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The Department for Transport's

Simplification Plan:
Update 2009

Do you have any ideas on how to improve regulation?

Then help us by visiting our website ( and

telling us how we can make life easier for you. Even the smallest ideas can
make a big difference.

December 2009
Foreword................................................................................................................... 3

Part 1 – Overview ..................................................................................................... 4

Introduction and Summary...................................................................................... 4

Administrative Burdens Measures to be delivered before May 2010 ...................... 4
Highlights ................................................................................................................ 5
EU Better Regulation including Measures to Help Small Businesses..................... 5
Public Sector........................................................................................................... 7
Third Sector ............................................................................................................ 8
Wider better regulation agenda .............................................................................. 9

Part 2 - Background to Administrative Burdens.................................................. 11

Administrative Burdens Measurement and Reduction .......................................... 11

Adjustments to the 2005 baseline......................................................................... 11
Administrative Burdens target............................................................................... 11
Trajectory of expected administrative burdens savings ........................................ 12
Delivery so far....................................................................................................... 12
New measures...................................................................................................... 13
New burdens......................................................................................................... 13

Part 3 - The Simplification Plan in detail .............................................................. 14

Table 1 – Delivered Measures .............................................................................. 15

Table 2 – New Proposals...................................................................................... 38
Table 3 – Items still in progress ............................................................................ 43

Part 4 - New Regulatory Burdens.......................................................................... 60

New regulations .................................................................................................... 60

Table 4 - New Regulations introduced from June 2006 to May 2009 ................... 62
Table 5 Key regulatory burdens from regulation that may be introduced between
June 2009 and May 2010 ...................................................................... 68
Table 6: - Information requests made to Local Authorities.................................... 69
Contact details: ..................................................................................................... 70


Regulations in transport are essential to ensure safety, promote security and

deliver environmental objectives, as well as provide protection for consumers.
At the same time it is important to ensure that regulations do not impose
unacceptable administrative or financial burdens and this Simplification Plan
demonstrates that we are trying to reduce these burdens.

This year I am delighted to report an overall reduction of nearly £512 million in

costs imposed on business and the public since 2005 and we continue to seek
potential new reductions across a wide range of activity. This is an important
part of the better regulation agenda and we will be given challenging new
targets to apply from 2010 to 2015.

You can assist with this essential work by letting us know where specific
transport policies impose unnecessary costs. Ideas can be suggested via the
Better Regulation website:

Andrew Adonis
Secretary of State for Transport
December 2009


The Department for Transport's Simplification Plan Update 2009

Part 1 – Overview

Introduction and Summary

1. The Department for Transport (DfT) is committed to ensuring that policy costs
and administrative burdens of regulation are kept to the minimum required to
maintain policy goals including safety, security and environmental protection.
2. This Simplification Plan is the latest update of the DfT plan launched in
December 2006. It aims to demonstrate our commitment to minimising costs
imposed on business and others and supporting the economic prosperity of the
UK. The Plan includes measures which deliver:
 Total gross savings of over £600 million a year – including £144 million
administrative burdens reductions; and
 Highlights over £512 million a year already delivered – including £118
million administrative burdens reductions.

Administrative Burdens Measures to be delivered before May 2010

3. The most significant measure which we are aiming to complete before May 2010
will be:
 Enabling insurance companies to issue certificates electronically saving
business up to £12m per year (Item 1.10)
4. Measures will benefit stakeholders across the full range of DfT’s responsibilities,
including business drivers and private motorists, manufacturers and shippers of
goods, the aviation, shipping and rail sectors.
5. This Plan also summarises measures likely to introduce new burdens – and
notes that we estimate that new administrative burdens will be kept to below £5
million. On current assessments when fully implemented measures in this plan
will deliver over the £146.3m required to meet the 25% administrative burdens
target. However, due to the economic downturn, it may be the case that
businesses are not in a position to take full advantage of some of these
measures by the target deadline of May 2010. We will continue to evaluate our
policies and work with business stakeholders to ensure effective take up
wherever possible.
6. A brief background to the Administrative Burdens Measurement and Reduction
Exercise and details of the target and our progress towards achieving it are in
part two of the plan.

7. In the past twelve months since publication of the 2008 Plan significant new
measures include:
 Improved enquiry handling and customer management project at DVLA
saving over £1m a year for business drivers and another £1m a year for the
public. (Item 1.13).
 Improved guidance and less frequent record returns for drivers’ hours have
enabled savings of £21.31m a year to freight hauliers (Item 5.38 and 3.4)
 UK led work to agree common application paper work for radioactive
packaging will deliver administrative savings of £1.4m a year to
companies involved in the transport of radioactive materials (Item 5.25 )

Case study: Dangerous Goods – Instructions in Writing

DfT removed the requirement for companies involved in the transport of dangerous goods to
produce instructions on safe handling of products being transported in the languages of all the
countries through which the shipment travels. Dr Andy Holton, Product Stewardship Manager with
ExxonMobil Chemical Ltd praised the effective cooperation with the police and the pragmatic
approach to the format of “instructions in writing” ("IIW").

“If the information (IIW) is there, in the driver's possession, and it is legible, that is fine to the UK
authorities so long as that information has not been misrepresented in any way. Thus, a differing
format (e.g. photo-reduction) is not misrepresentation. This is an example of the broader attitude
that industry welcomes, whereby the mildly creative approach is accepted, in the UK at least.”

8. Alongside the continuing take up of existing measures the total reduction in

costs to business and members of the public has increased by an additional £12
million per annum since the last update.

EU Better Regulation including Measures to Help Small Businesses

9. The Department for Transport also continues to work closely with stakeholders
and to negotiate at the EU level to avoid unnecessary costs to business and
ensure that small business interests are taken into account. In the last twelve
months the department has:
 Successfully negotiated a directive on insurance requirements for ship
owners 1 which avoided proposals for disproportionate administrative
burdens requirements and protected the interests of City of London
insurance brokers.
 Ensured that the new directive promoting use of energy efficient vehicles 2
by the public sector is proportionate and environmentally effective.
 Worked closely with small and specialist vehicle manufacturers and
niche importers to enable effective use of derogations from EU type
approval legislation thereby avoiding over £30 million potential additional
costs to these businesses.


10. DfT is also engaged with the European Commission and other member states in
seeking to identify opportunities for simplification and administrative burdens
reduction as part of the EU Administrative Burdens Reduction Programme.

DRAFT Case study : Individual Vehicle Approval

The UK has used the “small-series” and “individual approval” derogations set out in the Directive in
order to introduce National Small Series Type Approval (NSSTA) and Individual Vehicle Approval
(IVA). These national schemes are available to manufacturers building vehicles for sale only in the
UK. IVA is also available to independent importers of vehicles from outside the EC. These national
schemes will be significantly cheaper than the cost of applying for approval under the EC scheme.

“As the Stakeholder responsible for North American Left Hand Drive vehicles and after using the new
Basic IVA regulations on many occasions since they became effective, I wanted to write to you on
behalf of the American Imports Agents Association (AIAA) and thank DfT and BIS, for really listening
to and accommodating our representations over the last three years.

We only import very low volumes of left hand drive North American vehicles built to FMVSS and
CMVSS standards and they cater for a tiny enthusiast market in the UK. Your Department has clearly
followed the Principles of Good Regulation set out by the Better Regulation Task Force whilst
maintaining safety and environmental concerns. The way you have accommodated our
representations is a sterling example of “good” Government. The complicated Recast Framework
Directive [has been implemented] in a proportionate way for the micro industry sector that we represent.”

Use of Voluntary Agreements

11. Voluntary agreements can be more flexible and therefore less burdensome than
regulation, which is good for business, and the department supports their use
wherever possible, for example:

 We are implementing Energy Services Directive environmental requirements

on fuel providers by voluntary agreement and have created a tool kit
including publicity material to help small businesses comply.

Case Study - Energy Services Directive

The Energy Services Directive gives the UK two options: a voluntary approach or a mandatory approach
(i.e. legislative). After consultation with the Retail Fuel Trade Associations*, the DfT agreed that the best
route to take is the voluntary approach in order to avoid unnecessary legislation and burdens on

By working closely with the Trade Associations it was identified that smaller retailers would have
difficulty in meeting the Directive’s requirements to promote and provide energy efficiency measures,
without the Department’s assistance. The ACT ON CO 2 toolkit has been developed to assist the small
retail fuel suppliers.

*Trade Associations: AUKOI (Association of UK Oil Independents); UKPIA (UK Petroleum industry Association); PRA (Petrol
Retailers Association); FPS (Federation of Petroleum Suppliers); UKLPG (UK Liquefied Petroleum Gas).

Market Opening
12. The department also actively supports market opening measures at the EU
and international level, thereby enabling UK companies to compete for EU and
international business opportunities. For example:

 DfT fully supports the Commission in its review/recast of the 1st Railway
Package with the emphasis on tightening of existing loopholes combined with
proper transposition and rigorous enforcement to ensure removal of barriers to
entry and fair and transparent conditions of competition. We believe this will then
bring about further market opening and competition in other Member States.
 The Department leads on 15-20 negotiations a year with bilateral partners on
air services with the aim of providing new opportunities, less regulation and
more competition
 The EU/Canada air transport agreement could bring economic benefits of at
least £66 million and more than 1,000 extra jobs in the first year.

13. We will continue to work closely with the European Commission and to negotiate
internationally – both to ensure beneficial trade agreements such as air service
agreements, and to ensure that EU and international regulation is consistent
with better regulation principles. The recent EU Commission consultation on
Future Transport Systems 3 begins EU work towards a new Commission White
Paper expected sometime next year. Our response 4 to this Consultation noted
that we would expect the White Paper to be guided by principles including:

 Creating a regulatory environment that will allow the EU’s business to

prosper and the EU’s citizens to move freely and efficiently throughout
Europe using truly liberalised and competitive transport operations across all
modes including realising the vision of a single rail market.
 Acknowledging the vital role that transport plays in wider environment,
energy, trade, regional, and other EU policy ensuring that the Directorate
Generals are joined-up in discussions and policy-making, and by making best
use of impact assessments to meet the challenge of balancing competing
 Driving innovation through R&D and setting standards that are
technology neutral, create investor certainty and deliver clearly defined
and rigorous goals.
 Recognising the potential economies of scale and weight of influence
that EU level action can deliver whilst respecting subsidiarity and the
differences between Member States and between transport modes.

We will continue to work with UK businesses and other stakeholders as

proposals for the White Paper develop.

Public Sector

14. Our target of 30% reduction in data requests to Local Authorities has been
achieved. We are committed to reducing burdens on the public sector. In
summer 2007 a cross government exercise took place to identify the requests
for information (or data streams) that central government makes to the public
sector. The Government set a target to reduce the number of data streams by
30% by 2010. For DfT, this means how we monitor the performance of Local


Authorities, requesting information on a variety of areas including road
maintenance, bus punctuality and traffic congestion.
15. DfT has worked with the Department for Communities and Local Government as
part of its project to streamline government requests 5 to Local Authorities. Table
6 demonstrates that DfT has reduced the number of mandatory indicators from
38 down to 26. This work and the removal of other data streams means that,
despite starting from a low base, we have achieved a 31.6% reduction in the
number of information requests that we make to Local Authorities.

Third Sector
16. The Department for Transport remains committed to promoting a thriving third
sector by reducing the administration burden and barriers faced by it. In 2009,
DfT agreed to implement the Office of the Third Sector’s (part of the Cabinet
Office) Principles of Proportionate Monitoring and Reporting 6 guidance. We
adhere to these principles in our grants and contracts relationships with third
sector organisations to help reduce the administration burden. The impact of the
implementation of the guidance will be reviewed annually as part of the
Department’s Third Sector Action Plan.
17. DfT is currently working with the OTS, Commission for the Compact and other
stakeholders on the refresh of the Compact (national agreement between
Government and the third sector) which includes the area of Commissioning and
Allocation of Resources. Adherence to Compact principles can help embed best
practice in the provision of fair and appropriate funding and commissioning
processes for third sector organisations.
18. We are also currently working on producing a Third Sector Action Plan to
strengthen our partnership with the third sector; this will be published by the end
of the year. The Action Plan will focus on better working partnerships and
processes in the areas of funding, engagement and policy development.
Case Study – Third Sector reporting process

The Automobility Branch provides grant funding to twelve Mobility Centres as part of the
Department’s aim of promoting opportunities for disabled people to access jobs, services and social
networks. In 2008, at a meeting of centre managers, it emerged that centres had aligned their
reporting processes with the DfT requirements so that quarterly monitoring was no longer seen as
burdensome, but aided the process of reporting to Boards of Trustees and parent organisations.

There was agreement, however, that the form could be simplified by consolidating historical data
from previous returns. Centres have commented positively on this change which has made it easier
for them to deliver reports on time.

Stakeholder Validation
19. It is important that the savings we make are felt by business. We are working
with stakeholders to ensure that the savings we make are accurately measured
and reflect what they feel on the ground.

