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June 2012

Greetings to all:
We are pleased to issue our 3rd newsletter from the SOL
(The Secret of Light).
(If you wish to no longer receive these newsletters, please reply with subject: "UNSUBSCRIBE".)

Robert & matts most recent interviews:


Our panel discussion with David Gibbons and Allen Adkins is an ongoing
series which will also feature separate interviews with Robert and matt. Be
sure to check for more!

Staying the Course
by matt presti

We are pleased to announce that we have released our 12th Unit

entitled The Unseen Octaves of Space Gases which explains the way in
which light is repeated from wave field to wave field as Walter Russell
described in his many works and debunks the Aether theory according to
Academia. Preproduction has begun on Unit 13 The Electric Light
Lenses of Creation. We will be releasing this Unit in the next month. Due
to the ever increasing interest in Dr. Walter and Lao Russell, we have
expanded the newsletter to include more guest writers and our featured
article comes from Michael Leas, a long time researcher of Nikola Tesla.
We would like to thank all of you for your continued viewing support. We
are currently looking for volunteer computer graphics artists, 3D and
holographic designers to help with some animation ideas for future Units.
Please contact us if you are interested.
The course of mankind must change, for if we are to continue on this
current path of absolute destruction, there will be no way to undo the
colossal damage that ignorance and greed have caused to our precious
world. The course is clear. The fraudulent corporate science that is
committing gross acts of negligence toward nature and its fellow man must
be undone. The capacity, for each and everyone of you reading this
newsletter, must include the retransmission of your knowing and giving to
those in your immediate circles of your knowledge of Universal Law,
Natural Science and the Living Philosophy that is embodied within the
works of these two master illuminates, Walter and Lao Russell. That is the
very real part we each play in this cosmic drama. We are the messengers
of the light, and I for one do not seek or believe that UFOs, aliens, or some
advanced race is going to land in ships and save us. Walter and Lao stated
that the idea of space people was the most elaborate hoax of the 20th
century. In fact, i would rather we, the enlightened ones, multiply in
number so greatly, as is being witnessed in the world today and growing
ever more powerful, do the saving that is required to stave off our own
destruction. Would that not be something to celebrate? Humanity, through

becoming more cosmically conscious, was able to save itself from its own
destruction. The new age movement is ripe with UFO saviors of which
Walter and Lao were firmly against. They knew that each and every human
has the capacity to unfold the light within if they stay the course of their
own inner unfolding. Every human, who finds the light within themselves,
helps bring the collective saving of humanity from self destruction, one
step closer to the light. Dr. Russell stated you cannot wise crack your
way into illumination. We must purify ourselves and therefore by right,
the power of extension of that pure quality becomes more accessible and
able to be wielded. We are literally, the saving vehicle we all seek and
desire. Stay the course.
In the still magnetic light of Universal Mind i wish you all many
Humbly yours,
matt presti

2D Black Holes vs. Gravity Collapsed Stars

By Robert Otey

Black holes are one of many non-existent entities created by the

mythematicians employed in academia. We are told that at the center of
every Galaxy is a massive black hole sucking matter and light into it. When
we look at images of galaxies however, we see exactly the opposite, a huge
spherical luminous light source, which is birthing the star fields at its
equator. Their flaming arms show the direction of their unwinding from
their equatorial birthplace at the galactic core. This is the first massive
failure which denies direct observation.
The center of the galaxy is not a black hole. The stars and light are
not being sucked into it; they are being pushed out from there and
centrifugally unwound from it. The black hole fallacy is due to the
academic theory that gravity holds the galaxy together by pulling all stars
inward. In reality, the stars are being compressed by the absolute
coldness of space freezing them into rings and spheres to contain and
prevent the galaxys electric expansion outward into dissolution.

There is no pulling force to gravity; it is stillness, omnipresent and

the same everywhere. What man calls stronger gravity is stronger electric
potential of a mass, not stronger gravity. Gravity is the same omnipresent
stillness everywhere.
Academia gave us a definition of black holes as having such a
strong gravity due to their extremely dense compressed mass, that not
even light could escape from them. Academicians believe that a
gravitationally collapsed star creates their fictional black holes. Gravity
cannot collapse; it is stillness. Therefore there is no validity to their theory.
Walter Russell uses the term black hole in his work, much like he
uses the terms: gravity, light, magnetism, space, electricity and energy.
These are the same terms used in academia, only Russells definitions of
these terms is radically different than those taught by academic sources.
When Russell uses the term black hole he is referring to the 2
dimensional holes which center and control the four rings of the Inert
Gases while they are in their open hole cathode condition, completely
unwound at magnetic cathode planes of stillness which center and bound
all cubic wave fields in our Electric Universe. These holes have no depth
because they are 2 dimensional. They do not suck light and matter into
them and are not remotely similar to the fallacious academic variety of a 3
dimensional mass..
So, always be sure when you are studying Russellian Science that
you understand the definitions he used, otherwise you may become
severely confused as to what they were teaching.
See, Chapter 60, Big Bangs and Black Hole Myths, in my free
online E-Book Free Energy and Free Thinking for many resources
debunking the big bang and black hole myths.

