Internet-Based Home Appliance Controler

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A Design Project

Presented to the Faculty of

Computer Engineering of the Allied Engineering Department

University of Cebu Lapu – Lapu and Mandaue

Mandaue City


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering






March 2010


1.1 Research Background

As people continue to discover the new technology, some things were

discovered over a period of time. For the past years, they're using manually

operated in switching an electronic device. In addition, Internet is one of the

strongest in present time. People spent their times to access into Internet to

search particular information or just having fun. Through Internet you can access

whatever you want. Some information that you want to get Internet can provide

you just browse a specific sites then you obtain information that you are looking


Internet-based device controller is the researchers proposed project. The

researchers decide to implement this it's because the researchers wanted to

minimize the time cause by manual operation and also for the security purposes.

Today, even there are still using manual operation in switching a devices but

much better if they are used a unique type of controlling. The researcher was

proposed something that can help for the home owners and for those who are

busy in their business. Sometimes, if you are doing important things on your

office you can't go home early, and you think that you forget to switch off an

electronic devices such as TV, lights, fans, radio, etc. in your home and this

problem can cause of having damage of your devices maybe it overheat or

explodes and can cause fires. With this scenario, we can prevent this through the

Web simply you just open your Web Application then you have an access on your

devices and you can control it.

The researchers decide and planned to implement this kind of project not

because we go the flow of the technology but we try to help a small way but

effective for anyone else. In most cases of fire because of leaving electronic

devices in ON state, even if they already know it but they don't make action

because it takes time for them to go back on their home just turning OFF their

appliances its just wasted if they do that instead of continuing doing of their

business. In addition, to eliminate this kind of problem you can control your

electronic device through Internet, in this way will give you much comfortable

and lessen your nervous of thinking your home might having unsecured.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Manual operation of controlling your electronics devices in your home

when you are outside gives hassle for the owners, especially when they are in

their individual works. And also it can cause fires when overheat if the devices is

on state. In addition, the safety of the homes for individuals. In manual operation

system, controlling electronic devices when you are already outside it takes time

for you to get back in. Internet-based home device controller can fixed this kind

of problem.

Specifically, this research will answer the following questions:

1. How to create a system that will minimize the hassle of the homeowners?

2. How these projects help for the homeowners?

3. How to control an electronic device using Internet?

4. Will the device reply to the Web?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This study aims to improve on how to control electronic devices outside


Other specific objectives of this project are the following:

1. To provide a fast control outside homes.

2. To prevent damage of electronic devices.

3. To control an electronic devices through Internet.

4. To develop a client application (software) and server application to control

home appliances through the Internet.

5. To develop Graphical User Interface (GUI) software that will gives a user

easy to use and control home appliances.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This project is implemented because the researcher wants to apply their

past learning not only that but the researcher try to point out some significance of

this study. This project will be implemented and expected to give good effect or

beneficial to the following:

For the Institution, this will benefit to the institution representing the

University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue in which not only to satisfy the

requirements of CHED but to gave name to the school that they produces

students that can procure a good project. In further speaking this would be an

achievement and a pride of the school.

For the Home Owners, This will give security and help them control their

home appliances especially when the time they forgot to shut it off and they are

already in their office work which is far away from their home. Instead of going
back home, all they have to do is access the internet and do some mouse clicking

to turn it off.

The Researchers, This project is an achievement to help the home owners

control their appliances. It has been analyze and planned well, a sympathetic

outlook and strong determination to develop a project that can be function


For the Students/future developers, they would be able to use this data for

them to get the ideas and references if they are planning to conduct the same

study. This study could inspire interested students to make their own project or

improvements and innovations on our project. This helps them enhance their

skills and potential in their field of specialization.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scopes of this project are the following:

1. Can control home appliances through Internet.

2. Client server programming operation.

3. The structure of internetworking (a.k.a Internet).

4. Microsoft Visual Basic for graphical User Interface.

5. PC interfacing

These projects also have a certain limitations such as:

1. Can control up to four appliances (lights, ceiling fan, TV, rice cooker).

2. The devices that can be controlled will not exceed to 1000watts.

3. It can only on and off in controlling the devices.

1.6 Assumption

The researchers assume that:

1. The PC (client or user) and PC (server) must have Internet connection.

2. PC (server) must have continuous internet connection and must always

be on.