20. An External Validation Panel (EVP), made up of representatives from the
Confederation of British Industry, the Institute of Directors, the British Chambers
of Commerce, the Federation of Small Businesses and the Trades Union
Congress provides a robust challenge and quality assurance role. The Panel
has validated savings from several key measures. Also in some cases, the level
of savings has been measured by independent consultants or based on
independent customer research. 62% of the savings in the plan have been
externally validated.
Simplification Measure Validated by £m validated
Electronic Vehicle Licensing EVP 2009 9.8
Introduction of digital EVP 2009 14.4
Drivers’ Hours 3 EVP 2009 15.4
Revision of passenger rail EVP 2008 30.5
franchise map
Reform of the Air Travel Ecotec Consultants 12.1
Organisers Licensing (ATOL)
Bonding Scheme
Regulations governing the Ecotec Consultants 3
Carriage of Dangerous Goods
Transport Office website MORI customer research 3
88.2m (62%)

Wider better regulation agenda

Hampton Implementation Reviews:

21. During 2009 DfT Agencies were reviewed by the Better Regulation Executive
Hampton Review Teams. Hampton Implementation Reviews seek to ensure that
regulatory agencies are taking a risk-based approach to implementation and
enforcement; that inspection regimes encourage compliance, and that penalties
are proportionate. The reviewers acknowledge large areas of best practice:
The VOSA report was published on December 3 and contained many positive
comments. The report says: “(VOSA) demonstrates a significant level of
compliance with the Hampton principles. It appears to know its customer base
very well and considers likely impacts on them of changes to its policies and
processes. The review team found no evidence that VOSA places any
significant unnecessary or disproportionate burdens on business as a result of
its inspection and enforcement”

22. Initial drafts of other Hampton reviews suggest that other agencies are also
largely Hampton compliant. However, agencies are recognising areas for
improvement and they will be using the Hampton Review process to streamline
services wherever possible.

What next?

23. There is always more that needs to be done. We will continue working to ensure
that simplification measures stay on track to deliver administrative burdens
savings by May 2010, and to identify further new measures beyond that. We will

be working with the CAA and aviation stakeholders to identify areas where we
can reduce the administrative burden from aviation regulation.
24. We will also work to minimise any new burdens from regulation by ensuring
effective impact assessment of new measures. We will also work closely with
our European Commission counterparts to ensure that the new EU level
simplification and administrative burdens programme identifies measures of
genuine benefit to the UK.
25. We would also be interested to hear your ideas for further reforms, which can be
put forward using the Better Regulation website (
Or you can e-mail us direct at

Case Study: Reduction in the frequency of medical examinations for pilots

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) proposed to the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA), who were at the time
responsible for developing and implementing common safety standards across Europe, that the frequency of
medical examinations for pilots aged 40-59, undertaking multi-pilot commercial air transport operations, could
be reduced. Previously, all pilots over the age of 40 involved in such operations were required to have a
medical certificate issued every six months, on the basis that there is an increasing risk of developing a
medical problem with age.

The proposal, which was adopted by the JAA in December 2006, was that the frequency of medical
examinations could be reduced to every twelve months, without any significant reduction in flight safety. From
a medical risk perspective, the mitigation provided by the presence of more than one pilot in multi pilot
operations is considerable and greatly reduces the risk of a fatal accident associated with a medical event
when compared with single pilot operations.

Unanimous support was given to the proposal from industry and other national authorities and the benefit to
the UK airline industry in terms of reduced medical examination costs is approximately £1 million annually,
with significant savings also being made across other JAA member states.

Part 2 - Background to Administrative Burdens

Administrative Burdens Measurement and Reduction

26. In 2005 the Department for Transport took part in the Government-wide exercise
to measure the administrative (red-tape) costs to business of all regulation in
force at May 2005. A figure was calculated for the Department for Transport's
regulation of £487 million administrative burdens and DfT – along with most
other Government Departments – was set the target of reducing its baseline by
25% (including allowing for any new burdens implemented after the

Adjustments to the 2005 baseline

27. Since the baseline was measured, we have made some adjustments to reflect
added costs stemming from:
 The transfer of rail safety regulation from the Health and Safety Executive to
the Office of Rail Regulation (added £3.1 million).
 Rail franchising, which was not quantified in the original measurement
exercise (added £87.7 million).
 The ATOL bonding scheme which was not included in the original
measurement exercise (added £25 million).
 Removing £11.3 million following research which showed the time taken for
HGV operators to display discs had been over estimated.
 Removing £6.5 million because MORI research showed that the “business
as usual” adjustment made for HGV and PSV operators required to retain
information of drivers hours had been underestimated.
28. We have also measured the impact of regulations that have come into force up
to December 2009. These are listed in table 4.
29. The adjusted baseline of £585 million has been used for all calculations in this

Administrative Burdens target

30. The Department is committed to reducing its administrative burdens by 25%, by
2010. This amounts to an annual saving to business of some £146.3m. The
measures in this update of the plan take us to over 24%. We will continue to
work with stakeholders to develop more simplification ideas which will bring us
towards the 25% target in 2010.

Trajectory of expected net administrative burdens savings

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Estimated net admin

28 41 75 114 141
saving per year (£m)

Percentage of target 5% 7% 13% 20% 24%

Estimated net admin saving per year (£m)









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

31. The table and graph above show the trajectory of expected administrative
burdens savings until 2010, taking account of expected new burdens. We are
aiming to meet a minimum of 25% administrative burdens reduction by the
target deadline of 2010.

32. It is worth noting that, on some proposals, the savings delivered will continue to
increase after 2010. For example the potential annual savings that will be
realised from the introduction of digital tachographs (item 2.1) £15m in 2009,
could grow substantially by 2017, dependent on take-up of new vehicles.

Delivery so far
33. We have already delivered 55 of the proposals in the Plan and these are listed in
Table 1. Cost savings and benefits to business will total over £560 million by
2010. These include savings to business of nearly £420 million and over £140
million of administrative burdens reduction towards our target. Several of the
measures also save time and cost for the general public amounting to over £39

New measures
34. For this year's update, we have identified 6 new proposals. These are listed in
Table 2. We have not begun quantifying the impact on business and the public
of all of these proposals, but we believe that they will deliver significant policy
and admin burdens savings.
35. The remainder of the measures from the 2008 Plan update are still in progress,
and details are in Table 3. The proposals that are still in progress, along with
completed measures where savings increase, will deliver compliance savings or
financial benefits to business approaching £63 million annually, and will deliver
annual administrative burdens savings approaching £26 million by 2010.

New burdens
36. The Plan also takes into account costs from new regulations made since May
2005, and expected to be made until 2010 (Table 4). Any administrative
burdens from these will be taken into account when calculating our progress
towards the administrative burdens target. So far the impact has been minor.
37. Examples of regulations that are likely to impose significant costs on business
include European measures such as
 The Euro 5 and 6 emission standards for light duty vehicles, with policy
costs likely to fall in a range from £310 million to £1.84 billion per year. We
expect that this will deliver monetised benefits in the range £570 million to
£1.4 billion per year relating to improvements in health through the reduction
in atmospheric concentrations of particulates.
38. Very few new regulations are expected to impose significant administrative
burdens. We anticipate total new administrative burdens of around £5 million by
2010 – but we will aim to offset these by the administrative burdens reductions
measures identified in order to ensure delivery of the 25% target.

Part 3 - The Simplification Plan in detail

39. This section provides an update on our progress in delivering simplification

measures. It includes details of who the measure will benefit and the nature of
the benefit, an estimate of the potential savings that it might generate, including
reductions in administrative burdens on business, and an indication of the
timeline for delivery.
40. The measures are divided into three separate tables:

Table 1: Delivered Measures.

Table 2: New Measures.

Table 3: Measures in Progress.

41. They are set out in 7 sections (detailed below) which reflect who will benefit from
the simplification or reduced burdens proposed and the way in which the
measures will be delivered.

Section 1 - Benefiting citizens and business.

Section 2 - Benefiting business.

Section 3 - Benefiting business through better targeted enforcement.

Section 4 - Benefiting business through the rationalisation of regulatory bodies.

Section 5 - Benefiting business through deregulation, consolidation and

rationalisation of regulations and regulatory bodies.

Section 6 - Benefiting the third sector through deregulation consolidation and

rationalisation of regulations and regulatory bodies.

Section 7 - Benefiting local authorities through deregulation consolidation and

rationalisation of regulations and regulatory bodies

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 – Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 1). Benefiting citizens and business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
1.1 Electronic Admin The introduction of EVL Saves time and effort for DfT's in-house analysts estimated a Validated Service is now widely available for all
allows vehicle owners to by May
Vehicle Licensing Private private citizens and many saving in administrative burdens for 2009
vehicles, initiated in May 2006.
(EVL). relicense their vehicles small businesses (e.g. those business from £9.8m in 2009 rising to
General External
via the internet and not already served by DVLA's £12.1m per year by 2010. It is also Validatio
Public telephone. Fleet Relicensing Scheme). estimated that time savings for private n Panel
motorists may equate to £20 million (£9.6m)
per year.
1.2 Exchange Irritant and Amending the Motorists, Enforcement Current costs to the insurance industry Delivered. Section 49 of the Road
of driver and Policy legislation to permit Authorities, Motor Trade and are about £330 million per year (10- Safety Act 2006 relating to disclosure
vehicle Private. electronic checking of Insurance Trade benefit from 15% of the 330k vehicles stolen to foreign authorities of licensing and
registration imported vehicles being more secure car purchasing annually in England & Wales are registration came into force on 8th
details between registered and overseas and reduction in criminal car shipped abroad at an average cost of January 2007.
various European driving licences being imports. £10k per vehicle). The exchange of
states. exchanged. details has the potential to prevent a
Road users benefit from an proportion of this traffic. A 10%
increased detection of drivers reduction in traffic would mean savings
disqualified by another of over £30 million per year for the
member state trying to obtain a insurance industry, and benefits for car
UK licence in order to continue owners from reduced car theft. Initial
to drive. Also driving licence savings may increase as more Member
fraud can be detected at an States ratify the Treaty.
earlier stage.

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 1). Benefiting citizens and business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
1.3 MoT partial Policy Allowing MoT partial 7 million vehicles currently fail Working on 2004/5 data for MOTs and Regulations came into effect on the
retesting. Private retesting for partial fee. the test annually. There will be failure rates and assuming the time 8th September 2006.
Better focused MoT fee savings for customers and taken for a partial re-test is half the time
retests for garages. a reduction in time waiting for of a full re-test the estimated value to
Cuts fees for MoT MoT test to be completed. business is around £2 million per
customers. year and to private motorists around
£12 million per year.
1.4 Electronic Admin DVLA is able to confirm Speeds up ID checking. Extra Assuming the proportion of first Initial aspects of service went live in
sharing of General identity of driving convenience and time saving applications that will be made online is July 2005, allowing an applicant to
information public licence applicant for motorists of not having to 10% and that 90% of these have a provide their passport number rather
between Identity electronically rather provide passport. Facilitates machine-readable passport; that without than the actual document. From April
and Passport than by requiring online applications. such a passport it would take 20 2006 this has been extended to allow
Service and physical sight of minutes to complete the form and 30 electronic applicants the option to re-
DVLA. passport. For electronic minutes to complete the transaction by use the image and signature already
applicants, they are also using a Post Office, the estimated time held on their passport record. The
able to request that the saving for private individuals is process relies on the consent of the
image and signature approximately £1 million per year. applicant.
held on their passport
record be further used
on their driving licence.
1.5 Electronic Admin. Electronic links between Disabled motorists eligible for Assuming 15% take-up of electronic Regulations allowing the disclosure of
re-licensing for General DVLA and Department exemption from vehicle excise services and 30 minutes saved by not information to DVLA by the DWP and
disabled drivers. public . for Work and Pensions duty (VED) able to have visiting a Post Office, time savings for Veterans Agency came into force on
(DWP) allow electronic entitlement confirmed up to 1 million disabled motorists are 31 October 2005. A link to check
. re-licensing for disabled electronically, facilitating estimated at around £1 million per entitlement to a qualifying benefit has
drivers. vehicle licensing. year. been set up with Veteran's Agency
and those customers have been able
to relicense online since December
2005. This service was made
available to DWP customers in March
1.6 On-line Admin. Allow customers the Customers of DVLA If 40% of the 325,000 V750 transactions The Sale of Marks on-line facility
application for General option of applying on- Personalised Registrations will per year are performed electronically, went live in October 2008.
some registration public line for certain have the choice of making and saving 5 minutes per transaction, the
registration mark paying for post-sale estimated saving to customers is

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 1). Benefiting citizens and business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
mark services services, by removing transactions electronically. £180,000 per year (of which £40k is
the current requirement postage). Furthermore, this proposal is
to surrender the V750 Industry and private customers expected to realise an annual staff
Certificate of benefit from service saving for DVLA of approx £70,000 in
Entitlement to improvement, greater respect of electronic transactions.
personalised marks in convenience and reduced
relation to these administrative burden.
services. In addition,
enable payment for
these services to be
made on-line via
payment card.
1.7 Personalised Admin For the customer who Industry and private customers Exact numbers not yet identified but This was completed in October 2008.
number plates – General wishes to maintain their benefit from service would be a proportion of some 202,000
purchase of public and entitlement to a improvement, greater extension transactions per year.
multiple extension private personal registration convenience and a reduction
periods in one go. number over the longer in administrative burden. There would be modest time savings for
term, this measure the private customer, and cost savings
provides the choice of to industry, through fewer annual
buying several applications.
extension periods at the
If 10% of transactions affected and 15
same time, reducing the
minutes time saved per application, the
need for the annual
total saving for all customers could be
extension application
some £70,000 per year.
1.8 Personalised Admin Provide the option for Allows the entitled person the Exact numbers not yet identified, but This was completed in October 2008.
number plates - General personalised number choice of a ‘two in one’ would be a proportion of the total
concurrent public and plate customers to transaction to make, add or 43,000 nominee transactions per year.
nominee change private. make concurrent change nominee application at If 10% of transactions affected and 15
and assignment nominee change and the nearest DVLA Local Office minutes time saved per application, the
applications. assignment and assign the mark to that total saving for all customers would be
applications. nominee's vehicle at the same some £14,000 per year.
time and at no extra cost.
Assignment is completed 2 to
3 weeks sooner than via two
separate transactions.

