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Personal Information:
Name: Elmira Ruth Aira L. Gamba
Age: 18
Birthdate: May 08, 1996
Tests Given:
Multiple Intelligence Quiz
Intercultural Effectiveness Scale
ONARD Personality Profile
Emotional and Social Intelligence Test

Background and Observations:

Ms. Aira Gamba is an 18 year old student who studies Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral
Science in the University of Santo Tomas. Ms. Aira arrived 5 minutes early for her interview,
dressed in modern corporate attire. She appeared neat and very organized. She wore a
navy blue dress with a belt and a matching polka-dot blazer and white wedged shoes. She
had a big smile and a happy atmosphere. She was very bubbly and had a pleasing
personality in the course of the interview. Ms. Gamba answered enthusiastically and
straightforward to the questions.
In describing herself and providing a history, Ms. Gamba described herself as a
woman who walks with God. Her mood throughout the interview was very easy-going and
she was calm and polite. Ms. Gamba expressed that positive attitude and goal-setting is
needed to have a successful career. She also prioritizes her family very dearly. She also
stated that her life is centered on God.

Test Results and Findings:

The first test that Ms. Gamba took was the Multiple Intelligence Quiz. This test
determines which intelligences are strongest for Ms. Gamba. On this test, Ms. Gamba scored
a total of 24 for the Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence. This suggests that she tends to read a lot,
remember the exact words said to her and can easily explain things to others. She scored a
25 on the Logical/Mathematical Intelligence. This means that she can work best in an
organized area and if she has a planner and to do list and she does things one step at a
time. In the Visual/Spatial Intelligence, she scored a total of 22. This score shows us that
she is very observant and sees things that other people miss. She can remember things
very well. She had a total score of 32 in the Interpersonal Intelligence. This is the highest of
her scores. This suggests that she has high interpersonal skills. She can sense the moods
and feelings of others, and can sort out misunderstandings among people. In the Musical
Intelligence, her score is 25. She can easily engage in musical activities, she can remember
pieces of music easily and her mood changes through listening to music. She scored a total
of 21 in the Naturalistic Intelligence, she is quite aware with the environment and she

engages in clean-up projects. Her Body/ Kinesthetic Intelligence score is 31. This is the
second-highest of all the scores. This suggests that she is active in participating in sports
and she is well-coordinated. She bests understands by doing things and she can think
through problems through walking. The last is the Intrapersonal Intelligence. In this part,
she scored a total of 28. She knows herself very well and have a good understanding of her
own feelings and how she reacts to situations.
The second test she took was the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale. This test was
developed specifically to evaluate the competencies critical to interacting effectively with
people who are from cultures other than our own. Her results show that she is very selfaware. Self-awareness is the highest of all the scores she had. She knows herself well and
she is comfortable with herself. She is an explorer. She learns from her mistakes. She treats
every situation as an opportunity to learn. This two, Self-Awareness and Exploration shows
her continuous learning. And this is also the highest scored of the whole computation. She is
continuing to learn. She grasps for opportunities and grabs every chance.
The third test Ms. Gamba answered was the ONARD Personality Profile. This test
is to profile behavioural references of individuals. Ms. Gamba scored highest on the Neutral
Profile. She tends to like harmony and stability and clearly defines roles. She tends to
dislike unplanned changes. And she is motivated by loyalty, security and acceptance. Her
second high score was on the Relational Profile. She tends to like fun and reaching out to
others and inspiring them. And she tends to dislike routines, because she perceives this as
boring. She is motivated by recognition, approval and fun. She scored both the Analytical
and Decisive Profiles with the same score. And she scored the Openness Profile the lowest.
The last test she took was the Emotional and Social Intelligence Test. This test
is designed to assess the emotional and social competencies of individuals in organizations.
Her results suggest that she is a person who thinks that she is industrious and efficient in
management, but has not yet succeeded in persuading anyone else of her leadership
qualities. She has a good chance to be successful in this field of work and to get things
done. She knows how to motivate others, to make light of troubles and to empathize.

Summary and Recommendations:

Overall, Ms. Gamba appears to display many of the personality traits and behavioral
characteristics often seen in people who succeed as Human Resources Associates. This
candidates cognitive abilities and interest patterns are consistent with those seen in people
who typically do well in this profession. Results of this assessment suggest that Ms. Gamba
has no emotional, behavioral, or psychiatric impairment that would prevent her from
fulfilling the responsibilities of the Human Resources Associate. Given these findings, it is
strongly recommended that she be approved for this job.

Signature above printed name of Assessor

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