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SECTION B: Short Answers

BOOKLET 2 (Questions 31 to 36)
31 (a)

Endoplasmic reticulum watch spelling (-1 if incorrect) OR


vesicles (spelling not important)




or adenosine diphosphate + phosphate


if ATP appears in answer = no marks



if other compounds added to equation (e.g. glucose) = -1


32 (a)

Mitochondria linked with energy /ATP (2)

or energy linked with active transport (1)


decomposers and/or saprotrophs and/or detritivores (2)


fungi and/or bacteria and/or microbes (=1 only)




Activity: Burning/combustion (2) or Deforestation (2) or any activity that
affects the carbon cycle

Explanation: Consistent with activity:

must mention CO2 and explain how CO2 contributes to this effect


e.g. deforestation reduces the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere

33(a) Any TWO of the following features:

(1 mark each)


thin (1 cell thick)

vascularised (good blood supply)
large surface area (large S.A.:vol ratio)


(b)(i) increase concentration gradient of O2 (2)


increase the diffusion rate/speed/efficiency (of oxygen) (2)

(more oxygen/ higher concentration of O2 or diffuses more easily/more O2 in the
blood = 1 only)
or lungs have their efficiency reduced & O2 rich air compensates for this (2)


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look for two distinct benefits to society or one with elaboration

some suggestions:

decrease financial burden on health system

allow health system to focus on other diseases
increase productivity by reducing lost time in sick leave


reference to less smoking = 0 (neutral answer)

34 (a)
four or


look for: chromatids: two shown on each chromosome

number: two chromosomes shown
size: one large & one small chromosome (ALL Three = 3)
(If one of these features missing = zero for question)
colour: at least large csome dark (1)




a diagram like this = (2)

(c) (i)


crossing over(2)
independent/random assortment (2) or
mutation (2)
(c) (ii) Look for either


*what happens in the process (e.g. gene swapping) or

* the result of the process e.g. new combinations of genes

it provides a new mix of genes on the chromosomes (X-ing over) or
it provides a new mix of chromosomes


Only if in (c) (i) mutation is stated can the idea of new genetic material gain
marks in this question.

35 (a)

community / communities (2)


it physically separates the gene pools (thereby reproductively and genetically

isolating the populations)


(Look for the idea of populations isolated from each other)



Description of allopatric speciation:

selection pressures are different in each region; some individuals better adapted (1)
(random) mutations will arise in each (isolated) population (1)
genetic variation increases between gene pools (1)
reproductive isolation (hence speciation) occurs when genetic variation is great (1)


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natural habitat provides all needs of species (2) or

(d) removal from habitat may mean that one (or more) environmental factor is
overlooked (2)
resources provided by the habitat include food, shelter, etc. (2)


lower selection pressures on species as already adapted to own environment

Biotic (living) any one(2) : competition, predation, food, disease
Abiotic (non-living) any one


Temperature; humidity; light levels; wind,

climate, weather, etc.

repeat (1) the experiment using re-calibrated equipment or new equipment (1)


i.e. repeat, and then what one is looking for when repeating the experiment

also see

look for: accurately plotted points (1)

smooth curves (1)
key or label for each graph (1)
MAX = 6 marks
Axes: scales even & appropriate (1)
scales named with units (1)
time on X-axis; frequency on Y-axis (1)
curves do not extend beyond month 1 or moth 6 (i.e if O
labelled on x-axis, graphs should not be drawn touching Yaxis.) (1)


Deduct one mark (up to 6) for each error or omission


Mechanism 1: temporal (breeding times different) (2)


Mechanism 2: different habitats (grass vs forest) (2)

Check page 12 (end of Section B) and cross blank page

Stick to deadlines
Check the schedule regularly
Be consistent

when you have finished, please send to me your comments on the overall standard of the
paper, the quality of the answers and anything else of interest relating to the paper.
this can be done by email (see above) or by including a paper copy with your last batch of


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