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*Arc the Lad II: Wanted Monster FAQ* by KatanaSoul

Version 1.0, Last Updated 2004-06-14 View/Download Original File
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Wanted Monster FAQ for Arc the Lad II
Part of the Arc the Lad Collection
Author: Dale Ray (KatanaSoul)
Version: North American (1.0)
Date: June 14th, 2004
Other Guides/FAQs by me:
Disclaimer: This FAQ is copyrighted 2004 to me Dale Ray (KatanaSoul) and
cannot be reproduced in any way, shape, or form and cannot be sold,
distributed, or used in any way to make money or for any promotional
purposes. This FAQ is for private use only and any violation of these
terms is a direct violation of copyright laws. I write FAQs to help all
the gamers out there, not to benefit myself with money or anything else
so please respect that. If you wish to place this FAQ onto your site,
drop me a line at my e-mail above, it is very doubtful that I would
refuse. However any future revisions of this FAQ or my contact info will
only be sent to and my website which is listed above. As
always, all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are
owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
Table of Contents:
1: Introduction
2: General Information FAQ
3: The Monsters
3.1: East Aldia - Indigos
3.2: East Aldia - Prodias
3.3: Seirya - Palencia
3.4: Forles - Ramul
3.5: Romalia - Houfion
3.6: Greyshinne - Paysus
3.7: Zariban - Elzark
3.8: Niedel - Misro
3.9: Brakia - Gooz
3.10: Millmana - Ajarl
3.11: Balbalard - Muhad
3.12: Amigue - Morea
4: Other Rare Drops
5: Credits
----------------------------------------------------------------------1: Introduction

Greetings fellow gamers and thank you for viewing my work. I use to
visit the Arc the Lad Collection board at GameFAQs and I found that a
lot of gamers were frustrated that Working Designs did not include
wanted monster steals/drops in their official strategy guide; I also
found this quite disheartening. Therefor I decided to journey through
the lands of Arc II once again and jot down the steals and drops of all
of the wanted monsters in the game, and thus this FAQ was born. I truly
hope that this helps all of the Arc fans out there. It took me a good
bit of time to compile and literally hundreds of resets to gain all the
steals and drops of the wanted monsters in this game. Some where for
naught, but many were more rewarding than I had ever imagined they would
be. I am very happy with how it all turned out. As always, if you have
any questions about Arc II, not just wanted monsters but anything in
general, feel free to contact me and I will try to help you in any way I
can. That also goes for any contributions, suggestions, or anything else
regarding this FAQ. Please put Arc II in the subject line so that I
don't delete it. Thanks!
- Dale Ray (KatanaSoul)
PS: I've been strongly considering doing an FAQ of this nature for all
of the monsters in Arc II. If you are interested in this please contact
me and let me know. If I get enough response I may do it in the future.
----------------------------------------------------------------------2: General Information FAQ
Q: What are wanted monsters?
A: Wanted Monsters are special monsters that you can hunt down and
defeat in order to gain Goz and Merits from the Hunter's Guild. In order
to get them to appear you must first look at their wanted posters that
are posted up on the walls of every Hunter's Guild (Some you can kill
without even knowing they are wanted if you forget to look at their
poster). Hunter's Guilds are buildings with either a sign or poster with
a wolf-like design on them. Every Hunter's Guild has their own unique
wanted monsters although you can cash in their bounty at any Hunter's
Guild. And just in case you were thinking about it; no Lieza cannot
Ravish them. :)
Q: What good are Merits for?
A: The only use of Merits is to gain access to the backroom of Prodias
where you can pick up some rare items that are in chests there. You need
250 Merits in order to gain access to it. Later in the game you can gain
access to the backroom in Indigos (I think you need 300 or 400 Merits to
do this) where you are directed to Millmana to take the Super Hunter job
"Return the Sea Dragon's Egg".
Q: I can't find the monster!
A: A lot of the wanted monsters will appear the first time you enter the
room they are located; however some of them have a rare chance of
appearing. If you are having a problem getting the monster to appear,
exit the battle by going back through the door you went through or back
up the stairs and then head back into the room again and he may appear
that time. Also make sure you check the location that I list in this
FAQ for the monster because some monsters will not appear until you

fulfill a certain requirement or reach a certain point in the game.

Q: Shu always fails to steal!
A: If Shu's level is lower than the monster's level he will fail to
steal from them a lot of time. So Shu's level is definitely a factor in
the success rate. I'm not for sure if it helps but try having Shu cast
Speed Up on himself or have Elc cast Might Mind on him. Steal is also a
wind-elemental ability so it also might help if you were to cast Wind
Shield on Shu.
Q: The monster won't drop the item!
A: I know of this problem all too well. Unfortunatly there is little you
can do. My advice is if this is your second playthrough to load up Arc
Arena and trade your Shell and Unicorn Horn over to your current game.
Both of those items increase the drop rate of enemies. Or if you have
yet to acquire them they are both found in the Forbidden Ruins in
Alatos. If you cleaned out the Forbidden Ruins during your play of Arc I
and converted your data over to Arc II then you can find your items in
Chongara's Shop which is also in Alatos.
Q: I got a stolen item as a drop!
A: This happens quite often. Monsters generally have two items; a normal
one, and a rare one (Some normal monsters have more but all of the
wanted ones only have two). The normal item is usually the steal and the
rare one is the drop. However if you don't steal the normal item it is
highly possible they will drop the normal item instead of the rare one.
So for best results steal from them and then try to get the drop in
order to get the one your looking for.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3: The Monsters
Just a quick overview of what you will be seeing here:
Name: The wanted monster's name.
Class: What monster class they belong to.
Reward: How much Goz and Merits the party receives for cashing in the
bounty for the monster at the Hunter's Guild.
Special: The monster's special attack that is listed on the wanted
Location: Where you encounter the monster.
Stolen Item: Item that can be stolen from the monster by using Shu's
Steal ability.
Dropped Item: Item that is randomly dropped when the monster is
defeated. If you don't get it the first time, reset and try again.
Comments: At the bottom of the monster profile I will explain the use of
the stolen and dropped items of the monster. This is so you can decide
for yourself whether or not the items it has are worth acquiring. If the
monster is difficult to find I'll also list directions to where you can

find him here.