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 1). Benefiting citizens and business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
Industry and private customers
benefit from service
improvement, greater choice
and convenience
Administrative burden cost
saving to industry as fewer
applications needed to effect
1.13 Improved Admin – Identification of key DVLA has identified the top DVLA has reduced the number of calls Completed August 2008
Enquiry Handling General ‘information failings’ that five topics for calls to its to its Contact Centre by about 1m a
by the DVLA public and require customers to Contact Centre. A range of year. On an estimate that about 20% of
Contact Centre private contact DVLA for forms have been re-worked these calls are from the motor trade this
procedural advice or to and simplified. Backlogs on has resulted in an administrative saving
chase progress on these issues have also been of £1.08m for industry and £1.243m for
transactions. drastically reduced. the public
1.14 Customer Admin Rationalisation of Rationalisation in the DVLA The DVLA Local Office network deals Starting in August 2008, CMP is now
Management General customer handling Local Offices (LOs) has with about 2.7m customers a year -split fully functional in five offices
Project (CMP) public and procedures improved queuing times and about 50/50 between trade and the (Glasgow, Preston, Manchester,
private reduced transaction failure public. CMP has reduced queuing Peterborough and Birmingham). It is
rates. A trial of queue times by 7 minutes per transaction. no longer our intention to place CMP
management measures, Projected saving for business is £765k in every office as a matter of course.
customer assessment pa However CMP or aspects of the
techniques, drop-off-collect approach will be introduced in offices
facilities and ‘trade-only’ which are subject to refurbishment or
counters has demonstrated a relocation. In those situations CMP
significant reduction in the time remains the most effective option.
that customers need to spend CMP continues to show improved
in DVLA Local Offices levels of service provision and means
that we can serve our customers
more quickly. DVLA is continuing to
monitor both costs and benefits but
due to the current economic climate it
is unlikely that we will use this model
in every office.

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
2.1 Introduction Admin Removes burden of The move from analogue to Administrative saving estimated at Validated Digital tachographs required to be
data entry on paper by May
of digital Private digital tachographs for all new around £14.4 million in 2009, rising to 2009
fitted to all new vehicles from 1 May
tachographs. tachograph discs and vehicles from 1 May 2006 has £24.76 million in 2010. 2006.
collection, analysis and reduced the costs of making Validatio
storage of data. records of drivers' hours and Amendments to UK regulations to
n Panel
greatly facilitated the (£14.4m) reflect their introduction were made in
collection, analysis and January 2008.
storage of data by HGV
2.4 Automatic Policy Changes to regulations Using AIS as an aid to Some savings in light dues levied on all Completed July 2006
Identification Private enabling full use to be navigation as well as for ship vessels calling at UK (and Irish) ports.
Systems (AIS) for made of Automatic identification. This will improve Saving estimated at £7 million per year
ships. Identification Systems safety and in the longer term compared with estimated costs over the
(AIS) for ships. reduce light dues levied on next 5 years.
industry to pay for existing
navigational safety aids such
as lighthouses.
2.5 Internet Admin Introduction of new HGV Sector will make savings Initial estimate of minimum Operators are now able to carry out
enabled HGV Private electronic services to and Local Authorities administrative savings to the HGV all licensing transactions on line
Operator allow HGV operators to (enforcement agencies) will sector of £120,000 per year. Estimate except those where original paper
Licensing. carry out most licensing also benefit from on line refined by DfT in-house analysts to an documents are required to check
transactions on the access to the database administrative saving of £1.3m per year, eligibility. Operators access the
internet. rising to £1.4m by 2010. system using the transport office
portal launched in Nov 2005 (see
entry 2.6).
2.6 Transport Admin Provide commercial All the information and The savings to the customer lie in the Estimate Online portal launched in November
customers (such as based on
Office website Private services currently held on the ability to access information and MORI
2005 with information and hyper-
HGV and PSV DSA, DVLA, VOSA and VCA services online and at a time that suits linked services. New services will be
operators, vehicle websites have been brought their business needs. added over time as part of our on-
dealerships and vehicle together on a single website at exercise going programme to improve service
hire companies) with a The quantifiable savings will be delivery. In April 2009 the business
single point of access to Over time it will provide all achieved through the delivery of online facing content from the Transport
online information and services under a single services. DfT in-house analysts Office portal was transferred to a new

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
services required for registration and logon. This calculate that online Vehicle Test section within the Business Link
their business. site will make it easier for Bookings element delivering website.
customers to find the administrative savings to commercial
information and services they customers of £2.5m in 2009, rising to
require. £3m per year by 2010.
2.9 On-line Admin The EC Maritime This reduces the burden on We estimate that the new system will Completed in 2008. Users can now
completion of Private. Statistics Directive port authorities and shipping cost business £376k lower than the access the survey on-line. Feedback
maritime (95/64/EC) requires lines by removing need for admin burdens measurement exercise from business has been positive with
statistical survey. returns on port traffic CDs and related support which costed this requirement at £666k. many respondents who were
from ports and shipping problems, as well as reducing previously providing paper returns
lines. costs on data collection side. Further savings will be generated by now use the on-line system because
persuading respondents to move from it is easier.
iSDES is a new web- making paper returns to the on-line
based data submission system.
tool replacing a CD
based data submission
2.12 Code of Policy and Update to the code of This benefits both air travellers We will work with industry to quantify A simplification of the existing code of
Conduct on Admin practice encouraging and airlines through increased costs and benefits where possible. conduct which allows for increased
Computerised Private fair competition consumer choice and consumer choice and competition.
Reservation between air carriers and competition. Partial deregulatory measure. Came
Systems. between computerized into force on 29th March 2009. No UK
reservation systems, in implementation measures needed.
order to protect the
interests of consumers.
2.14 Driver Admin Eliminates requirement Removes the requirement for Estimated admin burden savings to Changes to the international
Instructions in Private to produce instructions companies involved in the industry approx £210,000 pa. legislation on 1 January 2009 mean
Writing. in more than one transport of dangerous goods that they now only require the
language. to produce instructions on safe instructions in writing to be printed in
handling of products being a language that the driver/vehicle
transported in the languages of crew can read and understand.
all the countries through which Previously the legislation insisted that
the shipment travels. it should be produced in all the
languages of the countries of origin,
transit and destination (if different).

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 3). Benefiting business through better targeted enforcement

Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
3.1 Safety Policy Better targeted safety Potential reduction in the There are about 400,000 heavy goods The revised “Guide to Maintaining
inspection for Private inspection requirements number of times some more vehicles in GB. Some 25% of the fleet Roadworthiness” published in
goods vehicle and for goods vehicle and modern vehicles need to be will benefit from this change by having December 2006.
passenger passenger transport given vehicle inspections newer and more compliant vehicles.
transport (HGV (HGV and PSV) (other than annual ‘MoT’ Assuming each vehicle needs two fewer
and PSV) operators. tests), saving time and costs safety inspections a year, and each
operators. for some operators. safety inspection costs £500 in lost
productivity (i.e. 2 hours downtime) this
This measure primarily means Approx £100 million a year
benefits HGV operators. saving to industry.
3.2 Enforcement Admin Improve targeting of Other operators will benefit VOSA undertook spot checks on about Process underway in 2006
action in areas of Private enforcement action in from less inspection and 62,000 vehicles in 2005. Assuming
Vehicle Excise areas of Vehicle Excise enforcement. Police will have 25% of vehicles are from compliant
Duty evasion, Duty evasion, HGV/PSV the most appropriate and up- operators and each check takes about
HGV/PSV operator operator licensing, to-date information on 20 minutes. Initial estimate of up to £1
licensing, HGV/PSV uninsured vehicles, untaxed million total savings for the most
HGV/PSV roadworthiness and vehicles, incorrectly registered compliant hauliers from more targeted
roadworthiness drivers’ hours., vehicles, and in the future enforcement. Savings in time for police
and drivers’ focussing on high risk those with no MOT, for law from improved information.
hours. HGV/PSV operators - enforcement purposes.
3.4 Drivers' Admin Providing records of VOSA are now targeting VOSA’s clear encounter statistics show Completed in 2008. VOSA is using
Hours (1) – Private hours driving, other enforcement and the period for a 43% reduction in enforcement activity. targeted enforcement.
provision of work, breaks and rest drivers to return records to We estimate that this saves business
records. periods to enforcement their employers has been £5.91 million.
officers extended from 21 to 42 days.

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 4). Benefiting business through the rationalisation of regulatory bodies
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
4.1 - Transfer of Policy Removing the Streamlined regulatory Direct cost savings are not a primary The transfer of responsibility took
rail safety Private operational complexity structure with rail industry objective of this change. effect on 1 April 2006.
regulation from arising from the number required to deal with only one
the Health and of bodies involved in rail regulatory body.
Safety Executive safety.
to the Office of
Rail Regulation.

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
5.1 Revision of Admin Reducing the number of The 25 passenger franchises The measure will reduce costs for train Validated Completed. New franchises are now
separate franchises has by 2008
the passenger rail Private and in existence at the time of the operating companies and others in the Extenal
in place across the country. First
franchise map public relieved the burden on rail review will be reduced to supply chain. franchise awarded in December
train operating 19. 2005.
n panel
companies, arising from Detailed work by DfT in-house analysts
the number of This will reduce bidding costs calculated the administrative savings to
franchises for which for train operating companies. the rail industry assessed at a total of
they are asked to bid It will also reduce their £31.6m per year rising to £32.7m in
and the interaction of operating costs and improve 2010 with a saving of £2 million per
companies on each efficiency, as the number of year for the Department from handling
other's performance companies interacting on each fewer franchise bids.
other's performance over
shared sections of track is
5.6 Streamlining Admin Introduction of a single The introduction of a lead Traffic Consultation paper issued Dec 2005
of HGV and Public Private virtual lead Traffic Commissioner has reduced the volume and conclusions announced Dec
Service Vehicle Commissioner giving a of work connected with licence 2006. Single virtual licence
Operator single point of contact for applications for HGV and PSV commenced June 2007. The
Licensing national HGV and PSV operators, particularly the 3,000 Simplified fee structure was delivered
regulations. operators to replace national operators with more than one as part of the Local Transport Act in
requirement for multiple licence. Work to quantify savings November 2008.
licence applications. ongoing. May be modest in total but

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
Simplification of fee substantial for individual large firms.
structure with existing We estimate the administrative savings
complex system replaced by from simplifying the fee structure will be
single fee payable at time of £1.5 million annually from 2010.
annual test reducing number of
transactions and size of fees Stakeholder research showed that the
for smaller operators. time taken for HGV operators to display
discs had been over estimated.
5.7 Improving Admin Elimination of This will reduce administrative Administrative savings of £2m per year Completed June 2006. Now in use
the rail franchise Private. unnecessary burdens for train operating confirmed by DfT in-house analysts. for franchise competitions.
bidding information companies and DfT evaluation
procedure. requirements from rail costs.
franchise Invitations to
Tender and focusing of
the bids on pertinent
5.8 Rail franchise Admin Standardisation of the This will simplify franchising Administrative savings of £2m per year Completed June 2006. Now in use
agreement. Private rail franchise agreement procedures thereby reducing confirmed by DfT in-house analysts. for franchise competitions.
administrative costs for bidders
and DfT.
5.9 Rail Admin Standardise rail industry Rail industry no longer needs DfT in-house analysts have calculated Completed in January 2006
industry financial Private and financial information to produce long form reports. that industry will benefit from £0.5m per
information public templates with common Administrative benefits will year administrative savings in 2006,
templates definitions. accrue for train operating rising to £0.9m per year in 2010. Will
companies and DfT. also achieve a saving of £700,000 per
year for DfT, from the first full year,
5.10 Radioactive Admin Mutual recognition of Reduced burden on An application to a primary Competent Completed March 2006.
Material Transport Private. Certificates for radioactive material transport Authority is estimated at up to £500,000
Packages Radioactive Material industry. A single application using the standard cost model. The
between UK and Transport Packages will result in certification in both repeat application to a second authority
France. between UK and UK and France. is assumed to be about 10%. There are
France. between 5 and 10 UK and France
approvals each year. Total
administrative burdens savings based

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
on standard cost model are around
This initiative has saved industry an
estimated £10 million for one package
alone by ensuring that contractual
obligations are fully met and that
payments are not made under penalty
clauses for missed deadlines. Savings
for 5-10 packages would be about
5.13 Steam Policy Exempt certain steam Exemption removes burden of The measure allows such buses to be Completed. Amendment came into
buses - exhaust Private buses from the exhaust meeting exhaust requirement operated on a commercial basis. force December 2005.
position position requirement, by from a few small businesses. Initially, only one or two small
requirement, changes to the Public Effectively permits use of businesses affected - to the tune of
Service Vehicles vintage steam lorries - re- perhaps £10,000 per year in profits.
(Conditions of Fitness, worked as replica steam buses But the law change may encourage
Equipment, Use and - on a commercial basis (e.g. more businesses to set up.
Certification) in tourist locations and for
Regulations 1981. private hire).
5.16 Exempt Policy Amend Regulation 61 of Exempting pre-1979 Class VI Over a 5 year period from 2005-06 to Completed. Regulations came into
pre-1979 Class VI Private. the Construction & Use public service vehicles from 2009-10, owners of pre-1979 Class VI force in December 2007
public service Regulations to exempt smoke tests brings these vehicles would be expected to save at
vehicles from pre-1979 Class VI vehicles into line with all other least £16,000 from smoke test fees.
smoke tests. public service vehicles pre-1979 vehicles which Such savings would be spread evenly
from smoke tests. benefit from such an over each year (over £3000 per year).
5.18 System of Admin Simplify and widen Easier and quicker Time (administrative) savings to number Completed. We made changes to
selling Private system by enabling administrative process for plate dealers in the 618,679 regulations in October 2008.
personalised entitlement to a number selling registration numbers for transactions taking place per year. This
registration General to be passed directly to cherished number plate figure is for April 05 - March 06 and
numbers public a third party at the point dealers and motorists without reflects the 189,890 retention
of retention as well as compromising existing applications, 293,324 transfer
assignment. legislative safeguards against applications and 135,375 assignment
cherished number fraud. applications. The Impact Assessment
has identified a saving for business in

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
Reduces the admin burden on the order of £0.5m and similar
businesses and enables the savings for the public.
seller of a registration number
to conclude the transaction
more quickly.
5.19 Small Policy and National regulations for Alternative, proportionate For low volume and niche market Completed 29 April 2009
series and Admin small series and means of obtaining approval manufacturers of buses, coaches,
individual whole Private individual whole vehicle for first use in UK. goods vehicles and trailers, it will
vehicle type type approval (WVTA) represent a reduction of around £30m
approval (WVTA) of large passenger and pa in the cost of implementing the EC
of large goods vehicles, Directive, as the national schemes will
passenger and including trailers, as an be significantly cheaper than the cost of
goods vehicles alternative to applying for approval under the EC
harmonised ECWVTA. scheme.

