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Victoria Tran

Ms.Mastropaolo CHC2D3-01


New Citizens Should Pledge Loyalty to Canada Summary

Michael Schofields opinion is that new Canadians should swear their allegiance directly
to Canada, their chosen land, rather than swearing their allegiance to the head of state. He starts
off by agreeing/disagreeing to what was mentioned by all the participants of the Court of Appeal
case. For one thing, he agrees that the Queen is indeed and symbol of our Canadian
constitutional government we should continue supporting that, but the oath should still be
changed. Instead of changing it for its literal meaning towards the Queen (opinions of the court
challengers), Michael suggests that the oath should be a straightforward declaration of loyalty to
Canada, its laws and traditions since it would be more meaningful to the large amounts
of people who choose Canada as their homeland. He continues saying that following this oath to
Canada would not hinder the Queen or any fundamental principles. Comparing our oath to the
British and Australians, by following their change in the oath, we would be not affecting the
sovereignty or positions of our country and even allow us to affirm our loyalty directly. Michael
finally added that a new oath would remove any newcomers confusions on Canadas
independence and not even the Queen would object.

Victoria Tran

Ms.Mastropaolo CHC2D3-01


Northern Gateway Pipeline? Economics Arent Everything

A closer look at the Northern Gateway Pipeline concedes that there will be more flaws in
construction than they propose it will be. The Northern Gateway construction claims to be no
harm to the environment, but in fact, First Nations who have lived there peacefully on reserves
has a different opinion. For one thing, not everyone funds the Gateway and some have even
given up their reserves for LNG site development. If that isnt enough, he Gateway plans to not
only destroy the environment by building a huge project on challenging territory, but will also
wreck the lifestyles and ethics that the First Nations have worked so hard to preserve. The land
and the ocean are living, breathing entities that supported us, clothed us, fed us, and nurtured our
culture from time immemorial. Not anyone will raise their hand to take blame for even a small
tanker spill on Native land and eventually, an even larger one will occur. Eden has already
consulted this by saying Proponents have argued that you already have tankers plying the
Douglas Channel delivering petro product and nothing has happened. But these are baby tankers
compared to the monsters that are coming. And if the current tankers have an accident, our first
responders will mostly likely be local volunteer Coast Guards who had to fundraise to get a new
The pipeline will only be effective if at its best extent, but with the federal governments
outlook, it seems that a conditional approval of it was quite rushed on June 17th. Rather than the
pipeline being a benefit to Alberta with a few measly buckets of oil or a benefit of some dock
worker[s], the benefits are more focused economically. Even the Village of Kitimat do not see
the benefits of the prospected job opportunities. Kitimat is widely regarded as a blue-collar, proindustry town. When a recent plebiscite was held to decide whether or not the municipality
should support the Enbridge bid, many pundits expect Kitimat would deliver a yes, but instead
came back with a resounding meh. Even when First Nations will agree with the Gateway
construction, there is still a one-sided enmity between them. Eden states that Native politicians
that support Enbridge will be framed as Stephen Harpers Uncle Tom and undergo political
suicide. If the Northern Gateway Pipeline is expected to be built in the end, it is determined that
the cons do outweigh the pros with the direction the government is pulling it towards.

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