----------------------------------------------------------------------3.1: East Aldia - Indigos
Name: Aju
Class: Freezy
Reward: 270 G + 1 Merit
Special: Cold Breath
Location: Indigos Sewers
Stolen Item: Power Jelly
Dropped Item: Herb
Power Jelly recovers a character inflicted with the Hemo-ji status
effect and when equiped as an accessory can shield them from being
inflicted with the Hemo-ji status effect, which isn't all that common in
this game, so it's not very useful. But you could pick it up and sell it
for 100 G which isn't all that bad. He drops your typical Herb so don't
even bother with it.
Name: Shamus
Class: Zombie
Reward: 250 G + 1 Merit
Special: Head Toss
Location: Indigos Sewers
Stolen Item: GroundKnife
Dropped Item: Temporary Shoes
The GroundKnife is an excellent dagger weapon with a max attack power of
14; which at the beginning of the game is the best you can find for a
dagger. Later in levels the knife will gain the special ability to raise
the character's magic defense when equiped which makes it even better.
Temporary Shoes, which he drops, are another useful weapon he has. With
a max attack power of 13 they will be the best pair of footwear weapons
you can find until you are able to get the Scale Legs from the wanted
monster on Yagos Isle or the Crush Boots from the Lost Forest. The
Temporary Shoes also raise the character's jump level which can be
Name: Slasher
Class: ???
Reward: 1500 G + 4 Merits
Special: Wind Attack
Location: East Aldia
Stolen Item: N/A
Dropped Item: N/A
This wanted monster shows up on the board of the Hunter's Guild after
you return from Yagos Isle. You have to fight the Slasher, also known as
Elc's friend Ginie from the White House, to advance the story so there
is no hunting for this one. Also don't forget to pick up the Slasher
dagger from Shu's bed after Shante suprises you in the middle of the
night and wants you to meet her in the tavern. Just figured I'd mention
that since we are talking about the Slasher here. :)
Name: Hoysler
Class: Warlock
Reward: 1125 G + 2 Merits
Special: ?

Location: Salba Desert in West Aldia

Stolen Item: Nuru-nuru
Dropped Item: Yellow Powder
You'll need to re-enter the Salba Desert after traveling through it for
the first time on your way to the White House in order for Hoysler to
appear there. His steals and drops are pretty worthless. The Yellow
Powder is an item which when used on an enemy inflicts them with the
Silence status effect while the Nuru-nuru item lowers an enemies' catch
and throw level.
Name: Docsun
Class: Doll Master
Reward: 450 G + 1 Merit
Special: ?
Location: Indigos during the job "Indigos Jewelry Robbery"
Stolen Item: Ruby
Dropped Item: Unnamed Gem
Docsun's stolen item, the Ruby, is a very rare item do not pass it up!
When used on a character, the Ruby raises their level permanently by 1,
perfect for leveling up a monster. The only other place I can think of
to get a Ruby is at the battle arenas on Niedel and Clenia Isle; that's
just how rare of an item it is. Docsun's dropped item is a mystery. He
drops a gem with the same icon as the Ruby however it does not have a
name nor does it raise any of the character's stats when used on them.
Pretty much useless I suppose. If anybody gets this item from him and
it's actually named or knows anything about this please e-mail me.
Name: Arc
Class: Human
Reward: 1000000 G!
Special: Guardian Magic
Location: ? (In your party obviously heh)
Stolen Item: N/A
Dropped Item: N/A
As you would expect you can't turn in Arc but who would want to? If
you'd sell him out for a measly million-goz shame on you! For an
interesting dialogue speak to the guard outside the Palencia Hunter's
Guild (The one standing near the exit to town) with Arc as your lead
character. Seems a lot of people want that million-goz reward but nobody
can recognize him heh.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.2: East Aldia - Prodias
Name: Golza
Class: Skeleton
Reward: 540 G + 1 Merit
Special: Charge
Location: Ruin Town
Stolen Item: Jump Nettle
Dropped Item: Jump Nettle
Nothing special here. Jump Nettles increase a character's jump ability
for a short while during battle.
Name: Leland