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
5.23 Guide on Policy To produce a guide, in The guide should assist local Will depend on extent of dialogue and Guidance was published on 1st
night delivery Private collaboration with retail authority transport and collaboration between industry and local November 2006. Based on research,
curfews. and logistics industry planning officers when making authorities. we have identified the need to
and local government, decisions as to what, if any, support the sector and LAs in taking
on night delivery delivery restrictions should be advantage of the opportunities. We
curfews. Helps reduce placed on new retail will be launching a project that will
the additional operating developments. seek to demonstrate the positive
costs incurred by outcomes possible from the
industry from not being The guide should also help the introduction of low noise delivery
able to make deliveries retail and logistics industries practices and the relaxation of night
during the late evening, engage with local authorities to delivery curfews while protecting the
night or early morning. arrive at mutually acceptable interests of local residents.
arrangements to relax delivery
restrictions at existing retail
sites. Depending on individual
circumstances this could
enable more deliveries to be
made outside peak hours,
potentially increasing the
efficiency of vehicle use.
5.24 Single Policy Create a single market Will be easier and less costly This is one of 11 Regulations needed to Regulations came into force on 30th
market in Private in measuring for EGA manufacturers to sell transpose the Measuring Instruments October 2006.
measuring instruments for the their equipment in other Directive into UK law. The other 10
instruments for benefit of exhaust gas European markets as they will Regs are the responsibility of BIS. It is
exhaust gas analyzer (EGA) no longer have to obtain not possible to determine the cost
analyzer (EGA) manufacturers across separate type-approvals. savings and other impacts of this
manufacturers Europe. Regulations to measure separately from the other 10
across Europe. transpose EC Directive measures.
on Measuring
Instruments. Removes
a key irritant for
manufacturers of this
5.25 Radioactive Admin Common application Reduced burden on In the order of £50k per safety case Completed. DfT Dangerous Goods
Material Transport Private. format in Europe for radioactive material transport application for each country in which an Division has published guidance.
Package safety Radioactive Material industry. Applications to application is made. Savings will be realised as countries

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
assessment Transport Package competent authorities are large For the UK: 81 cases x £50k = £4.13m start to use the new format, beginning
safety assessment. complex documents. The idea spread over 3 years. Equivalent to in early 2009.
is to establish a standard administrative savings of £1.4m per
format for this document year from 2009.
throughout Europe and to
establish a common language.
5.26 Introduction Policy Public Streamlined system for Proposals will reduce burden Ensures all offenders treated equally Enabling legislation included in Road
of Fixed Penalties dealing with offences. of court proceedings for and, so far as commercial operators are Safety Act 2006. Regulations came in
for roadside Equal treatment for UK offenders, VOSA and courts. concerned, a level playing field for all force April 2009.
traffic/ and overseas offenders. operators allowing fair and effective
roadworthiness competition with increased business
offences and opportunities.
deposit payments
from overseas Fixed penalties will mean savings in
operators. traffic examiner time from not having to
prepare for and attend court hearings.
VOSA estimate savings will be
approximately £1.8 million a year from
Fixed penalties will also save costs of
court proceedings.
5.27 Approval of Admin Introduction of a new, Public sector bodies funding Direct cost savings are not a primary The new rail closure regime was
rail line and Public streamlined procedure rail services will be able to objective of this change. implemented on 1st December 2006.
station closures for approval of rail line initiate closures and
and modifications and station closures modifications, through a
and modifications, process which will be
replacing complex conducted in accordance with
administrative statutory guidance.
procedure to be
followed by those The new arrangements will be
proposing rail closures simpler and less time-
consuming than the existing
ones. The full cost-benefit
assessment should lead to
better decision making and

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
allocation of resources.
5.29 Medical Policy Reduce the frequency Unanimous support was given This proposal represents an annual Completed. The JAA Committee
examinations for Private of medical examinations to the proposal from industry saving to UK industry of approximately adopted the proposal on 19
pilots aged 40-59 and associated and national authorities. There £1 million and corresponding savings September 2006. The JAA published
undertaking multi- investigations for pilots will be significant economic for other JAA Member States Amendment 5 of JAR FCL 3, which
pilot commercial aged 40-59 undertaking benefit for the commercial proportionate to the size of their incorporated the periodicity changes,
air transport multi-pilot commercial aviation sector. commercial aviation sector. on 1 December 2006. IT changes
operations. air transport operations. were prepared in advance of the
Multi-pilot operations in publication date and the UK
themselves provide implemented the changes on 1
effective risk mitigation, December 2006.
as the handover of
control in the event of
an incapacitation of one
pilot in the modern
cockpit environment is a
situation for which pilots
are routinely trained.
The proposal was
agreed and passed
through the Joint
Aviation Authority
Authorities’ consultation
process for Joint
Aviation Requirement
5.31 Regulation Policy The price UK airlines The main advantage to airlines CAA costs of implementing this fare Completed. Following an industry-
of excessive air Private could charge for a fully would be the removal of regulation are estimated at less than wide consultation, which closed in
fares. flexible ticket in uncertainty and restrictions £10,000 per year. Airline costs in terms October 2006, the CAA published a
economy class was over their pricing policy. UK of seeking approval for fare changes Decision on 20 November 2006
potentially capped on airlines operating long-haul are likely to be less than this as the which announced the removal of air
up to 39 long-haul routes would be freed from any process is largely automated. The main fares regulation by the CAA. The
routes from London An constraint on the very few advantage to airlines would be the removal was achieved in two stages.
internal study concluded fares that remain subject to removal of uncertainty and restrictions The first stage removed regulation
that continued CAA regulation, and from over their pricing policy, to which it is from all routes other than UK/US with
regulation appeared to

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
be disproportionate to seeking prior approval for fare difficult to attribute a cost. effect from 1 December 2006. The
the risks arising from changes. second stage, covering UK/US
not regulating. The routes, took effect from 7 August
proposal would remove 2007.
what limited fare
regulation remains in
two stages. The first
stage would remove
regulation from all
routes other than
UK/US. The second
stage would extend this
to UK/US routes, once
restrictions constraining
the UK/US market are
liberalised. UK airlines
would no longer be
required to seek prior
approval for the small
number of fares that are
currently subject to
potential regulation.
5.32 Compliance Policy Reduction in the The requirements for obtaining Direct savings: There are at present Completed. CAA have introduced
requirements for Private and compliance and maintaining an ATOL were 1,290 SBA holders. SBA renewal fees simplified procedures as planned.
Air Travel public requirements for Air disproportionately onerous for are currently £330 lower than standard
Organisers Travel Organisers small, usually start-up, travel ATOL fees, and they are not required to SBAs were introduced in 2004.
Licence (ATOL) Licence (ATOL) holders firms. Since 2004, ATOL pay the 11.26p per passenger charge, Simplified assessments for ATOL
holders below a below a certain size holders authorised for 500 saving up to a further £56 per ATOL holders authorised for up to 5,000
certain size. through creating the passengers a year or less can holder. Total estimated saving is nearly passengers were introduced in
Small Business ATOL hold an SBA. The CAA does £500,000. stages:
(SBA) for licence not carry out the full financial
holders authorised for assessments on these ATOL Without the streamlined processes, the March 2006 for ATOL holders
up to 500 passengers a holders reducing the workload CAA would require approximately 10 authorised for up to 1,500
year and developing for ATOL staff (reflected in additional staff members to process the passengers;
simplified assessment lower fees for SBAs than for increasing number of ATOL renewals,
processes for those costing the CAA (and ultimately ATOL September 2006 for ATOL holders

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
authorised for up to ‘full’ ATOLs) and saving SBA holders) an estimated additional authorised for up to 3,000
5,000 passengers a holders the cost of providing £500,000. passengers;
year. audited accounts.
March 2007 for ATOL holders
To extend this proportionate, authorised for up to 5,000
risk-based approach to other passengers.
ATOL holders, a simplified
financial assessment has been
developed for those authorised
for between 501 and 5,000
passengers. This will further
allow CAA to process the
increasing number of ATOL
licences without increasing its
headcount (which is important
as CAA’s costs are met from
the industry). CAA will also be
looking at ways to pass on the
benefits of the simplified
processes by reducing the
direct burden on ATOL
When fully implemented, 70%
of ATOL holders will benefit
from these simplified

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
5.33 Railways Admin This legislation Streamlining process for This replaces three sets of regulations Regulations were made in April 2006
and Other Guided Private implements the majority Network Rail and Train that were included in the Admin
Transport of the European Operating Companies (TOCs) Burdens Measurement Exercise, ROGS will be amended (19/07/2010)
Systems (Safety Railway Safety Directive required to develop Safety costing the industry £3.1 million a year. to allow for the certification of entities
Regulations) 2006 (RSD) and consolidated Management Systems. in charge of maintenance of freight
(ROGS). existing railway The new regulation has been costed as wagons. The certification will provide
legislation (including £800k, saving the industry £2.3m. railway undertakings with a level of
- removal of full "Safety assurance that vehicles are
Case" provisions for maintained and safe to operate.
railways excluded from
RSD scope).
5.34 Registration Admin and Remove unnecessary Allows motor dealers to be £100,000 per annum admin saving. The regulations came into force on 1
of Number Plate policy burdens on number exempt from checking ID. December 2005.
Suppliers. Private. plate suppliers. To
reduce the number of
Irritant required forms of
identification to show
proof of identity and
entitlement to purchase
a number plate.

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
5.35 Bulk Admin and Car dealers using the Car dealers using this scheme We estimate that the average time This facility has been available since
processing of policy Automated First will spend less time dealing spent by business in arranging, August 2007.
road tax disc Private. Registration and with the bulk issue and return preparing for, travelling and attending
returns. Licensing (AFRL) of tax disks. appointments is two hours.
system have to visit
their local licensing There are 5,300 dealers Reducing the frequency of visits by 50%
office every month to affected who will now have to equates to an annual time saving of
pick up and return tax make 6 visits per year rather approximately 64,000 man hours or £1
discs. We propose to than 12. million in admin savings.
allow them to do this
We estimate that businesses will also
every two months.
save around £500K in travelling costs.
5.36 Air Displays Policy Amendment to Article The amendment will enable Direct cost savings are not a primary The amendment to the Air Navigation
- balloons. Private. 80 of the Air Navigation flying display events consisting objective of this change. Order 2005 came into force on 15
Order 2005 to solely of balloons to continue March 2007.
regularise the to be conducted without the
arrangements for flying need for prior permission from
events consisting solely the CAA and without the need
of balloons. for an exemption.
5.38 Drivers' Admin and Providing notice to the This is not a recurrent We estimate that this will save business Validated Complete. Guidance was issued in
mobile worker of the by 2009
Hours (3) – notice policy requirement; it is a one off that nearly 25 hours in time which works out External
October 2008.
to mobile Private intention to apply the 17 becomes part of a contract of at £15.4 million. The savings came Validatio
workers. week reference period employment. Guidance has from data provided for an IPSOS n panel
where the average time been written to reflect this survey, which formed part of the review:
worked should not position. The Admin Burden results were validated by business.
exceed 48 hours per Measurement Exercise
week. measured the cost to business
as £17.5 million.

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
5.39 Drivers' Admin and Notifying each worker of This is not a recurrent We estimate that this saves business Complete. Guidance was issued in
Hours (4) policy the provisions of the requirement; it is a one off that £0.8 million. October 2008.
notifying workers. Private. Road Transport becomes part of a contract of
(Working Time) employment. Guidance will be
Regulations 2005 re-written to reflect this
together with the position. The Admin Burden
provisions of any Measurement Exercise gave
collective or workforce the cost to business as £1.8
agreement applicable to million.
a worker.
5.43 Regulations Admin and Regulations governing Benefits companies engaged Estimates of the administrative savings Validated This is now complete.
governing the policy the transport of in the transport of dangerous to business by reducing the retention independ
Carriage of Private Dangerous goods are goods and radioactive period to 3 months are £3 million per We completed the consolidation of
ent regulations in June 2007.
Dangerous updated every two materials. annum. consulta
Goods. Irritant years in line with nts
International Consolidating the regulations This is the first stage in a simplification Ecotec in
Agreements. We will be has made it easier for industry exercise and we expect to make further Novemb
looking to increase the to comply with the International reductions in future years. er 2008
period between updates Agreements relating to the (£3m).
to reduce the policy and carriage of dangerous goods
administrative costs on and radioactive materials.
business. Bringing the transport of
As a first step in radioactive material into line
addressing the with dangerous goods also
regulation of this sector, means that the retention of
the Carriage of information by companies
Dangerous Goods and relating to the transport of
Use of Transportable these goods is now a standard
Pressure Equipment three months, in the past this
Regulations 2007, information had to be held for
(CDG) consolidated four two years in the case of
pieces of regulation radioactive material.
relating to the transport
of dangerous goods and
radioactive material.
This means that there is

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
one set of regulations to
cover this area.
5.44 Certificates Admin System of one standard Remove the need to have a The agreement with France has Completed in February 2008.
of approval for Private. certificate of approval different approval for each resulted in admin savings to business of
radioactive that we have in place country that the package has £400k.
packages. with France. to pass.
Aside from admin savings, measure has
Transporters of Radioactive follow-on benefits for businesses, in that
material will benefit. the time saved by the reduced admin
requirement means they are better able
to meet contract deadlines and avoid
triggering penalty clauses. One firm
has estimated that they have saved £10
million from one package alone in this
way, since the agreement came into
There were 21 British packages
requiring French approval in 2004. UK
industry could save at least £21m per
year due to reduced delays.
5.46 Radioactive Admin and Extension of the validity Reduced burden for £64k per annum (based on roughly 40 Following a review by the Department
Materials policy for design approval companies involved in the certificates that would benefit from this in September 2007 and with the
Packaging. Private certificates from 3 to 5 transport of radioactive change x £16k saving of 2 man months agreement of industry, the period of
years materials as certificates will not to industry). Savings will not be realised validity for design approval
. need to be renewed as until the end of the old three year certificates was extended from 3 to 5
regularly. validity period in 2010. years. Savings will be realised from
2010 onwards.

