Topnotch Volume 1 Issue 1

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The Official Newsletter of S.V.


Vol. I, Issue 1, June-October 2014

SVM Holds 2nd Olympiad

By Mr. Rey Anthony Llorin

S.V. Montessori held its 2nd Olympiad last October 23, 2014 at the SVM
Quadrangle with the theme Discovering Your Inner Potential.
The event aimed for discovering the Montessorians skills not only in terms of
literary and speaking proficiency but also in their academic aptitude for the
different particular learning areas such as Science, Information Technology
and Mathematics.
Students from Elementary and Junior Middle Division were chosen to
compete for each category. The Quiz Bee for Science and Mathematics were
divided into three categories: Grade School Category A (Grades 1-3), Grade
School Category B (Grades 4-6), and Junior Middle Division.
The participants were also challenged in the Robotics, Web Design, Digital
Imaging and Power Point Presentation events were they were asked to
conceptualize and create their own.
The Speech Competition was categorized into Declamation and
Extemporaneous Speaking, were participants of the former came from grade
school and high school and the latter from high school only.
Later that day, the top three winners for each event were announced and
awarded with medals.

Nov 3: Resumption of Classes

Nov 4-5: Post Tests for GS &
JMD students
Nov 12: Foundation Day
Nov 12-14: Book Week
Nov 15: PTC and Card Day
Nov 19: NCAE Grade 9 only
Nov 28: Freedom Day
Dec 11-12: Pre-Tests for GS &
JMD students
Dec 17-18: 2nd Trimester Assessment for Casa;
Mastery Tests for GS & JMD
Dec 19: Thanksgiving Party &
Freedom Day
Dec 20: Christmas Break
Jan 5, 2015: Resumption of
Jan 6-7: Post Tests for GS &
JMD students
Jan 24: PTC and Card Day for
all Levels
Jan 30: Freedom Day


Do you have the skills?
the passion? the will?
If YES, send your resume and
2 original sample works to
and get the chance to be part of
the Editorial Board on the next
issue of SVM Topnotch!
The early morning atmosphere of October 24, 2014 was filled with excitement as the
Casa students came to school dressed up in Halloween costumes and cartoon character
outfits, all ready to collect their treats.

SVM Celebrates UN 2014

By Ms. Izza Quinones

Mr. and Ms. UN 2014 Jacob Miles Tanauan and Yvon Albegas (Left Photo)
and Little Mr. & Little Ms. UN 2014 Marcus Jade Tanauan and Angel
Princess Catalua (Right Photo) were awarded by judges Ms. Soledad
Vasquez and Mr. Rod Steven Vasquez.

S.V. Montessori celebrated the United Nations last October 18,

2014 with the theme Colorful Dances of the World.
The SVM Quadrangle was jam-packed with excited students
and families, who were all present to cheer and show their
support to the contestants. The activity started at exactly 8 a.m.
with the invocation led by selected Grade 5 Dignity students,
followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem. Ms.
Izza Quinones, the Chairman of the UN celebration, gave the
welcome remarks.

The program proper commenced with a colorful parade of the

nations of all SVM students from Casa to Junior Middle Division.
It was followed by the presentation of altered folk dances of
different nations.
The contestants were once again introduced and were tested
through the Question & Answer portion.
The last part of the program was the most awaited partthe
awarding of winners. Minor awards were first given, namely:
Best in Talent, Best Performance in Production Number, Best in
Ramp Modelling, Peoples Choice Award On-Line Voting and
In-Campus Votes, Photogenic and Best in Costume.
Marcus Jade Tanauan and Angel Princess Catalua won Little
Mr. & Little Ms. United Nations, respectively. While Jacob Miles
Tanauan and Yvon Albegas were declared Mr. & Ms. United
Nations, respectively.
A Pre-Pageant was held last October 15 where the contestants
showcased their talents, modelling skills, and costumes.
Winners were determined by the Board of JudgesMs. Soledad
Vasquez, Mr. Rod Steven Vasquez, Mr. Ricky Adorna, Ms.
Cristialyn Barao, and Ms. Glaiza Azurinwho were chosen to
assess the participants in terms of wit, beauty and confidence.

