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A Call To The Wise

Nathan Myers

When, however, it comes to defining precisely what is involved.. things grow
more obscure.. Who of us can say even of his own brothers whether their perceptions of
weight and time are well developed or not?.. On the whole, I think that we are driven to
substitute for it some such general conceptions as the following, which allows for
zoological differences as we know them, and is vague and elastic enough to receive any
number of future discoveries of detail.. Like all other organs, however, they evolve from
ancestor to descendent, and their evolution takes two directions-William James.
A book about the future, written in the past; featuring the team members as
characters. And then, things get strange. Critics say the whole story is a metaphysical
mystery within the earth shattering sci-fi thriller and the scope of this story is enormous.The Whole Story advertising video. A certain imagination is required, of course.-Ken
Wilber. Better read it first, for if one drinks much from a bottle marked "Poison", it's
almost certain to disagree with one sooner or later.- Alice. Although it is purely
intuitive speculation on my part, I feel we do not have to look far to surmise who has
been the recipient of all that poison- Liz Greene. Nothing comes unannounced, but
many can miss the announcement.- Terence McKenna.
Of what value are the individuals efforts, his moral struggles, his humble acts of
love and courage, his strivings for the betterment of himself and his family and his world,
if all is ultimately rendered pointless by what has already been written?.. But sometimes
it is the asking of the question that opens doors, rather than the determined search for an
unambiguous answer.. This is easy to write about, and much more difficult to endureLiz Greene.
The time has come, my little friends, to talk of other things, of shoes and ships
and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs
have wigs.. calloo, callay, come run away, with the cabbages and kings.-Walrus. It
would be so nice if something would make sense for a change.-Alice.
Perhaps it is now more than ever important to hear these poetic visions of the
orderly nature of the universe, because we have grown so dangerously far from themLiz Greene. While my extensive experience as an editor has lead me to a distain for
flashbacks and flashforwards and all such tricksy gimmicks, I believe that if you, dear
reader, can extend your patience for just a moment, you will find there is a method to this
tale of madness- David Mitchel, Cloud Atlas. It is a brief [happening].. a tale told by an
idiot, it goes without saying, but a tale that, precisely in signifying Nothing, signifies the
All, and there is the sound and the fury- Ken Wilber.
Nothing is as eloquent as nothing.- David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas. Whole atoms
are parts of molecules; whole molecules are parts of cells; whole cells are parts of
organisms, and so on. Each WHOLE is simultaneously a PART, a whole/part, a Holon.
And reality is composed, not of things nor processes nor wholes nor parts, but of
whole/parts, of Holons. We will be looking at Holons in.. the evolutionary thread that
connects them all, unfolds them all, embraces them all, endlessly.. And here, I think,
some surprises await us.. The beads of knowledge are already accepted: it is only
necessary to provide the thread to string them together into a necklace.. [This book is]
one attempt to string together such a necklace; whether it succeeds or not remains to be
seen. But if nothing else, I think it is at least a good example of how this type of work can
be done in todays world. In working with broad orienting generalizations, [this book]

delivers up a broad orienting map of the place of men and women in relation to the
Universe, Life, and Spirit, the details of which we can all fill as we like, but the broad
outlines of which really have an awful lot of supporting evidence simply but sturdy,
from the various branches of human knowledge.. History is an impertinence and an injury
if it be anything more than a cheerful apolgue or parable of my being and becoming..
This is a chronicle of what [we] have done, a tale of what [we] have seen, and a measure
of what we all might yet become.-Ken Wilber.
It may seem to some nuts and bolts have replaced hearts and minds.. I trust that
in the following discussion the context will make clear which meaning is intended.-Ken
Wilber. Kids come into this world and start to ask, what is going on? Why is the world
like this? Why dont the adults who are supposed to take care of things so us kids can
grow in a healthy environment have it figured out yet? Sometimes the questions are
complicated, and the answers are simple.-Dr. Suess.
I am sure that many sorts of readers, even those who are just beginning the study
of the subject, will find my book of use.. Of course this point of view is anything but
ultimate- William James. My dreams are the single unpredictable factor in my zoned
days and nights. Nobody allots them, or censors them. Dreams are all I have ever truly
owned.- David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas. My suggestions are simply a beginning, ways to
spark your own participation. Ultimately it is your own understanding that is going to
change your reality.-Deepak Chopra. In all ages the man whose determinations are
swayed by reference to the most distant ends has been held to possess the highest
intelligence.. So much I may say in advance.. But this brings it inevitably about that,
when a chain of experiences has been already registered and the first link is impressed
once again from without, the last link will often be awakened in idea long before it can
exist in fact- William James.
A good teacher clarifies his own ideas and strengthens them by teaching them.
Teacher and pupil are alike in the learning process. They are in the same order of
learning, and unless they share their lessons conviction will be lacking. A good teacher
must believe in the ideas he teaches, but he must meet another condition; he must believe
in the students to whom he offers the ideas.. I need devoted teachers who share my aim of
healing for the mind.. There could be no better example that the ego is only an idea and
not a fact.. Think of the love of animals for their offspring, and the need they feel to
protect them. That is because they regard them as part of themselves. No one dismisses
something he considers part of himself.. Belief that there is another way of perceiving is
the loftiest idea of which ego thinking is capable. That is because it contains a hint of
recognition that the ego is not the Self.- A Course In Miracles- Foundation For Inner
These are the days of [individuals]s opportunity to lead a still troubled
mankind toward a better way of life. If we meet this challenge, we will insure not only
survival of our [species] for centuries to come, but we shall gain the enduring gratitude of
our fellowmen and [Humanity] will be remembered in the end of time as a great
enlightened people. It is not enough that we solve particular problems. We must solve the
very cause of problem itself. Wars, depressions, crime, dictators, and their oppressions,
are the symptoms giving clear indication of a greater ailment. To examine each problem
solely in terms of the problem itself, without recognition of its true relationship to a larger
and more universal necessity, is to fail in the broader implications of an enduring peace

and prosperity. Barbarism ends with the beginning of world civilization. To be civilized,
according to Cicero, is to reach that state of personal and collective behavior in which
[individuals] can live together harmoniously and constructively, united for the betterment
of all. By this definition, we have never been civilized. We have existed in a state of
cultured savagery. Experience should have taught us long ago that policies which have
originated from material considerations and attitudes have proved inadequate. The whole
story of civilization and the records of history tell us that all such adjustments hold no
hope of lasting peace or security. The greatest of known problems is the human problem.
That man is physical is obvious; but he is also mental, and emotional; he is spiritual, and
he has a soul. These latter factors are not so obvious. With the loss of his spiritual
perception, material ambitions increased, and the desire for conquest was born. Men
yearned after that which they had not earned, and gazed with covetous eyes upon the
goods of others. So complete was this destruction, that men forgot there is a better way of
life, and since have accepted the evils of war and crime and poverty as inevitable. The
world lost too all sense of its own unity; each mans hand was thereafter raised against
his neighbor. The perfect state disappeared under the deluge of politics; the priests of
Poseidon gave way to the priesthood of Mammon. We as builders of a civilization will
have to learn that only when equal consideration is given to each of these elements of
[human] nature will we arrive at the solutions for the disasters into which men and
nations precipitate themselves. Few indeed are the statesmen and politicians who have
any conception of man as a spiritual being. And as for military leaders, they are primarily
disciplinarians, invaluable as such times of war, but not at all emotionally geared to
problems of individualistic peacetime character. And world planners recruited from
among our industrial leaders, it must be admitted, are not generally informed on the
workings of the human psyche. Those who have made the study of human conduct their
life work, the sociologists, have little scientific knowledge of the hidden springs that
animate that very conduct into its amazing diversity of manifestations. And if a word is to
be said for bringing in the clergy, it might be that the theologian planner who will be truly
useful will be one who acquires at least some knowledge of the science of biology. We
are displaying a woeful lack of vision in the way we fumble with the eternal laws of life..
We must.. face the truth that man is inevitably and incurably an idealist; for this is the
truth that will set us free. Mans need is for the idealistic content of his nature to be
properly nourished; then his whole consciousness will impel him to right action- and then
no more will our laws fail, treaties be broken, and the rights of man stand violated. The
[people] desperately needs a vision of [their] own purpose. It must conceive it in a
generous idealism, great and strong enough to bind thoughtless and selfish persons to
something bigger than themselves. It must recognize that it is in the intangible ideal that
the foundations are laid for all seeable good, must know that the truly practical course
and the course of hard realism for [Humanity] is the one that is laid basically in a
generous idealism. This is more than an indicated course. It is one that we inevitably
must follow, guided by the hand of destiny. Believing this to be so, I dedicate this [book]
to the proposition that [the Human Species] is part of a Universal Plan. Our world is ruled
by inflexible laws which control not only the motions of the heavenly bodies, but the
consequences of human conduct. These Universal motions, interpreted politically, are
impelling human society out of a state of autocracy and tyranny to [a true Republic] and
freedom. This motion is inevitable, for the growth of humans is a gradual development of

mind over matter, and the motion itself represents the natural and reasonable enfoldment
of the potentials within human character. Those who attempt to resist this motion destroy
themselves. To cooperate with this motion, and to assist Nature in every possible way to
accomplish of its inevitable purpose, is to survive. These laws are not made by men but
are the will of Eternal Nature. Upon these laws enduring States must be built. To depart
from these laws is to die. So perished the nations of the elder world. This is our duty, and
our glorious opportunity. It is not enough to work on the problem solely in terms of
politics and industry. The formula must express a broad idealism, one which appeals to
the finest intuitions of man, and one universally understandable by all who have lived,
dreamed, and suffered on this mortal sphere.. If in a comparatively short time many racial
streams have met and mingled, a new race has been born, the.. race is not one to be
determined by an analysis of blood or the proportions of the cranium. [We] are a race
determined by the measure of a conviction, set apart by that conviction; it is the
conviction that human beings are created free, and are entitled to equal opportunity to
perfect themselves in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Among men and women
of all races and all nations are those who share our conviction, and because they share it
they are of our kind and belong to our race. In this realization we mark the beginning of
[a] world [republic]. The duty of the ruler [is] to protect this beauty in the hearts of his
people, to nourish it, and to give every possible opportunity for its expression and
perfection. In order to live wisely, [humanity] must have a sense of participation of the
present good and future good. There must be a purpose understandable to all, vital
enough and noble enough to be the object of a common consecration.-Manly P. Hall. It
is our heritage to protect-Marius, Queen of the Damned.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of
the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.-Mahatma Ghandi. We are here
confronting a family inheritance.. which if it remains unconscious simply leads to the
next generation suffering from the same problem.. Here family fate coincides with
individual fate.. but the journey towards this freedom means a thorough embrace [and
forgiving] with the sins of the family.. One may do what one can do, or wishes to do,
with an inheritance; but the inheritance itself cannot be ignored or given away, for our
families are our allotment, our Moria- Liz Greene. We have to disclose what we
know-John Maynard. If there is any subject we are unwilling to address, that is where
the therapy should begin.-Sigmund Freud.
Fortune favors the bold-Virgil. They say we [are] the greatest fighting force
ever known to man. Greater even than the expedition to Troy. But how can I say it? How
can I tell you what it [is] to.. dream big dreams.. To believe you could do anything?Alexander. But why hide it in this day and age? Its times to share myself with the
Belief, like fear or love, is a force to be understood as we understand the theory
of relativity and principals of uncertainty. Phenomena that determine the course of our
lives. Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another.
Yesterday, I believe I would never have done what I did today. These forces that often
remake time and space, that can shape and alter who we imagine ourselves to be, begin
long before we are born and continue after we perish. Our lives and our choices, like
quantum trajectories, are understood moment to moment. That each point of intersection,
each encounter, suggest a new potential direction If we believe that humanity may

transcend tooth and claw, if we believe diverse races & creeds can share this world as
peaceably as the orphans share their candlenut tree, if we believe leaders must be just,
violence muzzled, power accountable & the riches of the Earth & its Oceans shared
equitably, such a world will come to pass.- David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas.
I had to assure.. myself that this was a project that was, for better or worse,
needed.-John Maynard. Life is a quest to identify truth and the self. We use all manner
of markings to show the world who we are, especially to convince ourselves that we exist
and belong, because that sense of identity is what makes us feel safe. In times of fearful
reality, we turn to anything that gives us an easy prescription to follow for life, and we
surround ourselves in all its trappings.-Chris Grissom. Anticipating the end of the
world is humanity's oldest pastime Power, time, gravity, love. The forces that really
kick ass are all invisible.- David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
I have been tracing a movement, indeed, a massive shift in the notion of
nature.-Charles Taylor. I, as a researcher, make a statement or a proposition about an
objective state of affairs, and the research attempts to ascertain whether that statement is
true or false (usually by trying to disprove it). But in all cases it boils down to statements
like, Is it or is it not raining outside? I go and look, and I find out what the objective
situation is, It is indeed raining outside. Other researchers go and look, and if
everybody agrees, we say it is propositionally true that it is raining outside.. It is not that
a greater truth and absolute truth overthrows a falsehood, so much as that a great truth
supersedes a lesser truth.. Everything I express in this [book] is agreed upon by many
researchers to be propositionally true. In short, it is not just a matter of true exteriors, but
sincere interiors. Likewise, each of these validity claims can be exposed to its own
different kinds of evidence, and its own kind of truth claims can be exposed to evidence
and checked for their validity. In other words, the criterion for validity is not just the truth
of my statement, not the truthfulness with which I put it, but whether you and I can come
to a mutual understanding with each other.. What I am trying to do in this [book], and
what you are trying to do as you [read] it, is use vision-logic: not just reasonably decide
the individual [quotes], but hold them all together at once in mind, and [see] how they fit
together.. As such, vision-logic can hold in mind contradictions, it can unify opposites..
and it weaves together what otherwise appear to be incompatible notions, as long as they
relate together.. And it is vision logic that drives and underlies the possibility of a truly
planetary culture.. which.. is nevertheless simply the platform for the truly interesting
forms of higher and transpersonal states of consciousness lying yet in our collective
future.. [this book does its best to] add up all the perspectives, and therefore privileges no
perspective as final: it is a-perspectival.. And this will set the stage for a discussion of any
future- and possibly higher- developments, in the individual and the species as a whole..
the reason is simple: before we can carefully say what higher development is.. we have to
know what it is not.-Ken Wilber.
The vitality and truth of these difficult and abstruse concepts is to be found in
actual lives, and in the ongoing process of individual work on the psyche in conjunction
with the planetary transits- Liz Greene. Among the cultural inventions of mankind
there is a treasury of devices, techniques, ideas, procedures, and so on, that cannot
exactly be reactivated, but at least constitute, or help constitute, a certain point of view
which can be very useful as a tool for analyzing whats going on now-and to change it.Michel Foucault. To see the full complexity and richness of the modern identity is to

see, first, how much we are all caught up in it, for all our attempts to repudiate it; and
second, how shallow and partial are the one-sided judgments we bandy around about it.Ken Wilber.
The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is
made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it
whatever you wish.- Terence McKenna. I have quoted this material to help give a
picture of the condition and its perplexities, and the findings of those who work within
the field- Liz Greene.
Sometimes the right book, virtually fallen from a library shelf, or the right film,
which one has been reluctantly taken by friends to see, or the random occurrence
witnessed in the street, or an impeccably timed accident or illness, or even an apparently
bad event such as theft, can cast an eerily meaningful aura because it coincides with a
time when inner changes are occurring. At such times the individual is in some way more
receptive to the symbolic significance to what he has seen or met. The event may mean
nothing to others, but to the individual in whom it resonates, it provokes a strong sense
that something important is happening, and this feeling is most difficult to ignore.. These
meaningful coincidences invoke a conviction that another world lies somewhere
beneath the apparent one, and intrudes, on suitable occasions, with an experience of fated
orderness.. Thus I educated myself, through a process of trial and error and
experimentation.. One of the queerest things about synchronous phenomena is the
overriding sense of some kind of a priori knowledge in the unconscious.. It seems to have
fingers.. in both the inner and outer worlds, in the realms of both spirit and matter, as
though there were really no distinction between these opposites.. It is a unity which
encompasses, and transcends the opposition of, psychic and physical, inner and outer,
personal and collective, individual and world.. because it exists in an irrepresentable
space-time continuum, perceives past, present and future simultaneously and creates the
external and internal coincidences of life perpetually afresh in every moment because
every moment is one eternal moment.. I assume this is what the blueprint school of
astrology is trying to express, but what it does not stress is the long struggle and effort
required to make that relationship with the unconscious psyche- Liz Greene. For those
who believe in God, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, no explanation is
possible- The Song of Bernadette.
What a man is in himself, what accompanies him when he is alone, what no one
can give him or take away, is obviously more essential to him than everything he has in
the way of possessions, or even what he may be in the eyes of the world.-Arthur
Schopenhauer. I know that some of my phrases might seem strange to you, but I hope
you can let your mind capture or even create the images that I want to communicate. The
words cannot bring forth the fullness of its meaning or breadth of the opening the
message offers-yet I have extended it with the power of a true heart and I feel that such a
heart can never be faulted. Each of these perspectives holds a part of cosmic truth and we
will see that they actually intertwine.-Chris Grissom.
These phrases constitute the history of the generation of the universe.-Lorenz
Oken. The most striking character of all these movements.. is their precision- William
James. There is a great mystery here which I cannot begin to fathom.. Perhaps,
ultimately, it is impossible to define- Liz Greene.

The life of individuals and nations is therefore not random, nor shaped
exclusively by environmental factors; it has intent, or teleology.. The root of destiny in
Latin means to stand apart, thereby implying that, although destiny is fate in one sense,
it is more concerned with the individuals development, that which makes him unique,
that which makes him stand apart from his fellows.. Thus, ones love is ones destiny,
because it reflects the god within oneself.. It is only while we live it that it is so difficult,
perhaps impossible, to see, except in those rare moments of lucidity.. when the
purposefulness of experience leaves the awesome sense of a mover other than the egoLiz Greene.
Selections were not made on the basis of literary excellence or beauty of
expression, but solely on the basis of inspirational impact. [Readers] who wonder about
the varied and diverse character of the selections.. should bear in mind that this is not a
collection of literary masterpieces, nor is it by any means intended to be. It is.. a treasury
of great truths and enduring ideas, reflecting the whole wide range of human thought..
Many of the quotations are from ordinary human beings who have worked out a formula
for happy, successful living, or who, at the end of a lifetime of thinking and analyzing,
have expressed a single eloquent thought, ageless and compelling.. All help.. meet the
challenge of the times.. and the problems of.. personal life.. The search could go on
endlessly, of course; sometimes words of rare inspirational value turn up in the most
unexpected places.. The research on so fascinating a subject as this could go on for a
lifetime, [I began to think about it for myself.. But I decided that moment that I should
not wait any longer.-Marguerite].. one must call a halt sometime, however regretfully..
There may be selections you do not like, or with which you do not agree.. This cannot be
helped. It would naturally be impossible to include everyones favorites, or to use only
the material that is to every [readers] liking and every [readers] taste.. Clearly, it means
vastly different things to different people. You must intercept what is meant for you and
for your particular needs.. each has something to offer.. There are selections to meet the
needs of every age, just as there are selections to meet the needs of every mood and
circumstance. Arrangement is by sections, according to subject, [yet all is truly One.]
This makes for what [I] hope you will find interesting [reading] throughout. [My] sincere
hope is that you will enjoy [reading] and using this [book] as much as [I] have enjoyed
preparing it. [Only a little of the first fruits of wisdom, only a few fragments of the
boundless heights, breadths, and depths of truth, have I been able to gather.-Martin
Luther].. It is a [piece] of guidance and inspiration for the entire family.-Lillian Eichler
I wrote the [whole of earth] into my symphony.-Gustoff. Composers are
merely scribblers of cave paintings. One writes music because winter is eternal and
because, if one didn't, the wolves and blizzards would be at one's throat all the sooner.David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas. Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away
before the tide of time. I must continue to bear testimony to truth even if I am forsaken by
all. Mine may today be a voice in the wilderness, but it will be heard when all other
voices are silenced, if it is the voice of Truth.-Mohandas Gandhi. The truth is not for
all, only those who [seek] it.-Ayn Rand. You can speculate all you want, but unless you
check it out for yourself, you never know!-Ace. My peace I give unto you.. let not your
heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.- John 14.

The way out of the Cave was used to imprison men and women in it.-Ken
Wilber. In the 1950s a weapon was invented that has become more powerful than
Americas deadliest weapons of mass destruction. It is the weapon of mass deception, and
it is right in our own living rooms.. The triumph of evil in the world.. is based on the
ability of evil to disguise itself as its opposite and fool the masses.-Want your mind
Take a look at some of the most popular television programs in our culture.
American IDOL, Survivor, game shows. All of these are designed to reinforce the social
Darwinian concept of competition. In order to survive you must outdo your competitors.
This [has been] a recurrent theme in our society.. We have all been trained like pavlovian
dogs with a non-stop barrage of propaganda. If we dont own up to this reality then we
will all be outdone by our superiors, those people who have always believed themselves
to be the pinnacle of human greatness. This is a top-down system, created from the top to
benefit very few at the top. WE are at the bottom. But if we all wake up, and realize this
is not OUR system, then it can be changed. Now is the time to face that [man in the
mirror-M. J.] in order to find out what truly exists within the inner most core of your
being. I sincerely hope that you will understand that life IS sacred, free will IS a gift, and
humanity IS worth saving.-Age of Transitions.
[It] is a betrayal [to] the [human family] when you will not tell them the truth
because youre afraid that if you tell the truth your bosses will take your job from you.Farrakhan. Disinformation or misinformation: the art of provided information in a form
that has a certain amount of truth in the statement to make it a plausible answer to a
question or possible solution to the topic at hand. Yet, if employed correctly will lead the
person to believe the opposite of what is correct, in other words, come to the wrong
conclusions. Once the conclusion is stated in the wrong context of the information, it will
continue down the wrong path leading the person(s) astray. However, you can still see a
thread of the truth that was stated, which keeps you away from or leads you away from
the real truth. You are eventually so far off base with your conclusions that you yourself
have lost sight of the truth, and are ready to believe anything that is stated on the subject,
right or wrong. You simply add to the truth with more rhetoric thats just off, and
eventually, you will get untruth. After that point, you can continue adding statements
until you are so far from the truth that most wonder where it all started. The nice point
about this type of disinformation is that anyone can pick up on the thread and continue
the untruth without suspecting that they are keeping the discussion moving in the wrong
direction. However, if the writer has a perception of the truth, you can simply bring up
earlier points that lead away from the truth, and state them as fact-which will lead the
reader to the path you have taken on the subject.. if you want them to know the truth, then
you can tell them; if not, a person will usually continue on a path that takes the other
person away from the truth. We call this lying in the general sense.. Here is where gut
instincts come into play.. I hope this makes it a little clearer to you.. And by the way, you
can use the same program in reverse to bring out the truth, but you really need to know
what you are doing.. Due to the deception that people have experienced from their
governments for so many years, it is not surprising that people question the motives
behind government disclosure.. What some people call a lie is a matter of perception on
the governments part.-John Maynard.

