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Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

First the useful & necessary links you can find in the document Understanding Absence
Now just join with me to resolve requirement detail as below:
1. Generate absence quota 2 days per month for every employee.
2. If employee is hired:
a. Before 10th he will be able to have 2 days in his absence quota.
b. From 10th to 20th: 1day.
c. From 21st to end of this month: 0 day
With this requirement, we have to customize our Time Schema because no rule can
Frist, in my case I will create grouping for PA personnel area: (my PA is 1725), you can
use T-Code SM30/SM30 with view V_001P_I or links in SPRO
Time Data Recording and Administration
Absence Catalog
Absence Counting
Rules for Absence Counting (New)
Group Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas

As you can see in my example, grouping for all Personnel Subarea Grouping - 1725 is 08.

Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

Next, I am going to configure for employee subgroup grouping. As same as above 2 ways
for you: SM30 / SM31 with view: V_503_E or SPRO
Time Data Recording and Administration
Absence Catalog
Absence Counting
Rules for Absence Counting (New)
Group Employee Subgroups for Time Quotas

The employee Subgroup grouping is 2.

Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

2. Configuration Absence Quota in IT 2006.

Using SM30 / SM31: view V_T556A and then create as in my picture:

Why do we create for ESG 2 & PSG 08? Note: 2 & 08: 2 values we just configured before
in view V_503_E and V_001P_I

Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

Next I will show you the way we will create rule in SAP for creating Absence Quota. (Using
SM30 / SM31: Im really interested in using this T-Code because of conveniences :D ).
View: V_T559L, this view is really really important.

And creating some information as below:

As you can see: Absence Quota Type is 10 (W eve done already in view V_T556A)
I checked in Daily, because it will be flexible for me. Ill explain later.

Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

Next configuration for Quota type:

The meaning has explained already in 1st document.

Next: Base entitlement (Very important). Choose Day Balance is 9H00.Its a Time Type.
Its the reason why we have to choose Daily in previous step. Its mean we can generate
absence quota daily.

Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

9H00 is a Time Type. You can configure in V_T555A.

Thanks to Time Type 9H00, whenever we input value in Time Type 9H00 for employee, he
will have absence quota for himself in Infotype 2006.

Its just configuration in SAP. From now, we have to customize in Time Schema to
generate Absence Quota for employees.

Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

We will copy new Time Schema from Standard Schema TM04. Using T-Code PE01

Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

Creating new PCRs in T-Code PE02: in my case I will create 2 PCRs: ZE00 & ZE01. I will
insert them into schema ZW01 as below:

You can put 2 PCR many where in schema, but before CUMBT QUOTA is mandatory.
Thus I recommend that we should put new PCRs as same as I have done here

Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

Now I will show you an algorithm a solution for resolving this requirement. 2 PCR ZE00
& ZE01. Actually they are not difficult. Please carefully look at 2 pictures:

I just check the first date of every month (by using HRS=BCURDY & HRS?01) and to be
sure that Absence Quota has not been created in this month:
(Using HRS=M9H00. If M9H00 > 0, If Absence Quota already created so it will stops).
If its the first date of month, 9H00 is 2 days. So we will have 2 days in absence quota.

Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

In ZE01, I checked:
If date > 20: Absence Quota = 0.
If date >9 & date <= 20: Absence Quota = 1
If date > 1 & date <= 9, Absence Quota = 2.
Thats all.
Hope you can control it soon.


Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

Next part I will show you my testing results in SAP system.

1. Hiring employee on 1st Jan 2010


Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

2. Running PT60


Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

3. Results in IT2006: 2days for Jun & Feb 2012.


Understanding Absence Quota Created by Woody

Next I will separation & re-hiring at the middle of month. You will see.

I re-hired on 11th March, so Absence Quota is 1 day.

Re-hired on 21st May, no Absence Quota. Its the reason why you could not see
Absence Quota in IT2006 because its 0.
Last case:
Re-hired on 20th Jul, 1 day in Absence Quota. Its absolutely correct.


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