3. The client must be web browser accessible (web page, Flash, etc.)

4. The client must detect the input of the user.

5. The client must be able to send User/Password information to the


6. The client must detect the output of the server and display needed

information to the user like the status or get feedback from the devices.

7. The server must be accessible from the internet.

8. The server should accept and authenticates a client connection.

9. The server can interprets commands from the client and sends device

level commands to the device controller.

10. The microcontroller must be able to control the device.

11. The microcontroller must be able to parse and interpret commands.

1.7 Definitions of Terms

Internet - A computer network consisting of a worldwide network of

computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data

transmission and exchange.

Server - Server will host a web application that will authenticate users and allow

them to send commands to the devices. It will interpret user commands and send

device level commands to the Device Control Unit through the Internet using a
wireless access point.

User Interface - The user should start a web browser and connect to the server

through a known IP address or host name. The user will login to a software

graphic user interface (GUI) in order to authenticate. If the username and

password combination is valid, the GUI would lead the user to the Home

Appliance main menu, where the user would be able to select the specific home

appliance he/she is wishes to control or communicate with. Depending on the

selected appliance, the GUI would start a new frame that displays a list of options

that the user can select in order to communicate and/or control the appliance.

For example, the TV options would be either ON or OFF.

Devices - This refers to the home appliance that is controlled by the

microcontroller. Appliances considered for this project are lights, TV, and fan.

System – it is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a

common purpose.

Client – a workstation on a network that gains access to central data files,

programs, and peripheral devices through a server.

Microsoft Visual Basic – is the third generation eve-driven programming

language and integrated environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its COM

programming model. Visual Basic is also considered a relatively easy to

learn and use programming language, because of its graphical

development features and BASIC heritage.

Web – is a system of interlinked hypertext documents contained on the Internet.

1.8 Organization of the Study

Chapter 1 talks about the Research Background then the Statement of the

Problem in which the researcher state the problem based on their research

followed by the Objective of the Study that answers the statement of the problem.

Then, the Significance of the Study in which it gives the important of different

areas regarding the project. Scope and limitations talks about on what are the

limitations and the scope of the project, next is assumption where it includes

some assumption of the project by the researchers. And lastly is the Organization

of the Study which is the summary of all chapters.

Chapter 2 started by Historical Overview of the Theory and Related

Literature wherein the group conducted a research about the origins and history

of Internet. Then the Theory and Related Literature Specific of the Project in

which talks about the past related studies of this project. Lastly, the Theoretical

Background wherein Internet was clearly introduced in the field.

Chapter 3 is about the Conceptual Framework. With this, the whole

operation of the project are shown here, the Block Diagram, System Flowchart,

Design Layouts, and Program Flowchart, etc.

Chapter 4 talks about the Research Methodology, on how the data

gathered. It also talks the Research Procedures, Research Environment,

Respondents, and the Research Instrument.



2.1 Historical Overview of the Theory and Related Literature

The Internet is named after the Internet Protocol, the standard

communications protocol used by every computer on the Internet. The Internet

can powerfully leverage your ability to find, manage, and share information.

Never before in human history has such a valuable resource been available to so

many people at such little cost.

In the 1950s and early 1960s, prior to the widespread inter-networking

that led to the Internet, most communication networks were limited in that they

only allowed communications between the stations on the networks had gateways

or bridges between them, but these bridges were often limited or built specifically

for a single use. On prevalent computer networking method was based on the

central mainframe method, simply allowing its terminal to be connected via long

leased lines. This method was used in the 1950s by Project RAND to support

researchers such as Herbert Simon, at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania, when collaborating across the continent with researchers in

Sullivan, Illinois, on automated theorem proving and artificial intelligence

(Crocker, 1969).

Following commercialization and introduction of privately run Internet

service providers in the 1980s, and the Internet’s expansion for popular use in the

1990s, the Internet has had a drastic impact on culture and commerce. This

includes the rise of near instant communication by electronic mail (e-mail), text

based discussion forums, and the World Wide Web. Investor speculation in new
markets provided by these innovations would also lead to the inflation and

subsequent collapsed of the Dot-com bubble. But despite this, the Internet

continues to grow (Taylor, 1980).