Say you are a dot, and a law is a line. The more laws that are made, the more
lines are drawn around you, boxing you in, suffocating your freedom.- TCC Business
Law Professor. Why do you think a king has any power at all? A kings power is given
to him by his subjects, who can revolt at any moment and take it back. That is why all
kings live in fear- they know that everything they possess is actually borrowed. The
poorest subject in the land is richer than a king- that is, until he gives away his power and
bows to it.-Merlin.
To stop asking.. silly or confused questions is, they all maintain, the mark of
maturity, the sign of growing up in the cosmos.-Ken Wilber. To question all of life is
our Divine right.-Chris Grissom. Perseverance is a great element of success. If you
only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up
somebody.-Henery Wadsworth Longfellow. First they ignore you, then they laugh at
you, then they fight you, then you win.-Mohandas Gandhi. Life affords no higher
pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to
another, forming new wishes, and seeing them gratified. He that labors in any great or
laudable undertaking has his fatigues first supported by hope, and afterwards rewarded by
joy. To strive with difficulties, and to conquer them, is the highest human felicity.Samuel Johnson.
Genius is only the power of making continuous efforts. The line between failure
and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it: so fine that we are often on
the line and do not know it. How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a
little more effort, a little more patience, would have achieved success. As the tide goes
clear out, so it comes clear in. In business, sometimes, prospects may seem darkest when
really they are on the turn. A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed
hopeless failure may turn to glorious success. There is no failure except in no longer
trying. There is no defeat except from within, no really insurmountable barrier save our
own inherent weakness of purpose.-Elbert Hubbard. Its the castle whose walls no
army will ever scale, guarding the treasure house where the real riches of life are
stored.-Deepak Chopra. For those who will fight bravely and not yield, there is
triumphant victory over all the dark things of life.-James Allen.
Every crucial experience can be regarded as a setback- or the start of a new kind
of development.-Mary Roberts Rinehart. Whenever evil befalls us, we ought to ask
ourselves, after the first suffering, how we can turn it into good. So shall we take
occasion, from one bitter root, to raise perhaps many flowers.-Leigh Hunt. If we want
more roses, we must plant more trees!-George Eliot. Never give up! If adversity
presses, Providence wisely has mingled the cup, And the best counsel, in all your
distresses, is the stout watchword of Never give up.-Martin F. Tupper. Keep the fears
to yourself, but share the courage with others.-Robert Louis Stevenson. What shall we
do when hope is gone? The words leapt like a leaping sword: SAIL ON! SAIL ON! SAIL
ON! AND ON! If you have the courage and the perseverance, you will reach your goal.
So set course and stay with it. No matter what happens, dont give up. Keep going, and
sooner or later you will reach your goal.-Joaquin Miller.
We demand no more than our just due; we will accept and be satisfied with
nothing less than we demand.-The Professor. I am convinced that if we are to get on
the right side of world revolution, we as a [species] must undergo a radical revolution of

values-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In all the earth nothing weaker than water, Yet in
attacking the hard, nothing superior, Nothing so certain in the wearing down strength:
There is no way to resist it. Note then: The weak conquer the strong, The yielding outlast
the aggressors.-Lao-Tse. So we [humans] must not fear change. Instead let us welcome
it, embrace it, and create it. Such a triumph will require great efforts from us all. It will
require us to stand against the forces of hatred and bigotry, terror and destruction.-Bill
We must be making some big progress because the masters of disinformation
personalities are stepping up to their microphones and trying to make it sound like we are
a bunch of crackpots. So what do you believe? I know what I believe!.. I believe.. what
matters is the government finally stops playing its denial role and tells the truth.. It is time
that our government brings full disclosure, not only to the American people, but also to
the world as a whole, allowing other governments to follow in this brave new unfolding
of our history. I also believe, that once a full disclosure has been achieved, all of the
worlds population will realize that we can achieve world peace, without weapons,
through the technology [we have today] and assistance from our galactic neighbors. It is
my hope that the people of earth will force their governments to seek this peace, world
peace, [non-violently]. I have heard that phrase so often that I never thought we had a
hope or glimmer that it could really be possible, but [now] it is. It is a matter of making
people understand, no matter who they are, that the only solution for a more tolerant
peace in our world is to maintain peace [within ourselves and] beyond worldly confines..
[This is] a beautiful way to really get the new millennium rolling.-John Maynard.
We are a free people, and we want to regain the freedom of our [individuality
and planet].-Fake Osama tape. Independence is an unstable element in any institution
and is carefully monitored by the powers that be. Over and over again we see the
carefully placed nuances that instill fear into the psyche, insuring submission to some
overwhelming power. Whatever the story, it includes the negative whispers of our doom
in the event of any independent action on our part.-Chris Grissom.
There still exists, of course.. imperialisms that wish to dominate the world- that
is, imperialisms that will accord you the status of equal world citizen IF you embrace the
particular [system]. If you dont want to embrace the [system], they will be glad to help
you do so.-Ken Wilber. That is not spoken correctly. It goes: How doth the little
crocodile improve his shining tail. And pour the waters of the Nile, on every golden
scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin, how neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes
little fishes in, with gently smiling jaws.- Caterpillar.
Many people feel the need to vote for the lesser of two evils. But they are still
voting for evil. And supporting a corrupt system.-Want your mind BLOWN? How did
these contracts on fictitious loyalty come into being? It is essential for us to take
responsibility for our actions from our deepest knowing, from our awareness of what is
right and what is true, but not by coercion. Yes, we are a young society on earth, but we
bring with us the wisdom of evolution, of Divine consciousness and the mandate to take
responsibility for our realities and our world. We are mirrors in our habit of excuse and
blame. We cannot forever pretend that what is happening in our homes, our environment,
our world, is not us- it is! Let us extract the best of our holy books and our religions so
our lives can come to a new octave that will instill future generations with all the

beautiful attributes of our humanity. Were we not given the mandate to create heaven on
earth?-Chris Grissom.
Some view government as a kind of necessary evil to be endured until each man
shall become self-governing in his own right. To the degree that the individual is
incapable of the practice of the moral virtues, he must be subjected to the laws which
protect him from himself and protect others from his unwise actions.. first, evils must be
recognized; then, the public must be educated to assume its proper responsibility in the
correction of these evils; and lastly, public opinion must force the reformation of the
State and curb the ambitions of politicians. The principle purpose of life then is to release
oneself from the domination of government by the perfection of personal character.Manly P. Hall. In their gut they fear this, because they know they are witnessing the
birth.. of the beginning of a new planetary civilization.-Dr. Micho Kaku.
We would, of course, continue to fine-tune the ways to implement these
freedoms, and help ensure their global equity. And we might, indeed, find new freedoms,
and new ways to extend the old freedoms.. In politics, it shows up [that if the] individual
follows his or her own REASONS, a majority or consensus will emerge that will be to
the benefit of all.-Ken Wilber.
Gibbet! They may stretch our necks on all the gibbets in the land; they may turn
every rock into a scaffold; every tree into a gallows; every home into a grave, and yet the
words of that parchment can never die! They may pour our blood on a thousand
scaffolds, and yet from every drop that dyes the axe a new champion of freedom will
spring into birth! The words of this declaration will live in the world long after our bones
are dust. To the mechanic in his workshop they will speak hope: to the slave in the mines
freedom: but to the coward kings, these words will speak in tones of warning they cannot
choose but hear.. that parchment will be the textbook of freedom, the bible of the rights
of man forever. Nay, do not start and whisper with surprise! It is truth, your own hearts
witness it.. Is it not given to our poor human intellect to climb to the skies, and to pierce
the Council of the Almighty one.. Yes, were my soul trembling of the verge of eternity,
were this hand freezing in death, were this voice choking in the last struggle, I would
still, with the last impulse of that soul, with the last wave of the hand, with the last grasp
of that voice, implore you to remember- God has given [Humanity and Earth] to be
free!-Unknown man at signing of Constitution.
This [species] is dedicated to the fulfillment of Divine Will. To the degree that
[individuals] realize this, and dedicate themselves and their works to this purpose, their
land will flourish. To depart from the symbol of this high destiny is to be false to the
great trust given as a priceless inheritance. It is not difficult to understand how a man
who has been granted so strange an experience should come to realize that a secret
destiny is overshadowing the country for which [was] fought. The purpose for which we
are created is revealing itself through the long process of time, and that purpose is indeed
our most sacred heritage.-Manly P. Hall. If the words life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness dont include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the
Declaration of Independence isnt worth the hemp it was written on.- Terence McKenna.
Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended
from immigrants and revolutionists.- Franklin D. Roosevelt. Equality. Absolutely.
Thats what defines us. Its what makes us great. If it doesnt sit well with your religion,
let your God sort it out in the end, but thats us. Were equal.- Brad Pit.

All sorts of theorists, from deep ecologists to social critics, from ecofeminists to
postmodern poststructuralists, have found the notion of hierarchy [as it has existed in our
society] not only undesirable but a bona fide cause of much social domination,
oppression, and injustice.. Now, the opponents of hierarchy- their names are legion..
basically maintain that all hierarchies involve a ranking or dominating judgment that
oppresses other values and the individuals who hold them, and that a linking or nonranking model of reality is not only more accurate but, we might say, kinder and gentler
and more just.. [those] who see all creatures as equal nodes in the web of life, and who,
with good reasons, inveigh against harsh social ranking and domination, arguing instead
for a pluralistic wholeness that.. values each strand in the web, which higher and
lower being forms not of organization but domination and exploitation. Even the
notions of higher and lower are said to be part of the old-paradigm thinking, and not
part of the new-paradigm.. thinking. Hiero- means sacred or holy, and arch means
governance or rule.. Hierarchy thus meant, in the final analysis, sacred governance or
governing ones life by spiritual powers.. As used in modern psychology, evolutionary
theory, and systems theory, a hierarchy is simply a ranking of orders of events according
to their holistic capacity. In any developmental sequence, what is whole at one stage
becomes a part of a larger whole at the next stage. A letter is part of a whole word, which
is part of a whole sentence, which is part of a whole paragraph, and so on.-Ken Wilber.

While war movies and games can sometimes be fun, the real thing is
unconscionable. War can be an effective tool for maintaining social and political control
over the people because the endless squabbling prevented the vanquish people from
engaging in unified action against the conqueror. It did not greatly matter over what
issues the people bickered so long as they valiantly struggled against one another and not
against the conquering prince. A state of war can also be used to encourage populations
to think in ways that they would not otherwise do, and to accept the formation of
institutions that they would normally reject. The longer a nation involves itself in wars,
the more entrenched those institutions and ways of thinking will become. Most
comprehensive history books contain brief references to this type of manipulative third
party activity. I wanted to discover what common threads, if any, may have existed
between various third party influences in history. It was my hope that this study would
offer added insights into how and by whom history has been made. What resulted from
this modest goal was one of the most extraordinary odysseys I have ever taken. The trail
of investigation wove through a complex labyrinth of remarkable facts, startling theories
and everything in between. As I dug even deeper, a common thread did emerge. To my
chagrin, it was a thread so bizarre that on at least two occasions I terminated my research
in disgust. As I pondered my predicament, I realized something important: Rational
minds tend to seek rational causes to explain human problems. As I probed deeper,
however, I was compelled to face the possibility that some human problems may be
rooted in some of the most utterly bizarre realities imaginable. Because such realities are
rarely acknowledged, let alone understood, they are not dealt with. As a result, the
problems those realities generate are rarely resolved, and so the world seems to stumble
from one calamity to the next.-William Bramley.
It is not at all easy to watch another person undergoing necessary suffering. For
one thing, our compassion cries out that it should not be necessary- Liz Greene. When
the great armies go to war, sorrows the sole winner.-Lao-Tse. They are too violent, too
vengeful, too bloodthirsty, too primitive and too hot for the average individual to feel
much comfort or safety in their intrusion- Liz Greene. Victory begets hatred, for the
vanquished is left galled. Let a man rise above the ideas of victory and defeat. Only then
can there be happiness Great is a general who defeats many armies: but he who
conquers himself achieves a greater victory.-Buddha. Even the lowliest of beasts
knows order. Order is the purpose of intellect.-Imperium Ruling Director Grote Reber.
Only one nation in the world has been insane enough to drop atomic weapons of
mass destruction on the innocent populations of two large Japanese cities, chemical
weapons of mass destruction on innocent civilians in Vietnam, and depleted radioactive
uranium weapons of mass destruction on the people of Iraq, [along with military grade
explosives used on its own people]. The chilling reality is that up to [if not more] than
15% of the tax money.. buys the bombs and pays the salaries of troops to commit these
atrocities. Rivers of blood from innocent families and their children is on everybodys
hands. The plan for world domination by the banksters cannot be accomplished without
your cooperation.. [I'm investigating things that begin with the letter M.-The Mad
Hatter.] Their formula for global control is the three M formula: money control, media
control, and military control.. A more important question to ask is Who exactly are the
terrorists and where do terrorists get their training [, resources and money]?... One of our

countries favorite slogans is support your troops which means support your troops no
matter what. Even if the war is a lie. Even if innocent families are being bombed, burned,
and crippled with your tax money. Even if your tax money is paying teenagers in uniform
to die by the thousands for the lie. The majority of recruited soldiers are naive, duped,
unemployed teenagers who are romanced into believing they are heros fighting for
freedom, but what they are fighting for is the wealthy ruling families who are
systematically disarming the world of all weapons of resistance to their global empire.
Want your mind BLOWN?
Its great crime was not gross reductionism, but SUBTLE reductionism. [That
gradually, over time, humanity was conditioned to treat wars as a NORMAL part of life.]
This is what makes subtle reductionism so hard to spot and so hard to combat.. Likewise,
with subtle reductionism, morals no longer embody a statement of the good life, or what
it means to lead a decent and worthy and noble life- a life worth being emulated, a life
that empowers, a life plugged into moral sources that inspire worth and worship, awe and
admiration- but rather what is merely required of us as a part, as a fraction, of a social
action system. It is very subtle, this program of collapsing the Kosmos.-Ken Wilber.
In understandably wishing to increase freedom and liberty, it paradoxically left
massive road kill everywhere on the highway to rational heaven.-Ken Wilber. It is
obvious that wars destroy not only the economic and political structures of nations, but
the irreplaceable monuments of culture and learning which are the enduring wealth of
empires. Great libraries are reduced to smoldering rubble by the engines of modern
warfare, the art treasures of five thousand years vanish in the smoke of battle, and
ruthless pillaging and wanton mutilation are the inevitable, accompaniment of military
aggressions. Both victor and vanquished are impoverished by a common loss, and
posterity deprived of the noblest of its heritage. This need not go on.-Manly P. Hall. I
regard myself as a soldier, though a soldier of peace.-Mohandas Gandhi..
War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is
always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing
each other's children.- Jimmy Carter. All war represents a failure of diplomacy.- Tony
Benn. As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it
is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.- Oscar Wilde. War is only a
cowardly escape from the problems of peace.- Thomas Mann.
The second best thing about space travel is that the distances involved make war
very difficult, usually impractical, and almost always unnecessary. This is probably a loss
for most people, since war is our race's most popular diversion, one which gives purpose
and color to dull and stupid lives. But it is a great boon to the intelligent man who fights
only when he mustnever for sport.- Robert A. Heinlein.
When love and meekness replace fear on national levels, mankind will begin to
take gigantic strides toward the Golden Age.-Jonathan Murro. What we need is not
division, but is love, and wisdom, and compassion toward one another.-Robert Kennedy.
We need to empower the people, not control them.-Fritz Springnier. It is time to claim
the unity, our outmoded social systems have broken apart.. and work together to create a
sustainable global society.-Aquarius: The Age of Evil.
Perhaps a simple example from sociology will illustrate what is involved. The
United States and Japan are often taken as examples of two very different types of social
organizations. Japan is an extremely coherent or very tightly woven society; but it

achieves this consistency only by excluding foreign races [for the most part]. In other
words, it is very consistent but very incomplete. The United States, on the other hand,
attempts to open its doors to any and all (the melting pot) but it does so at the cost of
being rather incoherent and unstable: at times, the U.S. seems so willing to embrace
various cultures that it is in danger of flying apart at the seams. It achieves a great deal of
completeness at the cost of being inconsistent or incoherent or uncertain, of having no
tightly knit regime or common principle.-Ken Wilber.
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.Confucius. Very little is known of the Mayas, their origin, history, religion or culture,
because of the wholesale destruction of the Mayan writings and historical records in the
early years of the Spanish conquest. So far as we know, the rulers of the Mayas were not
hereditary, but were elected for life by the common agreement of the people. They
seemed to have governed wisely and to have fulfilled the classical requirements of priestkings. The priesthood itself was powerful but benevolent, given to learning, and a patron
of the arts and sciences. The religion consisted of a monotheism, that is, the worship of
one Supreme PRINCIPLE abiding in the Sun. The Mayas were not a warlike people, and
there is no support for popular belief that they were by nature cruel or barbaric. On the
altars of their gods they offered only flowers and fruit; and it was not until the decline of
the empire and its domination by less advanced tribes that human sacrifice was practiced,
and then only on the rarest occasions. The Mayan nation was a collective form of
common-wealth living under an advanced form of socialized order. They possessed all
goods in common, and shared equally in the benefits of their production. No buildings
have been found which suggest prisons or other places of confinement. They look upon
each mans religion as his own particular belief, and if it suits his needs it deserves the
respect of all other right-minded men. Tribal government was invested in a council of the
older and the wiser, and all matters relating to the common good were submitted to them
for arbitration and solution. Rooted in the American continent is a long and distinguished
tradition that points toward ability for leadership.. along lines of cooperation and the
[planetary] point of view. The [republic] established by thirteen colonies in 1776 was not
the first American [republic]. At least two thousand years before the coming of the white
man, spirit of human equality, human cooperation, and freedom of worship flourished
here. Thus we see that the archetype for a generous and enlightened way of life is part of
the Americas common inheritance. And much has yet to be accomplished; we are still
pioneering in the sphere of right thinking and right living. The mystic empire of the wise
had no national boundaries and its citizenry was made up of men of good purpose in
every land.. bound together with the strongest bonds of sympathy and understanding.Manly P. Hall.
You naturally love those who are dear to you and you must learn to give that
kind of love to the whole world.-Paramahansa Yogananda. We are in tandem with all
human cultures and will always be interdependent. What they felt or do now creates a
sounding board from which we hear and see our own lives. We may not feel that we care,
but we must, because the flicker of their experiences has become the flame of our
potential.-Chris Grissom. We must have nothing less than an enlargement of human
nature itself- to an increase of mens, and nations, understanding and appreciation of one
another, not as multiple samples of an identical model, but as representatives of a

legitimate and welcome diversity of cultures and of individuals reactions to the world
which we have in common.-Ken Wilber.
It is ironic, and paradoxical, that the genuine acceptance of the unchangeable is
often one of the keys for true and deep change within the psyche.. Thus the deepest
changes take place through these encounters.. Something is taken away, so that another
thing might grow in its place.. If one does not take up this challenge, then there is only a
black despair and a rage against life-Liz Greene. The hand of man can hold the
universe in its palm, if only it can learn to unclench its fist.-Alpheus Togra.What weak,
inglorious fools we mortals are. That war must be, or any need of war. And yet, the better
day is coming when the teachings of the lowly Nazarene shall be the rule of nations--as
of men; The sword and bayonet shall be preserved, by the fair children of a nobler race,
as relics only, of a barbarous past.- Andrew Downing.

There will be no end to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till
philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really
and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the
same hands.- Plato. The safest general characterization of the whole Western
philosophic tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.- Alfred North
Whitehead. The fractured footnotes of Plato began to litter the landscape with their
partialities and favored dualisms, and it is now.. that we have begun to pick up the
pieces.-Ken Wilber.
What is the best thing for a stream? It is to keep moving. If it stops, it stagnates.
So the best thing for a man is that which keeps the currents going- the physical, the
moral, and the intellectual currents.-John Burroughs. Everything in nature is linked
together, the art of the philosopher consists in adding new links to the separated parts.. to
discourse with eloquence on the perfection of the Universal System as a whole.. Its parts
are all so related and interlinked with one another that it is impossible to know the parts
without knowing the whole or the whole without knowing the parts.. with each individual
a perfect embodiment of the infinite One itself.-Pascal.
Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?- Gauguin.
As philosophers we are in search of Unity, the Principle of all, the Good, the First.
Rising from the world of sense, we must strike for the realm of the First. From many we
must become one, ascending to Divine Spirit, renewing our soul in That.. The difficulty is
that awareness of the One comes not by knowing but by a Presence passing knowledge.
In knowing, the mind takes account of things: it departs from unity and becomes lost in
multiplicity. This other way lies beyond knowing. We urge that you abandon discussion
and heed the call of vision.. There the soul looks upon the fountains of Life and Spirit, the
springs of Being, the well of Goodness, the root of the Soul. These fountains flow
eternally, without diminishment.. Now the man is merged in the Supreme, molten into It,
one with It. He becomes the Unity, without diversity or separation. Once this ascent is
achieved, there is no thought, no passion, no outward-looking desire. Reason is in
abeyance, and will, and the life of the senses. Lifted away, God-possessed, in stillness,
the initiate rests without movement: He is Rest itself.-Plotinus.
Stoicism, the most fatalistic of philosophies, acknowledged that we humans are
generally too blind and stupid to see the results implicit in our own actions. According to
the Indian formula, man sows his seeds and pays no attention to its growth. It then
sprouts and eventually ripens, and each individual must eat the fruits of his own field.
This is the Law of Karma- Liz Greene.
Philosophy set up its house in the world to free men by freeing them of their own
inordinate desires and ambitions. It saw selfishness as the greatest crime against the
common good, for selfishness is natural to all who are untutored. Competition is natural
to the ignorant; and cooperation is natural to the wise. Here then, is a pattern of world
[individuals] to insure the prosperity of all peoples and activate the preservation of the
peace.. together sharing the fruits of their labors. It recognized that the mind has to be
trained in the laws of thinking before men can be capable of self-ruler-ship. And it knew
that the [republic] commonwealth can be a reality only when our world is a world of selfruling men [and women].. the human being was not created merely to engage in barter
and exchange, but rather to perfect himself as the noblest of the animals, endowed with

[wisdom] and the natural ruler of the material world. The old philosophers taught that
physical birth is an accident, for men are born into various races and nationalities
according to the laws of generation; but there is a second birth, which is not an accident;
it is the consequence of proper intent. By this second birth man is born by enlightened
intelligence out of nation and out of race into a [universal society] and a [universal] race.
With each passing generation the responsibilities of the [Earth] people will increase.
More and more we shall be looked to as a sources of courage, strength, and hope. And it
will be in this way that we shall fulfill the destiny for which our [planet] was created by
dreamers long ago.-Manly P. Hall.
There is a point, however, on which philosophers in every age agree: true
happiness stems from a quality within ourselves, from a way of thinking [and feeling] of
life. Of all the millions of words written on happiness, this is the oldest and most
enduring truth. If the principle of contentment are not within us, no material success, no
pleasures or possessions, can make us happy.-Lillian Eichler Watson. It is not an object
to be sought; it is a state to be induced. It must follow and not lead. It must overtake you,
and not you overtake it.-John Burroughs.
For those of you who seek the larger happiness and the greater effectiveness
open to human beings there can be but one philosophy of life, the philosophy of
constructive altruism. The truly happy [human] is always a fighting optimist. Optimism
includes not only human altruism but also social responsibility, social courage and
objectivity.. The good life demands a working philosophy of active philanthropy as an
orientating map of conduct. This is the golden way of life. This is the satisfying life. This
is the way to be happy though human.-W. Beran Wolfe.
Philosophy teaches that the completion of the great work of social regeneration
must be accomplished not in society but in man himself. The democratic commonwealth
can never be legislated into existence. Nor can it result from formal treaties or
conferences. This is clearly indicated in the tragedy of the League of Nations. The
League failed to prevent war because the nations which composed the League lacked the
courage of high conviction; they failed the very institution which they themselves had
established. Permanent progress results from education, and not from legislation. The true
purpose of education is to inform the mind its basic truths concerning conduct and the
consequences of conduct. Education is not merely the fitting of the individual for the
problems of economic survival. This is only the lesser part of learning. The greater part
deals with the intangibles of right motivation and right use. No human Being who is
moved to action through wrong motivations, or misuses the privileges of his times, can be
regarded as educated, regardless of the amount of formal schooling he has received. The
human mind is established in knowledge not alone by the reading of books or the study of
arts and sciences, but by the examples set up by leaders and the personal experiences of
living. According to the Baconian system, there are three sources of learning. The first is
tradition, which may be derived from books. The second is observation, by which we
learn from the actions of each other. And the third is by experimentation, which is a study
of causes and consequences brought about by personal conduct. The supreme human
purpose is the perfection of man [and woman]. This must come first, and when this end
has been achieved all good things will inevitably follow. Only enlightened men [and
women] can sustain enlightened leadership; only the wise can recognize and reward
wisdom. In a [republic] way of life the very survival of the State depends upon the

intelligent cooperation of its people. Where men make their own laws, they must live
according to the merits and demerits of the statues which they have framed. The Greek
law giver, Solon, declared that in the ideal state laws are few and simple, because they
have been derived from certainties. In the corrupt State, laws are many and confused,
because they have been derived from uncertainties. These corrupt laws are like the web
of a spider which catches small insects but permits the stronger creatures to break through
and escape. Where there are many laws there is much lawlessness, and men come to
despise and ridicule the restraints that are imposed upon freedom of action. Corrupt laws,
resulting from efforts to amend inadequate legislation by further inadequate legislation,
reveal a general ignorance of right and wrong. Where such ignorance exists the ideal
function of [a republic] is impossible, and liberty degenerates into license. The half-truth
is the most dangerous form of lie, because it can be defended in part by incontestable
logic. Wherever the body of learning is broken up, the fragments become partial truths.
We live in a day of partial truths; and until we remedy the condition we must suffer the
inevitable consequence of division. According to the ancients, religion, philosophy, and
science are the three parts of essential learning. Not one of these parts is capable if
separated from the rest, of assuring the security of the human state. A government based
upon one or even two of these parts must ultimately degenerate into tyranny, either of
men or of opinion. Religion is the spiritual part of learning, philosophy the mental part,
and the sciences, including arts and crafts, the physical part. As man himself has a
spiritual, mental, and physical nature, and all of these natures manifest in his daily living,
he must become equally informed in all the parts of his nature if he is to be selfgoverning. Unbalanced forces perish in the void, declared a prophet of old; and this is
true beyond possibility of dispute. The Platonic commonwealth had as its true foundation
the unity of learning. In the midst of the philosophic empire stands the school of the
three-fold truth. Religion is the quest of truth by means of the mystical powers latent in
the consciousness of man. Philosophy is the quest for truth by the extension of the
intellectual powers toward the substance of reality. Science is the quest for truth by the
study of anatomy and physiology of the body of truth, as it is revealed in the material
creation. These three, then, are the orders of the Quest. Together they can bring about the
perfection of man through the discovery of the Plan for man. One of the great secrets of
antiquity was this realization of the unity of knowledge and the identity of the quest in all
the branches of learning. The great philosophers of the past were truly great because they
approached the problem of life as priest-philosopher-scientists. The title The Wise is
properly applied only to those in whose consciousness the unity of knowledge has been
established as the pattern of the Quest. It was part of the ancient plan that has descended
to us to build again the ideal university.. Here would be taught the same arts and sciences
that we teach today, but from a different basic premise. Here [humans] would learn that
the sciences are as sacred as the theologies, and the philosophies are as practical as the
crafts and trades. Those mystical extra-sensory perceptions viewed with suspicion by the
materialist would then be developed according to the disciplines of the sciences, and all
learning would be consecrated to the supreme end that men become as the gods, knowing
good and evil. This university is the beginning of [a republic] empire. No longer would it
be a secret school- the House of the Unknown Philosophers. It would emerge from the
clouds which have concealed it from the profane for thousands of years and take its
rightful place as the center and fountain-head of the Ever Living Good. When humanity

willfully ignores Universal laws which govern its destiny, Nature has devious ways of
pressing home its lessons. Civilization after civilization has been built up by human
courage and destroyed by human ignorance. We stand again on the threshold of a great
decision. Once more the workings of time have revealed the weakness of our social
STRUCTURE. Once more we have come to a day of reckoning. In the [present] world
one of two courses lies before us. Either we will make the old mistakes again, and try to
force our own concepts upon the Universe; or we will gather our strength for one heroic
effort to put things right. If we make the old mistakes we will be rewarded by the old
pain. But if we make the new effort, we can set up imperishable footings and bestow as a
heritage the beginnings of a better way of life. According to our choice the results will be
inevitable, for Nature will never change her ways. Let us consider her ways and be wise.
Centuries ago, one of the secret masters of the Quest wrote: The Eternal Good reveals its
will and pleasure through the body of Nature and the motions of Universal Law. Within
the body of Nature and Law there is a soul which must be discovered by great
thoughtfulness. And within that soul of Nature and Law there is a spirit which must be
sought with great understanding; for verily I say unto you, my brothers [and sisters], that
it is this spirit concealed from the profane but revealed to the thoughtful, which giveth
life. This, then, is the design of our foundations: that men [and women] shall abide
together in peace and shall devote their energies to the common cause of discovery. Man
is greater than the animal, not in strength of his body, nor in shrewdness, nor in the power
of his senses, nor even in skill and patience; man is superior because he contains within
himself the faculties and powers by which he can perceive his true place in a divine order
of life. His power lies in his dreams, his visions, and his ideals. If these intangibles are
left uncultivated, man is at best but a superior kind of beast, subject to all the ills and
vicissitudes of an unenlightened creation. But man has locked within him, hidden from
public gaze, this diviner part, so it is true that human society has within itself concealed
from our common view a nobler part composed of the idealist and dreamers of all ages
and of all races who have been bound together by their common vision of mans
necessity. This is the secret empire of poets, This is the order of the Unknown
Philosophers, This is the Brotherhood of the Quest. And never will these dreamers cease
their silent working until that dream is perfected in our daily life. They are resolved that
the Word which was made flesh shall become the Word made Soul. The great
University.. must be built here in our western world, to become a guide unto the nations.
About this shrine to Universal Truth shall rise the [republic] commonwealth- the wealth
of all mankind. This is the destiny for which we were brought into being. The plan, which
was devised in secret long ago, and in far places, shall be fulfilled openly.. as the greatest
wonder born out of time.-Manly P. Hall.

