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~ L E G O : Star Wars ~
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A Complete FAQ/ Walkthrough (PS2 release)
by ~~: Syonyx :~~
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1) Introduction
2) Controls
3) Gameplay
-Life hearts
-Lego Studs
-Changing Characters
-Special Abilities

Title: Lego Star Wars: The Video Game
Platform: Playstation 2
Genre: Action
# of Players: 1 or 2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Developer: Traveller's Tales
Publisher: Eidos
Licensed by: LucasArts
Release Date: 02-Apr-05

4) Story Mode Walkthrough

4X) Dexter's Diner
4A) Episode I: The Phantom Menace
S1-0 Episode I Hub
S1-1 Chapter One: Negotiations
S1-2 Chapter Two: Invasion of Naboo
S1-3 Chapter Three: Escape from Naboo
S1-4 Chapter Four: Mos Espa Podrace
S1-5 Chapter Five: Retake Theed Palace
S1-6 Chapter Six: Darth Maul
4B) Episode II: Attack of the Clones
S2-0 Episode II Hub
S2-1 Chapter One: Discovery on Kamino
S2-2 Chapter Two: Droid Factory
S2-3 Chapter Three: Jedi Battle
S2-4 Chapter Four: Gunship Cavalry
S2-5 Chapter Five: Count Dooku
4C) Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
S3-0 Episode III Hub
S3-1 Chapter One: Battle over Coruscant
S3-2 Chapter Two: Chancellor in Peril
S3-3 Chapter Three: General Grievous
S3-4 Chapter Four: Defense of Kashyyyk
S3-5 Chapter Five: Ruin of the Jedi
S3-6 Chapter Six: Darth Vader
5) Free Play Mode Walkthrough
5A) Episode I: The Phantom Menace
FP1-1 Chapter One: Negotiations
FP1-2 Chapter Two: Invasion of Naboo
FP1-3 Chapter Three: Escape from Naboo
FP1-4 Chapter Four: Mos Espa Podrace
FP1-5 Chapter Five: Retake Theed Palace
FP1-6 Chapter Six: Darth Maul

Author: Syonyx
Version #: 1.0
Last Update: 18-Feb-07

5B) Episode II: Attack of the Clones

FP2-1 Chapter One: Discovery on Kamino
FP2-2 Chapter Two: Droid Factory
FP2-3 Chapter Three: Jedi Battle
FP2-4 Chapter Four: Gunship Cavalry
FP2-5 Chapter Five: Count Dooku
5C) Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
FP3-1 Chapter One: Battle over Coruscant
FP3-2 Chapter Two: Chancellor in Peril
FP3-3 Chapter Three: General Grievous
FP3-4 Chapter Four: Defense of Kashyyyk
FP3-5 Chapter Five: Ruin of the Jedi
FP3-6 Chapter Six: Darth Vader
6) Bonus Level Walkthrough
S4-B Story Mode
FP4-B Free Play Mode
7) Characters
7a) Story Characters
7b) Purchased Characters
8) Extras
9) Hints
10) Closing Info
-Contact Info
-Legal Info
Welcome, Lego builders and Star Wars fanatics. At last, there is a game that
unites your two passions into one cohesive whole: LEGO Star Wars. Now, I know
that you always wondered what the more recent Star Wars trilogy would look like
if the universe were made of Lego, and now your wait is over. Traveller's
Tales has crafted a fine, fun, hilarious game from some wonderful source
material, with which they have taken some creative liberties. It is an easy
game to pick up and play, and is fun for solo or partnered players. Not to
mention you can never really die in this game, making it highly accessible to
younger gamers everywhere.
This guide is intended to be fairly exhaustive, covering in detail every
chapter in both Story and Free Play modes, detailing all of the many, many
characters, and otherwise providing all of the necessary information to get the
most of the game, including how to locate all of the highly-sought LEGO Minikit
Canisters and how to achieve True Jedi status in every stage. Note that one
thing I will not give you is the codes to unlock characters and extras in the
game. Instead, I'll do you one better: I'll give you the information you need
to obtain these bonuses on your own. Codes won't give you anything that cannot
be obtained through more wholly legitimate means, which also provide much
greater satisfaction than simply inputting a cheat.
LEGO Star Wars was released simultaneously on all of the then-current gaming
platforms (Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube, and PC). Though this guide was
created based on the Playstation 2 version, they are all virtually identical,
apart from the control scheme. There were also versions of the game released
for handheld platforms, but this guide does not apply to them. Now on with the

IF YOU JUST WANT TO GET THROUGH THE GAME, then the Story mode walkthrough is
for you. There, I give explicit directions for completing each chapter with
the minimum amount of effort. This will allow you to view all FMVs and say
that you technically completed the game, though you'll be missing out on a lot
of fun if this is all that you do.
Play mode walkthrough is for you. There, I detail how to locate every Lego
Stud and Minikit Canister to be found, and provide information on how to
achieve True Jedi status for each chapter. Beyond that, this guide also
includes details on each playable character and how to unlock them, as well as
every Extra and Hint available for purchase in Dexter's Diner. You can also
find all necessary information on unlocking the Secret Bonus Level (ooohhh)
after the Free Play walkthrough. Enjoy!
~~ In-Game ~~
Move lead character: Left stick or D-pad
Jump: [X]
Attack: [Square]
Pull Lever: [O] while standing in front
Switch character (Story mode): Triangle (while facing)
Switch character (Free Play mode): L1/L2, R1/R2
Pause game: Start
Steer vehicle: Left stick or D-pad
Fire vehicle weapon: [Square]
~~ Character-specific actions ~~
(Lightsaber wielders)
Pull out lightsaber: [Square]
Holster lightsaber: [O]
Attack combos: Press [Square] repeatedly
Defend: Hold [Square]
Reflect blaster shots: Press [Square] just before shot hits
Double-jump: [X], [X]
Backflip: [X] + back on Left stick or D-pad
Jump attack: [X], [Square]
Slam attack: [X], [X], [Square]
Use the Force: hold [O] while object is aglow
(Blaster users)
Ready weapon: [Square]
Holster weapon: [O]
Grapple gun: [O] while standing inside grapple point
(Astromech Droids)
Hover: Hold [X]
Open Astromech Droid Locks: [O] or [Square] while facing lock
(Protocol Droids)
Open Protocol Droid Locks: [O] or [Square] while facing lock

Float: Press [X] to engage, then [X] again to disengage
Chute Slide: Press [O] or [Square] when facing a chute entrance
~~ In Menus ~~
Highlight option: Up/Down (D-pad or Left stick)
Select highlighted option: [X]
Cancel/go back: [O]
Change setting: Left/Right (D-pad or Left stick)
---------In Lego Star Wars: The Video Game, you will play through sections of the
first/last three Star Wars films (depending on whether you're looking at the
chronology of the films, or the order in which they were made), namely Episodes
I, II and III. Each film is divided into five or six chapters, with cutscenes filling in the story in between. Each chapter can be played in Story
mode, in which the saga is played out with designated characters, or in Free
Play mode (unlocked once Story mode is complete for that chapter), where you
can switch freely between a number of characters sporting various abilities,
allowing you to fully explore each chapter in greater depth. Primarily in the
latter mode, you will also be pursuing two major tasks: achieving 'True Jedi'
status in each chapter by collecting a set amount of Lego Studs (the currency
of the game), and locating all Lego Minikit Canisters, with which to build Lego
Star Wars vehicles for your perusal. As you progress through the game, you
will also unlock more and more characters to infuse your experience with ever
more fun and variety. You can also purchase 'Extras' with saved Lego Studs,
providing you with various fun game options to add a little more variety and
humour to the whole affair.
~ Dexter's Diner ~
This is the hub of the game, the central point that will be your launching pad
for all of your adventures. In the Diner, you can enter unlocked chapters to
play out the stories of the Star Wars saga, wander around and interact with any
unlocked characters (who will also frequently interact with each other in
deadly ways), check out the Lego Star Wars vehicles that you've built by
collecting Minikit Canisters, and grab some extra Lego Studs stashed away
around the place.
At the counter, in the main room of the Diner, you have several shopping
options. Here, you can view and purchase game hints (though they're very basic
and can often be found in the game manual), purchase unlocked characters for
use in Free Play mode, purchase Extras (fun options that can mostly
impractically enhance your game experience; see the appropriate section further
down in this guide), and input cheat codes (not recommended, just do things
yourself!) if that's how you play.

To the left of the counter, there are four doorways in a row. These are marked
'I' to 'III' for the hubs to the chapters within each Star Wars episode. There
is also a mysterious door marked '?' that hides the game's biggest secret.
Will you be able to unlock it?
~ Story mode ~
Here, you will act out the saga of the Star Wars films. In Story chapters, you
are restricted to the characters appropriate to that chapter. Though your
primary purpose is to simply complete the chapter, you will also be trying to
obtain True Jedi status by collecting a set number of Lego Studs (though this
may not be possible in Story mode for all chapters). After completing a
chapter in Story mode, new story characters that you have encountered may be
unlocked for use in Free Play mode. Most enemy characters encountered in the
chapter will also become unlocked and will now be available for purchase at the
Cantina Bar. But perhaps most importantly, the next chapter in the current
movie episode will also be unlocked, so that you can continue the story.
After completing the first chapter of Episode IV, the first chapters of
Episodes V and VI will also be unlocked, so you don't have to play through all
three films in perfect order if you don't care to do so.
~ Free Play mode ~
In Free Play, you will revisit previously completed chapters with a new stock
of characters, sporting additional character abilities not available to you in
Story mode. In this way, you will be able to go more places, do more and
collect more Studs and Lego Minikit canisters. You will also have the
opportunity to reach True Jedi status if you were unable to do so in Story
Completing Free Play chapters 100% will usually require that you have
characters with the following abilities: blasting, grappling, Force, Dark
Force, double-jumping, super-jumping, chute sliding, and opening Astromech and
Protocol Droid Locks. The first time that you will have all of these skills
and character classes available is after completing Episode I in entirety
(assuming that you're playing the game in proper order), at which point you
will be able to purchase characters possessing these abilities if you have not
received them already as Story characters (Darth Maul, I'm looking at you
------------Life Hearts
------------Each player-controlled character has four life hearts. Each time they take a
hit from an enemy attacks, one heart is lost. You can replenish lost hearts by
picking up hearts dropped by defeated enemies and by destroying parts of the
environment. If you lose all of your hearts, then you die. You can also die
instantly by falling into an area without a floor below, or by coming into
contact with certain potent environmental hazards. But don't fret! You'll
simply re-spawn at the same point in a moment. However, death is not
completely without penalty. While playing any chapter in Story or Free Play
mode, you will lose some Studs - 2,000 if you die by getting hit until your
hearts run out, or 1,000 if you die by falling into the abyss. These Studs
will be scattered around the point of your death, and when you respawn you may
be able to re-collect some or all of them if you act quickly.

Lego Studs
-----------Throughout the game, you will be collecting Lego Studs, the currency of the
Lego Star Wars universe. These come in three colours: Grey Studs (worth 10
each), Yellow Studs (worth 100 each), and Blue Studs (worth 1,000 each).
Studs can be spent on a number of things at the counter in Dexter's Diner. You
can purchase unlocked enemy characters, Extras, and basic game hints.
--------------------Changing Characters
--------------------Different characters sport a variety of different abilities, and you will often
need to switch between characters to be able to advance. In the Diner, you can
take control of any character that you have unlocked. Face the character you
wish to control and press [Triangle] to take them over. This must occur within
a reasonably short distance. The new character's icon will appear in your HUD.
In Story mode, you are limited to using the characters that are part of your
party at any given time, switching between them by again facing them and
pressing [Triangle]. In Free Play mode, you can switch between any of the
characters that you brought with you by scrolling through them using the L1,
L2, R1 and R2 buttons; You can also switch control to your partner by pressing
[Triangle]. In 2-player mode, players can trade control of their current
characters by facing each other and pressing [Triangle] simultaneously.
-------Try as you might, conflict is unavoidable in the Star Wars universe, so you'd
best be prepared. You have two main offensive weapons at your disposal:
Blasters and Lightsabers. The former have the advantage of distance, while the
latter win out in sheer pizzazz.
Blaster fighting is pretty simple, due to the game's auto-targeting system.
Basically, fire in the general direction of your target, and your shot will fly
true. Of course, if it's a moving target, it may move out of the line of fire,
and because of the auto-targeting, what the game thinks you wanted to shoot and
what you actually wanted to may not always be the same. You can discourage
this by pushing the Left stick as accurately as you can in the direction that
you actually want to shoot; this rule applies equally to animate and inanimate
targets. Now, often your targets will also likely be firing back at you too,
and a blaster in itself offers no defensive abilities. So when using a
blaster, you also need to watch for incoming fire and move around accordingly
to avoid it. Moving side to side and jumping randomly will throw off enemies
trying to target you, but watching for incoming enemy fire and dodging
accordingly will provide the best defense.
Lightsaber wielders prefer to get up-close and personal. They also have combo
attacks to strike multiple nearby targets in rapid succession, or the same
target more than once, if it is of a type that requires more than one hit to
kill. Lightsaber users can also leap out to a mid-range target with a jump
attack, and can also eliminate multiple targets with a double-jump ground slam
attack. As for defense, Lightsaber users can defend against incoming blaster
shots by holding down the attack button. And to turn defense into a good
offense, they can reflect incoming blaster fire back at the shooters by
pressing [Square] just before the shot hits. Finally, since lightsaber
wielders also tend to have Force powers, they can also use Force Push on some

minor enemies to send them flying.

However you're fighting, be sure to keep an eye on your heart meter. Watch for
hearts dropped by defeated enemies and grab them as needed, but don't leave
yourself overly vulnerable as you do so.
------------------Special Abilities
------------------Different character classes can perform special actions. Many of these are
required to advance past various points throughout the game.
DOUBLE-JUMP: Lightsaber wielders, by virtue of their mastery of the Force, can
perform these acrobatic leaps to reach otherwise unattainable
SUPER-JUMP: Some particularly skilled jumpers can reach heights even greater
than the Jedis' double-jump. Some super-jumpers achieve this via
their own double-jump, or sometimes in an extra powerful single
FORCE: Jedis can manipulate certain objects marked by a glow that appears as
the Jedi approaches them while being controlled by a player. This
ability can be used to open, move, reassemble, or blow up the objects in
question. The Force can also be used on inferior enemies to push them
back, well, forcefully.
GRAPPLE: All blaster users can fire a grappling hook and zip up the line to
reach a distant point, starting from red grapple points on the ground.
DROID LOCKS: Some are designed for Protocol Droids (such as C-3PO), others for
Astromech Droids (like R2-D2). All require that the appropriate
Droid type stand in front of it and operate it to gain access to
the adjacent door or other device.
CHUTE SLIDE: Certain small characters can fit through special vent hatches,
sliding through a tunnel to re-emerge at a different point on the
screen, granting access to otherwise unreachable areas. This
ability is restricted to organic characters; though some Droids
may be small enough, they're not sufficiently flexible to maneuver
through the winding vents.
HOVER: Using their built-in foot jets to rise above the ground, Astromech
Droids are able to cross large gaps in the terrain that any other
character would plunge to their doom in.
FLOAT: A few characters seem to be able to float above the ground just like
Astromech Droids can, but be warned that this ability does not allow
them to pass over empty space; they must have solid ground below them to
avoid falling into the abyss.
DARK FORCE: Only the Sith, Jedis' evil counterparts, can use the twisted dark
side of the Force on certain black and red objects scattered
throughout the game. Dark Force can also be used anywhere that
regular, good-guy Force can be used.

As you move through the game's chapters, in either Story of Free Play mode,
there are several things to watch out for so that you can add them to your
LEGO STUDS: The currency of Lego Star Wars, these little round buds will, in
sufficient quantity, allow you to purchase unlocked enemy
characters and fun Extras. Your sum of Lego Studs in your
possession after successfully completing any particular chapter
will be added to your running total for use in Dexter's Diner.
Grey Studs = 10, Yellow Studs = 100, Blue Studs = 1,000. You will
need to collect a certain number of Studs in a given chapter in
order to obtain True Jedi status for that chapter.
HEALTH HEARTS: Valuable only when you've lost one or more of your own. These
are often dropped by defeated enemies and released by destroying
pieces of the environment.
MINIKIT CANISTERS: There are ten such canisters in every chapter, many of which
can only be obtained in Free Play mode. Each contains Lego
pieces to build a Lego Star Wars vehicle. Once you've
collected all ten in a particular chapter, the vehicle will
be complete and you will receive a 50,000 Lego Stud bonus
(after then finishing the chapter, of course). Both
complete and in-progress vehicles can be viewed outside the
Diner, in the parking lot.
This half of the walkthrough will be the briefer of the two, containing only
the necessary information to get through each chapter and technically complete
the game. I will not spend time here indicating where or how to collect the
many, many Studs scattered throughout each chapter, or how to find the LEGO
Canisters either. These two tasks will instead be carried out in-depth in the
next part of the walkthrough, under Free Play. The only exception to this rule
is that I will describe how to collect all of the Studs from Dexter's Diner and
from each episode's hub.
The diner serves as the home base for the entire game. Here, you can walk
around to take in the sights, interact with or take over any unlocked character
that happens to be walking around, start a brawl, or check out the Lego Star
Wars vehicles that you have unlocked by finding Lego Canisters in each chapter
during gameplay.
But more importantly, at Dexter's counter you can also unlock additional
characters for use in Free Play mode, purchase Extras (little bonuses that
don't add anything practical to the game, but can infuse a little goofy fun
into it), read gameplay hints (which are all essentially useless, since all of
the info is found in the game manual or in the 'Hints' section of this guide,
you're welcome), or enter cheat codes (if that's the way you play, which I

would never ever recommend). New characters will be available for purchase
after each newly completed chapter in Story mode. See the sections of this
guide following the walkthrough for full details on all of these features.
And last but certainly not least, the Diner is just chock full of extra Lego
Studs, the valuable currency of this game. Ripe for the taking, it's up to you
whether or not to spend some time harvesting this bounty, since it can take
some time and get dull after a short while. Nevertheless, in the interests of
perfection, I will provide you with a list of all sources of Studs to be found
inside and outside the Diner. Please note that there are five areas to the
building: the main room, the parking lot outdoors, and the hubs for the three
episodes. These last will be described in detail at the appropriate points in
the walkthrough below. For now, it's just the main room and the parking lot.
------------------Diner - main room
------------------To receive the hidden Studs contained in the diner, most of the time you must
use the Force. Move around to see the different objects light up, and press O
when the desired object is lit to release its treasure. It may require a bit
of wiggling around to get the right object to glow, so feel free to jump on top
of other objects to get right up close if necessary.
LIGHTS: Each set of three vertical round yellow 'bulbs' can be turned on
using the force, releasing various amounts of Studs. The lights
can also be shot with a blaster to achieve the same effect.
BENCHES: The red benches on either side of the tables around the room will
release some Studs after using the Force on them for about three
seconds. The one below the window straight across from the door
to Episode III is the one exception.
SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS: Presumably that's what they are, anyway. The white
containers with grey lids on some tables yield a
lot of Studs when blown up with sustained Force
OTHER CONTAINERS: At the left end of Dexter's counter, there are two grey
round containers with white lids. Lift the lids with
the Force to receive several Studs. You can only lift
the right one while the left lid is still suspended in
the air.
STOOLS: These are trickier. You have to flip over all of the stools in
the room using the Force before the first one rights itself
again. Once you've accomplished this, they'll all stay flipped.
Now you have to destroy them with a lightsaber to receive some
KETTLE: The large black pot at the right end of the counter can only be
opened by Dark Force power, so is inaccessible until later in the
game. It does hold quite a lot of Studs, though, so don't forget
about it.
Approximate Total Studs: 16,000 (this number is only an estimate due to some
randomness in the actual Stud release)

Diner - Parking Lot

--------------------GARBAGE CANS: The dark cylinders along the wall of the diner can be
destroyed by lightsaber or blaster, to give a fair number
of Studs.
VENT COVERS: Levitate and destroy the grates covering the two vents in the
floor to receive some Studs.
Approximate Total Studs: 10,000
And please note that each time that you return to the Diner, all of these
objects will have regenerated or refilled, creating an endless supply of cash
if you want to take the time to collect it.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
Obi-Wan Kenobi
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Gonk Droid (250 Studs)
PK Droid (350 Studs)
S1-0 Episode I Hub
Follow the short trail of Studs waiting for you on the ground through the
Episode I door from the diner to begin. Inside, there are six doors waiting,
appropriately numbered 1 to 6. Doors that are accessible will have green
lights flashing over top of them, while inaccessible doors will have red
lights. To gain entry to each door, you must complete the previous chapter in
Story mode. You can re-enter any chapter once unlocked to play it again, in
either Story or Free Play mode.
And now for the Studs that you can find inside this hub:
LIGHTS: Again, each of the 21 sets of three lights will launch some Studs
once lit up using the Force.
BENCHES: Shake the red benches with the Force to receive more Studs.
SHAKERS: The white shakers on the tables provide lots of Studs when blown
up with the Force, which may require standing on the tables to
make them glow.
STOOLS: Flip over all four stools using the Force (two at each end of the
room) before the first one flips back, then destroy them all with
your lightsaber for lots of Studs.
Approximate total Studs: 11,500

And for fun, you can also use the Force on the juke box near the entrance to
the room to hear the creature cantina theme, and old favorite from Episode IV!
When you're done playing around, walk through the door marked '1' to begin the
S1-1 Chapter One: Negotiations (Story Mode)
Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic!
With a blockade of deadly battleships, the
Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to
the small planet of Naboo.
The Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched
Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi
to settle the conflict...
After the amusing FMV (full-motion video, for the uninitiated), you have
control of your two Jedi. Please feel free to switch control between them at
any time. Walk forward and use the Force on the door until it blows apart.
Now get ready for some fightin'! Remember to hold Square to defend. You can
quickly release and re-press Square to then attack without dropping your
defense. Take out the four Battle Droids, then head straight up the hallway
and finish off two more. Turn right at the end of the hall and keep fighting
your way through another four Battle Droids. Go forward to find the first
other character who isn't trying to kill you.
Take control of the Protocol Droid by pressing Triangle while facing him. As
the Droid, walk right to the control panel to the left of the round hatch, and
press either O or Square, then don't move until the hatch opens. Walk past it
to the next similar door and open that one by operating the panel as well.
Switch back to one of the Jedi before entering the next room.
Get your lightsaber out and walk up to the Lego grate between the two streaming
pillars of blue light. Use the Force on it until it is fully reassembled at
the side of the room, then destroy the two Battle Droids that come through the
hole you just created. Go up the ramp and enter the passageway yourself.
Jump down to the ground and fight the group of Battle Droids. Pick up any
dropped Hearts to replenish your life meter. Now, before you head down to the
ramp to the lower section of the room on the right, move to the upper right
corner on your level. From there, use the Force on the smaller of the two blue
and white domed devices on the ground over the fence. Doing this will activate
the larger device, which is a powerful electromagnet. This will draw all of
the Battle Droids over to it, allowing you to take out most, if not all, of
them with a double-jump lightsaber strike. Now on to the Droidekas!
For the shielded Droidekas, there are a couple of options for taking them out.
If you simply move up to them and whack their shields with your lightsaber,
it'll take several hits to destroy the shield. You can wipe it out in one go,
though, with a double-jump lightsaber strike. The unshielded Droidekas will
still take three hits to destroy, however.
Next, you need to get through the energy gate.
structure attached to the fence on either side
rebuild it into a platform that you can use to
fence. Once over, stand on one of the two red

Use the Force on the grey

of the energy gate. This will
double-jump clear over the
buttons in the floor, and wait

for your Jedi partner to join you and do the same with the other button. This
drops the gate, allowing your Droid friend to join you. Just ahead, however,
there are six Battle Droids that come running out from behind the brown
vehicle. Destroy them all.
Once the opposition is gone, switch to the Protocol Droid and have him activate
the panel beside the vehicle. This opens the hatch to the vehicle, so climb
aboard to finish the chapter.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Battle Droid (Security) (300 Studs)
Battle Droid (200 Studs)
Battle Droid (Commander) (1,000 Studs)
Droideka (10,000 Studs)
S1-2 Chapter Two: Invasion of Naboo (Story Mode)
The Trade Federation has launched a full-scale
attack on the peaceful world of Naboo.
Hiding aboard the landing craft, Qui-Gon Jinn
and Obi-Wan Kenobi have secretly hitched a ride
with the invasion force. Now they must make
contact with the local forces - before it is
too late...
Run up through the forest as the battle rages around you. Watch out for Battle
Droids as they run across the field; if they get close to you, they'll spot you
and open fire, forcing you to fight. Though they pose little threat one at a
time, they are also easily avoided. Once you approach the fallen tree blocking
the path, a small squadron of four Battle Droids emerges, and you must deal
with them. Once they're destroyed, use the Force on the Lego tree to set it
back upright and continue up the path.
Up ahead, another five Battle Droids come out after you as you near the ship
blocking the path. Once they're out of the way, use the Force on the ship's
engine three times until the ship blows up. Jump over the debris and continue
forward to trigger a brief FMV. Afterwards, the most beloved character in Star
Wars history joins your party.
Head up the stairs, veering right to enter the ruins. Inside, run right until
you reach the end of the path. Use the Force on the Lego structure built into
the wall until you construct a bridge, then jump across it. Jump and destroy
the Droid on the other side of the gap, then switch to Jar-Jar and do a superdouble-jump to the top of the platform to lower it enough so that the Jedis can
surmount it. Switch back to a Jedi and use the Force on the gears in the wall
revealed by the lowered platform. Double-jump across the bridge that lowers,
then switch to Jar-Jar again when you reach a too-high portion of the path.
This again lowers it so the others can pass. Stay in control of Jar-Jar and
repeat for the next platform, but as soon as it starts to lower, switch back to
one of your Jedis, because a Battle Droid is hiding in the alcove revealed by
the lowered platform. Use the Force to destroy the Battle Droid quickly, and

repeat for the next one just ahead.

