Hamlet Test

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Fundao Liberato English Level 5

Students name: _______________________________________ Group: _______ Date: ____________


1) Write the names of the characters.
a) ______________________________________
against the law.
b) ______________________________________
seen a figure like his dead father.
c) ______________________________________
d) ______________________________________
e) ______________________________________
f) ______________________________________
g) ______________________________________
her father.
h) ______________________________________
i) ______________________________________
j) ______________________________________
from following his fathers ghost.

marries her first husbands brother, though it is

is the close friend who tells Hamlet that he has
orders Hamlet to avenge his death.
pretends to be mad to deceive his enemies.
makes Hamlet able to prove that his uncle is
spies on Hamlet while he is talking to his mother.
goes mad and dies because her lover has killed
joins the king to avenge the death of his father.
is the cause of all that goes wrong in the story.
is one of the guards who tries to stop Hamlet


1) Choose the correct answer.

a) Hamlet wants to find forget punish his uncle.
b) Hamlet is a story about love mystery revenge.
c) Hamlet was written 200 300 400 years ago.
2) Answer these questions. Why...
a) ... doesnt the ghost rest in peace
... does the ghost appear before Hamlet
b) ... is Hamlet furious
c) ... is Hamlets mother a weak woman
d) ... cant Hamlet act like a normal person when he finds out his uncle is guilty

e) ... did the King and the Queen think Hamlet was mad because of love

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is visited by a mysterious ghost resembling his recently deceased father, the King
of Denmark. The ghost tells Hamlet that his father was murdered by Claudius, the Kings brother, who then
took the throne and married Hamlets mother, Gertrude. The ghost encourages Hamlet to avenge his fathers
death by killing Claudius.
The task before Hamlet weighs heavily upon him. Hamlets uncertainty is what makes the character so
believable he is arguably one of literatures most psychologically complex characters. He is slow to take
action, but when he does it is rash and violent. We can see this in the famous curtain scene when Hamlet kills
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Macbeth Shakespeare
Play of Shakespeare
Summary Analysis
About William Shakespeare
Analysis of Hamlet

Hamlets Love
Polonius daughter, Ophelia, is in love with Hamlet, but their relationship has broken down since Hamlet
learned of his fathers death. Ophelia is instructed by Polonius and Laertes to spurn Hamlets advances.
Ultimately, Ophelia commits suicide as a result of Hamlets confusing behavior towards her.

A Play-within-a-play
In Act 3, Scene 2, Hamlet organizes for players to re-enact his fathers murder at the hands of Claudius in order
to gauge Claudius reaction. He confronts his mother about his fathers murder and hears someone behind the
arras believing it to be Claudius, Hamlet stabs the man with his sword. It transpires that he has actually killed

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

Claudius realizes that Hamlet is out to get him and professes that Hamlet is mad. Claudius arranges for Hamlet
to be shipped to England with his former friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern who have been informing the
king about Hamlets state of mind.

Claudius has secretly sent orders for Hamlet to be killed on arrival in England, but Hamlet escapes from the
ship and swaps his death order for a letter ordering the death of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
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To Be or Not To be
Hamlet arrives back in Denmark just as Ophelia is being buried which prompts him to contemplate life, death
and the frailty of the human condition.

Tragic Ending
Laertes returns from France to avenge the death of Polonius, his father. Claudius plots with him to make
Hamlets death appear accidental and encourages him to anoint his sword with poison putting a cup of poison
aside in case the sword is unsuccessful.
In the action, the swords are swapped and Laertes is mortally wounded with the poisoned sword. He forgives
Hamlet before he dies.
Gertrude dies by accidentally drinking the cup of poison. Hamlet stabs Claudius but is himself fatally wounded.
Hamlet's revenge is finally complete. In his dying moments, he bequeaths the throne to Fortinbras.
It is interesting that Hamlet is a revenge tragedy driven by a protagonist unable to commit to the act of revenge.
In the story, it is Hamlets inability to avenge the murder of his father that drives the plot forwards and the
deaths of Polonius, Laertes, Ophelia, Gertrude, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern all result from Hamlets delay.

