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September 2012

Greetings to all:
We are pleased to issue our 4th newsletter from the SOL
(The Secret of Light).
(If you wish to no longer receive these newsletters, please reply with subject: "UNSUBSCRIBE".)

The one most important thing to burn into your consciousness is to

realize that wherever motion is it is centered by stillness, and that stillness
is its CAUSE. ~Walter & Lao Russell from Atomic Suicide.

Seeing Clearly Through the Lense
by matt presti

We are excited to announce our 13th Unit entitled

The Electric Light Lenses of Creation. We have incorporated the use of
several conical motion videos care of the University of Science and
Philosophy which greatly help with envisioning the motions as they occur
through all 8 corners of cubes of magnetic stillness simultaneously, as well
as all 6 faces of cubes simultaneously. The narrative was entirely written
by Robert Otey of while in great inspiration and the music
for this Unit was provided by myself and features several new tracks which
are from my forthcoming album release entitled 2012 No Going Back
Now. The first single off the album, entitled The Next Octave is available
for download at Amazon or i-Tunes and is inspired by these works.

Proceeds from the sale of this song help support the mission of the Secret
of Light website to continue unabated. Thank you to all who have already
purchased this song.
We are pleased to feature our contributing writer, Cody Rose. His
article is so well written that we have decided to let it stand alone as it
beautifully articulates the importance of Russellian science in contrast to
the archaic, sense-based science practiced currently today which omits
spirituality to its own detriment. Our present civilization is hurting itself
by building its own agonies and ills. It has become physically scientific
instead of spiritually scientific. It has no living philosophy to overcome the
philosophy of death which is now threatening the world. ~Walter & Lao
Russell from Atomic Suicide. This quote gives me great pause. If we are
ever to transcend the materialist domination of world culture, this is
something we should always remember. The living philo (love), of
sophy (wisdom), is something every practitioner of the teachings of
Walter and Lao should employ within their respective lives. Sharing our
wisdom, to all those who are open to listening, will assist in cleansing the
foggy lenses of mutual materialistic externalist world views swayed by
unrealistic values and dominator paradigms currently clouding the minds
of whole generations, which threatens the very survival of our civilization.
We are so blessed, to have as friends, colleagues and loved ones, others
who also practice the incredible Living Philosophy given by these two
illuminates, which has given us all clarity beyond words, for equal regiving
to others.
The last note of import to share is the exciting news that we are in
the beginning stages of planning a Russellian Science and Philosophy
Conference for 2013. We will be forming a committee and invite all those
interested in helping to e-mail us for more info. Unlike other conferences
taking place around various subjects of interest, this conference will focus
all lenses strictly on the work and lives of Walter and Lao Russell, the
Russellian Science, Philosophy and Universal Law. Our feeling is such
that the work of these two master illuminates should be a focus which
stands alone.
i thank you for your taking the time to view and support our work.
In the still magnetic light of Universal Mind i wish you all many
Humbly yours,
matt presti

The Reality of Cause

by Cody Rose

This is to be the first in a series of articles covering different aspects of a

still emerging Science and Philosophy based on the inspiring works of
Walter and Lao Russell. This Cosmology is unique in that it unites the
large and small, from atoms, to human beings, to galaxy, as well as the
social sciences, under one simple set of principles. I will also be
discussing some other alternative research and philosophies from around
the world, as well as modern academic science, and how they agree with
the Russellian perspective, as well as what I feel to be major
misconceptions in both science and metaphysics. Most importantly, we
will look at possible revolutionary advancements in technology, medicine,
agriculture, art, economics, human relations, and spirituality that can be
realized from this knowledge. I humbly offer my contribution to what I
hope will be an ever-evolving dialogue around a New Science and
The Universal One
To start with, we will look at the foundation of Russells philosophy: a
clearly articulated Concept of a Universal Creative Mind. Indeed, it could be
said that the primary difference between Russellian Science and modern
academic science is that scientists assume the existence of mind as an
effect of matter, where Russell knew the existence of Mind as the cause of
matter. Traditionally, Science has avoided dealing with Mind and just
focused on Matter, but as we will see, Matter cannot be understood without
understanding Mind.
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must
assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind.
This Mind is the matrix of all matter. -Max Planck
Some people, both religious and not, will immediately take issue with
Walter Russells use of the word God to describe the Universal Mind. I do
not intend to apologize or qualify this, except to say that he was writing to
a predominantly Christian audience in 1940s and 1950s America.