5.48 Removing Policy Restricts commercial More travellers to and from the Estimated savings of £100m pa Completed June 2008. Ongoing
bilateral private opportunities for UK UK. programme aiming to liberalise
restrictions on airlines and airports, markets with some 10-15 countries
international air limits direct connections Airlines able to make operating per year (at both national and EU
travel to and from for travellers. decisions on commercial levels).
the UK. grounds

5.50 Deregulation Policy Single seat microlight This limited deregulation eases The cost of proving that a new design Completed. The amendment to the

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
of UK Private aircraft below 115kg the regulatory burden on meets UK requirements has been Air Navigation Order amendment
airworthiness empty weight no longer individuals and small estimated by the British Microlight came into force on the 31st January
requirements for have to meet businesses. Aircraft Association at between £50,000 2008.
single seat airworthiness and £100,000 depending on the
microlight aircraft requirements for design; airworthiness route taken and type of
below 115kg nor are prohibited from aircraft. However, no new single seat
empty weight. flying without a Permit microlight aircraft designs have been
to Fly introduced since 1994 and most new
aircraft are US or European built.
5.51 Review the Policy The Department An airport designated by the The Secretary of State removed the Completed. We issued decision
status of Private considered whether the Secretary of State for Transport designated status of Manchester airport letters in January 2008.
Manchester and airports met the criteria under Section 40 of the Airports and we estimate that this will provide
for designation and de- Act is subject to price controls.
Stansted airports annual benefits to business of around
designation of airports. This means that along with a
under Section 40 requirement to publish certain £1 million.
of the Airports Act information in its statutory
1986. Stansted will remain a designated
accounts, each airport is subject to
a price cap set, for five year
airport because each of the criteria for
periods by CAA following a designation is met. This decision was
reference to the Competition made taking into account the principles
Commission. The CC report on for better regulation set out by the
any public interest findings and Better Regulation Executive and is in
suggest provisions for CAA to take the best interests of passengers
forward and implement

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
5.53 Reform of Admin and The ATOL scheme To simplify the system of The new scheme will save travel Validated Completed. Regulations came into
the Air Travel policy provides financial ATOL bonding in line with operators £12.5 million per year in independ
force in April 2008. Approximately
Organisers Private protection to people better regulation principles. administrative costs and nearly £18 ent 1,600 Licence Holders entered the
Licensing (ATOL) taking overseas million in policy costs. consulta APC Scheme. The remaining 800
Bonding scheme. Irritant. package holidays that Reducing the regulatory costs entered the Scheme on 1 October
include a flight. to Travel Companies that Small to medium travel operators will Ecotec in 2008.
currently require an ATOL benefit more than the bigger tour Novemb
The system involved the bond. operators. er 2008.
use of bonds bought by (£12.5m)
travel operators backed Replenish the Air Travel Trust
up by the Air Travel Fund.
Trust Fund. There are currently 2500
Moving to levy system businesses that benefit from
that requires a small the new scheme.
payment per passenger
reduces costs to
business and helps
replenish the Air Travel
Trust Fund. It should
also promote consumer
awareness of when a
holiday is protected

Table 1 (Section 6). Benefiting the third sector through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
6.1 Reviewing Third sector Identify and remove Allow expansion of community Not applicable. Objective is to create Community transport provisions
legislation on barriers to the further transport (voluntary) sector. opportunities for community transport included in the Local Transport Act
voluntary sector expansion of the Benefits to that sector and its operations by removing barriers rather 2008. Supporting regulations came
transport community transport client groups and to local than delivering cost savings. into force on 6 April 2009.
sector, by reviewing authorities.
legislation on voluntary
sector transport.

Table 1 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Delivered Measures

Table 1 (Section 7). Benefiting Local Authorities through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
7.1 Amendments Admin Public Removal of Benefits for Local Authorities Reduces administrative burdens on bus School bus service registration -
to Transport Act unnecessary burdens and bus industry. operators from not having to register taken forward as part of the
1985 to simplify and duplicate controls certain local school bus services - Education and Inspection Act (was
legislation governing the use of estimated at around £200,000 a year. DfES, now DCSF). This is now
concerning the buses This figure assumes 3% of the 3837 delivered - the relevant provisions in
operation of bus registrations (at about £763) and the Act came into force on 1
buses. 2757 cancellations (at about £355) are September 2007.
affected school bus services. In
addition it assumes that 6% of the 7682
variations (at about £83) and informing
local authorities (at about £85) involve a
school bus services. There will also be
some (unquantified) savings to Local
7.2 Taxi licensing Admin Public Simplification of Local Authorities able to Likely to be few cases each year. This has been delivered as part of a
zones. approval mechanisms establish single taxi licensing Reduced administrative burden and Legislative Reform Order on Local
for amalgamation of zone over local authority area small cost savings from 2006/07 for Authority Consent Requirements by
taxi licensing zones. without requiring central Local Authorities (estimated £1200 pa) the Department for Communities and
government involvement and and DfT (£1200 pa). This figure is Local Government. The order came
approval. based on the average of 2 cases per into force on 30 October 2008.
year. It assumes that four days work
within the licensing authority will no
longer be required and four days within
the DfT will no longer be required; each
day assessed at £300.

Table 2 Simplification Plan Update 2009: New Proposals

Table 2 – New Proposals

Table 2 (Section 1). Benefiting citizens and business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
1.15 Railways Admin This legislation provides Interoperability is principally a Process expected to be cost neutral in Due in force 19/07/2010
(Interoperability) Private for a harmonised market opening measure that the short term. DfT study "NoBo
Regulations 2006 authorisation process is not expected to yield Review" reveals increased costs for
(RIR). for railway subsystems, economy savings in the short some, but reduced costs for dutyholders
and the application of term. It is intended that the with processes bedded in. New
harmonised Technical application of the new revision includes new process for Type
Specifications for Regulations will include Authorisation, which if used could save
Interoperability (TSIs). Implementation Plans. The £60k - £100k in approval costs for
Revised Directive Implementation Plan for each repeat orders of vehicles authorised
(2008) on TSI will be supported by under the new process.
interoperability to be criteria that govern whether
implemented by July application of TSIs is relevant
2010. to projects involving upgrades
to the existing rail system. The
development of the
implementation plans is
expected to follow a process of
evaluating the costs and
benefits of applying
interoperability specifications
to the UK network.

Table 2 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
2.16 Admin A joint CAA / Industry The review team will The completion of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Phase 1: Complete. The “Touch It Once”
Simplification of review to generate a investigate a new policy, produced estimated savings in CAA web facility has enabled aircraft owners,
Private operators and maintenance organisations
the regulatory web-based process and process and web-enabled tool manhours equivalent to approximately

Table 2 Simplification Plan Update 2009: New Proposals

Table 2 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
regime for aircraft tool for data exchange to permit organisations and £110,000 otherwise attributable to CAA an automated means of acquiring CAA-
owners and that will enhance individuals regulated by the charge payers together with an held data to reduce the burden and
operators and transparency reduce CAA’s Safety Regulation equivalent level of direct savings in increase the speed with which CofAs (and
latterly Airworthiness Review Certificates
those who turnaround times and Group (SRG) to complete on manhours and administrative costs to
(ARC)) can be delivered to aircraft
maintain their create an on-demand line those transactions related aircraft owners, operators and owners. Introduced in February 2008, this
aircraft service for the aviation to the affirmation and maintenance organisations in the same facility has saved over 4,000 man hours of
community without certification of the period. Phase 3 operates identically CAA effort and, CAA estimates, at least an
reducing safety or airworthiness of aircraft on the from a user’s perspective, but equivalent level of saving for aircraft
increasing costs. UK Register required by UK introduces wider automation for CAA owners, operators and maintenance
and European statutory and reduces processing time. Phase 3 organisations. The system is now an
requirements to hold and therefore delivers no further direct integral part of the UK continued
airworthiness control process.
maintain valid a Certificate of savings for users.
Airworthiness (CofA) Phase 2: Complete. “ARC Online
recognised by the European (Alpha)” augments the Phase 1 work by
Aviation Safety Agency. A automating the process to produce an
CofA attests the ongoing safe- ARC. Under EU Law, the validity of a
for-use status of an aircraft. It CofA is now dependent upon having a
is an internationally valid ARC, but airlines and a new class of
recognised, required and approved organization can issue ARCs
themselves. The CAA ARC Online facility
regulated document.
provides support for this, and was
delivered in December 2008 following
trials with representative organizations.
Over 800 ARC processes have been
conducted in the first three months
of operation, saving CAA time and
providing the industry with an around-the-
clock facility. Feedback from users of the
system has been very positive.

Phase 3: “ARC Online (Beta)” is a further

enhancement to the earlier version and
will automate ARC production for a wider
range of users and issuing circumstances.
Additional interoperability with other CAA
systems will further reduce process time
and an almost immediate update to the
public access of the Aircraft Register, G-
INFO. Timescales are not finalised but it
is expected that full functionality will be

Table 2 Simplification Plan Update 2009: New Proposals

Table 2 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
achieved during second quarter of
2.17 Simplification Admin An assessment of the The review concluded that it Based on current level of 8,000 Completed.
of regulatory Private process of radio was justifiable on a transactions per year, this change
processes and licensing attestations cost/benefit basis to amend generates an estimated annual saving April 2008: Expert attestation and
increased required of aircraft the process to remove the step in CAA time of the order of £80,000 and verification during continuing
devolvement to owners and operators to whereby a CAA specialist generates approximately £500,000 airworthiness certification ceased.
aircraft owners, consider whether the verified the mandatory (£100 per transaction assuming 60%
operators and benefit of CAA attestations of aircraft owners, have had no changes to their radios) in November 2008: CAA expert
maintenance specialists reviewing operators and maintenance savings for aircraft owners and verification during initial airworthiness
organisations such attestations organisations regarding aircraft operators each year. certification ceased (CA3 Form
matches the associated equipment status for radio revised – relates to Application for the
cost and, as informed licensing purposes. In issue of an EASA or UK (National)
by the review, to amend addition, the review Certificate of Airworthiness/Permit to
the process if determined that an attestation Fly).
appropriate. by industry experts could be
dispensed with where no
changes in radio equipment
status had been made since
the previous declaration.
This has reduced the
expenditure of CAA and
industry expert time by
reducing the number and
nature of declarations to CAA
made by aircraft owners and
operators in association with
initial and continuing
airworthiness certification
2.18 Changes to Admin The ANO needs to be The approvals allow the Estimated savings to industry of £350k This amendment is contained within
Air Navigation Private amended so that CAA relevant organisations the pa. the consolidated version of the Air
Order articles 10 may recognise the privilege to categorise changes Navigation Order which will come into
and 11 - minor ability of an organisation and repairs as major/minor in force on 1 January 2010.
repairs to issue a certificate or accordance with defined
approval under the new criteria and to approve minor
British Civil Aviation changes and repairs, without

Table 2 Simplification Plan Update 2009: New Proposals

Table 2 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
Requirements (BCAR) the costs and charges
A8-21. Government associated with CAA
intervention is involvement. These benefits
necessary, because the are already available to
freedom to determine a organisations approved under
modification or repair as EASA Part 21.
minor as opposed to
major, and to realise the
resulting financial
savings, is already
available to companies
approved by the
European Aviation
Safety Agency (EASA)
and this benefit should
be extended to those
companies remaining
under the auspices of
2.20 Economic Policy Reforming the Impact Assessment currently in
regulation of UK Private framework for the production stage.
airports economic regulation
of UK airports

Table 2 (Section 7). Benefiting Local Authorities through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
7.7 Local Major Admin Refresh of guidance Benefits local authorities by Not yet quantified Expect to publish revised Major
Schemes Public providing clearer and up-to-up- Scheme Guidance by end of 2009
Guidance date guidance which may help
reduce admin burdens on