As the Internet has become ubiquitous, faster, and increasingly accessible

to non-technical communities, social networking and collaborative services have

grown rapidly, enabling people to communicate and share interests in many

more ways.

2.2 The Theory and Related Literature Specific of the Project

This project is related to 'Home Automation uses SMS', developers at Eneo

Labs in Barcelona have put together a prototype system that uses SMS to let you

interact with your home appliances, using the setup, you can send messages to

everything from your lights to your heating system from anywhere you can use a

mobile phones.

Other related project is Infrared Remote Switch, used to switch ON/OFF

the Home Appliances by using a standard Remote control. This system is used to

switch on/off up to six electrical devices. All the above processes are controlled by

the 8 bit Microcontroller AT89C52. The Microcontroller receives the Infrared

Signal from the receiver and it decodes and switch on/off the appropriate Device

(developed by 8051projects).

Device Control using Telephone, this project can control up to ten devices,

home phone or office phone can be used to control by using a DPDT switch. The

user needs to dial to the local telephone (to which the interfacing circuit is

connected) then the respective code of the device is dialed (design by Ranjith,

Ethernet based Security System, the system should be installed near an

Internet source and a cable (crossover or straight-through as it depends) should

be plugged in to the module Rj-45 jack. If the system is in rest mode it is acting as

TCP server. It waits for commands from the client (its IP Address can be

programmed or change initially or during operation) and execute them (after a

password is entered obviously) while still inspecting for any Alarm which would

arises from the PIR sensor. When any Alarm triggers, it switches into client mode

(acts as a TCP client) and start sending warning sign (admin, 2008).

2.3 Theoretical Background

The advancement of technologies has offered convenience to us. This was

the observation of the world today. Sometimes the public forgot to think how this

technology will change the world in electronic field. The theory in electronic

device is very broad to understand, the researchers sum up the research in order

for us to understand where the background of the study begins. According to

( Internet is a global system of interconnected computer

networks that use the standard Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users

worldwide. With this, we can control our electronic devices via Internet.

Years ago, the thought of being able to control what goes on at home when

you're not there was unheard-of. If planning to leave for the day, most folks were

forced to leave an appliance on, and lock up before they went out. An appliance

would have been running all day.

In recent years, the Web has changed that scenario. Today, the Internet

allows homeowners to control their homes while they're away, as never before.

They can decide when lights in the house should turn on and off or any devices.
They can even monitor their homes with the help of Web-connected surveillance

equipment. Simply, put the Internet has revolutionized the way homeowners can

manage their homes. And it's getting easier by the day.

This project Internet-Based Home Appliance Controller is basically based

on remote accessing of the home appliances and gadgets etc. and the medium

for this remote access will be Internet which means that we can access our things

from anywhere. This is useful for long distance device control. In addition, since

this project uses an Internet the researchers provide another component called

RS-232, in order to connect the devices through with it. According to

(telecommunications) RS-232 is a standard for serial binary data signals

connecting between a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and DCE (Data Circuit-

terminating Equipment) and it is commonly used in computer serial ports. The

researchers provide also an Internet connection so that the users can control the

devices via Internet.

Since, this system needs a Web Application in order to get in the status of

the devices it needs to have an access of Internet connection. In addition,

Graphical User Interface will be implemented through Microsoft Visual Basic.

This language capable of communicating other program. Visual Basic is the third-

generation even-driven programming language and integrated development

environment from Microsoft for its COM programming model. Visual Basic is

also considered a relatively easy to learn and use programming language, because

of its graphical development features and BASIC heritage. Visual Basic was

derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development of Graphical

User Interface applications, Remote Data Objects (Lahiri, 2005).



3.1 Conceptual Framework



Home Circuit
devices Control

Fig. 1: Conceptual Framework

The concept of the project shows the entire framework and the design of

the project. Here, are the predictions of outcomes of the project or result. In

addition, all information that you want to know about the project is provided

here. This section presents a concept sketch of the system which serves to

illustrate the system, its interface and its use. Shown in Figure 1, is a user

accessing the computer to control and communicate with the appliance by

sending commands via Internet.