I impressed my maker with my thirst for things. He set out to educate me in the
unkown, taught me all about the world. Its hidden history. And about myself.-Lestat.
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the
thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not. It is the first
lesson that ought to be learned.-Thomas H. Huxley. The path is open. It begins
everywhere and leads nowhere, yet it leads to a real place-Deepak Chopra.
Our scientific endeavor in general, not merely the psychology of consciousness,
has become over refined, and in some very real cases out of control; we have developed
the explicit intellect component of knowledge seeking, but at the expense of the intuitive
or sensuous component.-The Nature of Human Consciousness. Learning is an
ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age.-Aristotle.
Great God our King has chosen the great [Earth].. to pave the way for the new race, the
new religion, and the new civilization that is taking place.. Any mother, father, or
guardian who is responsible for the taking away of freedom of mind, freedom of will, or
freedom of spirit is the lowest criminal on this earth, because they take away from that
child the God-given right to become a part of Gods great plan.. for the dawn of the New
Age of the world.-C. William Smith.
I like my role... Id like to be able to influence them a little bit. Id like them to
understand the creative geniuses theyve got. Id like them to understand that school is
not jail; schools and environment are where creativity can be expressed, and it should be
able to be expressed in lots of different ways. And I would like to be able to help foster
the creativity- not the conformity- in these kids.-The Amazing Power of Deliberate
Intent. What I am worried about is not myself, but the loss of knowledge.-Merlin.
We who live today stand at the apex of a vast [web] of human development,
slowly accumulated through the many long struggling generations of the past. We are the
heirs of all that has ever been accomplished, all that man has ever done to improve
himself and the world in which he lives. We are the heirs of all that man as ever dreamed,
thought out, fought and died for- all that he has eloquently written or expressed and left
behind for the guidance of future generations.. But where in the staggering wealth of
ideas and ideals that have come down from the past can you find exactly the help, the
guidance, and the inspiration you need today? Where in the thousands upon thousands of
books, papers, and records which preserve and transmit the best that man has ever written
or spoken are you likely to find the words that can mean most to you now, that can have
the greatest impact and influence on your daily life?-Lillian Eichler Watson.
Nature is the greatest schoolhouse for higher learning.. Nature is the one and
only authority.. The universe, with its countless celestial bodies moving in perfect order
in time calls for observation and the yearning to know the source of all. All these lessons
are to be learned through nature to enable man in this lifetime on earth to prepare himself
for his next step in his everlasting life... From which the ancients learned their lessons are
here with us today at our disposal. Will we learn to read them? Have the Gods given us
the skill? I shall answer, we have the power to attain the skill, it rests with ourselves to do
so. I think the forgoing is sufficient to show that the first great civilization obtained its
knowledge of religion, arts, sciences, not by fostering grotesque ideals, mythical theories,
theological mirages, and mysterious technology, but by studying, copying, and applying
natures object lessons that lay before, and lessons which lie before us today in natures

school in which the Infinite One is the headmaster. Nature was created and built upon
fundamental laws. These divine laws have been, and are being fully expressed and
created objects. All of which have been consistently followed throughout time. They
cannot be improved upon by man because they are divine. Being divine they are perfect.
To represent religious and philosophical ideas and conceptions, even of the most abstract
order, the ancients employed basic geometric forms of symbols that they borrowed their
knowledge of these geometric forms from natural objects, flowers, leaves, and so forth
almost goes without saying..and...applied to an extent unheard of in the civilization of
ours, which we to readily accept as the most advanced that have ever graced the earth
Something had been forgotten or something was purposely changed From the earliest
history down to the present day there have been races and individuals who believe
implicitly in the spirituality of plants. Spirituality is a condition of responsiveness to and
members within the universal spirit of the creator, the infinite substance, God.. Many
more in modern times have lavishly sold souls on plants.. There is not only a suggestion
but an actual truth which is shown in the ancient writings known and understood by the
priesthoods 5000 years ago Originally nearly all of the prominent attributes of the diety
had several symbols, but perhaps it would be better to say there was more than one
symbol. A principle symbol for each was either a flower or a tree. Flowers were given the
preference for symbolizing the divine forces and trees for land and countries. Flowers are
very popular to symbolize each of the [five] great primary forces.. [earth, wind, fire,
water, space].. Being the command, the desire, or the will of the creator[As does the
rain love to rain, the wind to blow, God is God within all energetic and material realms.Chris Grissom.] There can be no perfect religion without science, for science unfolds
nature and nature is the mouthpiece which unfolds the creator and gives proof of God..
Does God speak? Before seasons hold their course and all things continue to live and
grow, yet tell me, does God speak?.. My [answer] would be, love. Great divine love
which rules the universe.. There would be no hell, for God never made hell.. Its only
mans invention and the only hell is what mans made for himself.. Love is eternal, hell
never existed. With great divine love implanted in the hearts of all men, all would be
good this would end all discord, turmoil, and wars among Gods family. These are..
caused by greed, selfishness, envy, hatred, mallous, and distrust. These evils.. could not
exists if all men were making spiritualism their primary object in life.. Without the great
divine love, chaos, with all its attendant evils, must exist.. Where if love exists we see the
reflection of the great divine love.. The ancient religion was based on this. The recent of
religious teachings has been reversed on this in general. {What we have done with their
teachings has been a travesty.-Chris Grissom}. This condition certainly calls for the
attention and gives food for thought, that is, for those who are not too busy to think, and
for those who are not too egotistical to think.. How many empires have arisen during the
past 12,000 years? Where are they? What has become of them? Why did they fall?.. I
now ask what is to become of our present civilization?.. Learn and store the wisdom of
the teachings of Nature, for nature is the great schoolhouse for attaining wisdom. Nature
is Gods voice speaking Once again I ask, what is to be the end of this present
civilization?-Lemuria: The Hidden History of Mankind-.
The man who has no conception of Tao, [the harmonious way], who lives by
desires and sense-satisfaction and by material possession, gets along by exercise of
knowledge and reason. But if he have not intuitive intelligence, a natural apprehension of

an inner flow of Spirit through life, education can lead to no permanent happiness.
Knowledge can be useful, reason will solve many minor problems; but neither can bring
man into the kingdom of Spirit. Indeed, progress may have to begin.. with unlearning a
great deal that civilization has sanctioned as valuable knowledge. Otherwise the mind
cannot act as the pure mind of the Tao.-Men Who Have Walked With God. We are
here to educate ourselves against such foolish passions.-Alexander.
The paradox of words is that you have to use them to discipline and train
yourself. Walking, talking, reading- all these are functions a baby lacks. It is up to the
mother and father to educate a child into the ways of the world, and that is done with
words. The problem is that words carry psychological meanings too.. It is through words
that parents make children feel good or bad, right or wrong. The most powerful
expressions anyone can use are yes and no. The effect of these two syllables is to build
boundaries or break them down. Everything you think you can do has a yes buried
somewhere inside it, usually uttered by a parent or teacher in the distant past. Everything
you think you cannot do has a no buried in it, from the same sources.. Because although
words tell us who we are, we are still more than they can tell.. The power of words can
create something new, not just a limit.-Merlin.
If a positive model of desire is established early, then the baby will grow up with
natural desires that match its true needs. A psychologically healthy person, in fact, can be
defined as someone whose desires actually produce happiness.-Deepak Chopra. Did
you ever hear of a man who had striven all his life faithfully and singly toward an object
and in no measure obtained it? If a man constantly aspires, is he not elevated?-Henry
David Thoreau. Let us learn to dream.. and then we may perhaps find the truth.Friedrich A. Von Kekule.
The great thing about life is that as long as we live we have the privilege of
growing, we can learn new skills, engage in new kinds of work, devote ourselves to new
causes, make new friends, if only we will exercise a little initiative and refuse to become
fixed, rigid..-Joshua Loth Liebman. This is one of the great transitional Epochs, and the
karma before humanity as a whole, and to every group in particular, is to reform itself
from slavery, female subjection, war, and cruelty and establish a civilization based on
humane-ness and interest in spiritual matters.-Anne Wood Besant.

It was bad enough for government to burden the people with extravagances, but
it was still worse for the Church to preach that men should accept this load as coming
from God.-Manly P. Hall. Mind control is the most important issue facing humanity
today. All other issues, causes, choices, and electives are contingent upon our free
thought. We all formulate our thoughts and our actions based on what we know. And we
need to know that the knowledge base has been altered. Its been deliberately suppressed
for decades.. The fact remains that mind control is a sliding scale, and we all experience
some form of mind control or another. Whether its information control thats absolutely
controlling our perceptions, our abilities to respond, allowing for that superstition to
creep in. And superstition so often renders us helpless to effect a situation.-Cathy
If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time- not tomorrow, nor next year, nor in
some future life after we have died. The best preparation for a better life next year is a
full, complete, harmonious, joyous life this year. Our beliefs in a rich future life are of
little importance unless we coin them into the present life. Today should always be our
most wonderful day.-Thomas Dreier. What we do each moment of everyday in our
lives affects something much bigger than our personal lives-2012: A Message of Hope
The important point.. is simply that each and new emergent interior holon [a
thought or concept] transcends but includes, and thus operates upon, the information
presented by its junior holons, and thus it fashions something novel in the ongoing
cognitive or interior stream. But by far the most famous transcendence occurs in the
capacity to take the role of the other- not just realize others have a different perspective,
but to be able to mentally reconstruct that perspective, to put oneself in the others shoes.
Hence, each new growth in consciousness is not just the discovery of more of a pregiven world, but the co-creation of new [inner and outer] worlds themselves.. I think
most people, even if they disagree with the details as given, would agree that
SOMETHING like that is indeed occurring. Greater depth, greater interiority, greater
consciousness.. Since you can operate upon and reflect upon your own thought processes,
you are to some degree free of them; you can to some degree transcend them; you can
take perspectives different from your own; you can entertain hypothetical possibilities;
and you can become highly introspective.. And.. because we can reflect on our own
thought processes, and thus to some degree remove ourselves from them, we become
capable of imagining all sorts of other possibilities; we become dreamers in the true sense
of the word. Other perspectives, other beliefs, other horizons open before the minds eye,
and the soul can take flight in the worlds of the not yet seen. Rationality is the great
doorway to the invisible, through which, and then beyond which, [are] so many secrets
not given to the sense or conventions.. And this is why rationality or reasonableness tends
to be universal in character, and is highly integrative.. and its truth is not forced or
coerced or ideologically imposed, but is freely open to any who wish to look into its
reasons.. It is only rationality, in other words, that allows the.. emergence of a truly
global or planetary network, which, freed from any particular society, can allow all
societies their own unique and special place. On the contrary, this is also an archaeology
of our own souls. These digs exist now in the present, enfolded in us as part of our own
compound individuality, past interiors taken into our own present interiors, living on in

the depths of our own being today, enriching us or destroying us, depending entirely on
our own capacity to embrace and transcend.-Ken Wilber.
Imagine that your mind is a radio transmitter, bombarding the field with
messages. If you sit quietly and observe your mind, you will see that it is full of mixed
signals. The things we want to accomplish we also have doubts about; the person we
want to turn into is also someone we arent quite sure about. The mind is similarly full of
pointless repetition. It has been estimated that over 90 percent of the thoughts anyone
thinks on any given day are the same as those of the day before. This is because we are
all creatures of habit, worry, and obsession. Finally, the mind is full of unconscious static,
tracking back to the very depths of infant memory. You may be paying attention only to
your conscious, willed thoughts, but in the background your unconscious mind is
churning with its unfulfilled hopes, its old fears and wishes. Intentions are simply desires,
and desires are linked to what you need. The first step towards change is recognition.
When you have an intention and sent it into the universal awareness, you are actually
talking to yourself in another form. As the sender of a message, you are an individual
living here in time and space. But you are also the receiver of the message, in your guise
as a higher self, presiding over your space-time identity. And even more than this, you
are the medium of the message, pure awareness itself. To see yourself truly you need to
see yourself as having these three aspects: sender, receiver, and medium. There are many
variations on the theme: you are the wish, the wisher, and the granter of wishes. You are
the observer, the observed, and the process of observation. This threefold state is known
as unity. In your unified nature, fulfilling intentions is ALL you do; its your full time
occupation. There isnt a single thought you can have that doesnt send back some result.
Instead of feeling you have to control the outcome of your intention, be assured that the
field will do the work for you. Release your intention into the field of the timeless; the
more expanded your awareness, the clearer will be the signal you are sending.. be easy
and natural with the whole process. When all these steps come together, your intention
will enter the field of awareness, which acts like a matrix to connect your individual
thought with all that is. The effortless flow toward an outcome will not be impeded or
obstructed by anxieties and attachments of the fearful ego.-Deepak Chopra.
So many kinds of cause and effect are working all around us that one must be
very alert to see them. Nothing is random in the universe. Your past actions are not
returning to punish you but to catch your attention. They are like clues.-Merlin.
The forces which govern the evolution of the sense-perception world- the world
we see, hear, feel, etc.- are rooted in another world, an invisible world, a spiritual world.
A person can strive towards developing his own spiritual potential by such means as
meditation for three kinds of reasons: 1. For self-satisfaction, self-aggrandizement, to be
able to earn more money, or for the purpose of acquiring more power over more people.
If meditation is carried out with this kind of motivation it will ultimately damage or
destroy the person. 2. For the withdrawal into the purity and bliss of ones own Nirvana,
away from the world of senses, which is felt as a dissatisfying world. If meditation is
carried out with this kind of motivation it will retard rather than enhance the persons
actual development. 3. The only right motivation for meditation is that one is willing to
accept a [so called] burden.. because one has recognized that one can become in this way
a more effective servant of world progress, a more effective helper of mankind and of the
spiritual world. Compassion and respect towards humanity [and all beings] must be the

basic motivation for meditation. Otherwise, the cross one has to bear on the path of selfdevelopment, of which meditation is a fundamental part, becomes too heavy.-Ernst
The power of many hearts in a state of unity have the awesome potential to bring
peace to our planet. There is far more evidence that group meditation can turn off war
like a light switch than there is that aspirin reduces headaches. As the earth changes
increase it is only our unity that will ease the shifting that is now fully under way. We can
create a field of love that surrounds our planet. When we have a feeling in our hearts
were creating electrical and magnetic waves inside of our bodies that extend beyond our
bodies into the world around us. And whats so interesting is the research shows that
those waves extend not just one meter or two meters, many, many kilometers beyond
where our heart physically resides. Do not fear the great changes we face at this time,
simply acknowledge this as a grand process as we move from the old to the new. And as
the old world falls, a new world may be born. Are you waiting for something or are you
setting yourself free? We are human only through humanity of other human beings. [We
can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.-Dalai
Lama.] May we have the courage to unite as one. May we embrace compassion and go
within.- 2012: A Message of Hope II.
It is rather like the enigma of whether lightening simply strikes the earth or
whether the earth magnetizes it. There is a synergy that links them together.-Chris
Grissom. At this level the reproduction of its members are two aspects of the same
process: they are dependent on the same structures.-Ken Wilber. We talk, you and I,
even when we think we are hiding. Involuntary leaps of knowing pass from one body to
the other. It happens if we want to, or even if we dont. But why does it occur? Am I in
your body? Are you in mine? How can it pass without a channel, without a touch? It
travels past time, through subtle bodies by means of consciousness alone. It is true that
we are one soul family and indeed, within the infinite liquidity of cosmic knowing, all
that you experience is a part of me and all that I am is a part of you. In the same way that
a negative characteristic of another person only bothers us if we are hiding or denying
that same characteristic in ourselves, what we perceive as extraordinary and exquisite is
also within us.-Chris Grissom.
Perspective is everything. If someone runs at you with open arms, you consider
it an attack if you feel the person is an enemy, an embrace if he is a friend. A baby may
kick and scream when its mother scrubs its face, but from the mothers perspective, its a
loving act to clean off the dirt. In the same way most of the events you call misfortunes or
divine punishment are really born of compassion, for God always takes the kindest way
to correct imbalances in nature. It is you who build up these imbalances, which [God]
must [send a signal to you] in order to save you from deeper misfortune.-Merlin.
Seekers are those who try to resolve the seeming paradox of Gods indifference and Gods
love. They look into the crises that most people shun, because from hurt or failure or
disaster one can seize the deepest truth. This enigma is worth devoting ones whole
lifetime to solving.-Deepak Chopra.
When you learn that time is being invented in your own consciousness, you will
see that there is no past. There is only the eternal now, ever renewing itself. Now is the
only time that really exists. The past is memory, the future is potential. This moment is

the pivotal point for any possible future you can envision. So change the past completely
by seeing it as unreal, a phantom of the mind.-Merlin.
Instead of falling prey to your subconscious, which is constantly impelling you
to embrace a future that is predictable, you can seize control of your talent for projection.
Live the highest ideal now. See a future based on the belief that you are cared for in the
universe, and self-acceptance is already yours. You do not have to achieve these states in
order to live them now. Living them now is how you will achieve them.-Deepak
Chopra. Be the change you wish to see in the world-Ghandi.
You dont have to go very far to realize that everything in your description is
completely relative. Your idea of tall is someone elses idea of short or average, heavy can
be seen as light, fair as dark, friendly as unfriendly, and so forth. You are really
describing your perspective, not the [thing itself].. Reality doesnt depend on a viewpoint,
it simply is.. You have to look behind the curtain of memory to begin to discover the
fabric of reality Therefore it is tremendously important to look at the world innocently,
because that is the only way the world has any life. Your eye is the life giver of
everything it sees. Behind every molecule of existence there must be awareness and
intelligence; otherwise the universe would be a random swirl of inert gases and dead
stars, a voids aching to receive the seed of birth.. Every glance you give outside your
window puts the seed of life into creation.-Deepak Chopra. Quantum physics reveals
that its the invisible stimuli that are much more important.-2012: A Message of Hope
II. This world exists because of you, isnt that miracle enough?-Merlin.
It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.-Rene
Descartes. How essential it is.. to be able to live inside a mind with attractive and
interesting pictures on the walls.-William Lyon Phelps. To find this, we must use
consciousness to discover our true selves.-Chris Grissom. In the light of trust, as it
develops slowly over time, you will find that you are a privileged child of the universe,
entirely safe, entirely supported, entirely loved.-Deepak Chopra.

The beauty of the world and the orderly arrangement of everything celestial
makes us confess that there is an excellent and eternal nature, which ought to be
worshiped and admired by all mankind.-Cicero. Often when the heart is [burdened]
with sorrow, spiritually we wander like a traveler lost in a deep wood. We grow
frightened, lose all sense of direction, run ourselves against trees and rocks in our attempt
to find a path. All the while there is a path-a path of Faith- that leads straight out of the
dense tangle of our difficulties into the open road we are seeking.-James Gordon Gilkey.
As any ethnologist, archaeologist, or historian would observe, the myths of the
differing civilizations have sensibly varied throughout the centuries and broad reaches of
mankinds residence in the world, indeed to such a degree that the virtue of one
mythology has often been the vice of another, and the heaven of the one the others
hell.. Communities that were once comfortable in the consciousness of their own
mythological guaranteed godliness find, abruptly, that they are devils in the eyes of their
neighbors.-Campbell. We are most alone when we are with the myths.-Alexander.
The grail isnt a thing you can run after on horseback like a fox. It isnt made of
gold or jewels, and therefore it brings no one any benefit to hoard it in secret. And
possessing it doesnt confer Gods blessing, any more than not possessing it does. I only
want to clear your heads about any misguided dreams you may have about the object of
your quest. The quest that brings the Grail as its prize is not a journey of the kind
ignorant kings crave to mount. It is an inner journey, a quest of transformation. You have
heard tell this thing called alchemy? Alchemy is the art of transformation, and when its
seven steps are achieved then and only then will you be able to summon the Grail. You
know little or nothing about this art, yet you have practiced it every day since you were
born. Every baby is born an alchemist, then loses the art, only to gain it again. The
greatest waste in existence is the waste of spirit. Each of you came into the world to seek
the Grail. No one is born more privileged than any other, everyone is created to reach
freedom and fulfillment... I mean freedom in a deeper sense: the ability to do anything
you want whenever you want, and there are even deeper levels. As you must admit, you
are held captive all the time by the past- your memories create the conditioning that
literally runs your life. If you were free from the past, you could step into infinite
possibilities, breaking the barrier of the known at every moment. The Grail is just a
visible promise that such perfection exists. I have said that there are seven steps of
alchemy on the way to freedom and fulfillment. The first step begins at birth, the next
few follow in childhood, and the rest are left to you. You are always taken care of in the
divine plan, but as you grow up your own will and desire are allowed to increase. As a
baby you were pure enough to seize the Grail but too ignorant to know of its existence.
As an adult you know the goal, but you have already closed the way to find it. The
introduction of free will is what caused you to lose the Grail, yet it is also the means by
which you will recapture it in the end. You were born in a state of innocence. Of all the
ingredients used by the alchemist, this is the most important. A newborn baby does not
question its existence; it lives in self-acceptance, trust, and love. The nagging voice of
doubt is not yet heard. When you look in a babys eyes, you see very little individuality.
The question Who am I? is meaningless to an infant. Instead what shines through is
awareness itself, the source of all wisdom. A baby comes into this world from the very
source of life, and it detaches from that source gradually. The very promise of the Grail-

