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The Kalabagh Dam - who wants if not

the people of Pakistan

By Zulfiqar Mirani

This refers to ARYONE TV repeat program “View on News” telecasted on 25th July

Palijo Sahib has very boldly pleaded the Case of Sindh regarding Kalabagh dam. He
is one of the most respected persons in Sindh today. Still there are lot of things
which can not be said in such debates.

I do not know much about the dam technicalities. Those who oppose the dam say
there is no water available to fill the dam but the water of Sindh will be taken for
the purpose. Punjab has other point of view. NWFP concerns are different than the
two. Baluchistan takes water from Sindh. If there is no water left for Sindh,
Baluchistan will also be deprived of water.

Being a common person what I observe for the last twenty years is stated below:

• Zia ul Haq wanted to construct the dam, but the Generals from NWFP opposed it
and he restrained. Most prominent of them was General Fazal Haq. Zia himself has
publicly stated so at number of occassions.

• All the provincial assemblies except Punjab elected in 1985 passed resolutions
against the construction of the Kalabagh dam. The majority of the members were
not nationalists but those who traditionally used to be either with PPP or PML. When
ban on political activities lifted majority of them joined official Muslim League.

• The scenario repeated once again and all the provincial assemblies except Punjab
elected in 1988 passed resolutions against the construction of the Kalabagh dam,
without any opposition from any of the member of these assemblies, In Sindh
particularly there were members of assembly from Muslim League factions, MQM,
IJI (including NPP of Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi).

• Provincial assemblies of the three provinces (except Punjab) elected in 1990 also
passed resolutions against the dam. The government was not of PPP in any of these
provinces but of the Muslim League (IJI).

• Provincial assemblies elected there after in 1994 and 1997 also passed resolutions
against the dam.

It is after the elections of 2002 that members are not allowed (extra assembly way
– not constitutionally-by the president Musharaf) to pass such bill [President
Musharaf has stated in a meeting with the Sindhi press editors in august 2005 that
none of the assemblies will pass the bills against the dam]. Whereas the situation is
as under:

1) PPP through out Pakistan including Punjab wing has openly opposed the dam.

2) PML (N) through out Pakistan including in Punjab oppose the dam.

3) ARD is against the construction of the dam.

4) MMA categorically oppose the dam.

5) Majority of members of ruling (official) Muslim League oppose the dam, outside
the assemblies. SDA that lately joined PML (Q) openly oppose it.

6) Pir Pagara, Makhdoom Amin Fahim, Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Illahi Bux Soomro,
Hazar Khan Bijarani, Mumtaz Bhutto, Jalal Mehmood Shah (ex-deputy speaker and
grandson of GM Syed), Syeds of Nawabshah and Noushero Feroz (Sindh), Syeds
and Talpurs of Mirpur Khas, Talpurs and other influential personalities of Hyderabad
Syed Qamar ul Zaman Shah, Ameer Shah (the ex-minister of Sindh in the Musharaf
Government), name it every body in Sindh oppose the construction of dam, except
the two Ghous Bux Mahar and Liaqat Jatoi (the two ministers in the Mushraf

7) All political parties of Sindh oppose the dam. MQM some times oppose some
times is silent on the issue but has never supported the dam. But the support of the
MQM does not count, as for the opinion of Sindh is concerned, because it represents
the people who historically do not belong the province and settled by the
Federation/Punjab in Sindh for some specific purpose (better known to them – this
discussion is beyond the scope of this subject).

All the members of assemblies and the top leadership as stated above is fool,
childish, lack the sagacity. Question One. Then what about the other decisions they
have taken as for the legislation on other matters is concerned.

Track record of Punjab on water issue:

1) They defied the 1945 water accord between Punjab and Sindh as Palijo Sahib
quoted in the said TV program).

2) They set aside the Indus Water Basin Treaty in which right of Sindh is accepted
on river Indus.

3) They did not fulfilled their pledge made at the time of construction of Mangla

4) They did not fulfill their pledge as for the Tarbela dam is concerned even Sindh
has paid huge amount for the share of construction and compensation to the

5) They constructed the FLOOD canal Chashma-Jehlum link canal saying that it will
flow only when there will be excessive water, but it is in every bodies knowledge
that the canal flows through out the year. Even in worst days of drought in Sindh
the canal flow is not stopped.

6) Punjab does not accept 1991 accord which was drafted by them and signed by
their puppet Chief Minister in Sindh.

7) Punjab does not respect the advise of IRSA (Indus River System Authority)
which is formed by none other but themselves. It is history that Punjab does not
restrain in taking water even after disallowed by the IRSA. Record of last several
years is evident.

Punjab has never fulfilled its commitments before and after partition of India, never
respect any accord or agreement, international commitment.

This is why people of Sindh and of other smaller provinces are not trusting Punjab.

As for the constitutional guarantee is concerned, the first question is who will
gurantee for the constitution. It has been thrown in the dust bin at least for the two
occasions by the Generals (Zia and Musharaf). The generals and all those who
supported Zia were never treated as the constitution [article 6] clearly states . It is
just a paper which is used to snatch the rights of smaller provinces, never
respected by the biggest province, as felt by the people of smaller provinces. NFC,
CCI are all witness to it. The second question is "what about other constitutional
commitments" made at the time of its formation in 1973 such as provincial
autonomy etc. The abolition of concurrence list (which again is drama – since no
significant subjects are in it), Punjab even is not ready to give such insignificant
subjects to the province. The jobs and employment, it is only Punjabi and Muhajir
every where in the Government and Non-government jobs. The right of
representation from the Sindh has been snatched. Dummy leadership has been
created to lead the Sindh (MQM, Unpopular Waderas which do not have a single
vote except of themselves are imposed as Chief Ministers from Islamabad – Jam,
Mahar, Arbab all are appointed by Islamabad – establishment dominated by
bureaucracy from Punjab and Muhajirs). What is not happening in Pakistan, there is
long list where constitution should intervene and stop. Constitution can not restrict
all this happening extra-constitutional way. How it will guarantee the (next) water

The Judiciary is a joke in Pakistan. From Moulvi Tameezuddin case till today look at
all critical cases. The dissolutions of so called elected (??) Governments, imposition
of Martial laws. The role of Judiciary is in front of every body (what ever the
reasons may be, the pressures, compromise, anything). Was Musharaf’s take over
constitutional and legitimate. Does law allow him to hold the two offices together.
Why Honourable Juduciary had allowed a single person to amend even the supreme
law of the country, the constitution. This is the Judiciary who even can not save
them from being molestation by just a member of national assembly (TV world wide
showed the disrespect of the Supreme Judicial institution) what was done to those.
They (who misbehaved the Supreme Judge of Pakistan) were rather rewarded by
the then and successive government of Musharaf.

Judiciary has still to clean off their hands with the blood of Bhutto. What Sindhi
obtained from the Judiciary – the dead body of their beloved leader.

Mr. Palijo is right in this manner that the case of water should be given to
independent international commission of justice. What is the problem in it. There
should be no problem in resorting to such institution if intension of Punjab is clear
and their case is justified and on solid grounds with legitimate proofs and record.

If the Kalabagh dam is constructed by the Punjab against the will of the
people and leadership of other three provinces and of Punjab itself, as they
hanged Bhutto. The consequences, however, will not be in the interest of
the country in the long run. The wise leadership of Punjab understands it,
they openly have expressed so in public that they do not want Kalabagh
dam at the cost of country. The exact intensions of the interests who still
insist on the construction of the Kalabagh dam are definitely not in the
favour of the country and the people as a whole.

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