3.2 Project Design and Layouts

Project design and layouts are shown in this part to enable us to visualize

the procedures that the project is going through.

3.2.1 Block Diagram

Via internet


Figure 2.0 Block Diagram

This section presents a block diagram of the system and its components, which

serves to illustrate principal parts or functions of the system and the interaction

between them. For our system, the main hardware parts are the server, and the

micro controller which controls the appliance or device. In order to control the

devices you need an Internet connection first. The PC users is the transmitter that

gives a command to the receiver (server) and the receiver will pass the data came

from the user to the PIC and the data will convert into binary code and compared

this code to the program that pre-stored in the PIC. From the PIC the data is

converted into signals that pass through the relays to give this command to the

devices to perform the given task. The device will give feedback to the relay and

pass to the PIC and the PIC will give task to the receiver to give reply to the

3.2.2 System Flowchart
PC Client-User Log In

If username & Wrong



PC Server-User
input command



Status Check

Figure 3.0 Show the flow of the program

This section explains how the system works. We used this diagram to show the

flow of data in the system. The user can never access the server without

authentication. The user must enter the correct username and password first in

order to communicate with the server. After authentication the user can now

manipulate the devices by accessing the server. The server is now responsible of

sending that command to the microcontroller and from the microcontroller to the

devices. After the devices received that command it will feedback its status so that

the user will know if it has being on or off, basically for verification purposes and

then it will end.



4.1 Research Methods

This research is in a descriptive basis. The research applied a Quasi

Experimental Method. Quasi-Experiment is a research design having some but

not all of the characteristics of a true experiment. The element most frequently

missing is random assignment of subjects to the control and experimental

conditions. The word "quasi" means as if or almost, so a quasi-experiment

means almost a true experiment. There are many varieties of quasi-experimental

research designs, and there is generally little loss of status or prestige in doing a

quasi-experiment instead of a true experiment, although you occasionally run

into someone who is biased against quasi-experiments. One of the intended

purposes for doing quasi-experimental research is to capture longer time periods

and a sufficient number of different events to control for various threats to

validity and reliability. The researcher used this method because it takes time for

them to study to implement the project. The researcher decides to make a

research based on this method.

4.2 Research Procedures

1. Gathering Data

The researcher pass a survey questions to the homeowners in which they

are asking certain question regarding the security of their homes and also they
ask if there is a hassle to get back in their homes just turning OFF of their home

appliances when they are already in their individuals works.

2. Analysis

After surveying, the researchers carefully planned and analyzed and

suggested some different system that might be a solution on this kind of problem

for the homeowners. After planning, the researchers choose a system that can be

used and applied for the homeowners. And this system is an Internet-Based

Device Controller.

3. Design

Internet-Based Device Controller is created using some different medium,

first the Internet connection which is capable of communicating home server. In

addition, the researcher use a high level language which is Microsoft Visual Basic

for Graphical User Interface with this language it gives an access to the

homeowners to their individuals homes.

4.3 Research Respondents

Basically the homeowners are the main target for this study. The

researcher asked their individuals opinion with regards on the hassle of turning

ON or OFF when they are already outside homes.

4.3 Research Instrument

It is very important in doing research to have a research instrument in

order to have a good result, not only for the basis but also as a proved that the
researchers doing research. In this project the researchers used the questionnaire

for the homeowners to gather information.

4.4 Research Environment

Basically, the project targets the households where home owners living

there are always on the go or in a busy schedule. The researchers used quasi-

experimental method in doing the project. This is with the commitment to give

quality program that can help individuals control and monitor their household


2.1 Historical Overview of the Theory and Related Literature

Everyone knows Internet is now a part of communication networking and

spends around 10 to 20 hours a week or more online. If Internet allows people to

access bank online, office files, shop and do business, thus, it is possible to give

access and control the home appliances over the Internet.

Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks. Users at any one

computer can get information from any other computer in the Internet. It was

conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S.

government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANET. The original aim was

to create a network that would allow users of a research computer at one

university to be able to "talk to" research computers at other university

[11].Today, the Internet is a public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility

accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Physically, the Internet

uses a portion of the total resources of the currently existing public

telecommunication networks. Technically, what distinguishes the Internet is its

use of a set of protocols called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol


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