immortal life- is already being enjoyed by a baby, for living in the timeless is the secret to
immortality. Watch an infant in its first few weeks of life. You can see its attention
become drawn to this astonishing new world it finds itself in. And so the alchemy begins,
the constant transformation that will underlie every breath taken for all the years to come.
As the baby grows its original innocence isnt really lost. What happens is more
mysterious than that. Innocence remains intact in a state of purity and wholeness that you
simply forget. You are living in fragments now. To you, the world is limited; your sense
of self is bound up in the individual [body] experiences and memories youve
accumulated. By forgetting wholeness you seemed to lose who you were, yet that is an
illusion. You dont feel or act like a newborn, but its essence remains. In actual fact,
wholeness cannot be fragmented; truth cannot be harmed by untruth. The forces of
alchemy are at work beyond what you can see, hear, or touch. If you wish to contact the
innocence within you, look for the characteristics of the infant: alertness, curiosity, a
sense of wonder, security that you are wanted on this earth, a feeling of living in the
perfect peace of the timeless. The next step announces the arrival on the scene of ego, the
sense of I. To have I, you must also have you or it. The birth of ego is the birth of
duality. It marked the beginning of opposites and thus the beginning of opposition. Every
new step in alchemy overturns the one that came before, turning your old world upside
down, but this revolution is perhaps the most shocking. Youre no longer a god! Imagine
a being who feels omnipotent in his world. Everywhere he looks all that greets his eye is
a mirror of himself. Suddenly people and things start to be seen as separate creations.
None of you remembers this shattering event because it occurred early in infancy. Yet it
was a momentous change, amounting to a new birth. You were happy as a god, now you
were born into mortality. Seeds and tendencies, I told you. As a babys curiosity pulls its
attention outside itself, what does it see? First the face of its mother. In natures plan a
baby will automatically respond to its mother as a source of love and nurturing. But it is a
source outside the baby itself. Theres a catch, for however perfect motherly love will be,
it is not self-love, and for many years you will sigh over the loss of perfect love, only to
realize that you are nostalgic for your own self before anyone else arrived on the scene.
At first there was no separation. When the baby touched the mothers breast or its crib or
wall, all these things seemed to be part of one flowing sensation without divisions. Soon,
however, every baby comes to realize that there is something other than itself- the outside
world. The ego says this is me, that is not me. Then gradually certain things become
identified with me- my mommy, my toys, my hunger, my pain, my bed. As soon as
preferences arise, there is a whole world that isnt me-not my mommy, not my toys, and
so forth. As long as you sensed yourself as divine, there was no need for a quest to regain
Gods blessing. In separation you began to look for yourself in objects and events. You
lost the ability to see yourself as the true source of all that is. For the baby was not wrong
to see itself as the source of life. As you begin to explore the outer world and its objects
became fascinating, you tied your happiness to them. This is called object referral, which
came to replace the babys self-referral. Nothing is ever lost. The birth of the ego gave
rise to aspects you can still sense in yourself: fear of abandonment, the need for approval,
possessiveness, separation anxiety, self-concern, self-pity. But do not despair, because
beneath these changes a deeper force was at work. Once you have ego, you have a world
out there, and a new tendency emerges, the urge to go out into the world and achieve.
The first signs of this change are primitive. The baby wants to grab things and hold them;

it wants to explore on its own, always making sure that mother is nearby. Soon it wants to
walk and begins to protest if its mother wont let it. This desire to escape and roam is
timid at first. But over time the same baby that yearned to be held and protected wails to
be let go. This is a healthy instinct, for the ego knows that the unknown is the source of
fear. If the baby did not go out to conquer the world, it would grow to fear it more and
more. We are now moving further away from the sense of peace, unity, and trust that you
were born with. The ego starts to dominate over the spirit. When the baby reaches inside
to feel whats there, it doesnt find pure awareness anymore; instead it finds a whirl of
memory. Experiences become personal, never again to be fully shared. But the birth of
the achiever gave you confidence and a sense of uniqueness. This world of objects and
events is about one thing-becoming individual. Not everyone prizes success above
everything else or identifies with money, work, and status. But the urge of the achiever is
simpler, more basic than that. It is the mark of the ego in action, proving to itself that
separation is endurable. Indeed, the birth of the achiever makes this a joyous world full of
things to do and learn. In some people the achiever will last a very long time. The thirst
for fame and fortune will overwhelm the true purpose of the quest. But God permits
complete free will, and if a person decides that the world out there is more important
than himself, a craving for fame and fortune must follow. The ego offers no possibility of
fulfillment at all. It is controlling and loveless. Listen to me it says, and grab all for
yourself, this way lies happiness. I hardly need to tell you that this third step remains
with you, because as long as ego is present, the achiever will be present. The achiever
never satisfies its appetites. After all, there is no limit to the experiences that you can
amass; the world is infinite in its diversity. But as the ego grows, it smothers the spirit
with layers of stuff- wealth, power, self-image- until a small voice begins to wonder
Where is love? Where is being? The fourth step, yet another birth, is at hand. In time
the ego hits upon a new notion, that happiness lies not just in taking but also in giving.
This is a momentous discovery, for it rids the ego of many kinds of fear. There is the fear
of isolation, which total selfishness must lead to. There is the fear of loss, which arises
because you cant hold on to everything forever. There is the fear of enemies, those who
want to take from you. By becoming a giver, the ego doesnt have to live with these fears,
at least not as much as before. A nagging problem has been solved. But there is
something deeper at work too. Giving connects two people, the giver and the receiver.
This connection gives birth to a new sense of belonging, not the passive belonging of the
baby who automatically belongs to the mother but the active belonging of someone who
has learned to create happiness. Giving is creating. It also turns the egos perspective
completely around. Before the giver is born, guarding against loss was all-important. This
meant loss of money and possessions but also loss of self-image, loss of importance. Now
the person freely parts with something, yet it doesnt FEEL like a loss. Instead the ego
feels pleasure. How amazing, for the pleasure of taking was never like this. Love has
entered the heart. Thats the difference. As long as the ego pursues self-interest, it doesnt
feel love. It may feel intense pleasure or self-satisfaction or attachment. These feelings
are sometimes called love, but in its nature love is selfless, and it takes a selfless act to
call love forth. Giving isnt limited to giving money or things to someone else. There is
also service, the giving of oneself, and devotion, the giving of love in pure form. For all
these reasons the birth of the giver feels new and liberating. Even though the ego still
dominates, it has begun to look outside itself. Most people learn the pleasure of giving as

small children; most parents teach their children to share with other children. Yet the true
birth of the giver may not come until much later. As long as you were giving because you
were told to, or because you think it is the right thing to do, you will not feel the deep
pleasure of giving. Giving must be spontaneous, born of the sense This is what I want to
do, not This is what Id better do. In alchemy there is no death. Nothing has to perish
in order to reach the Grail. This old notion of ego death assumes that there are things
about you that God judges against. Gods plan is for you to find yourself. You are not
destined just to reach a fixed goal. If you want to explore what it is like to be selfish or
ignorant or murderous or totally without faith, God permits all these experiences.
Because you are not judged, none of your actions is good or bad in Gods eyes. They are
equal if the sinner and saint are just masks you put on. The saint in this life may be the
sinner in another life, and the sinner today may be learning to become a saint tomorrow.
All these roles are illusions in Gods eyes. I am not saying you must force this
perspective upon yourself. You asked me for guidance, however, and I must show you
what lies ahead on the path. For a long time the ego has had everything its way. The
question What is good for me? has dominated all considerations; the limited individual
viewpoint has been the only one that seemed real. This is only natural. As I said, this
relative world has a purpose, to teach you to become an individual. But individuality
eventually begins to open up and broaden its horizons. You might predict that given free
will, humans would only indulge in more and more selfishness. If the loveless,
controlling ego had the last word, perhaps this would be your fate, but alchemy works
invisibly, in unseen passageways of the soul. In time the giver takes the next step, to the
seeker. In this phase ones old, familiar ego concerns are set aside. The sense of I is
allowed to expand. Now the person becomes eager for spiritual experiences, sensing a
source of love and fulfillment that even the most intense love of another person cannot
deliver. Again this about-face comes as a shock. At his best the giver is a philanthropist.
He started out by giving only to his family and friends, then to charities or community,
but in the end the spirit of giving cant be satisfied until all humans benefit. But can you
really give yourself to everyone else in the world? This question brings you to the limit of
individuality. So it is natural that the stage of giving raises questions it cannot answer,
this preparing the way for new birth. The giver who wanted to embrace the world now
finds that the world is no longer a source of fulfillment. Things that once brought
pleasure begin to seem flat; in particular the egos need for approval and self-importance
no longer works to bring satisfaction. A thirst arises to see the face of God, to live in the
light, to explore the silence of pure awareness: the seekers impulse can take many forms.
Yet all seekers share a feeling that the material world does not seem to be the place where
their desires can be fulfilled. Why is this? Isnt God everywhere, isnt spirit in the tiniest
grain of sand? Yes and no. God may be everywhere, that does you no good if you cannot
see where he is. The seeker seeks in order to see.. this is when the Grail becomes a
symbol for a deep inner need, but every stage has been a quest, even the fall from
innocence. [People] are obsessed with splitting up reality into good and bad, saint and
sinner, godly and ungodly, when in fact life is a divine flow. A single impulse, the
impulse to possess complete knowledge and complete fulfillment, is what drives all of
life forward. With the birth of the seeker, we can for the first time put a name to a desire
that has remained nameless up to now. Whether the name is God, the Grail, Divine
Being, or Spirit doesnt matter. They all point toward a new, deep-felt need to escape the

boundaries imposed by time and space. Your essence is boundless. You were born to a
universal life. The world seems limited by time and space, but that is only an appearance.
The universe isnt hiding anything from you. You are being tricked. The appearance of
limitation arises because this world is a school, or training ground. And the basic rule
here is that however you see yourself, so you will see the world. If you see yourself as
lacking or unworthy, that judgment alone will keep God from you. You may say that you
want God, but you want to keep up these judgments against yourself at the same time.
Spirit could not stay away from you even if it wanted to, because everything is spirit.
There are no secret places where it does not live. Anything that you believe will bring
you final peace and fulfillment is your version of God. As you grow from one phase to
the next, however, you get closer to the real goal; your image of God becomes truer,
nearer to His nature as pure spirit. Yet every step is divine. Love is universal, and
therefore it takes no sides. The ego may not like this fact. It may say I deserve Gods
love but that person over there doesnt. This is not Gods perspective. The thief inflicts
loss of property; the murderer inflicts loss of life. As long as these losses are real to you,
then of course you will condemn the person who causes them. But will not time itself
also steal your property and life in the end? Is time a criminal too? There is a perspective
that looks upon sin as illusion. Nothing you call sin can blemish Gods love by the least
iota. Everyone gets the version of the Divine that he or she conceives in the mind. Some
see God in visions, some in a flower. There are many kinds of seekers. Some require acts
of miraculous intervention and redemption, others follow an invisible force that speaks in
the most mundane occurrences. The seeker is simply motivated by a thirst for a higher
reality. This doesnt mean that the earlier stage of giving disappears. But now the giving
is done without selfish motivation, now it comes out of compassion. For the first time the
egos claim to be all-knowing and all-powerful is questioned. The birth of the seeker
therefore can be extremely turbulent. Imagine yourself as a carriage pulled down the road
by a team of horses. For the longest time there is no driver, the horses have come to
believe that they own the carriage. Then one day a soft voice from inside the carriage
whispers stop. At first the horses dont hear the voice, but it repeats stop. Unable to
believe their ears, the horses race even more wildly ahead, just to prove that they have no
master. The inner voice doesnt use force; it doesnt protest. It only continues to repeat
stop. That is what happens inside you. The carriage is your total self, the horses are the
ego, the voice inside the carriage is spirit. When spirit announces itself on the scene, the
ego at first doesnt listen, because it is certain that its power is absolute. But spirit doesnt
use the kind of power that ego is accustomed to. Ego is used to rejecting things; it is used
to judging and separating and taking what it thinks belongs to it. Spirit is simply the quiet
voice of Being, asserting what is. With the birth of the seeker, this is the voice you start
to hear. In time you will learn that spirit is nothing but power, power of infinite scope. It
is an organizing power that keeps every atom in the universe in perfect balance.
Compared with it, the egos power is absurdly limited and trivial. However, this
realization will dawn only after you have surrendered the egos need to control, predict,
and defend. Its power is limited to those three things. If your ego could surrender all at
once, there wouldnt be any need for later steps of growth; the birth of the seeker would
be enough. The voice of spirit announces that there is a higher reality. Ascending to that
reality is another matter. Everyone is born to attain the Grail. The reason that seekers
seem to be rare is mostly a matter of social experiences. Seeking is a completely inward

experience. You cannot tell from outer signs who is seeking and who isnt. Society holds
out no special distinctions or rewards for the seeker, who may completely retreat into
isolation, leaving society behind, or who may continue to live a life of high position. The
inward marks of the seeker are these: giving becomes motivated by selfless love and
compassion, wanting nothing in return, not even gratitude; intuition becomes a
trustworthy guide to action, replacing strict rationality; one catches glimpses of an unseen
world as the higher reality: imitations of God and immortality appear. These signs will be
accompanied by a growing enjoyment of solitude, by self-reliance in place of social
approval, by stirrings of Being, and by a willingness to trust. Addictive patterns will start
to disappear. Meditation and prayer become parts of daily life. Yet as all these spiritual
manifestations pull you away from the material world, you will find, paradoxically, a
deeper connection to nature, more comfort in your body, and easier acceptance of other
people. This is because spirit is not the opposite of matter. Spirit is everything, and its
appearance in your life will make all things better, even things that appear to be
opposites. The sixth step, the birth of the seer, is just below the surface of any seeker. By
itself seeking carries no fulfillment; it would be a dry and frustrating life if you were only
to seek without finding. Fortunately, in the divine plan all questions bring their answers at
the same time, all goals turn out to be found at the source. Once you truly ask Where is
God?, you will see a response. I dont want to delude you here. The birth of the seer is
just as revolutionary as any of the earlier steps. It spells the end of the ego, the end of all
outward identification. Imagine that your life is a moving picture projected upon a white
screen. As long as you are dominated by ego, you focus on the moving images and take
them to be real. When the seeker arrives on the scene, you begin to sense their unreality.
But with the birth of the seer, you turn and face the light. Now self-image is seen for what
it is, a flimsy projection on the time-bound mind and body. The seer sees through this
motivation and no longer buys into it. Instead of seeing yourself as flesh and bones that
house a spirit- a ghost inside a machine- you realize that everything is spirit. The body is
spirit coalesced into a form that the senses can feel, see, and smell; the mind is spirit in a
form that can be heard and understood. Spirit itself, in pure form, is neither of these and
can be perceived only by refined intuition. When I speak of a rock, you can see and touch
it. When I speak of spirit, I am pointing toward an invisible world. Arrows of light fly to
us from that world to ignite our souls, but we cannot send arrows of thought back. A rose
would be mysterious if you could only think about it and never experience one. Spirit is a
direct experience, but it transcends this world. It is pure silence teeming with infinite
potential. When you gain knowledge of anything else, you gain knowledge of some
thing; when you gain knowledge of spirit, you become knowingness itself. All questions
cease because you find yourself in the womb of reality, where everything simply IS.
When the eye of the seer falls on something, it is simply accepted for what it is, not
judged. There is no ego to take or possess or destroy. In the absence of fear, no such
motivations arise, for needing to possess is born of lack. When you have no lack to fill,
then just being here in this world in your body is the highest spiritual goal you could
possibly attain.. there are three kinds of people: those who have not yet experienced pure
Being, those who have tasted it, and those who have fully explored it. You have tasted
and now want to explore. For you this world will begin to disappear as a solid thing and
recede into the overwhelming light of Being. In a faraway land called India they say that
ordinary life becomes pale before God, like a candle that seemed bright in a dark room

but turns invisible when put out into the noonday sun. As always, it will feel like a new
birth. The seer differs from the seeker in no longer having to pick and choose. The seeker
is still involved in an illusion as he goes around saying this is where god is, this is where
god isnt. The seer, on the other hand, sees God in life itself. The long inner war is over
at last, and rest comes to the warrior. In place of struggle, you experience all your desires
naturally and effortlessly coming true. There are no outward signs to mark who the seers
are among us, but inwardly they feel open and content, they allow others to be who they
will be, which is the highest form of love, they put up no obstruction to other people and
events, and they have surrendered any small sense of I. Be careful with that word
HIGHER, its the ego that must have the high and low. The goal for your life is freedom
and fulfillment. Fulfillment isnt achieved until you know God.. completely. [People] are
always yearning for miracles, and I tell you that the greatest miracle is yourselves, for
God has given you this unique ability to identify with [its] nature. A perfect rose does not
sense that it is a rose; a fulfilled human knows what it means to be divine. Its the seventh
and final step of alchemy, pure spirit. When it dawns the seer finds that what seems to be
total joy and fulfillment can still expand. You see, arriving in the presence of God is not
the end of your quest but the beginning. You begin in innocence, and so shall you end.
But this time the innocence is different, because you have gained complete knowledge,
whereas a baby has only feeling. When you are able to see yourself as spirit, your
identification with this body and this mind will cease. At the same time the concept of
birth and death will cease. You will be a cell in the body of the universe, and this cosmic
body will be as intimate to you as your own body is to you now. These patterns forever
change; they come and go. Mind and body are like rooms one might choose to live in, but
not all the time. No amount of thinking or feeling can approximate this state or bring it to
you. Spirit is born of pure silence. Your self will be unified, and like the baby that was
your beginning, you will feel no doubt, shame, or guilt. Now you will see that these
opposites are fused. Such is Gods perspective, for everywhere [It] looks, all [It] sees is
[Itself]. If you feel that this goal is too lofty or too far off, here is a secret. Although you
seem to pass through the seven steps of alchemy, each one was present from the
beginning. In innocence was the totality of God, as it is in ego or achieving or giving or
seeking. All that truly changed was your focus of attention. In your being is every aspect
of the universe, as complete and eternal as the universe itself. But still the birth into spirit
is a tremendous event. As unity ripens you will become more and more familiar with the
divine, until finally you will experience God as an infinite being moving at infinite speed
through infinite dimensions. When that awesome experience dawns, it will seem as
natural and simple as sitting here under the stars, yet each dancing star will be yourself.
Do not be overawed. In truth this is your natural state. To be unified with the cosmos, to
be intimate with life in all its forms, to finally come into oneness with your own Beingthis is your destiny, the end of your quest, [then another shall begin]. Each of you begins
with love, goes through struggle, passion, and suffering, only to end in love again.
[People] long for miracles, I say, and as privileged children of the universe, you will be
denied nothing. Spirit is the state of the miraculous, which will unfold to you in three
stages: First, you will experience miracles in the state called cosmic consciousness. Every
material event will have a spiritual cause. Every local happening will also be taking place
on the stage of the universe. Your slightest wish will cause cosmic forces to bring about
its fulfillment. As wonderful as that sounds, it is not such an advanced state, for long

before you reach cosmic consciousness you will be used to having your desires
spontaneously come true. Second, you will perform miracles in the state called divine
consciousness. This is the state of pure creativity, in which you fuse with Gods power,
whereby He makes worlds and all that happens in those worlds. Like a rich, golden glow,
you will see the divine awareness shining through everything your eyes behold. The
world becomes illuminated from within, and there is no doubt that matter is simply spirit
made manifest. In divine consciousness you will see yourself as the creator, not the
created, the giver of life, not the receiver. Third, you will become the miracle, in the state
known as unity consciousness. Now any distinction between creator and created has
vanished. The spirit within you totally merges with the spirit in everything else. Insofar as
you are one person, you are like a drop in the ocean. Insofar as you are a part of universal
awareness, you are the whole ocean. Your return to innocence is all-enveloping, because,
like the baby who touches the wall or the crib and feels only himself, you will see every
action as spirit pouring into spirit. You will live in complete knowingness and trust. And
although you will seem to reside still in a body, it will be only a grain of Being on the
shores of the infinite ocean of Being that is yourself. BEHOLD THE GRAIL, the
unfolding of your quest has led to a vision of the goal- the point of pure light, the
diamond essence that burns within your soul. Live in devotion to this moment. I have led
you here out of your innermost desire, but now you must win the true Grail, not just its
vision, for yourself. Do not expect, do not anticipate. Man quests for symbols, and
symbols change from age to age. But what I have shown you is not a symbol but the
truth. The Grail is the crystal speck of Being in your own heart. It faintly reflects light
from its facets, and from those faint reflections arise all the faculties of mind and body
that you perceive with your senses. As reflections they are real, but far more real is this
transparent diamond of pure Being. What could be more miraculous than life itself?Merlin.
What if the man could see Beauty Itself, pure, unalloyed, stripped of mortality
and all its pollutions, stains and vanities, unchanging, divine.. the man becoming, in that
communion, the friend of God, himself immortal;.. Those who are intoxicated with this
wine, who are unstinted of this nectar, their souls suffused with this Beauty, cannot look
merely at lifes surface.. In each of us there is something of this [Beauty]. Wherever you
may be, you have only to open to this omnipresent Good the faculty in you which is
capable of drawing from it: your share flows to you. All who have possessed themselves
of the Good have found it sufficient. Essentially ones aspiration is less away from evil
than toward the highest and noblest comprehensible to the soul; this attained, all has been
won, and there is peace, the intended condition of life. Would that be a life to disregard?
The souls true goodness is in devotion to its like; evil for the soul is in tolerating that
which is strange to its nature. Let it cleanse away what is [strange], and stand by its ownThen a new phase begins.-Plato.
It is impossible that anything so natural.. and so universal as death should ever
have been designed as an evil to mankind.-Jonathan Swift. Misfortune cannot be
conquered by furious and continuing resentment. It can be conquered only by quiet
acquiescence. We win victory over bereavement only when we face our loss, accept our
loss, and then make our way through and beyond our loss. You ask how we make our
way through it and beyond it? We do so by deliberately re-entering the world of daily
activity- the busy world of problems, duties, friendships, opportunities, satisfactions. An

immolated, resentful, self-pitying life is a doomed life. Only life which deliberately picks
up and starts again is victorious.-James Gordon Gilkey. Do not pity the dead.. pity the
living. And above all, pity those who live without love.- Albus Dumbledore.
I often feel that death is not the enemy of life, but is a friend, for it is the
knowledge that our years are limited which makes them so precious. It is the truth that
time is but lent to us which makes us, at our best, look upon our years as a trust handed
into our contemporary keeping. We are like children privileged to spend a day in a great
park, a park filled with many gardens and playgrounds and azure-tinted lakes with white
boats sailing upon the tranquil waves. True, the day allotted to each one of us is not the
same in length, in light, in beauty But whether our life is a long summery day or a
shorter wintry afternoon, we know that inevitably there are sunlit rays which pierce the
darkest autumn sky. The day that we are privileged to spend in the great park of life is not
the same for all human beings, but there is enough beauty and joy and gaiety in the hours
if we will but treasure them. Then for each one of us the moment comes when the great
nurse, death, takes man, the child, by the hand and quietly says, It is time to go home.
Night is coming. It is your bedtime, child of earth. Come; your tired. Lie down at last in
the quiet nursery of nature and sleep. Sleep well. The day is gone. Stars shine in the
canopy of eternity.-Joshua Loth Liebman. I wish to take from every grave its fear.. the
dead do not suffer.. death is only perfect rest.-Robert Ingersoll.
Who is God? You and you alone can answer this question. No one can take your
god away from you; however, your perception and relationship to your god, like all your
relationships, requires you to interact, to go beyond automatic pilot and participateevolving that relationship in new ways. Over the millennia, some indigenous peoples
developed the spiritual concept of the great circle of life in which everything is
connected. The First Americans saw themselves as a part of nature, governed by The
Great Spirit that connected all beings. They recognized the spirit in all things whether
it was a rock, tree, or animal. Each had its particular gift to give and that gift was held
sacred- not feared. Somehow the authors became the holy bearers of truth, rather than just
someone who told the story from their own perspective or from that of whomever
recounted it to them. In fact, were they not mere humans like you and me? As tribes grew
into larger gatherings, and settled into crystallized cultures with their own religion, rituals
and pronounced way of life, they began to feel the urge to bend others to their realities. It
was much safer to have no dissenting voices that could threaten the structures they had
created or perhaps, anger their gods. Whether it was conquering lands or pitting gods
against each other, religious wars began almost as early as the religions themselves. Great
spans of time were swallowed up in these episodes of conquering and converting.. Many
who have been asked, or forced, to give up their lives for religious pretext are given some
form of compensation, as in the old days when they were assured of Gods grace. Suicide
bombers are almost always promised some big reward for their families. Again, we see
the shadow-land between what is supposed to be for God, and what is, in fact, a political
or cultural issue. Politics and God have always been intertwined in the visions of the few
and the submission of the many! It will probably never be recognized that untold helpless
people fell to this unyielding force, merely as pawns in the shadow of power. Why do the
pawns not recognize themselves? Because it is in their nature to submit to more powerful
forces without ever wondering if there is something beyond servitude. There seems to be
no time shield that could protect us from these old whisperings that were not only

