Document Production Electronic Ticketing

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Electronic Ticketing


What's Electronic Ticketing ?

Electronic Ticketing
Electronic Ticketing is a ticket less document. When theisagentonly enabled for
issues an e-ticket the ticket record is shown in the airline flights/segments
that are ET eligible
You can… (E)
- Issue an Electronic Ticket
- Display Electronic Ticket records
- Reissue Electronic Ticket
- Revalidate Electronic Ticket
- Refund Electronic Ticket

Check Airline Eligibility

GC*EK Airline Page.

CGET Display Electronic Tickets Airlines.
DT/IAT/DISLH Interline Electronic Ticketing with LH.
DT/IAT/DIS*LH Display Interline Table by Down line Carrier LH.

Printer Linkage

HMOMCF12EB-ITN Designate printer for itinerary form

HMLMCF12EBDIE Link itinerary printer to print electronic tickets

Support Document Print Table (SDPT)

HMET Display the SDPT (ET coupons & Itinerary GTID)

Issuing an E-Ticket

1. Create a booking file

2. FQ Fare quote
3. TMU1/CIY/Z5/FS/AI-ABCDE/NR/ Mandatory ticketing modifiers
NFYER50250 (plating carrier, commission, form
of payment, airline info, and net fare)
4. R.P+ER Received and End transaction
5. ER End transaction
6. TKPET Print e-ticket and itinerary

TKPET Ticket Please – Electronic Ticket

TKP1P2/ET Ticket Please – Filed Fare 1 , Passenger 2
TMU1ET/CLH Ticket Modifier – Plating Carrier LH

Reprint Support Document

TSD63516000004856 Reprint ET support document using the ticket number

Display E-Ticket Records

- From a Booking File
*HTE Display Ticketing Electronic Data

*TE002 Display record number 2 from Electronic Ticket list

*TEL Redisplay the multiple Ticketing Electronic list

- Without a Booking File

*TE/6359600000781 Display electronic ticketing record by ticket number

*TE/IY/FF10087654 Display electronic ticketing record by Mileage Membership

*TE/EK/CC1234567890123 Display electronic ticketing record by credit card number

*TE/LH/10APR07FRASAH-JOHN Display electronic ticketing record by flight details

- By Fill-In Format
Redisplay the Fill-In

Display E-Ticket History

1) TE001 Display the electronic ticket

2) *TEH Display the electronic ticket history
3) *HTD To check who issued the tickets (Sign on )

E-Ticket Revalidation Ticket

should only be for
1) Change the BF flight details for segment 1 same carrier and
2) TKRETS1/TN6351234567890/C1 Revalidate same
flight fare. 1

TKRETS1/TNIN6351234567890/C1 Revalidate flight coupon 1 for infant


TKRETS2/TN6351234567890/C2/NVB12DEC/NVA16JAN Revalidate
flight coupon
2 with NVB &
NVA details

TKRD To display the revalidation list

TKRX/1 To cancel the e-ticket revalidation number 1 in the list

You may revalidate an e-ticket more than once.

Void E-Ticket

TRV/63509876543213 Void an issued e-ticket number on TINS

report. Must include airline 3 digit code and
check digit of auditor’s coupon.

TRV/63544400080012-003 Void a range of issued ticket numbers on

TINS report; ticket numbers must be from
the same filed fare, the first ticket number
must include check digit.

- Unvoiding e-ticket is not allowed.

- Voiding an exchanged (reissued) e-ticket is not allowed.

E-Ticket Re-issue





It is possible to reissue an electronic ticket for another electronic ticket or for a paper ticket.

E-Ticket Refund
Only E-Ticket with
status of OPEN or
ARPT could be
TRNE63599002813825/28FEB06 Partial Refund refunded.


You should check with BSP and the airline to whether auto-refund is allowed or not.

Sales Report

HMPR*E Display D.A.R. for today

HMPR*E/10FEB Display D.A.R. for specified date
HMPP/01MAY-30MAY Display D.A.R. for specific dates
HMPR*E/C4CA05 Print D.A.R. on printer
HMPR*E/C4CA05/14FEB Print D.A.R. for specified date

HMPR/ALL Display D.A.R. including electronically

processed refunds

E-Ticket in

1) Open the BF Adding the note pad

displays the Warsaw
Convention Notices of
3) R.P+ER End Transaction the ticket in
4) Go to
5) Enter the Reservation Number & the Traveler Name
6) Click on Sign In

Points to Note..

DT/ETE To Check If the Itinerary Is Eligible for Electronic ticketing

or not.

DT/ETE/S1 To Check If Segment 1 in the Itinerary is eligible for ET

Or not.

- Issuing E-Tickets with Passive Segments:

In order to issue E-tickets with passive segment ,the Vendor Locator must be in
the Booking File for both sectors.
Make a manual entry to add a Vendor Locator:


- For reissue & revalidation procedures that require independent travelers & filed
fares, it is recommended that you create separate Booking Files for each
- Passenger name should be the same as it is in the passport and frequent flyer card.
- Name remarks do not show up on an electronic ticket image.
- Credit card approval code must either be manually recorded, or added as a
Notepad remark in the PNR.
- Some airlines restrict or inhibit the production of electronic tickets for infants.
- Some airlines require additional information in the Booking File for the check-in
staff to check the passenger identify. This is referred to as FOID (Form Of ID)
information and is added as an SSR. See H/SSR to get the entry.


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