Side-by-Side Ministry: Special Events

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Side-by-Side Ministry

November 2014 & friend us on facebook at John-Paul Lutheran

St. Paul Lutheran and St. John Lutheran, Lakeside-Marblehead, Ohio
Our Vision: To be a vibrant, Spirit-filled people, participating in Gods work in the world.
Our Mission: Loving God and loving neighbor, we witness to Christs saving grace,
that others may believe and find life.

From Pastor Chris

I did it again. It was a huge and delicious catered lunch with our Danbury Ministerial. Our host gave us a bag of candy
which I ate on my trip to and from a visit to Toledo Hospital. A short time after my return, Steve and I went to the pizza
challenge. There is no way to eat logically or responsibly when there is a room stacked with boxes of every flavor pizza
under the sun. I did it again. I ate myself sick. As I moaned and groaned through the night, it seemed as if God was
pleading with me to STOP it!. I knew I needed help, and am thankful that God and I are fighting this together.
I never thought about it, but when we dont care for what weve been given, it is an expression of ingratitude. In one
breath I can thank God for life, for the beauty of the earth, for my family...and in the next breath I can abuse what
Ive been given. Perhaps the greatest form of giving thanks is not in beautiful words and prayers,
but in stewardship of what we have been givenbody, mind, Spirit, earth, truth, faith, hope, love.
God exuberantly expresses thanksgiving for us in the overflowing love and grace of a Son. Jesus
leaves us a helpmate through which the Spirit in us expresses thanksgiving back to God in overflowing love and grace poured out for the world around us. We will be tempted to take what we have for
granted, we will be tempted to abuse the gifts weve been given (I already see the turkey and stuffing coming my way), and there will be times we disappoint ourselves and God. But God loves us
enough to call us in the middle of the night and say,Stop it!, and then wake us up to a new day, a
clean slate, and a grateful heart.
Thanks be to God! May this Thanksgiving bring us to a renewed gratitude. Blessings and love!

Special Events
Remembering Loved Ones
All Saints Day, Sunday, November 2rd , 8:45 a.m. at St. John, 10:30 a.m. at St. Paul
You are invited to bring a white flower for our Cross of Remembrance in honor of a loved one.
There will be a special time in the service to bring our flowers forward. The bell will be tolled as

Fall Chicken Dinner

Wednesday, November 19th, 4-6:30 p.m.
Please call the church office with your reservations. If you leave a message please be
sure to include name, phone number, how many tickets, and whether you want eat-in or carry-out. Cost is
$9.00 per meal. Call St. Paul 419-734-1662 or Shirley LaCumsky at 419-734-1460.
If you could sign up to help, that would be great, as we will need apple peelers and slaw makers, etc.. We are
also in need of 67 pies and desserts, - honest! See the Events Board at church or talk to Ruth Scott to help.

Page 2

Special Events, cont.

Thankoffering Sunday
November 23, 2014
Women are invited to bring their offering boxes (mites) and canned goods to worship as they join with other
women from Lutheran Churches around the world to honor God and make a difference in Christs name.

Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Wednesday, November 26th, 7:00 p.m., Chapel on the Lake

Join together in a unity of giving thanks at this ecumenical worship offered through our Danbury
Ministerial. Youth please note that this worship will be in place of our usual Wednesday gathering. All are invited to bring food items or donations for the Danbury Food Pantry.

Traveling Christmas Party

December 1st - 4th

If you want to experience the true meaning of Christmas, consider helping us take Christmas joy
into homes and nursing care centers, as part of our Blessing Cup Team Ministry.
If you cannot go on the visits, but would like to contribute to the gift bags, please bring your gift
items to either church office by November 30th.
If you would like to participate, even for one of the days, or know of someone who would like a
visit, please let Pastor or Marge Bridgett know.

Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, December 7, 12:00 p.m.
at the Victorian Inn
St. John women (WELCA) invite both congregations to
their annual Christmas Luncheon. Enjoy a jump-start to
the Christmas season with this festive meal, joyous conversation, and fun time. Tickets are
$12.00 each. Reservations may be
made by calling the church offices
or through Myra Prokop or Linda
Merckens at St. John and Louise
Rogers at St. Paul.