fabricated in distant times, but are every bit the same destructive props of today. Where
there is the necessity of a bribe, no matter how nobly it is presented, there is an untruth
that needs covering so that the seduction is sweetened by something other than the act
itself. It might be about religion, social dominance, or cultural positioning, but it is NOT
about God! How convenient to brand it into the psyche of the faithful and then feed it as a
diet of hatred that becomes an unfathomable addiction, inherited by future generations.
Religious domination must become a thing of the past if we are to catch the next rung of
the ladder and evolve as a species. It is dangerous to allow such fanatical tirades to bully
the masses into choices they might not make, except for the fear of Gods wrath
perpetually held over their heads. It is time for us to collectively- grow up! We are not the
quivering children we were thousands of years ago. We can use the clarity of our
consciousness to see for ourselves what is true and what is merely a mask of persuasion.
Again, it is a select few who command the lives of millions-painting the canvas of their
reality with hatred and fear. No true god who has the power to create universes would ask
these things. Cant we see that this war mongering is only the twisted mind of MAN? I
am not interested in blame or justification, or theological arguments, I am only interested
in moving on to a better world in which we can live without fear of our god or anyone
elses. What will it take to tear ourselves away from the lure of power, the spoils of war,
the dominance of physical force, the oppression of authority? We dont need to fight over
God- look what it has brought us! Does it seem to you that there is no way out of this
dilemma because it is so intertwined with the convoluted nature of humans? There is a
way out. In fact, there are many ways out, but none of them will take place until we have
the courage to call them forward. If we do not find a new way to relate to the Divine
Source, we will elongate this passage, into infinity. In the end, we can understand how
we came to see God the way we do, but if that becomes a pretext for our actions today,
then the pretext becomes an excuse. Excuses always lead us away from truth and into the
shadowy place where we feel justified to continue the very actions and beliefs that need
changing. Lives lived under pretexts are unfulfilled lives of confusion, bound by the mind
and entrapped by illusions of ancestry.. The Crusades, and all holy wars are a travesty
against humanity and the sacredness of life! Fear is the most powerful tool of conformityeven today. The concept that God must be feared has become a way of speaking about
someone as a truly good person.. Our assumption is that if you fear God, you will not step
out of bounds-fearing God pleases God. To the sword of fear we can add the wound of
anger. The church threatens with fear and then drives that sword so deeply into the
human psyche that we are almost mortally wounded by the cut of Gods anger and wrath.
Most religions utilize this weapon of anger to hold their followers in check.
Unfortunately, without the stretching, the questioning, and the experiencing we may
never come to know God in new ways; ways that heal us, teach us and give us the
strength to evolve ever closer to godliness ourselves.. Who told us these stories?-Man.
Who instilled the mythology of the angry God?-Man. Our trembling repertoire of God
experiences has been about repentance versus resplendent joy-death into hell, rather than
Divine life. It is time to awaken from this nightmare and recreate our god-and ourselves..
God is love I was taught. That never included fear or punishment. The fact is that no
one really loves the thing they fear. Gods love is without blame or conformity. Allow
yourself to receive it and the whole human race will spin upward! The truth of creation is
that it continues onward. Too much has been said about Gods mandates in all religions,

and not enough has been taught about how to bring our relationship with The Divine into
one of joy and grace. The possibility of new perspectives has always met with the threat
of exile. The tragedy here is that we have always believed it would be true. There is the
underlying fear that if we were to change our religious perspectives, we would somehow
be committing treachery against our god and our future inclusion in heaven.. We feel the
same way about our relationships. We would rather stay with the status quo than face any
change that might put our safe habits and patterns at risk. The power of conformity and
religious institutionalization is gigantic! We actually do not realize that we have the
power to reinvent ourselves or anybody else. The world is full of relationships merely
existing on automatic pilot. Each partner waits for the other to do something that will
bring life into routine.. It cannot, until we free it from the constrictive prison of the
human mind. This is not an uplifting thought, but if we are brave enough to peer into the
black hole of the past, we will be spared any temptation to descend into its darkness or go
there again. When we reopen the past sleeves of historical religion, we can see the
trickery- and know that we are beyond it now. Through the power of enlightened
consciousness, we can virtually mend and replace the weakest strands of our spiritual
templates. Evolution will carry us onward to a more gentle and loving embrace of The
Divine. We are here on this earth to evolve spiritually. That is our mandate- to become
conscious, enlightened beings. It is the gift we give back to our creator, the only one of
any significance. It is not that some personal god force demands it from us, it is that the
natural force of evolution brings it to us- even when we do not consciously seek it.. We
were given the gift of free-will that bestows upon us the power to choose for ourselves;
this spiritual freedom is intrinsic to the evolution of consciousness. Evolution itself is a
guideline for improvement, not punishment. A civilization that uses the glue of suffering
and death to bind it can only bring forth that kind of world. The higher our consciousness,
the more the energetic arch that returns to the Divine Source affects its own evolution.
Negative consciousness of fear and destruction would not meet the frequency of the God
Source, it would only reverberate within the lower octaves.. It is a duel to the death
between that which was and that which will be. This is exactly why we look out on the
world today and see such violence and strife. Our earth is like a sponge that has absorbed
all of the human history that has been played out upon it. The tribe against tribe, the
battlefields, the hatred and the fear are all oozing up to be released We must release all
the places on this earth that hold these residues so that they are not repeated. Otherwise, it
is like the tiger chasing its tail- around and around in the exhausting circle of repetition.
We can do this- we have the technology of consciousness to advance, and we can do it
together.. Because of it, a new cycle will begin- and it begins with us. Since we fear God,
we fear any other religious adherents that practice their religion differently than we. Deep
belief systems are so intrinsic to us that we dont recognize their fallacies. We
unconsciously qualify them as absolute truth, and they rarely surface into the questioning
mind... Blend all of this into the multitude of opinions you have about the world and you
will begin to see that some of your thought forms arent really yours, and have not come
from your own experience. It does not mean that your ancestors are to blame for your
distrust or prejudice towards others, it simply means that you are carrying psychogenetic
imprints that influence your subjective conclusions about the world around you.
Ultimately, you cannot embrace your own truth until you sort out what is yours and what
is not. When we have delineated our spiritual inheritance, we will have more tools to help

divest ourselves of the religious burdens our forefathers laid upon us-paving the way for a
new spiritual foundation that we can joyously pass on to the future. We have come into a
world of constant and driving change. The era of information opens us up to new
dilemmas about who we are and what we should think and feel about our world. Many of
our old beliefs simply do not stand up to scientific scrutiny or logical reality. On the one
hand, science itself is embarrassed by its own fluctuation of yesterdays proven theories
and todays revised truths, while on the other hand, our most solemn religions demand we
pretend the messages given in the old world must be as true for us today as they were
thousands of years ago. This stagnation has become lethal to our willingness to invite
religions into our daily reality. We are in that process at this very moment, and we are
finding it very difficult to let go without experiencing a sense of betrayal. [Most]
religious [and political] authorities perpetrate guilt because it is so very effective for
controlling the masses. It is time to strip this negativity from our spiritual and carnal
realities, as well as from the preachers [and political leaders] who wield it as a weapon
over us. In truth, God began as a concept of fierce power that struck us down when we
displeased it. Those early imprints are still stuck within us, locked away in the
psychogenetic encoding of our unconscious levels. The fear of God weighs so heavily
upon us that we have not yet dared to truly explore the deepest truth- that we are each and
all a part of the Divine spark. Just as our children carry our attributes, so do we carry
those of God. We have not fully understood the qualities of love and compassion that we
can experience through the Divine template, and thus our world seems devoid of the
goodness that was bestowed upon us through our spiritual DNA.. We have arrived at a
pivotal moment in which we can use life in an entirely new way. This is exactly why we
exist. In fact, we must become the powerful and loving beings of our Divine human
template, or we will destroy ourselves. Beyond this mundane connection, we DO belong
to a universal energy that permeates universes beyond universes. In our lifetime, we will
witness that opening into a cosmic arena, which will alter our concept of God and teach
us new truths about life- we are not alone in the infinite sea of cosmic currents. Humans
are group animals. We are taught and seek our place within the communal world. Our
myopic view of God causes us to insist that God look and act like us. How incredibly
illusionary and destructive is this view of the Infinite Divine Source.. The concept of
dying for God would never have been successful without skillful manipulation by the
early priests. They had to create some form of enticement or even fear in their chosen
offerings to perform the sacrifice. Certainly, for those whose lives were already
smothered by poverty and hopelessness, the hook was more palpable.. In our desperation
to belong, we have created a force of belonging shoved up against the frightening wall of
not belonging. Thus, we leer at those who do not belong to our god and religion. We
call them names and battle them, not so much because of themselves, but because they
threaten our sense of place. Who belongs? Does God have a place for others? Would the
creator of all humans really choose one group over another? Each group, religion, or
culture clutches desperately to the illusion that no other groups have Gods favor, that all
others have displeased God and so deserve to be driven out.. If we want to feel loved by
God all we have to do is give our love to our Divine Source by seeing and experiencing it
in everything and everybody in our third dimensional world. This is not as difficult as it
appears, and the practice of love is the fastest way to free us from our relationship
addictions of jealousy and ownership that we so deftly transfer from God to each other..

It is interesting to note that in most creation myths we assigned to the gods very human
emotional characteristics such as anger, jealousy, egotism, vengeance, judgment, and
desire. Throughout the human epics on this planet, we have personalized the world
around us in such a way that everything seems to be about us, and we project our own
realities onto that world. Since truth is seen only from our eyes, it appears one directional.
Whatever we are, is also our view of all else. This has left us with a relationship to our
God Force that is not whole, not peaceful- but wrought with expectations and
disappointment.. All the while, if we could look back and see that it started in the mind of
MAN- not God- we would be able to use our higher consciousness to change something
that is not true.. It is left to us to discover that there are other solutions to our dilemmasother perceptions that offer us clarity and more holographic awareness. Hopefully, we
have grown beyond the problem solving capacities of our forefathers.. Our perception of
our freedom to connect directly with the God Force has never yet surfaced due to the
early usurpation of that power by the moguls and priests.. Through the lens of the past,
we can see how this has been a point of repetition that has followed us into today.
History will repeat itself the historians tell us, and it always will until we become
conscious of its presence in our deepest genetic essence. It never made sense to me that a
great being who could raise the dead and heal the sick would simply suffer and die on the
cross. It is unfathomable that such a master of physical law could have been the victim, or
chose to exemplify the contradiction of helplessness. What would have been the purpose?
I am certain that it had to do with opening the veil onto an expanded horizon of cosmic
truth. Christ gave us a fleeting human glimpse at the existence of another most
magnificent octave, whereby all sorrow and loss could be erased and life itself could be
reclaimed. He was doing something that our forefathers simply could not cognate. He
showed us the truth of the body. He showed us transcendence, but he did it in such a
convoluted way that we missed the message. We imprinted suffering and death, rather
than transmutation and higher consciousness! [Jesus] asked us to copy his miracles.. [He]
gave us not only permission, but a mandate, as well. Organized religion may never risk
such a magnanimous gesture as to encourage that kind of autonomy- we will have to
claim it for ourselves! Suffering is not Divine! If we are going to evolve our spiritual
faculties, we must shift the visual and emotional symbology we attach to our sense of
religious truths so we can evolve new spiritual realities and become, ourselves, Christed.
The only viable future of Christian churches is the discovery of [Jesus] physical and
spiritual mastery and how to perform miracles ourselves. Transmutation of the body and
the laws of ascension are the true legacies offered to all of humanity through the
crucifixion of [Jesus]. A world without sickness, fear of death or hunger would be a
world worthy of our true destiny. Let us open our consciousness to new icons that better
describe Christ. Today, it is the mandate our entire Soul group present on this planet to
awaken, evolve, and practice the meaning of free-will given to us by the Divine Source.
Free will is the gift of choice through which we sculpt experience into destiny. It is our
spiritual mandate to take responsibility for those choices that have led us to today. We
have the power to create our own reality, to grow and evolve through our experiences and
conscious awareness. It isnt that we can make everything the way we want it, but rather
that we have the freedom to use all experience as a guideline of purpose to show us cause
and effect, and therefore how to choose life. We can only do this if we open to higher
spiritual energies and integrate them into our lives. It is awareness of our evolutionary

potential and its amplification that awaits our unedited creative flow. Let us be brave
enough to accomplish the necessary changes within the adventure of new discoveries. In
the near future [we] will travel to the moon, the bottom of the ocean, out into the galaxy,
and will bring home new concepts about God that will shake the core of our present truth.
Are we to stop [people] from that? The future generations of explorers will add new
pieces to the God puzzle that may show us how to be a part of something much bigger
than we have imagined! Do the other sentient beings see God only in their own likeness?
We have seen a reflection of Divine principles in a Buddha, a Christ, holy men and
women, and others-but not God itself. Will we make the leap from a homogeneous God
to a universal Divine Source without losing our sense of self? In the biblical creation
story God says, Let us make man in our image (Genesis 1:26). This opens up another
seemingly unanswerable question-Who is [our]? Speaking in the plural implies that
there was more than one creator or some form of collective consciousness that
participated in our genesis. If we knew the answer to this enigma, we might be able to
revise the entire bases of our god relationship. That level would necessitate a fusion of
mind and heart wherein awareness could include the input of higher emotions and
feeling. What would it be like to feel a beneficent, peaceful god within our bodies? Could
we conceive of it, and in light of what we know, would we choose it now? I do this as a
way of seeking evolution, not as a point of argument destroying others religious tenants
or attacking ones faith. Rather, I hope for a more harmonious level in which we can
celebrate our collective awareness of a God, without the emphasis on our differences.
What we believe about God is not as important as the embracing fact that we all care
about and acknowledge a Divine Source, however we perceive it. In the end we are free,
and every choice we make will teach us and thus further our evolution. We are divine
essence and that cannot be changed. Fortunately, a new breed of givers is opening our
awareness to this power today. Punishment is not an advanced concept; it is a pathetic
attempt to control another being. We are here and it is not a punishment, it is an
opportunity. We are here and it is not Divine punishment, it is an opportunity. Though we
may be on a perpetual cycle of reincarnation, the concept that returning to the wheel of
karma is negative does not include the Divine purpose. We do not return only to
rebalance our faulty existence, we return to amplify the evolution of ourselves, and the
Divine Source. All life is NOT suffering. Although it may not be the cosmic inertia of
non-embodiment, it is the opportunity of evolution through living and experiencing that
expands all possibilities throughout the universe. It is our choice to become fully
enlightened sentient beings. We suffer because we do not know! What we DO in life is
about how we learn the laws of karma-cause and effect, action and reaction, and therefore
grow and evolve. Who we are is about the God Source and its creation. When will we
master the art of cooperation and collective wisdom? I say that time is now. There is no
room for potential goodness that abundance could bring if used as a gift for all. When we
learn this lesson of sharing, we will break bread and humans will be ready to move to a
new octave of manifesting abundance. The most powerful and true answers come from
our own heart, our inner voice, the Higher Self. It is because we belong to the cosmos,
and earthly consciousness is hardly a flicker of who we are. Our time in body is so short,
and yet we do not remember ourselves apart from human form. The Soul inhabits the
body during its incarnations; then its free again. We are here on a mission: to transform
humanity into an ever more magnificent expression of Divine potential. It would hold the

knowing potential and the grasp of infinite possibility. It is essential that we focus on
amplifying the experience of divinity in our lives without killing it with words or
polluting it with hatred. If we could touch the sacredness of life the way every mother
does, we would be willing to let others relate to the Divine Source in their own way,
without belittling or trying to prove them wrong. Our oneness of spirit is the
commonality of all great spiritual teachings. If we connected with our Divine Source, we
would find the effort in all levels of our lives would diminish. Our minds would become
illuminated with the wisdom we have sought for so long. World peace could be the most
enlightened way to reflect the spiritual wisdom we have gained. How we transcend our
lives now, how we bring the mysteries of the universe into our bodies and our world, is
the next octave of all spiritual endeavors. Perhaps, the journey is an inward one into our
purest core that we have not yet glimpsed. What God would not wish its creation to learn
and become imbued with wisdom?- Chris Grissom.
Prayer is not only worship; it is also an invisible emanation of mans worshiping
spirit- the most powerful form of energy that one can generate. The influence of prayer
on the human mind and body is as [obvious] as that of secreting glands. Its results can be
measured in terms of increased physical buoyancy, greater intellectual vigor, moral
stamina, and a deeper understanding of the realities underlying human relationships. If
you make a habit of sincere prayer, your life will be very noticeably and profoundly
altered. Prayer stamps with its indelible mark our actions and demeanor. A tranquility of
bearing, a facial and bodily repose, is observed in those whose inner lives are thus
enriched. Within the depth of consciousness a flame kindles. And man sees himself. He
discovers his selfishness, his silly pride, his fears, his greeds, his blunders. He develops a
sense of moral obligation, intellectual humility. Thus begins a journey of the soul toward
the realm of grace. Prayer is a force as real as terrestrial gravity.. It is the only power in
the world that seems to overcome the so-called laws of nature; the occasions on which
prayers has dramatically done this have been termed miracles. But a constant, quieter
miracle takes place hourly in the hearts of men and women who have discovered that
prayer supplies them with a steady flow of sustaining power in their daily lives. Too
many people regard prayer as a formalized routine of words, a refuge for weaklings, or a
childish petition for material things. We sadly undervalue prayer when we conceive it in
these terms, just as we should underestimate rain by describing it as something that fills
the birdbath in our garden. Properly understood, prayer is a mature activity indispensable
to the fullest development of personality- the ultimate integration of mans highest
faculties. Only in prayer do we achieve that complete and harmonious assembly of body,
mind, and spirit which gives the frail human reed its unshakable strength.-Alexis Carrel.
In deep silence we return to the ultimate cause, Pure Being. There you come face
to face with the womb of creating, the source of all that was, is, or will be, which is
simply yourself.-Deepak Chopra. The great blessings of mankind are within us, and
within our reach; but we shut our eyes and, like people in the dark, fall foul of the very
thing we search for without finding it. Tranquility is a certain equality of the mind which
no condition of fortune either exalts or depresses. There must be sound mind, there must
be constancy in all conditions, a care for things of this world but without anxiety; and
such an indifference to the boundaries of fortune that either with them or without them
we may live content. True joy is serene.. The seat of it is within, and there is no
cheerfulness like the resolution of a brave mind that has fortune under its feet. It is an

invincible greatness of mind not to be elevated or dejected with good or ill fortune.Seneca.
Never did eye see the Sun unless first it had become Sun-like. Never can the soul
see Primal Beauty unless itself be beautiful. Therefore let each man become Godlike and
Beautiful who aspires to see Beauty and God. We are concerned to understand, if we can,
how the Beauty attaching to Divine Spirit and to the spiritual realm can be revealed to
sight. Let us suppose two blocks of stone side by side, one uncut, untouched by art, the
other shaped into a statue, say of a god or a man, or a Grace or a Muse: a creation in
which the sculptors art has concentrated every expressiveness. Now the stone shaped by
the artist to formal beauty is beautiful not as a stone- if so the uncut block would be as
appealing- but in virtue of the form imposed upon it by art. This form is in the designers
being, before ever it enters the stone. He has it not by the seeing of his eyes or the skill of
his hands, but by participation, as it were, in art. The loveliness in the work of art is an
exalted one; though it is not the Beauty itself that is brought over but a derivative from it.
Such is the organic cosmos; do but survey it and you will perchance hear something like
this: I am fashioned by a God. From that God I issued perfect, lacking nothing, fitted for
that which I am to do. In myself I contain all that exists, every plant and every living
creature, and all created objects, and all beings of the spirit realm, and the risen souls, and
all men who trust in the Good.. Everything within me strives toward the Good. Every part
of my diversity, in its own measure, attains. From that Centre, that Good, the heavens
depend, and my own soul, and the Divinity that is in my every part, and all that lives and
grows. It would be unsound to condemn this universe as less than beautiful, or as less
than the noblest universe possible on the corporeal level. A majestic organism, complete
within itself, the minute parts related to the whole, a marvelous artistry shown not only in
the stateliest parts but in those of such littleness you would not have thought Providence
would bother about them and the wonder of the efficiency in each separate animal form,
the exquisite design of fruits and leaves, the abundance and the delicacy and the diversity
of the flowers: all this issues not once, then ending, but is ceaselessly renewed as the
Transcendent Life moves over our earth.. The Divine Spirit, in its unperturbed serenity,
has brought this universe into being by communicating from its own [shore] to matter..
One who shall know this vision of God, the One [Whole], the Pure, the Source- with
what passion of love shall he not be seized, with what stabbing of desire, with what
anticipation of delight, what longing to be molten into One with This! He that has never
visioned this Being must hunger for It as for his very life; he that has known must love
and exalt It as Beauty Itself. He will be filled at once with awe and with rapture.. Resting
in vision and in a supreme participation, what can the soul yet lack? Having known the
Unity, when he returns to duality a certain purity clings.. and he still is aware of the
closeness of Divinity. He has but to turn the attention again, and God is there. The soul is
unlit without that experience. Lit thereby, it possesses that which it sought. It is a journey
not for the feet, which bring us only from land to land, nor for ship or carriage. Rather,
close the mortal eyes, and arouse in yourself that inward vision, which is the birthright of
all.. Withdraw into yourself and look about. If you do not find yourself beautiful yet, act
as does the artist who is creating a beautiful statue. He cuts away, he straightens, he
makes this outline less heavy, that one he purifies, until a lovely image shines forth. So
should you do. Cut away what is gross, straighten out what is crooked, lighten the overheavy, labor to bring forth one glow of loveliness. Never cease working until there shines

out from the center within you the Divine splendor, until you now that you have
enthroned the Good in a stainless shrine. When you know that you have become this
perfect work, nothing can keep you from the act of union. This is the true goal set before
the soul, to attain that light, to perceive God in.. radiance and not by any other light.. Let
all else go! We must not run after It, but we should prepare ourselves for the vision and
then wait tranquilly, as the eye waits upon the rising of the sun, which in its own time
appears above the horizon and gives itself to our sight. Freed from deceptive activity, and
from every guile, let the soul be collected, in silence. Let the soul that is not unworthy
contemplate the Divine Soul. Calmed be the body in that hour, calmed be the striving of
the flesh. Let all that is anywhere about be calm. Calm be the earth, the sea, the air, as the
heaven itself is still. Now let the soul experience how into a silent heaven the Divine
Spirit floweth in. All that she welcomed of old, authority, power, riches, beauty, learning,
the soul scorns, as she could not accept she had found their better. With the memory of
This, she no longer fears, nor can she know disaster. For this, Beauty Itself, Primal,
Absolute, shapes its lovers to beauty.. The One is, in truth, beyond all statement:
whatever you say would limit It. The All-transcending has no name..-Plotinus.
Religion is a mental faculty, which,. In spite of sense and reason enables man to
apprehend the infinite under different names and under various disguises. Without that
faculty, no religion, not even the worship of idols and fetishes would be possible. And if
we will but listen attentively we can hear in all religions a groaning of the spirit, a
struggle to conceive the inconceivable, to utter the unutterable, a longing for the infinite,
a love of God. First; man was taught that there was a Supreme Being, Infinite, and All
powerful. That it was the Creator who created all things above and below. That man was
created by this Almighty Being and having been created by Him, was his son-that
Almighty was mans heavenly father. Second: when man was created the Creator placed
within the body of man a spirit or soul which never died but continued on through
eternity. Third: when man was created he was ordained that his material body should
return to the earth from which it was taken. When this material body died it released the
soul which went into the world beyond until it was so called upon to occupy another
material body. Apparently, as soon as his primitive mind could grasp the facts, he was
taught that his soul was given a task, this task was to rule the material body by
overcoming material desires. When this was accomplished his soul would be called back
to the Great Source, and forever afterwards live in perfect joy and happiness. He was
taught that the one material life was so short that his soul should come into many bodies
until the task was accomplished; that these reincarnations were the salvation of his soul.
Fourth: It was thoroughly instilled into his mind that the Heavenly Father was The Great
Love and that this great love ruled the universe and never died. He was taught that the
love of the Heavenly Father was far greater than the love of his earthly father, who was
only a reflection of his Heavenly Father. Therefore he should always approach his
Heavenly Father without fear or dread and in perfect confidence and love, knowing that
loving hands were being held out to receive him when he came. Fifth: He was taught that
all mankind were created by the same Heavenly Father therefore all mankind were his
brothers and sisters, and should be treated as such in all his dealings with them. Sixth:
Finally he was taught his duties on earth, how he should live to prepare himself to
become fit to pass into the world beyond when he was called. He was especially
reminded that he must follow the path of love, truth, chastity, charity, with perfect love

and confidence in his Heavenly Father. From this short inadequate sketch it is shown that
the fundamental principles of the first religion were the Fatherhood of God and the
Brotherhood of men.. do unto others as you would have them do unto you.. If we all
followed this Golden Rule no discord could arise among mankind and the world would
be in a virtual bond of brotherhood.. I think the meaning of the word charity is not fully
comprehended today. It refers to the soul rather than the material part of man. Not only
material charitable actions, such as feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, but it
includes good and charitable thoughts of others. We should think ill of no one but try to
help them overcome their failings. The great masters, Jesus and Buddha, gave us an
example of this.-Lemuria: The Hidden History of Mankind.
Natural temperament has much to do with its development, but a clear
knowledge of our relation to our fellow creatures and to the work of life is also
indispensable. One of the first essentials is securing a good-natured equanimity is not to
expect too much of the people amongst whom you dwell.. There is need of infinite
patience and understanding.. for in persistency lies victory.. it is better to face them with
a smile, and the head erect, than to crouch at their approach. And if the fight is for
principle and justice, even when failure seems certain, cling to your ideals-Dr. William
Osler. Patience and fortitude conquer all things.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Dont worry about becoming a seeker after God. You have been a seeker since
birth, only at first you thought the God you sought in toys, then approval, then sex or
money or power. All of these you worshiped and wanted with great compassion. Rejoice
in them when they are the desires of the moment, but be prepared for them to fall away.
The great problem you will face will not be desire, but attachment, holding on when the
flow of life wants you to let go.-Merlin. Each is a small step leading to the day when
you desire the highest fulfillment, which is to know your own divine nature.-Deepak
The essence of this lesson is explained in it, that there are two paths in life. The
first path is the acceptance that duality is real, that the good and evil we confront
everyday are simply fact, and we must do our best to struggle against them. The second
path is to see duality as our choice. Although everything in creation appears to have its
opposite, one thing doesnt: wholeness. The totality of spirit has no opposite because it
embraces everything. To choose the second path, you have to be willing to renounce your
struggle against evil.-Deepak Chopra.
I believe the root of all happiness on this earth to lie in the realization of a
spiritual life with a consciousness of something wider than materialism; in the capacity to
live in a world that makes you unselfish because you are not overanxious about your
personal place; that makes you tolerant because you realize your own comic fallibilities;
that gives you tranquility without complacency because you believe in something so
much larger than yourself.-Sir Hugh Walpole. Above all the grace and the gifts that
Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self.-St. Francis of Assisi. We are
living the holy experience, NOW!-Neale Donald Walsh.
The body wears the mask of the Soul and paints itself in the colors of infinite
lifetimes. Forgive those who trespass against you takes on an entirely new meaning
within the context of reincarnation. On the one hand it is easier to forgive if we recognize
the possibility that someone who has hurt us may have been hurt by us in another
lifetime. On the other hand, there is no need to use forgiveness as a self-righteous gesture

when we comprehend that we have chosen everyone around us to teach us the lessons we
have selected to learn. The information that awaits human consciousness through
accessing re-incarnational repertoire is almost inexhaustible. Within spiritual law, they
are our closest Soul friends! Though the Soul essence clothes itself in individual bodies,
it never loses the integrity of the universal web. The connecting links cannot be cut
because the core thread is beyond the substance of matter. Only when we can view our
world through the clear lens of spiritual awareness will we be able to find peace with all
experience.-Chris Grissom. Conquer your fear, and I promise you will conquer death.Alexander.
Humans have been gifted with MORE THAN 70 SENSES with which to
embrace life, yet we have diluted its thrill and richness by detouring all perception
through the mind. We must integrate all that we know and dream about our purpose in
the cosmos. We cannot limit ourselves to the third dimension and hope to play our part in
the evolutionary scheme. That which was once considered impractical fantasy must now
be put to the test as we practice our true capacities. We must reach into the invisible
worlds to pass this initiation of illumination, and we must do it now!-Chris Grissom.
Like the proverbial evolutionary tree, the heart is the only passageway through
which humanity will progress up to new octaves of blissful experience and frequencies of
consciousness that will allow it to fulfill the mandate of human potential.-Chris
Grissom. New depth allows us new interpretations; the new interpretations co-create and
give birth to that depth, help unpack that depth. And thus, let us oh-so-carefully unpack
this precious Gift of spiritual intuition.-Ken Wilber. Imagine a face of enraptured bliss,
a voice softened by the expanse of the universe, a mind stilled by the infinite sea of
oneness. Imagine that it is you.-Chris Grissom.
It follows that meditation.. would involve a substantial increase in capacity for
truth disclosure, a clearing of the cobwebs of self-centric perception and an opening in
which the Kosmos could more clearly manifest, and be seen, and be appreciated for what
it is... the more the depths of the self are disclosed, the more the corresponding depths of
the Kosmos reveal themselves.. This general movement of within-and-beyond is nothing
new with humans: it is a simple continuation of the Kosmic evolutionary process, which
is self-development through self-transcendence, the same process at work in atoms and
molecules and cells, a process that, in the human domains, continues naturally into the
superconscious, with precisely nothing occult or mysterious about it.-Ken Wilber.
Do not pretend that by meditation you are going to become Buddha. You have
always been Buddha but have forgotten that simple fact. Hard is the meaning of this
saying.-Huang Po. This very body is the body of Buddha! This very land the Pure
Land!-Hakuin. Dont worry about gods, goddesses, spirits, the afterlife, any of thatrather, look very carefully at the nature of your own subject, your own self, and try to
penetrate to the bottom of that, for if enlightenment exists, it lies through an
understanding of the subject itself.-Buddha. Find the source of [YOU]. Then you will
abide in the ever-present innermost Self and be free from the idea of birth and the fear of
death. People want to see the Self as something. They desire to see it as a blazing light,
etc. But how could that be? The Self is not light, not darkness, not any observed thing.
The Self is ever the Witness. It is eternal and remains the same all along. The object to be
witnessed and the Witness finally merge together and disappear as separate entities and
Absolute consciousness alone reigns supreme.-Ramana.