Visit and Like SVM Fan Page


Message from the

I feel extremely fortunate to welcome
you in the mid of the Academic Year
2014 2015!
SVM is a community of determined
administrators, faculty, staff, and
parents striving to give the highest
quality education possible that will
make a difference for our students. I am
confident to say that education is
different in SVM, where real learning
happens and the students are able to get
a glimpse of real life.
We unceasingly goal to yearly increase
student achievement and prepare our
students to be productive citizens
inside and outside SVM who are able to
meet the challenges of the 21st Century
with confidence and assurance.
Thus, we constantly seek to improve
our educational program to better meet
the academic needs of our students,
including their social and virtual needs.
Hence, we are currently maintaining a
Facebook Fan Page where news and
updates are regularly posted and a fully
operational website which they can
visit anytime. We have also revived the
official newsletter of SVM, Topnotch,
which is a collaborative effort of the
teachers and students.
We firmly believe that schools are a
reflection of the community and we
work very hard at SVM to ensure that
our school reflects positively in our
c o m m u n i t y . C o n s e q ue n t l y , w e
constantly promote parent involvement
on the students education. Research
proves that what parents do at home
greatly influences childrens academic
performance. Attitudes toward reading,
learning and developing good study
habits are initially developed at home.
Therefore, parent involvement at home
is constantly linked with higher grades,
better attendance and positive
I am proud to say that SVMs 21 years of
existence are years of excellence. And
our administration, faculty, and staff are
looking forward for a more productive
and enriching years of learning of your
children here at SVM.
Rod Steven O. Vasquez
President, SVM

JMD IV Conducts
Community Service
The JMD IV students of S.V. Montessori held their
community service last July 12 and October 25, 2014 at
Pinagbuklod Court and Brgy. Magdalo, respectively.
Equipped with their own cleaning materials, the JMD IV
students were all set for the clean-up. Each were
assigned with an area to clean.
S.V. Montessori believes that the sense of responsibility
cannot only be taught inside the four walls of the
classroom. Thats why SVM highly encourages its
students to actively participate in community service
activities as it teaches responsibility not only for
themselves, but for other people as well. It also helps
them understand the impact of their actions toward their
As an old adage says, its never too early to teach
children the value of community service. Children who
get involved in civic activities at an early age immediately
learn the value of giving back to others and form positive
habits that can stay with them for life.
The JMD IV students may have been rewarded for their
hard work with refreshments only but the awareness and
values they had gained from the activity will serve them
now and years later as they leave SVM and face the new
challenges of their student life.

Small acts, when

multiplied by millions of
people, can transform
the world.
- Howard Zinn

The JMD IV students in action, serving the

communities of Brgys. Maharlika and Magdalo
through a clean-up drive. The students were guided
by JMD Coordinator Ms. Cristialyn Barao.

Social Studies Day at SVM

By Ms. Liza Dejucos

S.V. Montessori celebrated the Social Studies Day last

September 18, 2014 with the theme National Unity: A Long
time Filipino Dream.
The event was celebrated through different activities like Quiz
Bee, Poster Making Contest, Collage Making Contest, and
Essay Writing Contest.
The Quiz Bee, which composed of three sets, was open to all
Grade School and Junior Middle Division. Set A consisted of
participants from Grade 1 to Grade 3 and was held from 8:00
am to 9:00 am; set B consisted of Grade 4 to Grade 6
participants held at 9:30 am to 10:30 am; and Set C consisted
of JMD 1 to JMD 4 participants held at 11:00 am to 12:00 pm.
The same set was also followed in the Poster Making Contest.
While the Collage Making Contest composed of Grade 3 to
JMD 4 participants, were divided into 2 sets. The Essay
Writing Contest comprised of Grade 3 students up to JMD 4.
One of the highlights of this event was the exhibit of Brochure
Making which featured the seven continents of the world.
(TOP) Brochure exhibit done by the students
(BOTTOM) Quiz Bee for Grades 1-3

Through these activities, S.V. Montessorians proved their

skills and abilities when it comes to arts and intelligence, and
at the same time, improved what they already have.