1st Sunday in Advent

November 30

Advent Mid-week Worship

Meal at 6, Worship at 7

December 3rd at St. John, December 10th at St. Paul,

December 17th at St. John

Communications Tech
Wreaths Across America
We have a chance to participate in a national movement
to honor veterans by placing a wreath on each gravesite
in December, including St. Paul Cemetery. If you would
like to donate $10 for the cost of a wreath, please contact
Charlie Scott.

Our councils have voted to create a new position to help

Pastor Chris, pending budget approval. They will be
looking for someone with a strong knowledge and skill in
computer, graphic arts, and communication/outreach. A
job description is available through the church offices.
This position is proposed for 10 hours per week, with the
cost being shared by St. John 1/3 and St. Paul 2/3.
Please pray for Gods guidance and provision.

Page 3

Ottawa County Holiday Bureau, Church Collection Dates Suns. Nov. 16, 23, 30
Basic needs include baking supplies, beverages, cake mixes, cereal, condiments, cookies, crackers, canned fruit and veg., gelatin, pudding, mac & cheese, noodles/pasta/rice, peanut butter,
jelly raisins, soups, spaghetti sauce, stuffing, sugar free items, snacks, paper products, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, TP. Also toys, socks, hats, mittens. Watch for the mitten tree!

Congregational Meetings following Worship

Nov. 16th for St. Paul & Nov. 23rd for St. John
Help us consider Gods plan for our budgets and business for 2015

Bible & Discipleship Studies

Sunday Morning, 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study, Have fun with us as we explor e the theme, If
You Want to Walk on Water, Youve Got to Get Out of the Boat, by John Ortberg
Mens Bible Study1st Sat. of month at St. Paul (Nov. 1); 3rd Sat. of month at St. John (Nov. 15); 7:30 a.m. with
breakfast served; Tough Questions of Faith
Womens Bible Studies (WELCA All women ar e invited to par ticipate!
St. John Women meet on second Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.,
St. Paul Women will meet 3rd Thursdays at 1:00.
Weekly Wednesday Bible Study Meets every Wednesday at 11:00 am at St. Paul. All Ladies are welcome. We
are studying the Women of the Bible. A different woman every week - so you are never behind in the series. Please
join us as we dig deeper into the Lords would. Good discussion and laughter. Sandra Reep 239-273-5244 or
Busy Persons Retreat, Nov. 6 at St. John, 7:00 p.m. J oin Pastor Chr is for a time to catch your br eath and
catch the breath of the Spirit through music, prayers, mediation, and relationship.

Building Friendships
Not Older, Just Better - Not Older, Just Better is meeting at Frisches, Nov. 10th, 11:30 a.m.. Call
Marge at 419.798.8816 if you have questions/need a ride.
Youre Not Alone Young Adult singles are encouraged to participate in the Sunday morning, 9:00
a.m., adult group study .at 9:00. Our Youre Not Alone group will meet the first Tuesday of each
month (Nov. 4th) at 6:30 p.m. at Pastor Chriss.
Dartballplease see the attached church calendar for dates and locations.
Tuesdays at the Danbury Senior Center
Come Tuesdays at 5:00. Call in your reservation in to Paula by the Friday at 419.798.4101.
Picture Directory Updates - One of our goals is to keep updating this directory with contact information on new members and changes or corrections on existing members. It is so important that you
report any change in the present information to Margaret Stellhorn at St. John or Louise Rogers at St.



Side by Side Youth Group Activities
Sunday, November 2, 12-2 p.m. at St. Paul
Jr. & Sr. High YouthJoin us after worship for a Sloppy Jo lunch together
Along with fun and games, Our service project will be to begin the clean-up of the cemetery in preparation for
Wreaths Across America to honor our veterans
Tuesday, November 18thcome to St. Paul at 6 p.m. to help set up for the Chicken Dinner

Wednesday, November 19thcome to St. Paul around 3:45 p.m. to help serve the meals.
**Thank you for all the help and fun we shared in the Community Halloween Party! It was a freeeeakish good time!!!

7th and 8th graders

Confirmation Classes
Classes meet Sundays at 9:00 a.m.,
and most Wednesdays from 6-7:30 p.m.