Class: Blood Knight

Reward: 990 G + 2 Merits
Special: ?
Location: Ruin Town after returning from Yagos Isle
Stolen Item: Cheer Nettle
Dropped Item: Cheer Nettle
Once again nothing special about this wanted monster. Cheer Nettles when
used on a character causes them to counterattack more often, which I
suppose can be good early in the game when the characters don't always
counterattack like they do in later levels.
Name: Boosee
Class: Hemo-ji
Reward: 1350 G + 3 Merits
Special: Hemo-ji (Finger)
Location: Wastelands
Stolen Item: Power Jelly
Dropped Item: Scorpion
Another Power Jelly steal, nothing special. However Boosee does drop the
excellent Scorpion spear! Do not pass up on this weapon, it has a max
attack of 17 which makes it a good spear for a lot of the game. This is
not your only chance to get the Scorpion spear but you shouldn't miss
out on getting two of them; especially one this early in the game.
Name: Balzack
Class: Soothesayer
Reward: 1755 G + 2 Merits
Special: ?
Location: Lost Forest in West Aldia
Stolen Item: Spirit Seed
Dropped Item: Claymore
Balzack is the self-proclaimed guardian of the Lost Forest and will not
fight you unless you ask him "Who are you". If you ask him where the
exit is he will tell you the directions (How nice of him). If your
having trouble finding him head all the way up to the last path of the
forest (The one that eventually leads up to the White House) and then
head to the right and you should be able to go down. Head down and then
to the right and you will run into him. The Spirit Seed that Shu can
steal from him raises a character's magic defense when used during
battle, when equiped as an accessory it can also shield the character
from being inflicted with any attack that reduces the character's magic
defense. It can also be combined at the Yagos Isle Combine Shop with a
Brass Knuckles weapon to make the impressive Magic Nail weapon so you
might want to pick this up and hold onto it so you can combine it
whenever you get ahold of some Brass Knuckles. The Claymore sword that
he drops is a pretty good weapon with a max attack of 15. Later in
levels the weapon gains the special ability to raise the magic defense
of the person it's equiped to. Certainly not one of the best swords in
the game but compared to what's for sale in the shops at this point it's
pretty good. If your going to equip the Claymore to a monster I'd think
about keeping the Meow Sword over it due to its defense-raising ability.
Name: Menan
Class: Giant Mummy
Reward: 1125 G + 2 Merits
Special: ?
Location: Yagos Isle Sealed Ruins

Stolen Item: Tem's Grass

Dropped Item: Scale Legs
If you encounter Menan during your first trip through the Yagos Sealed
Ruins you'll want to go ahead and defeat him as he only holds Tem's
Grass to be stolen by Shu. Tem's Grass can be used on a character during
battle to raise their catch and throw abilities, which really isn't all
that useful. However he does drop a great footwear weapon, the Scale
Legs. The Scale Legs are a good replacement for the Temporary Shoes you
may have gotten from the wanted monster Shamus earlier in the Indigos
Sewers. They both have the same amount of attack power but the Scale
Legs have a bonus effect of causing the darkness status effect to the
enemy when struck, which I find to be more useful than the Temporary
Shoes increase in jump. Scale Legs also have two other uses. They can be
combined with other weapons to make two truly badass weapons; possibly
the best whip in the game, the Salamander, and the Dagger Boots. It
would be an understatement to say not to miss out on getting a pair of
Scale Legs.
Name: Tianus
Class: Wizard
Reward: 2025 G + 3 Merits
Special: ?
Location: Gallarno's House/Vacant House
Stolen Item: Meow Sword
Dropped Item: Herb
You have two opportunities to catch this wanted monster. You can either
defeat him when you first enter Gallarno's House with Shante and are
looking for the key to Gallarno's room or you can wait until it becomes
a vacant house. Keep in mind that you cannot enter the Vacant House in
search of Tianus until you complete three jobs that deal with the house.
They are: "Monsters in Vacant House", "Protect House from Burglary", and
"Robber's Revenge". You'll probably want to wait till after it becomes
vacant so you will have Shu with you and he can steal the Meow Sword
from him. The Meow Sword only has a max attack of 8 but it has a special
ability of raising the character's defense by 20-25! Which makes it
perfect for monsters that use swords; especially early in the game.
Tainus drops an Herb so no rarity there but the Meow Sword is just about
one-of-a-kind so make sure that you pick it up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.3: Seirya - Palencia
Name: Ragi
Class: Apostate Priest
Reward: 1575 G + 2 Merits
Special: Magic Shield
Location: Quina Hill
Stolen Item: Spirit Seed
Dropped Item: Miranda
The Miranda is a bead-type weapon of the earth element that's used by
the Monk/Priest monsters of the same type as Ragi. It's one of the best
bead weapons I've found as of this writing, only the Metal Balls and
possibly the Fallen Rain is better. If you don't plan to capture any
Monk/Priest monsters then you may just want to pass this up. The Spirit
Seed, as mentioned on an earlier monster, raises a character's magic
defense when used during battle, and can be equiped as an accessory to

prevent a enemy lowering the character's magic defense. And as mentioned

earlier also you can combine it with a Brass Knuckles weapon to make the
Magic Nail weapon at the Yagos Isle Combine Shop.
Name: Kiba
Class: Ninja
Reward: 2115 G + 3 Merits
Special: Bomb-Shuriken
Location: Quina Hill after gaining control of the Silver Noah
Stolen Item: Herb
Dropped Item: Wing Spear
Herbs can be found all over the place but the Wing Spear that Kiba drops
is a pretty decent weapon. It has a max attack of 18 which isn't all
that impressive but it does have a special ability that allows a
character to dodge attacks more easily.
Name: Shako
Class: Ghost
Reward: 1800 G + 2 Merits
Special: ?
Location: Palencia Castle Ruin
Stolen Item: N/A
Dropped Item: Green Mem Grass
I came back after acquiring the Silver Noah and tried to steal from
Shako but to no avail; so you should go ahead and hunt down Shako when
Elc, Diekbeck, and Poco are in the Ruins. He drops a Green Mem Grass
item which can be used during battle to recover a character that is
inflicted with the confusion status effect. It can also be equiped as an
accessory to ward off the confusion effect as well.
Name: Diros
Class: Spelunker
Reward: 1890 G + 3 Merits
Special: Sleep Wind
Location: Palencia Castle Ruin
Stolen Item: N/A
Dropped Item: Mint
You must defeat Diros inside the Palencia Castle Ruin in order to
advance the story when Elc and Diekbeck travel there with Poco; so you
will not have a chance to steal from him due to Shu not being in your
party. Diros drops a Mint which can be used during battle to recover a
character that has been put to sleep. It can also be equiped as an
accessory that shields a character from being put to sleep.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.4: Forles - Ramul
Name: Jad
Class: Barbarian
Reward: 1350 + 2 Merits
Special: Charge
Location: Holn
Stolen Item: N/A
Dropped Item: Cheer Nettle
You must fight Jad to advance the story during Lieza's second trip to