SVM Holds Student Council Elections 2014

By Rebecca Cabalo
S.V. Montessori held the Student Council elections
last June 18, 2014 at the SVM Audio Visual Room.
The Board of Canvassers consisted of Ms. Cristialyn
Barano, Mr. Joseph Jamison, and Mr. Rey Anthony
Llorin counted the votes later in the afternoon. There
was an estimated 90 percent voter turnout for this
Here are the new Student Council officers for AY

Newly Elected Officers for AY 2014-2015 with their

Adviser Ms. Cristialyn E. Barao.



Congratulations to the new Student Council officers! You are the epitome of committed, responsible,
disciplined, and trustworthy SVM leaders. To lead is to serve!

SVM Arts and Science Educational Tour

By Mr. Ricky Adorna

It was not just an ordinary educational trip but a memorable experience full of fun and learnings!

The SVM Arts and Science Educational Tour held last September 12 was considered a successful
one. A total of 137 participants joined the trip, excluding the 17 SVM teachers and staff.
The first itinerary was in Sweet Harmony in Taytay, Rizal where we were welcomed in a holding area
just like attending a debutant party with chandeliers made of recycled mineral bottle materials. The
program started with a prayer followed by a dance exercise that made our spirits alive early in the
morning. The group was reviewed on the topic of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) with a demo on how
to make a functional product out of trash. Afterwards, the group was divided into two, wherein the
Casa to Grade 3 had their Cupcake Decoration Activity while the Grades 46 consumed their time in
Cookie Making. The high school group had their tour of the venue including the playing time of the
Laro ng Lahi (patintero, piko, luksong baka, tumbang preso, luksong tinik, etc.). The grade school
group experienced the same activity while the high school had their Healthy Snacks Preparation
Activity. Our stay to the wonderful place ended at around 11:30 a.m.
Group A (Casa to Grade 3) went to the awesome and thrilling trip to the Avilon Zoo, Montalban, Rizal
while Group B (Grade 4 4th Year HS) proceeded to the nerve wrecking and full of learning tour to
the Myth of the Human Body in Boom na Boom, Pasay City. The two groups met again at around
6:30 p.m. in the magnificent place of the Manila Ocean Park where we visited the Oceanarium, Birds
of Prey, Penguin Talk Show, Dry Encounter with Sting Ray, Back of the House Activity, Sea Lion
Show, and the colorful Jellies Exhibit.
Indeed, our outbound tour was exciting and extremely educational. To the students, its an extension
of the learning that they had in the classroom for the Arts and Science subjects with a bucket full of
unforgettable memories spent together with their parents, friends, and classmates.

Photo Booth

Zelene Alethea D. Cabali & Rhozelle Liam D. Ramos

with friends (Advanced Casa-Generous)

Rebecca Gail Cabalo and friends

Juliane Amorsolo, Mico Voloso,
Rochelle Baylen, Jowan Macabenta
Arjan Lalwani (10-Noble)

Literary Board
Little Kitty

You and I

By Vernice Victoria Eusebio

By Vernice Victoria Eusebio

Little kitty, nave and helpless

Little kitty, walking in the rain
Little kitty, afraid and careless
Little kitty, knows no pain.
You are alone, little kitty
Amongst the crowded city
You think of it all
Because you feel so small.
Dont you know, little kitty?
I am here for you
I dont bare any pity
I know youll make it through.
Stop following me, ugly puppy
But I think youre funny, grumpy kitty
Silly puppy, do what makes you happy
Little kitty, Im afraid with loyalty.

Brown eyes shine, bright

Looking at the futures light
Great ambitions about to start
Trying to leave a mark.
Hard as it may be
Well part ways eventually
But, know what we began
Wont end with one share of
the hand.
What we made is forever
But depends on wholl hold on
Coz we are stronger
Than people whove moved on.

