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Section 7 - ROADWORK


Refer to clause 1.1.1 of this specification, which applies to this section. Notify Engineer of discrepancies
with normal Vietnam materials, methods and practice.
All earthworks, excavation and filling, etc shall comply with the Section on Earthwork in this Specification.
Similarly all concrete works shall comply with the Section on Concrete and Piling with the Section on
Piling and so on.
Unless otherwise specified on the drawings, the materials for roadwork specified herein shall be used and
methods of application and acceptance tests Shall be adhered to in the construction of the Roads and
infrastructure complied with Vietnam Standards 22TCN 249:1998.


Horizontal alignments shall be determined as shown on the setting out plans. Edges carriageways (kerb
lines), unless otherwise indicated, shall be set out by constant offsets from a reference line (centre or inner
edge lines) as shown on the Drawings. the edges of the carriageways as constructed shall be corrected
within a tolerance of 25mm. The Setting out of the horizontal alignment shall have a minimum accuracy
of 1 in 5000.


The levels Of the pavement courses shall be determined from the proposed true finished surface, unless
otherwise stated, Shall be the surface of the wearing course for flexible pavement calculated from the
carriageway vertical profile and cross-falls as shown on the Drawings.
For checking compliance, measurements Of surface levels shall be taken at a grid of point at 30m centre
longitudinally, 10m centre on curves and 3m centre transversely starting 1m from the edge of the payment.
In any length of pavement represented by the grid, compliance shall be deemed to be met when not more
than 1 measurement in 10 exceeds the tolerance permitted.





Sub-grade Preparation
On areas to be paved, the specified depths in cut areas and fill areas shall be compacted by approved means
to the stipulated density requirements or as specified in this Specification. When completed the surface shall
be true to lines, grades and cross-section as shown on the Drawings. Any irregularities or depressions that
develop under rolling shall be corrected by loosening the material at these places and adding, removing or
placing materials until the surface is smooth and uniform Any area that is not accessible to a roller shall be
compacted to the required density by approved mechanical tampers. Any soft and yielding material or
material which will not compact readily when rolled or tamped shall be removed and replaced with suitable

Sub-grade Protection
The Contractor shall take all necessary precaution to protect the sub-grade from damage. The top surface of
the sub-grade shall be maintained and kept in such a condition that it will drain readily and effectively at all
times. The Contractor shall ensure That construction traffic is kept off the sub-grade once it is prepared. If
any ruts are formed, the sub-grade shall be reshaped and rolled Storage or stockpile of materials on top of


the sub-grade is not permitted No sub-base or base Course Shall be laid on the sub-grade until the sub-grade
had been checked, tested and approved

Sub-grade Compaction
All materials shall be compacted in layers as soon as possible after deposition. The allowable thickness of
each layer shall be compatible with the compaction plant used. Earth-moving plants shall not be accepted as
compaction equipment.
The Contractor shall submit samples of each class of materials to the laboratory approved by the S.O. for
testing to determine its maximum dry density and optimum moisture for compaction.
During compaction, the moisture content of the in-situ material shall be maintained as close as possible to
the optimum moisture content as possible. If necessary, this shall be wetted or dried on site to enable the
required in-situ field densities of the fill materials to be obtained consistently.
Following the compaction process, each layer shall be tested and approved prior to the placing of the next
layer. In-situ field density tests shall be carried out in accordance to TCVN 4202-2.1. At feast one in-situ
field test shall be made for each 3000m2 of surface area of each compacted layer.
For the top 500mm of the sub-grade, the minimum in-situ density shall be 95% of maximum dry density
whilst those below 500mm from top of sub-grade shall achieve 90%.
The Contractor may choose to establish site trial relationship among the in-situ material for compaction,
compaction plant used, thickness of each layer, and compacting effort in terms of number of passes. If so
established and agreed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall follow the same compaction arrangement for
each and every subsequent layers in compaction. However, the Engineer may at any time carry out in-situ
field density tests to determine the degree of compaction. If the compaction is found to be inadequate, the
agreed compaction arrangement shall be adjusted.
All costs incurred in compaction by whichever method the Contractor has adopted and any subsequent
alteration as may be required or directed by the Engineer shall be deemed to be included in the Lump Sum
Tender Price. The Contractor shall be required to bear the costs of any tests that failed.

Sub-grade Tolerance
The compacted surface of the sub-grade shall be tested at points decided by the Engineer with a straight
edge parallel with or at right angle to the centerline of the road. The maximum allowable deviation of the
surface below the straight edge shall be 25mm.
Where any tolerance is exceeded, the Contractor shall determine the full extent of the area which is out of
tolerance and shall make good the surface. If the surface is too high it shall be re-trimmed and recompacted. If the surface is too low, the deficiency shall be corrected by the addition of fresh suitable
materials, laid and compacted as specified.