Holn with Gogen to destroy the boulder blocking the entrance, so Shu is
not available to steal an item from him. He drops a Cheer Nettle which
causes a character to counterattack more often when used on them during
Name: Balguli
Class: Death Lizard
Reward: 1440 G + 2 Merits
Special: Round Attack
Location: Fels Highland
Stolen Item: Recover Fruit
Dropped Item: Change Staff
Balguli comes with a Recover Fruit to steal. It heals a decent amount of
HP but you can buy it in the stores so you should just go ahead and slay
him while you are in Forles with Lieza. The Change Staff he drops is a
rare staff weapon but it's a pretty pitiful one. It has a max attack of
only 10 and with no special abilities. However the Change Staff can be
combined in the Yagos Isle Combine Shop along with a Purple Mem Grass
item to form the Mirage Wand that deals the confusion status effect upon
striking an enemy, but even that is pretty mediocre with a max attack of
only 14.
Name: Dillinger
Class: Evil Eye
Reward: 1485 G + 2 Merits
Special: ?
Location: Calmio Hill
Stolen Item: Herb
Dropped Item: Nettle
Nothing at all special about this monster; a simple Herb steal and a
Nettle drop. The Nettle is an item that can be used during battle to
recover a character from the stone condition and can also be equiped as
an accessory to ward off the same effect as it recovers.
Name: Gaucrow
Class: Roc
Reward: 2250 G + 3 Merits
Special: Ground Shield
Location: Azenda Highland in Alatos
Stolen Item: Neba-neba
Dropped Item: Speed Bottle
Another mediocre wanted monster here. The Neba-neba item he has to steal
is a battle item which when used on enemies lowers their agility and
their range. The Speed Bottle he drops is another battle item which
raises a character's speed when used on them during battle; could be
useful if you don't use characters that have the Speed Up spell. You can
also equip the Speed Bottle as an accessory to prevent monsters from
lowering that character's agility with their abilities.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.5: Romalia - Houfion
Name: Gravis
Class: Zombie Master
Reward: 2160 G + 3 Merits
Special: Poison Wind

Location: The Heap after defeating Gallarno

Stolen Item: Bomb
Dropped Item: Drowned Ax
The Bomb item that you can steal from Gravis is simply an attack item
that you can throw at an enemy to damage them, not all that useful. The
Drowned Ax that he drops isn't all that great either seeing as it's
attack power is less than the Warpick ax that Gruga starts with.
However, the Drowned Ax is needed to make the Beam Ax at the Yagos Isle
Combine Shop so you should still pick it up even though it's attack
power is low.
Name: SA-200SP
Class: ??? (SA-200)
Reward: 2115 G + 3 Merits
Special: Speed Down
Location: Houfin
Stolen Item: Paralyzer
Dropped Item: N/A
SA-200SP is encountered in the Resistance Base in Houfin after Shu and
Tosh return from scouting the Romalia Tunnel; he must be defeated to
advance the story. The Paralyzer that can be stolen from him is a pretty
good gun-type weapon for Shu, or one of your robot monsters if you
happen to have one, that has a special ability to paralyze an enemy;
it's also slightly stronger than the Sub Machine Gun that you can buy in
the shops. SA-200SP doesn't have an item to drop as far as I can tell. I
killed him repeatedly for over an hour with a Shell and a Unicorn Horn
equiped and never got anything. If anybody gets a drop from him please
e-mail me.
Name: Jackal
Class: Anubis
Reward: 3330 G + 4 Merits
Special: Holy Breath
Location: Houfin during the job "Slay the Nocturnal Monsters"
Stolen Item: Herb
Dropped Item: Tri-Shot
An Herb steal, nothing special, but take note of the Tri-Shot weapon
that he has for a drop which is just about one-of-a-kind. It has a max
attack of 14 which makes it stronger than the other pairs of footwear
weapons you may have at this point but it's true usefulness is to
combine it with the Scale Legs at the Yagos Isle Combine Shop to create
the awesome Dagger Boots which have a max attack of 26! So don't pass up
on getting them.
Name: Dorarosh
Class: Dark Wizard
Reward: 2475 G + 3 Merits
Special: Wind Slash
Location: Vacant House on Clenia Isle
Stolen Item: Tem's Grass
Dropped Item: Nuru-nuru
Dorarosh joins the ranks as yet another mediocre wanted monster. You can
steal a Tem's Grass from him which when used on a character during
battle raises their catch and throw ability. On the other hand his drop
of Nuru-nuru can be used during battle to lower an enemies catch and
throw abilities. I'd pass on them but they may be of some use to some