No confirmation on Wednesday, November 19th, as youth

will be helping with the Chicken Dinner.
Nov. 26 students and families are asked to attend the
Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship at Chapel on the
Lake at 7:00 p.m.

Senior High Side-by-Side Youth

Youth Sunday1st Sun. of each Month
Sign up on the easel on the ramp at church to help
with greeting, ushering, lecturing (reading),
Watch for texts and calls from Chris and Helmi.

Sunday School!
Sunday School is memorizing the Lord's Prayer and learning the meaning of each part through games, activities,
songs and crafts.
Watch for information about the Christmas Play, coming

***We are in great need of a couple more

teachers/helpers to help share the joy:)
Please contact Chrissy French (419) 341-4653 with any
questions and/or to offer your help.

National Youth Gathering, Grades 9-12

July 15-19, 2015 in Detroit

Pastor Chris is encouraging parents and youth to seriously consider attending this youth gathering next summer. So many
young believers together in one space is a life-changing experience.
Please consider, and we will make sure money is not a problem. If you
are considering this at all, please contact Helmi Freeh or Pastor Chris
as soon as possible. So far we have 2 youth going. Lets do this:)

Home Run Parenting

Pastor Chris and a team of people who offer services to parents and young children are working together to provide opportunities for the parents of our Danbury community. If you are interested in knowing more or participating in the planning, please contact Pastor Chris. We welcome parents, representatives from churches on the
peninsula, and anyone who loves this community and our families.
Watch for more information to come after the first of the year


Thank You
Thank you from Pastor Chris - Thank you for the remembrance during Pastor Appreciation
month in October from both congregations The cards, gift cards, cakes, e-mails, and supportive
words were a great kindness, and meant so much! Steve and I will enjoy a couple of date nights at
Ciao Bella thanks to your generosity, and we can add some to our vacation fund, as well. Many thanks!!
Thank youSt. John W.E.L.C.A. wishes to thank everyone who helped make our ham loaves. And a big thank you
to everyone who purchased and enjoyed them. We still have some available. Pllease call Linda Merckens (419-7985101) or Myra Prokop (419-798-5101) for additional loaves
Thank youThank you and your congregation for your gift of $122.79 towards the Military BiblStick project. You
are a blessing!
Thank you -Mr. Magoo says thank you to the St. Paul & John Lutheran Church VBS for the yummy dog bones they
made. I will be sure and share them with my other doggie friends here! Island Safe Harbor, Animal Sanctuary, Inc.
Thank you from Vince and Nancy Adams - Thank You. Ladies of the Chur ch. We appr eciate you taking
your time and doing our flower beds. P.S. Thanks for all the goodies. Bless you Vince and Nancy.
Thank you ver y much for your gener ous donation to our 6th gr ade students who needed financial assistance to
attend our Mohican Trip. We greatly appreciate your kindness to our students!
Thank you to all who helped with the Halloween Par ty and those who donated candy and food!

Serving Others
Holiday BureauSee page 3 of the newsletter
Blessing Cup TeamsWine and bread will be consecrated Nov. 30th for the Traveling Christmas
Party. To be part of this fellowship of Christs love, please contact Marge Bridgett or Myra Prokop
Celebration Chorus - Practice on Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. at St. Paul please join the fun!
Community Garden - Direct questions for 2015 to Emily Glynn 314-517-2402 or Betsy Deer 419-310-4406.
Council Nights Thursday, Nov. 13th at St. Paul, 6:30 p.m.; Thurs. Nov. 20 for St. John at Pizza Hut, 6:00 p.m.
Joint Parish BoardThursday, Nov. 6th, 6:30 p.m. at St. John
Danbury Food Pantry - November 15th; St. John brings spaghetti sauce, St. Paul brings canned vegetables
Noisy Offering for November 9th is Lutheran Indian Ministries. They provide our Advent and Lenten devotional
booklets each year. Thank you for your generosity.
Prayer Chain St. Paul contact Joan Harris at 419.734.3971 or 419.341.6373 or
St. John contact Myra Prokop at 419.798.5101 or God promises that our prayers are heard!
Prayer Shawl Plus Ministry - Prayer shawl meeting will be on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 10:00. Ginny
Kihlken will lead the meeting. Please bring finished shawls to be tagged. We are in need of Mens & Ladies
shawls. Contact Sandra Reep at 239-273-5244 or
SNAP Ministries (Suppor ting Native Afr ican Pastor s) For cur r ent ministr y infor mation go to (Welcome. to Home). See attached order form for help with your holiday baking!
Lutheran World Relief Kits from St. Paul WELCA, sent out in October , included 35 school kits, 14 baby car e
kits, and 26 personal care kits. Thanks to all who contributed, and for our workers/packers, Shirley LaCumsky, Betty
Easton, Sandy Reep, Christine Priddy, Mary Sennich, Ginny Kihlken, Louise Rogers, Cheryl MacMurry

See for more opportunities for serving.