First Day
By Wensy Galvez
It all started in the first day
I still remember when I saw your face
It made my heart beat really fast
Just a simple girl that's all I was.
We started to have these conversations
It made me hold my breath for seconds
We started to chat like we were close
I think I'm falling in love but no one knows.

Our generation is about the Facebook

I was so glad when you became my friend
But are we just gonna stay that way?
With me just hoping that you'll stay?
How long are we gonna wait?
We've got our dreams for us to take
We're still young but it's not too late
To realize what love can make.

S.V. Montessorians Attend Anti-Bullying Seminar

by Ms. Cristialyn Barao
To fully strengthen the campaign for Anti-Bullying, S.V.
Montessori conducted the Anti-Bullying Seminar for its
students last September 2-3, 2014 with the aim of evading any
incident of bullying inside and outside the school premises and
strengthening the minds of the S.V. Montessorians to be better
The SVM Grade School students were oriented about antibullying on September 2. The students gathered to listen and
extend their knowledge about bullying. Grade School
Coordinator Mr. Rey Anthony Llorin delivered topics about
bullying, including its devastating effects, elements and types,
Each group was assigned with a crossword
as well as its prevention and intervention. Strategies and what
puzzle to work on.
to do when bullying happens were also discussed. The
seminar focused not only to the victim but also to the bully and the bystanders.
The following day, September 3, the JMD students had their anti-bullying seminar facilitated by JMD
Coordinator Ms. Cristialyn E. Barao together with other JMD teachers Ms. Flor Mangino, Sir Joseph
Jamison, Ms. Izza Quiones, and Ms. Joy Mendoza. They tackled about the elements of bullying,
types of bullying and the bullying triad.
The learning was reinforced by an activity on September 5 where JMD students were grouped and
asked to answer a crossword puzzle. Each group is composed of students from different levels with
different personalities, abilities and preferences. But despite their diversity, camaraderie and respect
reigned over each group, proving that the seminar was indeed effective.
Both the Grade School Students and JMD agreed and signed on the Anti-Bullying Pledgea proof
that the students are one in supporting the campaign.

The Art of Story Telling

By Mr. Rey Anthony Llorin

In celebration of the Literacy Month, S.V. Montessori

participated in The Art of Storytelling workshop last
September 24, 2014 at Museo Pambata, Manila.
The whole day event was facilitated by TV personality
and master storyteller Bodjie Kuya Bodjie Pascua.
The day was full of fun filled activities imparting the best
and effective techniques in storytelling, sharing also the
essential skills that a storyteller should have.
Grade School Coordinator Mr. Rey Anthony Llorin and
CASA Directress Ms. Helen Grace Pillora represented
SVM in the workshop.
The workshop was originally scheduled September 19
but was postponed due to the onslaught of typhoon

The participants of the Art of Storytelling Workshop

together with the master storyteller Kuya Bodjie.

If you want to learn about a

culture, listen to their stories.
- Anonymous


Ang Pagdiriwang
ng Buwan ng Wika

By Ms. Cristialyn Barao

Ni Ms. Cristialyn Barao

In support of the campaign for the

protection of every Filipino child, faculty
and staff of S.V. Montessori attended
the Stop Bullying! Seminar last
August 30, 2014 held at Imus Sports
Complex, Imus City, Cavite.
The seminar, which centered on
bullying awareness, prevention and
intervention, was attended by parents,
faculty, and staff from different schools
in Cavite. Author and motivational
speaker Mr. Jobert R. Tolentino
facilitated the seminar.
Last 2013, the Republic Act No. 10627,
otherwise known as the Anti-Bullying
Act of 2013, was implemented in
response to the increasing number of
bullying reports in schools all over the
Bullying encompasses physical harm,
utterance of slanderous statements
causing emotional distress on the
victim, name-calling, and even the
common form that most Netizens face
today, cyber-bullying. According to
DepEd Secretary Bro. Armin Luistro,
the Philippines is one of the first
countries to implement an anti-bullying
act in the world (InterAksyon).
Anti-bullying campaigns are now being
implemented in all public and private
basic and secondary schools in the
country. Intervention programs such as
counseling and trainings are also
promoted aside from disciplinary
measures imposed to protect the
welfare of the students.