other players.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.6: Greyshinne - Paysus
Name: Kido
Class: Red Monk
Reward: 2250 G + 3 Merits
Special: ?
Location: Noyam Plain
Stolen Item: Herb
Dropped Item: FlameGrizzle Fang
The Herb is pretty much worthless considering you should be able to buy
more powerful healing items in the shop at this point but the
FlameGrizzle Fang should not be passed up. It's a fang-type weapon with
a max attack of 22! The only downside is that Paundit cannot use it in
his Rabid Dog monster form as it is of the water element and the
FlameGrizzle Fang is of the fire element. Perfect for any other monster
that isn't of the water element though.
Name: Bishamon
Class: Black Knight
Reward: 2250 G + 3 Merits
Special: Explosion
Location: Noyam Plain
Stolen Item: Cheer Nettle
Dropped Item: Whirlwind Edge
The Cheer Nettle is nothing special only improving a character's ability
to counterattack during battle when used on them, but the Whirlwind Edge
sword is another story. With a max attack of 19 it packs a pretty good
punch and also has a special ability to increase the move ability of the
character it's equiped to.
Name: Flame Brothers
Class: Flame
Reward: 2700 G + 4 Merits
Special: Holy Breath
Location: Amaidar Mountain during the job "Monsters in Amaidar"
Stolen Item: Magic Apple
Dropped Item: Meow Fang
This isn't actually a special monster, but rather 3 Mysterious Fire
normal enemies. They each hold the same items: a Magic Apple as a steal
and a Meow Fang weapon as a drop. I highly recommend stocking as many
Magic Apples as you can get your hands on because your going to need
them for the final battle with The Dark One at Sky Castle as they
restore your precious MP. The Magic Apple can also be equiped as an
accessory and it says in it's description "Heals on use" but I have seen
no evidence that it does anything when equiped; if anybody knows exactly
what it does e-mail me. The Meow Fang is a rare fang-type weapon but
it's rather pathetic in the attack department. It has a max attack of 4;
yes you read that correctly, 4. However it does have a special ability
to raise the character's magic stat by 20 which could be pretty good if
your looking to create a magic-based monster that can use fang-type
Name: Hell Spawn

Class: Death Druid

Reward: 2790 G + 4 Merits
Special: ?
Location: Anan Flats during the job "Play Cupid"
Stolen Item: Magic Apple
Dropped Item: Magic Apple
As said about the above monster; Magic Apples restore MP and can be
quite hard to come by, so you might want to take this opportunity to add
a few more to your inventory. Like I said on the above monster, you can
equip the Magic Apple as an accessory and it says in it's description
"Heals on use" but I haven't found it does anything special.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.7: Zariban - Elzark
Name: Maios
Class: Mummy
Reward: 2340 G + 3 Merits
Special: Extract
Location: Zariban Sealed Ruins
Stolen Item: Bitter Leaf
Dropped Item: Bear Claw
The Bitter Leaf item increases an allies' defense so it could be useful
if you don't use characters that have the Protection spell. When equiped
as an accessory it can also shield a character from having their defense
lowered by enemy attacks. The Bear Claw that Maios drops is a rare clawtype weapon. It's a pretty decent weapon with a max attack of 22;
slightly better than other claw/fist weapons like the Power Arm but
isn't nearly as good as some of the others like God's Fist, Cestus, or
Brass Knuckles. But it's certainly better than what you'll find in the
Name: Tasman
Class: Death Lizard
Reward: 2250 G + 5 Merits
Special: Petro Breath
Location: Ishima Rocks
Stolen Item: Recover Fruit
Dropped Item: Recover Fruit
Recover Fruits restore a pretty good amount of HP but can be bought in
the shops so you should just slay this monster, cash in your bounty, and
forget about his items.
Name: Shvaidel
Class: Sphynx
Reward: 2700 G + 3 Merits
Special: Poison Breath
Location: Salyan Desert
Stolen Item: Antidote Nut
Dropped Item: Metal Pads
The Antidote Nut that can be stolen from Shvaiden is an item that
recovers a character from the poison status effect, it can also be
equiped as an accessory to ward off the poison effect as well. The Metal
Pads is a pretty decent weapon for your Slimes, Dragons, Gases, or other
types of monsters that can use pad-type weapons. It has a max attack of

16 and also an added ability to raise the monster's defense by 1 when

Name: Zanack
Class: Dark Paladin
Reward: 3150 G + 3 Merits
Special: Explosion
Location: Raiden Ruins during the job "Stop the Desert Theives II"
Stolen Item: Cheer Nettle
Dropped Item: Senior's Wish
Another Cheer Nettle steal; geez everyone and their dog has one of these
it seems. As always it causes a character to counterattack more often
during battle when used on them which is pretty much worthless at this
point as your characters should be counterattacking from all directions
by now. The Senior's Wish is a jewel accessory that boosts a character's
defense by 4 when equiped. Not very useful seeing as a vast majority of
accessories boost your character's defense more than the Senior's Wish
while giving some sort of extra effect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.8: Niedel - Misro
Name: Gigmunt
Class: Soothesayer
Reward: 2790 G + 4 Merits
Special: Tornado
Location: Misro Arena
Stolen Item: Full Power Fruit
Dropped Item: Spirit Seed
Gigmunt is an interesting monster in the sense that you don't have to
take a job, look in a dungeon, or anything like that to find him; he's
actually standing around inside of the arena. Inside the Misro Arena
there is an NPC standing in front of the statue on the left-hand side of
the room. Talk to him repeatedly and he will engage your party in a 3on-3 battle as the rest of the townsfolk flee the arena. The Full Power
Fruit you can steal from him is a great item. You can either use it on a
character to permanently raises one or more of a character's stats by 1,
including attack, defense, magic, and agility. I say this because each
Full Power Fruit I've gotten has raised different stats when I use it,
very strange. You can equip the Full Power Fuit as an accessory to
prevent enemies from lowering that character's offense, magic, defense,
and agility. You've probably already seen the other item he has, the
Spirit Seed, before and it can be used during battle to raise a
character's magic stat. You can also equip it as an accessory to ward
off enemy attempts to lower that character's magic stat. It also has a
third use in it can be combined with a Brass Knuckles weapon at the
Yagos Isle Combine Ship to create the Magic Nail weapon.
Name: Tosh
Class: Human
Reward: 1000000 G!
Special: Sword Skill
Location: Unknown (In your party obviously)
Stolen Item: N/A
Dropped Item: N/A
Another million-goz bounty, this time on Tosh. Just like Arc you cannot