When you reach the golden waterfall, have a Jedi use the Force on the grey
blocks overhead to create the next bridge. Jump across, kill a couple of
Battle Droids, then proceed to the end of the path. It's a little bit
difficult to see, but there's a cave entrance here, so stay along the upper
wall as you walk right to enter it.
Walk right to the edge of the path and the log overhead will automatically
collapse, creating a ramp for you to climb up. Walk right across the swamp,
fighting your way past the enemy forces. Jump over the grey rocks at the end
to land in the sunken area, destroy the three Battle Droids here, then switch
to Jar-Jar and jump up to the rocks behind the tree on the right, where you can
see a bunch of grey Lego Studs. Walk right along this ledge until you reach a
platform that lowers as you step on it. At the bottom, walk upwards into the
cave it revealed.
Switch to a Jedi in case combat is required, and walk up until you reach the
water's edge. If you're lucky, you won't have to engage any Battle Droids at
all. Step into the water to trigger the end of the chapter.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
S1-3 Chapter Three: Escape from Naboo (Story Mode)
The Gungan ruler Boss Nass has refused to
help the people of Naboo. Qui-Gon Jinn and
Obi-Wan Kenobi have left his underwater city
for the Royal Palace in Theed.
As Trade Federation battle droids seize control
of the Naboo capital city, Queen Amidala and
Captain Panaka, her loyal protector, are
powerless to repel the invasion...
This chapter starts off with two blaster-wielding characters, who are
functionally interchangeable, so play with whoever you think is prettier.
First order of business: shoot some Battle Droids! Your blaster shots more or
less auto-aim, as long as you're facing in the general direction of your
target. Keep moving to avoid the retaliatory Battle Droid blaster shots, and
pick up any Hearts dropped to keep your health up. Eliminate the group of
Battle Droids dead ahead, then the ones that approach from your right flank.
Next, head up to the upper left corner of the field.
Standing over the red circle in the corner at the base of the wall, press the O
button to use your grapple and haul yourself to the top of the wall. Head
right while firing away and clear out the Battle Droids on your way across. At
the end, there's another grapple indicator, so rise one more level and take out
the pair of Battle Droids waiting up there. After that, it's another grapple
ride up, and some more Battle Droids. Once the coast is clear, shoot the gold
conical structure in the right corner to reveal yet another grapple indicator

on the
of the

ground below it. Up above, there's a whole squadron of Battle Droids!

wade through the crowd while shooting indiscriminately and pick up any
dropped immediately. The entrance to the building in on the right side

From the top of the stairs, fire at the Battle Droids waiting at the bottom,
continuing as more run in from the archway ahead. Once they're clear, head
through the archway yourself. Run right down the stairs to find yourself in a
glassed-in round gazebo-type room. Walk up to any window and shoot it out,
then jump out and kill the Battle Droid guards outside. Head right along the
bridge. On the far side, shoot the round target to the right of the gate to
cause the latter to rise, granting you free passage.
On the other side of the gate, move left and shoot the green dome to reveal a
hole in the floor. Jump down (alternately, you could just leap over the rail
and sail to the ground below), and you'll find your Jedi friends battling some
Droids. Lend them a hand and destroy the squadron, then head towards the right
along the ground a fair distance. You may wish to switch control to one of the
Jedi characters, since you'll soon encounter a large group of Battle Droids,
and the Jedis at least are able to defend against blaster shots (though you've
been managing just fine with your blaster characters up to this point). Now,
there are those conical structures sitting on top of square pedestals on either
side of the gate at the end. Destroy the cones with either blaster or
lightsaber, then have a blaster character jump on top of one of the pedestals,
which now move up and down automatically. Shoot the two round targets as you
move up and down, then repeat for the other side of the gate. Once all four
targets are lit, the gates will open.
For the next section, I recommend using a Jedi to fight the small groups of
Battle Droids that roam around the roof. There are three groups in total: at
the entrance, along the upper path as you head right, and at the very right
end. Once they're all out of the way, you can get down to business. Walk up
to the middle of the three large green domes down the middle of the area. jump
up to the top and step on the button to be found there. Doing so opens up one
of the indestructible domes at the far right end of the roof. Walk up to it
and shoot or slash the smaller flat-topped dome inside, then drop down into the
hole it reveals (and hey, you get a LEGO Canister while you're at it!). That's
all she wrote for this chapter.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
Captain Panaka
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Royal Guard (800 Studs)
Padme (800 Studs)
S1-4 Chapter Four: Mos Espa Podrace (Story Mode)
Queen Amidala and her Jedi protectors have
fled Naboo, heading for Coruscant. They plan
to inform the Galactic Senate of the Trade
Federation invasion.
However, the Royal Starship's hyperdrive is
damaged in the escape, and they have been

forced to land on the remote planet of Tatooine

for repairs...
The race track is divided into three segments, and the race consists of three
full laps. Thus, the race is divided into nine sections, and you must come in
first place on each one to be able to continue to the next. Fortunately, each
section is fairly short, so if you fail you will be able to try again without
losing much progress.
Aside from simply not winning, you will also have to retry if you crash your
podracer by either A) running out of Hearts due to several small collisions, or
B) crashing into a large object, blowing you up instantly. Now on with the
Hold down the X button to accelerate. You pretty much want to just keep the X
button depressed for the entire chapter. Scoot on ahead and follow the path,
which winds back and forth a little through a desert valley. After the second
turn, you'll find the first accelerator, those grey squares with green arrows
that dot the track throughout the race. Passing over one of these gives you a
brief but significant boost in speed, and you will have to hit most of them to
be able to finish the race in time. So aim for the accelerators!
After you drop down a bit over a cliff, there are some large craters that you
need to avoid steering into, since falling into one is an instant death. If
you stick to the right, you can use the accelerator pads to skip past most of
the craters. Once you're approaching the turn ahead, move to the left to avoid
the last craters along the wall. After this bend, stick to the right side and
smash through the fence to go up the ramp along the side of the valley, using
the accelerators along the way.
Next up, you pass through a cave tunnel with purple crystals. Hitting these
crystals does not harm you, they actually give you some Studs, but don't worry
about taking them all out. Just keep on racing around the bends and try not to
bump into the walls. You'll notice a timer counting down in the middle of the
screen. This is the amount of time you have left to reach the checkpoint and
still be in first place. The checkpoint is at the very end of the tunnel.
Here, the Sand People join the mix to make things interesting. Avoid their
blaster shots (duh). This is easy to do since you can see where they're firing
in a continuous stream. Stick to either the left or right side, and avoid the
points where their shots hit the ground while still picking up a few
Once you're clear of this field, use the pair of accelerators and take a sharp
right as you enter the valley. On the other side, you go up a small rise.
Stick to the left side to avoid smashing into the rocks. When the field opens
up again, make sure that you hit the accelerators at the top of the next rise,
and fly along the path towards the checkpoint.
This is the shortest of the three sections, and you have only an open field to
navigate. There are plenty of accelerators, but also lots of black bombs
scattered througout - try to hit as many of the first as possible, but none of
the latter. Sounds easy, right? You can see the bombs coming from a decent

distance away, and the signs over the accelerators will guide you to them. Use
as many accelerators as possible if you want to successfully complete the lap.
After the first accelerator, you'll see a short FMV where Sebulba takes out a
competitor, damaging the field in the process. You need to be as fast and
efficient as possible, using every accelerator up to this point to be able to
shoot under the falling rock before it completely collapses, creating an
impassable barrier for you to crash against. If you succeed in doing this, the
rest of the section should be fairly easy. Remember to avoid the craters and
use the ramp on the right immediately after them to reach top speed.
Now, in addition to their blaster shots, the Sand People have sent some
boulders rolling down to crush you all. Stick to the left side except for
dodging right around the rolling boulder that cuts across your path. Use the
accelerators along the left side while staying clear of where the blaster shots
hit the ground. After the next bend, again stay left as you go up the rise to
avoid hitting a rock, and use every accelerator to reach the front of the pack
before the checkpoint.
It's no different from the last time. Aim for the accelerators, dodge the
bombs. It's that simple.
This time around, after the first accelerator, stick to the right side, since
the left path was destroyed by Sebulba during the previous lap. It's fairly
easy to see the accelerators coming along this path, and you must aim for them
at one point to make it through an archway in the rocks, which is the only
accessible way through. The rest should look very familiar.
Now, the field is cluttered with the boulders from the rockslide from the
previous lap. Let the accelerators guide you through the rubble; head towards
the right and use the first accelerator to skirt past the boulders to the very
right edge of the valley, staying there until clear of all of the rocks. Use
the accelerators from that point on, and finish the section in the same way as
the last two times.
Now, the race is on! Sebulba has heated things up, and you need to use every
accelerator along the way to the finish if you're going to beat him. Veer
right a bit to the middle of the valley to the first accelerators, then right
some more to the next trio. From there, take a sharp left to use the
accelerators ahead there, then back towards the right a little bit for the
final ones. Turn slightly to the left towards the goal line, which you should
reach with about one second to spare. Congratulations!!
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________

S1-5 Chapter Five: Retake Theed Palace (Story Mode)
On Coruscant, Queen Amidala has found
the Galactic Senate corrupted by Trade
Federation influence, and mired in
Frustrated, she has returned home to Naboo.
Together with Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi,
Captain Panaka, R2-D2 and the young podracer
from Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker, Queen
Amidala now plans to infiltrate the Royal
Palace and capture the evil Trade Federation
At the start, you can take control of a blaster user and fire some shots at the
Battle Droids from a safe distance. Quickly, though, you'll need to switch to
a Jedi to face the Droideka. Once the ground forces are destroyed, you can use
your Jedi to reflect back the blaster shots from the Battle Droids on the
balconies around the courtyard. Simply very quickly release and re-press the
Square button as a shot approaches you, then repeat once you feel it's safe to
do so again. Once you're cleared out the Battle Droids, walk up to the flaming
remains of the ship on the left side, and it will explode automatically. Just
past this point, there is some Lego rubble. Use the Force on it to create a
ramp, then climb up. Go straight ahead to the door, then switch control to R2D2 and open the door using the panel on its right side (press O or Square while
facing it). Head on through the door.
Inside, there is a large gap in the floor due to the ongoing battle. To get
everyone across, use a Jedi. Use the Force on the red hook to create a grapple
point for the blaster users. Next, use the Force on the grey square panel in
the wall to open a chute for young Anakin to slide through. And last, use the
Force on the Lego pieces in the gap to create a floating platform, and doublejump to it and across to the far end. Once your controlled character reaches
the other side, the rest will use whichever means are appropriate to them to
join you. R2-D2 will use his hover ability to fly across the gap.
Inside the next room, two Droidekas and some Battle Droids run out to face you.
Use a Jedi to kill them all, then stand on any of the brown buttons around the
middle of the floor. The rest of your party will then move over the remaining
buttons, opening the large doors on the right side of the room. Run up the
hallway inside. A few Battle Droids emerge as you approach the far end, but a
double-jump lightsaber attack will take out most of them. Once you've mopped
up, continue forward. Straight across the next room is another panel for R2-D2
to operate. Once he does so, head outside.
Go left and up the stairs. Four Battle Droids stand in your way at the top.
Eliminate them, then head forward into the next courtyard. Kill some Droids on
the ground, and then those on the upper ledges, again by reflecting the blaster
shots back at them with a Jedi character (alternately, the blaster users can
shoot some of them with jump shots). Once the enemies are gone, walk forward
past the fountain. On the right side, there is some Lego rubble. Have a Jedi
use the Force on it to repair the circular staircase on the right side of the
courtyard. Jump up it to the top, then walk out along the broken bridge. Use

the Force on the debris at the edge of the broken segment to connect the two
sides, then run across and kill the Battle Droids that come after you on the
other side. Run left all the way until you reach a closed gate, at which point
the camera will swing to reveal a button on the far ledge. But how to reach
it? Well, destroy the flower box beside the gate with blaster or lightsaber to
reveal another brown button. Step on it to raise the smaller of the two gates.
Inside, there is a chute for young Anakin to use. Stand in front of it and
press O (using Anakin, of course), and he'll re-emerge on the far ledge.
However, there is a large lego structure blocking the path, so go back, switch
to a Jedi, and use the Force on the block until it explodes. Switch back to
Anakin, go through the chute, and cross right across the far ledge to reach
another chute. Slide through that one to reach the top ledge, and step on the
button to open the main gate. Slide back through both chutes to return to the
rest of your party, and head through the now open gate.
You find yourself on a rooftop. Head right and kill the Battle Droids that
stand in your way. Now, you have to figure out how to get every character up
top on the right side. First of all, have a Jedi use the Force on the grey
square panel in the wall at ground level along the upper wall to open a chute
for Anakin to use. Next, destroy the flower box on the right side, down and
slightly right of the chute, to reveal a grapple point, bringing up Padme and
Captain Panaka. Then, use the Force on the square panel in the far right
corner to repair the elevator, so that R2-D2 can fly across to the upper
landing. And finally, bring both Jedis back to the left side of the roof.
There are two small grey boxes along the upper wall. Stand on one of them, and
your Jedi partner will automatically stand on the other. Use the Force on his
box, and he'll use the Force on yours, levitating both of you upwards. At the
top, jump off to the platform between the two boxes. Use the Force on the
platform in front of the next window to the right to raise it into place, and
jump across it to the landing on the right side. Go join your friends and
stand on one of the brown buttons. Once all buttons are stood upon, the gate
will open. Walk inside.
Indoors once more, run up and kill the Battle Droids, then head up the stairs
at the other end of the hall. Use a Jedi to eliminate the Droideka waiting
above. Initially, there doesn't seem to be an exit. To make one, destroy the
statue straight ahead with blaster or lightsaber, and step on the button it
reveals. Head through the door in the wall that this opens and down the
stairs, turning right at the bottom.
Walk towards the screen to reach the spaceship hangar, where several Royal
Guards are being held hostage by Battle Droids. Your mission is to free all
six of them. The icons at the top of the screen will track your progress,
darkening out faces as they are rescued.
RESCUE 1: From the entrance, move left and destroy the cylindrical Lego
structures to reveal a grapple point. Have Captain Panaka or Padme use it to
reach the platform above, then jump right to the small grey block sticking out
of the wall, and from there to the top of the doorway. Shoot the Battle Droid
to free your kinsman.
RESCUES 2 & 3: Walk right across the hangar past the yellow ships. Two
hostages are being held hostage on the ground there. Unfortunately, in
addition to their guards, a couple more Battle Droids and a Droideka emerge
from the nearby doorway to slow you down. Eliminate them all to free your
RESCUES 4 & 5: On either side of the doorway where the Droideka emerged from,
there is a small box. Have a Jedi stand on either box, and the other Jedi will
move to the other. Use the Force on each other's boxes to rise up and jump off

at the top. Jump up and destroy the Battle Droid to release two more
Naboobians (or whatever they're called).
RESCUE 6: For the final hostage, head to the left side of the hangar and walk
into the screen to reach the rear corner. Note the Lego structures here, one
large and two small boxes. Use the Force to stack them one atop another,
starting with the large box. Once all three are stacked with the large box on
the bottom, double-jump up to the ledge on the large box, and again to the top
of the small boxes. Jump to the ledge with the Battle Droid from there and
destroy him. Success!
To finish, head back to the right end of the hangar. Near the upper right
corner, there is a panel for R2-D2 to control. It's on a slightly raised
ledge, so use your hover ability to get up there. Use the panel to complete
this quite long chapter.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| STORY CHARACTERS: Padme (Battle)
Anakin Skywalker (Boy)
S1-6 Chapter Six: Darth Maul (Story Mode)
The Trade Federation army has been neutralized
by Anakin Skywalker, but the battle continues
in the Royal Palace.
Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi have one more
enemy to face...
Separated from your foes, you must attack from a distance. First of all, you
must eliminate the four Battle Droids. Do this by reflecting back their
blaster shots, by pressing Square just before a shot hits you. For any Battle
Droids that stubbornly won't shoot at whichever Jedi you're controlling, just
stand in front of the other one to intercept the shot. Once all of the Battle
Droids are gone, Darth Maul attempts to throw an object at you using the Force.
As it approaches you, your own Force glow will appear around the object. Press
and hold O at this point to 'force' the object back towards Darth Maul (see how
I made a funny?). If he continues throwing objects at you, it's because you
didn't hit him because you're too far back; move up to the beige panel on the
floor and try it from there. After he gets hit, four more Battle Droids
emerge, and you must repeat the whole process. After three hits, Darth Maul
runs off to seek new ground. Use the Force on the bridge parts across the gap
to reassemble the bridge, then run straight up the path the next room.
Run up to Darth Maul to see him retreat again. Move right along the wall, and
double-jump up to the second level of grating. From there, keep jumping up and
right until you're on the second raised yellow/gold grating platform. Use the
Force on the grey platfrom in the wall to extract it fully, then double jump
across it to the next permanent platform before the grey one retracts again.
Repeat for the next platform. At the right end, walk across the bridge to the
next room.

Double-jump straight ahead twice to reach the central circular platform.

Again, the coward retreats, leaving Battle Droids to fight for him. Move along
the long platfrom on either side from the center, fighting through the Battle
Droids to reach the Droid Commander. Until you destroy him, more Battle Droids
will continue to rain down from the sky. Once you've killed one commander,
fight your way straight across to the other and repeat. This brings up two
Droidekas on floating platforms back near the center of the room. Head there,
and reflect the Droidekas' shots back at them until both their shields and they
themselves are destroyed. Double-jump across to either one's platform and
stand on the red button until your partner does the same for the other. This
re-raises the last bridge ahead, so jump to it and head upwards to continue the
To drop each red energy barrier, both switches on either wall must be pulled at
the same time. Use the Force on either one and hold until your partner does
the same. Repeat until you're all the way through.
And now for the actual battle. Using his lightsaber staff, Darth Maul can
easily block your regular attack combo. The easiest way to hit him is to do a
jump attack, bypassing his guard. Sometimes you'll also get lucky and you can
hit him while he's targeting your computer-controlled partner. Anyway, hit
Darth Maul a couple of times and he'll leap away, then promptly leap back.
After three rounds like this, he uses his Force to construct a raised platform,
and tries to hit you with Force-controlled objects from his vantage point. Use
the Force on those objects yourself as they approach you to push them at him
instead. He'll then leap to another platform and try again. Keep pursuing him
and reflecting the objects back at him. If he doesn't seem to be doing
anything, use the Force briefly on his platform to taunt him into throwing
another object. Once you've hit him three times like this, he comes down again
to take you on mano a mano (or mano mano a mano, since it's two against one).
This time, he will periodically try to use his Dark Force on your character,
which will be indicated by a red glow around you. If you let this go on, he'll
choke you to death. To get out of his hold, once you see the red glow, switch
control to your other Jedi and hit Darth Maul to break his concentration. Do
this a few times to finish him off, triggering the closing FMV.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Darth Maul (15,000 Studs)
Congratulations, you've completed Episode I! Select 'Continue Story' (not that
you have any choice in the matter) to watch the celebrations and the entire
game's credits, which for some unfathomable reason play at the completion of
each Episode. Oh well, at least they're skippable.
S2-0 Episode II Hub
It more or less looks just like the hub for Episode I. The only difference is

that instead of a juke box, it contains some other unidentifiable device that
you can operate with the force to make a bunch of containers float up to the
top. Whoop-de-doo.
LIGHTS: Again, each of the several sets of three lights will launch some
Studs once lit up using the Force.
BENCHES: Shake the red benches with the Force to receive more Studs.
SHAKERS: The white shakers on the tables provide lots of Studs when blown
up with the Force, which may require standing on the tables to
make them glow.
STOOLS: Flip over all of the stools using the Force before the first one
flips back, then destroy them all with your lightsaber for lots of
Approximate Total Studs: 12,000
S2-1 Chapter One: Discovery on Kamino (Story Mode)
The Galactic Republic plunges ever deeper
into crisis. The mysterious Count Dooku
leads a Separatist movement which threatens
the future of the Republic.
In this time of turmoil, Obi-Wan Kenobi
investigates the attempted assasination of
Senator Padme Amidala, with his astromech
droid R4-P17, the Jedi Knight tracks the
source of a poisoned dart to the remote world
of Kamino.
Head upwards across the bridge
rebuild the electrical tower.
platform to the main building.
Kaminoan across the bridge and

to join the Kaminoan there. Use the Force to

This extends the bridge from the landing
Go back down past your ship and follow the
inside the building.

Follow the Kaminoan clockwise around the corridor, then up the straight
hallway. In the next large room, you need the open the gate that he's waiting
beside. To do this, walk on all of the blue circles in the middle of the
floor. Once they're all lit at once, a device rises in the center. Use the
Force on the controls to open the gate and some viewing windows. Approach the
Kaminoan and follow him up the new hallway. At the end, switch to R4-P17 and
have him operate the panel to the left of the door.
Continue to follow the Kaminoan along the next hall and turn right into the
first doorway. Inside, you meet... Jango Fett! Have Obi-Wan eliminate the
flying drones that he sends after you, then follow the Kaminoan back out of the
room. Head up the hall towards the force field. There are two automatic
ceiling-mounted blaster turrets. Reflect their shots back at them with your
lightsaber to blow them up and drop the force field. Chase Jango Fett through
the door on the right near the end of the hallway.
Next, follow Jango Fett through the round hatchway on the right. Outside,
carefully approach each bomb. Jump back as each explodes (they'll flash more

quickly, emit a high-pitched whine and swell in size just before blowing), then
double-jump across the gaps this creates in the walkway. Continue to chase
Jango Fett along the walkway until you reach the retracted section. Here,
switch control to R4-P17, roll over the first red button to turn it green, then
hold X to hover as you move straight ahead across the gap. On the other side,
roll over the other red button to restore the drawbridge. Switch back to ObiWan and use the Force on the grey device to the left of the doorway. This
reveals an astromech panel for R4-P17 to operate. Do so and head through the
now-open door. Once both characters are inside, the elevator will lift you
both up.
Indoors once more, Jango Fett sends more flying drones out to slow you down.
If you start to fight them, you'll quickly realize that an unending supply
keeps emerging from the hatches in the ceiling further up the hall. You need
to close those hatches! Switch to R4-P17 and roll up the hallway, completely
ignored by the drones. Operate both astromech panels along the right wall to
close the hatches, then roll back to Obi-Wan, switch back to him and destroy
the drones (R4-P17 can also stun a couple of the drones to give his partner a
hand first). Move to the very end of the hall and have Obi-Wan use the Force
on the pile of Lego blocks in the left corner. This reveals another astromech
panel, so have R4-P17 operate it to open the door ahead. And now for the final
First off, knock a few points off of Jango's life by reflecting his blaster
shots back at him. After about four hits like this, Boba will join the fight
in the Slave-Zero, complicating matters a bit. At this point, switch to R4P17, roll out and operate one of the panels around the arena. This will cause
one of the auto-guns to target the ship, distracting it long enough for Obi-Wan
to get in a couple of hits on Jango if you switch back to him quickly. Jango
Fett will start firing slow missiles at Obi-Wan, which you can throw back at
Jango by using the Force on them. You'll likely still need to watch for the
ship's blasters. Just keep moving around, and take a moment when far away from
their targeted point on the platform to send a couple of missiles back at
Jango. Once he's down to one heart, he'll start running around the arena.
He's as quick as you. You'll have to run near him and then do a jump attack in
the direction that you think he's heading. After that last hit, the chapter is
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| STORY CHARACTERS: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master)
S2-2 Chapter Two: Droid Factory (Story Mode)
Obi-Wan Kenobi has tracked the bounty hunter
Jango Fett to the planet of Geonosis. This
rocky world, known for its droid production
factories, forms the base of operations for
the Separatist movement.
While Anakin Skywalker guards Senator Padme
Amidala, Obi-Wan lands his Jedi Starfighter
on the planet's surface...

Head up the corridor and defeat several Geonosians as they emerge from the
walls. Try using each character to see which one works best for you; Anakin
can defend against their shots, but they will often dodge your jump attacks by
taking flight, whereas Padme can easily knock them from the skies with her
blaster shots. The door at the end will open once all of the enemies are
Drop down to the conveyor belt below, and start running and jumping to the
right. Move up close to the machine presses, and jump across the section of
the flooring that they stamp while they are raised. You'll reach a yellow oneway force field that you can't fire through from the left, but through which
the Droideka on the other side can certainly shoot at you. Use Anakin to
double-jump through the yellow barrier and eliminate the Droideka. Continue to
the right through another similar force field and meet up with R2-D2. A short
distance to the right you'll hit a wall; use the Force to build the fan on the
rightmost circle in the floor, then use the airstream to reach the ledge
overhead and continue through the door.
Switch control to Padme and use the grapple point on the floor to the right.
Fire at the blaster target above, then jump back down and use the ore bucket to
jump to the next floor section. Grapple up again and shoot the second blaster
target, then jump back down. Wait for the ore bucket to return, then hop in
and wait until it dumps you out to the right. Destroy the two generators on
the floor here, and use the Force to move the blaster target onto the wall,
then switch to Padme again and shoot it. Jump right across the two ore
buckets. At the blue flame, again use the ore bucket to move up and jump to
the floor on the right. Grapple or double-jump across the final gap, then
destroy the generators on the right and have R2-D2 open the Astromech Droid
C-3PO joins up with you on the other side of the door. Have Anakin double-jump
to the round platform in the middle of the molten lake, and use the Force on
the nearby gear. Wait for C-3PO to step onto the platform, then use the Force
on the gear twice more to swing the platform around to the opposite side.
Double-jump to the next round platform and use the Force again until C-3PO can
reach the far landing on the right. Padme and R2-D2 will then make their own
way across. Have C-3PO operate the Protocol Droid Lock to open the next door.
Cross right through the cavern, killing the Geonosians as they emerge from
their alcoves. When the path ends, have Padme use the grapple point just
behind you to reach the upper ledge. Blast the Lego structure at the right
end, then switch to Anakin and use the Force on the pieces that fell into the
molten lake. This constructs a small platform. Have R2-D2 hover right and
slightly down to land on it, then hover again to the ledge on the right. Use
the Astromech Droid Lock to extend a bridge for the others to cross. Switch to
Anakin and eliminate the two Droidekas waiting by the exit door. Have C-3PO
use the Protocol Droid Lock to open that door and leave.
In the small room with the two conveyor belts, have R2-D2 operate the Astromech
Droid Lock on the right, then use the Force to move the generator beside the
red force field. Destroy the generator, which will take out the force field as
well. Head to the right and face off against a large number of Battle Droids,
Geonosians, and Droidekas. Anakin's Jedi skills are definitely necessary here
to block enemy fire. Once the opposition is dealt with, use the Force on each
of the four energy shackles binding Obi-Wan to free him.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________

| STORY CHARACTERS: Anakin Skywalker (Padawan)

| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Geonosian (2,000 Studs)
Battle Droid (Genosis) (300 Studs)
S2-3 Chapter Three: Jedi Battle (Story Mode)
In their attempt to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi on
the planet Geonosis, Anakin Skywalker and
Padme Amidala have been captured by Jango Fett.
Obi-Wan has sent a distress signal to the Jedi
Council. But hopes of rescue seem remote, as
as the evil Separatist leader Count Dooku
oversees their execution...
This chapter consists of a whole lot of fighting, so be on alert at all times
and keep that attack button held down to block incoming shots. You will have
several waves of enemies to defeat and friends to rescue; your current
objective will appear as round icons in the center top of the screen, either as
a number of enemies to defeat, or a hero to free.
At the very start, all of your enemy targets are directly above you. Destroy
the Battle Droids and Droidekas (remember, a double-jump lightsaber smash
destroys their shields instantly), then use the Force on Padme to lower her
platform and free her. Next, head clockwise around the arena to find Anakin's
captors; two more Droidekas and some Super Battle Droids. I find it more
effective to concentrate on reflecting their shots back at them rather than
attacking head-on, since they all take multiple hits to destroy and you quickly
get surrounded if you try to get physical. Once they're all destroyed, use the
Force on Anakin to free him as well. Continue around the arena to the right to
find another alcove, where they're holding Obi-Wan, and destroy the five (!)
Droidekas and a pair of Super Battle Droids there to reach him. Use the Force
on Obi-Wan to release him from his imprisonment.
Next, there are several waves of enemies that will be scattered throughout the
arena. They appear amidst the unlimited hordes of regular Battle Droids and
Geonosians, and you must seek them out and destroy them. All of your target
Battle Droids are wearing red vests, so look for those to distinguish them from
the other Battle Droids. I suggest moving down into the screen, so that you
can see more of the arena at once, then running in one direction while watching
for those red-garbed Battle Droids. Keep this up until you've found and killed
all six. After that, you must defeat three more new ones and three Super
Battle Droids. Run around the arena in the same way as you seek them out, and
move in for the kill whenever you spot one. Remember that virtually all of the
cannon fodder enemies will release Health Hearts when defeated, so you have a
ready supply of health to replenish yourself as needed.
Finally, Jango Fett comes out to play. While he's hovering, concentrate on
reflecting his blaster shots back at him. Once he gets hit several times in
this way, he'll be grounded, at which point you can jump in and just keep on
knocking him down. When he's down to his last couple of hearts, he'll start
firing Bounty Hunter rockets at you as well. Just run towards him underneath

these and strike him again until he is dead.

______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
Padme (clawed)
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Super Battle Droid (5,000 Studs)
Jango Fett (65,000 Studs)
Boba Fett (800 Studs)
Luminara (20,000 Studs)
Ki-Adi Mundi (25,000 Studs)
Kit Fisto (35,000 Studs)
Shaak Ti (15,000 Studs)
S2-4 Chapter Four: Gunship Cavalry (Story Mode)
The Grand Army of the Republic has been called
into action. Led by Mace Windu and Yoda, the
new Clone forces clash with the Separatist droid
armies on the planet Geonosis.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker engage with
the enemy, as they pursue Count Dooku in their
Republic attack gunship...
This stage is quite straightforward. Just keep flying and blasting pretty much
everything in sight. At several points along the path, you'll need to avoid
the red laser cannons that fire at ninety degrees to your direction of travel.
You can't destroy the cannons, so you must move past the beams while they're
off. Many destroyed enemy vehicles and objects will release health hearts,
which will automatically fly to you to be collected. This is especially true
of the small thin ground-based vehicles, that can only be destroyed from a
medium to far distance away. You also need to be careful not to fly off the
edge of a cliff, because you can only hover, not truly fly. You can still get
close to the edge of a cliff and recover once you start to slide off, however.
From the start, fly ahead a bit while firing more or less continuously, and
watch for the first red laser cannon. Fly up close to the beam, then shoot
through the space it occupies when it turns off. Ahead, there will be a pair
of these firing together; don't let yourself get pushed back to the bottom of
the screen. Rather, fly up towards and past these red lasers as soon as you
spot them, even if you can't see much of what's ahead. After the next single
red laser, quickly blast the two blue lightning generators, which are creating
a force field across the path that will cause instant death if you crash into
it. But with both generators destroyed, no worries.
Ahead, you'll encounter three red laser cannons firing simultaneously, but with
some space between each one. You must fly through and stop in the gaps while
awaiting the next cycle to speed through again. You can fly past two of the
lasers at once, so try to clear them all in just two moves. After that, its
just more of the same for a short while. After a close-together pair of red
laser cannons, you must destroy another two blue lightning generators to be
able to pass through to the next area.

You are now in a round arena, in which you must destroy the giant globe. All
around it are red laser cannons, four pairs in all, and this time you are able
to destroy them. Not only that, but you must destroy them to succeed in this
chapter. It is possible to fly close to them and fire on them without getting
hit by their lasers, but this takes a fair amount of precision, and you have a
time limit to complete this area. It's much more efficient to move beside a
laser, and then when it turns off, fly sideways past the cannon while shooting
continuously to destroy it before it fires again. Keep moving around the arena
in one direction only, firing continuously to destroy all of the enemy vehicles
that are also scattered around. Each pair of laser cannons, once destroyed,
will lower the blue force domes over the generator coils between them. Once
you've cicled the arena and wiped out all of the laser cannons, keep going
around and shoot all four sets of generators to finish the chapter.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
S2-5 Chapter Five: Count Dooku (Story Mode)
As the batltle rages beween the Clone forces of
the Republic and the Separatist droid army, the
Separatist leader Count Dooku flies to his
secret hangar.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker follow closely
behind, prepared for a final showdown with the
Sith Lord...
Head right and enter the building with your lightsaber drawn. Destroy the trio
of Battle Droids that come at you from around the corner ahead. Chase Count
Dooku into the next room, where he sends five Geonosians out to fight you.
Reflect their shots back to dispose of them quickly. Along the right wall,
stand on the red button in the floor and wait there until your partner is
standing on the next button on the platform that moves out from the wall. Jump
to the next platform past his and stand on the button there, then repeat until
you reach the permanent platform above the door. Use the Force together with
your partner on the two levers here, then jump to the ground and head into the
launching bay.
To fight Count Dooku, start off by simply jumping and attacking with your
lightsaber. As soon as he starts to rise, do it again. Hit him a few times
like this and the fight will shift to a Force battle. Count Dooku will launch
objects at you. As they approach, a blue or green Force glow will appear
around them. At this point, press and hold your Force button to toss the
object at Count Dooku instead. After he takes a few hits like this, a short
FMV will play, and you will be in control of Yoda. You can switch control to
Anakin at this point if you like, but you should try Yoda at least once to have
the experience of being a crazy jumping frog. Again, just do regular jumping
attacks to strike Dooku several times. He'll then return to his Force bubble
and try using Force Lightning on you. As it approaches you, use the Force to
redirect it back at him. Hit him in this way a few times, and then it's back
to the lightsabers. Jump and attack until it's all over.

