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About Us

It's nice of you to take the time to get to know us better. Here are some things about us that we
thought you might like to know.
Flipkart went live in 2007 with the objective of making books easily available to anyone who had
internet access. Today, we're present across various categories including movies, music, games,
mobiles, cameras, computers, healthcare and personal products, home appliances and electronics,
stationery, perfumes, toys, apparels, shoes and still counting!
Be it our path-breaking services like Cash on Delivery, a 30-day replacement policy, EMI options,
free shipping - and of course the great prices that we offer, everything we do revolves around our
obsession with providing our customers a memorable online shopping experience. Then there's our
dedicated Flipkart delivery partners who work round the clock to personally make sure the packages
reach on time.
So it's no surprise that we're a favourite online shopping destination.

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Flipkart Blog
Apologies from Flipkart
Posted in Uncategorized - 7 October 2014 - No comment
Yesterday was a big day for us and we really wanted it to be a great day for you.
However, at the end of the day, we know that your experience was less than
We did not live up to the promises we made and for that we are really and truly

It took enormous effort from everyone at Flipkart, many months of preparation

and pushing our capabilities and systems to the limit to be able to create this
day. We were looking at fulfilling the dreams of millions of Indian consumers
through deals and offers we had painstakingly put together for months.
Though we saw unprecedented interest in our products and traffic like never
before we also realized that we were not adequately prepared for the sheer
scale of the event. We didnt source enough products and deals in advance to
cater to your requirements. To add to this, the load on our server led to
intermittent outages, further impacting your shopping experience on our site.
An unprecedented 1.5 million people shopped at Flipkart yesterday. While we
stand humbled by the sheer faith that such a large number of customers have
shown in us, we are unhappy that we were unable to live up to the expectations
of millions more who wanted to buy from us yesterday.
This is not acceptable to us.
Delighting you and every single one of our customers, is absolutely the top most
priority for Flipkart and we have worked very hard over the last seven years to
earn your trust. Yesterday, we failed that trust. We have learnt some valuable
lessons from this and have started working doubly hard to address all the issues
that cropped up during this sale.
a. Price Changes
As we were preparing various deals and promotional pricing in the lead up to the
sale, the pricing of several products got changed to their non-discounted rates
for a few hours. We realise that this breaks the trust our customers have put in
us. We are truly sorry for this and will ensure that this never happens again.
b. Out-of-stock Issues
We ran out of the stock for many products within a few minutes (and in some
cases, seconds) of the sale going live. For example, most of our special deals
were sold out as soon as they went live. We had ensured availability, anywhere
from hundreds to a few lakh units for various products, but it was nowhere near
the actual demand. We promise to plan much better for future promotions and
ensure that we minimise the out-of-stock issues.
c. Cancellations
We had large number of people buying specific products simultaneously. This led
to some instances of an order getting over-booked for a product that was sold

out just a few seconds ago. We are working round-the-clock to ensure

availability of additional units for these products and will do our level best to
ensure that we minimise any cancellations.
d. Website Issues
We realise that the shopping experience for many of you was frustrating due to
errors and unavailability of the website at times. We had deployed nearly 5000
servers and had prepared for 20 times the traffic growth but the volume of
traffic at different times of the day was much higher than this. We are continuing
to significantly scale up all our back end systems so that we do a much, much
better job next time.
Everything that we have achieved at Flipkart is purely on the basis of our
customers trust and faith. This is why we come to work each day and continue
to remain extremely passionate about building the best possible customer
experience for Indian consumers. We failed to live up to this promise yesterday
and would like to apologise once again to every single customer for our failure.
Thank you.
Sachin and Binny

Flipkart eBooks Turns One!

Posted in Inside the Cart - 3 December 2013 - No comment
Hey there!
Weve been absent for a while. But we are back with some super news that we
just had to share with you folks.
On November 28th, 2012, we launched Flipkart eBooks with less than one lakh
books and an Android app to enable reading on the go.
Times just flown and its already time for our first anniversary!
The response we have got from all of you has been nothing less than
phenomenal. Today we have the widest selection of Indian titles in the market
and have expanded our selection to more than half a million titles. And a million
more titles are on their way!