turn in Tosh but who would want to? For a kick talk to the hunter in the
purple cape in the Niedel Hunter's Guild with Tosh in the lead of your
party heh. All shall fear Tosh!
Name: Negdus
Class: Ogre
Reward: 2880 G + 4 Merits
Special: Protection
Location: Misro Arena during the job "Monster in the Arena"
Stolen Item: N/A
Dropped Item: N/A
It's everybody's favorite wanted monster during everybody's favorite
job! Heh well okay it's probably everybody's most hated but look on the
bright side he has no steals and no drops to worry about (I wasn't going
to try anymore after I killed him for the fifth time and you can imagine
how long that took). The best way I find to take out Negdus is to weaken
the whole lot of them and then bring in a decently leveled Hemo-ji to
drop a Chongara Bomb to finish them off. That usually gets the real
Nedgus 2-out-of-3 times. Or you can bring in your heavy hitters; I
highly recommend a party of Elc, Tosh, Iga, Gruga, and Shante and kill
them over and over again 'till you finally get the real Nedgus, while
Shante is there for healing and resurrection if things don't go too
smoothly. Another alternative is to bring in your magic users, Gogen,
Fu-jin, Rai-jin, Sania, and Shante or Poco are highly recommended if at
a good level, and group your character's together to where the Nedgus'
form around you and then unleash a magic barrage at them. It seems that
the more of them you kill at one time the better the chance that you
will get the real Nedgus. You'll know you've gotten the real one when he
cries out "Grhhh...How...? after you defeat him. It'll take a while to
find the real one but you'll probably gain a significant amount of
levels for your characters by the time it's over. If anybody manages to
get a steal or drop out of him by all means drop me a line and let me
Name: Queger
Class: Killer Wolf
Reward: 2925 G + 5 Merits
Special: Paralyze Breath
Location: Floor 1 of the Forbidden Ruins in Alatos
Stolen Item: Herb
Dropped Item: Styx
Yet another Herb steal, these are just about as common as the Cheer
Nettle ones. Thankfully that is not all that Queger carries; he is also
holding on to one of the most awesome fang-type weapons in the game, the
Styx. It has a max attack of 22 but also a special ability to steal MP
from the enemy upon attacking them! Perfect for Paundit or any other of
your monsters that can use fang-type weapons. Do not pass up acquiring
this weapon.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.9: Brakia - Gooz
Name: Garop
Class: Thunder Bird
Reward: 3060 G + 4 Merits
Special: Wind Slash
Location: Banza Montain after taking the job "Clear the Tracks!"

Stolen Item: Mad Builder

Dropped Item: Earth Charm
Garop can be a little difficult to find so let me explain. After taking
the job "Clear the Tracks!" a new path that was once covered by lava
will open up to the left of where you enter the mountain. In the first
room through the new path Garop can appear, but it can take some leaving
and then re-entering to get him to appear. Garop's stolen item is one
that should not be missed if your a user of monsters. The Mad Builder is
a simply phenomenal pad-type weapon. It has a max attack of 26 plus an
added ability to blind an enemy upon striking them with it. Garop's
dropped item is an Earth Charm which when used during battle can grant
earth resistance to a character plus raise their proficiency with earthtype attacks.
Name: Gigas
Class: Shriek Lord
Reward: 2925 G + 4 Merits
Special: Dispel
Location: Banza Mountain
Stolen Item: Recover Fruit
Dropped Item: Wind Charm
Recover Fruit as a steal again, so nothing to worry about there. Gigas
does have a Wind Charm to drop though which when used during battle can
give wind resistance to a character and also can raise the character's
proficiency with wind-type attacks.
Name: Dabano
Class: Doll Master
Reward: 2970 G + 5 Merits
Special: ?
Location: Banza Mountain after rescuing Elena
Stolen Item: Magic Apple
Dropped Item: Dark Stream
Dabano is the owner of a few good items, but not great. Magic Apples are
pretty rare and I strongly recommend any chance you have to gain another
one of them, so I would take the steal. The Dark Stream weapon he drops
is of the mace-type and dark elemental with a pretty good attack of 21
but it's not nearly as strong as the Astral Pole you can make at the
Yagos Isle Combine Shop. If your having problems finding Dabano he
appears in the very first monster encounter room on the path up to the
top of the mountain.
Name: Dreyper
Class: Skeleton Knight
Reward: 3060 G + 4 Merits
Special: Strike Power
Location: Banza Mountain after taking the job "Monsters on the Tracks!"
Stolen Item: Recover Fruit
Dropped Item: Cheer Nettle
Dreyper is another wanted monster that is kinda hard to find. After
taking the job "Monsters on the Tracks!" a new path will be opened up on
the left-hand side of the wall where you cleared the rocks off the
tracks during the "Clear the Tracks!" job. In the first room you enter
after passing through the new path, Dreyper appears, although you may
have to go back out of the room and then back in a few times to get him
to appear. He has the very common Recover Fruit to steal and to top it