Balance in Death
by Lori Presti

Matt and I recently lost our two feline companions to a horribly

virulent pathogen hosted by Nature by way of a bobcat tick. How ironic
that the tick that bites the wild cat kills the domestic cat by the same bite.
To me, there is a strange balance in that. Watching them both die, the
brutal suffering and the final breath, put me yet again, face to face with the
power of death when it comes, and the apprehensive acceptance in the life
force as it yielded and left its vehicle.
At the time, my senses and emotions would not allow me to watch
this process objectively; I thought it cruel and unfair that these precious
innocent creatures were made to endure such a painful bitter end to their
existence. They did nothing to deserve such an end, and all the other sad
human reasonings flooded my mind along with many tears streaming down
my face as I spoke to them in their last minutes, of forgiveness, blessings
and my love for them. I used to yell at them for scratching the screens and
furniture and at the male for throwing up his most recent gluttonous "kill"
all over the carpet! On our final journey to the vet for the mercy of
euthanasia for the male who was fast approaching his departure, I, like a
blubbering idiot through my wretched sobbing, begged his forgiveness and
confirmed he was the best cat in the world. He looked at
me with his pathetic dying eyes and meowed a raspy " it's ok, I understand
you're just a human". Only an emotional human could get all that from one
meow! Oh how I needed so much to conjure that response!
Upon reflection, I am humbled.
Death is the perfect balance to birth. Dying is in perfect balance with
living. The energy that dwells in the body for a time, does seek rest from
the body for a time. But while our desire drives these human body vehicles
around, we seem to not want to let go and release the desire with peace,
our own or others. We always seem to be taken by surprise, when the
most inevitable event to living occurs. We experience death and dying to
balance the experience of birth and living.
What a wonderful memory we have of sharing our lives with such
loving creatures! We shall not soon forget the idea of those two little
beings and all their antics! We have recorded their existence on our minds

and hearts! The idea of them will exist forever in our memory, even after
our own life force yields to the balance of bodily death. We exist in this
form to experience and record all things, and death is part of that
experience. And though I know this, I will still spend my remaining days
learning to be okay with that. After all, I'm still just a human being.
"What do you fear my lady?"
"A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all
chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire".
"You are a daughter of kings, a shield maiden of Rohan. I do not think that
will be your fate".
Aragorn and Eowyn
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(The Russells referred to birth as unfolding and death as refolding in
accord with natures ways and processes and the continuity of the

The 11th Hour

-by Jim Porter

I write this text to those groups and individuals who are now or will
be in the future, working to bring awareness to the world of the God
inspired works of Dr Walter and Lao Russell; a world gravely in need of
My name is James Porter. I am a lifelong dedicated student of the
Russells illumined message to mankind. If adopted in their entirety, they
will, without any doubt on my part, prevent mankind from falling again into
the abyss of another dark age of ignorance and self-destruction. One need
but look with non prejudicial eyes at the world today to know this is a real
and growing threat. In their writings, the Russells sought to warn us in the
last century, how to stop another world plunge into darkness. It saddens
me to see how few of the world leaders are heeding their warning in this
new century. Also, to see how little effort is coming from those who
control the foundation today. It must then fall on the devoted students of
their work to enlighten all they can so that we may awaken legions of souls
the world over. Only by so doing can we hope to stave our rapid decline in
world character due to the misunderstanding of the universal law
principles. Breach of that law will break us by reflecting back to man that
which he does onto his fellow man. Gods message to the Russells is
clear. If we choose to give love and service, the universal One will see that
love and service are reflected back to us in accordance to that given.