We have also worked on making the reading experience better. This year saw
the launch of eBook apps for iOS, Windows and a web reader for customers who
prefer to read on the cloud.
Our apps are truly world-class and provide the coolest of features they use our
FlipStream technology to provide a faster and better reading experience to
You can switch the reading mode (day, night and sepia), font size and
orientation (landscape/portrait), ability to highlight any text, take notes,
bookmark pages and refer to a dictionary while reading.
Thats not all. We are also the first in the market to support regional languages
properly in the digital format (check out our Hindi eBooks to experience this).
We also added an offline reading mode feature to our web reader today. Now
you can download your eBooks to your PC/Mac, just like you do on an app and
continue to read your eBooks uninterrupted even if you are on a flight or train
without access to the internet.
And now for the best news! To celebrate our anniversary, we are giving away
more than one lakh books at Rs. 99 or lower for a limited period! Its all here!
So hop on to the eBook bandwagon and celebrate with us because we couldnt
have done it without you guys. Happy e-reading!
The Flipkart eBooks team

A Night at HRC OR Why it feels good to

work at Flipkart
Posted in The Flip side - 2 August 2012 - 11 comments
How on earth are these two experiences similar?
Hear it from our very own Rajesh Radhakrishnan who works in the Digital
team at Flipkart. He has a very cool story to share.
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending a concert by the stalwarts of Indian
Rock Indus Creed at the Hard Rock Cafe Mumbai.

They played a host of songs from their newer albums and a few of their older
tunes. Their encore set included their all time hit classic Pretty Child followed
by their first ever hit Top Of The Rock (from their Rock Machine days). The
keyboards, the guitars, the drums, the vocals were all in perfect sync. All in all a
memorable show for any rock lover.
But that was not the highlight of the show for me. There were two moments that
made my evening.
Moment #1:
The first moment was the opportunity to talk to Uday Benegal (their lead
When Uday walked in, I went up to him and spoke to him. First I congratulated
him on their new album. Then I mentioned what a big fan I was and also slipped
in that I work for Flipkart. (I was also wearing the Flipkart t-shirt.)
This got his attention and he mentioned how he loved Flipkart and ordered
books for his family from there. He was amazed by the speed of delivery.
Then I told him I work for the Digital vertical. And his first question was Great,
how is Flyte doing?. I was pleasantly surprised that he used the word Flyte
He went on to endorse his support of what Flyte is doing for the Indian Music
scene. In his words Its about F$@#ing time someone did something
Moment #2 : The BIG Moment
Midway through the concert Uday announced that people who have not brought
their latest album should buy it.
On being asked where?, he pointed towards the crowd and said There is a
man here who is wearing a blue shirt with a big F on the front.. As I waved
back to him from the crowd, he continued There he is. He is from
They are really friendly people and have excellent service. I buy from there all
the time.
Someone from the audience also cried out that they loved Flipkarts service.
Someone else suggested that Flipkart had given him some incentive to talk
about Flipkart. To this he immediately quipped that he was not getting anything
from them (Flipkart) and continued to say You can buy the physical album or
can opt for the digital download. They are priced very reasonably too.

That was a very proud moment for me.

Felt really good to be working for a company which
a) People recognize and
b) Speak good things about
Keep Rocking Fellow Flipkartians

Flipkart Hack-Till-No-End-Day: The

Conversion of Caffeine to Code (II)
Posted in Uncategorized - 23 June 2012 - 8 comments
We continue with part 2 of our Hack Day post penned by Devashish
Hackday was kick-started by Atul Chitnis ( guru) with an inspiring talk
about his life and work.
Post that everyone just got cracking on their designs/code at their respsective
The Demos, that followed the 24 hours of hacking, were a launch pad for the
Hackers/Creators to present their creations (Hacks) to the audiences and
request for their votes. Pretty much like entrepreneurs vying for VC funding by
putting their good stuff on display.
How? Well, the Demos were organized in a fair-type format with stalls and pods
set up for parallel Demoing, and the audience went around the place taking
turns to view the Hacks and vote for their favourite ones using plastic coins. It
was an awesome, crazy sight! Filled with energy and excitement.

The top 10 hacks were then selected by audience votes and judges votes and
they got to present once again on a big screen . There were various awards
including crazy ones like Most Helpful Hackers, Laziest Hack, the Hackiest
Hack, the Coolest Hack, the Out of the Box Hack and the Most Popular
The prizes themselves were a lot of fun too! The laziest hack guy got a bean-bag
and the most helpful hacker got a swiss-knife; the Out of the Box Idea guys got
a Lego box and the Coolest Hack guys got rapper gear/costume/accessories !!
The winners of the Best Hack awards and the most Popular Hack award got to
dress up like kings with capes, a crown and scepter to boot!!