off he has the even more common Cheer Nettle as a drop. I think
everybody knows what they do by know. If not, check some of the above
monsters. :)
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.10: Millmana - Ajarl
Name: Dalcios
Class: Red Dragon
Reward: 3150 G + 5 Merits
Special: Fire Breath
Location: Razen Pond
Stolen Item: Recover Fruit
Dropped Item: FlameWonder Card
Recover Fruit steal, yet again. However Dalcios retains a weapon that
should not be missed. The FlameWonder Card that he drops is one of the
best weapons, if not the best, that you will find for Sania. It has a
max attack of 28 and is also fire-elemental. I'm not a huge fan of
elemental weapons but with 28 attack and it being for a magician like
Sania, I'm definitely willing to turn a blind eye. If you use Sania you
are not going to want to miss out on acquiring this weapon for her.
Name: Gorgas
Class: Weretiger
Reward: 3105 G + 4 Merits
Special: Charge
Location: Ruvag Woods
Stolen Item: Cheer Nettle
Dropped Item: Attack Bottle
Gorgas is Millmana's resident mediocre wanted monster. Yet another Cheer
Nettle steal whose's effects have been mentioned numerous times in this
FAQ. The Attack Bottle is an item that raises the attack power of the
character when used on them during battle. You can also equip the Attack
Bottle as an accessory to prevent monsters from lowering that
character's attack power with their abilities.
Name: Kish
Class: Treant
Reward: 3150 G + 4 Merits
Special: Throw Seed
Location: Nien Forest
Stolen Item: Pity
Dropped Item: Damocles Blade
The Damocles Blade has the unique ability to raise the max MP of a
character when they level up. Nothing significant, one, maybe two MP per
level depending on the level of the weapon. Could be useful for Arc if
you prefer to give the Romancing Stone to another character. It also has
a max attack of 21 which is nice but certainly not one of the best out
there. The Pity is a claw-type weapon with a max attack of 22 which is
better than a lot of the claw/fist weapons you may have right now like
the Power Arm and Force Iron Knuckle. It's good, but you can find much
Name: Grovis
Class: Dark Wraith
Reward: 6480 G + 4 Merits

Special: Confusion
Location: Deep Sea Oil Rig after defeating Yagun
Stolen Item: Fate Sword
Dropped Item: Full Power Fruit
Grovis may be the most annoying wanted monster out there, maybe even
more than Negdus. You only have one chance to encounter him and that is
inside the Deep Sea Oil Rig after you have defeated Yagun and are
escaping the rig. Grovis is not on the way out of the rig so you have to
take a detour to encounter him and of course you only have a certain
amount of time to escape. To find him (Starting outside of the save
room) head up the stairs to the left and head through the pipe that is
on the next screen. Head up the next stairs to the left and quickly take
care of the enemies that you encounter in the next room. Next head all
the way up the stairs in front of you and then take the door on the
right. Inside head up the ramp and then down through the door at the
bottom of the screen. On the next screen hurry up the stairs and then
through the door on the far right. Grovis is encounted in this room. He
has two pretty good items. First is the Fate Sword which is actually a
dagger. It has a max attack of 22 which is really good for a dagger,
unfortunatly it has an ability that makes the wielder take damaged upon
attacking an enemy with it. I think it's worth getting but you be the
judge. The second item is a Full Power Fruit which can be used for one
of two things. You can be equiped as an accessory and ward off enemy
abilities that would lower the character's stats that include offense,
magic, defense, and agility. Or you can use it as an item on a character
to permanently raise one or more of their stats by 1, but which stats
seem to vary with every one. Either way you decide to use it you'll get
good use out of it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.11: Balbalard - Muhad
Name: Darius
Class: Earth Devil
Reward: 3600 G + 5 Merits
Special: Ground Shield
Location: Kanara Desert
Stolen Item: Bitter Leaf
Dropped item: Black Powder
Another wanted monster that has a Bitter Leaf to steal. Again, it raises
an allies' defense when used on them during battle, so it could be
useful. It can also be equiped as an accessory to shield a character
from enemy attacks that lower the character's defense. Black Powder is a
battle item that you can use against an enemy to lower their jump
Name: Gualde
Class: Ninja Master
Reward: 3645 G + 5 Merits
Special: Bomb Shuriken
Location: Tukae Cave
Stolen Item: Andel Claim
Dropped Item: N/A
Gualde is encountered poising as Rata and Nam's mother in a story battle
in the Tukae Cave. When defeated he just kinda vanishes so he doesn't
have a chance to drop an item. However he does have a rare weapon, the