Some have declared that it lies within our choice to gaze upon a world of even
greater wonder and beauty. It is said by these that the experiments of the mystics are
related to the transmutation of the entire Universe. This method, or art, or science, or
whatever we choose to call it, is simply concerned to restore the delights of Paradise; to
enable men and women, if they will, to inhabit a world of joy and splendor. It is perhaps
possible that there is such an experiment, and that there are some who have made it.Hampole.
The great and rare mystics of the past.. in their spirituality, they did not tap into
yesterday, they tapped into tomorrow. In their profound awareness, we do not see the
setting sun, but the new dawn.. they left us their early maps, maps of the interiors of what
now amounted to a New World awaiting rediscovery. And most of these maps were of
the general form: turn left at mind, cut straight into the formless, rest in Spirit, embrace
the world; and all of the steps required for that extraordinary journey. Refine the maps,
yes; redraw many of their outlines, surely; but thank the stars for the guts and glory of
those who went before, and left a trail clearly enough marked for all those souls sensitive
enough to follow. They absolutely did not inherit the past, they inherited the future. It is
to the future we can now turn [and embrace].-Ken Wilber.

If were ever going to interact with our bodies, if we want to heal our bodies, if
we wanna create peace in our families or our communities, we must speak to the fields
that connect all things. We must find a meaningful language, not a virbal language, that
communicates with the stuff that this world is made of.- 2012: Message of Hope II. Is
this really the best we can dream of? Is this the best we can do? Or is it possible to find
something a little bit more.. inspiring? If we want to achieve this, what in the world
would have to change? This is the answer. We would have to change, not just the world
around us, but we ourselves. Not just the way we think about the world, but the way we
are.. human nature would have to change.-Prof. Nick Bostrum.
I discovered early that the hardest thing to overcome is not a physical disability
but the mental condition which it induces. The world, I found, has a way of taking a man
pretty much at his own rating.-Major Alexander P. de Seversky. Our mind has
unbelievable power over our bodies.-Andre Maurois. The human mind and body
process information with staggering sophistication and sensitivity by the direct sensuous
experience of their surroundings-The Nature of Human Consciousness. Doctors..
sometimes become so absorbed in physical symptoms and curatives that they forget the
healing that arises out of harmony in the soul.-pg127 Men Who Have Walked With
Radionics professes to be a method of diagnosis and therapy, which is primarily
concerned with the utilization of subtle force fields and the energies, for the purpose of
investigating and combating the causes of disease which ravage humanity and the other
kingdoms of nature.. one finds continual reference to the physical organic system of man,
and precious little of practical value regarding the probability of underlying force fields
which might govern and determine the health of the physical form.. Surely it was
revolutionary enough that [we] discarded the cell theory of disease, and replaced it with
the electron theory.. By moving away from a purely physical approach to disease, Dr.
Albert Abrams showed that the cause of disease can be traced sequentially to more and
more subtle realms.. I am going to relate them here, because the sequence, if carried to its
logical conclusion, leads us ultimately to consider the possibility of utilizing radionics
diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in the light of knowledge derived from the ancient
teachings of the East.. to the concept that man has a body of highly attenuated matter,
which he derives from the energy field in the earth, and which links him with all life.. is
an implication that I find of great interest.. Man is a series of high frequency energy
systems which integrate him into the universal scheme of things.. I feel very strongly that
the time has come for radionics to bear witness to the subtle anatomy of man; this I
believe to be its innate purpose. Radionics by its very nature is related to the laws and
principles that govern the etheric, emotional, and mental levels of existence.. because it
considers man from a holistic, not a fragmentary point of view.. The treatment of the
metaphysical bodies alone, opens up a very fascinating future work.. leading [humans] to
a deeper understanding of their inner being, for from this knowledge comes effectiveness
in the fields of healing.. References to these [subtle] bodies are to be found in a wide
variety of texts originating from China, India, Egypt, and ancient Greece.. the ancient
seers and philosophers had a remarkably detailed knowledge of the anatomy and
physiology of the human nervous and endocrine systems.. If one views these realities not
abstractly, but in the living man in their world relationship, one then arrives at new forms

of knowledge in pathology and therapy in the art of healing.. The vague idea of the subtle
bodies underlying the physical form must be replaced with the knowledge of structures
which have a definite relationship to the visible anatomy and its physiological processes..
The seven planes upon which man is said to have his being are listed as follows, from
above downwards. The first or Divine plane; the second or Monadic plane,; the third or
Spiritual plane; the fourth or Intuitional plane; the fifth or Mental plane; the sixth or
Emotional plane; the seventh or Physical plane.. The highest aspect of man is found upon
the monadic plane. This aspect uses the soul as its vehicle of expression, which is found
in the higher mental planes. The soul in its turn utilizes the lower self in order to gain
experience in the three worlds of the lower mental planes, the emotional plane and the
physical plane. In other words man manifests as a triplicity of spirit, soul, and body. The
pure spirit is analogous to the Father in heaven, the soul is the high self, and the body is
the low self. The low self is likewise triple in nature, consisting of the mental body, the
emotional or astral or dream body, and the physical-etheric body. Briefly, the mental
body is that body made up of mind stuff or chitta as it is called in Eastern philosophy. It
is the most subtle of the bodies utilized by the soul. The astral vehicle is that body
through which emotion is experienced. Here are experienced the pairs of opposites such
as pleasure and pain, fear and courage and so forth. The etheric body, the densest of the
subtle mechanisms, vitalizes and energizes the physical body, and integrates the
individual into the energy field of the earth. The physical body, made up of the various
organic systems, comprised of dense, liquid and gaseous materials, enables the soul, in
the fullness of time, to express itself on the physical plane. Having outlined the basic
picture of the etheric body, it is now possible to enlarge upon it by giving a more detailed
description of the chakras or force centers that occur in certain areas of the etheric
vehicle. These chakras are of vital importance.. because they are the focal points which
receive energies for the purpose of vitalizing the physical body. It is through these centers
that the healing energies are directed towards the diseases areas of the body, in order to
bring about a state of equilibrium or health. The force centers or chakras are located upon
the surface of the etheric body, and appear as rotating vortices of subtle matter.. A chakra
may be defined as a focal point for the reception and transmission of energies. These
energies can originate from a variety of sources, some cosmic, others from the collective
unconscious of a nation or humanity at large, or from the physical, emotional and mental
worlds of the lower self. All make their impact upon the unit of human consciousness we
call man, galvanizing him into action and determining his moods and characteristics.
They produce definite effects upon his outward physical appearance, and through their
continuous activity his character tendencies emerge. He should never forget that energy
follows thought, and that a clearly visualized picture of the route taken by the healing
energies, to their destination via the chakras, to the organ systems of the body, will in the
final analysis increase the benefaction of his work. Having passed through the center, the
secondary energies play upon the nadis, causing the nervous system to respond and in so
doing pass the impulse on to the endocrine gland associated with the chakra. This effects
a release of its hormones into the bloodstream, thus conditioning man and making him
what he is at any given time. Perfect co-ordination of the nadis, nerves and endocrine
glands results in freedom from disease. In the Masters Jesus [and Buddha], all seven
major chakras we perfectly balanced, correctly awakened and energized, making [them]
an expression of perfected man. This is the example and promise that he held out to us,

that each may become as perfect as him, and ultimately express the Divine Purpose.
These force centers must be working properly in order to supply the physical body with
the right amount and quality of energy. Any deviation from the normal creates an
imbalance which may ultimately lead to organic pathology.. If a blockage occurs at the
entrance, the energy flowing in is frequently driven back to its point of origin on the
astral or mental planes. This brings about psychological problems and endocrine
dysfunction. It should always be remembered that each chakra, although only present in
subtle matter, externalizes itself on the physical plane as an endocrine gland, just as the
nadis materialize as the nervous system.. on the other hand it is not correct to divorce the
endocrine system from the chakras, as the latter are simply an extension of the former..
the subtle anatomy directly relates to the physical. Acting as though they were separate
factors only leads to a distorted view of the total man. The ordered decent of the soul
through successive gradations of subtle and physical matter provides a remarkable picture
of the workings of Nature and the continuity of relationships between the subtle and
physical anatomy. Those who foolishly spend time trying to open up the chakras by
meditating upon them or stimulating them by other means, or by attempting to arouse the
kundalini in an effort to take a spiritual short cut.. are courting danger. Unleashing of this
incredible force along the spinal channels may burn everything in its path, including the
permanent atoms. The kundalini energies, when correctly awakened and controlled in full
consciousness, progress up the spine in a geometric patter similar to the intertwined
snakes of the caduceus, symbol of the healing arts. Curiously enough the same pattern is
also seen in the double-helix configuration of the DNA molecules, containing the code of
life. The miasms or inherited patterns of disease which are passed from generation to
generation, or drawn in with the etheric substance during the process of incarnating, may
be carried over from either source in the etheric template of the double-helix. Toxins
from chemical or bacterial sources respond in a similar manner, and it is a simple matter
to clear them by the use of color radionically broadcast. Because it governs the spine, [the
supporting structure of the human body], the base chakra is the focal point for treatment
of any problems pertaining to the spine. Similarly, kidney problems are treated by way of
the base chakra. Psychological problems, where the will to live is at a low ebb, are treated
via the base chakra and a series of other related centers. The mystic, in touching the
higher energies, finds that they go straight to the [base] chakra instead of being expressed
through the throat chakra which is the higher creative center. This leads to a stimulation
of sexual activity and imagination, eventually leading to pathology both physical and
psychological in nature. The ancients would certainly agree to this, for they stated long
ago that the thread of the life principle is anchored in the heart chakra and it would
certainly be involved in the fight or flight mechanism designed to protect the expression
of life on the physical plane. When the heart chakra is overactive [or unbalanced] it
produces the amoral, irresponsible individual. If correctly awakened, this chakra has
transforming, magnetic, and radiator powers. Overstimulation based on selfish motives
may produce ulceration of the stomach, as the energies below the diaphragm are not
drawn upward through the heart center by the magnetic pull of unselfish motive. All
diseases of the heart, the circulatory system, and the blood may be treated effectively via
the heart chakra, utilizing color and the appropriate remedies. If underactive, the throat
chakra will cause a multitude of symptoms involving many tissues of the body. Vertigo,
allergies, anemia, fatigue, menstrual irregularities, sore throats, laryngitis, asthma, and

other respitory troubles may stem from an imbalance in this chakra. This is
understandable, because the throat centre governs the lungs, bronchial and vocal
apparatus. It also governs the entire alimentary canal. The ancient teachers considered the
[brow] chakra to be the center of the integrated personality, and attached a great
importance to its role of expressing the fully developed personality of the individual.
Modern medicine recognizes the pituitary as the master controlling gland of the
endocrine system. It manages the activities of the thyroid, parathyroid, gonads, adrenals,
and pancreas. So, in any case where the [brow] chakra reads as overactive, always search
to see if the cause lies in another chakra which is underactive. This center is often
referred to as the third eye. The [brow] chakra expresses idealism, imagination, and
desire, and is rapidly becoming active in the masses of humanity. The crown chakra, as
the name suggests, is located at the very top of the head, and is said not to come into full
functioning until a high degree of inner development has been reached. The crown center
contains within it a replica of each chakra, thus it is a reflection of.. the macrocosmic
principle, and at the same time it contains within its periphery the pattern of total man.
Average and advanced man works through all of his chakras, but the highly advanced
initiate increasingly works through the counterparts in the crown chakra, all his life focus
being tuned into the ultimate reality of the macrocosm. One may liken the crown chakra
to a master control panel which processes information flowing in from the environmental
fields, and outward from the inner spiritual realms. Full development of this chakra
creates a vast aura of light, the beauty and magnitude of which eclipses every other
chakra, and indicates the blossoming of perfected man, a god incarnate. The impulse
towards physical incarnation ceases to exist and the individual evolves from the human
kingdom into the spiritual kingdom. The thread linked to the head is disconnected when
we sleep and physical consciousness leaves us, this.. enacts on a minor scale the process
of life and death. As long as the thread of Life energy remains anchored in the heart
chakra the physical body will function. Death results from the severing of the Life thread.
To the student of subtle anatomy it provides an interesting correspondence to the placenta
and the umbilical cord, which connects the fetus to the mother for nutritional purposes.
This cord, as we well know, is cut when the birth of the child is complete. Similarly the
etheric silver cord is cut when the physical and etheric bodies are separated at death, and
the inner man is born in full consciousness, into the world of a higher and more subtle
dimension. [The purpose of life is to familiarize oneself with this after-death body so
that the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche.- Terence McKenn.] What a
vast difference there is between this anatomical [description of man] and the orthodox
texts we habitually use for ordinary.. practice. It expresses the concept of man as a series
of energy fields, not a complicated mass of cellular structures and organic systems. It
shows clearly the relationship of each force field and its chakras, and above all it is
simple and practical. By removing blockages from the chakras and normalizing their
activity, the practitioner releases the flow of energies in two directions. First the energies
can flow freely into the etheric body, thus normalizing endocrine function. The effect of
this is to bring balance in the other direction, and the astral body becomes more
harmonious in its action. Remember the chakras and endocrines which are the physical
counterparts of the centers govern not only the physical counterparts of an individual but
also his personality traits. Normalization at that point affects physical and psychological
factors in one approach. As long as the chakra remains in a state of imbalance the

endocrine gland associated with it will not function correctly. Once again however the
cart is before the horses- endocrine glands only work as well as the chakra that governs
them. Treatment aimed at bringing balance to the chakras has a more significant effect in
the long run. It is essential to think of man first as a series of force field systems, and that
pathology begins there before appearing in the physical body. To ignore this fact is to use
a fragmentary approach.. and our one aim is to treat the total man. This can only be done
in the light of an understanding of the chakras and their relationship to all bodies, dense
or subtle. Vitality is closely linked to the correct functioning of the spleen chakra. Prana
or vital force is distributed from the spleen chakra to all of the other major chakras, and
from there sent to the organic systems of the physical body. Prana is a Sanskrit term,
which broadly translated means life-energy. There are many types of prana, but our
main concern is with that form of prana which emanates from the sun. In the etheric field
of the solar system there is a continual exchange of pranic currents between the various
planets. The plant and animal kingdoms function in a similar manner, so that a vast
interchange of energies can be seen to go on, using the etheric web as a medium of
transmission. For example it is now understood that sunlight plays an important part in
the building up and maintaining of health. By virtue of this fact sanatoria are often placed
in the countryside, close to the sea, or on mountain slopes where the air is clear and
heavily charged with the life-giving prana. In such conditions [humans] are able to
rebuild their depleted systems far more rapidly than in the contaminated environs of our
cities. The growing recognition of the importance of vitamin therapy in the treatment of
various diseases is another indication of mans growing awareness of the vital forces in
nature, and the part they play in restoring health. Science now recognizes that vitamins,
[minerals], and their synergists are essential to the normal physiological processes of the
body, and that a total lack of a single vitamin in the diet, say vitamin C or one of the B
complex can eventually result in the death of the organism. Another point of
consideration relative to prana, is the fact in recent years the practice of yoga has become
popular.. and people are doing breathing exercises designed to increase their intake of
prana. These exercises, known as pranayama, are aimed at cleansing the body of
impurities and filling it with pranic currents, thus increasing vitality and instilling a
feeling of well-being. It should be pointed out, however, that many of these exercises, if
practiced with diligence [and over-exertion], can be very dangerous to Western man and
may bring about overstimulation of the etheric body with subsequent psychic and
physiological disturbances. The implications inherent in these differentiations of prana
and radionics therapeutic measures, are self-evident. Life is a pure flame, and we live by
an invisible sun within us. Everything that man accomplishes or does, that he teaches or
wants to learn, must have its right proportion; it must follow its own line and remain
within its circle, to the end that balance be preserved, that there be no crooked thing, that
nothing exceed the circle. I believe that using the circle or circular shapes in the design of
any instrument connected with the absorption and distribution of energies may find
extensive use in other fields of experimentation. By utilizing a natural principle of the
flow of the etheric formative forces, both diagnosis and treatment reflect a simplicity and
accuracy that can be had no other way. Even to the layman, if he stops to think about it,
the human form presents an amazing complexity and variety of parts.. [Radionics could
come] to be one of the greatest steps forward in the study of life. It must ever be kept in
mind that the physical body is simply an automation, the life process of which depend

upon the activity of the underlying force fields which we call the etheric, astral, and
mental bodies. All forms of healing, irrespective of their origin, are directed towards one
goal: the restoration of harmony and balance to the complexity of energies and matter
that blend to form the subtle and physical body of man. The physical organic systems are
of secondary importance, because they can only respond to and reflect the measure of
harmony found in the paraphysical bodies unless the chakras are functioning in a
reasonably balanced and harmonious manner, there can never be an expression of health
upon the physical level. By normalizing their action and removing blockages, [one]
enables the energies which are seeking expression through the low self to have free play,
this restoring health to the organism. The prime healing agent used in center therapy is
color, [for variations of color is but varations of frequencies, vibrations of a certain form
of energy]. Color is related to the fourth ether whereon most disease patterns of an etheric
nature are located, perhaps for this reason it is most effective. The intensity of light seems
to have a direct bearing on the length of the treatment, the higher the intensity the shorter
the treatment. Better to tailor the treatment length to patient demand than give them a set
time each and every treatment. The same flexibility must also apply to color selection.
Every individual has a different caliber of physical and etheric bodies. The etheric
geometrician states that every point in space is at the center of the universe, and that
energies stream to and from that point ceaselessly. This may be dispersed radionically,
[with a machine or with consciousness], with the appropriate homoeopathic similimum..
A most important factor to consider in treating the chakras is the proper use of
visualization and thought. It becomes very evident in practice that utilizing thought as the
directing agency for the healing energies increases the efficacy of treatment. The power
of this process is augmented by visualizing the healing energies flowing to the chakra
being treated, and dispersing to the gland or organ system involved. Healing is
accomplished by the use of correctly directed energy, and detailed visualization of the
point of entry for that energy into the human force field system. As the healing energy
leaves the chakra to circulate, it begins its work of stimulating every cell and atom, thus
eliminating or palliating the disease condition present in the patient. It is now time to
move into the relatively unchartered waters of the human force fields- to study the action
of the chakras and to understand their role in harmonizing and maintaining the physical
body, thus simplifying and increasing the effectiveness of this healing therapy.-David V.
The more enlightened we become, the easier it will be for us to see the gift in the
irreversible situations of our lives. There will not be an era of peace until all that is past
has been cleared of unusable particles and reconstructed with an enlightened helix. This
is the time on our planet to stretch all possibilities so that we can make the leap into the
new worlds that are hurling themselves toward us at Mach speed. We are not destined to
inherit the weaknesses, failures and diseases of our ancestors; we are destined to help
each generation enhance our gene pool through conscious scrutiny of the result of our
own hereditary ingredients. We must be careful not to conclude that we are the sum total
of our genes- we are not! Our bodies are not exterior stuff alone. They are light and
electric-fluidity. Above all, they are the form of the formless and the expression of
relativity that binds us to all humans- past and future. Our perceptions are actually
genetic habits. We can make new genetic habits that allow us to be more available to
what is going on. We humans have been in a hereditary groove. We now have the choice

of dissolving that groove and all the elements within it that no longer serve us. What a
twist of fate that we actually select our inheritance! It is time to begin sorting through our
vast historical repertoire and selecting that which is truly worthy of future reiteration. It is
the Soul who sets the stage for growth and begs life to express its potential to play out the
mandate of cosmic apprenticeship. The sense of freedom that comes from releasing
unwanted inherited traits is exhilarating and by your own experience of it, you begin to
trust who you are. You are the very beginning of a breathtaking dawn, a whole new chain
of human beings who will borrow bits and pieces of who you are and arrange them in an
infinite array of compositions that form their Source. All that you experience will become
your legacy, a pathway into the future upon which will walk a thousand relatives not yet
born. Conscious genetics is our legacy, which we will deliver to future humans by
practicing it now and transforming our experiences into the constructs of our physical,
emotional and spiritual DNA that they will receive as our contribution to evolution. We
are entering into this next millennium with a new concept of humanity and its place in the
cosmos. Not only are we clearing away the destructive genetic refuse that impedes our
evolution, but we are now accelerating the emergence of a new human species with a
genetic blueprint that will allow stellar travel and communication through a human body
more replete with light frequencies and cosmic consciousness. Psychogenetics will
revolutionize embodiment-forever! Freed from our evolutionary lull, we can begin anew
at light speed to construct a housing that suites our great human spirit and our Souls
wondrous humor. Each organ and part of the body participates in the overall design. It is
the art of the Soul. All that occurs to the body does so in conversation with the Soul,
which allows all, loves all, knows all.-Chris Grissom. Our DNA is shifting, the cellular
body is lifting.into a higher version of the former human. Humo-Luminous the Light
Being. The GOD SELF we are all a puzzle piece part of- Our One Self- the renewed,
rebirthed Divine Self is occupying the old worn out version. Just be still and allow.Jewel Rhajarani.