______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
S3-0 Episode III Hub
The darkest room in the joint, to match the mood of the film it represents.
This is also the largest room, forming a complete circle around a central
LIGHTS: Again, each of the several sets of three lights will launch some
Studs once lit up using the Force. Don't forget the eight lights
around the central island!
BENCHES: Shake the red benches with the Force to receive more Studs.
SHAKERS: The white shakers on the tables provide lots of Studs when blown
up with the Force, which may require standing on the tables to
make them glow.
STOOLS: Flip over all eight stools using the Force before the first one
flips back, then destroy them all with your lightsaber for lots of
DRINK DISPENSER: This is the clear dome along the wall at one point. Use
the Force on the nozzle on either side to fill the glass,
then use the Force on the glass to receive a whopping two
grey Studs. Note that you can repeat this indefinitely,
but since you get only two grey Studs each time, it
really isn't worth the effort.
Approximate Total Studs: 20,500
S3-1 Chapter One: Battle over Coruscant (Story Mode)
The Republic is crumbling under a Separatist
assault led by Count Dooku and General Grievous.
In a stunning move, Separatist forces have swept
into Coruscant and kidnapped Supreme Chancellor
As the Droid Army attempts to flee with their
hostage, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker
lead a desperate mission to rescue the

Ah, another flying level. The default controls have the Y-axis reversed (i.e.
press down on your control stick to move the ship up, and vice versa), but you
can press Start and open the Options menu to switch this if you prefer.
You fly on rails, meaning that your path is largely pre-set, and you can only
maneuver a small amount within the space given to you. As a result, you will
not be able to hit targets around the edges of the screen. Avoid smashing into
any objects, and fire on any enemy ships that move into your view. After a few
turns, you'll slowly approach the side of a ship with five large red circles in
a row. You must shoot all of these to destroy them, creating a space for you
to fly through. Start early with the rightmost circle, since once you get
close you won't be able to hit it at all.
After that, there's a lot more flying around, shooting everything in sight.
Eventually you'll turn to fly along the top of a ship, with a red-marked tower
with two red circles at its base. Shoot both of these to destroy the tower,
letting you fly through the space it occupied. A short while after that,
you'll approach another ship from the side. Blast the two red circles on
either side of the shuttle bay to open its doors, then steer straight through
the ship. A while after that, you'll approach another ship from the side,
after flying through a heavy fire zone. Blast the red circles on either side
of the force field to lower it, granting you access to the shuttle bay, where
you will land your ship.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
S3-2 Chapter Two: Chancellor in Peril (Story Mode)
High above the planet Coruscant, a deadly battle
rages between Separatist forces and the Army of
the Republic.
On the Separatist flagship, Count Dooku and
General Grievous hold Chancellor Palpatine
captive. Crashing their Jedi Starfighters into
the main hangar, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin
Skywalker are surrounded by hostile droid
Head straight up to where General Grievous is waiting. He'll send some Battle
Droids out to fight you instead. A couple of double-jump lightsaber strikes
will take care of most, if not all, of them. Use the Force on the door at the
end of the hall until it blows apart. In the next room, move down and fight
off more Battle Droids, then jump down to the floor and finish off another wave
of them. Cross to the opposite side of the room. Use the Force on the panels
on both sides of the round tube to build platforms, and double-jump up them to
reach the next level up. Fight off a couple more Battle Droids, then use the
Force on the yellow grate to either side of the round tube, then run through
the tunnel behind it.

On the other side, destroy all of the Battle Droids to reveal R2-D2 behind a
door. Switch control to him (it?) and operate the Astromech Droid Lock on the
right-most door along the wall. Use the Force on the crate inside to move it
into the far room, then use the Force on it again to blow it up. Walk up the
ramp that fell into place as a result of the explosion. Above, kill those
pesky Battle Droids and jump up to the right. Use the Force on the wall panel
to create a platform, and use it to reach the uppermost ledge. Use the Force
on the lever there to activate the fans. Jump down and to the right, then use
the air stream on the right to reach the very top platform, where a Droideka is
waiting for you. Destroy it and use the Astromech Droid Lock to open the door
into the bridge.
Another Count Dooku fight! First, leave him be and kill off his Battle Droids
instead, including the Super Battle Droids on the upper level. With them out
of the way, you can concentrate on the real fight. Again, simply jump and
attack to break through his defense. If he's close to you, defend until he
completes his lightsaber combo before jumping and attacking again. Whenever
your lead character becomes enveloped in a red Force glow, switch control to
your other character before you get Force-choked, and keep attacking. You'll
have to chase the Count to the upper level and back down again before the final
blows can be delivered.
With the Chancellor freed, head to the upper level and through the newly-opened
doors there. Head straight up across the room and through the next door. In
the hallway, you have to run downwards ahead of the advancing fiery wall, while
moving left and right to avoid the pits. Simply follow the line of Lego Studs
to accomplish this easily. At the end, head up into the next hallway. The
ship is now quite shaky, so quell your feelings of vertigo and plow onward.
Jump to the left side in the next room. At the first set of steam vents, use
the Force on the wheel beside them to close them, allowing safe passage. At
the next set, have R2-D2 roll safely through them, then use his hoverjets to
move up to the Astromech Droid Lock, which will deactivate the steam. Use the
Force on the grey panel in the wall to the right of the Droid Lock to create a
ramp for R2-D2 and Palapatine to get over the girder, which the Jedis can
simply double-jump over. Go down when you reach the end, and have R2-D2 open
the door via another Astromech Droid Lock.
You must now fight two of Grievous' Bodyguards, and they are tough customers.
They can block your shots with their lightsaber-like staffs, and if you're
defending against one, the other can strike you from behind. Use single-jump
and double-jump lightsaber attacks to take them down, a task that demands four
hits on each (they'll lose their heads when they have only one heart left).
Run up to the control room, destroy the final wave of Battle Droids, then use
the Force on either blue lever on the front control panels while your partner
does the same with the other.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| STORY CHARACTERS: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III)
Anakin Skywalker (Jedi)
Chancellor Palpatine
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Count Dooku (45,000 Studs)
Grievous' Bodyguard (30,000 Studs)
S3-3 Chapter Three: General Grievous (Story Mode)

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker have saved

Chancellor Palpatine, but his captor, General
Grievous, has escaped.
The Jedi council assigns Obi-Wan Kenobi the task
of hunting down Grievous, who is hiding on the
sinkhole world of Utapau...
You start in control of Obi-Wan. Quickly pull out your lightsaber and defend
yourself. Like with other bosses, use a jumping lightsaber attack to break
through Grievous' guard. After a hit or two, he'll leap to a distant ledge.
Switch control to Commander Cody and blast the generators on both sides of
Grievous, causing the large generator above him to blow up as well, and he'll
jump back to fight you some more. Switch back to Obi-Wan and hit him a couple
more times, at which point he'll flee once more.
Use the Force on the debris on your platform to create a bridge, and cross it.
Double-jump or grapple up to the top right ledge (depending on which character
you're currently controlling) and move to the right. Use the Force on the
debris at the edge of Grievous' current platform, then have Commander Cody
stand on the block this creates to jump and shoot at the generator above. This
may take a few tries. Grievous returns to the starting platform. Switch to
Obi-Wan and double-jump directly over there to fight him some more. Hit him
repeatedly until he retreats even further this time, then return to the ledge
you were just on and use the Force on the new Lego debris to build steps in the
cliff wall. Jump up these and head to the right. Destroy the Lego bricks in
the cliff wall, and use the Force to pull out the generator behind them and
float it over to Grievous' new hiding spot. Have Cody blast the generator.
Switch to Obi-Wan once more, double-jump to the central platform, and get in
those last two hits to kill off Grievous for good.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| STORY CHARACTERS: Commander Cody
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: General Grievous (200,000 Studs)
S3-4 Chapter Four: Defense of Kashyyyk (Story Mode)
Obi-Wan Kenobi has taken care of General
Grievous, but the Clone Wars continue. Across
the galaxy, Jedi Knights lead the Army of the
Republic into battle against Separatist forces.
Jedi Master Yoda fights on the Wookiee planet
of Kashyyyk. But the Sith Lord Darth Sidious
is about to reveal himself, and draw a new
darkness across the galaxy...
Have Yoda use the Force on the two blocks with blue lights on either side of
the raised bridge to the right of the starting point. This lowers the bridge,
so cross it. Follow the path up to where a number of Clone troopers are
hanging out. After a short FMV, kill them all. Use the Force to replace the

blue lights into the panels beside the next bridge, then use the Force again to
illuminate them, lowering the bridge. Cross it, then fight the next wave of
enemy forces.
You now have to rescue three Wookiees. Use the nearest grapple point, then use
the next two grapple points on the raised platforms to reach the first captive
Wookiee. Blast his captors, then jump back down to the ground. Head to the
right and down the next bridge. Go to the right and have Yoda use the Force on
the cylindrical object, creating a grapple point. Have Chewbacca use this and
blast the Clones on the platform above. Return to the central platform and
head straight up and eliminate the last pair of Clone guards, freeing the third
Wookiee. Follow him down the bridge to the left and stand on one of the
remaining floor buttons. Once all of them are depressed, the next bridge will
lower. Head on down and to the right.
Now it's time to storm the beach. This can be a very challenging area to get
across in one piece. Use Yoda, since he can defend against incoming shots,
including the large walker's blasts. Head left and destroy the walker when you
come to it with several lightsaber strikes, all the while defending. Once it's
destroyed, head left all the way across the beach. By the smouldering crashed
vehicle, use the Force on the row of slats to create a bridge overhead. Now,
to the left of the large wooden gate, there is a small boulder. To its
immediate left, use the Force to uproot the first plant, revealing a grapple
point. Have one of the Wookiees use this to reach the high platform, cross the
bridge and shoot the two blaster targets. This drops the gate, so head through
the gap to the next area.
You find yourself in a swamp, with plenty of Battle Droids dropping in. Run
straight up past them all, killing a few on the way if you like, and go through
the pass in the right side of the far wall. On the other side, run up through
the woods, blasting the Clones and Battle Droids as you go. At the far end,
you'll find another walker. Start blasting it as soon as you can see it, and
you'll be able to destroy it from far enough away that it won't be able to
easily hit you. Move up to its position, and use the Force on the plants in
the left corner to reveal two platforms. Jump up these to the long ledge. Run
left along the first part, blasting the Lego boulders as they approach. Jump
up and cross to the right along the top, still blasting boulders, which will
stop appearing when you reach the end of the path. Use the Force on the debris
in the ground to build two steps up to the gate. Stand on one of the buttons
to the sides of the gate while a partner does the same, and head through it
once it opens.
Destroy another walker from far away, then run up the path and take out the
Clones that come running around the corner. Continue up the hill until you
reach a round pit with four lights around it. While fighting off the
constantly reappearing enemies, blast or use the Force on the four lights to
illuminate them all, then strike them all again to destroy them. Wipe out any
current enemies to get a moment's reprieve, then use the Force on the pod from
a short distance away to open it. Jump inside to complete the chapter.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Clone (Episode III) (600 Studs)
Clone (Episode III, Pilot) (700 Studs)
Clone (Episode III, Swamp) (800 Studs)
Clone (Episode III, Walker) (2,500 Studs)

S3-5 Chapter Five: Ruin of the Jedi (Story Mode)
Palpatine has issued Order 66, turning the Clone
Army against the Jedi. Across the galaxy, clones
have gunned down their Jedi generals.
Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi have survived, and head
for the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. They hope to
find some answers to this shocking turn of events
within the Jedi archives...
Head to the right and attack the group of disguised Clones. Continue to the
right and up the stairs, fighting off all opposition. Use the Force on the
doors at the top of the stairs to move them out of the way, and enter the
Go up the path and kill the Clones at the end. At the T-junction, use the
Force on the left column remains to build some stairs to the upper level ahead.
Go up and head right, then drop down at the end. Go right some more and fight
the Clones that come up the stairs after you. Continue to the right and use
the Force on the two red round column pieces, then use the Force together with
your partner to turn the gears and open the door. Go through it once it's
Head straight up the hallway, fighting the Clones that emerge at each
intersection. At the end, head right and move into the first alcove. Use the
Force to extend the pair of lower platforms, then double-jump onto one of those
and use the Force again to reveal higher platforms. Double-jump again to one
of those, then to the rear platform, and use the Force on the lever to turn
some of the floor lights blue. Head to the next alcove to the left and repeat
this process, except that once you reach the rear platform, you must use the
Force to extend a third set of side platforms which you can use to reach the
red button overhead. Step on that to lower the force field just below, then
use the Force to pull the lever. Go to the last alcove and follow the same
procedure to reach the lever, then use the Force to pull that one as well. All
of this moves the shield blocking the door out of the way. Return to ground
level and head through the open door in the central hub. Inside, kill some
Clone troopers, then use the Force on the control panel to the right, thus
completing the chapter.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Mace Windu (Episode III) (30,000 Studs)
Disguised Clone (2,750 Studs)
S3-6 Chapter Six: Darth Vader (Story Mode)
Anakin Skywalker, once the young Podracing
champion of Tatooine, Padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi

and hero of the Clone Wars, has finally given in

to his secret emotions and fallen to the Dark
His wife Padme rushes to the volcanic world of
Mustafar, hoping to turn Anakin back from his
dark path. She has no idea that Anakin's former
master Obi-Wan is hiding aboard her ship...
Run down to escape the advancing explosion. For the first half, it is
sufficient to simply run left and right across the solid ground as you advance.
Eventually, however, you'll reach a point where you need to leap downward from
floor section to floor section over lava pits. These jumps can be risky, since
you can't always see how far you need to go. But most of the gaps can be
cleared by single jumps. Follow Anakin closely if you're concerned about your
safety. Once you pass through the archway, there's still one jump to make
before you enter the next room.
Inside the control room, the timer counts down to the collapse of the ceiling.
If you want to give yourself more time, use the Force to move one of the four
pairs of columns around the center of the room into place to support the
ceiling. Each of these will add 20 seconds to the countdown timer. On the
right side of the room, use the Force on each of four girders to move them away
from the exit door, then use the Force together with Anakin to open the door
and head outside.
Once you regain control after the FMV, head right and stand on one of the
buttons beside Anakin. A little further to the right, use the Force on the
lever, then the dials, whatever you can find to keep opening up the path ahead.
Jump onto the large floor section that swings into place to trigger the next
Over the sea of lava, hop up across the forks of the object that you start on,
then onto the floating platforms. Go left, then up, then right and up a couple
of times to reach the large object. Continue to double-jump straight up the
object as it tips forward, then jump to the small scrap of solid ground from
the top. Here, you'll have your final confrontation.
You and Anakin will each have ten hearts in your life meters. Obviously, you
want to take away all of his before losing all of yours. Like all boss fights,
the trick is to do jump attacks, but you have to make them small ones and
initiate them the moment that Anakin's lightsaber combo is complete, or else
you'll be vulnerable as you come down from your jump. Just keep at it until
the game is complete, and enjoy the final videos.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Darth Sidious (150,000 Studs)

To access any chapter in Free Play mode, you must first complete the chapter in
Story mode. During Free Play, you can switch on the fly between all characters
in your party by pressing L1 and R1. This gives you access to different
abilities, which you will need to make good use of in order to fully explore
your environment. You have two main goals in each chapter, in addition to
simply reaching the end: find all 10 Minikit Canisters, and achieve True Jedi
status by collecting a set number of Lego Studs.
You will be given a team of characters automatically selected by the game,
which will almost always include one of each type required to have access to
all special abilities (provided that you have unlocked at least one character
possessing each ability!). The abilities that are required in almost every
chapter include: Force, Double-jump, Super Jump, Blaster, Grapple, Astromech
and Protocol Droid Locks, Dark Force, Chute Slide, and Hover. To this end, you
will need at minimum a Sith, a Blaster user, an Astromech Droid, a Protocol
Droid, a child, and a Super Jumper. If you find that you are not given the
required characters, you can pause and exit the chapter and try again. If
after that you still aren't being given who you need (which has never happened
to me personally), then you will need to select the desired character type as
your starting character, or make them your partner while in the Diner. You may
make your character selection based on your personal favorites, or to avoid
being automatically given a certain character (such as choosing any Jedi to
avoid being given Yoda, for reasons that will be clear if you've played as Yoda
The earliest that each ability is available is as follows:
FORCE - Available at the start of the game (Qui-Gon Jinn or Obi-Wan Kenobi).
DOUBLE-JUMP - Available at the start of the game (same as above).
SUPER-JUMP - Complete Episode I, Chapter Two (receive Jar-Jar Binks).
BLASTER - Complete Episode I, Chapter One (purchase a Battle Droid for 200
GRAPPLE - Complete Episode I, Chapter One, then skip to Episode II, Chapter One
(purchase Clone for 2,000 Studs). Note that Battle Droids cannot use
the grapple ability; this is why the two are listed separately.
PROTOCOL DROID LOCKS - Complete Episode I, Chapter One (receive TC-14).
ASTROMECH DROID LOCKS/HOVER - Complete Episode I, Chapter One, then skip to
Episode II, Chapter One (receive R4-P17).
CHUTE SLIDE - Complete Episode I, Chapter One, then skip to Episode II and play
through to Chapter Three (purchase Boba Fett for 800 Studs)
DARK FORCE - Complete Episode I, Chapter One, then skip to Episode III and play
through to Chapter Two (purchase Count Dooku for 45,000 Studs).
Alternately, you could just play all the way through Episode I and purchase
Darth Maul for 15,000 Studs to have a complete Free Play party (you'll receive
Jar-Jar Binks, Anakin Skywalker (Boy), TC-14, R2-D2, and Queen Amidala
automatically), but if you're in a terrible rush to get started on Free Play
mode, you now know where to get the required characters.

FP1-1 Chapter One: Negotiations (Free Play Mode)
~~ Conference Room ~~
Grab the Blue Stud from the right corner, and completely destroy the pods in
the left corner. Jump onto the conference table to collect the Studs there,
then use the Force on any of the chairs and hold it until all chairs have
danced all the way back the table (and two full bars of the creature cantina
theme song have played). After this, you can use the Force again on each chair
in turn to release some Studs. You can now use the Force on the door at the
end of the room to open it and enter the hallway.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 7,300
~~ Ship Corridors ~~
In the hall, kill the first two waves of Battle Droids. Use the Force on the
two piles of Lego debris from the door you just came through to build hatches
high in the walls that will release some Studs. In the same area, lower down
on the walls, there is another hatch on each side of the hall partially hidden
from view; use the Force to open these as well. At the first crossroads (with
the ring on the floor), use the Force on the hatches at head level on both
sides. There is another pair of hatches on the walls opposite the visible
ones, around the corner from your line of sight, for a total of six hatches in
this intersection. Enter the room on the right via the doors that open
automatically as you approach. In there, use the Force on the Stud dispenser
straight ahead until it drops its load for you. Then, jump to the round
platforms on the sides and use the Force to assemble the gear mechanisms. On
the left, you then need to jump up to the hovering Blue Stud. On the right,
you must use a Super Jump to reach the Blue Stud high overhead.
Return to the main hallway and enter the opposite door after operating the
Protocol Droid Lock. In there, collect the few loose Studs around the room,
then stand on one of the black floor buttons on the black arms of the ramp up
the middle, and wait for your partner to do the same for the other button.
This drops the forcefield ahead. Destroy the Battle Droids inside, then grab
the MINIKIT CANISTER #1 from the alcove. There is a hidden Blue Stud to the
right of the raised alcove, so be sure to collect it. Use the Force on the box
in the upper right corner to shake out a few Studs. Next, use the Force on the
two gears lying on the floor to move them onto the mechanical device along the
upper wall. When complete, stand on the box in the right corner and use the
Force on the mechanical arm, holding it until you are raised fully up. Jump up
to collect the last Blue Studs. Return to the main hallway.
Use the Force on the blue switches on both sides of the hallway as you move up.
Once you've raised all six switches, MINIKIT CANISTER #2 will appear at the
corner. In the corner area, there are five more hatches to open using the
Force, releasing some Studs. On the left, use the Protocol Droid Lock and
enter the side room. Collect the loose Studs around the room, then use a child
character to slide through the chute in the upper left corner to reach the
ledge above. Run down along the ledge collecting the Studs, then go back up
and stand on the black floor button beside the chute. Jump to the ground, and
use the Force to stack the four crates on top of each other. Use a Super

Jumper to reach the top of the crates, and jump again to the right ledge to
grab MINIKIT CANISTER #3. Return to the main hallway.
Go right along the second section of the hallway, eliminating the opposition.
Destroy the pods with multiple hits to grab all of their Studs. There are two
hatches on the left, to either side of the doorway, that you can open with the
Force for more Studs. Operate the Astromech Droid Lock at the doorway, and
enter the room beyond. Destroy the pod on the left. Use the Force to assemble
the vehicle in the middle of the room, and watch it fly away. Along the upper
wall, use the Force on each of the three shower heads and hold it until they
release their Studs (the middle one takes a while - be patient). Use the Force
on the tools in the right wall to rearrange them, as well as on the gear on the
floor to the right. Jump onto the table on the left, and from there to the
ledge in the right wall. Use the Force on the vent cover overhead to lower it
to the floor, then use a Super Jumper to carefully jump inside the vent shaft.
Run out the other side. From the ledge, use an Astromech Droid to hover right
to the other side of the room, and operate the Astromech Droid Lock there.
Jump on top of the ship that you sent back here, then super-jump straight up to
reach MINIKIT CANISTER #4. Hover back to the previous ledge and return to the
main room. There, turn your partner into a Force user, then stand on top of
the small wheeled vehicle in the corner. Your partner will use the Force
automatically to move the vehicle. At the far end of its run, super-jump up to
MINIKIT CANISTER #5, suspended overhead. Return to the main hallway.
Back up the main hallway to the first of the purple switches on the sides. Use
the Force to lift up all six as you advance up the hallway to reveal MINIKIT
CANISTER #6 at the end. At the end of the hall, use the Force to open all four
hatches around the area with the ring in the floor. Use the Protocol Droid
Lock on the right. Open four more hatches in the corners of the next section,
then use the next Protocol Droid Lock to exit the hallway.
Destroy the pods in the right corner, then use the Force to remove the vent
cover up the ramp on the left. Quickly kill the two Battle Droids and collect
the Studs under the re-formed vent cover along the upper wall. Jump onto the
bridge you created and jump up to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #7. Go up the ramp to
enter the hangar.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 47,000
~~ Ship Hangar ~~
Drop down to the floor and eliminate the platoon of Battle Droids to the
immediate right. After that, go left and kill the lone Battle Droid on the
ledge. Double-jump to that ledge and grab the Studs there, then follow the
wall to the corner for more Studs. Jump over the rail at the bottom of the
room to get the Blue Studs there, then double-jump back up. Use the Force on
the large crate, then the two smaller crates in the middle of the room to stack
them all up. Move a Super Jumper to the top of the stack, and super-jump up to
the ledge to the left of where you entered the room to get MINIKIT CANISTER #8.
Use the Force on the white and blue tank in the upper left corner of the hangar
to move it over a couple of feet. Double jump on top of it, then up to the
corner ledge. Use the Astromech Droid Lock and enter the rear room. Stand on
the white button in the middle of the floor, and your partner will stand on the
red one, raising you up slightly. Double-jump into one of the side chambers,
lowering its front. Repeat for the other side chamber. Stand on the two
buttons inside these chambers (along with your partner) to open the barrier to
MINIKIT CANISTER #9. Return to the hangar.
Go to the right and destroy the Battle Droids and Droidekas on the lower level.

Use the Force to stack first the large crate, then the three small crates on
top of each other. Use a Super Jumper to reach the top of the crates, then
jump left to the suspended platform. From there, you can have an Astromech
Droid hover down to the floating MINIKIT CANISTER #10. Back on the ground,
move to the right edge of the room. In the lower corner, use the Force on a
small lever to make five orange blocks move out along the conveyor belt.
Destroy these for some Studs, and double-jump up to the ledge above the belt
for a few more. Use the Force on the machine beside the conveyor belt; you can
shake it in two spots to release some Studs. You can also use the Force to
move the back of the machine towards the wall, forming a small platform. Do a
super-jump from this straight up to grab a Blue Stud.
Use the Force on the devices on the sides of the forcefield to create platforms
to jump over the fence. Collect the Studs from along the inside of the fence
and along the right wall, then move in and kill the last platoon of Battle
Droids. Super-jump on top of the vehicle to collect the Studs on it. Use the
Protocol Droid Lock beside the vehicle, then climb aboard.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 57,500
*** MINIKIT VEHICLE COMPLETED: Republic Cruiser ***
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: In the first side room on the left after leaving the
starting room, accessed via a Protocol Droid Lock, stand
on the two black buttons beside the central ramp. This
lowers the forcefield protecting the canister.
LEGO Canister #2: In the first hallway, use the Force to raise six blue
switches on both sides of the path. The canister will
then appear ahead at the corner.
LEGO Canister #3: At the first corner of the main hallway, go through the
door with the Protocol Droid Lock. Chute slide in the
upper left corner of the room, stand on the black floor
button, then use the Force to stack the crates on the
ground. Super-jump to the top of the crates and over to
the right ledge with the canister.
LEGO Canister #4: At the first intersection of the main hallway after
turning the corner, enter the room with the Astromech
Droid Lock. Use the Force to assemble the vehicle in
the middle of the room. Jump to the ledge in the right
wall and use the Force to remove the vent cover
overhead. Super-jump into the vent and walk out the
other side. Hover across the gap to the right and use
the Astromech Droid Lock there. Jump onto the floating
ship and super-jump up to the canister.
LEGO Canister #5: At the first intersection
turning the corner, enter
Droid Lock. Stand on the
corner while your partner
then super-jump up to the

of the main hallway after

the room with the Astromech
wheeled vehicle in the far
uses the Force to move it,
canister suspended overhead.