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F OR N OVE M BE R , 2 0 14
St. John Council Highlights
SEPTEMBERS COUNCIL MEETING was held late, September 30 due to scheduling problems. At that meeting
the treasurer, financial secretary, secretary, and Pastors reports were accepted as presented.
Discussed with no action taken were: parish boards recommendation that a tech person be hired at $11.50 per for
10 hours a week to help Pastor Chris. Paul Lee continued instruction of the present system of keeping track of our
weekly income, in light of the lack of a full time financial secretary.
We were reminded of the Ham Loaf sale on October 18th.
Old Business: The motion was made and passed to pay Maryanne Laubner $50 per month to clean the Parish Hall.
The Gods Hands, Our Hands Sunday was reported to be a great success. Our congregation continues to look for
a president and full time financial secretary.
New Business: Our annual budget meeting will be held November 16th. Pastors Appreciation Sunday will be celebrated with a cake and a gift card for Pastor Chris. The motion was made and passed that there be a $200 budget
for the purchase of a weed wacker for lawn care. The revised Agreement for Alignment of Two Churches between
St. John and St. Paul was examined and signed by council.
OCTOBER COUNCIL MEETING: The secretary, treasurer, financial secretary, and Pastors reports were all
accepted as presented. Copies of the job description for the Communications Technology person were distributed
as presented by the Parish Board. St. John will need two people for parish board because Curt Laubner and Jim
Benya will be going off.
New Business: The church sign on Main Street in Marblehead needs repair or replaced. We need to pick a logo
before work on the sign can begin.
A motion was made and passed that Pastor Chris be given a raise.
Jim Benya Nov. 14

Bob & Sue Vyrostek Nov. 25
Bob & Sue Alley Nov. 25

Anna Jean Povlick Nov. 24

St. John History Happenings

From the Lakeside Courier, November 18, 1909
The Lutheran church at Marblehead will celebrate its annual
mission festival next Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Rev. O. Lilje, of
Latchie, Ohio, will preach a German sermon and Rev. H. Sutter,
of Norwalk, will preach an English sermon. A collection will be raised at these services for the benefit of both home and foreign
missions. The public is kindly invited to these services.
This article is courtesy of Dave Glick.

Volunteers needed:
St. John Council President, and Council
Financial Secretary (for winter months)

Ham Loaves
St. John W.E.L.C.A. wishes to thank everyone who helped make our
ham loaves. And a big thank you to everyone who purchased and enjoyed them. We still have some available. Please call Linda Merckens
(419-798-5101) or Myra Prokop (419-798-5101) for additional

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St. Paul Lutheran Church Messenger

November 2014
St. Paul Lutheran Church Messenger
September 2014 budget highlights:
General Fund-

Restricted Funds-

Est. Budget needs per month- $8,400.00

General Fund Revenue-


General Fund Expense-


Restricted Funds Revenue-


Restricted Funds Expense-


St. Paul Council Highlights of October16, 2014 meeting.

-The St. John and St. Paul Communications Tech Position Description was approved.
-Some wording in the Constitution were questioned and will be addressed before presenting to the Congregation in November.
-WELCA gave $1000 to landscape the shelter house, and Ruth Scott bought 14 holly bushes.
-The All Pro Sound System for the hearing impaired will be purchased.
-a Personnel Policies and Procedures report was approved.
-The courtesy light in the stairwell was replaced, and valve zones and filters were replaced in the furnace.
-Firelands Nursing School was contacted to set up our scholarship funds to aid those wishing to become