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 1). Benefiting citizens and business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
1.9 Abolish paper Admin and Change legislation to Motorists have fewer Potential time savings for police during The power to abolish the counterpart
counterpart to policy abolish paper documents to keep. Police the several thousand roadside checks was included in the Road Safety Act
driver licence Private and counterpart to driver have easier access to carried out per year. 2006. The legislation will provide for
public licence information currently stored on the DVLA Drivers database to
paper counterpart, such as Police currently make 8 million inquiries perform the functions of the
Irritant. endorsements, during roadside of DVLA data per year. counterpart i.e. recording driving
checks. Accuracy of Savings for motorists in not having to endorsements.
endorsement information make extra trips to provide paper
improved, as only stored on Before the counterpart can be
counterpart when checks are required. abolished stakeholders would require
driver record.
alternative access to the driver’s
record. It would not be possible to
abolish the counterpart with current
enquiry channels (i.e. a telephone
service and the Government
Gateway). Economic factors have
delayed the implementation of other
enablers. As a result, the realisation
of this scheme is taking longer than
expected. In the meantime, the
Agency is continuing to engage with
stakeholders to deliver access, and
DfT Ministers have been informed of
1.10 Electronic Admin. Insurance companies Insurance companies will be Stakeholder feedback suggested that Aiming to make legislation in 2010.
Insurance Private able to issue electronic able to issue electronic copies our initial estimates were too high so we
Certificates. copies of certificates of Insurance Certificates, have revised these down to £12m from
benefiting both insurance initial estimates from the Insurance
companies and their Industry. We will continue working with
customers. them to assess the savings.
1.11 Amending Admin. Allowing the authorising Enables the on-road Savings are not likely to be large; We are aiming to implement this
the fees Private body for on-road events authorising body to set fees changes to the fees structures should measure in early 2010.
provisions in the to determine its own that are in line with the cost of benefit the business that becomes
on-road motor fees (as opposed to the processing applications authorised body for on-road events,
events fee levels being set in (already the case for off-road which is currently making a loss

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

regulations. the regulations, which is events). because fees no longer cover costs.
currently the case). Will also allow annual fee changes to
avoid this happening again in future,
without needing further Regulations.
1.12 Policy Change the regulations 1. To allow driving licences to These improvements will benefit the Implementation planned for 6 April
Improvements to Private through a Legislative be granted for periods up to 10 public and the Agency, costs and 2011
health and driver Reform Order years duration (currently 1, 2, benefits will be quantified where
licensing or 3) to those with appropriate possible. An Impact Assessment is
arrangements medical conditions. currently being developed.
2. To change the terminology
in Section 94 6 (b) of the Road
Traffic Act 1988 from
"registered medical
practitioners" to include
"accredited registered health
care professionals" so that
medical staff other than
doctors can advise DVLA on
patients who are under their
3. To extend the period after
which a notification of a
medical condition has to be
made from 3 months to 6 or 12
months for Group 1 (ordinary)
licence holders. There is
evidence that this period may
be too short and that extending
it to 6 or 12 months would
reduce costs and
inconvenience to drivers
because fewer would need to
go through the notification and
assessment process, with
fewer licences being
withdrawn and then re-issued.

Table 3 – Items still in pro

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepen Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) dent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validatio delivery
will be delivered n

2.2 .DVLA Admin. Provide online access Car rental companies can Benefits to car rental industry assessed DVLA has developed the online
online access for Private for car rental companies check driver licence details by DfT in-house analysts as £0.6m per Driving Licence Checking (DLC)
car rental to check customers’ more quickly using an online year in administrative savings in 2006, service, and conducted a pilot during
companies driver licence link, compared to the current rising to £1.8m per year in 2009. 2008/09.
entitlement dedicated phone line. However, the initiative was suspended
in July 2009. However, to safeguard sensitive
personal details additional data
security measures are required to
support the use of smartcard
authentication technology. DVLA has
also had to prioritise expenditure, and
postpone some developments,
including the authentication solution
for DLC.

The DLC pilot was closed in July

2009. The Agency is now urgently
considering if and how the required
security enhancements can be
2.3 Integrated Policy Promoting at the Facilitating through IMO the Substantial savings potential in longer Formulation of framework over 5
'e-navigation' Private international level a transition to a fully electronic term from phasing out some physical years with good initial progress with
framework for streamlined, integrated global navigation system for aids to navigation reduced training the IMO, led by UK.
navigational aids 'e-navigation' framework shipping fleets and coastal costs and improved flow capacity in
for navigational aids states, to make best use of congested seaways. Possible
new technologies; will opportunity to release some valuable
accelerate reduced reliance on radio spectrum.
expensive traditional aids to
marine navigation such as
buoys, beacons and lights
around British Isles coasts and

2.7 Electronic Other. DfT to serve security Regulated transport operators The main saving to industry will be the Considerable further delays have
directions or instructions

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepen Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) dent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validatio delivery
will be delivered n
security Private. by electronic means will be able to access ability to access information on-line; been experienced due to ever
directions/instruct rather than hard copy directions, instructions and there will also be minor savings in increasing demands from
ions documents. other security-classified postage through being able to upload Government generally and DfT
documents via a secure web- documents to the system. TRANSEC Centre has tightened up the rules
page. Thus it will facilitate issues thousands of pieces of concerning information security. As a
faster, more efficient and communication to industry per year result the system has had to be re-
effective communications with which will now be accessible via a designed as a stand-alone system to
stakeholders will save secure web site rather than issuing of a avoid the risk of it providing a means
resources. Operators will also hard copy via post. Sharing classified to corrupt DfT-wide IT systems. The
be able to provide security- documentation on-line rather than via go-live date has therefore slipped to
classified documents to DfT hard copy will have some administrative June 2010
electronically this saving paper and cost savings for industry, however,
and postage costs. until the two methods can be compared,
it is not possible to measure these
2.8 Open Cover Admin. Notifying vehicle This is now normally done by The Administrative Burden Baseline We will liaise with the fleet and motor
Insurance Private. insurers of any changes electronic means which should measure of the cost to business was insurance industry on the feasibility of
Contracts. in information relating to reduce the time taken to notify £14.71 million. We are looking at the improving the process in 2010
open cover contracts any changes. quantification of this measure in more
(where the vehicles detail
covered are not
specifically identified in
the contract).
2.10 Admin. Objective is to provide The Programme will deliver Estimates of savings will emerge as the The first major e-business enabled
Implementation of Private. all of the CAA’s services significant benefits to all scope and plan of the Programme is solution will support the CPG ATOL
CAA e-Business electronically, typically sectors of the aviation developed. process. The project to deliver this
Programme to via the CAA web site. community. The scope of the system is nearing completion of
deliver significant Programme requires the phase 1 (Design) and the first
changes to the integration of systems and implementation is expected February
way in which the processes including on-line 2010. In conjunction with the CPS
CAA interfaces forms, e-commerce, document project, the external facing interface,
with the aviation management, improvements in to provide customer authentication,
industry and other the provision of information via account management and the portal
stakeholders. the CAA web site, publications will be developed and implemented.
and management of legacy This will provide a primary set of
information. e-business will reusable components and a
range from simple information significant step forward with the

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepen Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) dent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validatio delivery
will be delivered n
capture via on-line forms to provision of e-business capability. A
fully integrated system to second e-business project, for ERG
system arrangements between Aviation Statistics, is scheduled for
the CAA and the aviation completion summer 2010.
community that it regulates.
2.11 SES Policy A common European This will give Member States Quick wins being mapped and agreed, First reading deal achieved,
Package II (air Private framework which will more freedom in the from which a 'ball park' saving to regulation will appear in autumn
traffic shift the ATM system application of the requirements industry can be determined. Official Journal. The SESAR ATM
management). towards a performance- whilst responding to an Master Plan has been endorsed by
based model and raise overarching EU-level target the Member States and industry
the profile of economic, base. Cost is balanced by signatures complete. The
efficiency and expected cost and flight Development Phase has begun the
environmental targets. efficiency gains for industry process of implementing the SESAR
ATM Master Plan. Although 'quick
wins' will begin to appear over the
next 18 months to 2 years, the main
deployment phase will begin in 2014.
2.13 EU Safety Policy and The agreement allows the The agreement will result in better EU-Canada - agreement endorsed at
Agreements. Admin. reciprocal acceptance of harmonised safety systems on both the Transport Council 31/03/09 - has
Private approvals and findings of sides of the Atlantic, as well as less been signed and should be ratified in
compliance issued by the cumbersome technical and the next few months. Agreement will
aviation authorities and administrative procedures for the result in better harmonised safety
ensures the continuation of recognition of certificates. This will systems as well as less cumbersome
high-level regulatory reduce costs and pave the way for a technical and administrative
cooperation. Its scope covers level-playing field for European and US procedures - reducing costs for
the airworthiness approvals manufacturers. We will work with industry. It could bring economic
and monitoring of civil industry to quantify costs and benefits benefits of at least £66 million and
aeronautical products; where possible. more than 1,000 extra jobs in the first
environmental testing and year. Implementation considerations
approvals; and the approvals being looked into.
and monitoring of maintenance
facilities. EU-US - Agreement has been signed
but not ratified. The agreement will
result in better harmonised safety
systems on both sides of the Atlantic,
as well as less cumbersome technical

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 2). Benefiting business through streamlining data requirements and the introduction or greater use of electronic communications and technology
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepen Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) dent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validatio delivery
will be delivered n
and administrative procedures for the
recognition of certificates. This will
reduce costs and pave the way for a
level-playing field for European and
US manufacturers.
2.15 HGV and Policy. Introducing electronic HGV and PSV Operators will We are working to estimate the savings To be agreed.
PSV Headlamp Private measurement, achieve savings through the to business.
aim test.. simplifying the test and reduction in vehicle down time.
widening the tolerances
when testing headlight

Table 3 (Section 3). Benefiting business through better targeted enforcement

Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
3.3 Better Policy More effective use of limited Measure will be cost neutral overall, but New targeting regime agreed within
targeted Port Private PSC inspection resources represents extension of risk-based EU to be introduced by 2012.
State Control through better targeting of enforcement in line with Hampton
(PSC) inspections highest risk ships. Quality end principles.
of vessels visiting of industry likely to benefit.
UK ports. Compliant operators may benefit from
reduced costs due to less frequent
inspections, though this will be
balanced by more frequent inspections
of less compliant operators.
More effective use of £1 million
enforcement cost incurred by Maritime
and Coastguard Agency through more
precise targeting of ships that are most
likely to be substandard.

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
5.2 Car Policy Exempt HSE-compliant Exemption removes the need With a saving of approx £2,250 per European Commission reviewed
transporter safety Private car transporter safety for the road haulage industry vehicle and perhaps 3,000 affected relevant directive in Q3 2008. UK
railings railings from the to find a more complex and vehicles in the car transporter fleet, the pressed for an increase in the
exemption. Irritant permitted maximum hence costly solution than cost savings to the road haulage maximum permitted width but
width requirement, by would otherwise be the case in industry are estimated to be £7 million proposals for revised European
amending The Road order to satisfy both HSE and as a one-off fleet replacement cost, at legislation have been deferred until
Vehicles (Construction Construction and Use current prices, when the HSE late 2010 at the earliest. In meantime,
and Use) Regulations requirements requirement takes effect. UK proposes to amend domestic law
1986 (subject to and has notified national legislation to
agreement with Commission. Notification period
Europe). expired September 2009 allowing UK
to implement national measures by
Autumn 2010.
5.3 London Policy. Amendments to London Vehicle leasing companies to Industry initially estimated total benefits Road user charging regulation
Road User Private Road User Charging be able to transfer liability for for business at £6 million per year in changes have been agreed with
Charging Regulations to ensure London congestion charges to administrative savings. More detailed Transport for London. We aim to
Regulations re fair approach on liability offending customers. Where work by DfT in-house analysts has have legislation in place in 2010.
hired/leased for charges incurred for the hire or lease period is calculated administrative savings at
vehicles. hired/leased vehicles. greater than six months, at £9.5m per year from 2010. Will be
present vehicle leasing viewed as policy cost saving, as admin
companies have to act as the burden arises from local authority
go between, transferring regime rather than DfT's.
penalty charge notices to
customers for London
congestion charge on an
individual basis.
Vehicle rental sector benefits.
5.4 Self- Policy Changes to legislation Operators able to self certify Possible benefit of £250 from Proposals need change to primary
certification Private to allow self-certification the rectification of minor productivity gains (saved time), plus legislation, possibly through LRO
following minor of rectifying actions prescribed failure items such saved fees of approx average £75, per procedure. Implementation unlikely
test failures for following minor test as missing side reflectors, vehicle affected. Possible overall in 2009.
HGV/PSV failures for HGV/PSV saving operators time and savings for industry of between
operators. operators. costs involved in retesting. £350,000 and £4 million (this will be

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
determined following further work on
5.11 Amendment Admin. The changes will assist Up to 100 harbour authorities Saving £100,000 per year, based on Draft Marine Navigation Bill
of the Pilotage Act Private. harbour authorities to will be able to reduce costs estimated sum of £10,000 per harbour containing the measure published
1987 & port discharge their safety through improved operational authority. for consultation in 2008
legislation. obligations more efficiency.
5.12 Simplifying Policy Four existing Codes of This will remove the Abolishing the requirement for duplicate We aim to implement in 2010/11.
and consolidating Private Practice will be reduced requirement for vessels to certificates for dual coded vessels
the safety and to one through have multiple surveys and should save industry around £65,000
operational consolidation. certificates. per year (1300 dual coded vessels x
regulation of £50 duplicate certificate cost).
vessels in
commercial use
for sport or
5.14 Amendment Policy and Removal of need for C250 harbour authorities will Savings: £7000 per year including an Now included in Department's
of Harbour bye Admin. Harbour Authorities to be able to change their administrative element. Based on an prioritisation exercise. Legislative
law confirmation Private seek Secretary of State byelaws more speedily as and estimated saving of £1000 per authority vehicle still to be decided.
procedure. approval for Harbour when required. with 7 authorities in any year needing to
Irritant byelaws, leading to update their byelaws.
increase in speed of
byelaw changes
5.15 Vehicle Admin. Subject to findings of Continuous instead of Full savings will be assessed upon Stage 1 (5 year VSOs) implemented
Special Orders Private internal study, simplify temporary orders for certain completion of VSO simplification plan; during Jan 2006 delivered over half of
(VSO); special administrative special vehicles and but stages I and III of the four stage overall potential benefits. Further
operational procedures and remove elimination of orders for other plan are expected to remove the need progress deferred to allow
needs. the need for certain certain special vehicles once for 100 orders per year (30% of VSO consideration of internal review. Work
Vehicle Special Orders added to The Road Vehicles throughput), saving an estimated underway on Stages 2-4 with
(VSO); permits for (Authorisation of Special administrative burden of around £4,000 stakeholder consultation starting
special vehicles that Types) (General) Order 2003. per year in total. If stages II and IV Autumn 2009 and implementation by
due to special proceed, this may bring further savings. February 2010.
operational needs, Benefiting from the reduced
cannot comply with regulatory requirement will be
mainstream vehicle various small businesses and
construction standards. charities operating special