LEGO Canister #6: In the main hallway, after turning the first corner, use
the Force to flip up six purple switches along the walls

on both sides, causing the canister to appear at the end

of the hall.
LEGO Canister #7: After exiting the main hallway, use the Force on the
vent cover at the top of the ramp to build a bridge.
Stand on this and jump up to the canister.
LEGO Canister #8: Upon entering the hangar, use the Force on the large
crate, then the two smaller crates in the middle of the
room to stack them. Super-jump from the top of the
up to the ledge with the canister above it.
LEGO Canister #9: In the hangar, use the Force on the white and blue tank
in the corner to move it, then double-jump from its top
to the raised ledge in the corner. Use the Astromech
Droid Lock and enter the rear room. Stand on the white
button while your partner stands on the red one, and
double-jump into each of the side chambers in turn.
Stand on the buttons in those to drop the barrier to the
LEGO Canister #10: In the lower part of the hangar, use the Force to stack
the large block, then the three small blocks on top of
each other. Super-jump to the top of the stack, then
left to the platform. Hover down to the canister with
an Astromech Droid.
FP1-2 Chapter Two: Invasion of Naboo (Free Play Mode)
~~ Forest of Naboo ~~
On your right at the start, use the Force on two of the plants to uproot some
Studs, as well as a blue radio, which serves no known purpose. Advance up the
pathway until you reach some more Force-destructible plants and flowers on the
left side. These scatter Studs in a wide area, so it'll take some running
around to collect them all before they vanish. If you advance slightly past
this point, you'll also trigger a small squadron of Battle Droids that you'll
need to destroy. Before you go up further, head to the right into a short side
passageway, where you'll find three small boulders. Stack them on top of each
other using the Force (all the while watching out for stray Battle Droids that
will fire on you), then double-jump on top of the stack, switch to a blaster
user, and blast the target mounted in the tree ahead to reveal MINIKIT CANISTER
#1. Return to the main pathway and continue upward, using the Force on the
plants on both sides.
Use the Force on the tree that blocks the path to right it, then strike it
several times. Once the tree is completely destroyed, MINIKIT CANISTER #2 is
revealed. Continue up the path, using the Force on the flowers and plants on
both sides of the path, wherever you can make a Force glow appear. Towards the
end, you'll have to periodically fight off a group of Battle Droids that
appears from above to the left. Once at the ship blocking the path, use the
Force on the engine several times to blow it up. Jump onto the left side of
the remaining parts of the ship, and double-jump straight up to grab MINIKIT
CANISTER #3. Now, you can destroy the remains of the ship. Once you've

destroyed the grey platform, fall into the hole that is revealed underneath it
to find MINIKIT CANISTER #4. Continue using the Force on the flowers on the
sides of the path as you continue ever upwards.
Once you've reached the stairs at the base of the ruins, use the Force on the
flowers tucked behind the shrubbery on the left. One of these reveals a Lego
block, which you can move to the wall using the Force. Do a super-jump from
the newly-created platform to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #5 high overhead. Collect
the loose Studs as you go up the stairs.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 22,000
~~ Inside the Ruins ~~
Move right towards the waterfall. Use the Force on the Lego pieces in the wall
to create a bridge, and grab the Studs from inside the alcove you uncovered.
Jump across the bridge. Super-jump to the top of the next ledge to lower it,
and use the Force on the gears in the wall to lower the next platform. Jump to
it, then do a super jump straight up to collect a Blue Stud. Cross to the
right some more, and use the Force on a loose clump of rocks high up in the
wall to release a shower of Studs, and do your darnedest to collect them before
any fall off the lower edge into the abyss. Super-jump on top of the next
platform to lower it and get the Studs from inside the alcove. Repeat, but
watch out for the Battle Droid in the alcove this time. Destroy the other
Battle Droid on the pathway to the right, and note the appearance of the statue
set in the wall before destroying it for more Studs. Use the Force on the
rails around the corner raised platform to create a bridge ahead, then superjump up to the platform to get more Studs and MINIKIT CANISTER #6. Destroy the
pair of Battle Droids to the right and move up-right into the cave at the end
of the path.
Go down the slope and use the Force on the blocks in the wall to build a small
platfrom below. Jump down to it and collect MINIKIT CANISTER #7 from inside
the alcove. Jump back up and go up the slope, collecting the loose Studs
above. Kill the first few Battle Droids, then use a child character to enter
the chute slide at the end of the rock wall, allowing you to reach MINIKIT
CANISTER #8. In the swampy area, use the Force on the flowers in the middle to
release some Studs, and use the Force on the brown cylinder debris to the right
to create a platform beside one of the trees, which you can double-jump from to
reach a Blue Stud. Destroy the ship in the back by using the Force on its
engine three times, then enter the room behind it. Gather the loose Studs,
then stand on the box along the back wall, and your partner will use the Force
to raise you up. Jump up to the Blue Stud above you, then switch to an
Astromech Droid and hover along the wall to the corner platform, where more
Studs await. Return to the main area.
Jump down to the right and kill the trio of Battle Droids. Use the Force on
the brown Lego planks over the cave entrance, then go inside to get MINIKIT
CANISTER #9. Use a super-jumper to reach the raised ledge along the right side
of the swamp, and follow it along the row of Studs to the end, at which point a
column will drop revealing the exit. Walk on through it.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 41,000
~~ Back Outside ~~
Use the Force on the many plants and flowers around the first area to release
their Studs, all the while fighting off the groups of Battle Droids that appear
periodically. To obtain MINIKIT CANISTER #10, use the Force to assemble the
three pieces of the statue to resemble the one you saw inside the ruins. Place

first the feet, then the body, then the head on top of each other, and the
canister will appear nearby. Go upwards, collecting the loose Studs in the
swampy area. Just past the last group of Studs, the chapter ends.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 50,000
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: In the first section, take the first side path on the
right. Stack the three boulders with the Force, doublejump on top of them and use a blaster to shoot the
target in the tree ahead. Jump to the canister.
LEGO Canister #2: In the first section in the forest, after standing the
fallen tree up with the Force, strike the tree until it
is completely destroyed to reveal the canister.
LEGO Canister #3: In the first section in the forest, after blowing up the
ship using the Force, double-jump up from the left side
of the debris to collect the floating canister.
LEGO Canister #4: Destroy the remaining parts of the ship that you blow up
using the Force in the first section in the forest, then
jump into the hole underneath to collect the hidden
LEGO Canister #5: At the end of the forest section, at the base of the
stairs, use the Force on the flowers on the left to
reveal a Lego block. Use the Force to move this to the
wall, then super-jump from it up to the canister
floating overhead.
LEGO Canister #6: Inside the ruins, once you reach the corner of the path,
use the Force to form the edge of the raised platform
into a bridge, and super-jump up to the platform where
the canister awaits.
LEGO Canister #7: In the second section inside the ruins, use the Force on
the blocks in the wall at the base of the first ramp to
make a platform below, then drop down to it to get the
visible canister.
LEGO Canister #8: In the second section inside the ruins, just before the
clearing with trees, use a child to enter the chute
slide in the rock wall, which will take you straight to
the canister.
LEGO Canister #9: In the lower section of the swamp, behind the trio of
Battle Droids, use the Force to move the Lego planks,
and grab the canister from inside the cave behind them.
LEGO Canister #10: In the starting area of the final section, use the
Force to assemble the statue, by placing first the
feet, then the body, then the head on top of each
other. When done correctly, the canister appears.

FP1-3 Chapter Three: Escape from Naboo (Free Play Mode)
~~ Palace Courtyard ~~
First of all, destroy all of the Battle Droids on the ground and on the
balconies to create some breathing room as you collect the many Studs to be
found in this section. Return to the ground. In the rear right corner,
collect the loose Studs (including a Blue Stud hidden in the corner inside the
short wall). Blast the beige pods in the corner. At the bottom of the stairs,
first use the Force on each potted plant to sprout some Studs, then destroy
them for a few more. Cross to the rear left corner of the courtyard, and use
the Force on the two flowerbeds for a few Studs (there are two Force-affected
bunches of flowers on each bed), then destroy both them and the potted plant in
the corner (you can get it to 'grow' with the Force as well, but it's difficult
to get the Force glow to appear around it). Gather the loose Studs by the gate
on the left. Move up to the far wall and destroy each pair of brown doors,
which scatter Studs widely across the courtyard. Collect the loose Studs in
the area behind the doors. Use the Force on the Lego bricks between each
doorway to create three blocks in the courtyard. Use the Force on each of
these to stack them along the left wall. Once all three have been moved, do a
super-jump from the top of the stack straight up to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #1.
Destroy the beige pods in the upper right corner, then use the grapple point to
go up to the first balcony.
On the balcony, either use a blaster or the Force on each gate section along
the edge to release some Studs, though not many. If any drop to the ground, go
down after them and then return. When you think you've got them all, run by
with a Jedi to watch for a Force glow on any that you might have missed. When
done, use the next grapple point to reach the second balcony. Here, destroy
the flowerbeds and the windows. To hit the upper, rounded sections of the
windows, you'll need to either use a blaster and jump-shoot, or do a doublejump lightsaber slam. Collect the Studs inside the windowed rooms. In the one
on the right, use the Force on the mosaic of Queen Amidala's face to make it
release some Studs. Outside the windowed rooms, don't go up at the next
grapple point yet. Rather, jump over the edge of the balcony where you see a
grappling hook to reach a smaller balcony below. Collect the loose Studs and
return up top. Now you can use the next grapple point to go up a little
Blast the squad of Battle Droids, and destroy the flowerbeds behind them.
Destroy the windows again (this time, you'll need to use a double-jump
lightsaber attack to destroy all sections of them) and head into the room
behind them. On the right, destroy the statue of the boy (you can jump onto
its pedestal to make this easier) for a few more Studs, then head back outside.
Blast the beige pod on the right to reveal the grapple point underneath, then
use that to reach even greater heights.
As soon as you get up here, switch your character to a Battle Droid (if you
have one) to avoid getting blasted to pieces by the large platoon of enemy
Battle Droids. Once they're done for, go around destroying the flowerbeds and
beige pods for their Studs. Along the far wall on the left, use the Force to
build the differently-colored wall section into a platform. Jump on top of it,
and repeat with the wall section overhead to make a second platform. Superjump to that one, then switch to an Astromech Droid and hover right along the

wall to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #2 in the corner. Now, before you leave, walk
down to the edge of the balcony, where you can see a Stud floating over the
edge. Drop down at this point to collect a string of Studs as you fall. Make
your way back up here, and exit via the hallway to the right.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 21,000
~~ Storming the Palace ~~
As soon as you enter, move down towards the screen to find a lot of Studs,
MINIKIT CANISTER #3, and a pair of flowerbeds to destroy. Head down the
stairs, shooting the Battle Droids from a distance, and collect the loose
Studs. At the bottom of the stairs, the scene changes. Walk back and forth to
collect the loose Studs inside the windowed room, then head outside after
blasting through any window. Use a Battle Droid to take out the enemies
without getting shot at. Use the Force on the two piles of Lego debris around
the outside of the windows, shaking them apart to release a few Studs. Now,
use the Force on each of the four flowerbeds here to raise them up, causing
Studs to appear on top of them. While they're floating up, you can also jump
up to them and switch to a blaster user to shoot the various sections of the
windows that are too high up to hit otherwise. All parts of the windows can be
destroyed, including the vertical thin section between the larger round-topped
ones, and they release a fair number of Studs as well. Another way to hit the
upper sections is to jump and shoot from the back of the interior room. Once
you've fully destroyed them, drop down the balcony below you on the left side.
Destroy the flowerpots here, then drop down once more to the larger balcony
below. Kill the Battle Droids, then follow the balcony to the right until you
reach MINIKIT CANISTER #4. Go back to the left edge of the same balcony, and
hover left across the gap to the next balcony using an Astromech Droid (I
strongly suggest eliminating the Battle Droids on that side before you hover
over). Use the grapple points to go up two more balconies, collecting the
Studs on each. On the top one, you'll find MINIKIT CANISTER #5. Beside it,
you can use Dark Force on the plants in each of the flowerbeds to shrink them,
receiving plenty of Studs. Once the plants are gone, destroy the pots for a
few more Studs. Hover back across to the right balconies and return to the
top, outside the round room, then cross the bridge to the right and blast the
target beside the gate to open it.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 43,500
~~ Ground Level Again ~~
Cross to the round frame, and destroy it. Jump into the hole. On the ground,
destroy the Battle Droids all around, then move around the balcony collecting
loose Studs and destroying the flowerbeds along the rim. You can blast the two
targets to activate an elevator to return to the level above if you think that
you missed anything.
Head to the right, taking the upper path along the wall. Follow it past the
grapple point initially until you've reached the end and collected all of the
Studs along here, then return to the grapple point and use it. Grab the Blue
Stud in the alcove, then use the next grapple point to the left to fly onto the
visible balcony. Blast the Battle Droids and grab MINIKIT CANISTER #6. You
can again blast or use the Force on the sections of the fence around this
balcony to release some Studs. Go down to the ground after any that fall.
Grapple back over to the previous ledge, and use the chute slide along the rear
wall with a child character. Above, go up the stairs to the left to locate
MINIKIT CANISTER #7. Return to the entrance to the chute, then do a doublejump to the right around the wall to the visible block. Drop straight down

from there to land on another balcony below. Take out the Battle Droids.
There are more fence sections to swing open for some Studs. There is also a
pair of black flowers on each side to shrink using Dark Force, after which you
can destroy their pots. Destroy the windows. Inside, destroy the red pods for
some Studs, then jump and blast the remaining upper sections of the windows
from the rear ledge, running out to collect the Studs each time. Finally, drop
back down to the ground.
Use the Force on each of the potted plants along the upper wall to grow them
and receive some extra Studs before destroying them. Blast the flowerbeds
along the lower railing as well. The beige pods on the right, past the pair of
Battle Droid Commanders that you must kill, really scatter their Studs
everywhere when you destroy them, so head for the bulk of their value rather
than trying to get them all. It might help if you're standing over them when
you destroy them, so that you'll automatically collect a few of the Studs as
they fly by you. Once both raised platforms are no longer encumbered by their
pods, stand on each with a blaster user and shoot the pair of targets in the
wall as you go up and down. From the left rising platform, you can also do a
super-jump from the highest point to reach some Studs on a ledge overhead.
Enter the gate once it has been opened.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 61,500
~~ Royal Rooftop ~~
First of all, destroy the flowerbeds and collect the loose Studs before
crossing the bridge. Once you do cross, first move around the rim of the roof
killing off all of the Battle Droids as you go. Once they're cleared out, you
can start collecting. Do a circuit along the green flooring to get the loose
Studs, blast the white pods, and collect the Blue Stud on the far right corner
of the roof. For the potted leafy plants on both ends of the raised area, use
the Force on them first to make them grow, releasing a few Studs, then destroy
them to get the rest. The round potted trees can be destroyed for a fair
number of Studs; you'll need their grey bases soon.
Go around the domes collecting the loose Studs, and stand on the red button at
the peak of each, which lowers the indestructible smaller domes at each side of
the roof. Once you've pressed all three, use the Force to stack the round
bases of the trees that you destroyed on top of the central dome (you need to
be able to see both the top of the dome and the pot to move it all of the way
successfully). You actually only need to place three of them on top of each
other, and you can then super-jump from the top of the stack straight up to
collect MINIKIT CANISTER #8 high overhead. Go to the left trio of smaller
domes, which should all have retracted to reveal smaller destructible covers.
Destroy them to receive plenty of Studs, and collect the goodies inside,
including MINIKIT CANISTER #9 from the uppermost one. On the right side, do
the same, finishing with the uppermost dome surrounded by green lights. Jump
through the hole, where MINIKIT CANISTER #10 was when you passed through during
Story mode.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 81,000
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: In the starting courtyard, use the Force on the Lego
bricks between each set of doors along the far wall at

ground level. Use the Force to stack the three

resulting crates on top of each other by the left wall,
and super-jump from the top of the crates to the
canister high overhead.
LEGO Canister #2: On the highest balcony of the courtyard, use the Force
on a section of the rear wall on the left side. Jump on
top of the platform that this creates, and use the Force
on another section of the wall overhead. Super-jump to
the second platform, then have an Astromech Droid hover
right along the wall to the canister in the corner.
LEGO Canister #3: After entering the palace from the upper balcony, move
down towards the screen to find the canister just
sitting there.
LEGO Canister #4: After emerging from inside the palace onto the round
balcony, drop down to the left twice to reach a lower
balcony, then follow it to the right to reach the
LEGO Canister #5: After collecting the previous canister, hover left
across the gap to the next balcony, then grapple up
twice to reach the canister.
LEGO Canister #6: After crossing the bridge and dropping down to the
floor, head right along the raised path along the wall.
Use the first two grapple points that you reach, and
collect the canister from the back of the balcony.
LEGO Canister #7: After crossing the bridge and dropping down to the
floor, head right along the raised path along the wall.
Use the first grapple point that you reach, then use the
chute slide in the upper wall to reach another area
above, with the canister up to the left.
LEGO Canister #8: On the final roof, destroy the round potted trees, then
use the Force to stack at least three of the pots on top
of the central dome. Do a super-jump from the top of
the stack to reach the canister high overhead.
LEGO Canister #9: On the final roof, step on the red buttons on top of the
large domes to remove the smaller domes on the sides.
On the left side, smash the uppermost green destructible
dome to reach the canister inside.
LEGO Canister #10: On the final roof, step on the red buttons on top of
the large domes to remove the smaller domes on the
sides. On the right side, smash the middle green
destructible dome and jump into the hole to collect the
canister as you exit the chapter.
FP1-4 Chapter Four: Mos Espa Podrace (Free Play Mode)

Sure, there isn't really an official 'Free Play' mode for this and the other
vehicle-based chapters, but by including it at this point in the guide I can
highlight collecting the Lego Canisters and achieving True Jedi status. Here,
I won't be giving a truly full walkthrough to every move to get through the
stage. See the Story mode walkthrough if you really can't figure out where to
go. Most Studs come from knocking over the posts that appear scattered
throughout the course in rows, but the purple crystals in the tunnel also
provide them. 2,000 Studs will be lost from your total whenever you are forced
to restart a section, either by dying or timing out. Note that when you repeat
a section, any LEGO Canisters that you collected will still be in your
inventory, and any posts that you had hit will be regenerated on the field, but
will not yield any Studs if you hit them again.
Take the first accelerator, and knock over some posts for some Studs (you won't
be able to get all of the posts on the first pass, just get as many as you can
and leave the rest for the next two laps. After you pass the pits, stay on the
right side and slow down a little bit so that you can run through the row of
posts leading up to the ramp. Go up the ramp and slow down near the top so
that you can grab MINIKIT CANISTER #1 at the peak of the ramp on the left side.
Next, while in the cave near the end of the section, smash through whatever
purple crystals you can to get some more Studs, and fly through MINIKIT
CANISTER #2 near the exit from the cave in the left half of the path.
Stay near the left side of the path at the start. You'll find MINIKIT CANISTER
#3 just in front of an accelerator pad. After you're clear of the Sand
People's barrage, run through the row of posts for some Studs and also to
collect MINIKIT CANISTER #4. As you go up the first rise, stay on the right
side to fly through the archway and collect MINIKIT CANISTER #5, but veer to
the left immediately afterwards to avoid smashing into the wall. MINIKIT
CANISTER #6 can be found on the right side just before going up the second
Head towards the right. The first row of posts appears in front of the second
set of accelerator pads. Immediately after clearing those, head to the left
for another row of posts leading to the third set of accelerator pads, and you
can also find MINIKIT CANISTER #7 just before those pads. The last row of
posts, as well as MINIKIT CANSITER #8, are found just past the last set of
accelerator pads, on the right half of the track, where the path narrows.
Past the first accelerator pads, try to knock over some more posts. After the
FMV, as you race ahead before the column collapses, MINIKIT CANISTER #9 is just
past the first accelerator pad. After the pits, stay to the right to break any
posts leading up to the ramp that you missed earlier. Taking the accelerator
pads on the ramp gives you the best speed through this section. In the cavern,
try to smash some more purple crystals for more Studs.
After clearing the first field, go up the rise and stay near the left to smash
through a row of posts. As you go up the second rise, stay to the left edge of
the accelerator pads to smash through another row of posts.
There's nothing special here, just try to knock over any posts that you missed
last time.

Due to the collapse of the earlier lap, you must stick to the right side after
passing through the first valley. Watch for MINIKIT CANISTER #10 coming up;
after you fly over the accelerator pads through a narrow gap in the rocks, stay
straight/right (at least, don't head for the next accelerator pad slightly to
the left) to get the canister, before you go down the slope into the area with
the pits.
LAP 3, SECTION 2 & 3
Finish off the race. At this point, if you don't have True Jedi status, you
need a lot more practice.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 45,000 (though this would require a perfect play)
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: In section 1, after passing the pits, go up the ramp on
the right side. At the top of the ramp, the canister is
on the left side.
LEGO Canister #2: In section 1, in the cave at the end, near the exit in
the left half of the path.
LEGO Canister #3: In section 2 (when the Sand People attack), stay near
the left side of the path. The canister is just past a
single accelerator pad.
LEGO Canister #4: Just after clearing the Sand People's barrage, you can
find the canister in the middle of a row of breakable
LEGO Canister #5: In the second section, after going up the first rise, go
through the archway on the right to collect the
LEGO Canister #6: In the second section, after skimming up the second
rise, the canister is in plain sight.
LEGO Canister #7: In the third section, the canister is found just before
the third set of accelerator pads, on the left side of
the track.
LEGO Canister #8: In the third section, after passing the wide field, the
canister is at the end of a row of posts ahead of the
last set of accelerator pads.
LEGO Canister #9: In the first section of the second lap, after the FMV of
Sebulba taking out a competitor, the canister is found
just after the first accelerator pad.
LEGO Canister #10: In the first section during the third lap, you must
follow a new path on the right due to the collapse of
the previous lap (during the FMV). After flying over
the accelerator pad through a narrow gap in the rocks,
stay straight/slightly to the right to grab the
canister before you go down the slope towards the pits.
If you miss it, let yourself die and try again, because

you won't get to fly through here again.

FP1-5 Chapter Five: Retake Theed Palace (Free Play Mode)
~~ Outside the Palace ~~
In the starting area, destroy the beige pods around the walls. Use the Force
on the two trees to expand them, tossing Studs all around the area, then
destroy the trees. Use the Force on the vehicle until it explodes. Use the
Force on the Lego structure in the right upper corner to reform it into a tall
pole, then double-jump to the upper platform, and super-jump from there
straight up to gather a few more Studs. Use the grapple point in the left
corner to reach the balconies, and jump to each one to gather the Studs there.
Now, go forth to face the enemy.
The firefight is quite hairy. Using a Battle Droid won't protect you from the
Droideka's, so that's no help. It's best to use a Jedi so that you can defend
and reflect enemy fire, including the Droideka's. If you can near one, do a
double-jump lightsaber slam to instantly disable its shield. Concentrate on
reflecting shots back, because after the first successful reflection, the next
few shots to reach you will also be reflected back at the shooters by simply
continuing to hold [X].
Once the bad guys are all gone, start working your way around the area to
gather the Studs. Get the loose Studs from the left and right near corners,
and destroy the beige pods. Ignore the Force-affected devices in the far right
corner; there are much easier ways to get up top than by using them. Doublejump onto the first raised level. Destroy the beige pods and flowerbeds, and
collect the loose Studs as you cross the entire floor. On the left side, use
the grapple point to reach the next level. At the left edge, jump to the
balconies and collect the Studs on each. You can also jump from the left
balcony to a raised ledge along the wall with a few more Studs. Return along
this level to the main balcony and head to the center, where a round window is
visible in the rear wall. From a short distance, jump and blast both window
sections, then do a double-jump into the alcove to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #1.
If you move left, you can drop through a hole to the level above, but for now
continue on the current balcony towards the right. Head all the way to the
right, then move down along the edge to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #2 behind the
grates. Jump to it to collect it.
When you're done, return to the first raised level and go up the middle. Use
the Astromech Droid Lock to open the doors to the next section.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 10,000
~~ Inside the Palace ~~
To cross the large gap to the right, you only need to do one of the following:
either use the Force to raise the grappling hook and use it, use the Force to
open the chute slide and use it, or use the Force to build a Lego bridge and
jump across it. Once you're on the other side, head into the next room, and
use a Jedi to fight off the Droidekas and Battle Droids. When the way is
clear, destroy the statue just ahead, then step on the brown button underneath
it to open a hatch revealing MINIKIT CANISTER #3. Take the left path away from

this room. Destroy the lower windows

hallway for a few Studs, then destroy
Return to the previous room, and step
together with your partner. The door
Droids come out to play.

(two sections each) on both sides of the

the statue at the end for some more.
on the two brown buttons in the floor
on the right opens, and a few more Battle

Going up the right hallway, fight some more Battle Droids and destroy more
windows on both sides. Use the Force to stack the two small crates on top of
the large one, then do a super-jump from the top of the stack to the ledge over
the archway ahead, where a Blue Stud awaits. Go down the right side a short
distance to collect the last of the Studs up here, then drop back to the
ground. In the adjacent round crossroads, use the Force on the mosaic on the
right to rearrange it, releasing a few Studs. Now, with a Sith under your
control, head along the left hallway. Collect the loose Studs and defeat the
pair of Droidekas that come out to meet you. In the room at the end, reflect
the shots back at the two Battle Droids to the right. To get up to their
ledge, simply do a super-jump (alternately, you can use Dark Force on the black
object and double-jump from on top of it). Up here, use Dark Force on the
panel at the back until it explodes, revealing MINIKIT CANISTER #4.
Return to the previous crossroads and use the Astromech Droid Lock to open the
door straight ahead. Head outside.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 17,500
~~ Fountain Courtyard ~~
Above the inner edge of the path, super-jump
Blue Stud. Head up the stairs, and kill the
the first landing, smash the windows on both
them. Continue up the stairs to emerge into

straight up to grab the floating

first wave of Battle Droids. At
sides and gather the Studs behind
the next space.

On the ground, destroy all of the Battle Droids. Reflect back the shots of
those firing from raised positions to kill them. Once the coast is clear,
start collecting. Beginning at the entrance and going counter-clockwise,
destroy the beige pods in the corner, jump up to the slightly raised platform
and destroy the flowerbeds, then continue to the back of the area. Get the
loose Studs from the alcoves in the rear, and use the chute slide between them.
Above, go up the right side of the ledge to reach a bunch of Studs, then return
to the ground.
As you're coming back up the left side, destroy the flowerbed and head into the
short tunnel in the corner, where a Blue Stud is hidden. On the other side,
super-jump into the area behind the three columns for a few Studs, then go back
to the ground. When you reach the chute slide in the left wall, use it to
reach the ledge above, then super-jump right and up to the next ledge there.
Use the Force on the wall segment to build a platform, and double-jump from it
to the left to reach the highest ledge, where you can find MINIKIT CANISTER #5.
Return to the ground, and use the Force on the structure in the rear left
corner (after destroying the nearby beige pod), forming a scaffold. Jump to
the top, and super-jump to the higher ledge in the adjacent wall. Jump into
the round window, collecting the Blue Stud, then smash the glass and fall
through the hole behind it. Below, collect the Studs and smash the windows for
a healthy supply of Studs. Finally, jump inside the fountain in the middle of
the courtyard, grab the loose Studs, and use the Force on each waterspout to
release a few more Studs.
And now to go a little higher. On the right side, use one of the pair of
grapple points. Destroy the Lego trellis windows around this ledge, and go
inside them to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #6. From the far end of this raised

ledge, jump to the top of the curved stairs and up to the other side. Use the
Force at the gap in the path to restore the bridge, releasing a shower of
Studs, so jump down to the ground and collect as many as you can. The Battle
Droids will follow you down too, so take them out, then get back up top and
cross your new bridge. After destroying the first flowerbed, jump over the
edge to the platform with a few visible Studs, then back again. At the left
end of the path, destroy the last flowerbed and step on the brown button
underneath. Use the chute slide behind the gate that this opens. On the other
side, use the Force to blow up the large crates and collect as many of their
Studs as you can (some will fall into the abyss below). Cross to the right and
use the next chute slide to reach the upper ledge. Stand on the button and
collect the loose Studs, then return to the main pathway and enter the newlyopened gate.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 35,000
~~ On the Rooftops ~~
First, head right and eliminate all of the Battle Droids. Now, go around the
roof collecting loose Studs and smashing the destructibles (i.e. beige pods and
flowerbeds). You can use the Force on the potted plants and trees to release
some Studs before destroying them. Drop over the edge near the right side to
the lower ledge, then cross that to the left to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #7. At
the right edge of this lower ledge, destroy the flowerbeds for their Studs,
then double-jump straight up where you see a series of orange section in the
wall. These platforms will extend as you reach them. Do a super-jump from the
top one to reach the Blue Stud overhead.
Back on the main roof, you may have found that one flowerbed and one tree are
indestructible. Use the Force to stack these along with the nearby crate.
Once all three are on top of each other, a few Studs are released. Along the
upper wall, stand on one of the two small crates and wait for your partner to
do the same. Use the Force on the opposite crate to be carried up to the top,
along a row of Studs. Jump back down and repeat on the other crate to get the
other row of Studs.
Choose a method to reach the upper balcony (the easiest is to use the grapple
point towards the right of the roof), collect the loose Studs, and use the
Force on or blast the fence segments for a couple of Studs each. Stand on the
brown buttons with your partner when you're ready to leave.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 42,500
~~ Dining Hall ~~
Head right from the start to get some loose Studs in the corner. Head to the
nearest tables. Use the Force to rearrange the cups on them for a few Studs,
then destroy the tables and chairs. Use the grapple point underneath the left
one to reach the ledge above, and follow it up to gather all of the Studs.
Jump back to the ground and kill some Battle Droids. To the left of the main
area, collect the loose Studs from the windowsills. Use the Force on the group
of eight tables and chairs to rearrange them all. Next, destroy the statue in
the alcove ahead, and step on the button underneath it. Use the Force to place
the cups and plates from the cupboards that open up onto the tables. With the
places all set, destroy the whole affair for plenty of Studs.
Move to the farthest corner, to the left of the stairs, and use the Force to
stack the two tables along the wall. Destroy the remaining chairs, and do a
super-jump into the raised area behind them to gather some Studs. Back down on
the ground, jump onto the stacked tables and into the alcove above them. Use

the grapple point, move right to get a few Studs, then follow the path to the
left until you reach MINIKIT CANISTER #8. To the right of the stairs, use the
Force on the tables repeatedly until they create steps up to the area on the
right. Go up unless you've already cleared that spot out. Use the Force on
the tables one more time, then destroy the whole setup for some Studs. Use the
new grapple point along the wall to reach some Studs in the area above.
Finally, go up the stairs, collecting the loose Studs. Fight the Droideka in
the round room ahead. Destroy the three statues around the room. Stepping on
the left button only releases two more Droidekas. The button on the right
opens a short path with some Blue Studs at the end, and some Battle Droids
along the way. The middle button reveals the path out of this area, down a set
of stairs and to the right.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 55,000
~~ Rescue the Hostages ~~
Go down the dark corridor, ducking into the side path on the left to gather the
hidden Studs there. As you enter the hangar, the scene shifts. To your left,
destroy the beige pods and use the grapple point underneath one of them. Jump
right across the ledges to reach the Battle Droid, and shoot him to free the
first hostage. Jump back to the ground and move down along the left wall. Use
the Force to stack first the large crate, then the two small crates, and
double-jump from the top of the stack to the ledge above. Use the Force on the
wall panel to build a small platform, then use that to reach the higher ledge
to the right with a few Studs. From the left edge of this platform, you can do
a super-jump to reach a lone yellow Stud high above the rest of the terrain.
You can also jump left a little further to some more Studs over the doorway.
Back on the ground, proceed to the rear left corner. Use the Force to stack
first the large crate, then the two smaller crates on top of each other. Jump
from the top of this stack to the ledge where the pilot is being held hostage.
Kill the Battle Droid guarding him, then use the grapple point here to reach
Head right back to the entrance to the hangar, and start to move right along
the rear wall. Grab the first loose Studs on the ground. To the right, use
the Force to assemble a beige stepladder from the wall segments, and hop up to
its top. Super-jump up to the Blue Stud in the alcove above, and jump left to
the dark ledge with a few more Studs, then return to the ground. Behind the
first ship on the right, collect the loose Studs and destroy the beige pods.
You can super-jump up to the dark ledges along the curved wall to get the Studs
up there. Immediately to the right is another such curved wall section, repeat
the same actions to collect all of the Studs.
Now, between the first two yellow ships, use the Force on the beige wall
segments to build more steps. Jump from the top into the alcove with the
yellow Studs, then super-jump from the top step to the higher ledge above it.
From there, you can just barely super-jump to the ledge around the ceiling of
the hangar. Go up there and follow it left to the end for a lone Stud, then
back to the right agan. If you keep following it all the way around to the
rear right corner of the room (with a couple of easy jumps across gaps in the
path), you'll reach MINIKIT CANISTER #10.
From the right rear corner of the room, drop to the floor and fight a batallion
of Battle Droids and a Droideka. With them out of the way, use the Force to
blow up the crates in this area to receive their Studs. One of them will,
instead of exploding, float to a new spot on the floor. Use that one to superjump to the ledge above it to collect the Studs. You can also super-jump to

the ledge in the very corner and use the grapple point, then jump to get the
floating Studs in the corner.
Return to the area of the hangar with the ships, and blast the two Battle
Droids standing guard in front of one of them. Next to that, stand on one of
the two small crates on either side of the doorway, while your partner does the
same, and use the Force on each other to levitate upwards. Jump off at the top
and jump up again to kill the Battle Droid holding the last pilots prisoner.
Get the Studs around the rim of this ledge and drop down to the right. Collect
the last loose Studs and destroy the beige pods, use a super-jumper to get the
Studs around the curved wall, and use the Force to build one more set of beige
Steps and go up to jump forward to the Blue Stud. Finally, walk down to the
edge of the pit in the floor and move towards the middle of the room along this
edge, where another clump of loose Studs is waiting to be found.
When you're sure that you've collected everything, head to the far right corner
of the room, where an Astromech Droid Lock was activated when you freed the
last pilots. Open the hangar doors to finish the chapter.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 68,000
*** MINIKIT VEHICLE COMPLETED: Naboo Starfighter ***
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: In the first battle area, go up to the second balcony
and blast the round window in the middle. Double-jump
into the alcove to collect the canister.
LEGO Canister #2: In the first battle area, go up to the second balcony,
and move behind the trellis-covered windows along the
right edge, where you can jump to the canister to
collect it.
LEGO Canister #3: After entering the palace and fighting the first Battle
Droids, destroy the statue just ahead and step on the
button underneath it. This raises the hatch revealing
the canister.
LEGO Canister #4: From the second round crossroads inside the palace, take
the left path to the end. Super-jump to the raised area
on the right, and use Dark Force on the panel in the
rear wall to blow it up, revealing the canister.
LEGO Canister #5: In the courtyard with the fountain, use the chute slide
in the left wall. Do a super-jump to the higher ledge
on the right, then use the Force on the wall segment to
build a platform. Jump from there left to the upper
ledge, and go to the canister in the corner.
LEGO Canister #6: In the couryard with the fountain, use one of the
grapple points on the right side. Above, smash the
trellis windows and enter the room behind them, where
the canister awaits.
LEGO Canister #7: On the rooftop, drop to the lower ledge towards the
right side and cross to its left end to find the