Let us hold up in prayer all who are in need of healing, hope and forgiveness. Especially Vince and Nancy Adams,
Barb Agne, Barb Batcha, Mary Butchko, Delta Cooley, Terry Davis, Jean Fatiga, Paul Flickinger, David Heinzl, Bill
Hirt, Steve Hosko, Terri Jaek, Delores Mahler, Kathy Stine, Sarah Tanner, Gordon Wahlers, Jerry Weichman. We
pray for all family and friends in the armed forces.
St. Paul Women of the Church:
THANKOFFERING SUNDAY will be November 23rd. Bring your Thankoffering boxes and food for the Food Pantry.
-The November Bible Study and meeting will be on the 20th at 1:00 pm with hostess Jo Meyer. The Bible study is
Transforming Life and Faith. This months lesson is in the November issue of Gather and is called Transformation
Takes Time.
-Thanks to all who helped and contributed to the Lutheran World Relief Kits. In
October we sent out 35 school kits, 14 baby care kits, and 26 personal care kits.
-The Monthly Project Contributions are: canned vegetables for the food pantry.

St. Paul Altar Guild

-Meets November 20th at 7:00 pm for a meeting, and we will clean brass.

-The work sessions for Advent begin November 29th.

-Please watch for the order form for poinsettias for the Christmas Eve service and the Christmas season. Please
give to any Altar Guild member. Thank you.

Page 8

St. Paul November Special Dates

Wedding Anniversary

St. Paul Birthdays

1 Nancy Kihlken
3 Cindy Coles, Tyler Harris
4 Rusty Rayle, Nick Waters
5 Debra White, Aaron Thompson
7 Justin Tibbels
9 Rob Wadsworth, Cortnie McRitchie, Elaine Mackey, Alyssa Hamann
10 Nolan Coles
11 Marcy Bergman
12 Bill Biers, Cleo Bodi
15 Matthew Sandvick
16 Barry Bergman, Amy Steinbrick, Jordan Schaefer
17 Hannah Turinsky
19 Matthew Mangan, Roman Lochotzki
20 Tim Mackey, Frank Mahler
21 Larisa Kerik
22 Dominic Manuella, Gloria Nielsen
23 Betty Kovach, Alexandria Pahl, Scott Mackey, Jase Covey
24 Erik Wadsworth
25 Bryan Ahrens
26 Marian Hirt, Will Tibbels
29 Celena Coles
30 Bethany Urban, Terry Rowbotham

1 Adam & Amy Steinbrick

3 Darrell & Brenda Pepa
5 Steve & Diana Schenko, Perry & Michelle Warren
6 Roger & Janet Vodicka
8 Brian & Maureen Biers

26 David & Barbara Rayle

Baptismal Anniversary
1 Valerie Glovinsky
3 Grayden Boss
4 Bernard Dubbert, Norma Kihlken, Tammy Bartzen
8 Justin Tibbels
9 DJ Coles
10 Will Tibbels

11 Bob Kihlken, Callie Kihlken, Craig Stires, John Stires

12 Sierra Mackey
13 John Rhodes

Mutual Ministries

14 Tina Wadsworth, Gordon Wahlers

Nov. 2

Nov. 9

Nov. 16

Nov. 23

Nov. 30

Rose Marie Arn

Jim & Dee Warren

Chris Priddy

Laurel Berhent


Chrissy & Zeke

Erik Wadsworth

Jim Deer

Laurel Berhent

Tammy Davis

Heather Lambert


Mason French

Betty Kovach

Tammy Davis

Jack Easton

Dave Hirt

Hayley Doski

Crystal Chapman

Dave Hirt

Betty Easton

Jim Kovach

Dave Hirt

Dalton Chapman

Abby Cameron

Brendon Mullins

Daniel Lambert

Nolan Chapman

Nate Ahrens

Sarah Bossseti

Ryan Chapman

Heather Lambert Devon Grosswiler



Tammy Davis


Kenneth Kerik



Sandy Reep

Steeple Lighting


Sandy Reep

Perpetual Light

Laurel Berhent

Assisting Minster

Allen Lambert, Beth Lambert

Altar Guild

Crystal Chapman, Shirley LaCumsky


Betty Kovach, Nancy Kihlken

Sandy Reep

Page 9
P. 9Calendar

P. 10Snap Ministries Bake Sale Order Form

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