I will avoid using the word God here, as it has a recent history of dividing
people because of the many different perceptions that people hold in their
In order to say you believe or dont believe in God, you must accept a
definition of that which you say you do or dont believe in. The etymology
of the word god suggests it is that which we Implore or Invoke. This is
not really consistent with the concept I will be exploring. A more
appropriate word might be the Sanskrit deva, meaning radiant from
which comes our words divine and deist, and the Greek theos from the root
for smoke or vapor, suggesting the Invisible. The pursuit of Science for
a Unified Electro-Magnetic Field, or Russells Unified Cosmology of Light
generally fit with these definitions, and so I hope that we can come full
circle and reconcile the schism between science and metaphysics.
Perhaps the best word for this Absolute quality is what Russell termed
The Universal One.
Generally, we think of Knowledge as Information. For example, someone
who knows many scientific terms, historic details, or different languages is
considered knowledgeable. This kind of information seems unlimited in
a Universe of nearly infinite detail, and the idea of Omniscience in this
sense seems ridiculous. In Russells definition however, Knowledge is
limited to Cause, which in itself is finite, therefore all Cause is knowable.
Moreover, Cause is ultimately Simple, while Effect is infinitely Complex.
In the past, Causality has been thought to be a chain of Action-Reaction
events in Space and Time. This kind of thinking led to philosophers to
theorize a First Cause, that God or some Creative Event set the Universe
into motion sometime in the past. The Big Bang, which was put forth by
Catholic Scientist Georges Lemaitre, naturally comes from this The alternative considered here, is
that Creation was not an event in the past, but a Continuous Process that is
Omnipresent, and without beginning or end. Thus, Cause is not in Space
and Time, but at rest in a Changeless Dimensionless Condition of the
Stillness of Mind. All the many phenomena in Nature are based upon One
Cause, Idea, and Principle, which itself is the basis of all real Knowledge
and Understanding.
This is consistent with what physicist David Bohm calls the Implicate
Order He describes this, the
way many mystics have, as an Undivided Wholeness, which is expressed
in many seemingly separate processes. This is a challenge to the concept
of reductionism in science, which assumes we can understand the world
by breaking it down into parts and measuring them.

The Vacuum
Please dont be concerned if the technical jargon in this section confuses
you, it is not important to Russellian philosophy that you understand many
of the confusing terms used today in Science. However, many people will
ask if there is any basis in Modern Science to support this view? Study of
the Mind has traditionally been reserved for the so-called soft sciences
such as Psychology and Sociology. What role could it possibly have in
First we must realize that Empirical Science, which is based on
information gathered through the senses and scientific instruments, has
reached its limits. As we develop more powerful instruments of
measurement in both the very small world of particles, and the very large
world of galaxies, we encounter measurements that dont fit. Thus
scientists have to develop all kinds of strange ideas like virtual particles,
dark matter, dark energy, strings, etc. The conclusion that we can
draw from this, is that Matter is under the influence of something which
cannot be measured. According to Russell, the senses and instruments
can only measure Motion, therefore, what cant be measured is Stillness.
Sense based acquisition of knowledge has reached its limits, because at
a certain point we can no longer measure or predict the motion of matter.
This has led to bizarre notions; like that we only perceive one random
possibility of infinite parallel realities. A more sensible explanation is that
matter is under the control of something that cannot be sensed or
measured. You can call this the Unified Field or the Implicate Order, but I
choose to simply call it Mind. It is not such a bizarre notion anymore that,
as Russell stated, there exists an Omnipresent Condition of Stillness which
is the Source of all Matter and Motion in the Universe.
I believe this condition of Stillness is what is today described as the
Vacuum in Science. Experiments have shown that there is an enormous
amount of energy present in this condition of seemingly empty space,
which has challenged many fundamental assumptions about energy and
space. However, what we call the Vacuum is not Empty, as the word
implies, but is really the Fundamental Substance of the Universe, which we
can call Light, or Mind, in a state of rest or stillness. It seems like empty
space to us because we cannot sense it. To study Stillness from outside,
is like throwing rocks into a still pond, then observing the ripples to
understand the nature of water - you are observing ripples, not water itself.
I believe we must instead, as mystics from all cultures and time periods
have suggested, seek that Stillness in our own minds.
I also feel that all the important questions in the Social Sciences:
Philosophy, Economics, Religion, Psychology, Sociology, etc. lead back to
the Human Mind and its relation to the world. The teacher Jiddu
Krishnamurti greatly inspired me to this way of thinking.