Plant-Mixed Graded Granite Aggregate Base

The base aggregate shall consist of graded crushed, clean and hard angular aggregate and conforming to the
gradation of 0x40 mm.
The aggregates shall be mixed at a mixing plant by continuous mixing.
The use of sand, granite and dust or approved filler such as laterite shall be subject to the necessary
approval by the Engineer. Water used for mixing shall be clean and substantially free from detrimental
impurities such as oil, salts, acids, alkalis and vegetable substance.


After spreading, the base material shall be thoroughly compacted by roiling. The rolling shall progress
gradually from the sides to the centre of the lane under construction, or from one side towards previously
placed materials by lapping uniformly each preceding rear wheel track by 11/2 the width of such track.
Rolling shall continue until the entire area of the course has been rolled by the rear wheels. The rolling shall
continue until the stone is thoroughly set, the Interstices of the material reduced to a minimum, and until
creeping of the stone ahead of the roller is no longer visible.
Rolling shall continue until the base material is compacted to a dry density of not less than 98% of the
maximum dry density and elastic modulus is not less than 1300kg/cm2



Construction Equipment
The Contractor shall provide all necessary plant, equipment, tool, labor and means to carry out the laying,
compaction and finishing of the asphalt concrete to the lines, limits, thickness and finishes as specified and
as shown in the Drawings.


Laying of Mix

Prime Coat/tack Coat

The Contractor snail supply and lay an approved prime/tack coat of cationic bitumen emulsion at rapid
setting type (RS-2k) to all surfaces receiving the asphalt concrete paving after such surfaces have been
thoroughly cleaned and dried.
The primer/tack coat snail be uniformly applied by means of approved mechanical sprayer at the specified
rate of 1.14 litre/m2 and 0.54 litre/m2 for aggregate base course and premix surfaces respectively
immediately prior to the laying of the asphalt concrete. Any excess or unevenly distributed bitumen shall be
removed from the surface to be paved.
The tack coat shall be applied on only as much pavement as can be paved with asphalt Concrete at one
time. The asphalt concrete can only be laid not less ,than 10 minutes alter Spraying t0 allow the tack coat to

Laying Temperature

The temperature al the premix when delivered to the spreader hopper shall be between 1300C -1400C. If
the premix on arrival at the site is above 1400C it shall be allowed to coal down to the required temperature
before it is being discharged into the spreader hopper. However, if the premix temperature fall below
1300C, on arrival at the site, the premix shall be rejected at the Contractor'; cost and expenses. The
Contractor shall provide two small accurate thermometers with stem length of at least 100mm and two large
accurate thermometers with stainless steel stems not less than 600mm for checking the temperature of the
premix on the tipper.
The Contractor shall check the temperature as and when directed by the Engineer.

Spreading and Finishing

The asphalt mixture shall be tipped into the hopper of the pavers as soon as possible after arrival at Site.
The premix shall then be spread, leveled, tampered and finished to correct profile, camber or cross-fall,
without causing segregation, dragging. burning or other surface defects or irregularities. The Contractor
shall adjust and maintain the correct rate of travel and ensure that the premix is fed at such a rate as to
permit continuous laying, in so far as the supply and site conditions allow.
The Contractor shall constantly check the un-compacted surface to determine its uniformity and shall
discontinue any spreading until all the irregularities and other surface defects like segregation, dragging etc
have been rectified while the surface is still hot and before the final rolling is completed.


For areas where the use of the mechanical spreader is not possible, e.g. irregular shapes or obstacles, the
premix shall be spread, rake, leveled and compacted by hand tools, screed and tampered to give the required
compacted thickness.


Compaction of the asphalt premix by rolling shall commence as soon as possible as it will bear the weight
of a roller without undue movement after the surface irregularities have been adjusted. Initial rolling shall
be carried out by a three-wheeled roller followed by intermediate rolling with a pneumatic tired roller. Final
rolling shall be done with a tandem roller.
Rolling shall be carried cut back and forth in the direction of laying. The rollers shall proceed on to the
fresh mix with their driving wheel leading and shall travel slowly enough to avoid displacement or the hot
mixture. Rolling shall commence at the edge abutting any previously laid surfacing and shall progress
gradually to the opposite edge of the lane, successive passes being lapped so that on completion all roller
marks are obliterated. The point at which rollers reverse shall be staggered Rollers shall not be allowed to
stand stationary on newly laid asphalt premix for areas where the use of roller is not possible, the asphalt
premix shall be thoroughly compacted with hot hand tampers, smoothing irons or with mechanical tampers.
On depressed areas, a trench roller may be used or cleat compression strips may be used under the roller to
transmit compression to the depressed area.
The levels and surfaces or the asphalt surfacing shall be continuously checked during rolling and any
displacement occurring from whatever cause shall be corrected immediately and topped up where
necessary. Only the minimum quantity of water or an approved parting fluid shall be allowed to be applied
to the wheels of the rollers to prevent adhesion where necessary.
Rolling shall continue until all roller marks are eliminated, no further compaction is possible and the
surface is of uniform texture and true to grade and level. In this respect, rolling shall be continued for not
less than 45 minutes after the last tipper load of asphalt concrete has been laid.
The mean density of the pavement placed on each production day shall be at least 90% of the Laboratory
Marshall Density. If an individual test result shall fall below 90% of the Laboratory Marshall Density, the
Contractor shall further compact the pavement block area represented by the test sample.