LEGO Canister #8: In the dining hall, use the Force on the tables to the
left of the stairs to stack them. Jump into the alcove
above them, and use the grapple point. Move to the left
along the path until you find the canister.
LEGO Canister #9: In the hangar, go to the rear left corner and use the
Force to stack the large crate, then the two small
crates. Jump from this to the ledge with the hostage,
then use the grapple point to propel directly up to the
LEGO Canister #10: To the right of the second ship in the hangar, stand on
the crates with your partner and use the Force to
levitate upwards. At the top, jump to the raised
alcove where the Battle Droid held the pilots captive.
Super-jump from there the the higher ledge on the
right, and follow this right around the rim of the room
until you reach the canister in the very back corner.
FP1-6 Chapter Six: Darth Maul (Free Play Mode)
~~ Hangar ~~
Fight off Darth Maul and his Battle Droids (see the Story mode walkthrough if
necessary). Once he flees, use the Force to turn on three lights along the
wall behind you, each releasing some Studs. This may require first activating
the levers underneath the two side lights and fighting a couple more Battle
Droids. Use the Force from across the gap in the floor to create a bridge,
gaining you a few more Studs. In the hangar, on the left, use the Force on the
switch beside the conveyor belt, and the two lights on either side of the
corner of the wall for some Studs. Use the Force to reassemble the ship's
second engine, then stand on top of it and do a super-jump from near the
cockpit to collect MINIKIT CANISTER #1. After this, you can use the Force on
the levers on each side of the door that the ship is facing to open the doors.
Once the ship flies off, collect the many Studs from outside the doors.
Inside, use the Force on the lights on both sides of the bay doors for more
Studs. Along the back wall, destroy the yellow tanks, and cross to the other
side of the room.
Use the Force to open the yellow crate along the back wall. Use the Force on
the ship's engine to start it up, then double-jump from its top to collect
MINIKIT CANISTER #2 overhead. Use the Force on the switches on lights on both
sides of the wall that the ship is facing away from, and the two lights around
the corner towards the starting point of this room, as well as the switch on
the side of the conveyor belt. Finally, there is a wheeled cart nearby; use
the Force on it until it completes a circuit and gather the Studs it releases.
Along the back wall, stand on one of the
the same, and use the Force to lift each
Studs, then use the Astromech Droid Lock
panel, you can't see it head-on). Enter

yellow lifts while your partner does

other up to the top. Collect the
in the left wall (look for the white
the hatch that opens.

Inside the secret room, you must battle several waves of Battle Droids and

Droidekas. Try to keep a bit of distance between you and them, and fight them
by reflecting their own blaster shots back at them. Eventually they'll stop
coming out, so be patient and careful not to get killed, lest you lose some of
your precious Studs. When the danger has passed, start at the front of the
room (the end where you entered from). Run up along one of the rows of red
floor buttons to light them up; your partner will do the same with the other
row. When all are lit at the same time, MINIKIT CANISTER #3 will appear at the
end. Use the Force to illuminate the lights along the left wall (even though
they're red lights, regular good-guy Force still works on them), and also to
shake the lights on the right wall, all to get a few Studs. Return to the
previous room.
On the ground, move up along the row of Studs towards the door at the back, and
enter the next section.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 14,000
~~ Grates ~~
Head up toward Darth Maul. Stay on the lower level as you follow the curved
grate to the right, jumping over the gaps, to the end, then cross to the right
over the bridge to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #4. Go back to the left and superjump to the nearest short section of the second level of grated flooring to get
a few Studs there. Repeat as you cross back to the left side of the room,
gathering whatever Studs you can reach along the way. Use the grapple point on
the small platform, then super-jump up to the ledge on the left. From there,
hop up and clear out the treasure trove of Studs on the top level, but watch
out for the squads of Battle Droids that will come running around the rim from
each side to fight you. On the very right at the very top, use the Force on
the gear beside the yellow lift contraption several times, then super-jump from
the top of the lift to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #5 overhead. Return to the
grapple point and head right, using the Force to extend the platforms from the
wall where the gaps are too large to jump across. At the right end, cross the
bridge to enter the next section.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 28,500
~~ Discs and Forcefields ~~
On the starting platform, follow the curved edge around to collect a few Studs,
and operate the Astromech Droid Locks on each side of the wall behind you.
This activates a moving platform on each side; jump to them when they approach
your platform, then hold still and ride out to MINIKIT CANISTER #6 and MINIKIT
CANISTER #7. Now head straight up to the middle of this room, by jumping onto
and off of the bridge leading to the largest round platform.
Now, a Battle Droid Commander will appear on each side of the room, at the end
of another extended bridge. They will radio for more Battle Droids as you
destroy them. Fight your way up to the commanders (who wear yellow vests) and
kill them, then finish off any stragglers on that side. Jump to the end
platform with a few Studs, then return to the middle of the room and repeat for
the other side. Once all of the Battle Droids are destroyed, a pair of
Droidekas appear on platforms ahead of the central round platform. Grab any
last Studs and head there. To destroy the Droidekas, you have to reflect their
shots back at them until both their shields and they themselves are destroyed.
Once all enemies are exhausted, there are four corner platforms around the
central round one with some Studs to collect. Double-jump to each one, circle
the lower ring to get the Studs there, then step into the blue light stream and
float up to the very top of the column. Once you've collected all of the

floating Studs there, slide out of the slipstream and drop to the upper ring.
Grab the loose Studs up here, then use the Force to turn on the lights around
the railing on the side facing away from the center of the room to receive more
Studs. Stay close to them as you do so to minimize any loss of Studs over the
edge. Repeat for all four such structures, then return to the central platform
once more. Now, jump to one of the Droideka's platforms and stand on the red
button while your partner does the same. This raises the bridge leading ahead
towards Darth Maul, so jump to that and pursue him, grabbing the Studs along
the way.
In the corridor with the red forcefields, use the Force on the orange switches
in tandem with your partner to drop the forcefields as you move upward,
releasing a shower of Studs in the process. Also use the Force on the thin
vertical structures on either side of the wall for further Stud release;
there's one such structure on the right in the first section, then one on each
side in each of the next three sections. Walk forward at the end to enter the
final arena.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 51,000
~~ Showdown with Darth Maul ~~
As you fight, move around the room and use the Force on the lights to release a
few Studs. This can be tricky to do while trying to fend off Darth Maul on the
ground, so you could perhaps wait until he's on top of one of the platforms
that he creates after taking a few hits while you turn on the lights, while
dodging the debris that he Force-tosses at you (it moves slowly, so you can see
it coming. To move Darth Maul off of the platforms, you must use the Force on
one of the objects that he throws at you as it approaches to redirect it back
towards him. Once he's moved off of one platform, do a super-jump to get on
top of it, and jump up to get MINIKIT CANISTERS # 8, 9, and 10, one on top of
each of the three platforms that he will create around the room. After you
have all of the canisters, feel free to finish him off.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 52,000
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: In the starting hangar, double-jump from on top of the
ship on the right to reach the canister above it.
LEGO Canister #2: In the starting hangar, use the Force to repair the
engine for the ship on the left, then jump on top of it
and super-jump from near its cockpit to reach the
canister high overhead.
LEGO Canister #3: In the starting hangar, use the Force in tandem with
your partner on the yellow lifts to reach the platform
above. Operate the Astromech Droid Lock in the left
wall, then enter the door in the back. Inside the back
room, run up along one of the rows of red floor lights
in tandem with your partner to illuminate them all at
once, and the canister will appear at the end.
LEGO Canister #4: In the second section, follow the lower curved grated
floor all the way to the end, then cross right the

LEGO Canister #5: In the second section with the
use the grapple point and then
to reach the uppermost level.
use the Force several times on
lift. Super-jump from the top
canister above.

curved grated flooring,

super-jump up to the left
Cross to the right and
the gear for the yellow
of the lift to the

LEGO Canister #6: In the room with the large round platforms, use the
Astromech Droid Lock to the right of the door behind you
on the starting platform. Hop onto the nearby moving
platform that this activates, and ride it over to the
LEGO Canister #7: In the room with the large round platforms, use the
Astromech Droid Lock to the left of the door behind you
on the starting platform. Hop onto the nearby moving
platform that this activates, and ride it over to the
LEGO Canister #8: During the final fight with Darth Maul, once he creates
the first raised platform, knock him off of it and
super-jump onto it, then jump up to the canister.
LEGO Canister #9: During the final fight with Darth Maul, once he creates
the second raised platform, knock him off of it and
super-jump onto it, then jump up to the canister.
LEGO Canister #10: During the final fight with Darth Maul, once he creates
the third raised platform, knock him off of it and
super-jump onto it, then jump up to the canister.
FP2-1 Chapter One: Discovery on Kamino (Free Play Mode)
~~ Welcome to Kamino ~~
Collect the loose Studs from around the starting platform and on top of your
ship. Take the left branch off the central platform, and use the Force on the
gears to move them into place. Do a super-jump from the top of the newly
raised platform to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #1. Next, head up-left from the
starting platform to the waiting Kaminoan and use the Force to repair the left
electrical tower. Take the next path to the right; hover across the gap along
the row of Studs with an Astromech Droid, and the glowing barrier over MINIKIT
CANISTER #2 will automatically open. Hover back, and follow the Kaminoan into
the building.
In the circular room, there are three lights around the middle that look like
horizontal bars near the ground. Use the Force to light these up, releasing
some Studs. On one side, operate the Astromech Droid Lock to open the gate.

Inside the closet, use the Force to knock over the wastebasket, spilling some
Studs. Next, use the Force on the broom. As it moves around, it will
occasionally sweep out one or more Studs. Grab these, then quickly use the
Force on the broom again before it retreats too much. Repeat this until the
broom has made a complete circuit around the room and returned to the closet,
at which point a larger bunch of Studs will be released. Head to the Kaminoan
and follow him into the next room.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 8,500
~~ Meeting Jango ~~
Go up the hall collecting the loose Studs, and use the Force on the lights on
the side walls to release a few more Studs. In the next room, grab the loose
Studs around the rim. Use the Force on the pods on each side, then blast them
both (or just blast them twice). You can also use the Force on the dark light
panels around the room for even more Studs. In the middle, walk around the
square of lights to illuminate them all, then use the Force on the controls
that rise up. Take the right path first. Use the Force on the lights on the
sides, and operate the Protocol Droid Lock at the end. Enter the room.
Use the Force to light up the two unlit lampposts. Hover across to the round
platform, and stand on the button while your partner does the same for the new
platform. Repeat this twice more as new platforms appear to the right. On the
white floor section, step into the air vents at the corners to float up to the
Blue Studs. Use the force on the two hatches over the center Lego panel in the
floor to raise a platform that lets you reach MINIKIT CANISTER #3 overhead.
Jump back to the round platforms, and blast the target in the wall ahead. Use
the new bridge to reach the distant room. There, use a child character to
slide through the chutes to collect the Studs and MINIKIT CANISTER #4, which is
reached via the right-most chute. Return to the previous room.
Go up the left corridor, where the Kaminoan is waiting for you. Along the way,
use the Force to rotate the six lights along the side walls. Once all are lit,
MINIKIT CANISTER #5 appears above you. Use the Astromech Droid Lock at the end
and go through the door.
In the hallway, move down into the screen to collect the Studs underneath the
window. Go past the door that the Kaminoan ducks into, taking the first door
on the left instead. Use the Force to spin the lights high in the left wall as
you enter the main room. In there, use the Force on the control panel in the
upper left corner for a few Studs. Operate the Astromech Droid Lock in the
opposite corner to reach the Blue Stud. And finally, step on one of the lit
circles on the floor in the middle while your partner does the same. Continue
this with each new pair of lights to get a nice surprise, which includes the
appearance of MINIKIT CANISTER #6. Now, return to the hallway and enter the
previous door on the right.
After Jango Fett runs off, kill the security drones. In the upper right
corner, use the Force on the switch four times, each time obtaining a few Studs
and some Lego pieces. After four times, use the Force on the Lego pieces to
complete the mosaic in the wall, and the barrier to MINIKIT CANISTER #7 will
open. Use the Force on the table and chairs until a shower of Studs erupts
from them. Use the Force on the drawers and the pot in the left corner for
some more Studs, and jump up to collect the ones on the shelf. Finally,
operate the Astromech Droid Lock near the room exit to release a Bounty Hunter
rocket that will explode in a burst of Studs, and get the Blue Stud from inside
the closet. Go out into the hall.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 37,000

~~ Chasing the Bounty Hunter ~~

Move up the hall and defend against the ceiling cannons. Reflect their shots
back to destroy them, and gather the Studs that are dropped. Follow Jango
through the next door on the right. Don't follow Jango through the round hatch
yet; go down into the room instead. On the left, jump to the Studs on the
shelf. Use the Force on the mugs on the table, and destroy the chairs for some
Studs. At the top of the room, you must step on the light in the floor in the
same position as the ones displayed on the wall. Your partner will help with
the other set. After matching the pattern three times, the barrier to MINIKIT
CANISTER #8 will lower. Now go through the round hatch to continue your
Outside, first head left and hover at the end to the platform with many Studs,
then hover back again. Follow Jango to the right. Jump back as each mine
emits a high pitch whine, then jump across the gaps in the path. At the Tjunction, continue to the right and use the grapple point at the end. Above,
operate the Protocol Droid Lock. Switch to a blaster user while you're waiting
for the lift to come down, then hop onto it and shoot the three targets as you
move back up. If you miss any, go back to the ground and use the Protocol
Droid Lock again. Once you've hit all three, the barrier blocking access to
MINIKIT CANISTER #9 lowers ahead. Before you go to grab it, however, do a
super-jump from the top of the lift to get the Studs on the ledge above. Still
on the raised walkway, head left to collect all of the loose Studs, then return
to ground level and go up at the T-junction. Step on the red button, then
hover across the gap and step on the next button to complete the bridge. Use
the Force on the right lamppost, and on the Lego pieces on the left. Superjump from the top of the small platform you created to reach the Studs over the
doorway, then jump down again and use the Astromech Droid Lock. Head inside.
Switch to an Astromech Droid and roll up to the two Astromech Droid Locks on
the right side of the corridor to close the security drone hatches. Destroy
the drones and return to the starting point for this room. Behind the lift,
use the Force on the two round chairs to receive some Studs. As you go up the
hall, use the Force to turn on the three unlit lights in the walls. On the
left side, use Dark Force to blow away the black door, and head inside the side
room. With your partner, use Dark Force on the two round lights at the end of
the room. This unleashed the security drones from inside the pods, so kill
them all, then jump up to get MINIKIT CANISTER #10 from between the two red
circles. Get the Studs inside the pods on both sides of the room, including
those obtained by smashing the pods themselves. Return to the main hall, and
use the Force on the pile of debris to reveal an Astromech Droid Lock. Use it,
then head outside for your showdown with Jango Fett.
Fight Jango in the usual manner (see the Story mode walkthrough if necessary).
There are no more Studs to collect during this battle. For this finishing
blow, rather than chasing Jango around like a madman, switch to a blaster user
and fire at him from a distance.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 60,000
*** MINIKIT VEHICLE COMPLETED: Jedi Starfighter ***
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: To the left of the starting position, use the Force on
the gears to raise a platform, then super-jump from it

to the canister above.

LEGO Canister #2: Up-right from the starting position, use an Astromech
Droid to hover across the gap to the blue forcefield,
which automatically raises to let you grab the canister.
LEGO Canister #3: Inside the room with the square of round lights in the
middle, take the right path after opening the gates.
Use the Protocol Droid Lock and enter the room. Hover
to the round platforms to make new ones rise, in tandem
with your partner. On the white floor to the right, use
the Force to flip up the hatches, and jump from the
raised platform to the canister.
LEGO Canister #4: Inside the room with the square of round lights in the
middle, take the right path after opening the gates.
Use the Protocol Droid Lock and enter the room. Hover
to the round platforms to make new ones rise, in tandem
with your partner. Blast the target in the base of the
wall ahead, then cross the new bridge to the distant
room. Have a child slide through the right-most chute
to reach the canister.
LEGO Canister #5: From the room with the square of lights in the middle,
follow the Kaminoan up the left path after opening the
gates. Use the Force on the six lights on the walls to
make the canister appear.
LEGO Canister #6: In the hallway leading to Jango Fett's room, take the
door on the left. Step on the pairs of floor lights
along with your partner until the floor is completely
illuminated. Pick up the canister at the top of the
room to the sounds of disco Star Wars.
LEGO Canister #7: In Jango Fett's room, use the Force on the switch in the
upper right corner four times, then on the pile of Lego
pieces. The barrier to the canister will open.
LEGO Canister #8: After Jango Fett escapes through a round hatch, go down
into the room. At the top, step on the floor lights in
tandem with your partner to match the pattern on the
wall in front of you. Do this three times to lower the
barrier to the canister.
LEGO Canister #9: As you chase Jango Fett outdoors, at the very right end
of the walkway, use the grapple point, then operate the
Protocol Droid Lock. Switch to a blaster user and jump
onto the lift, then shoot all three targets as you rise
up. This lowers the barrier to the canister ahead.
LEGO Canister #10: After chasing Jango outside and going up the round
elevator, use Dark Force to open the door on the left
side of the hall. Inside the side room, use Dark Force
on the red circles at the tanks at the far end, then
jump to the canister between the two tanks.
FP2-2 Chapter Two: Droid Factory (Free Play Mode)


~~ Factory Infiltration ~~
First of all, move down towards the
corridor, where you'll find MINIKIT
use the Force to turn on the lights
course, fight off the Geonosians as

screen all the way to the start of the

CANSITER #1. As you head up the corridor,
along both sides, releasing some Studs. Of
you go as well.

As soon as you step out onto the platform over the conveyor belt, double-jump
to the smaller platform on the left with Studs on it before your current
platform retracts. From there, use the chute slide in the wall to reach
MINIKIT CANISTER #2 on the ledge above you. If you miss the initial jump, you
can still super-jump back to the starting ledge and from there to the left
platform. Head right along the conveyor belt, speeding through the first
stamper. Just past it, jump up the structure along the upper edge of the
conveyor belt; platforms will extend as you pass by them. At the top, kill the
Battle Droids and collect the Studs. Jump back down to the ground and use the
Force on the fans on either side of the structure to release some more Studs.
Jump through the yellow field on the right and destroy the Droideka, then use
the Astromech Droid Lock to deactivate the conveyor belt.
Continue to the right and fight off a trio of Battle Droids. Use the Force on
the fan assemblies in the upper wall over each circle on the floor, making
three vertical fans. Ride the airstreams up to grab a couple of Studs. In
front of the middle fan, go down along the floor, which is longer in this
section, and use the Force on the gear at the tip of the platform. Use the
Force again to rotate the section of flooring, then cross right and use the
grapple point. Above, blast the target on the wall, and operate the Astromech
Droid Lock that was behind it. Head through the door that opens.
Inside this side room, note the four canisters along the upper wall. The
rightmost one shows a certain colour in the lower circle. Your job is to
operate the Astromech Droid Locks on two of the three coloured cylinders to
match the colour on the right. In case you're not familiar with colour mixing,
here's how it goes:
Red + Yellow = Orange
Red + Blue = Purple
Yellow + Blue = Green
And yes, the left cylinder is red, even though it looks orangey. Match the
color displayed on the last cylinder three times in a row with no mistakes, and
the wall shielding the MINIKIT CANISTER #3 will retract. There is also a Blue
Stud on top of the canister's pod; try jumping on top of the lower circle in
the rightmost cylinder, then super-jump to the Stud. Return to the conveyor
belt room, and use the upper grappling point to reach the main floor. Use the
rightmost fan to fly up to the ledge and go right into the next section.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 16,000
~~ Ore Buckets ~~
Go right and use the grapple point, then shoot the target up above. Doublejump right to the next platform and blast the target there, then get the Studs
from the floor below you. Go back up and super-jump right up to the high
platform with MINIKIT CANISTER #4 on it. Head down the ramp until you reach
the Astromech Droid Lock. Drop down to the lower floor here, collect the Studs
and destroy the dark crates. Use the Force to place the blaster target on the

wall and shoot it.

level, and open the
moving platforms as
end. Return to the

Use the resulting moving bucket to return to the upper

door with the Astromech Droid Lock. Inside, cross the
they line up to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #5 at the very right
previous room.

Head right by jumping across the giant bucket before it moves into the blue
flame. Use the grapple point to swing over the gap. Blast the dark crates,
and use the Astromech Droid Lock by the door on the right. Head on through.
In the molten metal room, go up and follow the walkway. Hover across the gap
to collect the floating Stud, then use the grapple point from the middle
platform to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #6 above. Hover again to grab the other
floating Stud. At the far right end of the room, use the Protocol Droid Lock
to exit.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 36,000
~~ Geonosian Hive ~~
At the start, head down and left to find a Blue Stud tucked in to the corner.
I suggest crossing this room as far as the archway to draw out and destroy all
of the Geonosians, then go back across it from the start jumping into the
various alcoves to collect the Studs. You'll need to super-jump into the
highest ones. When you reach a gold Lego grate over a hole at ground level,
smash its three sections. Most of the Studs will fly out towards the lava
pool. Try blasting the grate from a distance, leaving you in a position to
collect the Studs as they fly by. Use the Force on the debris to build a pair
of platforms. Double-jump from the right one to get another Stud; super-jump
from the left one to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #7. But you're not done yet! The
hole that the grate was blocking is actually the entrance to another room, so
head on in there.
Switch to an Astromech Droid and follow the line of Studs. Use the Astromech
Droid Lock in the corner. Follow the new path to another Astromech Droid Lock.
Keep repeating this until you've been able to collect all of the Studs and
MINIKIT CANISTER #8. Return to the previous room.
Head right through the archway. In towards the screen outside the archway, you
can see a hovering Blue Stud; use a super-jumper to grab it. Carefully pick up
the Blue Stud from the bottom of the ramp leading into the lava. From near the
top of this ramp, hover right to the island to collect the Studs, then hover
back again. Use the grapple point above, then cross the ledge and blast the
Lego structure at the end. Return to the ground and use the Force to build a
platform out of the debris, which has fallen into the lava. Use an Astromech
Droid to hover to this platform, and again to the right. Stay as a Droid, and
you can roll right past the Droidekas without fear. Collect the loose Studs,
and go down past the Droidekas, where you'll find MINIKIT CANISTER #9 around
the corner. Use the Protocol Droid Lock near the door to open it.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 47,500
~~ Rescue Obi-Wan ~~
Collect the loose Studs around the floor, then use both Astromech Droid Locks
in between the conveyor belts. Use the Force on the debris that comes out on
the left to make first a pump, then a platform. Stand on the platform and use
the Force on the pump to make the platform rise. At the top, quickly switch to
a super-jumper and leap upward to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #10 (alternately,
simply stand on the platform with a super-jumper and wait for your partner to
raise you up). Use the Force on the dark crate on the right to move it by the

door, then destroy it to blow the door apart. Head through into the next room.
Collect the Studs around the floor and fight the Geonosians, Battle Droids, and
Droidekas. Use the Force on the four magnetic shackles to free Obi-Wan,
completing the chapter.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 51,000
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: At the very start, move down into the screen to find the
canister at the end of the corridor.
LEGO Canister #2: As soon as you enter above the conveyor belt, doublejump left to the small ledge. From there, use the chute
slide with a child character to reach the canister on
the ledge above you.
LEGO Canister #3: Where you build three vertical fans at the end of the
conveyor belt, go down from the middle fan. Use the
Force on the gear twice, then use the grapple point.
Blast the target, use the Astromech Droid Lock, and
enter the side room. Use the Astromech Droid Locks on
two of the three coloured pods to match the colour
shown on the lower circle of the rightmost pod.
Do this three times to raise the shield around the
LEGO Canister #4: In the room with the moving giant ore buckets, reach the
upper walkway around the middle of the room and go up to
the top of the ramp, where the canister is sitting.
LEGO Canister #5: Along the upper walkway in the room with the giant ore
buckets, use the Astromech Droid Lock in the upper wall.
Inside the room behind it, cross the moving platforms to
reach the canister on the right side.
LEGO Canister #6: In the room with the molten metal lake, use the grapple
points to swing across the back of the room. The
canister is on the upper level in the middle.
LEGO Canister #7: In the Geonosians' hive room, smash the gold grate in a
cave entrance at ground level. Use the Force on the
debris to build platform. Super-jump from the left one
into the alcove containing the canister.
LEGO Canister #8: In the Geonosians' hive room, smash the gold grate in a
cave entrance at ground level. Enter the cave behind
it. Have an Astromech Droid operate the panels in this
room, opening up new pathways through the forcefields,
until you reach the canister.
LEGO Canister #9: At the right end of the Geonosians' hive room, head
down past the exit to find the canister tucked around
the corner.