There has been no period in which writers of all sorts- men of science and
philosophers, poets and popular essayists, deists and orthodox divines- talked so much
about the Chain of Being or accepted more implicitly the general scheme of ideas
connected with it, or more boldly drew from these their latent implications.. Next to the
word Nature, the Great Chain of Being was the sacred phrase. I will not belabor the
point by bringing out all the ghastly statistics, from the fact that we [have been]
exterminating approximately one hundred species a day to the fact [we have been]
destroying the worlds tropical forests at the rate of one football field per second. The
planet, indeed, [has been] headed for disaster, and it is now possible.. that owing entirely
to manmade circumstances, not one of us will survive to tell the tale [if ignorance leads
our way]. If the Earth is indeed our body and blood, then in destroying it we [commit] a
slow and gruesome suicide.. Central to these ecological approaches is the notion that our
present environmental crisis is due primarily to a fractured worldview, a worldview that
drastically separates mind and body, subject and object, culture and nature, thoughts and
things, values and facts, spirit and matter, human and nonhuman; a worldview that is
dualistic , mechanistic, atomistic,.. and pathologically hierarchical- a worldview that, in
short, erroneously separates human from, and often unnecessarily elevates humans above
the rest of the fabric of reality, a broken worldview that alienates men and women from
the intricate web of patterns and relationships that constitute the very nature of life and
Earth and cosmos. These approaches further maintain that the only way we can heal the
planet, and heal ourselves, is by replacing this fractured worldview with a worldview that
is more holistic, more relational, more integrative, more Earth-honoring, and less
arrogantly human-centered. A worldview, in short, that honors the entire web of life, a
web that has intrinsic value in and of itself, but a web that, not incidentally, is the bone
and marrow of our own existence as well.. We live today in a globally interconnected
world, in which biological, psychological, social, and environmental phenomena are all
interdependent. To describe this world appropriately we need an ecological perspective..
All creatures and all things are brothers and sisters. From this idea comes the basic
principle of non-exploitation, of respect and reverence for all creatures.. But it is one
thing to have God on your side, quite another to have science on your side.. The new
systems of science are, in a sense, the sciences of wholeness and connectedness. If we
now add the notion of development or evolution- the idea that wholes grow and evolvewe have the essence of the modern systems sciences.. Thus, whether or not we accept
some version of the Great Chain, scholars agree that its worldview saw matter and bodies
and minds as a vast network of mutually interlocking orders subsisting in Spirit, with
each node in the continuum if being, each link in the chain, being absolutely necessary
and intrinsically valuable.. for example, if a planet is going one way around the sun or the
reverse way around the sun, the laws describing the motion are the same, because in these
types of classical mechanics time changes nothing essential; you can as easily turn your
watch forward as you can turn it backward- the mechanism and its laws dont care which
way you turn it.. Evolution is irreversible. We may see amoebas eventually evolve into
apes, but we never see apes turning into amoebas. That is, evolution proceeds irreversibly
in the direction of increasing differentiation/integration, increasing structural
organization, and increasing complexity. It goes from the less ordered to more ordered..
Normal hierarchy, then, is simply an order of increasing holons, representing an increase

in wholeness and integrative capacity- atoms to molecules to cells, for example. This is
why hierarchy is indeed so central to systems theory, the theory of wholeness or holism.
To be a part of a larger whole means that the whole supplies a principle not found in the
isolated parts alone, and this principle allows the parts to join, to link together, to have
something in common, to be connected, in ways that they simply could not be on their
own. Hierarchy, then, coverts heaps into wholes, disjointed fragments into networks of
mutual interaction. When it is said the whole is greater than the sum of its parts the
greater means hierarchy. It doesnt mean fascist domination; it means a higher (or
deeper) commonality that joins isolated strands into an actual web, that joins molecules
into a cell, or cells into an organism.. All developmental and evolutionary sequences that
we are aware of proceed by hierarchization, or by orders of increasing holism-molecules
to cells to organs to organ systems to organisms to societies of organisms.. For example,
when you decide to move your arm, all the atoms and molecules and cells in your arm
move with it-an instance of downward causation.. In any developmental or growth
sequence, as a more encompassing stage or holon emerges, it includes the capacities and
patterns and functions of the previous stage, and then adds its own unique capacities. In
that sense, and that sense only, can the new and more encompassing holon be said to be
higher or deeper. Organisms INCLUDE cells, which INCLUDE molecules, which
INCLUDE atoms.. A quick example: in cognitive and moral development, in both the
boy and the girl, the stage of preoperational or preconventional thought is concerned
largely with the individuals own point of view. The next stage, the operational or
conventional stage, still takes account of the individuals own point of view, but ADDS
the capacity to take the view of others into account. Nothing fundamental is lost; rather,
something new is added.. Conventional thought is more valuable than preconventional
thought in establishing a balanced moral response.. the correct word for hierarchy is
actually holarchy.. That is normal or natural holarchy, the sequential or stage-like
unfolding of larger networks of increasing wholeness, with the larger or wider wholes
being able to exert influence over the lower-order wholes. And as natural, desirable, and
unavoidable as that is, you can already start to see how holarchies can go pathological. If
the higher levels can exert influence over the lower levels, they can also overdominate or
even repress and alienate the lower levels. And that leads to a host of pathological
difficulties, in both the individual and society at large.. And the cure for this pathology, in
all systems, is essentially the same: rooting out the pathological holons so that the
holarchy itself can return to harmony. The cure does not consist in getting rid of holarchy
per se, since, even if that were possible, it would simply result in a uniform, ondimensional flatland of no value distinctions at all.. Rather, the cure of any diseased
system consists in rooting out any holons that have usurped their position in the overall
system by abusing their power of upward or downward causation.. It is not getting rid of
holarchy per se, but arresting (and integrating) the arrogant holons.. In short, the
existence of pathological hierarchies does not damn the existence of hierarchies in
general. That distinction is crucial and, for the most part, very easy to spot.. The term
domination hierarchies describes hierarchies based on force or the express of implied
threat of force. Such hierarchies are very different from the type of hierarchies found in
the progressions from lower to higher orderings of functioning- such as the progression
from cells to organs in living organisms, for example. These type of hierarchies may be
characterized by the term actualization hierarchies because their function is to maximize

the organisms potentials. By contrast, human hierarchies based on force or the threat of
force not only inhibit personal creativity but also result in social systems in which the
lowest human qualities are reinforced and humanitys higher aspirations are
systematically suppressed.. What dominator hierarchies are suppressing is in fact the
individuals own actualization hierarchies! [A true harmonic Republic!] In other words,
the cure for pathological hierarchy is actualization hierarchy.. In other words, in
pathological hierarchy, one holon assumes a genetic dominance to the detriment of all.
[This holon could be a group or an individual.] This holon doesnt assume it is BOTH a
whole and a part, it assumes it is the whole, period. On the other hand, in pathological
heterarchy, individual holons lose their distinctive value and identity in a communal
fusion and meltdown. This holon doesnt assume it is both a whole and a part, it assumes
it is a part, period. It becomes only instrumental to some other use; it is merely a strand in
the web; it has no intrinsic value.. All values become equalized and homogenized in a
flatland devoid of individual values or identities; nothing can be said to be deeper or
higher or better in any meaningful sense; all values vanish into a herd mentality of the
bland leading the bland. [Those of the dominator hierarchies], since they consciously
deny [true] hierarchy altogether, they must obscure and hide their own. They must
pretend that their own hierarchy is not a hierarchy. Their ranking system becomes
unacknowledged, hidden, covert. Further, not only is their own hierarchy hidden, it is
self-contradictory: it is a hierarchy that denies hierarchy. They are presupposing that
which they deny; they are consciously disavowing what their actual stance assumes. With
their left hand they are doing what their right hand despises in everybody else. By hating
judgments, and by hiding their own, they convert self-loathing into righteous
condemnation of others.. Their heterarchy is a stealth hierarchy. They bury their tracks,
then claim they have no tracks, and thus avoid and repress the truly profound and difficult
topic: why do human beings always leave tracks?.. Since they cant come clean about the
deeper sources of their own thinking, they necessarily live off nothing but the vocal
denouncements of those views that do manage to consciously acknowledge their own
qualitative distinctions.. Much of what they actually live by has to be inferred from the
rage with which their enemies are attacked and refuted. This self-concealing kind of
philosophy is also thereby parasitic. It lives to conquer, in the name of never conquering
again.. In other words, their heterarchial values are held in place by hierarchial
judgments, and they might as well come clean and join the rest of us in trying to
CONSCIOUSLY understand all that, and not simply bury their tracks in parasitic and
denunciatory and suppressive rhetoric. I want to defend the strong thesis that doing
without framework is utterly impossible for us.. with the understanding that the only way
you get a holism is via a holarchy, we are now in a position to realign facts and values in
a gentler embrace, with science working with us, not against us, in constructing a truly
holistic, not heapistic, worldview [and society].. If these various holarchies.. could in fact
be sympathetically aligned with one another [in the open for all to see and participate in],
a truly significant synthesis might indeed lie in our collective future.. Reality as a whole
is not composed of things or processes, but of holons. Composed, that is, of wholes that
are simultaneously parts of other wholes, with no upwards or downward limit.. There is
an old joke about a King who goes to a Wise-person and asks how it is that the Earth
doesnt fall down? The Wise-person replies, The Earth is resting on a lion. On what,
then, is the lion resting? The lion is resting on an elephant. On what is the elephant

resting? The elephant is resting on a turtle. On what is the.. You can stop right
there, your Majesty. Its turtles all the way down... This prevents us from ever saying
that the principle of the Whole rules the world, for it does not; any whole is a part,
indefinitely.. Whenever anybody talks of wholeness being the ultimate, then we must be
very wary, because they are telling us that we are merely parts of their particular
version of wholeness, and so we should be subservient to their vision- we are merely
strands in their wonderful web.. And then, since we are all defined as merely strands in
their glorious web, a totalizing social agenda seems eminently reasonable.. [So, now,]
everything is put into question because everything is a context within a context within a
context, forever.. each context being a whole that is also part of another whole context,
which itself [is on to infinity].. As for our journey, we need only note that there is a
system, but the system is sliding: the Kosmos is the unending All, and the All is
composed of holons- all the way up, all the way down.. Holons display four fundamental
capacities: self-preservation, self-adaption, self-transcendence, and self-dissolution.. All
holons display some capacity to preserve their individuality, to preserve their own
wholeness or autonomy. A holon functions not only as a self-preserving whole but also as
a part of a larger whole, and in its capacity as a part it must adapt or accommodate itself
to other holons. When an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms are brought together
under suitable circumstances, a new and in some ways unprecedented holon emerges, that
of a water molecule.. in self-transformation one becomes a new whole.. evolution is the
result of self-transcendence at all levels. The many become one and are increased by
one.. Each emergent holon transcends but includes its predecessor(s).. Selftranscendence, which leaves no corner of the universe untouched, means nothing moreand nothing less- than that the universe has an intrinsic capacity to go beyond what went
before.. [In] self-dissolution- holons that are built up can also break down. Preserve or
accommodate, transcend or dissolve- the four very different pulls on each and every
holon in the Kosmos.. The lower sets the possibilities of the higher; the higher sets the
probabilities of the lower.. [Our] development is a constant conversion of otherworldly
into this-worldly via a deepening of perception brought about by emergent evolution
and transformation. Greater depth pipes other worlds into this world, constantly.. They
are located HERE, in DEEPER perceptions of THIS world. Other worlds become this
world with increasing development and evolution. But one must be [prepared for] the
experience, or it remains an invisible other world. Put bluntly, the world is better the
more [beings] it contains.. Likewise, each discovery of a new and deeper context and
meaning is a discovery of a new.. therapy, namely: we must SHIFT OUR
PERSPECTIVES, DEEPEN OUR PERCEPTION.. to embrace the deeper and wider
context.. But for just that reason, each time we identify a deeper context, our relative
autonomy actually increases, because in identifying with a deeper perception, we have
found a wider freedom.. And the reason that relative autonomy increases with emergent
evolution is that more external forces impinging on the autonomy of a holon become
internal forces cooperating with it. It identifies with deeper contexts and thus finds wider
freedom.. The system leaps to a new plateau and thus becomes more dynamic and more
autonomous in its milieu.. THAT is the new integration now demanded on the societal
level.. If the mind werent going somewhere, it could never get stuck, never get sick.
Who knows, perhaps.. the entire Kosmos.. may be an all-embracing chaotic Attractor,
acting.. throughout the world by gentle persuasion toward love [,harmony, and peace]..

Just because the cosmos is bigger than the bios, we assume that the cosmos must be more
significant. But it is only more fundamental; bios is much more significant than the
cosmos, because it contains much more reality internal to it, embraces a much deeper and
greater wholeness, has more depth, and in fact subsumes the entire cosmos in its own
being: transcends and includes.. Whenever a new differentiation is not matched by a new
and equal integration, whenever there is negation without preservation, the result is
pathology of one sort or another, a pathology that, if severe enough, evolution sets about
to erase in earnest. [All of nature, heaven and earth, is bent on helping us realize that we
are irrevocably bound together as the family of humanity and must elevate our
consciousness to an octave in which our common destiny becomes a clear choice that we
all embrace together. The multitudinous catastrophes that are increasing over the planet
are nudging us to move together with one heart, one body, to choose to participate with
the power that each of our knowing souls brings forth into the body.-Chris Grissom.]
My point is that it is one thing to remember and embrace and honor our roots; quite
another to hack off our leaves and branches and celebrate that as a solution to leaf rot.Ken Wilber.
Change is imminent on this planet, and the catalyst for that change is
consciousness- easily within our grasp because it is our very source. Which, I guess, we
could go back to the ultimate Lost Paradise: prior to even the invention of the wheel, the
pristine and pure state is to be found in an updated version of the noble savage in small
foraging tribes- which, if nothing else, is certainly the ecomasculinists idea of heaven:
Where all real men could hunt and all real women picked berries. The typical day was a
nice nature hike, then a little male bonding in the great hunt, then home to the women,
barefoot, pregnant, around the campfire; smoke some herb, a little singing, nature loves
me this I know, for the raindrops tell me so.. BUT now we are a little further along the
lines of evolution, and we, as human beings, are now caretakers of such a bio-system, on
a global level, and since our very life depends on that bio-system, it is the utmost
importance that we take up our roles as caretakers of our home, on all levels, individually
and collectively. Gaias primary problems and threats are NOT pollution,
industrialization, over-cultivation, soil despoliation, overpopulation, ozone depletion, or
whatnot. Gaias major problem is [ever more subtle to see, the] lack of mutual
understanding and mutual agreement in the [thought-sphere].. All over the globe and at
all times in the past, men have pillaged nature and disturbed the ecological equilibrium,
usually out of ignorance, but also because they have always been more concerned with
immediate advantages than with long-range goals. Moreover, they could not foresee that
they were preparing for ecological disasters.. The robin, the deer, and the amoeba, I
presume, are as insulted by this as I. In other words, the real problem is NOT the exterior.
The real problem is the INTIERIOR. The real problem is how to get people internally
transformed.. to world-centric consciousness, which is the only stance that can grasp the
global dimensions of the problem in the first place, and thus the only stance that can
freely, even eagerly, embrace global solutions. [The main fact is it must be each
individual, internally, who sees the benefits and chooses to broaden their view of life.]
The general overwhelming evidence of this serious trouble is already and simply and
absolutely overwhelming. Any [selfish person] can grasp the data. But most [selfish
people] dont care.-Ken Wilber.

There is nothing that can cure the senses but the soul, and nothing that can cure
the soul but the senses.-Oscar Wilde. [Yet,] before we can even attempt an ecological
healing, we must first reach a mutual understanding and mutual agreement among
ourselves as to the best way to collectively proceed.. Anything short of that, no matter
what the motives, perpetuates the fracture.-Ken Wilber.
Succession itself is gradual, i.e., it cannot in any single moment be given in its
entirety. But the farther succession proceeds, the more fully the universe is unfolded.
Consequently, the organic world also, in proportion as succession advances, will attain to
a fuller extension and represent a greater part of the universe.-Schelling. Our task must
be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all
living creatures.-Albert Einstein. Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do
no harm.-Hippocrates.


It may be felt that to talk of other dimensions of reality is to indulge in romantic
thinking, but however it may be judged the idea of other dimensions is not illogical..
Furthermore, it has been noted that the correspondence between the cosmology of
mystics and that of contemporary physics is striking. Such a correspondence suggests that
the receptive mode of mystic consciousness may have validity in terms of the external
world if the sector of reality being considered is different from that of the biological with
which we are familiar and in which we [seemingly] developed.-Ken Wilber.
Unity of Science is granted, not by a utopian reduction of all sciences to physics
and chemistry, but by the structural.. [regularities of dynamic patterns] of the different
levels of reality.-Ludwig von Bertalanffy. All things, however different, are linked
together. There is in the genera of things such a connection between the higher and the
lower that they meet in a common point; such an order obtains among species that the
highest species of one genus coincides with the lowest of the next higher genus, in order
that the universe may be one, perfect, continuous.. No creatures existence was merely
instrumental to the well-being of those above it in the scale. Each had its own
independent reason for being; in the final account, none was more important than any
other and each, therefore, had its own claim to respect and consideration, its own right to
live its own life and to possess all that might be needful to enable it to fulfill the functions
and enjoy the privileges and perquisites of its station. Each link in the Chain of Beings
exists, not merely and not primarily for the benefit of any other link, but for its own sake..
And if the earth is thus no bigger than a point relatively to the sphere of the fixed stars,
what must be the ratio of the human species to the created universe as a whole?.. Because
of the countless grades of perfection in which the incorporeal divine Excellence must
needs manifest itself in a corporeal manner, there must be countless individuals such as
are those great living beings of which our divine mother, Earth, is one.. It is here above
all that it is impossible to fail to recognize the graduated progression of beings.-Ken
Gods and Galactics is a discussion we can only have if you are willing to
explore the possibility that we are not alone in the great cosmos of universes. Are they
gods? Only from our limited, comparative perspective. We have not reached the horizon
of consciousness as of yet, so we search our galactic skies for possible duplicates of
ourselves- earth, water, air, and the carbon matrix. As we come to understand that life
may exist in radically different forms, not based on the same prerequisites as life on
earth, we will open to the brilliant awareness that the others are also free of such
limitations. By opening to this awareness, we may begin to see the core of our
relationship and definition of God through entirely new perspectives. It is possible that
advanced beings we have called gods, simply use our genetic image to create an interface
that would be comprehensible to us in our human environment and level of
consciousness. [If one searches], they will come upon the points of origin whereby
species were created through genetic manipulation and harvested or modified to fit the
needs of the galactic scientists who created them, and the areas of the cosmos to which
they were sent to begin life. The genetic experiments that have gone on for eons within
the galaxies are based on refocusing genetic patterns to create various species out of
already existing [infinite] DNA. This acknowledgement may help us to comprehend the
origins of our collective mythology that the gods created humans several times without

success before they accepted our species. It was not about imperfection, evil, or
displeasing God. In fact, the key to the myth is a reference to the gods themselves. They
also say that the gods left because of the low level of consciousness of humans and
promised to return when we evolved to a sufficient level as to be capable of truly
communicating with them. In truth, they were not gods, but rather cosmic scientists
attempting to create Homo sapiens to fit the environment of earth within certain contexts
of their own species. Were they posing as gods because that is the only reference we have
for superior intelligence? I think it is safe to say that there were, and are still, a number of
different Galactics that have visited earth at various times and with different agendas.
You may find this difficult to accept at first, but if you will imagine the possibilities of
space, it will become more plausible to you. It may be easier to feel a connection to the
Galactics if you remember that all the planets are carbon based atoms and so are you.
Earth is a body in a solar system, within a galaxy, within a universe- therefore, we are all
galactic beings by definition. The question is not if we are of galactic origin, but how we
can harvest the potential it offers us if we become aware of it? If we are part of the
creative force- part of God through the virtue shared sentience, then we are also the
creators. As we go out into the universe, we will become enlightened as to cosmic laws,
and through this knowing we will find new names and descriptions of what we have
called God. All things are transient, even beyond the universe. Our evolution does not
have to be filled with turmoil and confusion; it could be filled with the power of
transmutation, transfiguration, and transcendence. May we ever be forewarned of the
projection of gods onto ones who have strange powers. I wonder if we will allow them,
embrace them, or even recognize them. If we can experience The Divine within us, all
of those fears will vanish. When I think of Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, etc., I think of
their essence, not their form. Learn to meditate on essence and you will become the
energy of The Divine. It is beyond anything you can devise to describe it or know it. The
evolution of our Soul is inevitably in our own hands. My Higher Self says that we must
become our own teachers, our own healers, our own priests. Let us become the
ESSENCE of our religions, not their crystalized, antiquated structure. The Divine Source
lives within each and all humans, and every one of us has the choice to use that Source to
evolve our lives and our world. Now I see that it is absurd to clump Galactics into one
grouping, because they are as different in mental and spiritual perspectives as we are in
language groups- perhaps multiplied by trillions. It is likely that concepts of good and
evil, which may not exist for all of them, are entirely different than ours. Some Galactics
have reached levels of existence whereby unconditional love and oneness are the
standards of life. There is a collective kind of consciousness that is not oneness by
consensus, but an actual fusion of being-ness.-Chris Grissom.
They are potentials that can be directly experienced and directly realized. There
is absolutely nothing OTHER about them, except the otherness created by our own lack
of inner awareness. For a child who has not yet learned language, the world of symbols
and concepts seems to float around all about it and above it; language is over its head;
language is an outer world, full of powerful magic and populated with beings who
seem to understand things that the child does not, beings who seem to possess a great
deal of power incomprehensible to the child- there are gods and goddesses out there,
angels out there, creatures out there, against which the child can feel only its own
miserable importance. But once language emerges as a developmental component of the

childs own being: VOILA! The linguistic powers, the conceptual angels, are all within.Ken Wilber.
Whoever or whatever we call God exists beyond our world and we must reach
out to those unknown realms if we are ever to truly know the Divine Source. We must
learn to recognize the essence energies that make up the points of reference to the whole,
within the context of universal creation. The Divine Source is pure light, infinite
consciousness and the ever evolving, yet constant of all manifest and unmanifest
dimensions. The possibility of cosmic, quadrant overlords or genetic creators may
ultimately alter our sense of who we are and what we belong to as we reach deeper into
the enfolding seams of the universes. The future holds incomprehensible realities for us
and it behooves us to stretch out to meet it. Beyond time and the laws of life we
comprehend, there exists a creative flow that is expressed in incalculable forms, sculpted
by a multi-faceted, conscious energy. We have seen barely one facet of its formless form.
We belong to this Divine Source; and all that is, we belong to as well. Ancient Chinese
philosophy teaches that everything is connected to everything. We must open ourselves
to new channels of relationship with God. We are ready for new guidance and new truths,
truth and guidance that have to do with participating, not simply being acted upon by the
cosmos.-Chris Grissom.
Our bodies are the perfect vehicle to fuse essence and form. Their source
material includes all the creations of our earthly evolutionary ladder, as well as cosmic
designs from all around the universe. The greatest possible adventure awaits our
conscious connection to all the other species within that ladder. As we bring forward the
more enlightened strands of cosmic encoding, which offer us the awareness of our true
purpose and potential, we will no longer seek survival by force, but rather embrace our
creative adaptions. All that exists, evolves.-Chris Grissom.
We have to disclose what we know.. It took me several years to figure out that
this blatant disregard for public opinion was a plan designed to keep and maintain the
pressure of proof on certain elements of our society.. In this plan I deduced that the
military was using the media to keep these UFO researchers from making too much of
the issue by having the media brand them as kooks, weird, paranoid, and unbelievable..
This plan has worked well above the average, and the general public still has an opinion
that follows whatever the media tells them.. It appeared to me that they literally did not
want anyone to know what they knew. I guess curiosity got the best of me at that point.. I
started to pay serious attention to what was going on, particularly when it came to the
classification of documents... The progression of this change in the attitude and thoughts
continued.. I feel that the government should come clean and release all the information
and let the people decide what should be done with it.. I believe that.. the world
population as a whole are ready for this kind of disclosure. It has been far too long in
coming.. The government has shown the public this kind of disregard for years... can you
tell me when the government is telling the truth? I noticed similarities and patterns of
disinformation being used that would make the people scoff at what was stated. After
applying my knowledge of disinformation I began to see the truth in each of these
incidents. This cause me to intensify my own investigation.. It is apparent that our species
has been controlled by the [use] of government and media. Yet, the factors with which
we [have been governing] ourselves do not exactly bring out the best part of us.
Therefore, if I were an alien studying this planet and its societies, I might be a little

apprehensive about charging into the open and announcing my presence.. In these
instances, the amount of the populaces knowledge is a big factor in determining the
proper time to make the announcement. The other side of that coin might be that contact
was made millennia ago, and through design, it was decided that an alien presence would
be counter-productive to our planetary society growth.. Then again, if the contact had a
positive reception and disclosure had been made, interaction might be a common factor in
our society, and would no more be thought of than what you think of your neighbor.
Some believe, as well as I do, that we might have an even better planetary society, had
acknowledgement of contact occurred positively and openly from the beginning.
Primarily, you have to remember that contact is a two-way street, both parties have to be
in agreement with the action to achieve the best results. I firmly believe that if it were up
to the aliens, disclosure would have been made long ago.. Remember it was just a little
over a hundred years ago that we were fighting over the ownership and freedom of
slaves, [of our own species], and we overwhelmed the indigenous people and forced,
even today, to live as prisoners of war. We have also fought two major wars, and I have
lost count of the smaller countries civil and revolutionary conflicts that have been played
out in the last few decades. My ideological view is that we should BAN all of our
weapons, throw out our monetary systems, return to a bartering system and live in
harmony with each other. Science should be shared with everyone, not just the
privileged.. I firmly believe that we still have fear of ourselves, that anything alien is a
basic fear of all humans. Those in power play on this point to have weapons for selfdefense, be it singular or mass destruction. As you know, we have two sides to every coin
and you walk one side at a time. Then there are those that walk on the edge between the
sides. The problem comes to us as where do you want to stand?. This is something each
of us has to ask ourselves at one point or another. [What I am calling for is] any
independent thinkers in our society who would stand on that edge to bring the stability
that is needed.. dare to be different.. I would have to say that, as a whole, the social
aspects of an alien presence will have a dramatic effect at first, which is a given fact.
However, there have been many more similar types of changes in our social structure,
some subtle while others more dramatic. Each change basically was taken in the essence
for what was burst on the scene.. I feel that our social aspects will survive.. But the
change will come, and it will.. be for the better.-John Maynard. We are truly the most
dramatic and amusing creatures on the planet, and our antics are quite hilarious when
seen from the eyes of the detached observer.-Chris Grissom.
Curiouser and curiouser...-Alice. Let me assure you that the Space People
want only to see our eyes opened, so that we may help ourselves to bring about a
heavenly existence on our own Earth, which is really a beautiful planet.-Reinhold
Schmidt. The adventure is staring us in the face. Let us step forward as fearless beings.
From the hologram, there is nothing unknown, unwhispered, unforeseen. We can never
lose life; we can only be foolish enough to deny it.-Chris Grissom. There is a place.
Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive
it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.-The Mad Hatter.
Our venture will be into that greater ocean that lies beyond the boundaries of the
known. This will require of each man that he make a long journey of discovery within
himself, searching out the hidden places of his mind and heart. You are human and it is
best to represent the best qualities of humanity. I highly doubt they will tolerate violence

of any degree while you are a visitor to their planet. [For small creatures such as we the
vastness is bearable only through love.-Carl Sagan.] The world is wide, and many things
can co-exist in it side by side.-Ken Wilber.

Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.. Everything you can imagine is
real.. Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.Pablo Picasso The artists task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a
dithering while Rome burns. If artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be
found. -Terence McKenna. One eye sees, the other feels.- Paul Klee.
Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only person who is
never serious.- Oscar Wilde. You may not be a Picasso or Mozart but you dont have to
be. Just create to create. Create to remind yourself youre still alive. Make stuff to inspire
others to make something too. Create to learn a bit more about yourself. ~Frederick
Terral. Human creative potential is unlimited; with it we can sculpt the universe.-Chris
Grissom. Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. ~E.B. White
Anybody can look at a pretty girl and see a pretty girl. An artist can look at a
pretty girl and see the old woman she will become. A better artist can look at an old
woman and see the pretty girl that she used to be. But a great artist- a master-..can look at
an old woman, portray her exactly as she is...and force the viewer to see the pretty girl
she used to be...and more than that, he can make anyone with the sensitivity of an
armadillo, or even you, see that this lovely young girl is still alive, not old and ugly at all,
but simply prisoned inside her ruined body. He can make you feel the quiet, endless
tragedy that there was never a girl born who ever grew older than eighteen in her matter what the merciless hours have done to her.. Growing old doesn't matter
to you and me; we were never meant to be admired-but it does to them.- Robert A.
Heinlein. Creativity takes courage.- Henri Matisse.
I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as
few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts
since the medium is the human mind and spirit.- John Steinbeck. Art doesnt have to be
pretty. It has to be meaningful. ~Duane Hanson. The artist never entirely knows We
guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark ~Agnes de Mille. To
draw, you must close your eyes and sing ~Pablo Picasso. The main thing is to be
moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live. ~Auguste Rodin. When it is working, you
completely go into another place, youre tapping into things that are totally universal,
completely beyond your ego and your own self. Thats what its all about. ~Keith
Haring. It is not surprising that what seems like a rebirth into creative life should be met
with so much resistance and ambivalence, because the route.. is almost always through
the darkness- Liz Greene.
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the
better. ~Andre Gide. Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out
of struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind.
~Magdalena Abakanowicz. An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one. ~Charles
Horton Cooley. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to
kneel and kiss the ground. ~Rumi

See the whole of nature, behold the great analogy of creation. Everything feels
itself and its like, life reverberates with life.-Herder. The discovery of the intrinsic
worth of diversity, with all the perils latent in it, was one of the great discoveries of the
human mind.. The world is simply a collection of interlocking events, and knowledge
consists in correctly representing those events. Knowledge is of those objects, and also
the mutual understanding between subjects.-Ken Wilber. What is not universally
known to all.. is not needful for any.-Dr. Samuel Clarke.
I believe BECAUSE it is absurd. If my thought- holon does not culturally fit,
then I may be a genius rising above conventions, or I may be psychotic and totally out of
touch with my fellows. If I want to know whether it is raining or not, I go to the window,
and sure enough, rain. But perhaps I am mistaken, or perhaps my eyesight is poor. Would
you check? You go to the window and yes, rain.-Ken Wilber.
[If you believe any of this]... you're mad. Bonkers. Off your head... but I'll tell
you a secret... all of the best people are.-Charles Kingsley. Sometimes I believe in as
many as six impossible things before breakfast.-Alice Kingsley. Precisely, [my
friends], the only way to achieve the impossible, is to believe it's possible.-Charles
Kingsleigh. The more you advance with science, the more it looks like magic.-Nicholas
Cage. All that remains is to crown science with philosophy [and spirituality].-Manly P.
It seems to me that there is much value in the mind-set that includes these ideas.
It is certainly not confined to hippies and ecofreaks.-pg34 The Nature of Human
Consciousness. When human beings embrace the extraordinary idea presented here, the
process of change will be seen for what it is: the ultimate expression of Divinity Itself,
sustaining Itself through adaptations that render Itself eternally magnificent. Change is an
announcement of Life's intention to go on. Change is the fundamental impulse of Life
Itself. We have nothing to change, but Change Itself. That is, we have only to change our
ideas of what change is, and why it occurs, and we will have mastered the central
experience of life.- Neale Donald Walsch.
Thus each development involves a new and creative emergence, a new
transcendence, a new depth, a new interiority, a new integration, a greater degree of
relative autonomy, a greater degree of consciousness, a greater total embrace- with new
fears, new anxieties, new needs, new desires, new moral engagements in new shared
worldviews, and the ever present possibility of new and higher pathologies and
distortions. But the emphasis, indeed, is on integration.. Each of these transformations is
a series of deaths and rebirths, and the typical individual attempts to stop the pain by
stopping the transformation. This structure of consciousness.. permits the conscious
integration of all previous (but co-present) structures.. It is a whole-bodily event..
Evolution, we have amply seen, is not predictable, only reconstructable.. The claim is
simply.. it has the POTENTIAL for that integration. As long as its schematic and
simplifying nature is kept firmly in mind, this figure will suffice. Whether that potential
becomes actual is up to you and me; it depends on the concrete actions that each of us
takes.. As for the coming transformation itself, it is being built, as all past transformations
have been, in the hearts and minds of those individuals who themselves evolve to..
planetary vision. For these individuals create a cognitive-potential in the form of new
worldviews that in turn feed back into the ongoing mainstream of social institutions.. The

revolution, as always, will come from the within and be embraced in the without.. I have
become more convinced than ever that this understanding is absolutely crucial for
grasping the nature of higher (or deeper) or truly spiritual states of consciousness. As
always, we have to make the future, [together].. If we have discerned even the vaguest
features of times arrow, can we not stand on tiptoe and foresee dimly the arrows arc
into tomorrow? [It is time] humans take their rightful place in the great holarchy of being
as one set of wholes that are parts in all sorts of other wholes, with no wholes and no part
finally being privileged.. [so] the rules and norms of any given society can themselves be
reflected upon and judged by more universal principles, principles that apply not just to
this or that culture, or this or that tribe, but to the multiculturalism of universal
perspectivism.. more universal statements, principles of justice and mercy and
compassion, or reciprocity and equality, based on mutual respect for individuals and the
dictates of conscience based on rights and responsibilities.-Ken Wilber.
More than a little ironic that it would pave the way for an evolution beyond
rationality, since it has clearly demonstrated that evolution stops for nobody, that each
stage passes into a larger tomorrow. And if today is rationality, tomorrow is transrationality, and there is not a single scientific argument in the world that can disagree
with that, and every argument in favor of it. Its enduring contributions will, I think, be a
necessary component in any sort of truly comprehensive worldview. Much work, of
course, remains to be done. But the foundation is there, it has been won through for us
[by those great explores of the past]; the basics are in existence. These roads are open to
us: roads present but untraveled; paths clear but not chosen. [Let us become the Great
Explorers of today.] Can we not embrace these roots?-Ken Wilber.
Even on earth the world is transformed by those whose minds are established in
the vision of Oneness.-Plotinus. My people are destroyed [only] for lack of
knowledge.-Hosea 4:6. Fantasy. Lunacy. All revolutions are, until they happen, then
they are historical inevitabilities.- David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas. This great [planet] will
endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So first of all, let me assert my firm
belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified
terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.-Franklin D.
Roosevelt. There is so much to be done, and due to the present [state] on earth which
affects the welfare of all our people, not a moment should be wasted in applying the
solutions to our problems which have now been given to us. The Space Age is here, now;
the great change has already begun.-Reinhold O
If the aspects are harmonious ones, then this task is made easier, for one tends to
be more flexible about accommodating natural law and the more primitive side of oneself
and life- Liz Greene. A decision must be made, in the recesses of your heart, between
the known, which is stale but familiar, and the unknown, which is fresh, a field of infinite
possibilities.-Deepak Chopra. God made this world. So it must be interesting enough to
keep his attention. If you find things growing tired or stale or predictable, perhaps it is
you who have lost the capacity to be interested.-Merlin. Men go abroad to wonder at
the heights of the mountains, the huge waves of the sea, at the vast compass of the stars,
and they pass by themselves without wondering.-Saint Augustine.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.-Carl Jung. The most
creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself.. Dont you realize that

the history of the universe has brought us here to this second? We are privileged children
of creation, for whom all of this was made.-Merlin.
For centuries man has viewed the universe as a series of puzzles. Within the
molecule we found the atom, and within that the proton, and the quark, and the xion. And
the deeper we delved, finding another puzzle within every one we solved, never finding
the answer we sought, but never questioning our method of searching. We have
organized and compartmentalized our knowledge until it no longer serves us. Instead we
serve it. We study physics and math and philosophy and religion and never realize that
they are all the same. The monk and the physicist are searching for the same
understanding. They simply use different tools. In every breath of the wind, in the
graceful eclipse of a planets orbit, in the precise genetic abacus of DNA, in the awesome
power of a supernova, in all these things I heard the voice of God. To truly advance
human wisdom, we must learn to see the whole of things. This foundation will strive to
do just that Together we will bring a new age to mankind. Together we will transform
the universe and reveal the face of God.- Aplheus Togra.
It was not just a calculating reason which decides whether to do this or that,
depending on which is more advantageous. Rather, it [is] a full, passionate, revolutionary
emphasis on mans essential goodness in the name of the principle of justice.. We could
therefore call it revolutionary reason as well as critical reason.-Ken Wilber. I have done
my best to consider what would be fair for all peoples and not merely ones own.-Ken
To awaken each morning with a smile brightening my face; to greet the day with
reverence for the opportunities it contains; to approach my work with a clean mind; to
hold ever before me, even in the doing of little things, the Ultimate Purpose toward which
I am working; to meet men and women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart; to
be gentle, kind, and courteous through all the hours; to approach the night with the
weariness that ever woos sleep and the joy that comes from work well done- this is how I
desire to waste wisely my days.-Thomas Dekker.
Space-Time is an inexplicable raw material of everything. With it, all is possible;
without it, nothing. The supply of time is truly a daily miracle, an affair genuinely
astonishing when one examines it. You wake up in the morning, and lo! Your purse is
magically filled with twenty four hours of the unmanufactured tissue of the universe of
your life! It is yours. It is the most precious of possessions.. No one can take it from you.
It is unstealable. And no one receives either more or less than you receive. In the realm of
time there is no aristocracy of wealth, and no aristocracy of intellect. Genius is never
rewarded by even an extra hour a day. And there is no punishment.. Moreover, you
cannot draw on the future. Impossible to get into debt! You can only waste the present
moment. You cannot waste tomorrow; it is kept for you. You cannot waste the next hour;
it is kept for you. I have said the affair was a miracle. Is it not? You have to live on this
twenty-four hours of daily time. Out of it you have to spin health, pleasure, money,
content, respect, and the evolution of your immortal soul. Its right use then, its most
effective use, is a matter of the highest urgency and of the most thrilling actuality. All
depends on that. Your happiness-the elusive that you are all clutching for, my friends!depends on that. If one cannot arrange that an income of twenty-four hours a day shall
exactly cover all proper items of expenditure, one does muddle ones whole life
indefinitely... We shall never have any more time. We have, and we have always had, all

the time there is.-Arnold Bennett. Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to gain
leisure. Since thou art not sure of a minute, throw not away an hour.-Benjamin Franklin.
Acceptance of earthly responsibility and limitation is also the process of passage
from being the son to being the father, from boy to man, from ungrounded spirit to active
contribution in incarnation.. It is not merely comforting, but sometimes transformative, to
sense and know that we as individuals are part of a pageant, and that our little personal
problems and dilemmas and sufferings are lent dignity by the ancient story- Liz Greene.
I cannot make people be peaceful; all I can do is point the way. It must be the individual
who must choose the actions of peace over violence, of love over hate, and balance and
harmony other than unbalance and disorder.. Those who love too much, lose everything.
Those who love with irony, last.-Alexander movie.
The goal of my work during the last years.. has not been to analyze this
phenomena of power, nor to elaborate the foundations of such an analysis. It is not the
power, but the subject, [life], which is the general theme of my research.-Foucault.
Professor of Archeology, expert on the occult, and how does one say it... obtainer of rare
antiquities.-Major Eaton.
Who's to say what is "proper"? What if it was agreed that "proper" was wearing a
codfish on your head? Would you wear it? Good advice. If I listened earlier, I wouldn't
be here. But that's just the trouble with me. I give myself very good advice.-Alice. I
swear the earth shall surely be complete to him or her who shall be complete. The earth
remains jagged and broken to him or her who remains jagged and broken.-Walt
You know something will happen, but you do not realize that as you are waiting
for it, it is waiting for you! The third millennium holds a promise of great joy and peace.
It will not happen to us; we must manifest it ourselves. Our fate will be the result of our
choices; that we have the freedom to choose is the most precious of humanitys gifts! Let
us show ourselves to be capable of the adventure of change. The thrill of this next
millennium will be the vast array of inter-dimensional and inter-planetary discoveries; the
challenge will be their application into our world.-Chris Grissom.
The great far-off spectacular climax.. is right now.-Ken Wilber. We have come
to the edge of the world. We are standing right there on the precipice waiting for the
whisper of courage to give us the strength to jump. If we align ourselves to the power of
change, we will leave the limitations that beset our forefathers and soar freely into a New
World. Change will become our constant and through its improviser style, we will
instigate a new pulse. It will be a pulse that rides the crest of cosmic currents flowing
outward across the galaxies, taking the human heart energy with it to seed a human being
we have not yet met!-Chris Grissom.
It is truth, your own hearts witness it.- Secret Destination of America.
Throughout time there have been intersecting moments when cycles of the great cosmic
clocks line up in such a way that were not only given a glimpse of all that is possible, but
we actually have the opportunity to step beyond all that we have known is true and
participate in a grander truth within a higher level of consciousness.-2012: A Message of
Hope II Seek ye the truth and the truth will make you free and nothing else will do it..
spread the truth.-John Maynard.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out
hate, only love can do that.-Martin Luther King. We can create heaven on this earth, all

you have to do is look within and find compassion towards all that lives. Life is precious,
dont waste yours. There is no time like the present.-2012: A Message of Hope II. Live
out your imagination, not your history.-Stephen Covey. Only through absolute
uniformity of purpose can victory be achieved.-General Gregor Trilkin. Every man
must liberate himself: there is no savior who can take upon himself anothers burden of
slavery to sense, a burden that can be cast off only by self-conquest.. Be ye lamps unto
yourselves. Be your own reliance. Hold to the truth within yourselves as the only lamp.Buddha.
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be
what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it
wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?-Alice. Read the directions and
directly you will be directed in the right direction.- Doorknob.
If you want something youve never had before, you have to do something
youve never done before-Alex Jones. A new [book] was necessary for [an old] idea.
When it was necessary it was discovered. That which is needed is always near if man has
the wit to find it. [This] would ultimately be the most practical and certain instrument for
accomplishing a world point of view in all departments of human thinking. Art knows no
race; music is a common denominator; biology and physics are served by explorers into
the furthermost and innermost secrets of nature. Here lies the solution to the great
educational reform so necessary at this time. We cannot hope to build a nobility of man
upon the sterility of a narrow, competitive, materialistic educational policy. The
ignorance of man has been his undoing. Only wisdom can restore him to his divine estate.
From the broad gates.. [will] flow the inspiration for a completely new estimation of the
Universe, and mans relationship to it. [As] the gentler parts of learning exercise
dominion over the human mind, world peace will be more than the substance of things
hoped for. This oath is the beginning of learning and the end of strife. The elixir of life is
truth itself, the preserver of all things. The wise mans stone is science. That can work all
wonders and solve all riddles of the mortal sphere. The universal medicine is wisdom, the
only cure for ignorance, which is the universal disease. The agent for the transmutation of
metals is the pattern of the Universal State, the essence of the perfect plan for a world
civilization by which all the base elements in human society can be transmuted into the
spiritual gold of right purpose. To this end [Humanity] consecrated its life and
knowledge, exploring ever further into the secrets of Nature to discover the greatest
secret of all-the secret of human happiness. They gave knowledge to the world to make
[all] happy.. it is our common duty to restore the dignity of learning, and dedicate it
unselfishly to the human need.-Manly P. Hall.
Let no youth have any anxiety about the upshot of his education, whatever the
line of it may be. If he keep faithfully busy each hour of the working day, he may safely
leave the final result to itself. He can with perfect certainty count on waking up some fine
morning, to find himself one of the competent ones of his generation, in whatever pursuit
he may have singled out.. Young people should know this truth in advance. The
ignorance of it has probably engendered more discouragement and faint-heartedness in
youths embarking on arduous careers than all other causes put together- William James.
To you who accept these things, I say there is much to be done. If you wish to be
an active part of the establishing of a harmonious, peaceful, and abundant life on our
earth for all people, your sincere desire will lead you to the right place of service.-

Reinhold Schmidt. The man who is born with a talent which he is meant to use finds his
greatest happiness in using it.-Johann Von Geothe. Choose a movement that presents a
distinct trend toward greater human happiness and align yourself with it. No one has
learned the meaning of living until he has surrendered his ego to the service of his fellow
men.-W. Beran Wolfe. Pride is an abomination. One must forego the self to obtain total
spiritual creaminess, and avoid the chewy chunks of degradation.-Ace.
Take a step back. Fucking look at yourself. You are human. You are beautiful.
You are so beautiful. And you can be anything. You can be everything. Do not hate
everyone because someone broke your heart, or because your parents split up, or your
best friend betrayed you, your father hit you, the kid down the street called you fat, ugly,
stupid, worthless. Do not concern yourself with things you cannot control. Cry when you
need to, then let go when its time. Don't hold onto painful memories just because youre
afraid to forget. Let go of things that are in the past. Forget things that arent worth
remembering. Stop taking things for granted. Live for something. Live for yourself. Fall
in love. Fall out of love. Fall in love. Fall out of love. Do this over and over until you
know what it really is to love someone. Question things. Tell people how you really feel.
Sleep under the stars. Create. Imagine. Inspire. Share something wonderful. Meet new
people. Make someones day. Follow your dreams. Live your life to its full potential. Just
live, dammit. Let go of all of the horrible in your life and fucking live. And one day,
when youre old, look back with no regrets.- Unknown.
A life spent shaping a world I want [Humans] to inherit, not one I fear [Humans]
shall inherit, this strikes me as a life worth the living.- David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas. It
is reason, and reason alone, that allows me to step outside of my own natural inclinations
and act for the benefit of others, and to treat others as I would myself be treated.. When I
act from a world centric perspective, then I am truly free, free of the lesser and meaner
stances that wound me in their shallowness. When I act from a world centric stance, I am
truly free- and that world-centric stance is itself generated and understood only by
rationality (by universal perspectivism). And thus, I am truly free only when I am acting
in accord with my own moral will in its world-centric capacity. When I act from that
rational stance, then I am acting in the pure freedom of the rational will, since that is my
own and deepest and truest self. I am not being forced by some other to act in this way,
because the world-centric stance is generated only by my own rationality: I am fully selfdetermined and thus free in the truest sense.-Ken Wilbern. Unless a man learns how to
create, he never becomes a part of existence, which is constantly creative. By being
creative one becomes divine.-OSHO.
How this portrait of mankind, free of all these chains, no longer under the
enemies of progress, and walking with a sure and certain step on the path of the truth, of
virtue and happiness, presents to the philosopher a sight which consoles him for the
errors, the crimes, the injustices, which [have sullied] the earth.. He then dares to bind
these efforts to the chain of human destiny: there he finds virtues true reward, the
pleasure of having created an enduring good, which fate will no longer destroy with a
deadly compensation by bringing back prejudice and slavery. Living in thought with a
humanity re-established in the rights and dignity of its nature, he forgets the one which is
corrupted and tormented by greed, fear, or envy; it is there that he lives.. which his love
for humanity has embellished with the purest enjoyments.-Holbach.

Despite all the efforts of tyranny, despite the violence and trickery of the
priesthood, despite the vigilant efforts of all the enemies of mankind, the human race will
attain enlightenment; nations will know their true interests; a multitude of rays,
assembled, will form.. a boundless mass of light that will warm all hearts, and that will
illuminate all minds! [And this Earth becomes a blessed being, and every I becomes a
God, and every We becomes Gods sincerest worship, and every It becomes Gods most
gracious temple.-Ken Wilber.] Is there one of these, my [chapters], in which the love of
humankind has not for a moment been forgotten? Show it me, and this hand shall be the
first to tear it out.-Holbach.
Accurate diagnosis of the centers is of course very important if the treatment is
to be effective. More important however is the ability of the practitioner to interpret his
findings. The key to correct interpretation of the information obtained from diagnosis..
lies in knowledge of the centers and their relation to the organic system of the body. It is
the ability to interpret findings that makes a competent practitioner.. it is something that
must be drawn out of experience through hard work, and the use of the intuitive mind.
The dilettante will soon lose his way, and the serious student will forge on, building upon
the basis of which this [book] provides. What I am [saying] merely scratches the surface
of the subject [called life], and the ramifications can only come to light through the
expanded consciousness of the [individual into Unity with all Life]. The analysis is
simple, quick, and gets right to the point, covering the main factors concerned, without
going into endless details.-David V. Tansley.
One cannot become a connoisseur without universality of mind, that is, without
the flexibility which enables us, through the renunciation of personal likings and blind
preference for what we are accustomed to, to transpose ourselves into that which is
peculiar to other people and times, and, so to say, to feel from its center outwards.Schlegel. Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to
that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the
world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these
teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold,
this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how
magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.Terence McKenna
They say our past has been like putting frogs in a pot of room temperature water,
and slowly heating it up so the frogs dont notice, because if the frog was put directly in
boiling water it would try to jump out, but gradually the frogs will be oblivious to the
water heating up until it is too late. When they compete to bring out the good, the best in
each other, this is the love between [Humans] that can build a city-state, and lift us from
our frog pot.. Now, if only these [Humans] could look outward and act on their favorite
position of the center..[peace] could rule the world. Now you think on all this, my young
frogs, for in you resides the future for.. civilization.-Alexanders Teacher.
All [dominating] empires fall, you just have to know where to push.-Freedom
Guard Commander Jeb Radec. Its easy to be seduced.. this is an example of being
raised in a system being told one thing is true and the other thing is not.. In that reason
people deserve our [empathy]. One way or another, they are deceived. Even if they are
intentionally doing it.. they have to deserve our [empathy] and even our prayers because
even if they are intentionally doing it, they are still deceived.-Aquarius-The Age of Evil.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.-Mohandas
Gandhi. Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.-Benjamin Franklin.
There is no reason why the human community on planet earth cannot work
together in the spirit of full support and mutual cooperation. Ego games, dishonesty,
prejudice, false pride, and just plain fear of the unknown often contribute to mankinds
problems. Correct education can clear the field for personal and universal health and
fulfillment, as is the intention of the evolutionary move of God.- The Teachings of The
Masters of Perfection- Roy Eugene Davis.
The Game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable
qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired and
strengthened by it, so as to become habits ready on all occasions; for life is a kind of
Chess, in which we have often points to gain, and competitors or adversaries to contend
with, and in which there is a vast variety of good and ill events, that are, in some degree,
the effect of prudence, or the want of it. By playing at Chess then, we may learn: 1st,
Foresight, which looks a little into futurity, and considers the consequences that may
attend an action ... 2nd, Circumspection, which surveys the whole Chess-board, or scene
of action: the relation of the several Pieces, and their situations; ... 3rd, Caution, not to
make our moves too hastily.Benjamin Franklin.
I salute the Supreme Teacher, the Truth, whose nature is bliss, who is the giver
of the highest happiness, who is pure wisdom, who is beyond all qualities and infinite
like the sky, who is beyond words, who is one and eternal, pure and still, who is beyond
all change and phenomena and who is the silent witness to all our thoughts and emotionsI salute Truth, the Supreme Teacher.- Ancient Vedic Hymn.

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