Action verses Inaction

To highlight Hamlets inability to take action, Shakespeare includes a number of other characters capable of
taking resolute and headstrong revenge as required. Fortinbras travels many miles to take his revenge and
ultimately succeeds in conquering Denmark; Laertes plots to kill Hamlet to revenge the death of his father,
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About William Shakespeare

Shakespeare Quotations
Analysis of Hamlet
Hamlet Shakespeare
Shakespeare Quotes

Compared to these characters, Hamlets revenge is ineffectual. Once he decides to take action, he delays any
action until the end of the play. It should be noted that this is not uncommon in Elizabethan revenge tragedies.
What makes Hamlet a unique piece of writing is the remarkable way in which Shakespeare uses the delay to
build Hamlets emotional and psychological complexity.
Hamlets revenge is delayed in three significant ways:
1. Hamlet must first establish Claudius guilt, which he does in Act 3, Scene 2 by presenting the murder of
his father in a play. When Claudius storms out during the performance, Hamlet becomes convinced of
his guilt.
2. Hamlet then intellectualizes his revenge, contrasting with the rash actions of Fortinbras and Laertes. For
example, Hamlet has the opportunity to kill Claudius in Act 3, Scene 3. He draws his sword, but is
concerned that Claudius will go to heaven if killed while praying.
3. After killing Polonius, Hamlet is sent to England making it impossible for him to gain access to
Claudius and carry out his revenge. During his trip, he decides to become more headstrong in his desire
for revenge.
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Although he does ultimately kill Claudius in the final scene of the play, we cannot credit Hamlet with plotting
the revenge rather, it is Claudius plan to kill Hamlet that backfires.
Perhaps if Hamlet had acted earlier, lives could have been saved?
his famous quote comes from one of the most famous lines from Shakespeare. Hamlet delivers this soliloquy in
Act III scene 1 and it centres on his arguments for committing suicide in what is to him a world that only brings
him pain and sadness. The quote you have asked about is interesting, because, as the starting line of the poem, it
examines the question of suicide as a logical question. "To be or not to be" is basically saying whether to live or
not to live is to be preferred.
Hamlet then develops his argument by thinking whether it is more noble to just endure and suffer life and be
passive in the face of this sadness and suffering or to actively look to end that suffering. Suicide, in the face of
this is a "consummation / Devoutly to be wished." However, what makes Hamlet pause is the thought of what
might happen in the afterlife. Even though he compares death to a "sleep," potentially the kind of dreams that
may come to him must "give us pause."
In the famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy, Hamlet wonders whether to live or die, given the pain he feels at
his father's death/murder, and his mother Gertrude's hasty remarriage to the murderer. In this soliloquy, he
wonders if it is nobler to bear his grief, or to take action.
His father's ghost has told him what happened and demands revenge. Hamlet has two ways of taking arms
against the sea of troubles he faces--commiting murder, or committing suicide. In his belief system, both would
lead to eternal damnation. Ay, there's the rub. There's the nightmare that troubles the eternal "sleep" of death.
Thoughts of what could happen after death "give us pause". He wonders who would bear the injustice and
disappoint-ments of life, knowing suicide would end these. It is the "dread of something after death (that)
puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have/than fly to others that we know not of..."
The next line is one of Shakespeare's famous double entendres, full of irony: "Thus conscience does make
cowards of us all": conscience is both knowledge and knowledge of right and wrong. He goes on to say that "
thus the native hue of resolution/is sicklied over with the pale cast of thought; enterprises ...lose the name of
action." This conflict between thought and action is an oft explored theme in this play. It is perhaps too facile to
call it procrastination as it is also about the conflict of reason versus rationalization.

Finally, catching sight of Ophelia, Hamlet asks (whether or not she hears him) that she remember his sins in her
prayers (orisons). As this soliloquy reflects, it seems that everywhere he looks, everything he considers-whether inaction, murder, or suicide--he is doomed.

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