Ang mga mag-aaral ng SVM habang isinasayaw ang ibat

ibang katutubong sayaw ng Pilipinas.

Ipinagdiwang ng S.V. Montessori ang Buwan ng Wika

noong ika-20 ng Agosto, 2014 na may temang Filipino:
Wika ng Pagkakaisa.
Bilang paggunita sa kahalagahan ng wika bilang sandata
ng pagkakaisa, ibat ibang kompetisyon ang ginanap na
nilahukan ng mga mag-aaral mula sa Casa, Grade School
at JMD.
Ganap na ika-7 ng umaga ang mga mag-aaral mula sa
Grade School at JMD ay nagpaligsahan sa paggawa ng
poster at slogan. Ang mga mag-aaral naman ng Casa ay
nagpagalingan sa paggawa ng paper mosaic.
Pagsapit ng ika-9 ng umaga ay ginanap naman sa
quadrangle ang Sabayang Pagbigkas, Isahang Pag-Awit,
Tula at Deklamasyon na nilahukan ng mga mag-aaral
mula sa Grade School at JMD. Ang mga mag-aaral mula
Grade 4 hanggang Grade 10 ang nagpagalingan sa
Sabayang Pagbigkas, habang ang mga mag-aaral naman
mula Grade 1 hanggang Grade 3 sa Isahang Pag-awit.
Ang mga mag-aaral mula Grade 7 hanggang Grade 10
ang nagpaligsahan sa Deklamasyon at Tula.
Bukod sa kompetisyon ay nagkaroon din ng ibat ibang
pagtatanghal ang mga mag-aaral na nagtatampok sa
kasaysayan at kulturang Pilipino. Isang paraan din ng
pagpapakita ng kahalagaan ng kulturang Pilipino ay ang
pagsusuot ng mga mag-aaral ng mga tradisyunal na
kasuotan ng mga Filipino. Natapos ang pagdiriwang sa
paggantimpala sa mga nagwagi.

SVM Celebrates Nutrition Month

The month of July wont be complete without the celebration
of Nutrition Month.
S.V. Montessori celebrated the Nutrition Month last July 26,
2014 at the SVM quadrangle with the theme Kalamidad
Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan."
The program showcased creativity and talents of students
from all year levels. Each performance showed how hunger
and malnutrition should be addressed during times of
calamities and disasters, as well as the importance of
immediate response to these situations.
Winners of the Nutrition Month Competition were also
announced that day. The competition was held on July 24,
two days before the actual program, where students from
different levels competed in each category. The Casa pupils
competed in a Cup Cake Decoration and Coloring Contest.
While the Grades 1-3 competed in a Mini-Cake decoration
and selected students from Grades 4 to JMD 4 competed in
the Cooking Contest, Poster Making, Table Setting and Essay

(ABOVE) The students performing their production

numbers during the celebration of the Nutrition
Month. (BELOW) Students preparing for their
entries for the Nutrition Month Competition.

The annual celebration of the Nutrition Month every July as a

health awareness campaign is in accordance with Presidential
Decree 491, or the Nutrition Act of the Philippines.

