I. Write Questions About The Italicized Parts of The Following Sentences

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I. Write questions about the italicized parts of the following sentences:


She stole the bread for the sake of her sick child.
The tower has been standing here since 1925 as a symbol of peace and friendship.
My grandparents live about three miles away.
Aunt Elizabeth is a very handsome woman.
Your son should drink out of the small glass.
She had been packing up her things for about two hours when it was time to leave for the
railway station.
7) He managed to climb twenty feet up the mountain.
8) A branch of the Gulf Stream comes to the west coast of the British Isles.
9) By the way, yesterday you went off with Janes hat.
10) All the students attending that course appreciated the clarity of his presentation.
11) Our school is about half a mile beyond the playing field.
12) They catch fish and oysters by means of nets.
13) She was going to get it from the chemists.
14) He will certainly join us unless he chooses to take a different route.
15) My brother scored 120 in the IQ test.
II. Add the necessary question-tags to the following statements:
1) She really must leave for school now.
2) Frank often watched his sister acting.
3) Frank never watched his sister acting.
4) They havent any money in the bank.
5) I am disturbing you if I come now.
6) There is nowhere to sit in this room.
7) Each of you is staying overnight.
8) All of us will go to the cinema.
9) He had his car repaired last week.
10) She may join us on that trip.
11) You never used to wear a hat.
12) Youd rather I didnt contradict you.
13) He ought to have been informed about it.
14) They have a meeting every month.
15) You havent met my cousin John.
16) No one watched the building while we were away.
17) He hardly ever talks to us now.
18) Everyone likes the Physics teacher.
19) Either Jane or Mary will come to help us.
20) You have to go to Bucharest next week.
III. Add tags in order to soften the power of the following imperatives:
1) Come and see me after work tomorrow.
2) Lets take the baby to another doctor.


Dont sit in the managers chair.

Let me have a look at your composition.
Dont choose such a loud tone of voice.
Call me when she gets back to the office.

IV. Translate into English the following statement short answer pairs:
1) -N-am reuit s ajung la timp din cauza vremii.
-Nici fratele meu nu a reuit.
2) -Anul acesta am cursuri numai dup-amiaza.
-i eu la fel i nu-mi place deloc.
3) -nv spaniola de vreo ase luni i m descurc binior.
-i eu, dar nu o vorbesc prea fluent.
4) -Am s m duc s o felicit pe Ana cu ocazia zilei sale de natere.
-i eu m voi duce.
5) -Nu-mi place de noul nostru ef.
-S-i spun sincer, nici mie.
V. Rephrase the following sentences, paying attention to the word order:
1) As soon as I went to bed, someone knocked at the door.
No sooner
2) There was so much confusion that the stock exchange remained closed.
3) I wouldnt doubt her integrity for one moment.
4) If you do happen to stop at the library, could you return this book for me?
5) Its not common for there to be such heavy snowfalls in October.
6) You wont be allowed to leave until the problem has been solved.
Only ..
7) The door keeper cannot be blamed for the fire in any way.
8) The manager didnt at all suspect that his partner was trying to get rid of him.
9) Helen read the story, and also translated it into English.
Not only
10) She was extremely beautiful and men could hardly take their eyes off her.
VI. Give the negative counterparts of the following sentences:

Someone came to see her sometime after the accident.

Both Jane and Mary have handsome fathers.
They managed to find something interesting somewhere else.
If you dont get along with your boss, you can move somewhere else.
Its still snowing.
Your sister might be somehow disappointed when she finds out the truth.
There has been only one bus since morning.
She nearly always has to finish the others work.

9) Frank has brought some presents and so has John.

10) He was already there when I arrived.
VII. Translate into English:

Nu pot s nu-i spun c s-a nelat in aceast privin.

Abia dac-l cunoatem pe noul nostru coleg.
Nu obinuia s doarm dup-amiaza cnd era copil.
Nici unul dintre studeni nu trebuie s plteasc aceast tax.
Nici bine nu a intrat pe u, c l-au i sunat de la servici.
Care dintre cele dou tablouri i place?
Nici unul.
7) N-am putut trece pe la tine sptmna aceasta, i nici sptmna viitoare n-o s am timp.
8) Nu astzi suntem invitai la petrecere, ci smbta viitoare.
9) Nici Maria, nici Ana nu vor s-i spun mamei ce s-a ntmplat la coal.
10) n casa aceasta nimeni nu tie niciodat nimic.
VIII. Give the affirmative counterparts of the following negative sentences:

No woman will ever turn George into a good husband.

No one of that description ever wanted to see you.
The child can neither read nor write.
Scarcely anybody expected her to pass the exam..
No one must smoke in this institution.
They couldnt have waited there long.

IX. Rephrase the following sentences:

1) He couldnt remember the title of the novel and his colleague couldnt either.
2) They seldom argue about who should do the housework.
3) Mary accepted our suggestion and so did her husband.
Mary didnt.
4) Whenever she saw an old couple, she thought of her own parents.
She couldnt.
5) I had just resumed work when phone rang again.
6) They never thought that their plan would be successful.
At no time..
7) Nothing will make me trust him again.
There isnt
8) Are you going out tonight?, the man asked his son.
The man wanted to know..
9) Both my sister and my brother are students.
Not only..
10) We usually dont play tennis on Sundays.
We almost

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