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
5.17 Extending Admin. Abolition of significant Exemption will save the one off This initiative was put on hold,
scope of Private legislative burden from application fee per operator of £215, the because of new European regulatory
exemptions from operators of specialised five yearly fee per operator of £336 and proposals in relation to the “Access to
Goods Vehicle vehicles where the normal administrative burdens associated with the Profession regulation”. We will
Operator risks associated with road licence process. Significant burden for implement these changes alongside
licensing. haulage operations are greatly individual operators. Information on the those arising from the new European
reduced. total number of operators and vehicles proposal. The timing is now
affected is not yet available but likely to dependent on progress in the
be small. European Parliament (estimated
5.20 Standby Policy. Simplification of the Harmonisation of the way in Measure will allow all operators to The Department is considering
duty for aircrew Private. Civil Aviation (Working which time spent on standby reduce costs through simplification of possible changes to the Regulations
under UK aviation Time) Regulations 2004 duty is apportioned against an data recording systems and aircrew with a view to a further consultation
legislation. governing the treatment individual's annual working roster arrangements, especially where exercise.
of standby duty for time limit. This will avoid the aircrew spend significant time on
aircrew under UK need to maintain two separate standby (e.g. search and rescue
aviation legislation. records of time spent on operations). The MCA Search and
standby duty. Rescue service will reduce costs by
around £1.2 million per year, rising to
£5 million per year from 2012 under the
new SAR-H contract.
5.21 Policy and The strategic and Strategic Review The removal of the restriction Review reports published July 2006, most
Simplification of Admin. regulatory reviews of preventing most aircraft operated on a recommendations closed. Work on
the regulatory Private General Aviation (GA) There is a need for more permit to fly from overflying congested remaining more complex
regime for the have now been effective dialogue between GA areas has resulted in a saving to pilots recommendations is continuing. GA
Irritant. concluded and the and CAA and Government and as they can route more directly when Strategic Forum continues to meet and
General Aviation deal with high level issues under industry
Sector (individual respective reports were steps are to be taken to set up flying outside controlled airspace, thus
a quarterly GA Strategy chairmanship. GA Issues Log has proved
and leisure flying published in July 2006. saving fuel. Savings to aircraft to be effective in identifying and tracking
etc.) through a The reports made a Forum. This will enable all operators from this change could be up issues of concern to the GA industry.
wide-ranging number of wide-ranging parties to work better together to £150k per year.
recommendations, to influence legislative Regulatory Review Recommendation 16,
review of the The GA issues log, implemented in which related to an industry desire for
sector's including some that fall changes emanating from 2006, and the improved clarity between
Europe. The Forum’s first further devolution and/or delegation in
contribution to under the ‘simplification’ the responsibilities of the General areas such as issue and renewal of Permit
the economy and heading. meeting was held on 20 Aviation Strategic Forum (GASF) and to Fly or Certificate of Airworthiness

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
its cost base. October 2006. the General Aviation Consultative (CofA) has been completed following a
Committee (GACC) has ensured a revision of the British Civil Aviation
Regulatory Review more focused and cleaner process on Requirements (BCARs). The review
considered whether it was possible to
During the review, the Review matters at both levels, reducing the time
amend the BCARs to adopt, for example,
Group identified a need for a and costs for all involved, although cost a system non-expiring CofAs for Annex II
process that would capture savings are difficult to quantify. CofA aircraft and new maintenance
issues and ideas for improving approval requirements to support these
regulatory policies and and for the corresponding support of
processes. An Issues Log has aircraft with a non-expiring Permit to Fly.
been created that will enable It is anticipated that an amended version
of the BCARs will be available for external
current and future industry consultation by April 2010. Following the
concerns and ideas to be introduction of the amended BCARs, it is
taken forward via the General likely to take three years for the
Aviation Consultative amendments relating to the non-expiring
Committee (GACC). CofA to be fully implemented although
changes to organisational approvals can
The Review Group also be addressed in shorter timescales.
recommended that GA
considers further devolution
and/or delegation, in
conjunction with the CAA, in
respect of the issue or renewal
of Permits to Fly and
Certificates of Airworthiness
and the re-issue of Certificates
of Validity for non-EASA
5.22 Water Policy. Amendment to the A consistent legislative basis Changes will reduce risk of prosecution Public consultation on the Pollution at
Resources Act Private Water Resources Act for harbour authorities and for salvage operators acting Sea Legislative Reform Order
1991 to provide a others involved in salvage appropriately to deal with pollution expected to commence in 2010
defence for the operations covering the incidents and speed and simplify the
intentional release of release of pollutants into the response to pollution with potential cost
pollutants into the sea in sea where this is to avoid savings (including on insurance
order to prevent further greater pollution. premiums) for the shipping and salvage
pollution. industry and for the wider community. It
is too early to estimate cost savings.

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
5.28 Streamlining Admin Change to civil enforcement There are a number of elements which Measure 1. Top priority delivered on
elements of rail Private. instead of disproportionate make up this proposal: 7 July 2008 (slight delay due to
access provisions criminal prosecution of difficulties in obtaining Parliamentary
in the Disability Irritant operators for breach of access 1. Prioritised resources to ensure that time).
Discrimination regulations. Increased heavy rail vehicles (71% of fleet) not
Act and Rail security from prosecution for subject to dual regulation by domestic Measures 2, 3, 4 & 5. Public
Vehicle compliant operators. Provision (RVAR) and incoming European access consultation concluded 3 July 2009.
Accessibility for heritage and tourist regimes (7 July 2008). Proposed enforcement of RVAR by
Regulations railways and tramways ORR for consistency with heavy rail,
2. New European regime already no new certification regime and
(RVAR). systems to be exempt from includes certification requirements and
RVAR. adjustments to technical
enforcement (by ORR using Health & requirements to focus on light rail
Safety powers), so have revisited type operation in future. All proposed
proposals for certification and measures being taken forward
enforcement under RVAR - for reduced following support from consultees.
light rail/metro/underground scope (29%
of fleet). Measure 6. Consultation on list of
heritage & tourist sites/networks to be
3. Rather than establish a new, civil exempted concluded 5 June 2009. To
enforcement regime (provided by DDA be debated in Autumn session but
2005), now minded to ask ORR to Parliament already expressed
enforce RVAR on DfT's behalf - using support.
HSWA for consistency with heavy rail.
Significant improvement over current Measure 7. Improved process came
enforcement regime. into force on 15 Nov 2008, following
positive support in Parliament
4. Continued desirability of RVAR
certification regime to be tested with
stakeholders in light of above
5. Adjustments to technical
requirements of RVAR itself in light of
experience and to better focus on light
rail/metro type operation in future.
6. Blanket exemption from RVAR for
tourist & heritage lines

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
7. Improvements to process and
parliamentary procedure to be used for
exemption from RVAR to be introduced.
5.30 Review Policy. This should result in Aerodromes where flight The licensing criteria, particularly the A wide consultation was conducted in
easing the burden on costs of personnel, competence training 2006. Consultation responses have led to
the requirements Private training (except for gliders and two further reviews. Firstly, a review of
for light aviation licence holders and, as microlight aircraft) and public and equipment associated with RFFS,
aerodrome facilities has led to
aerodromes a consequence, easing transport operations take place were considered by the Study Group
recommendations for revised criteria for
licensed by the the burden on flight currently have to hold an and work by the Group revealed annual aerodromes with a code 1 visual runway
CAA. training organisations. aerodrome licence. Operators RFFS costs of up to £28,000 for light and with RFFS Special Category. These
of such aerodromes have aviation aerodromes. The review of recommendations went out to public
regarded the cost of obtaining RFFS requirements may lead to a consultation in October 2007. There were
and maintaining a licence to be reduction in these costs. Aerodromes no objections raised during the
currently pass the cost of obtaining their consultation process. Therefore, the CAA
overly burdensome, especially issued Notice to Aerodrome Licence
in respect of the provision of a licences to their resident operators
Holders 4/2008 in May 2008 to inform of
Rescue and Fire Fighting meaning that there would be a
the revised requirements. The CAA also
Service (RFFS). Furthermore, commensurate saving for flight training issued an Initial Emergency Response
the UK is unusual in Europe in organisations. Training Framework Document to provide
that it requires flight training to associated guidance.
take place at a licensed Second Review The second review developed draft
It is estimated that the potential savings proposals for flying training from
for Flight Training Organisations and unlicensed aerodromes. These proposals
This initiative will review the Registered Facilities by operating from were amended in the light of the EASA
RFFS requirements at light Opinion 3/2007 on Common Rules for
unlicensed rather than licensed
Aerodromes and a public consultation
aviation aerodromes and will aerodromes are up to £900,000 per started in March 2008. Subsequently, at
investigate the potential to annum. Reductions in costs typically the end of June, the European
remove the requirement for include lower operating overheads, Commission’s proposed Common Rules
flight training to take place at lower landing fees and ATC changes, for Aerodromes were published, which
licensed aerodromes. Flight and greater fuel efficiency due to differ from the EASA Opinion in some
training organisations could reduction in air traffic congestion. areas. The flying training consultation
either relocate to unlicensed It is, however, anticipated that licensed concluded in July 2008 and a Comment
aerodromes, or, in those cases Response Document was debated by the
aerodromes may face a loss of income
Light Aviation Airports Study Group
where there are no public as organisations relocate to unlicensed (LAASG) Flight Training Sub Group
transport operations, the host aerodromes. This is difficult to quantify (FTSG) on 2 October. The consultation
aerodrome would not require a as licensed aerodromes may opt to showed a large majority of support for the
licence. The requirement to become unlicensed, or may be able to concept of flying training at unlicensed
hold a licence could be offset any losses by increasing other aerodromes and the LAASG FTSG has

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
replaced by an appropriate revenue traffic. It is estimated that the made a number of recommendations to
Code of Practice. potential cost to licensed aerodromes the CAA on the way forward. The FTSG
could be up to £250,000 per annum. also recognised that definitive proposals
could not be completed until the
It is also anticipated that there will be a
Commission’s Proposals on aerodromes
reduction of CAA charges to industry of were finalised, but agreed to progress
approximately £40,000 per annum as work on an industry Code of Practice in
licensed aerodromes decide to become the meantime.
unlicensed. A draft industry Code of Practice has been
received by the CAA and is currently being
reviewed. The CAA has decided to
proceed by proposing amendment of the
Air Navigation Order and the Rules of the
Air; and by revising CAP 428 "Safety
Standards at Unlicensed Aerodromes
(Including Helicopter Landing Sites")..
The Commission’s proposals with regard
to the future EASA regulation of
aerodromes were finalised in March 2009
and adopted in September 2009.
The FTSG met on 30 June 2009 to review
the Commission’s proposals and the draft
of the industry’s Code of Practice. It was
agreed that the Commission’s proposals
did not conflict with the intent of the
recommendations of the LAASG FTSG
and that a change to the Air Navigation
Order should be progressed accordingly.
With regard to the Industry Code of
Practice, the matter of “ownership” could
not be resolved in that no industry body
was prepared to accept responsibility for
the publication and upkeep of the
document. The draft itself was also
considered to be in need of further work.
In view of this, and in order to ensure that
progress was not unduly delayed, the CAA
agreed to consider whether it could
publish the code of practice as guidance
material: options to be considered
included a revision to the current CAP 428

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
(Safety Standards at Unlicensed
Aerodromes), or the publication of a new
Safety Sense Leaflet. Industry agreed to
support the CAA in this work.

CAA Senior Management endorsed the

recommendations of the Flight Training
Subgroup in September 2009. The Air
Navigation Order (ANO) and Rules of the
Air will need to be amended, which will
take some time. However, an SRG
working group is considering how to
implement the recommendations while the
ANO amendment is being progressed.