AY 2013-2014 SCO, Class Officers Induction

The induction of newly elected Student Council Organization (SCO) officers and classroom officers from
Grades 1 to 10 of Academic Year 2013-2014 was held last June 21, 2014 at the SVM Maria Montessori Hall. It
was followed by a Leadership Training Seminar.
Mr. Ryan Muyet, an alumnus of the school, was invited as guest speaker of the Induction ceremony. His
experiences as a leader filled the minds of the young leaders with great thoughts on being a good leader,
inspiring them to continue working and striving hard in service of others.
After the inspirational talk, the presentation of class and SCO officers was initiated by SCO Adviser Ms.
Cristialyn Barao. It was followed by the induction of the SCO officers led by Mr. Muyet, then the ceremonial
passing of responsibilities, and lastly, the induction of Class Officers led by SCO President Ronald Vincent
The highlight of the activitythe Leadership Training Seminarwas held after the induction. The goal of this
activity was to orient the new leaders in their roles, duties, and responsibilities as leaders not only of their
respective sections but as future leaders of the society. Moreover, the activity emphasized the value of good
leadership, while inculcating coordination and camaraderie among them.
Some faculty members also shared their knowledge and experiences to the officers as well. Ms. Izza Quiones
talked about leadership and its importance. While Ms. Drezel Joy Mendoza discussed about the Ten Is to be a
Good Leader. Lastly, Ms. Flordeliza Mangino shared about the roles of leadership. The young leaders also
enjoyed the activities that challenged their leadership skills.
The whole program revolved around the theme, Discovering the Treasure of Leadership. The learning and
values the young leaders have acquired through the activities are the priceless treasure they can keep and live
by as they serve the SVM community and their society.


20th SVM Faculty Training and Development Seminar

In fulfillment of its mission of continuous
development of its educators, S.V. Montessori
supported a series of training and development
seminar for its faculty members that were held from
May 16 to June 6, 2014.

that they can apply to facilitate learning in the

classroom. The speaker is Dr. Zenaida C. Abalos of
3K-IT Educational Services.

The annual Faculty Orientation was held May 26 at

SVMs Computer Laboratory. It aimed to provide
teaching information, skills and resources especially for
new faculty members. It was facilitated by School
Principal Mr. Ricky L. Adorna, Grade School
Coordinator Mr. Rey Anthony Llorin, and JMD
Coordinator Ms. Cristialyn E. Barao.

Moreover, the English Enhancement SeminarWorkshop was held on June 2 with Dr. Evelyn
Asuncion, School Directress of Jollikiddie Montessori,
as resource speaker. It was followed by a two-day
seminar on Robotics (June 3-4), Computer Literacy
Seminar (June 5), and Echoing of Batang Rizal Stage
Play, all facilitated by Mr. Adorna.

A Teaching Demonstration was held the following

day, May 29. The activity aimed to improve and share
The first in the series was the SRA Mathematics the faculty members teaching techniques, utilizing the
Seminar facilitated by Dr. Roslyn Egan. It was a most current educational styles and instructional media
morning session held in Abiva Publishing House, that contribute to effective teaching practices.
Quezon City last May 16. The seminar was followed in
On May 30, the faculty members went for an
the afternoon with the viewing of the Philippine Educa- Educational Tour at The Mind Museum in Bonifacio
tional Theater Association (PETA) stage play titled Global City, Taguig. This only proves that educational
Ang Batang Rizal held at Star Theater, Pasay City.
tours are not only for students, but for teachers as well.

The SRA English & Computer Lab Classroom

The series of seminar-workshops held is just one
Management Workshop was done on May 27, with Ms. tool implemented by the administrators of S.V.
Grace Salosid from Abiva Publishing House as Montessori to continually improve the teaching
standards of its teachers. In todays changing world,
An overview of Singapore Mathematics and teachers must be au fait with their knowledge and skills
Science facilitated by Mr. Llorin and Ms. Barao in order to meet the various classroom challenges as
followed morning of the next day, May 28. A seminar well as the needs of 21st century students. As an
about Teachers in the 21st Century Classroom was Indian professor once said, "Teachers must be
then held in the afternoon. It talked about the continuous learners as they mold the manpower
challenges that teachers encounter and the techniques required for nation building.


