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Pinasakan sada, otherwise simply known as Pinasakan, is a traditional Kadazandusun dish of

braised basung fish mixed with takob akob (a tangy wild fruit mainly harvested for its skin),
fresh turmeric, salt and slices of Bambangan (optional). Pinasakan is another type of preserved
food and is good to be eaten sans heating for days at a time. You can find Pinasakan at most
traditional cuisine restaurants.
Pinasakan goes well with white rice or ambuyat and a dash of sambal.

Hinava is most probably the most well known traditional dish in Sabah. Popularized by the
Kadazandusun community, Hinava is made of fresh raw tenggiri (mackerel fish), which is filleted
and thinly sliced; mixed with sliced chili, ginger, diced red onions, grated Bambangan seed, salt
and set with a few squirts of lime juice.
Sometimes, slices of raw bittergourd are also added. If you dont like fish, you can also
substitute the mackerel with either prawn or squid. Hinava can be found in most traditional
Kadazandusun restaurant, but of late, it has also been making its way to hotel buffet tables or
served during special events and functions. Have it with white rice or on its own as a salad dish.


. The sagol pari is a dish made from boiled stingray meat mixed with crushed turmeric, saffron and drenched with
stingray liver oil.

Sagol / Senagol means juggling. Sagol / Senagol also has the meaning of 'mixed thing'. In
particular it refers to a kind of traditional dishes using fish meat (usually stingrays, sharks and
puffer fish, the fish generally have a big heart), chopped-chopped and cooked with saffron. To
make sagol, sharks, stingrays or blanched first blow up easy clean 'langnges' the rough layer of
the skin sharks and rays, or 'iting' the 'thorn' in puffer fish. Blanching (boiled half cooked) also
performed to facilitate the fish crushed and mixed with turmeric that has been crushed.
There are two types of cooking sagol / senagol the sagol / senagol dry (no gravy) and sagol /
senagol wet (with gravy). To get a real sense sagol / senagol, usually do not use edible oils but
use disagol fish liver oil, that is, whether the stingray liver oil or shark liver oil or fish liver oil

The siput kima, a Bajau raw dish, is said to be the Bajau equivalent of the Japanese sushi. It is made of raw sea
snails marinated with pepper and lime juice.

Kima is the name of a type of sea shells and are found in

several species, including lapiran, clams bohe 'and sollot-sollot (small and squeeze in between
the rock surface). Clams used in traditional food dishes Bajau people. Clams can be eaten raw
(inta ') after sliced or cut in small and mixed with lime juice and pepper and other spices
according to taste the food. It can also be cooked with vegetables. There are also clams are
dried in the sun and it's usually cooked with vegetables.


Siager sama ngn sagol.Cuma cara msknnya sikit bbeza..

Piaren Ah Manuk is chicken which is tossed with a sauteed rempah base and grated coconut, then
braised in coconut milk. Alternative substitutes which may be cooked in this manner include fish (Piaren
Ah Sada) and unripe jackfruit (Piaren Ah Badak). This dish originated in Kota Belud and is very popular
with the Iranun communities

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