Whether individual to individual or nation to nation, we will rise or fall to

the degree of compliance to the principle of equal giving for equal re-giving
as given to us by the Russells God inspired words to all mankind.
From their many books and twelve unit one year home study course,
I cannot more ardently ask of all who hear this message to do in their life
time what was commanded to Dr. Walter Russell while on that high
mountain top of his cosmic illumination. It was then in May of 1921 that he
became fully aware of his mission to humanity as given by God. During the
39 day and nights of his illumination, he was told to find his equally
illumined mate in the person of Lao and write down their combined
message to humanity. They did not fail! They delivered Gods message to
mankind. It is now our turn to regive it, in its entirety, word for word as
given to us by Gods two inspired illuminates who so selflessly dedicated
their lives to that one purpose.
Only by studying the combined writings ourselves, can each
individual be inspired and awakened to regive what the Russells so
lovingly gave to us. When Dr. Russell asked God how he was to give this
much needed knowledge to mankind, a daunting task indeed; God
answered him saying, give my message to ten who will give it to ten and
legions of my inspired messengers will rise up as if a wall of granite
beneath your feet.
Secondly, and of utmost importance, Laos love message and
Walters science come to mankind balanced by its equal and opposite
reflection. To deliver the message of love alone from Lao would inspire
mankind to its higher spiritual self yet leave them without the universal
scientific law man would need to correctly use the powers of the dawning
scientific age. To study Dr. Russells new science given him without Laos
message of Love ye One Another would surely doom us all to a world of
scientific horror.
Lao often stated, We are at the 11th hour. We must come together
now and produce those legions of inspired students of this message to
mankind or we are doomed. Our very existence is in the balance. Those
students who are inspired by Laos love message must become equally
inspired by Walters new science. Dr. Russells science and Laos
message of love combined will enable man to build a lasting one world
community that will stand for thousands of years to come. By spreading
their message we students can be the light of the world. Let us now unite
towards that one world purpose.
For more information or to start a chapter of the International Age of
Character Club contact James or Jacquelyn Porter at:

the Final Frontier
-by Michael Leas 2012

In a time when our Energy sources are being questioned as to their

ability to sustain the masses upon the world, there are groups of
individuals who are working on bringing out a new understanding of this
magnetic/electric field. It is time to move beyond the old reactionary ways
of burning fuels and move into a new method of scientific reasoning
where we have connected our electrical systems to the wheel work of
Nature as once stated by Nikola Tesla.
We are long overdue in understanding some of these natural laws of
the universe that would help us move beyond the chaos. In forming these
new equations of 4th dimensional physics of cyclic motion instead of linear
reaction, we find we can tap into a pulse, a wave, a cycle, as a regenerative
movement of energy. This is where we will find a continuous cycle from
this inexhaustible source, the infinite EMF-the Electrical Magnetic Field.
As stated in the works of many Luminaries of our times and other
past times Nature always seeks a balance in her system. We see it in the
simple things and all the way up to complex equations. The rise and fall of
the ocean tides, the movement of the sun, the stars, the moon, everything
we do, there is a pulse, a cycle a Wave. Man and all other kingdoms
have this magnetic-electric polarity spiral speaking its silent language of
seeking balance. This positive negative array creating a pulse, a wave, a
frequency harmonic between polarities is found universally as a similar
pattern throughout the universe. It is seen as the unified condition of a
regenerative electric vortex.
Nikola Tesla in building his Magnifying Transmitter was working
on a balanced energy system. He designed a system where man could

derive his electrical source from the regenerative action that was
performed in his futuristic concept of his radiant energy technique. In this
concept of transmitting energy from one coil to another, one location to
another, he demonstrated this natural law of energy resonance. He found
that the Radiant Source became the supply when you match the
resonance of this natural EMF movement.
Energy/Power became unlimited because you did not destroy the
connection to source. In our electrical generating systems we blow
up/burn/abuse the source. Nikola Teslas magnifying system became one
with the field through resonance. By harmonizing the man made device
(Teslas Magnifying Transmitter) through proper geometrical electrical
constructs he gave passage of this unseen radiant source to the outer form
by matching the natural oscillating pattern of this regenerative condition of
energy. This forms an Action not the reaction because one has allowed
the source to be the unlimited potential. In our burning systems we destroy
our connection to the source.
In combining certain elements in our todays scientific society we
have only created a reactionary condition and have not as yet tapped or
tuned our systems to resonate to this larger radiant source. We split the
atom, burn the gas and put out of phase the regenerative action of the
source to become a pollutant- a radioactive decay. No wonder why man is
destroying himself. He is destroying his connection to the sustainable
In my independent research into this energy equation I too have
found similar results as others. Energy forms octaves of frequencies and
harmonics of this fundamental cause (the prime principle - the Electric
Vortex). Matter is the end result not the cause.
In bringing this discourse to a conclusion we need to plug man into
the equation and see that everything we do or act upon has a long reaching
effect into our lives. There is a greater need to develop a new science
that brings an understanding of this Electric Universe into the forefront
of all our educational disciplines. Man is the source of his own problems
or success by either removing himself from or connecting himself to this
greater Radiant source called Infinite Intelligence.

Thank you for viewing the June 2012 SOL

Newsletter. Many blessings.

If you would like to submit an article for consideration in future newsletters, and for all
other inquiries, please email

For more on matt presti visit:
For more on Robert Otey visit:
For more information on the International Age of Character Clubs started
by Lao Russell, E-mail James and Jacquelyn Porter:
For more on Michael Leas visit:

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