We have not made much progress in real understanding of the Mind

because we continue to simply measure patterns of human behavior rather
than explore our own Minds. This inward scientific inquiry as to the Nature
of Mind, is the fundamental difference between Mysticism, which is based
on experience, and Religion, which is based on ritual and belief.
Thus we cannot sense or measure the real nature of Light or Mind, we
can only sense and measure motion which is fleeting and illusory. We
cannot understand the nature of Mind by dissecting brains, talking to
patients on a couch, or smashing atoms together in a multi-billion dollar
particle accelerator. The mystics of the ages, including Russell, have
taught us that we can, however, Know this substance by turning
Awareness in on itself, and attaining a stillness of mind through meditation
by way of decentration.
That which seems to have substance is really empty. That which seems
empty is really substance. Diamond Sutra (Buddhist Scripture)
What Is and What is Not
Many religions, philosophers, and scientists have avoided dealing with
definitions of the Absolute or Divine or Transcendent, because it is
considered impossible to know or at least put into words. Perhaps the best
expression of this is the first line of the Tao Te Ching: The way that can be
spoken is not the Eternal Way. Our words and symbols and models of the
universe must not be confused with the Living Reality of the Universe
Nevertheless, it may be useful for our understanding to deal with
concepts of the Infinite, the One, the Universal, the Source of Light, Life,
Love, Mind, Matter, and Motion, the Invisible, the Formless, the
Transcendent, etc. Russells cosmology depends on not necessarily
defining the Absolute, but describing its relation to Nature. We cannot so
much say what it is as what it is not. In contrast to the world we can detect
with our senses and measure with scientific instruments, this
Transcendental aspect of the Universe is Motionless, Dimensionless,
Changeless, Undivided, and Unopposed. The chart at the end of this paper
shows some more words that can be used to distinguish Creator from
As mentioned earlier, this Absolute quality would have to be Motionless.
Whereas all of Nature is in Continuous Motion, the Source of that Motion is
Stillness. Just as a Lever or a Wheel depends on a fulcrum or hub which
does not move, so does the visible Universe of Motion depend on an
Invisible Stillness. The obscure yet brilliant 19th century inventor John W.
Keely described this as the Neutral Center. This is a
radical redefinition of Energy, which comes from the Greek for movement
or activity.