The Two Winning Teams

Needless to say, it was great funand we can hardly wait for the next
(All the pics are the Copyright of Flipkart. Please provide a citation and a backlink to this blog post if you are using them elsewhere).

Flipkart Hack-Till-No-End-Day : The

Conversion of Caffeine to Code (I)
Posted in Uncategorized - 23 June 2012 - 1 comment
Its been a fortnight since Flipkart organized its very own Hack Day and we
have Devashish Bhattacharjee from Flipkart pen down some lines on what
was easily the coolest do of the year:
It was that time of the year again. On June 7th & 8th, Flipkart HackDay was
back with a bang a wacky, crazy, cool version, in its third avatar.
Wondering why its Hack Day and not days? Thats coz the event officially starts
at 4 pm on the first day (June 7) and ends at 4 pm on the next day (June 8,
2012) making it a 24 hour extravaganza Thats 24 hours to convert caffeine
into code (a phrase coined by one of the organizers and has stuck on just like
that!) or in other words 24 hours to create something new of your own.
Readers please note that the meaning of the term Hack or Hacking here is:
creating something new, something different, changing the status quo of things
around oneself and improving things from how/what they are.

A Hack Day poster

Another Hack Day poster

Geeks, hackers, programmers, coders, developers (I know the last three are
pretty much the same!), designers, creators, dreamers, thinkers, technologists,
basically anyone with any interest in technology was encouraged to create cool
hacks. The joy of creation reigned supreme!
Overall, it was basically an almost two-day long party filled with festivities and
celebrations with technology at the center. Having fun was the motto of the
day. Nevertheless, innumerable useful ideas and awesome hacks saw the light of
day as they got implemented at break neck speeds, de novo. A virtually
unending stream of yummy food (read Subway sandwiches, biriyani, pav bhaaji,
chhole bhature, rolls, hakka noodles, momos, chicken tikka, aloo parantha, and
more) made its way to our office and got consumed like crazy.
Packed with bean-bags (for some cozy coding), red bull (for self-energizing),
music and coffee (for keeping awake), the office atmosphere was energized
enough to keep everyones spirits high through the night, causing the creative
sparks to fly on! And the crazy diamonds shone on Till they became
comfortably numb!
The fervent energy, the feverish enthusiasm, the mounting euphoria, was, as
they say in Hindi, Dekhte hi banta tha!!. (You have to see it to believe it!).

Here comes the Grand Finale last two

days at World Book Fair
Posted in Uncategorized - 2 March 2012 - 17 comments
We know weve been missing for a couple of days. But fret not we have kept
the best for the last.
Things have been rather hectic for us here but a happy-hectic. Meeting our
customers face-to-face, getting to hear some of the great ideas they have
shared with us, running those contests and of course, the meet-and-greets
continue. Phew!
Its been a rather inspirational two days as well. Guess who visited us? The
eminent Shiv Khera (of You Can Win fame) and Bimal Jalan! We kept all our
work aside just to hear them talk and so did the rest of the crowd. Must say it
totally made our day!

Shiv Khera at Flipkart

So now the World Book Fair is wrapping up. Two more days to go and it will be
back to the same ol routine. Already feeling the Monday morning blues.
But we do have a rather exciting weekend before that! Heres the line-up*
Saturday, March 3, 1 pm onwards we have Shashi Tharoor, Rocky and
Mayurand Chetan Bhagat.
Sunday March 4 we have the charismatic William Dalrymple at 3 pm
Isnt that a drool-worthy list? Everyone is totally hopping around with
excitement over here. Pretty sure youre hopping around on the other side of
this screen too.
As far as were concerned tomorrow couldnt get here fast enough!
*may have teeny-tiny changes will be sure to let you know though.

Chill out with Flipkart

Posted in Uncategorized - 28 February 2012 - 10 comments
Were back again with some more tidbits from the World Book Fair.
So yesterday was absolute mayhem! Our stall actually witnessed a ministampede. And no, its not because Flipkart is the coolest thing since sliced
bread (though we like to think we are). Nope it wasnt a question of what
made the crowd go crazy but who? With Javed Akhtar there to launch his book
Lava everyone went into a frenzy. In fact, we had to abandon our day jobs of
giving gyaan about books and morph into temporary bouncers to get everyone
pacified and happy. The ever gracious Mr. Akhtar helped no end by being super
patient smilingly posing for pics and signing books for everyone.