LEGO Canister #10: After exiting the Geonosians' hive room, use the
Astromech Droid Locks between the two short conveyor
belts. Use the Force on the debris that comes out on
the left to make a pump and a platform. Stand on the
platform with a super-jumper and wait for your partner
to use the Force on the pump, raising you up. Jump up
at the top to grab the canister high overhead.
FP2-3 Chapter Three: Jedi Battle (Free Play Mode)
First of all, destroy the enemy forces guarding Padme. Gather the nearby loose
Studs. Move left along the edge of the arena until you collect MINIKIT
CANISTER #1, hidden behind a stone column. Return to the prisoner's post. Do
a super-jump to the ledge to the left of the execution post, then to the higher
ledge along the back wall, where you'll grab MINIKIT CANISTER #2, then another
to the even higher ledge along the right, where you can see MINIKIT CANISTER #
3. Super-jump from any of these ledges to grab the Blue Stud at the top of the
post. Use the Force to release the prisoner. Now, head to the right along the
rim of the arena, collecting the Studs as you go. When you reach the gate in
the wall, use the Force to lower the levers on either side, in tandem with your
partner, opening the gate and allowing you to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #4 inside.
Continue around the rim of the arena. When you reach a proximity mine, trigger
it then stand back as it blows. Try to collect as many of its Studs as you can
before they vanish, but don't let yourself get killed either. Repeat for any
other proximity mines that you come across.
At the second prisoner's post, destroy the Super Battle Droids and Droidekas,
then gather the loose Studs. Use the Force on the prisoner to release her.
Use the grapple point on the right, then those on the ledges all around the
execution post to collect the Studs and reach MINIKIT CANISTER #5 and MINIKIT
CANISTER #6, then jump to the Blue Stud on the top of the post. Continue to
the right around the rim of the arena, again collecting the Studs from the
proximity mines once they explode.
Destroy the forces at the third prisoner's post. Use the Force on the Lego
debris on the right side to create a platform, then use the grapple point on
the left. Blast the target and jump onto the nearby lift as it rises. Jump to
the rear ledge and grab MINIKIT CANISTER #7. Hop onto the next lift as it
lowers and raises to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #8 on the high right ledge.
At this point, with all prisoners free, you now have to destroy a series of
red-vested Battle Droids. Try not to complete this task until you've collected
all of the Minikit canisters. Continue around the rim of the arena to the
right. You'll reach another gate in the wall after passing a couple of
proximity mines (again, gather the Studs that you can from their explosions
without getting killed). Use the Force on the Lego debris in front of it to
build a ramp up to the chute slide, then send a child character through that to
emerge behind the gate, collecting MINIKIT CANISTER #9. Step on the red button
to open the gate and exit.
And still to the right,
Here, you must assemble
Lego debris together on
pieces. Start with the

there is a fourth alcove with no prisoner's post.

a stone column. Use the Force to pull the pieces of
the right, then use the Force to stack the column
darkest brown piece with the thin round base, and then

build the rest of the column from darkest brown to lightest brown at the top.
When done correctly, MINIKIT CANISTER #10 appears at the top. To reach it, use
Dark Force on the left half of the ledge along the rear wall, creating a series
of steps. Super-jump to the first step, then jump up to the top and out to the
With all canisters collected, you can carefully wade out to join the bulk of
the battle. Trigger any remaining proximity mines and collect their Studs.
Destroy the target enemies, followed by Jango Fett, to complete the chapter.
*** MINIKIT VEHICLE COMPLETED: Republic Gunship ***
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: To the left of the first prisoner's post, stick to the
rim of the arena until you grab the canister hidden
behind a column.
LEGO Canister #2: After the first rescue, super-jump to the ledge on the
left of the prisoner's post, then to the one at the back
to grab the canister.
LEGO Canister #3: After the first rescue, super-jump to the ledge on the
left of the prisoner's post, then to the one at the
back, and again to the highest ledge on the right, where
the canister is in plain sight.
LEGO Canister #4: To the right from the starting position around the rim
of the arena, use the Force on the levers in tandem with
your partner on either side of the gate in the wall,
thus lowering it so that you can get the canister.
LEGO Canister #5: After rescuing the second captive, use the grapple point
on the ground to the left, then the one on the left
ledge to reach the canister on the rear ledge.
LEGO Canister #6: After rescuing the second captive, use the grapple point
on the ground to the left, then the one on the left
ledge, then the one on the rear ledge to reach the
canister on the high right ledge.
LEGO Canister #7: At the third prisoner's post, use the Force on the Lego
debris on the right. Use the grapple point on the left
and shoot the blaster target above. Hop onto the nearby
lift as it rises to reach the canister on the rear
LEGO Canister #8: At the third prisoner's post, use the Force on the Lego
debris on the right. Use the grapple point on the left
and shoot the blaster target above. Hop onto the nearby
lift as it rises to the rear ledge, then to the higher
lift on the right to reach the highest ledge with the
LEGO Canister #9: To the right around the rim of the arena from the third
captive's post, use the Force on the debris in front of
the gate in the wall to build a ramp. Use the chute

slide at the top of the ramp to reach the canister

behind the gate.
LEGO Canister #10: To the left of the main gate of the arena, in the
alcove which held no prisoners, use the Force on the
Lego debris to form part of a column. You must now
stack the four column pieces using the Force, from the
darkest brown at the bottom to the lightest at the top.
When successfully completed, the canister will appear
at the top. Use Dark Force to lower the left half of
the ledge along the rear wall, and super-jump up the
ledge and leap to the canister.
FP2-4 Chapter Four: Gunship Cavalry (Free Play Mode)
Similar to in the vehicle chapter from Episode I (the podrace), I will focus
mainly on pointing out the locations of the Lego Canisters and Stud sources
here, rather than providing a true step-by-step walkthrough. If you need more
help in that area, see the Story mode walkthrough earlier in this guide. All
Lego Canisters are found in the rotating four-armed pods floating above the
ground throughout the stage; blast them to retrieve the canister. All Studs in
this stage are acquired by blasting the silver conical generators with the
blinking lights on top, surrounded by an orange light ring. Each gives you
1,000 Studs when destroyed.
~~ Section One ~~
At the start, just ahead on the left side, you'll find MINIKIT CANISTER #1.
Veer right to shoot the first Stud-providing generator on the right side, then
blast the one on the far side of the first laser cannon beam. The next two
generators are just past the second beam. When you reach the twin laser
cannons (the orange lasers that fire perpendicular to your direction of
travel), MINIKIT CANISTER #2 is just past the second laser, in the right half
of the path. Blast the generator on the left, than take the right side of the
path when it splits to reach the next Stud-yielding generator. After the path
reunites, you'll find MINIKIT CANISTER #3 on the left side, just past the
single laser. Blast the electric barrier generators and head through to the
next section.
Total Lego Studs: 6,000
~~ Section Two ~~
Blast the two generators side by side just ahead. Pass the next laser, staying
to the left side to pass the rock that it fires through. Stick to the right
when the path splits to shoot the next generator on the far side of the pit;
when the paths rejoin, fly left and back slightly to hit the generator there.
MINIKIT CANISTER #4 is located on the right edge of the path here, which is
after you pass through the set of three lasers that are spaced far enough apart
that you can wait between them for the next round of laser fire before speeding
through. After shooting that, head to the left to hit the next generator.
Just ahead, the path splits again around a large rock, with a generator along
each branch; if you're flying up near the top of the screen, you can shoot the
generator on the left, then fly right to the other side of the rock to hit the

other one. When the paths rejoin on the other side, MINIKIT CANISTER #5 is
located in the very middle, before the path splits again around a pit. Blast
the second set of electric barrier generators before advancing.
Total Lego Studs: 13,000
~~ Globe Trotting ~~
In the area that sees you flying sideways around a large globe, go counterclockwise, firing continuously and destroying the laser cannons. If you just
keep shooting, it'll be hard to miss any of the canisters. MINIKIT CANISTER #6
is located to the right of the first laser on your right. Continue around
counter-clockwise. The next canister, MINIKIT CANISTER #7, is found past two
more lasers to the right. MINIKIT CANISTER #8 is located past another two
lasers to the right, and MINIKIT CANISTER #9 on more past that. MINIKIT
CANISTER #10 is found between the last two laser cannons. As you completed
this section, you were also (perhaps unknowingly) collecting more Studs; you
received 1,000 Studs for each laser cannon that you destroyed, and 500 Studs
for each of the generators that you blasted once the shields were down, in sets
of three.
Total Lego Studs: 27,000
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: At the start, just ahead on the left side of the path.
LEGO Canister #2: At the first twin laser cannons (i.e. two firing in
tandem, beside each other), just past the second laser
LEGO Canister #3: After the path splits and reunites, the canister is on
the left just past the laser.
LEGO Canister #4: Where three lasers fire simultaneously with just enough
space between them for you to wait for the laser blast
to end again before speeding ahead, the canister is just
past the last laser on the right edge of the path.
LEGO Canister #5: Just after the path splits around a large rock, the
canister is in the middle when the two paths rejoin.
LEGO Canister #6: Where you sail around the large globe, the canister is
found just past the first laser to your right.
LEGO Canister #7: Where you sail around the large globe, the canister is
found just past the third laser to your right.
LEGO Canister #8: Where you sail around the large globe, the canister is
found just past the fifth laser to your right.
LEGO Canister #9: Where you sail around the large globe, the canister is
found just past the sixth laser to your right.
LEGO Canister #10: Where you sail around the large globe, the canister is
found just past the first laser to your left, or before

the last laser to your right, depending on which

direction you circled the globe in.
FP2-5 Chapter Five: Count Dooku (Free Play Mode)
~~ Entering Dooku's Domain ~~
Move left to the edge of the outdoor platform until you can see MINIKIT
CANISTER #1. Hover to it with an Astromech Droid and back again to collect it.
Head right and use the grapple point outside the entrance to the temple to
reach MINIKIT CANISTER #2, then jump back down and head inside.
After destroying the Battle Droids, use the Force to move the two generators at
the end of the hall to the right, in front of the partially crumbled wall.
Blast each generator twice to release some Studs. When both are fully
destroyed, the wall behind them will be broken, revealing MINIKIT CANISTER #3.
Enter the room to the left.
Fight off the Geonosians, then move left to the wall behind you. Stand on the
red floor button, and stay there until your partner triggers the next button.
Jump up the first two red platforms and jump right to get MINIKIT CANISTER #4.
Return to the second red platform, and super-jump up to the third and fourth
platforms to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #5. Move towards the forward end of the
room. Completely destroy the blue vehicle partially stuck in the wall to reach
the Blue Studs underneath it. Stand on the red floor button here and wait for
your partner to reach the next one. Jump up two red platforms to the third
button, then wait for your partner to reach the fourth. Jump to his platform,
then do a super-jump up and to the right to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #6 on a rock
ledge overhead. Jump left to the main red platform, and use the Force on the
levers in tandem with your partner to open the gate below. Head on through for
the final showdown.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 2,750
~~ Dueling with Dooku ~~
Once the battle begins, run to the right. Switch to a blaster user and shoot
the two targets on either side of the yellow cylinder, while dodging Dooku's
attacks. Doing so will open it, allowing you to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #7.
Head upwards along the wall to locate a chute slide entrance. Use a child
character to enter it, then cross the ledge to the left. Use the grapple point
at the end to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #8. Continue to the left around the rim
of the room. When you reach a small mechanical crane, use the Force on it to
shake out a few Studs, then destroy it to receive a few more. To the left, use
the Force on the three sections of the fallen column to stack them slightly
askew (if Dooku keeps getting in the way, make sure that your partner is a Jedi
and try to pawn Dooku off on him for a moment, or just move yourself so that
the column pieces are between you and him). Use a super-jumper to get on top
of the column, then jump up to the ledge on the wall with MINIKIT CANISTER #9.
Just to the left of the rebuilt column, destroy the debris to get a few Studs.
With all of that done, you can now fight Dooku with abandon.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 5,250


LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: Go left on the starting platform and hover left to the
floating canister, then back again.
LEGO Canister #2: Before entering the temple, use the grapple point along
the lower edge of the platform to reach the canister on
a ledge to the right.
LEGO Canister #3: In the first hallway inside the temple, use the Force to
move both generator pods to the right. Destroy them
both fully to break the wall, revealing the canister.
LEGO Canister #4: After fighting the Geonosians, head to the wall behind
you and stand on the button. When your partner triggers
the next button, jump up and right to reach the
canister on a rock ledge.
LEGO Canister #5: After fighting the Geonosians, head to the wall behind
you and stand on the button. When your partner triggers
the next button, jump up to the second red platform,
then super-jump up to the third and fourth platforms to
collect the canister.
LEGO Canister #6: After fighting the Geonosians, move forward and stand on
the red floor button. After your partner triggers the
next button, jump up and trigger the third, then wait
for your partner to stand on the fourth. Jump to his
red platform, then super-jump up and right to the
canister on a high rock ledge.
LEGO Canister #7: In the room where you battle Dooku, use a blaster-user
to shoot the two targets on either side of the yellow
cylinder, to the right of the starting position. This
opens the yellow shield, letting you grab the canister.
LEGO Canister #8: To the right of where you start fighting Dooku, use the
chute slide set in the wall. Above, cross the ledge to
the grapple point and use that to reach the canister.
LEGO Canister #9: To the left of where you start fighting Dooku, use the
Force to stack three sections of a fallen column.
Super-jump to the top of the column, then to the ledge
on the wall ahead where the canister awaits.
LEGO Canister #10: After stacking the three sections of a fallen column
using the Force and leaping to the ledge in the wall
in front of it, repeatedly blast as many sections as
possible of the hanging stone cage to the right, then
hover to the canister that was inside.

FP3-1 Chapter One: Battle over Coruscant (Free Play Mode)
APPROXIMATE TOTAL LEGO STUDS: ? (greater than 35,000 at least)
Once again, I won't give a complete step-by-step walkthrough, but will instead
simply highlight where to find the Lego Canisters and how to acquire Studs.
The former are obtained by blasting the spinning four-armed pods found floating
here and there throughout the stage. As to the latter, Studs are gained by
shooting down enemy ships, so knock off as many as you can, without getting
blasted to pieces yourself.
After you swoop downward once you've flown past the first row of ship-mounted
cannons, MINIKIT CANISTER #1 is found inside the spinning pod straight down.
At the bottom of that run, after you skim over the surface the ship that you
were diving towards, MINIKIT CANISTER #2 is found just over the edge of the
wing. Shoot a few enemy ships ahead, but don't forget to blast the red circles
on the back to the cruiser early on, before the side ones are out of range.
After passing through the ship that you broke in half, look for the pod
containing MINIKIT CANISTER #3 to the left of the tower ahead. As you pass
underneath another cruiser, look for the pod for MINIKIT CANISTER #4 just below
its surface; stay near the top of your flight path to shoot it. As you fly up
after this, shoot a few ships if possible and blast MINIKIT CANISTER #5
floating freely in space. You will fly over the rise of a ship ahead, while
ally and enemy fighters fly past you to the right. Locate MINIKIT CANISTER #6
just over the rise, near the surface of the ship. After that, blast the red
targets in the next ship's tower to destroy it. Just ahead, stay near the
bottom right corner of your path to shoot the pod for MINIKIT CANISTER #7.
After you blast open the shuttle bay to fly straight through the side of a
cruiser, shoot the pod for MINIKIT CANISTER #8 inside. Shoot a few more enemy
ships as you fly through a section of open space again. You can find MINIKIT
CANISTER #9 behind the rear engines of a ship ahead. Now you've got a hairy
firefight to get through. Once you pass over the continuously-firing blue
laser, you'll find MINIKIT CANISTER #10 in its pod near the upper left corner
of your flight path. As you fly through the final field, be sure to shoot the
red button on the left of the shuttle bay forcefield as early as possible, so
that it doesn't end up moving out of your range before you reach the ship.
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: Once you turn downwards after passing the first ship,
the canister is visible straight ahead.
LEGO Canister #2: After you straighten out and swoop over the surface of
another ship, the canister is in its pod just past the
edge of the wing.
LEGO Canister #3: After breaking a ship in half by shooting the five red
circles, the canister's pod is to the left of the tower
that you fly by ahead.

LEGO Canister #4: The next canister pod is found as you skim below the
surface of another cruiser, at the far end.
LEGO Canister #5: After you skim below the surface of a cruiser and fly
back upwards into relatively free space, the pod with
the canister is found straight ahead.
LEGO Canister #6: This canister is located near the surface of a ship as
you fly over its curved surface; this is before you
blast the red targets to destroy the tower of another
LEGO Canister #7: After you destroy the tower of a ship, stay in the lower
right corner of your flight path to shoot the pod for
the canister.
LEGO Canister #8: After you blast open the shuttle bay doors in the side
of a cruiser, shoot the pod for the canister as you fly
straight through the ship.
LEGO Canister #9: A short while after flying through the shuttle bay, the
canister's pod can be found behind the rear engines of
another cruiser.
LEGO Canister #10: After flying over the continuous blue laser at the end
of a heavy firefight, the pod with the canister can be
found in your upper left quadrant.
FP3-2 Chapter Two: Chancellor in Peril (Free Play Mode)
~~ Infiltration ~~
First off, head to the rear right corner and use the Force on the ship there to
shake out some Studs. Head up the right side and collect the loose Studs in
the forward corner, then use the grapple point. Cross the ledge to the left to
reach MINIKIT CANISTER #1, then continue crossing to grab a few more Studs.
Drop down in the left corner and collect the loose Studs there, then use the
Force on the red ship for more Studs. Use the Force on the white panels in the
forward wall on either side of the corridor ahead, and destroy the yellow
engine block completely.
Move up the corridor to chase Grievous away, then destroy his Battle Droids.
Destroy the yellow engine blocks for some Studs. Use the Force on the eight
blue levers along both sides of the tunnel to drop a healthy amount of Studs
from the ceiling at the end. Also use the Force on the red switches on both
walls in between the parts that stick out to get a few more Studs each. Use
the Force on the door at the end until it explodes, and collect the meagre
Studs that this releases before heading through the doorway.
Use the Force on the blue levers in the next room as well, which will this time
each release some Studs. Fight off the Battle Droids, then use the grapple
point down on the right side to collect MINIKIT CANISTER #2. Jump down from
the platform at the bottom edge and grab the loose Studs underneath, then

engage the Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids. Collect the loose Studs from
the far end of the room. You can use the Force on the wall panels to build
ledges allowing you to reach the upper level, or you can just use the Astromech
Droid Lock on the left side to activate an elevator. With the latter, just
remember that there is a Droideka waiting for you at the top. Grab the loose
Studs from the upper platform, then head into the small room behind the
Droideka's position to use the Force on the Stud dispenser. Use the Force to
blow up the two yellow grates and grab the Studs that scatter, including those
that fall to the ground. Head through either tunnel.
Fight off the three waves of enemies and collect the loose Studs in the tunnel
and the adjacent room. In the room, operate the left Astromech Droid Lock to
open the doors to MINIKIT CANISTER #3 and some Studs. Use the Protocol Droid
Lock next to find MINIKIT CANISTER #4 (they sure aren't making this difficult).
Use the right Astromech Droid Lock last, then use the Force to move the pod
into the next room. Grab the Blue Studs from inside the alcove, then use the
Force on the pod again to blow it up, turning part of the ceiling into a ramp.
Go up it.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 28,000
~~ Rescue the Chancellor ~~
At the top of the ramp, reflect the Battle Droids' shots back at them to
destroy them, then double-jump to the side of the surrounding platform. From
there, do a super-jump to the ledge high in the upper wall to collect MINIKIT
CANISTER #5. On the left side, you can also super-jump to lone Blue Stud
beside an air vent. Now, move to the left, following the trail of loose Studs
until you reach MINIKIT CANISTER #6. Go to the right next, use the force on
the silver wall panel to build a ledge, then jump up and use the Force on the
switch in the wall to the right to activate the large fan. Ride the airstream
up to a Droideka. Destroy it, then use the Astromech Droid Lock and enter the
next room.
Fight off the Battle Droids. Get the loose Studs from both sides along the
floor, and super-jump to the ledges on both sides of the room with plenty of
Studs laying on them. Fight the Super Battle Droids that Dooku sends after
you. Use the Force on the exploding blue pods on the ground (from a safe
distance) to get a few Studs. There is another such pod on the upper walkway
to the right, after you fight off more Super Battle Droids up there. Now go
down and find Count Dooku in the middle of the room. Jump and attack with
lightsabers for the most part. When he surrounds you with a red Force glow,
switch control to your partner and strike him while he's undefended.
Great, you defeated him! But unfortunately, in Free Play mode there's actually
no chancellor, so just go ahead and pass through the doors on the upper
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 40,000
~~ Find the Bridge ~~
Grab the loose Studs from the rear corners, and blow up the blue pod with the
Force for some Studs. Use the Protocol Droid Lock on the right side. This
opens two sets of doors; one immediately to the left, which reveals what looks
like a brick wall, which you can smash to grab the Studs behind it, and another
door to the left of that, behind which you will find MINIKIT CANISTER #7. Use
the Astromech Droid Lock on the left to get a few more Studs behind another
door. The left Protocol Droid Lock really does open on a brick wall, this time
an indestructible one. Head to the top of the room and go through the doors

that automatically open.

Run down away from the advancing wall. Simply follow the path of Studs on the
ground and you'll easily avoid all of the pits and steam vents. At the end,
collect the remaining loose Studs. You can use the Astromech Droid Lock to
reset the wall if you think you missed any Studs, and you can drop into the
hole at the far end, with the lights on its sides, if you want to retrace your
steps to an earlier part of the chapter. Otherwise, head through the tunnel at
the end.
Go up the steps, collecting the loose Studs here. At the top, go left and
start to move along the wall. Use the Force on the first yellow wheels to
release some Studs. Use the Force on the next one to deactivate the steam
jets. Just ahead, there is a yellow wheel and red switch which must be used
simultaneously, so use the Force and wait for your partner to do the same.
Release the Force to drop the Studs out of the hatch overhead. Further to the
right, pass through the steam vents with any Droid, then use the Astromech
Droid Lock to deactivate it. Use the Force on the wall panel to the right to
receive a few Studs, then use the Force on the final yellow wheel and back off
while the pod behind it explodes, releasing a few Studs and allowing you to
reach MINIKIT CANISTER #8. Move right to get the loose Studs and use the
Astromech Droid Lock at the end to enter the final area.
Destroy Grievous' Bodyguards with a few jump attacks and back attacks while
they're attacking your partner (make sure he's a Jedi so that they'll engage
him). Get the Studs from the sides of the tunnel, including those tucked into
the corners by the entrance to this hallway. As soon as you enter the bridge,
turn sharply left or right to find MINIKIT CANISTER #9 along the wall there,
then go to the opposite side to find MINIKIT CANISTER #10. Simply jump to
collect them. Destroy the last Battle Droids, then use the Force on the
switches in the forward control panels, in tandem with your partner, to
complete the chapter.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 56,000
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: In the starting hangar, use the grapple point in the
upper right corner and cross the ledge to the left to
reach the canister.
LEGO Canister #2: After passing through the corridor where you first see
General Grievous, use the grapple point down on the
right side to get the canister above you.
LEGO Canister #3: Along the wall with three Droid Locks, use the left
Astromech Droid Lock to open the doors to the canister.
LEGO Canister #4: Along the wall with three Droid Locks, use the middle
Protocol Droid Lock to open the doors to the canister.
LEGO Canister #5: After collapsing part of the ceiling into a ramp, go up
the ramp into the room above. Jump to the side of the
surrounding platform, then super-jump to the ledge in
the upper wall to grab the canister.

LEGO Canister #6: At the top of the ramp made by collapsing part of the
ceiling, head left along the trail of loose Studs until
you reach the canister.
LEGO Canister #7: After defeating Dooku, head into the next room and use
the Protocol Droid Lock on the right side. Enter the
door that this unlocks along the same wall to find the
LEGO Canister #8: Along the wall with the multiple steam vents, use the
Force on the yellow wheel at the end. When the pod
behind it explodes, jump up to get the canister.
LEGO Canister #9: As soon as you enter the ship's bridge, take a sharp
right to find the canister along the rear wall.
LEGO Canister #10: As soon as you enter the ship's bridge, take a sharp
left to find the canister along the rear wall.
FP3-3 Chapter Three: General Grievous (Free Play Mode)
~~ Round One ~~
Pull out a lightsaber and defend immediately, or jump out of the way of
Greivous' initial attacks. Strike Grievous once to send him jumping off to a
distant ledge to the left. Before attacking him there, look to the left of his
ledge; use an Astromech Droid to hover to the next ledge over, where you can
see some Studs and a Lego canister. Move along the ledge to collect MINIKIT
CANISTER #1, then double-jump left across the gap and up to get MINIKIT
CANISTER #2. Go back to the point you first hovered to and hover to the right
back to the central platform. Still before taking on Grievous again, doublejump to the ledge to the right of his position, where you can see MINIKIT
CANISTER #3 sitting there, and jump back again.
Now, in order to get as many Studs as possible, you want to hover over to
Grievous' current position, rather than just blasting the generators beside him
from the central platform. There, you can destroy the generators up-close and
collect the Studs that they release. Grievous won't attack you while you're
here. Get to his other side and destroy the second generator, get the Studs,
then super-jump to the ledge above you to get the Studs from the third
generator (which explodes on its own; you can't destroy it directly) quickly
before they vanish. Hover back to the central platform and strike Grievous
twice to make him retreat again.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 1,200
~~ Round Two ~~
Use the Force to assemble the Lego bridge (or just hover over to the ledge
again). Super-jump to the ledge above it, and use the Force on the remaining
Lego debris to form steps in the wall. Jump up to the top one, then doublejump up to collect MINIKIT CANISTER #4, then super-jump up to get MINIKIT
CANISTER #5. Double-jump to the ledge on the right (or use the grapple point
below) and cross to the right. At the end, use the Force on the Lego pieces

above you. Again, in order to get the Studs that the generator will drop upon
its destruction, do a super-jump to reach Grievous (again, he won't attack you
here) and smash it up-close. Grab the Studs, the use the Force on the Lego
debris that fell back down to the left to form steps for your partner to join
Cross to the right. Smash the Lego bricks in the wall, and use the Force to
move the generator inside across the gap. Drop down to the ground below on the
right and gather the loose Studs. To the left of the grapple point, jump and
blast the Lego in the wall to the left (it may take a few tries, try aiming
slightly to the left), then double-jump into the alcove to pick up MINIKIT
CANISTER #6. Now before going back up top, cross the right along this lower
level and follow the Studs to the right. Drop down at the end to reach MINIKIT
CANISTER #7 on a small ledge with a grapple point. Use that to get back up
Following the same pattern as before, do not blast the generator from a
distance. Rather, super-jump up to it and blast it from a short distance away,
since this one will kill you in the resulting explosion if you're too close.
Collect the Studs and MINIKIT CANISTER #8, which was sitting behind the
generator. Cross this upper ledge to the right to get a few Studs, then drop
down to MINIKIT CANISTER #9. From here, cross the stone bridge to the right
and enter the round room at the end. It is full of proximity mines; walk up to
each slowly and jump away as they explode, lest you get caught in the blast.
Each mine will release some Studs, and there are Studs all around the rim of
the room. Use the Force on the four latches around the central structure in
the room to raise the barrier to MINIKIT CANISTER #10.
You can hover back from the ledge at the other side of the stone bridge to
reach the central platform, but you might prefer to backtrack to a position
where you can actually see the platform, rather than hovering largely blindly.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 17,000
~~ Round Three ~~
There are no more Studs or Lego Canisters to collect here, so just keep
pounding on Grievous until he falls.
*** MINIKIT VEHICLE COMPLETED: Jedi Starfighter (Episode III) ***
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: Hover to the ledge to the left of the ledge that
Grievous first retreats to, then cross left to reach the
LEGO Canister #2: Hover to the ledge to the left of the ledge that
Grievous first retreats to, cross it and double-jump
left across a gap. Jump up to the canister above you.
LEGO Canister #3: Up and right from the central platform, you can doublejump to an isolated ledge where the canister is plainly
LEGO Canister #4: On the ledge above the ledge that Grievous first
retreats to, after destroying the first generators, use
the Force on the Lego debris to form steps in the wall.

From the top step, double-jump up to the canister.

LEGO Canister #5: On the ledge
retreats to,
the Force on
From the top

above the ledge that Grievous first

after destroying the first generators, use
the Lego debris to form steps in the wall.
step, super-jump up to the second canister.