Andel Claim, which is of the flail-type. It has a max attack of 15 which

isn't very impressive but it does have the special ability to lower the
magic stat of an enemy when they are struck with the weapon. Wonder why
they named it after Andel? I suppose Gualde stole it from him heh.
Name: Guadiras
Class: Arch Mage
Reward: 3915 G + 5 Merits
Special: Weakness
Location: Balbalard Sealed Ruins
Stolen Item: Cure-All
Dropped Item: Mint
Guadiras can be a tad bit difficult to find due to his location being a
one-shot battle and you can't leave and exit the room to get him to
appear, you have to exit the entire dungeon to try again. He is located
in the far left monster room on B1 after flipping the switch on the
left-hand side of the room. Cure-All he has to steal can be bought in
stores and is pretty pointless with so many characters possessing the
Refresh spell so just pass up on this one. He drops a Mint which is an
item you can use in battle to recover a character from the sleep effect.
You can also equip the Mint as an accessory to prevent the character
from being inflicted with the sleep effect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------3.12: Amigue - Morea
Name: Dolgon
Class: Earth Giant
Reward: 3330 G + 4 Merits
Special: Invincibility
Location: Altrapas Wilds
Stolen Item: Bronze Guard
Dropped Item: Mystic Knife
The Bronze Guard accessory isn't all that special but it's slightly
better than the Blade Guards that you can buy in the shops with a max
defense of 12. But when compared to the Legend Charms and Light Elbows
of the same type it's little more than junk. But if some of your
characters are still wearing Blade Guards then by all means pick the
Bronze Guard up as a replacement. The Mystic Knife is a dagger-type
weapon with a max attack of 19 and a special ability to raise the magic
stat of the wielder; one of the best daggers I have found thus far.
Perfect for Arc, Lieza, Fu-jin, Rai-jin, or any magic-using monsters you
may have that can equip daggers.
Name: Golgon
Class: Frost Giant
Reward: 3420 G + 4 Merits
Special: Blizzard
Location: Altrapas Wilds after defeating Dolgon (See above)
Stolen Item: Slayer Heavy Suit
Dropped Item: Crusty Pads
Golgon holds two really great items. His stolen item is the Slayer Heavy
Suit which is a great piece of armor coming in with 21 defense; up there
with other great pieces of armor like the Elven Chain and Fire Robe. The
Crusty Pads is a pad-type weapon with an attack power of 22; which is
good for a pad weapon. However it's not nearly as strong as the Mad

Builder weapon of the same type from the Garop monster back in Brakia.
If you have several monsters than can use pad-type weapons then I'd
highly recommend not missing out on the Crusty Pads either.
Name: Belladonna
Class: Master Gargoyle
Reward: 3510 G + 5 Merits
Special: Charge
Location: Amigue Sealed Ruins
Stolen Item: Cheer Nettle
Dropped Item: Dark Stream
Belladonna is a sorta rare encounter in the Amigue Sealed Ruins. If
you're having trouble finding him he is located on B1. If you don't see
him head back up the stairs and then back down again and he may appear
then. A Cheer Nettle is his steal but I think by now we shouldn't be too
suprised by this one. He also carries the Dark Stream mace which you may
already have if you hunted the items off of Dabano back in Brakia. It's
of the dark element with a max attack of 21.
Name: Darry
Class: Stone Fly
Reward: 3510 G + 4 Merits
Special: Petro Breath
Location: Amigue Sealed Ruins
Stolen Item: Recover Fruit
Dropped Item: Nettle
Well here we are, the final monster on our list. Unfortunatly he is yet
another mediocre one. A common Recover Fruit as a steal and a Nettle as
a drop. The Nettle is an item that can cure the stone status effect of a
character and can also be equiped as an accessory to ward off the stone
effect as well.
That's it. You've now caught all of the wanted monsters in the game. Pat
yourself on the back and take a nice, long look at your inventory full
of rare items. :)
----------------------------------------------------------------------4: Other Rare Drops
This is just a simple list of other rare items that I have seen dropped
in my playthroughs of Arc II:
Temporary Shoes dropped by Green Slime (Ingios Sewers)
Neutrino Blade dropped by Giant Bat (Yagos Isle Sealed Ruins)
WindKnife dropped by Roc (Salba Desert in West Aldia)
Bear Flail dropped by Fire Bird (Training Rock on Clenia Isle)
Elegant Cloak dropped by Blood Zombies (Chimera Research Lab)
Ice Knife dropped by Zombie (Chimera Research Lab)
Death Crimson dropped by Arch Knight (Vacant House on Clenia Isle)
Earth Robe dropped by Demi-Zombie (Gia Temple)
Battle Ax dropped by Berserker (Forles Battle Maps)
Flame Knife dropped by Mud Goblin (Banza Mountain in Brakia)
EarthLong Sword dropped by Skeleton (Yagos Isle Sealed Ruins)
Metal Balls dropped by Slime Bomber (Razen Pond in Millmana)
Dark Blade dropped by Ice Giant (North Tower)
Short Pole dropped by Wind Devil (Waistlands in East Aldia)
Mystic Knife dropped by Earth Giant (Altrapas Wilds in Amigue)

Moon Stone dropped by Mutant Fly (Zariban Sealed Ruins)

Ice Saber dropped by Barbarian (Holn during Lieza visit)
Golden Dragon dropped by Dark Wraith (Palencia Castle Ruin)
Tri-Shot dropped by Assassin (Houfion in Romalia when Shu saves Danny)
Change Staff dropped by Grim Stalker (Farlos Battle Maps)
Gold Beak dropped by Iron Golem (Water Shrine in Zariban)
Scale Wand dropped by Giant Lizard (Ishima Rocks in Zariban)
Damocles Blade dropped by Dark Hemo-ji (Nein Forest in Millmana)
Red Jewelry dropped by Red Phantom (Deep Sea Oil Rig)
Meow Shoes dropped by Mum Mummy (Pyramid in Balbalard)
Sixteenth Night dropped by Ghost (Greyshinne Sealed Ruins)
Dark Smasher dropped by Warlock (Alatos Sealed Ruins)
Hyper Stick dropped by PA-200 (Brakia Sealed Ruins)
----------------------------------------------------------------------5: Credits
- God for giving me hands to type this FAQ and the patience to get all
of the steals and drops contained within in it.
- CjayC for excepting this and for running a place where gamers can find
all of the help they need and authors like myself can have their work
- You the reader because it means so much to me that people view my work
and get the help they need. Drop me a line sometime!
----------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2004 Dale Ray (KatanaSoul)
*Arc the Lad II: Wanted Monster FAQ* by KatanaSoul
Version 1.0, Last Updated 2004-06-14 View/Download Original File
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