1st Josiah Ziv A. Barellano
2nd Nathaniel Noel T. Carcia
3rd Nia Antonia Garanganao
1st Empress C. Munsayac
2nd Hailey Antoniette R. Vega
3rd Czar C. Munsayac
1st Charles Kion M. Orencillo
2nd Franchescka De Leon
3rd Ryan Miguel Z. Reyes
1st Grade 6
2nd Grade 4
3rd Grade 5


1st Grade 6
2nd Grade 5
1st Grade 9
2nd Grade 8
3rd Grade 7

1st Krisha Sanquilos
2nd Kristel Rosales
3rd Marian Valenzuela
3rd Marie Francheska Jacinto
1st Rebecca Gail F. Cabalo
2nd Jahzel Andrea B. Vista
3rd Vernice B. Eusebio
3rd Marti Rommel Risare
1st Jan Zedrick S. Guarin
2nd Yuki F. Tomikawa
3rd Arjan Lalwani

1st Danica Faye S. Young
2nd Marcus F. Portuguese
3rd Erichmann M. Recio
1st Grade 6
2nd Grade 5
Lady Kateleen S. Ropal
Alexandrei Ael Concepcion
Derek Mariv Marquez
Stephanie Rosh Jacias
Rhett Denley Ladiao
Princess Ann Nicole Ropal
Ethan Iver A. Basinal
Kael Cimone B. Tolentino
Rosanne Francesca

(Grade School)
1st: Grade 6
2nd: Grade 5
3rd: Grade 4
1st: Grade 10
2nd: Grade 9
3rd: Grade 8 at Grade 7
1st: Princess Anne S. Ropal
2nd: Ninya A. Frias
1st: Vernice Victoria B. Eusebio
2nd: Jean Margarette Calmada
3rd: Rhyquen B. Ybas
1st: Marielle Anne C. Habacon
2nd: Rebecca Gail F. Cabalo
3rd: Jean Margarette Calmada
(contd to page 12)

1st: Macklin F. Reventar
2nd: Ronald Vincent Alimoren
3rd: Christine Joy B. Jardines
1st: Jan Zendrick S. Guarin
2nd: Prince F. Reventar
3rd: Marielle Anne Habacon,
Janine G. Lazaga
(Grade School)
1st: Danica Faye S. Young
2nd: Renz Piolo C. Miran
3rd: Antonette Cunanan
1st: Charles Kion M. Orencillo
2nd: Franchescka De Leon
3rd: Ryan Miguel L. Reyes
1st: Eumi D. Magura
2nd: Angel Princess Catalua
3rd: Empress C. Munsayac
Marcus Jade Tanauan
1st: Rushil Lisle Aledo
2nd: Alexander Ian Bernal
3rd: Marcus Maverick
De lsidro
Angel Princess Catalua
1st: Zelene Alethea D. Cabali
2nd: Ayiesha Gianna Sansaet
3rd: Charli Francesca Carolino
Mr. UN: Jacob Miles Tanauan
1st: Renz Piolo C. Miran
2nd: Sygmond D. Dulatas
3rd: Cimone Kael B. Tolentino
4th: Kurt Christian B. Jardines
Ms. UN: Yvon J. Abelgas
1st: Princess Anne Ropal
2nd: Gabrielle Cunanan
3rd: Rosanne A. Perez
4th: Sittie Jane K. Macmod
Best in Talent
Rushil Lisle Aledo
Zelene Alethea D. Cabali
Sygmond D. Dulatas
Alexandra B. Antonio

