takes a list of numbers, throw it in a number vector. I used another vector to check if the
sum of each set of 2 numbers are prime,
if they are, they belong in a candidate vector. In the input, the 2 numbers are the boundary values.
Based on the 5 functions I have,
the program will use backtracking check to see if there is a prime sequence using every number
between the first input value and the second. If there is, print
it out, if not, say that "no prim sequence exists".
Description of data stucture used
I used lists/vectors to implement my program. I didn't use arrays/matrices because I'm not that familiar
with them. Using a graph
data structure would be too complicated because graph can have more than one nodes from another
node. This program just involves
lists of numbers from one number to another.
I technically did this alone, even though I got help from the teacher. I believe I did a good job
considering I get the right output.
using namespace std;
bool IsPrime(int number);
bool backtrack(vector<int> numbers, vector<int> candidates,int number);
void print(vector<int>numbers);
bool find(vector<int>numbers,int value);
bool legal(vector<int> numbers, vector<int> candidates,int nIndex);
int main()

int number1,number2;
vector<int> numbers;
bool found = true;
while (number1!=0 && number2 !=0)
for(int i = number1; i <= number2; i++)
found = backtrack(numbers,candidates,0);
cout << "No Prime Sequence Exists" << endl;
return 0;
bool IsPrime(int number)
pre-post: There has to be atleast 1 number to check
post-condition: number is evaluated as either a prime number or not
int i;
for (i = 2; i < number; i++)
if (number % i == 0)
return false;
return true;
bool backtrack(vector<int> numbers, vector<int> candidates, int i)
pre-condition: There is more than 1 number to check, otherwise it can't backtrack
post-condition: The array of numbers are checked from the vectors, and determines whether it's a
legal check, throw
the values in the candidate vector
if(i >= numbers.size())

return true;
for(int j = 0; j < numbers.size(); j++)
if (legal(numbers, candidates, j))
return true;
return false;
void print(vector<int>numbers)
post-condition: prints the numbers vector
for(int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++)
cout << numbers[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
bool find(vector<int>candidates,int value)
pre-condition: There's a number to find
post-condition: Locates the number in candidates vector, if the number is found, it's true
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++)
if(candidates[i] == value)
return true;
return false;
bool legal(vector<int> numbers, vector<int> candidates,int nIndex)
pre-condition: There's numbers to check
post-condition: Tests the lagality of the 2 numbers based on if there are actually numbers in the

candidates and if the number's

already found
return true;
else if(find(candidates,numbers[nIndex]))
return false;
return IsPrime(candidates.back() + numbers[nIndex]);

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