Energy, then is not a physical quality which changes states and moves
from one object to another, as commonly described, but a constant,
unchanging, motionless and ever-present quality of the Universe.
That Motion can be caused by something which does not move can be
very difficult to grasp. This has been discussed at least since the time of
Aristotle and his concept of the Unmoved Mover. . Science instead, says that
Motion can only be caused by more Motion, like on a pool table where a
ball can only move by being hit by another ball. This of course requires
some event that set everything into motion billions of years ago.
Every machine, simple or complex, relies on a part that does not move.
An athlete who has huge muscles but poor balance cannot express power
effectively. Understanding of this principle gave Archimedes, who was
said to have lifted a huge ship out of the water with levers and pulleys, the
confidence to say Give me a place to stand and I shall move the Earth.
Russell believed this was a major leap that needs to be made in human
understanding: that the source of all Energy, Power, and Motion is not in
Matter, which itself is Motion, but in Stillness. In other words, the power to
move the lever is not in the handle, it is extended from the motionless
center. Sit down, relax and move your little finger. Ask yourself where
does the energy come from to move that finger?
If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father in you? say to them, 'it is
motion and rest. - The Gospel of Thomas, verse 50 (one of many gospels
omitted from the Bible by the Roman Church)
Careful thought will reveal that all dimension is based on a relation
between two or more objects. That which is Universal and at Absolute
Oneness cannot have Dimension. Dimension, in this sense, is only a
function of the relation of the seemingly many separate objects and events
in Space and Time.
Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub;
It is the center hole that makes it useful.
Shape clay into a vessel;
It is the space within that makes it useful.
Cut doors and windows for a room;
It is the holes which make it useful.
Therefore profit comes from what is there;
Usefulness from what is not there. -Tao Te Ching Verse 11

Change is of course based on Time, so the Universal One cannot Change.
The pursuit of Science for Universal Laws is a reflection of our Intuition
that there are invisible qualities which hold true anywhere in Space and
Time, at any scale, large or small. Indeed, one of the words Russell uses to
describe the Universal Idea is Law.
It will help to ask ourselves what in our Universe doesnt change.
Universal patterns such as Sacred Geometry, Music Theory, and the
Golden Rule (taught by all true spiritual teachers) as well as non-physical
Ideas such as Love and Beauty are Absolutes that will be discovered by an
intelligent civilization anywhere, unlike trivial details of history or of
personality or language which will eventually be forgotten.
To inquire as to what part of our Selves and our Universe doesnt change
which has been called the Soul or True Self or many other names is the
beginning of any sensible Idea of Spirituality, free from the worship of
Personalities, miracles, and Idols, and free from violence, coercion, and
Like the first cell of a human being, the Universal One is also Sexless.
The concept of a Male or Female God is untenable, as obviously being Male
means nothing except in relation to the Female. A Male God would need
an equal Female other in order to create life. Therefore, the ultimate
Creative Source in the Universe is Undivided and Sexless, whereas
Creation is composed of equally balanced Sexed Opposites. As we shall
see, this Concept of Sex extends to every phenomena of Nature and every
aspect of Life.
For in this world Being is twofold; the Divided, one;
The Undivided, one. All things that live Are the Divided
That which sits apart. The Undivided.
-Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter XV
A fundamental misconception of metaphysics in this regard is the idea
that there is a spiritual universe which is perfect, and a material universe
which is imperfect because of duality, which is assumed to be the source
of conflict. The material, or physical universe of nature is composed of
polarized opposites, positive and negative, male and female, but this is not
the same as conflict. The more that these opposites can work together in a
civilization with the Universal Principle of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange,
to manifest Oneness, the more sustainable the civilization can be. Nature
is the best example of this balance.

The conflict and violence we see in many of the creations of humankind,

then, is due to unbalanced thinking, and ignorance of the Principles of
Love and Understanding which centers us. The spiritual, or Undivided
aspect of the Universe is Unopposed. I will go into more detail in this as
we discuss the Opposite pairs of Creation.
So we can see the possibility of uniting humankinds various Social,
Scientific, and Spiritual endeavors around One Universal set of Principles
which anyone can Know. Unlike modern Religion and Science, no coercion
or exclusion is necessary, for Truth is apparent to one who knows his/her
self. Peace.
Still Light

The Expression of Energy
Changing, Evolving
Space and Time
Seemingly Many Forms
Divided, Polarized
Composed of Many Opposites

-Cody Rose is a 26-year-old traveler currently making money as an

English/Music teacher. He has no expertise but great interest in Science,
Art, Philosophy, Religion, Architecture, Symbolism, Geometry, Music,
Dance, Yoga, Martial Arts, alternative Medicine & Agriculture, Nutrition,
Cooking, and Psychedelic Plants. Thanks for reading. Please offer
Love you All,

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