Microorganisms Efectivos: EM-1 and EM-in

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Microorganisms efectivos

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Various microorganisms are a combination of benficos and Natural Foods in principalmente utilizados or
encontrados between ellos of photosynthesis bacteria, yeasts and bacteria Lcteas. These microorganisms cuando
would result in Contact with organic matter off benficas substances such as vitamins, orgnicos acids, minerals
and antioxidants. Cambiando micro flora and fauna in the field so that cometh zymogens transformed into one or
regenerative, influencing indirectamente In addition, there li plants. Increases the content on this proceso de suelo
humus ago and it CAPAZO of a Sustainable Food Production cualidad high.
From the initial use in agriculture, los campos de Aplicaciones to be extendido Others have atmospheres as the
industry and the field of health.
EM-1 and EM-in
Is the number of the liquid is concentrated base where obtienen ALL-products of the EM technology. It has a one
year durations from the preparations if kept in a place Oscuridad the fresco ya. You should not be used pure
porque tiene of the properties to be multiplied times Dando Hundreds of EM-activated caller to place, which was to
carry su vez remarkably diluted: We can in this way may wish to use a Small Quantity of EM-1 for numerous
applications of EM -up to the diluted 1:10,000.
EM-in to use the domestic
Los fields of applications are numerous on-EM, we to focus minds on the domestic use.
In case of persistent dirty, apply EM dejar hacer y por efecto few minutes. Prepare the solution always with
lukewarm water (not very hot) for microorganisms to allow for them to expand their vitalidad.

Practical Examples
Waste of Contenedor orgnicos
Baldosas and Grifos
Oven and hob
Refrigerator (Internal)
Cuchillos de todo tipo
Table of cortado
Pot and sartenes
Cloths for limpiar

Remove obstructions and inlays
Remove from fat and smell
Limpia and eliminates odor
Enhances the detergent /
detergent in ahorra
Against them smell / Limpia
Sharpen / Remove oxide
Limpia / Sanitize
Limpia / against odor

Quit without diluting react.
Nebulizar 1:500
Nebulizar 1:100
Nebulizar 1:250
Pure EM
Nebulizar pure EM
Clean with dissolutions 1:500
Nebulizar 1:500
Dipped in a solution of 1:100
Nebulizar 1: 500
Clean solution with 1:250
Poner to soak in a solution of 1:100

Domestic environments
Nebulizar regularmente a solution of 1:1000 for Combatir Me to the polvo, refresh mejorar opponent and
Practical Examples
Air conditioning
Muebles forrados of skin / skin
Armchairs, chairs, curtains,

Control polvo y smell them
Refresh / impide the mold
Against them polvo y smell

Nebulizar 1:500
Pao empapado clean with a
solution of 1:500
Nebulizar of vez cuando in with
1:1000 solution

Zapatero cabinet

Refresh / impide the mold

Against them smell
Limpia / refreshes the colors /
Contra las moths

Nebulizar 1:1000 solution

Nebulizar solution 1: 1000
Nebulizar 1:1000 solution

I removed them and combate smell the mold.
Practical Examples
Navajo Shaving

Toilet, bath, shower and Videt
Washing the sheets
Washing the sheets
Personal hygiene (shower,

Remove scale, smell and
Limpia / las inlaid with
Against them smell y las inlays
Against them smell and inlays /
Against polvo
Contra las inlays / enhances the
effects of detergent and Savings
Profundamente Limpia, hygiene
and freshness

Quit without diluting react.
Nebulizar 1:1000 solution
Nebulizar solution 1:100
Quit submerged in 1:500
20-30ml / quit one day in the cup.
Nebulizar solution 1:500
Nebulizar solution 1: 1000
20-30ml / in Washing
Dilute 1 to 2 liters of water and add
1:100 in the water bath

HOUSE AND HYGIENE microclimate

Practical Examples
Floors of apartment
Windows, doors and
correderas ESPEJOS
Furnishings / kitchen
Mold on walls

For the riego
For microclimate
Limpia / protege
Limpia / expels polvo
Limpia / care

1:500 solution
Nebulizar 1:1000 solution
1:100 solution (water in the cubo)
1:1000 solution (diluted in case of
most of crumbs on the lens)
Nebulizar 1:1000 solution

Combate them smell /

Improvement microclimate
Impide the formacin

Nebulizar 1-2ml in a liter of water

The smell Combate
Vitalize the water

Nebulizar solution 1:500
Echar segn NEED 1ml/10 liters

Nebulizar the solution 1:100 (avoid

much mojar)

Practical Examples
Dogs, cats, etc..

1 (Source Wikipedia) A is a precursor zymogens or proenzima enzymatic inactive, it goes without saying, as it catalyzes Reaction
rate facilities ninguna las enzymes. For activarse, requires a cambio of its biochemical structure le lleve to form an active center
where I can realizar catalysis. In ese momento, the zymogens passes an enzyme to be active. The biochemist cambio suele
occurrence in a lysosome, where a specific part of the precursor enzyme splits to activate it for the rest. The chain of amino acids
that are llama liberalization by the activation of peptide activation.

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