The Javed Akhtar magic

We are expecting another wave of craziness today with the gorgeous Gul
Panag in the house at 3 pm to launch Sachin Gargs latest.

Sachin Garg's 'Never Let Me Go'

We have donned our superhero slash bouncer outfits in preparation. By the
power of the universe and all that.
Also have a super new addition to our stall and they are.books! Gasp!
Yes yes, we know what you are thinking. Duh! Its a book fair! Right you are
but this is a bit different. We still aint selling but what you can do is grab your
favourite title of the shelves in our reading zone, plonk yourself down on one of
the beanbags and read to your hearts content. No hurry, you can stay as long
as you like. Kind of a free lending library only you cant take the books home.

The reading/chill-out zone at the Flipkart World Book Fair stall

Ok gotta go. Only one beanbag free want to put in some reading time before
duty beckons.

When dreams were launched: Day Two at

World Book Fair
Posted in Uncategorized - 26 February 2012 - 1 comment
So end of day two and what a day two it was.
We had Rashmi Bansal release her book Sach Hue Sapnay (the Hindi translation
of her popular I Have A Dream). Preeti Shenoy followed with a book reading of
her own and also signed some books for her happy fans which included us of
course (the perks of working amongst books we tell you)

Rashmi Bansal at the Flipkart World Book Fair stall

And now*drumrolls*time for some news to take those Monday blues away.
Want to know what we have lined up for tomorrow (Feb 27th)?
First up, a book-reading at 1 pm by our very own Flipkart employee Sudhanshu
Gupta, who has co-authored a book called The Lost Story. We could tell you we
are super thrilled and pleased as punch but that would be an understatement.
And to top it all off, the mesmerizing Javed Akhtar will be there at 4pm. Quite
a coup that one eh?
Oh ohwe also have some snazzy plans up our sleeve to make our stall even
more of a chill-out zone. So guess what we are going to do? We are thinking of
setting up a

haha gotcha! Not spilling the beans now. Come back tomorrow and maybe

World Book Fair: Lights, camera, action!

Posted in Uncategorized - 25 February 2012 - 12 comments
So its been a good first day so far. Quite the crowd here. Also, deafening noise.
Began to feel like we were at a cricket stadium with Sachin about to hit that
100th ton instead of a book fair.
While the author scene was all about the men today, tomorrow (26th Feb) its
time for the lovely and talented ladies to pay us a visit. If youre around then
drop in and you could be one of the lucky ones to meet Preeti
Shenoy (@1pm)andRashmi Bansal (@6pm). We promise not to hog all their time
and give you guys some time to chit chat as well.
Also, if you are in a different city and currently going mad with jealousy at being
left out of all the fun we have a neat little pic of our not so little stall for you.
Or as one tweep called it the Flipkart pavilion *grin*

The Flipkart Pavilion at WBF - before the madness begun!

Well, gotta run back and join the madness. Until tomorrow adios amigos.

Flippin the 2012 World Book Fair

Posted in Uncategorized - 24 February 2012 - 5 comments
Crazily big stall (pssst one of the biggest actually) at the World Book Fair
Tons of games and vouchers to be won check
A line-up of super cool authors, book launches and meet-and-greets check

Yep, your favourite (we hope) online bookstore is going to wreak havoc at
Indias oldest book fair and true to form we promise its going to be exciting.
Do come. The thing is, we worked extra hard on the creatives for the stall,
burned the midnight oil and all that and we are rather desperate to show them

Flipkart creatives at the WBF stall

Now we cant sell books there we are all about shopping online after all. But
what we have done for you is get some of your favourite authors to visit us all
through the fair.
Heres a sneak peek into what is lined up for tomorrow we have the super
talented Ashok Banker (Forest of Stories) and Ashwin Sanghi of Chankayas
Chant fame (heres our rather interesting interview with Shawn Haigins) all set
to meet fans at the Flipkart stall on Saturday, 25th Feb, at 3 pm and 6 pm
respectively. You can even bring along your personal copies of their books and
get them signed.
Since we dont want you to get lost
Stalls 957 988, Hall No. 6
Date: 25th February till 4th March
Now you have no excuses.

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