Rolling Patterns

Rolling of free lane shall normally start at the outer edge. The edge of the roller drum shall project slightly
beyond the lane to be rolled. Subsequent rolling shall continue in parallel lanes. If the surface has a
transverse inclination, the rolling shall commence at the lowest side.
To prevent movements at the outer edges, the initial passes of the roller shall be at least 300mm-400mm
from the edges when the asphalt concrete layers are thick.
For new lane running adjacent to a previously placed and compacted lane, the. rolling shall commence by
compacting the longitudinal joint. The roller shall proceed along the previously placed lane with 100mm200mm of the roller drum width on the newly placed surface.

Surface Tolerance

The surface of the asphalt mixture shall be checked immediately after laying and before final rolling. It
shall be tested for irregularities using a rolling straight edge or an equivalent instrument or an aluminum
straight edge not less than 3m long. A tolerance or variation of not more than 5mm longitudinally and
transversely is Permissible using a 3m long straight edge.


The asphalt mix at the joints shall comply with the surface requirements and have the same uniformity of
texture, density, smoothness and riding quality etc as other sections of the carriageway. In the formation of
all joints, provision shall be made for proper bond with the adjacent course for the specified depth of the
course. Joints shall be formed by cutting back on the previous day's paving to expose the full depth of the


course. The exposed edge shall be lightly coated with emulsion before the fresh mixture is raked against the
joint and thoroughly tamped and rolled.
The Placing of the course at transverse joint shall be as continuous as possible. The roller shall pass over the
unprotected end of the freshly laid premix only when discontinuing the laying of the course.
The placing of the course at longitudinal joint shall be as specified in such a manner that the joint is
exposed for the shortest period possible. The joint shall be placed so that it will not coincide with that in the
base, binder or existing surface course by at least 0.5m.
In a two layer construction, the longitudinal joint in the top layer shall be offset by at least 150mm from that
in the layer below. The joint at the top layer shall be at the centre line of the pavement if the roadway is two
lanes in width or at lane lines if the roadway is more than two lanes in width.
All joints shall be power saw-cut or constructed as specified or directed. Transverse joints shall be saw-cut
to form a wedge-shaped groove of 25mm depth and 75mm width to enable the newly laid asphalt concrete
to flush with existing surface.

Weather Limitations

Asphalt concrete paving shall not be placed on any wet surface. No work shall commence when weather
condition prevent proper handling, compaction and finishing. All works shall be suspended when it is
raining and the plant-mixed asphalt concrete delivered to site shall be removed from the Site. The
Contractor shall not raise any claim in this connection.

Quality Control

Plant Control.

The Engineer shall have free access to the batching plant at all times to make surprise checks. The
Contractor shall render all assistance and cooperation and provide all tools and equipment for any of the
tests to be carried out, Any material or mix found not conforming to this Specification shall be rejected. The
Contractor shall take immediate steps to rectify and produce the correct mix before further loads are
delivered to Site.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have made the necessary allowance in his Lump Sum Tender Price for
all costs arising there from.

Site Testing Equipment.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment for testing checking and sampling at Site. The
Contractor shall also allow for the transportation of the samples to the laboratory for testing.

Site Control.

The Contractor shall ensure that all surfaces to be paved are cleaned . When laying on old pavements, care
must be taken to ensure that potholes are repaired, patches made and all loose materials removed.
The Contractor shall ensure that all necessary tools machinery and equipment needed are on Site and in
good working order before allowing paving work to commence. A competent pavers operator only shall be
allowed to operate the paving machine throughout the duration of the works.
The Engineer shall stop the paving works if at any time the paving and compaction are not done according
to the stipulated procedures. The Contractor shall take immediate action to rectify before work-can be
allowed to resume. The Contractor shall not raise any claim for any delay arising there from.
Upon completion or the works, the Contractor shall take the appropriate measure to protect the work as
necessary. All plants, machineries or tools which can become a hazard for the safe passage of human or
vehicular traffic shall be removed.

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