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POLS 30201 United States Foreign Policy

Fall 2014
Memorandum #2
This is an open book and open note exercise but you are honor-bound to affirm that you
worked on this essay by yourself and did not consult with other students about it at any point between
when you received the prompt and when you turned in your answer.
Keep in mind that the purpose of this exercise is primarily to test your knowledge and
understanding of the readings. References do not need to be numerous or extensive, but should be
specific enough to indicate familiarity with the class readings, both the theories from the first part of
class and the history from the second. While it is safe to assume that the readers know the various
theories and history well, you should keep in mind that the purpose of the essay is to convey to the
reader that you do too. The best answers will use the conceptual tools from earlier in the semester to
analyze events in U.S. diplomatic history.
Also, this memo is essentially a take-home test, not a research paper, so no outside research is
necessary beyond the class readings.
While there is no cookie cutter framework for a good answer, a crisply-written and succinctly
structured response to the questions will earn the highest grade. A good rule of thumb is that the
answer begin with an introductory paragraph that 1) Identifies the question to be answered; 2) states
your own thesis; and 3) lays out a road-map for the reader. The bulk of the memo should deliver on #s 2
and 3. A brief concluding paragraph is a good idea as well.
Finally, your memorandum is due via email to be by c.o.b. (e.g., 5:00 PM
e.s.t.) Wednesday, November 6, 2014.
In five pages (12 point font, double spaced, inclusive of references), answer one of the two
following questions:
1) To what extent did Liberalism shape U.S. foreign policy from the Revolution to the end of
the Cold War? When in its diplomatic history has the United States acted in accordance
with Liberal principles? Be comprehensive in your assessment but focus your discussion on
four key episodes. Make sure to identify Liberalisms principles and to discuss concretely
how they affected these key foreign policy decisions between the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Keep in mind that we have had a number of different readings relevant to this question
beyond the instructors. If not Liberalism, than which theory or theories of foreign

policy do you find the most compelling explanation of what the United States has
done, and why it did them, since 1776 in terms of its foreign policy?
2) When did the United States become a major international actor? What factors

pushed it on the international stage and which held it back? What, finally, tipped
the balance in favor of sustained international engagement? Was Americas
entrance on to the global stage inevitable? If so, why? If not, why not?

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