LEGO Canister #6: After Grievous is down to five hearts, drop down to the
ground below the grappling hook on the right. To the
left of the grapple point, jump and blast the Lego in
the wall to the left, then double-jump into the alcove
that opens up to get the canister.
LEGO Canister #7: After Grievous is down to five hearts, drop down to the
ground below the grappling hook on the right. Cross to
the right and drop down to another ledge with a grapple
point and the canister.
LEGO Canister #8: The canister can be found after you float a generator
taken from behind a Lego wall across a gap to the right.
Hover over to the generator and collect the canister
behind it.
LEGO Canister #9: After you float a generator taken from behind a Lego
wall across a gap to the right, hover over to the
generator. Cross this upper ledge to the right and drop
down to the canister on another ledge below you.
LEGO Canister #10: After you float a generator taken from behind a Lego
wall across a gap to the right, hover over to the
generator. Cross this upper ledge to the right and
drop down to the ledge below you. Cross the stone
bridge to the right and enter the round room full of
mines. Use the Force on the four latches around the
central core to open it, revealing the canister.
FP3-4 Chapter Four: Defense of Kashyyyk (Free Play Mode)
I will tell you now, this chapter is the single most difficult one in which to
obtain True Jedi status. There are many easily missable sources of Studs, and
the beach section is just horrendous due to the difficulty in pulling up some
of the plants with the Force without getting attacked while you're doing it; my
best suggestion for the beach is to stay as a Droid most of the time to avoid
enemy detection. Also, you do not have a lot of leeway in how many times you
can die before losing too many Studs to be able to reach True Jedi status. If
this chapter is really getting you down, then the easiest way to tackle it
would be to purchase the Invincibility extra (though this costs a whopping one
million Studs) and use that to keep yourself from getting killed, but it will
still be difficult to clear enough space to use the Force in peace in some
areas. Good luck, and read this section carefully to see where you may have
missed some Studs.
~~ A Betrayal Revealed ~~

Run around the platform gathering the loose Studs. For the lights around the
rim, use the Force or blast them once to turn them on, then blast them once lit
to destroy them, releasing some Studs. Use the Force on the panels by the
bridge on the right until they light up fully, lowering the bridge. Head on
out. Take the first branch to the right to go up to a smaller round platform.
Get the loose Studs in the back, then smash each pipe around the central
cylinders to get some Studs. When they're all gone (including the one behind
the cylinders that you can't see well), use the Force on the cylinders to move
them over, revealing MINIKIT CANISTER #1. Grab that, then smash each cylinder
for more Studs.
Head back to the main path and continue around the tree, then head out to the
right towards the platform with the many Clone troopers, who will turn against
you. Kill them all. Gather any loose Studs, then blast each light around the
rim of the platform twice to receive their Studs. Also get the loose Studs
from the smaller side platform. Use the Force to move the light blocks into
the panels on either side of the bridge, then use the Force to light them both
up fully to lower the bridge. Cross it.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 10,500
~~ Rescue the Wookiees ~~
As you approach the tree, a few Clones come out to play, so take them out.
Circle the tree fully to collect all of the ground-level Studs, then use the
grapple point by the bridge you came over on. Above, jump to the next platform
on the left and use the next grapple points to reach the prisoner's platform.
Kill the two Clone guards (remember that the ones with the orange shoulder
flags require two hits) and collect the Studs. But don't stop there; hover
left to the next raised platform, and again to the next. Use the left of the
two overlapping grapple points to fly to the left some more, then do a superjump to the next platform above to the left to collect MINIKIT CANISTER #2.
Drop to the ground and take the other bridge (not the one you came over on,
Fight some more Clones, then take the right path. Use the Force on the red
device to form a grappling hook above, then use the grapple point to reach the
second prisoner's platform. Kill the Clone guards and blast the crate for some
Studs. Drop back down and destroy any remaining crates below, then head to the
left to the opposite platform. Destoy the crates here for their Studs, then
use the left grapple point to reach MINIKIT CANISTER #3 above. Go back to the
middle platform and head up to the final Wookiee prisoner. After freeing him,
blast each light around the rim of the platform twice for some Studs, then head
left and stand on the floor buttons to lower the bridge ahead, collecting a few
loose Studs along the way. Head to the right down towards the beach.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 19,500
~~ Storming the Beach ~~
Welcome to hell. There is an unlimited supply of enemies, Clone troopers and
Battle Droids, including many of the varieties that require two hits to kill.
What is worse, however, are the larger walker-type vehicles (the walkers). You
can block but not reflect their blasts with lightsabers. Whenever you see one
that is targeting you, drop whatever else you're doing and move up to it bit by
bit and strike it until it falls. There are many places to get Studs here, and
most put you smack in the middle of battle; oftentimes, though, you can wait
from a distance for the gaps between groups of enemies, then run in and do what
you need to quickly before more come from below. You can also try to keep
rocks between yourself and them wherever possible, use your partner for a

shield (make sure that they're a Jedi, or possibly a Droideka), and use the
Force from as far away to the side of your target as you can. Another option,
and the easiest one by far, is to spend most of your time as a Droid, in which
case all enemies will ignore you. As a Droid you can roll around the whole
area collecting the loose Studs and triggering the mines. Then, when you need
to be more active (such as to use the Force) you can wait until some space
clears, switch to a Jedi and do what you need to do quickly before switching
back again. This is a great way to deal with the walkers; just switch to a
Droid and sneak around behind it, or lure it to the left edge as they follow
your partner, where no other enemies will be around to get in the way as you
destroy it. However your approach this section, don't let yourself drop below
two hearts of health. When you reach two hearts, concentrate on taking out
some enemies while blocking constantly to refill your heart meter. If you do
get killed, re-collect as many of your dropped Studs as you can before they
disappear; head for any Blue Studs first.
In the water, near the start of this section, there are loose Studs around a
flaming downed ship. Along the beach, there are several proximity mines that
release Studs when they explode (just walk near them carefully) and that also
have some loose Studs around their positions. Along the top, there are many
Studs on top of rocks that you need to double-jump to. Perhaps most difficult
to deal with, though, are the many plants along the top of the area, which you
can uproot with the Force to receive some Studs. Three of these also uproot
carrots (which takes a longer application of the Force); after finding all
three, you will be rewarded with a Lego Canister. The first of these is in the
upper right corner, beside the brown rock hill that you start on. The second
is in the third patch of plants from the right, or around the second area where
the storming troops disappear into the woods. The last is on the very left
side of the area. Once you've found all three, MINIKIT CANISTER #4 appears on
top of a rock way back at the right side of the beach. Fight your way back
across to it, stand on the nearby carrot lying on its side, and super-jump to
the top of the rock.
To reach MINIKIT CANISTER #5, move in between the two areas where the advancing
troops disappear into the woods. There, do a super-jump up to a round platform
mounted in the rock wall (gathering the Studs on it in the process), then
another to the next platform to the right. Hover from there to the right to
reach the canister. Back on the ground, continue to the left side of the
beach, gather the loose Studs around the flaming ship. Use the Force on the
debris in the sand by the flaming ship to form a bridge overhead. One of the
plants in the corner that you uproot with the Force will reveal a grapple
point. Use that to reach the bridge. From the bridge, blast the two targets
on the sides of the large gate, and grab MINIKIT CANISTER #6 from the platform
on the right. Jump down and head through the gate.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 33,500
~~ Welcome to the Swamp ~~
Here, many Battle Droids wade through the water to engage you. The problem is
that, until you kill the Battle Droid commanders, they'll just keep on coming.
Immediately run ahead to the right and double-jump up to the Battle Droid
Commander's rock, then destroy him. Jump down and cross to the left, then jump
up the rocks to the second Battle Droid Commander and eliminate him as well.
With both gone, you can now jump down and destroy the remaining Battle Droids
on the ground. Move all around the area collecting the loose Studs, then
return to the point where you entered this area. To the right, use the Force
to uproot all of the small plants in the ground. Some will yield Studs, while
others reveal some Lego pieces. Use the Force again on the Lego pieces to move
them into a pile closer to the water's edge. Continue until you have all of

the pieces, at which point the entire pile will be surrounded by a large Forceglow. Use the Force on the pile to build a raft, then hop onto it and ride
around collecting the Studs that these actions revealed.
On the right in the water, use the Force for an extended period of time to
raise up the partially submerged ship. In a moment, it will start to sink
again, so quickly get on top of it and do a super-jump up to reach MINIKIT
CANISTER #7 high in the air. Head to the far left corner next, where there are
more plants to uproot with the Force, and a tall clump of green grass that you
must destroy with a blaster to release its Studs. There are several more such
clumps of grass on each of the Battle Droid Commander's platforms, and to the
right of the exit from this area, which is in the upper right corner. Head
through there when you're done.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 44,000
~~ Battle in the Forest ~~
In this area, there are many plants for you to destroy; the tall bunches of
green grass that must be blasted, and the leafy plants that you uproot with the
Force. As soon as you enter, head right to a small alcove with a few bunches
of grass. As you go up the main path, a squad of enemies comes out to parlay,
so wipe them out. At the point where the path turns left, there is a single
bunch of grass on the left side to blast. Head back right after this and go
around the rim of the clearing of grasses and leafy plants. One of the leafy
plants on the right reveals a rising platform when destroyed. Jump on top of
this to reach two Blue Studs above it. Head along the main road to the left
until some Clone troopers jump down from a high platform, and some more come
running around the corner. Take them out, then eliminate the plants on the
left side. Just past the first raised platform, there is a bunch of black
grass. Use Dark Force on this to reveal a grapple point. Use that to reach
the platform overhead, then hover along the edge of the forest to another
platform holding MINIKIT CANISTER #8.
Drop back to the ground and wipe out the plants on both sides of the path. In
the corner when you reach the rock wall, super-jump up a couple of rocks to
reach a Blue Stud, then return to the ground. Head right until you can clearly
see the walker at the end, firing on you from afar. At this range, you can
dodge its shots easily enough. If you can, turn your partner into a Droideka,
then stand behind him as his shield is up and jump up to blast at the walker
over top of the shield. Alternately, just keep jumping and moving side to side
as you fire to avoid its blasts. It takes ten hits to kill. After that, head
up and decimate more of the local flora on the right side and at the end of the
path, where some loose Studs await your arrival.
The plants on the left at the end, underneath where the Lego boulders are
smashing into the wall, reveal steps up to the ledge. Go on up and follow the
edge to the left, blasting the boulders as they approach you. Half-way up the
ramp going to the right, use the grapple point at the edge of the path to reach
MINIKIT CANISTER #9, then continue your journey. When you reach the top, the
boulders will stop falling. Use the Force on the Lego debris in the ground to
form steps, then stand on the buttons above to open the gate.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 60,000
~~ Escape from Kashyyyk ~~
As soon as you pass through the gate, another walker vehicle fires from a
distance. Again, stay far away, dodge its shots, and blast away at it until it
falls. Head up the path and fight the Clones and Battle Droids, then go

straight up to the end to blast some clumps of grass. Head left along the path
to the final area, where waves of Clone troopers will periodically come down
the slopes on the sides to fight you. In between these waves, blast the
grasses around the area. Strike the four lights around the ring in the ground
to light them up, then strike them again to destroy them. Once all four are
gone, an escape pod rises from the ground. Jump on top of it (which is tricky,
since there isn't much room to stand), then super-jump straight up to MINIKIT
CANISTER #10 overhead. Finally, when you've once more cleared out the enemy
Clones, use the Force on the ship until the hatch opens fully, completing the
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 65,500
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: After lowering the first bridge, take the first path to
the right. Destroy all of the pipes around the middle,
then use the Force to move the central cylinders aside,
revealing the canister.
LEGO Canister #2: After fighting the second group of Clone troopers, use
the grapple points to reach the first Wookiee prisoner.
After freeing him, hover to the left across a couple
more platforms, then use the grapple point to go further
left, then super-jump up to the higher platform with the
LEGO Canister #3: While freeing the Wookiee prisoners, head to the
platform opposite the second prisoner's location and use
the left grapple point to reach the canister above you.
LEGO Canister #4: On the beach, uproot three carrots using the Force, all
along the upper edge of the area. The first is in the
right corner, the second in a patch of plants half-way
across, and the third on the very left side. To reach
the canister that appears on top of a large rock in the
right corner, stand on top of the nearby carrot and do
super-jump to the top of the rock.
LEGO Canister #5: On the beach, in the middle of the area along the upper
edge, do a super-jump to a round platform mounted in the
rock wall, then another to the next platform on the
right. Hover to the right from there to reach the
canister on a third platform.
LEGO Canister #6: On the beach, use the Force to build the bridge and
uproot the plant with the grapple point underneath it,
all on the left side. Use the grapple point and cross
the bridge to the canister on the right platform.
LEGO Canister #7: In the swamp, use the Force to raise the submerged ship
out of the water. Do a super-jump from on top of it to
the canister high overhead before the ship sinks again.
LEGO Canister #8: In the forest, there is a clump of black grass on the
left side underneath a raised platform. Use Dark Force

on this to reveal a grapple point. Grapple up to the

platform, then hover forward to the next platform with
the canister.
LEGO Canister #9: Going up the second half of the ramp with the rolling
boulders, use the grapple point along the edge to reach
the canister overhead.
LEGO Canister #10: Once you've raised up the escape pod at the end of the
chapter, but before using the Force to open it up, do a
super-jump from the top of the pod straight up to the
FP3-5 Chapter Five: Ruin of the Jedi (Free Play Mode)
~~ Into the Temple ~~
Head right from the start and eliminate the first two groups of Disguised
Clones, and also blast the small grey tower for some Studs. Go back to the
start and head up toward the far wall to gather the many loose Studs there, as
well as MINIKIT CANISTER #1. As you approach the temple stairs, head down to
the edge of the path and use the Force on the three larger grey blocks amongst
the Lego pieces sticking out of the broken flooring. These will stack
together; super-jump from the top up to MINIKIT CANISTER #2. Continue to the
right, blasting three more grey towers as you go. After collecting the loose
Studs in the far corner, use the grapple point underneath the third tower.
Follow the ledge and double-jump up until you're over top of the stairs. Smash
all of the ground-level window panes and grab MINIKIT CANISTER #3 behind them.
On your way out, head left and drop down to the Blue Stud before returning to
ground level.
Head up the stairs and kill the Clones guarding the door. Grab the loose Studs
from both railings. Use the Force to pull off each door, then smash the doors
once they're lying down for some Studs. Head inside the temple.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 17,000
~~ Temple Interior ~~
Head up the red carpet and kill the Clones at the end. Back up a little bit
and use the Force on three pieces of debris along the path, each scattering
some Studs across the path. You'll lose some over the edge, just collect as
much as you can. At the T-junction, use the Force on the left column to form
stairs ahead. Go left to the large sphere. To its left, use the Force on the
sticks of Lego protruding from the broken flooring; one of them releases a Blue
Stud. Use the Force to raise the sphere slightly, then destroy the training
orbs that come out from underneath it. With them gone, finish using the Force
to move the sphere over to the edge of the path, releasing many Studs. There
is also a small piece of debris on the right side here that showers Studs
across the path, and another at the very right edge past the stairs. Go up the
stairs once you've done everything else.
Jump up to the loose studs and eliminate the lone Clone. Head up into the room
he was guarding. Kill off the Clones on the steps, then jump onto the display

console at the front of the room to collect MINIKIT CANSITER #4. Before you
leave, use the Force on each cup, pizza (or grapefruit slice, or whatever they
are) and pizza box to dump out some Studs.
Head to the right and drop down at the end of the path. Use the Force on one
of the Lego sticks in the broken flooring on the right to get a Blue Stud; you
have to be standing close to it to collect it. Fight a few Clones, then use
the Force to reassemble the large sphere above you. Once it's complete, attack
it to receive some Studs. Head down the stairs below you next. Use the Force
on the debris at the bottom for some Studs. Go left to the loose Studs, and
hover out to MINIKIT CANISTER #5 (which is a bit further than it appears) and
back again. Head through the nearby doorway into the Jedi council chamber.
There, kill the Clone guards and collect the loose Studs. Use the Force to
stack together all of the chairs, then jump up the stack and double-jump to
MINIKIT CANSITER #6 at the top.
Go back up the stairs and right to the loose Studs. Use the Force on the two
red column pieces, then on the two gears underneath them in tandem with your
partner to open the door. Head on inside.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 37,500
~~ Hall of Records ~~
At each intersection as you advance along the blue hallway, a few Clones will
come out to play. At the first intersection, go left and smash the two grey
blocks for some Studs. At the second intersection, use the grapple points on
both sides to reach some Studs on raised ledges. Smash two more grey blocks on
the right as you move up to the third intersection, then move into the main
space ahead. There are Blue Studs tucked into the corners on both sides as the
room widens out. Smash a few grey blocks around the area, then head to the
right-most alcove (to the right as you enter this room).
Use the Force to pull out the ledges from the walls, each of which drop a
shower of Studs. Once you've collected all of the Studs, jump up the ledges as
you pull them out to reach the rear platform. Do a super-jump up to MINIKIT
CANISTER #7, then jump back down and use the Force on the lever in the rear
wall. Move to the next alcove. Use the Force to pull out the ledges and
collect the Studs again, then use the first two sets of ledges to reach the
rear platform. From there, use the Force on the third set of ledges and use
that to reach the very top platform. Step on the button to drop the forcefield
below, then use the Force on the lever. Move to the third alcove, the one
nearest the middle hallway. Follow the same process to reach the rear
platform, then super-jump to the upper platform with MINIKIT CANISTER #8. Use
the Force on the lever.
The mechanical arm has now moved the disc blocking the exit away. This disc is
now horizontal above the ground in front of the three alcoves you just visited.
Super-jump to the disc, then left to the ledge around the central core.
Double-jump to the ledge over the exit, then to the far wall, following the
line of Studs. Once you collect the Blue Stud at the end, switch to an
Astromech Droid and hover over the red forcefield in the entrance of the nearby
alcove. Drop down to MINIKIT CANISTER #9 inside, and use the Protocol Droid
Lock to drop all of the forcefields. Now you can enter the other two alcoves.
But before you do, stay in this one and use the Force to pull out a pair of
ledges, releasing some Studs. Super-jump to either one, and again to the rear
platform. Use the Force to pull the lever there, then head back out of the
In the middle alcove of the set that had the forcefields, use the Force on the

ledges in the walls to release some Studs, then use the grapple point. Above,
super-jump to the floor button in the top ledge, then use the Force on the
lever behind the forcefield. On the ground, you can also smash a grey crate in
the corner. Move to the next alcove to the left, and use the Force to extract
the ledges again. Super-jump to either one, then to the rear platform, and use
the Force on the lever here.
All of this has now moved another mechanical arm with a disc at its end.
Retrace your steps from where you first super-jumped to the disc that was
blocking the exit, and jump across the ledges to the opposite end of the room.
Super-jump to the newly positioned disc, then straight up to reach MINIKIT
CANISTER #10. Finally, you can head through the exit door.
Fight the Clones on the left side, then head right and use the Force on the
control panel to complete the chapter.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 62,000
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: At the start of the chapter, go up towards the wall to
get the canister, which is plainly visible.
LEGO Canister #2: Down and slightly left from the bottom of the stairs
leading into the temple, use the Force on three grey
blocks stuck in the edge of the path, forming a stack.
Super-jump from the top of this stack to the canister.
LEGO Canister #3: To the right of the stairs to the temple, destroy the
grey towers to reveal a grapple point. Use it and
follow the path to above the temple entrance. Smash the
glass and get the canister behind the window.
LEGO Canister #4: Inside the temple, at the top of the stairs you form
from a column, enter the room in the upper wall. Jump
onto the front display console and grab the canister.
LEGO Canister #5: Go down the stairs at the right side inside the temple,
then left to the edge of the path. Hover to the visible
canister and back again.
LEGO Canister #6: After going down the stairs at the right side inside the
temple, enter the Jedi council chamber and use the Force
to stack up all of the chairs. Double-jump from the top
of the stack to the canister.
LEGO Canister #7: In the hall of records, use the Force to pull out the
ledges from the walls in the furthest alcove on the
right as you enter the widest space, then use these
ledges to reach the rear raised platform. Super-jump
from here up to the canister.
LEGO Canister #8: In the hall of records, use the Force to pull out the
ledges from the walls in the nearest alcove on the
right as you enter the widest space, then use these
ledges to reach the rear raised platform. Super-jump

from here up to the canister.

LEGO Canister #9: In the hall of records, after pulling the three switches
in the alcoves, thus opening the way to the exit, superjump to the disc that was blocking the door, and again
to the left. Double-jump across the ledges to the left
to reach the opposite wall, then hover over the top of
the red forcefield in the furthest left alcove. Drop to
the canister inside the forcefield, then use the
Protocol Droid Lock to get out.
LEGO Canister #10: In the hall of records, after pulling the three
switches in the alcoves, thus opening the way to the
exit, super-jump to the disc that was blocking the
door, and again to the left. Double-jump across the
ledges to the left to reach the opposite wall, then
hover over the top of the red forcefield in the
furthest left alcove. Use the Protocol Droid Lock to
drop all of the forcefields, then use the Force to pull
out the ledges that let you super-jump to the rear
platforms and use the Force on the levers in the backs
of each of the three new alcoves. Now, retrace your
earlier steps to the ledge high in the left wall of the
main area, and super-jump to the new disc at the end
of the mechanical arm, and up to the canister above.
FP3-6 Chapter Six: Darth Vader (Free Play Mode)
You can actually collect an unlimited supply of Lego Studs in this chapter by
exploiting what may or may not have been an oversight on the part of the game
designers. In the initial section where you're running down as the floor
collapses into the lava behind you, if you die you will restart at the
beginning, and all of the Studs will be regenerated. Because of this, you can
keep letting yourself die as you near the end (before you enter the control
room) and start over to keep adding to your Stud total. However, the totals
that I have listed here for this chapter do not account for this loophole;
rather, they represent a single run through the chapter without dying.
~~ Flight from Destruction ~~
Run down towards the screen, following your partner and the path of Studs back
and forth around the holes in the floor. You'll sometimes see Studs falling
from the ceiling behind you as it caves in, but you'll fry if you stay back and
wait for them, so generally just keep moving forward. Near the end of the
path, it will widen out slightly (i.e. the side walls will end). At this
point, duck to the left slightly to grab MINIKIT CANISTER #1, then double-jump
diagonally down-right across the lava, then once more straight down over the
final pit, which you can't see coming very well.
In the control room, you'll notice a timer at the top of the screen. You start
with 30 seconds on the clock. There are four broken pillars around the room
which can be righted with the Force; each one will add 20 seconds to the clock,
so be sure to take advantage of these as you move around the room. Let's work

around the room clockwise from the start, shall we?

Move ahead slightly and hop onto the small table to grab the Studs on it, then
move left and use the Force on the first fallen pillar. With a little extra
time now at your disposal, head up the left side of the room. Skip the lever
at the first large blue screen; it does nothing for you. At the second blue
screen, however, you should use the Force on the two levers in the control
panel below it, causing Studs to come crashing out of the screen. Don't worry
about chasing after the ones that fly past you, lest you run out of time. Just
past this, switch control to an Astromech Droid and use the Astromech Droid
Lock in the small alcove. Head through the door that this opens and collect
the many Studs and MINIKIT CANISTER #2 from the conference table, then return
to the main room. Use the Force on the next lever along the left wall, which
will lower the grate guarding MINIKIT CANISTER #3, which you must jump up to
collect. Use the Force on the rear left column to add more time to your clock,
then smash the Lego wall to the right of the window where you can see MINIKIT
CANISTER #4 floating there, then move into the space to collect it.
At the back of the room, grab MINIKIT CANISTER #5 and the Studs on the floor,
then start heading up the right side. Use the Force on the rear right column
to add another 20 seconds to the clock, then use the Force on the levers in the
control panels along the wall, receiving three gifts of Studs (though the one
in the forward right corner is pretty measly; don't bother with it if you're
pressed for time). Right the final column in the forward right corner, then
get to work on the exit to the right. Use the Force to move each girder out of
the way, then in tandem with your partner on the door locks. Once it's open,
head on outside.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 19,000
~~ Let's Take This Fight Outside ~~
Grab MINIKIT CANISTER #6 to your left as soon as you find yourself outside,
then head to the right. Use the Force on the bluish object mounted in the wall
before you reach the pods to receive a very few Studs. Destroy the blue and
yellow pods (if your partner hasn't done it already) and stand on the beige
floor buttons in tandem with your partner. Jump right to the grate that lowers
and collect MINIKIT CANISTER #7 from the alcove behind it before continuing to
the right. Use the Force on the yellow wheel in the machinery mounted in the
wall to turn off the steam jet ahead; hold the Force until your partner has
fully pulled down the blue lever on the other side to permanently stop the
steam jet, allowing you to pass through as well. Use the Force on the red
knobs on the ground, in tandem with your partner, to mount them into the wheel
in the wall, then use the Force on the wheel until it turns and sinks further
into the wall. Wait for the bridge on the right to raise (it will still be
tilted downward slightly at its highest position), then jump over to it to
start the final section.
If you want to collect all of the Lego Canisters here in one shot and survive
to the end, it'll be a little bit tricky. Do single jumps along the arms of
the sinking building to reach the area of the lava sea with the small floating
platforms. Each of these will sink shortly after you touch them, so you can't
retrace your steps. On the final arm, switch to an Astromech Droid and hover
from the tip up and right to the platform with MINIKIT CANISTER #8. From
there, move across the platforms (I suggest remaining as an Astromech Droid for
greater precision and distance as you move around) to the left, then left-down,
then left-up, then left to the larger piece of floating debris. Hover to the
left of that to reach MINIKIT CANSITER #9, then hover up-right to the next
floating platform (or back to the previous large piece of debris, which takes
longer to sink into the lava, then up to the smaller platform). Move right to

the next platform with a Stud, then up to the next. Switch to a Jedi or Sith
here, so that you can double-jump up to the first step of the sinking tower,
then up one more. Quickly switch back to an Astromech Droid and hover up and
right to the large-ish rock island with MINIKIT CANISTER #10. From there,
hover left to the adjacent small platform, and immediately hover again left and
slightly up to the solid land there. Try to enter it from the lower right
corner, where there's no ledge to block your landing.
After that, it's just the final fight with your partner, who has viciously
turned on you. Just block his combos, then quickly jump and attack. Repeat
until you win.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 21,500
LEGO Canister Summary
LEGO Canister #1: While running towards the screen at the start of the
chapter, watch for when the side walls end. Move
slightly left at this point to grab the canister, then
double-jump down and right to resume your flight.
LEGO Canister #2: On the left side of the control room, use the Astromech
Droid Lock and head into the conference room, where the
canister is on the large table.
LEGO Canister #3: On the left side of the control room near the back, use
the Force on the single pair of levers in the control
panel beneath a grey grate, then jump into the opening
to collect the canister.
LEGO Canister #4: In the rear left corner of the control room, smash the
Lego wall and head behind the glass where you can see
the canister floating.
LEGO Canister #5: This canister is sitting on the ground at the back of
the control room. Easiest find ever.
LEGO Canister #6: As soon as you leave the control room, the canister is
immediately to your left. I was wrong; this is the
easiest find ever.
LEGO Canister #7: Once you're outside of the control room, head right and
destroy the pods mounted in the wall, then step on the
beige floor buttons in tandem with your partner. The
canister is in the alcove behind the grate that lowers
to the right, forming a bridge for you to cross.
LEGO Canister #8: In the sea of lava, jump or hover to the right when you
first reach the floating platforms to find this
LEGO Canister #9: In the sea of lava, this canister is on a floating
platform on the left side, to the left of the larger
piece of debris that you can jump to.
LEGO Canister #10: In the sea of lava, the final canister is found on a

rock island up and right from the last of the small

floating platforms. To get there and to land again
without dying, jump to the second step on the falling
tower and hover up and right to the island, then hover
left to the adjacent platform and left again to the
final battle island.
To gain access to that fourth door in the main Diner room with the mysterious
"?" above it, you must complete all 17 game chapters with True Jedi status
(achieved by collecting a set number of Lego Studs in each, which is generally
much easier to accomplish in Free Play mode), thus receiving all pieces of the
LEGO Superkit. Once the vehicle (the Rebel Blockade Runner) is complete, you
will be able to walk through that door and begin one final adventure. If
you're having difficulty achieving True Jedi status in any particular chapter
(s), please see my Free Play walkthroughs above. Note that gaining access to
this level is in no way dependent on collecting Lego Canisters or completing
Minikit Vehicles.
S4-B Episode IV: A New Hope (Story Mode)
Head through the door directly in front of you, with your weapon drawn. As
Vader, you can Force-push your enemies as well as using the usual lightsaber
attacks, Clear out the first two waves of Rebel Troopers, then enter the
perpendicular hallway. Head to the left and fight more Rebels in the darker
tunnel. In the room at the other end, you can see C-3PO inside a glass
cylinder, with floor buttons arranged in a square all around it. You must
smash the domes over each button, then step on all buttons to light them all up
at once. Just keep circling them counter-clockwise, making sure to step on
each, until you achieve this, thus freeing the Protocol Droid. Switch control
to him and return to the hallway junction, where he can operate the Protocol
Droid Lock in the upper wall.
Switch back to a fighter and eliminate the two Rebels in the next hatchway,
then use the Protocol Droid Lock to open the following door. Destroy the
Rebels on the other side and head to the right this time, wiping out a little
more opposition along the way. At the end of the gold tunnel, smash the white
cylinders on the left side to reveal the Protocol Droid Lock behind them, then
have C-3PO operate that to open the final door. Walk through it to finish the
chapter on a familiar scene.
______/ UNLOCKED \_____________________________________________________
| STORY CHARACTERS: Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader)

| PURCHASABLE CHARACTERS: Rebel Trooper (1,000 Studs)
Princess Leia (50,000 Studs)
FP4-B Episode IV: A New Hope (Free Play Mode)
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 145,000
Truth be told, there's nothing in Free Play mode that you couldn't collect in
Story mode, but you might still enjoy, say, setting a Jedi against some poor
defenseless Rebels or otherwise mess with Star Wars continuity. Regardless, in
this section I at least get to describe how to collect all of the chapter's
Studs. There are no Lego Canisters here, and no True Jedi status to obtain.
~~ Aboard the Rebel Blockade Runner ~~
Head through the doorway in front of you. Fight the Rebels, but be careful not
to accidentally destroy any of the wall sections yet. When the enemies stop
coming, it's time to collect some Studs. Each wall panel consists of an upper
and lower section, both of which can be destroyed to reveal Blue Studs in the
space behind each wall section. Before you destroy them, however, you can use
the Force on each of the white rectangular compartments set into the walls
(basically, in whichever spaces don't have a panel with flashing lights) to
receive extra Studs. On the left side, the second wall segment has three such
compartments on the bottom; the third section has two on the top; and the
fourth and final wall segment has a whopping six compartments. You may need to
carefully destroy the bottom half of this wall after emptying the compartments
before your Force glow will lock on the upper compartments. On the right side,
the second wall section has two compartments on the bottom and one on top; the
third section has the reverse; and the last wall section has two compartments
on each half. Once you've opened all of the compartments, destroyed the walls
and collected the Blue Studs behind them, head through the door into the
perpendicular hallway.
Here, head to the right first and fight off a couple more Rebels. The white
horizontal Lego pipes in the walls can be smashed or blasted for some Studs.
To destroy the sets of three white cylinders, use the Force on each disc above
them. There are also two objects in the wall on the left near the start of
this hallway to pull apart with the Force for yet more Studs. When you've
cleared everything out, head to the back room at the end of the hall.
Can you spell 'Lego'? Then this room is for you. First, destroy the three
sets of cylinders around the room to clear out some space and get a few Studs.
Now, you must use the Force on the coloured blocks strewn about the floor to
spell the word 'Lego', with one colour per letter. Start with the yellow
blocks. First, use the Force to position the three-block-wide piece, then
stack the four single blocks on top of that to form a large 'L'. For the blue
pieces, stack them as 3-1-2-1-3 (i.e. a three-block-wide piece first, then a
single block, etc.) to form the 'E'. With the green pieces, stack one of the
three-block-wide pieces first, then the piece formed of two blocks connected by
a grey bridge, then the two singles, then the final three-block piece, making a
blocky 'G'. Finally, for the O, put the three-block-wide pieces at the top and
bottom and the bridged pieces in the middle. Once this is complete, wait a few
moments and a huge number of Blue Studs will rain down from the ceiling. Run
around to collect as many as you can before they vanish.

