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With 2009 coming to an end, these heroes have improved and contributed to
the growth and development of the nation, Nigeria in one way or the other.
They deserve to be acknowledged for their great works to the improvement
of this nation.

Shaibu Amodu
Super Eagles' coach, Shaibu Amodu made his mark after successfully
qualifying the nation’s Senior football team, Super Eagles, for the World Cup
slatted for June 2010 in South Africa. Amodu was the last Super Eagles Coach
to see them qualify for the World Cup in 2002 but was eventually sacked
before it took place. After other coaches failed to make sure Nigeria qualified
for the 2006 World Cup, Shaibu Amodu has successfully seen the Super
Eagles through for next year’s World Cup. He is indeed a hero with his
outstanding performance for the year, 2009. I wish Amodu the best in next
year’s Nations Cup and World Cup Competition.

Sani Emmanuel
The story of this young footballer is one “from grass to grace”. For his
excellent performance at the last FIFA Under-17 World Cup which was hosted
by Nigeria, this lad is indeed a hero. Emmanuel proved to the world that you
can still make it to the top no matter what your situation seems to be; he
was always coming from the bench in the competition and he was still able
to win the Golden ball and silver boot award. Sani eventually made Nigerians
proud after his astonishing performance in the competition. I encourage Sani
Emmanuel to improve and never remain stagnant. I wish Sani Emmanuel the
best in the forthcoming year.

Babatunde Fashola (SAN)

Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola (SAN) has changed to look of
Lagos State. When he came to power, his plan was to make Lagos State a
mega city and indeed he has met up to expectations. Fashola has given
Lagos State a new image with plans and project execution. He has been able
to construct roads and maintain them as well. Lagos State is gradually
turning into a Mega city with good roads and modern infrastructure. Fashola
has proven himself worthy of the office and I wish him the best in 2010.

Prophet T B Joshua
Prophet TB Joshua of The Synagogue, Church of All Nations, is indeed a hero.
The prophet is an example of a true and cheerful giver. His ministry preaches
so much about giving to the less privileged which is indeed a good thing. He
also gives financial support in cash and in kind to the less privileged;
Widows, Widower, Physically challenged, dwarfs, etc. One of the most
important things that caught my attention was the fact that he delivers and
rehabilitates armed robbers and also gives them the Holy Bible and supports
them financial in order to start up a legal business of their choice.

He also gave the people of Bolorun-pelu two new transformers. As the people
come to say thank you to him for his kind heart, he gave them a bag of rice
each and 300,000 Naira to be share among them all.

My People Football Club, a team owned and sponsored by Prophet TB Joshua

is formed to assist youths with football talent and no one to support them
financially. The team, My People FC, has produced the likes of Sani
Emmanuel, the Golden Ball and Silver Boot winner at the last FIFA Under-17
competition, and Onazi Ogenyi, a member of the Golden Eaglets’ team at the
FIFA Under-17 World Cup, 2009. Prophet TB Joshua and My People FC had
been able to sponsor three of its players to a football club in Sweden and
hope to sponsor more of it players this summer.

Spend more on others and less on yourself; said Prophet TB Joshua

I wish him merry Christmas and the best in 2010.

Mike Adenuga (GLOBACOM)

Globacom Limited owned by Mike Adenuga launched Fibre Optic in Nigeria
and West Africa at large. Nigeria’s Second National Operator and Third
Generation (3G) compliant telecommunications company, Globacom Limited,
has taken its vision of positioning itself on the continent to a higher level by
commissioning the first portion of its $700 million fiber optic cables to link
Nigerian cities.

The entry of Globacom's Glo1 submarine cable and Main One will usher in an
era of digital democracy in Nigeria.

The arrival of the fibre optic cable means Nigeria, Ghana, and other West
African countries will now have high speed internet service, making telecom
services faster and more reliable.
Mike Adenuga and Globacom have done a great work and I wish him the best
in 2010.

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