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Victoria Tran

The Baltic Museum: Barack Obama


Hello dignified curators of the Baltic Museum. My name is Victoria Tran, a certified
politician here to present what I believe should be exhibited and serve as an iconic image in the
21st century. In the last few years of our existence, all of us around the world have heard the
news in 2008, or have at least heard his name before. Barack Obama, the 44th elected African
American president. As one of his many supporters, I would like to explain why you should
exhibit his image here at the Baltic Museum.
You may ask, what has Barack Obama done and how exactly is he an iconic image to our
society? Well he is the 44th president, but the first African American President. This is a huge
step in our modern society, where we can finally put our feet in the right place, stand firm, and
say that segregation is no longer a tradition in our history. We can finally say that our largest
political standing country in the world selects their leaders off of their abilities rather than
selecting them based off of their race or ethnicity like in the past.
What else has Barack Obama done? Many of you, who may sadly say that Osama Bin
Laden is one of the most iconic images at the turn of our century, or many of you who might
mention 9/11; Americas deadliest and darkest day in 2001, are all correct. Osama Bin Laden
was the mastermind of that tragic incident. Today, he could have still be alive, he could have still
threatened our children or kill another 3000 people like in 9/11 and leave a gaping hole in our
hearts, but Barack Obama stopped that. An extremely bold statement was put out by Mr.
President during his 2008 election speech. Those of you who criticized Obama for using a
terrorist as a political weapon, would now think otherwise. Obama told all of America and the
rest of the world that he would capture and kill Osama Bin Laden. He pledged and promised this
from the bottom of his heart. Today, we can say that was definitely a promised kept by the
beloved president. Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 2nd, 2011, three years after Obama was
elected. And that is a date we should remember. Obama made the world a safer place, and he
should be given more than just an honorary title.
To add to our position at the turn of the century, there was President George Bush who
was in office right before Obama. Statistically, many people despised Bush, who loved the death
penalty and signed 152 execution orders. 2 days after being in office, President Obama closed
down these secret detentions and stopped Bushs policies. George Bush even started the Iraqi
War in 2003, and who was the one who had to stop that? Of course that was Barack Obama.
Obama ordered all troops out of Iraq on December 18, 2011. In addition to all of this, Obama has
already started improving the global climate with 15 billion dollars worth of investments for
alternative energy and transportation. From improving our air quality and preserving more of our
environment to launching new types of transportation alternatives, Obama has made an
incredible positive impact on our global climate. So I can finally say that Barack Obama, is truly
worthy of being an iconic image of our generation in the Baltic Museum.

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