Maria Danielle B. Arevalo

David John U. Omido
Gabrielle Antonette Cunanan
Peoples Choice Award
Marcus Maveri De lsidro
Angel Princess Catalua
Cimone Kael Tolentino
Princess Anne Nicole Ropal
Renz Piolo C. Miran
Gabrielle Antonette Cunanan
Peoples Choice Award
(In-Campus Votes)
Marcus Jade Tanauan
Angel Princess Catalua
Jacob Miles Tanauan
Yvon J. Abelgas
Kurt Christian Jardines
Gabrielle Antonette Cunanan
Alexander Ian Bernal
Angel Princess F. Catalua
Cimone Kael B. Tolentino
Rosanne Francesca A. Perez
Kurt Christian B. Jardines
Yshi T. Castillo
Best in Ramp Modelling
Rushil Lisle Aledo
Angel Princess F. Catalua
Ayiesha Gianna C. Sansaet
Jacob Miles E. Tanauan
Yvon J. Abelgas
Renz Piolo C. Miran
Sittie Jane K. Macmod
Best in Costume
Marcus Jade E. Tanauan
Charli Francesca P. Carolino
Jacob Miles E. Tanauan
Princess Ann Nicole S. Ropal
Renz Piolo
Sittie Jane K. Macmod
Best Performance in
Production Number
Alexander Ian Bernal
Marcus Maverick B. De Isidro
Angel Princess F. Catalua
Ayiesha Gianna C. Sansaet
Rhett Denley A. Ladiao
Yvon J. Abelgas
David John U. Omido
Gabrielle Antonette Cunanan
Grade School
(Category A)

Gold: Janren S. Lajom,

Sygmond D. Dulatas, Ninya
A. Frias
Silver: Riya Chloe Malupeng,
Alvin Josh S. Ostil, Noreen A.
Bronze Yvonne J. Abelgas,
Pauline Ashley G. Balangue,
Rose Lydia P. Dimaranan
(Category B)
Gold: Marverie Daphne G.
Silver: Karl Vincent Y. Tamse
Bronze: Marcus John F.
Gold: Koreen Margarette D.
Silver: Ronald Vincent
Bronze: Josef Ramsees H.
Grade School
(Category A)
Gold: Cimone Kael Tolentino,
Sygmond D. Dulatas,
Princess Ann Nicole S. Ropal
Silver: Klent Dean N. Espaol,
Lady Kateleen S. Ropal,
Shean Kris B. Colocar
Bronze: Coby Jaeden E.
Tolentino, Loraine Calmada,
Jorell Nathan D. Juntilla
(Category B)
Gold: Krish N. Sanquilos
Silver: Kristel Joice M.
Bronze: Lionel D. Alimoren
Gold: Vernice Victoria B.
Silver: Rebecca Gail Cabalo
Bronze: Marti Rommel M.
Grade School
(Category A)
Gold: Angel C. Iwag,
Theodoric Lord F. Ramos,
Coby Jaeden E. Tolentino
Silver: Jhustin P. Montealegre,
Daniel Mclaren Concepcion,
Sygmond D. Dulatas
Bronze: Christian Benedict D.
Delfino, Princess Ann Nicole
S. Ropal, Alexander Ael
(Category B)

Ph.8 Brgy. Magdalo, Bahayang Pag-asa, Imus City, Cavite
(046) 477-0816/ 573-0568/ 0939-6162780
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Gold: Marverie Daphne G.

Silver: Krisha N. Sanquilos
Bronze: Shayll Mikah Roxas
Gold: Edrianne A. Gubar
Silver: Jaime Hans M.
Bronze: Neilbert T. Garcia
Grade School
(Category A)
Gold: Shean Kris B. Colocar
Silver: Klent Dean N. Espaol
Bronze: Cimone Kael B.
(Category B) 1 winner only
Gold: Kristel Joice M. Rosales
JMD (1 winner only)
Gold: Vernice Victoria Eusebio
Gold: Ronald Vincent
D. Alimoren
Silver: Vernice Victory
Bronze: Marti Rommel M.
Risare, Rebecca Gail F.
Grade School
Gold: Gian Carlo B. Almonte
Silver: Josh Harnette M.
Bronze: Sean Michael D.
Gold: Josef Ramsees H.
Gold: Jaime Hanz M. Sibucao
Silver: Jan Zedrick S. Guarin
Bronze: Wensy D. Galvez
Gold: Rhyquen B. Ybas
Silver: Wensy D. Galvez
Bronze: Liam Kirk Jaca
Gold: Marcus John F.
Silver: Danica Faye S. Young
Bronze: Eloiza Bath N. Enot

editing and layout: mary grace b. arroyo


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