Approximate Total Lego Studs: 62,000

~~ Retrieving the Stolen Plans ~~
Return to the previous junction and head up the tunnel on the left side this
time. Fight a few Rebels, then destroy the white Lego pipes on both sides of
the room along the entire length, and the group of cylinders. Use the Force on
the white structures with the orange brackets on the right near the end as well
for more Studs. Head into the room at the back.
First of all, smash the groups of white cylinders around the room's perimeter,
then smash each dome over the floor buttons and collect the Studs, which will
scatter all about. When they're all exposed, run around and step on all of the
buttons in a counter-clockwise direction. Once they're all lit at once, the
dome in the middle will rise. Jump up underneath it to collect the Blue Studs
inside. Return to the main junction.
Operate the Protocol Droid Lock and fight some more Rebels on the other side of
the door. In this white room, again use the Force to open the compartments in
the walls before destroying them and collecting the Blue Studs behind them.
Destroy the lower halves of the walls so that you can target your Force glow on
the higher compartments. Use the next Protocol Droid Lock when you're done.
Fight the opposition on the other side of the door, and then take the left
hallway. Again here, destroy the white pipes and cylinders, then use the Force
to pull apart the white pods with the orange brackets. Enter the door at the
far end. Inside, destroy the groups of gold cylinders along the walls for some
Studs. Use the Force on the three piles of Lego debris to rebuild a centrifuge
inside the central dome, then use the Force on that until the Force glow
vanishes. Head to any corner of the room, where fans are now active, and jump
into the airstream, riding it up to collect several Blue Studs. Drop back to
the ground and wait for the centrifuge to come to a complete halt before
repeating this process. Collect the Studs from all four corners before heading
out again.
Return to the most recent junction and enter the right tunnel. Destroy any
opposition, then destroy the white pipes and use the Force to pull apart the
objects in the left wall near the end. Destroy all of the cylinders in the far
left corner to reveal the Protocol Droid Lock, then operate that and pass
through the doorway to finish.
Approximate Total Lego Studs: 145,000
One of the great joys of this game is the wide variety of characters that you
get to play with. Many of them are simply copies of each other dressed in
different clothing, but there are also many unique individuals, and a wide
variety of abilities that different characters have access to. This variety
primarily comes into play in Free Play mode, as you need many abilities on hand
to be able to reach all of the LEGO Canisters and the various Studs hidden
around each chapter.
In order to unlock all of the characters, you must do two things: Complete all

chapters in Story mode,

that aren't just freely
are only available upon
this one for details on

and save up a lot of Studs to purchase all of the ones

handed out to you. There are also four characters that
completing the bonus level. See the section just above
this special task.

The various character abilities are as follows:

JUMP: Next to walking, this is the most basic locomotive ability. It allows
characters to reach slightly higher ledges and clear small gaps in the
DOUBLE-JUMP: Mostly exclusive to Jedis, this acrobatic move allows a further
jump while already in midair, to reach greater heights and
distances. Often accompanied by a flip.
SUPER JUMP: A very few characters can achieve in a single jump a height even
greater than a double-jump. This is as high as one can go.
SUPER DOUBLE-JUMP: This allows a character to reach the same height as a super
jump, but only on the second jump. The first jump is no
better than anyone else's.
HOVER: Astromech Droids possess special jets build into their legs that allow
them limited flight abilities. This reaches the height of a regular
jump from the starting altitude and lasts only a few seconds, but with
it you can fly out into empty space.
FLOAT: Similar to the hover ability, except that floaters cannot stay afloat
when they pass beyond regular flooring; in open space, they quickly
drift downwards and can still easily plummet into an abyss.
BLASTER: The simplest weapon in the Star Wars galaxy. These crude guns fire
single bursts of energy in a straight line at any target. The damage
caused is equivalent to a lightsaber strike.
GRAPPLE: Most organic blaster users are also able to use their weapon as a
grapple gun. While standing on a red reticule on the ground, they can
catch onto mounted hooks in the wall and fly up to high or distant
LIGHTSABER: The iconic Jedi weapon, an energy sword capable of slicing through
flesh and bone with ease, instantly cauterizing tissue as it passes
through. It can also damage inanimate objects equally well.
Wielders can also use them to block incoming attacks, from blasters
or other lightsabers, and can even reflect blaster shots back at
the shooter with careful timing. Jumping attacks using lightsabers
are also possible and highly effective.
FORCE: The mysterious power that binds all life in the universe. Mastery of
the Force is what makes a Jedi so powerful. It can be used to move and
manipulate objects in the environment, as well as to damage some
enemies. Nearby objects and characters that can be affected by the
Force will glow when a Force user is your active character.
DARK FORCE: Jedi who give in to their emotions can fall prey to the lure of the
Dark Side. Those who convert have access to new, sinister powers.
A Dark Force user can do everything that a regular good-guy Force
use can, and can also manipulate special dark red and black objects
hidden throughout the game's chapters.

CHUTE SLIDE: Child characters can access special hatches and slide through the
tunnels behind them to reach otherwise unattainable locations, due
to their small stature and flexibility.
THREAT EVASION: Most droids are perceived by offensive Battle Droids as
harmless parts of the background. As a result, characters with
this ability can walk freely around enemy droid forces without
fear. And if they have any offensive abilities themselves,
they can then safely shoot those Battle Droids in the back.
ASTROMECH DROID LOCKS: Certain doors and control panels can only be operated by
the little rolling trash cans known as Astromech Droids.
PROTOCOL DROID LOCKS: Certain other doors and control panels can only be
operated by the shiny, polite, humanoid Protocol Droids.
STUN DROIDS: Astromech Droids also carry small stun rods, which can briefly
disable any other droid character. Can only be used in immediate
SHIELD: The Droideka has the very special ability to generate a defensive
bubble shield that can block incoming attacks. It has limits, however,
and will disappear after absorbing several hits from a lightsaber, or
from its own shots reflected back at it.
-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-------------| QUI-GON JINN |

----------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Available at start of the game
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
Mentor to young Obi-Wan and, in terms of the Jedi Master/Padawan
relationship, great-grandfather of sorts to Luke Skywalker. Wields a green |


---------------| OBI-WAN KENOBI |


--------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Available at start of the game
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
Verily, Ewan McGregor makes a much cooler Obi-Wan than Alec Guiness, though |
you've gotta give the old guy his props for pioneering the wise old Jedi
role. His Force powers are blue. I prefer his clean-shaven mug to that of |
his hairy hippy master at the start of the game.


------| TC-14 |
------------------------------------------------------------------| CLASS: Protocol Droid


OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter One

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Protocol Droid Locks, Threat Evasion
Think C-3PO in silver. Walks frustratingly slowly. Watch him lose limbs
he takes damage, until he's left armless and hopping on one leg, which
him down even more.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| JAR JAR BINKS |


---------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Gungan
OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter Two
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Super Double-jump
Racist caricature, or digital pioneer? Regardless, he's the Gungan that
everyone loves to hate. In this game, though, he is highly useful for his |
powerful leaping ability.


--------------| QUEEN AMIDALA |


---------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Nabooan
OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter Three
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
With all that makeup, I hope she has a good face wash. The ruler of Naboo |
(at least during Episode I), she doesn't hesitate to get down and dirty
with a blaster in her hand.


---------------| CAPTAIN PANAKA |


--------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Nabooan
OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter Three
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Defender of the Queen of Naboo. A perfectly capable blaster user.


---------------| PADME (BATTLE) |


--------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Nabooan
OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter Five
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Shedding her royal garb, she's a lot spunkier, not to mention attractive. |
For Lego, anyway.


------| R2-D2 |


-----------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Astromech Droid

OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter Five
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Astromech Droid Locks, Stun Droids, Hover,
Threat Evasion
He's the thread that ties the entire Star Wars saga together, and he never |
asks for anything in return. You'll never find a more loyal wastebasket


-----------------------| ANAKIN SKYWALKER (BOY) |


------------------------------------------------CLASS: Child
OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter Five
Born of the Midichlorians, and prophesied savior of the Jedi movement. We |
all know how well that worked out. Despite his youth, he can hold his own |
in a podrace. Other than that, he's only useful for stuffing down chutes. |


-----------------------------| OBI-WAN KENOBI (JEDI MASTER) |


------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter One
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
A little older, a little wiser, and a little hairier than his younger self. |
A bane to bounty hunters everywhere.


-------| R4-P17 |

----------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Astromech Droid

OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter One
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Astromech Droid Locks, Stun Droids, Hover,
Threat Evasion
R2-D2 with red detailing. Not to be confused with the other red Astromech |
Droid that the Jawas tried to pawn off on the Skywalkers in Episode IV.


---------------------------| ANAKIN SKYWALKER (PADAWAN) |


--------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Two
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
Also known as the whiny Anakin. His lightsaber moves are reminescent of
his future dark persona.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| PADME |

-----------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Nabooan
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Two
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Free from her royal duties, and encumbered by her new congressional ones, |
she nevertheless still finds time to roam the galaxy with her secret


------| C-3PO |

-----------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Protocol Droid

OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Two
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Protocol Droid Locks, Threat Evasion
Like a dottering old maid, Threepio is always there to cast a pessimistic |
cloud on affairs. Way to program him, Anakin.


-----------| MACE WINDU |


------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Three
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
"I'm sick and tired of these mother****in' Sith in this mother****in'
galaxy!". Or something like that. Second only to Yoda among the Jedi in |
lightsaber skill.


---------------| PADME (CLAWED) |


--------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Nabooan
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Three
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
After her ordeal in the gladiatorial arena on Geonosis, she sports a nasty |
slash on her side. Take it all off, Padme!


-----| YODA |

------------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi Master

OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Five
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Float, Lightsaber, Force
The most powerful little troll to cross the silver screen. As a character |


in the game, he's more annoying than masterful. His normal walk is slower
than the Gonk Droids, while his movement with his lightsaber in hand is out
of control. If you have to use him, jump once to trigger his hoverchair,
allowing you to sail over terrain with speed and grace.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| OBI-WAN KENOBI (EPISODE III) |


------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Two
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
Shorter hair than in Episode II, and now wearing red pants with what looks |
like a white loincloth.


------------------------| ANAKIN SKYWALKER (JEDI) |


-----------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Two
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
The dark garb he sports reflects his growing evil (or just misunderstood?) |


---------------------| CHANCELLOR PALPATINE |


--------------------------------------------------CLASS: Politician
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Two
Despite the horrible powers he keeps in secret, as a playable character he |
doesn't have much to offer. He can jump. Whoop-de-doo.


---------------| COMMANDER CODY |


--------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Clone
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Three
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
If they're all clones, then shouldn't they all be named 'Jango'? Just a
thought. He assists Obi-Wan in taking down General Grievous, though the
other has to do all of the real fighting.


----------| CHEWBACCA |
--------------------------------------------------------------| CLASS: Wookiee


OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Four

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Everyone's favorite eight foot tall furball. It must get mighty hot
underneath all that hair. He proves his loyal nature to Yoda long before
he partners up with a certain dashing rogue. Did Luke ever know that he
knew Yoda?


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| WOOKIEE |

---------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Wookiee
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Four
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
A generic Kashyyyk warrior, with more vowels than sense, in my opinion.
You can tell him apart from Chewbacca by the animal skull helmet.


-------------------------------| ANAKIN SKYWALKER (DARTH VADER) |


----------------------------------------CLASS: Sith
OBTAINED: Bonus Level
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Dark Force
The figure that inspired fear in a new generation. The bucket on his head |
isn't just for decoration, but rather is part of his portable life-support |


-------------| STORMTROOPER |

----------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Imperial
OBTAINED: Bonus Level
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
The grunt of the Empire's military forces. You've seen one, you've seen
'em all. Perhaps if they made bigger eye holes in their helmets, they
wouldn't whack their heads so much.


-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-----------| GONK DROID |
-------------------------------------------------------------| CLASS: Work Droid
| OBTAINED: Available at start of game (250 Studs)

| One word: slow. As molasses. In February. Still, he provides a bit of

| nostalgia for fans.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| PK DROID |

--------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Work Droid

OBTAINED: Available at start of game (350 Studs)
Walks a little bit faster than the Gonk Droid at least. That's all that
can be said in his favour. Mostly they just get in the way on the Trade
Federation's ships.


------------------------| BATTLE DROID (SECURITY) |


-----------------------------------------------CLASS: Battle Droid

OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter One (300 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Blaster, Threat Evasion
You may think they're the same as any old Battle Droid, but you'd be wrong. |
These guys wear red vests. It makes a big difference.


-------------| BATTLE DROID |


----------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Battle Droid

OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter One (200 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Blaster, Threat Evasion
You would think that this guy would be listed first amongst the various
Battle Droids, but what can you do. Monochromatic, stiff, and with a slow |
firing rate, they aren't particularly effective fighters, but they tend to |
make up for this in numbers. Note that their Threat Evasion ability does |
not extend to Droideka's. Those metallic monstrosities are just too savvy. |
The same limitation applies to all Battle Droid variants.


-------------------------| BATTLE DROID (COMMANDER) |


----------------------------------------------CLASS: Battle Droid

OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter One (1,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Blaster, Threat Evasion
Sporting a yellow vest, they can call in more Battle Droid troops with
their handy radios. When controlling one, press [O] to have them use said |
radio, though with no practical effect.




--------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Battle Droid

OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter One (10,000 Studs)
These mechanical brutes can be a real pain. Their shields require 9 normal |
hits to bring down, though you can accomplish the same with one double-jump |
lightsaber attack at short range. Even then, though, they take three hits |
to destroy. So menacing, even Battle Droids will fire at them when you're |
in control. The only characters to escape their notice are Astromech and |
Protocol Droids, and the ever-popular Gonk and PK Droids.


------------| ROYAL GUARD |


-----------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Nabooan
OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter Three (800 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Loyal defenders of the Naboo palace. They look to Captain Panaka for their |


------| PADME |

-----------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Nabooan
OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter Three (800 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
It seems that the game designers forgot to differentiate her in name from |
the white-garbed Padme. This one sports a blue blouse and a really awful- |
looking top-knotted hairstyle. She doesn't even get to wear a cape.


-----------| DARTH MAUL |


------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Sith
OBTAINED: Episode I, Chapter Six (15,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Dark Force
Evil, thy name is Maul. A hotly anticipated villain, he ultimately just
fell to pieces. He retains his double-bladed light quarterstaff, which is |
fun to play with initially. His combos and jump attacks are flashy.


------| CLONE |
------------------------------------------------------------------| CLASS: Clone
| OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter One (2,000 Studs)
| SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple

| Copies of Jango and prototypes for the later Stormtroopers, these obediant |
| warriors come programmed for war. Buy ten, get one free!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| GEONOSIAN |

-------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Insectoid
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Two (2,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Float, Blaster
Insectoid winged natives of the remote planet Geonosis, they are partnered |
with the Trade Federation in their desire to bring chaos to the known
galaxy. In this game, their wings don't lift them very high, but while in |
the air they can cover terrain quickly. Their guns fire globs of green


------------------------| BATTLE DROID (GEONOSIS) |


-----------------------------------------------CLASS: Battle Droid

OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Two (300 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Blaster, Threat Evasion
Just like other Battle Droids, except pink. That's right, pink.


-------------------| SUPER BATTLE DROID |


----------------------------------------------------CLASS: Battle Droid

OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Three (5,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Blaster, Threat Evasion
Tall, shiny, and slightly Cylon-like (from the new Battlestar Galactica
series, of course). They have blasters built into their arms. As enemies, |
they take three hits to destroy. As playable characters, they are stiff
and slow.


-----------| JANGO FETT |


------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Bounty Hunter

OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Three (65,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Float, Blaster, Grapple
Father of the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy, and progenitor of
the Clones, and presumably the Stormtroopers by extension. His jetpack
carries him out of danger, but doesn't provide much lift when you're in
control. He uses twin blasters that give a bit of recoil, especially when |


----------| BOBA FETT |


-------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Child
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Three (800 Studs)
Though harmless as a child, he won't always be so. Due to his shorter
legs, he runs more slowly than adult characters.


---------| LUMINARA |

--------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Three (20,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
Well, she seems to be female, but she also seems to have a goatee, so who |
knows? And who said that shemales couldn't be Jedi anyway? Dressed all
in black, you wouldn't think that (s)he's fighting on the good side.


-------------| KI-ADI MUNDI |


----------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Three (25,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
His extra-tall bald head just screams out 'target', don't you think? His |
skill and experience as a Jedi are unquestionable.


----------| KIT FISTO |


-------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Three (35,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
One of my personal favorites, since his name is very reminiscent of the
names given to side characters in the original films (Salacious Crumb,
anybody?) Also, he's lime green and lumpy.


---------| SHAAK TI |

--------------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode II, Chapter Three (15,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
Looks like a crazed clown, but as effective a Jedi as any other.


------------| COUNT DOOKU |


-----------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Sith
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Two (45,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Dark Force
Evil through and through, and highly skilled in the dark side of the Force. |
Able to hold his own in a lightsaber duel even against Yoda. Though he
uses Force lightning when you battle him in Episode II, you cannot use this |
ability when controlling him yourself. So sad.


--------------------| GRIEVOUS' BODYGUARD |


---------------------------------------------------CLASS: Cyborg Warrior

OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Two (30,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Super Jump, Lightsaber
I can't tell if these are Droids or not. They certainly have no threat
evasion ability, and they can't pass safely through steam jets like other |
Droids can, but they can lose their heads (when they're down to one heart |
of health) and still keep fighting. Their power staffs function as
lightsabers, able to defend and reflect enemy attacks. Since they only
have a super jump, their only jumping lightsaber attack is the ground slam. |
A little too wild to control for my comfort.


-----------------| GENERAL GRIEVOUS |


------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Cyborg
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Three (200,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Super Double-jump, Lightsaber
Okay, this guy is cool to play as. Wielding four lightsabers at once, his |
combos and jump attacks are something else. Add in his super jumping
ability, and he becomes a force to be reckoned with. Despite his primarily |
robotic composition, he has none of the usual Droid abilities in this game. |


--------------------| CLONE (EPISODE III) |


---------------------------------------------------CLASS: Clone
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Four (600 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
As of Episode III, the Clones' helmets have become decidedly more


---------------------------| CLONE (EPISODE III, PILOT) |


--------------------------------------------CLASS: Clone
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Four (700 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Again, very reminiscent of the Stormtrooper pilot variants from the later |
episodes. Functionally just a clone (hah!) of his brethren.


---------------------------| CLONE (EPISODE III, SWAMP) |


--------------------------------------------CLASS: Clone
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Four (800 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Like a regular Clone, but with green markings. Yippee.


----------------------------| CLONE (EPISODE III, WALKER) |


-------------------------------------------CLASS: Clone
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Four (2,500 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
There is absolutely no reason for this guy to cost three times as much as |
any other Cone variant, since they all play identically. This one has red |
markings to differentiate it from the others. Unfortunately, he doesn't
come with a walker.


-------------------------| MACE WINDU (EPISODE III) |


----------------------------------------------CLASS: Jedi
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Five (30,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Force
Since this variant doesn't appear in the chapter you earn him in, I'm not |
sure why he's around at all, but hey, you can never get enough Mace, right? |
His back-arching double-jump is just cool to look at, and he spins around |
three times when doing a jump attack. Just plain fun, and badass to boot. |


----------------| DISGUISED CLONE |


-------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Clone
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Five (2,750 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Picture Jango Fett without his helmet, wearing white body armor and a brown |
hooded cloak. I don't remember this character from the movie, do you?


--------------| DARTH SIDIOUS |


---------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Sith
OBTAINED: Episode III, Chapter Six (150,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Double-jump, Lightsaber, Dark Force
Evil incarnate, his mastery of the dark side of the Force is such that he |
was able to obfuscate the senses of the Jedi Masters for years. His
lightsaber attacks are a sight to behold.


--------------| REBEL TROOPER |


---------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Rebel
OBTAINED: Bonus Level (1,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Outnumbered and outmatched by the Imperial forces, these guys nevertheless |
maintain their spirit in the battle against oppression.


--------------| PRINCESS LEIA |


---------------------------------------------------------CLASS: Rebel
OBTAINED: Bonus Level (50,000 Studs)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jump, Blaster, Grapple
Add a gold bikini and it's every 1970's adolescent boys wet dream. She
makes a cameo appearance in the game's bonus stage. Put her side by side |
with Padme and note the similarities.


These bonuses must be purchased at the counter in Dexter's Diner before they
can be activated. Upon approaching the counter, highlight the box of junk and
press X to enter the sale menu, then scroll left and right Once acquired,
press Start at any time during gameplay and select 'Extras' from the menu.
Then, scroll up and down and press X when the desired item is highlighted to
turn it on or off. Most of these are just for fun or for fan service (fans of
Lego, primarily). Only Invincibility and the Minikit Detector serve any
practical purpose. But hey, you've likely got money to burn, so spend to your
heart's content.

Price to unlock: 1,000,000 Studs

Effect: Renders your lead character invincible, i.e. they cannot be killed
by enemy hits (though they will still die if they fall off a ledge,
into some lava, etc.). You will not be totally immune to the
effects of enemy attacks, however, since you will still reel from
hits that make contact. This is significant if you're trying to
use the Force on an object, because taking a hit will break your
concentration and force you to start all over again.

Price to unlock: 75,000 Studs
Effect: All characters will appear as solid black figures. This effect
extends to the appearance of blasters, but lightsabers will still
be their original colors (including the handles). If the
lightsabers are replaced by brushes or tea cups, however, they will
be black as well. It is interesting to note that instead of the
jet black of all other characters, Protocol Droids (C-3PO and
TC-14) instead sport a shiny, reflective dark metal surface.

Price to unlock: 50,000 Studs
Effect: This bonus makes all lightsabers purple (a la Mace Windu), and also
applies the color to the glow around objects that you can use the
Force on. If the Brushes effect is also turned on, the brushes
will remain their usual color, but a purple glow will still be
reflected on nearby objects and the sparks produced when contact
is made with another character will still be purple.

Price to unlock: 150,000 Studs
Effect: Adds comical dark moustaches to almost all characters. The
exceptions, for unknown reasons, are Jar Jar Binks, Droideka, PK
Droid, R4-P17, Boba Fett, Geonosian, and Darth Maul.

Price to unlock: 750,000 Studs
Effect: While playing through any chapter, floating white down-pointing
arrows will pepper the stage, indicating the location of any
uncollected Minikits. These will be visible even if the kit is
located in a room with several walls between you and it. The
only requirement for seeing the arrow is that you are facing the
proper direction. Ultimately, it's use is limited, because it
does not provide any information on actually obtaining the Minikit.
Since many require specific character types or series of actions to
reveal, simply knowing one's location may not be enough. Still, it
can help stave off frustration when you're looking for those final
missing Minikits when you don't even know what room to look for
them in.

Price to unlock: 175,000 Studs

Effect: All lightsabers and blasters will be replaced by blue cups, which
will still function in the same way as the original weapon. This
feature overrides the three blaster alternates (big, classic, and
silly) if one of them is turned on as well. The tea cups will be
overridden by the brushes for lightsaber-wielding characters if
both selections are turned on. Note that the Droideka and Super
Battle Droid will not be affected, as their blasters are part of
their bodies and not a weapon that is held in the hand. Battle
Droids, Geonosians, and Grievous' Bodyguards are also not affected
by the tea cups option. Note that General Grievous only carries
two tea cups, and not four as one might expect.

Price to unlock: 200,000 Studs
Effect: All lightsabers will be replaced by brown push brooms. These
function identically to the original lightsabers. The colored glow
that the original weapon produces on nearby objects remains, as
does the color of the sparks produced on contact with characters or
desctructible objects. Brushes will override Tea Cups if both
extras are activated at the same time. Check out General Grievous
to see four brooms in action at once! Grievous' Bodyguards,
however, do not receive brooms, since their weapons are not really
lightsabers (they just behave as lightsabers do). Another
interesting sight is Darth Maul's double-headed broom.

Price to unlock: 50,000 Studs
Effect: "Good guy" characters' and Jango Fett's blasters will be replaced
by large black blasters with red cone barrels, like those used by
battle droids. Only one of Big Blasters, Classic Blasters, and
Silly Blasters can be turned on at one time.

Price to unlock: 75,000 Studs
Effect: "Good guy" characters' and Jango Fett's blasters will be replaced
by long grey blasters with orange tips. Only one of Classic
Blasters, Big Blasters, and Silly Blasters can be turned on at one

Price to unlock: 100,000 Studs
Effect: "Good guy" characters' and Jango Fett's blasters will be replaced
by absurdly large black blasters with ridiculously larger green
discs around the barrels that light up and turn off repeatedly.
Only one of Silly Blasters, Big Blasters, and Classic Blasters can
be turned on at one time.

These are also purchased at the counter in Dexter's Diner. The first few are
given to you, but the rest will cost you to see them. But as cheap as they
are, they really aren't worth spending any money on, since most can also be
found in the game manual, or are given to you in-game when the appropriate
situation arises. Of course, you can also just read them all here, since I
have been kind enough to include them all for free.
HINT 1: Free
"The more LEGO studs you collect, the more things you will ba able to buy
HINT 2: Free
"Collect all the LEGO canisters in each level to build minikit models. You can
view these in the parking lot outside."
HINT 3: Free
"Many areas of the levels can only be reached by certain characters. Go back
to these levels in Freeplay, and try to find all the secrets!"
HINT 4: Free
"Once you have defeated an enemy character in a level, you will be able to buy
it here. Try to collect all the characters!"
HINT 5: Free
"The Jedi Meter appears at the top of the screen in each level. Fill it up by
collecting LEGO studs. Take care - you lost studs if you die!"
HINT 6: 10 Studs
"Blaster characters can grapple to other areas. Stand on the red circles and
press O."
HINT 7: 20 Studs
"Jar Jar can jump higher than other characters. Press X twice to do his super
HINT 8: 30 Studs
"Astromech droids can use their probe on some electronic panels. Move up to
the panel and press O."
HINT 9: 40 Studs
"Astromech droids can hover for a limited time. Press and hold X to activate
the boosters."
HINT 10: 50 Studs
"Watch out for black LEGO objects. Dark force characters can use the Force on
HINT 11: 60 Studs
"Freeplay mode means you can go back and play a completed level with any
character that you have unlocked!"
HINT 12: 70 Studs
"To take other characters into the levels in Freeplay, simply tag them in the
Diner and go through the door of the level you wish to play."
HINT 13: 80 Studs
"Fill up the Jedi meter in each level to receive a super-kit piece. Collect
all 17 to reveal a super-secret bonus!"

And there you have it.

Thank you for making use of my guide. I hope that you found it extremely
helpful in maximizing your enjoyment of this game. I certainly had fun writing
it, though it took me a lot longer than I had hoped (due to long breaks between
opportunities to write). I have already produced an exhaustive guide to this
game's sequel, LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, covering Episodes IV,
V, and VI in the Star Wars saga. You can find this and all of my video game
guides in their most recent versions at:
You'll find that I have a predilection for semi-obscure Sony Playstation
titles, and my body of work is always expanding. Please check it out, and
while you're at it, go to for all of your gaming needs.
I am always happy to receive feedback about my work. If you have any
questions, comments, or kudos that you would like to pass on, please do so at:
[syonyx_faqs at yahoo dot com]
I ask only that you specify which game you're writing me about (with guides for
both Lego Star Wars games, I could get confused), and use a modicum of grammar
and e-mail etiquette.
This document is Copyright 2007 Marc Lalonde, a.k.a. Syonyx. It is provided
for personal enjoyment only. Any use of this document or any part thereof for
financial gain or in hopes of such gain is expressly forbidden. Webmasters
wishing to post this guide on their website may do so only if it is completely
unchanged, and only if it is available for unlimited viewing by non-paying
visitors to the site. Any violations of these rules will make you a very sad
example of humanity, on par with Uwe Boll.
Well, I guess that's it. Try to remember to get some sun once in a while,
Syonyx 2007.

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