5.37 Drivers' Admin Keeping a record of We will review this regulation The Admin Burden Baseline measure of The review is underway. If review
Hours (2) – weekly Private. hours work by the driver to see if it is still fit for purpose. the cost to business is £28 million. It is suggests changes it is likely that
time sheet. of the vehicle on a not possible to estimate any potential primary legislation will be needed.
weekly time sheet. This savings at this stage.
is a requirement that
stems from UK driver's
hours regulations.
5.40 Irritant. Consolidating 19 The reduced number of Further work on the implications of
Consolidating regulations dealing with regulations will make it easier this measure concluded that as
Fees Regulations. VOSA fees into 3 for business and central businesses rely on information
government to deal with the published by VOSA on fees rather
annual fee changes than referring directly to the
legislation, this measure would have
no benefits for business.
5.41 Changes to Admin Review Information Remove requirement if We had initially estimated savings of We have identified one obligation
Insurance Private. Obligations falling on feasible for companies to £8m however we are looking at the which we are currently seeking to
Regulations. business from Motor comply with certain IOs in the quantification of this measure in more remove and which is linked with plans
Vehicles (Compulsory ABR baseline. detail. for electronic insurance certificates.
Insurance) (Information We will continue to liaise with the
Centre and insurance industry in 2010 on aspects
Compensation Body) of information provision under these
Regulations 2003 and regulations
Motor Vehicles (Third

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
Party Risks)
Regulations 1972.
5.42 Policy and Work on reducing the Potential for savings through £3 million p.a. net savings for local Formal consultation about principle of
Concessionary Admin number of authorities consistency of processing authorities and bus operators (£860k transferring responsibility from district
Travel Bill. Private. dealing with claims across local authorities savings for bus operators) to county councils completed.
concessionary fares. and reducing the number of Delivery expected in April 2011
Benefits to local negotiations between
authorities, and bus authorities and bus operators
operators. over reimbursement. May be
impacts due to set up (funded
by DfT).
5.45 Transport Admin & Amending International There are around 200 waste The initial savings from two waste Negotiations underway with a view to
of radioactive Policy regulation dealing with streams in the UK that will be streams will be £70 million by 2010. making legislation in 2013. The text
waste. Private the treatment of affected by this proposal. This for the regulations has already been
radioactive waste will deliver an easier Business has increased estimates of proposed and agreed. The
. application process for savings to £4.75 billion policy costs and Department is delivering benefits
industry. £50 million admin savings in total (over earlier than 2013 by using an
20 years), for all 200 streams. administrative method provided for in
Equivalent to a £240m per annum current domestic legislation. This
policy saving and £2.5m per annum method is known as approval for
admin saving transport of consignments under
special arrangement.
5.49 Regulatory Policy A joint CAA / Industry The review team will It has been recognised that the Final report produced June 2008 which
regime for Air Private review will examine investigate all possible models oversight of smaller operators can be makes recommendations including on risk
Operator how, in the future, for partial or complete allocated to a lower grade of inspector, based oversight models and associated
regulatory oversight of thus providing potential savings in CAA cost recovery methods. Report was
Certification of outsourcing of the roles of the
this sector can be costs. The pace at which this can be presented to CAA Board in September
SMEs. CAA’s Safety Regulation 2008 and a number of recommendations
conducted in the most Group (SRG), through the use achieved is unpredictable as it will be
in the paper were agreed. Work on
cost-effective way of Qualified Entities, for all dictated by retirement or resignations, implementing the recommendations in
without adversely operational and maintenance and the exact mix of inspectors required 2009/10 has commenced. A new working
affecting achieved matters, taking into account will only become apparent once more group, CAA Oversight Resource Allocation
safety levels. UK and European statutory experience has been gained. System (CORAS), has been set up to
requirements. Potential savings are estimated at up to continue the work of SME AOC Review
Oversight Group and the Key
£190k in 2009, potentially rising to
Performance Indicators Working Group in
approximately £500k by 2013. the development of a practical

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 5). Benefiting business through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it benefit validati delivery
will be delivered on
categorisation system, which can be used
to allocate CAA resources for the
oversight of Regulated Organisations
(focused upon the AOC and associated
maintenance arrangements). A report is to
be delivered to CAA executive following
which a system will be trialled at a
Regional Office for 6 months. The final
system could begin to be rolled out to
industry in 2010/11

5.52 Review Admin Minimise administrative burden Estimated savings will emerge following Implementation arrangements will be
routine financial Private and cost for regulated airports. an agreed European airports charging known when the directive is finalised.
information directive. An Airport Charges Directive (ACD)
requirements and End collection of unnecessary has been negotiated by Member
general information by the CAA. A preliminary cautious estimate States, the Commission and the
information produces a total potential saving of European Parliament and will come
requirements on between £25k and £75k per annum for into effect in March 2011. The
regulated airports the regulated airports. Directive sets a common framework
to minimise regarding the principles of how airport
requirements to charges should be established and
essential the associated relationship between
information. airports and airlines. The DfT has
developed its proposals for reform of
airport economic regulation taking
account of the Directive. How the UK
intends to implement the specific
provisions will be subject to a
separate consultation, expected in

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 7). Benefiting Local Authorities through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it validati delivery
will be delivered benefit on
7.3 Traffic Policy. Regulations to enable Local authorities able to Detail of Orders and cost/benefit Draft Impact Assessment and SI
Regulations Public local authorities to reclaim associated costs from information is sensitive on security completed. Consultation expected to
Orders – reclaim from the beneficiaries of works, grounds. be launched during the 2009/10
reclamation of beneficiaries costs of such as foreign embassies, business year
costs from Traffic Regulations carried out as part of Anti-
beneficiaries Orders made for Terrorism Traffic Regulation
specific anti-terrorist Orders.
purposes. Regulations
to be made under Local
Government and
Housing Act 1989
7.4 VOSA Admin Giving the Vehicles and Currently VOSA has to seek The reduction in administration and the Will require changes to primary
powers to stop Public Operators Services powers to stop vehicles from saving in police manpower are still to be legation. Target for completion 2010
vehicles Agency ‘direct’ powers Chief Police Officers and the quantified.
to stop vehicles and to powers do not extend to
extend these powers to Scotland (where the police
Scotland. must be present to stop
vehicles). The measure will
bring benefits to VOSA front
line service delivery, and to
police, in reduced
administration requirements
and enforcement costs.
7.5 Traffic Policy Public Simplifying the Giving Local Authorities and We expect LAs to achieve savings as We have been considering this matter
Regulation Orders procedures for Local the Highways Agency the they will no longer be required to in the context of DfT's ongoing Traffic
Authorities to give flexibility to decide on the publish information in local newspapers. Signs Policy Review, which is likely to
. advance notice of the appropriate method for giving produce policies for the wider reform
introduction of traffic the public advance notification and simplification of Traffic
regulation orders of any changes to local traffic Regulation Orders. However in view
regulations. of the likely timescale for those wider
reforms, we have now decided that
reforms to existing publicity
requirements will proceed as a stand-
alone item. This is reflected in the
revised delivery date of April 2011.

Table 3 Simplification Plan Update 2009: Items still in progress

Table 3 (Section 7). Benefiting Local Authorities through the deregulation, consolidation and rationalisation of regulations
Title Nature and Description of Outcome Estimated cost savings Indepe Implementation timeline -
type of Simplification (including sector/s) to (annualised and admin or policy) ndent Milestones and deadlines for
burden measure and how it validati delivery
will be delivered benefit on
7.6 Emergency Admin Amend regulations Simplify regulations to permit Deregulation / permissive measures Aim to make regulations late 2009.
Vehicle Lighting Public. concerning vehicle emergency services to use aimed at road safety - there are no
lighting their distinctive retro-reflective significant costs associated with these
markings, permit the use of simplification measures.
blue warning beacons on
mountain rescue vehicles,
clarify the use of lights on
parked vehicles at night and
align certain requirements with
European regulations.

Part 4 - New Regulatory Burdens

42. The simplification measures in the Plan cannot be seen in isolation. While the
Department is working hard to reduce the burdens from current regulation, other
policies are under development both within the Department and, perhaps more
significantly, in the EU and in other organisations that provide an international
regulatory framework for global industries such as aviation and shipping.
43. The following table draws together the most significant regulatory development
that the Department is either carrying out itself, or is involved in internationally.
The table includes:
 New regulations that have been brought in between June 2005 and May
 Regulatory changes being developed now, and expected to be brought into
force by 2010.

New regulations
44. The Administrative Burdens Measurement Exercise included all current
regulations that had been made up to May 2005. Separate collation has been
carried out of regulation made between June 2005 and May 2009.
45. During this period the Department was responsible for the passage of eight Acts
of Parliament through Parliament:
 Civil Aviation Act 2006 – This clarifies position on Emissions and Noise
Charges for aerodromes, it gives power to remove restrictions on LA owned
airports and replenish the Air Travel Trust Fund and removes right of appeal
to Secretary of State in Route allocation disputes. The Act does not place
any new information obligations on business.
 Merchant Shipping Pollution Act 2006 – This takes powers to implement
“Supplementary Fund Protocol” and The Marine Pollution Annex VI
agreement. The Act does not place any new information obligations on
 Road Safety Act 2006 – The act contains various provisions to improve
safety on our Roads. It is aimed at changing the behaviour of drivers and
other road users. The Act does not place any new information obligations
on business.
 Vehicle Registration Marks Act 2007 - The Act amends the Vehicle Excise
and Registration Act 1994 (“VERA”) to simplify the process of buying and
selling, or otherwise transferring, registration numbers for both dealers and
individuals without compromising the current legislative safeguards against
 Concessionary Bus Travel Act 2007 - The Act implements the Government's
announcement in the 2006 Budget that England residents aged 60 and
over, and disabled England residents, will get free off-peak travel on all local
buses anywhere in England

 Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementary Provisions) Act 2008 - The Act
amends The Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996 to confirm and amend the
duties of the Secretary of State for Transport and the Office of the Rail
Regulator in relation to the operation of the tunnel.
 Crossrail Act 2008 -The Act secures the powers necessary to build
Crossrail. By connecting the major London rail terminals of Paddington and
Liverpool Street, Crossrail will enable interconnecting mainline train services
to cross the centre of London via a number of new purpose-built stations.
 Local Transport Act 2008 – The Act provides a framework and tools for local
authorities and bus operators to work together to boost bus use, reduce
congestion and help tackle climate change

46. We also made over 300 Statutory Instruments. The majority of the Statutory
Instruments have negligible impact and did not require Impact Assessments (for
example Statutory Instruments dealing with temporary road closures and speed
restrictions). The following table lists regulations have costs for business, or
may affect the Administrative Burden baseline. We are calculating the
administrative cost of these so that they can be taken into account when tracking
progress towards our net administrative burdens reduction target.
47. In future any regulation we need to make will be measured to assess policy
compliance and administrative costs separately, so that we can see clearly the
interaction with our simplification programme, and track the effect on our
progress towards our target to reduce administrative burdens. Our future
programme to deliver on our aims and objectives includes much work stemming
from international bodies such as the EU, International Civil Aviation
Organisation and International Maritime Organization. We aim to take forward
all our work, and to negotiate and implement international policy, so as to
minimise any new administrative or policy burdens on business or other groups.
Table 5 lists to the best of our knowledge, those policies currently under
development which may nevertheless have a significant impact. Table 4w

Table 4 New Regulations introduced from June 2005 to May 2009 which have an impact on Admin Burdens Baseline

Regulation Nature/Type Description of the measure Sectors impacted and Estimated cost burden (admin or
of burden Outcome policy)
The Passenger and Goods Vehicles Admin This sets out the frequency for the downloading of data HGV /PSV Operators and These regulations were assessed as
(Recording Equipment) from digital tachograph recording equipment and the Drivers part of the introduction of digital
(Downloading and Retention of retention period for records. tacographs.
Data) Regulations 2008.
February 2008
The Vehicle Drivers’ (Certificates of Policy In addition to holding the relevant vocational driving HGV Drivers and Operators Policy costs are nearly £50 million.
Professional Competence) licence, professional drivers must also hold a
Regulations 2007. Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC). PCV Drivers and Operators The admin cost of this will depend on
Admin the way records will be maintained.
Drivers will be subject to 5 This is currently under discussion with
yearly periodic training
Table 4 - New Regulations introduced cycles.
from June 2006 to May 2009 Annual admin cost calculated at
March 2007
The Vehicles Drivers (Certificates Policy This makes minor amendments to the 2007 regulations HGV /PSV Drivers Fee increase will generate an
of Professional Competence) and increases fees. additional £17.5million.
(Amendment) Regulations 2008.
We do not think there will an impact
on the admin burden baseline.
April 2008
The Merchant Shipping (Inland Policy This requires the master of vessels operating Passenger and freight boat First year total costs are expected to
Waterway and Limited Coastal commercially in inland waters and for certain coastal masters. be £255k. This may rise in
Operations) (Boatmasters’ voyages to hold an appropriate qualification and subsequent years depending on the
Qualifications and Hours of Work) Admin specifies the requirements for obtaining both a Recognition of number of new entrants.
Regulations 2006. nationally-valid boatmaster’s licence and a qualifications allowing
boatmaster’s certificate valid in the EEA. interchange with EU We are working to assess the cost of
countries and improved the administrative burden this places
passenger confidence. on business.
December 2006

Table 4 New Regulations introduced from June 2005 to May 2009 which have an impact on Admin Burdens Baseline

Renewable Transport Fuel Policy Road transport fuel suppliers to ensure that, on The UK's oil refiners and Policy costs for production and
Obligation (RTFO). aggregate, a specified percentage of their fuel is from a importers of fossil fuels will changes to facilities range from £2.4
renewable source. be those most directly billion to £6.6 billion.
Admin affected.
The RTFO will from April 2008 require road transport Admin costs range from £700k to £1.4
fuel suppliers to ensure that a certain percentage of Reduction in Carbon million.
their fuel comes from a renewable source. In the short dioxide emissions.
term that means biofuels, in the longer run possibly The measure will contribute towards
hydrogen. meeting targets to reduce green
house emissions by saving up to 3
million tonnes of CO 2 a year.
April 2008
The Civil Aviation (Insurance) Administrative This implements EU Regulation 785/2004, which sets Air carriers and aircraft
Regulations 2005. minimum insurance obligations in respect of liability for £98K
Burdens: operators.
(Providing passengers, baggage, cargo and third parties on air
Adequate insurance is April 2005
evidence). carriers and other aircraft operators.
maintained by air carriers
The information obligation is on airlines to provide and aircraft operators.
evidence that they have adequate insurance cover.
We have chosen to implement this by carrying out
checks on first or subsequent registration plus random
checks. This provides the least financial impact to the
industry whilst ensuring the UK achieves the objectives
of the Council Regulation.
The Merchant Shipping (Oil Administrative Ship owners will be required to maintain insurance to Ship owners. The annual cost of £30 per vessel for
Pollution) (Bunkers Convention) Burdens: meet their liability. certification will cost business £10k
Regulations 2006. (Applying for UK ship owners (and any other ship owner wishing to from 2009.
certificates, enter a UK port) will be required to obtain State
Carrying Certificate attesting that insurance is in place. Administrative costs to apply for
documentation) insurance and certification will be
Indications from industry are that most responsible UK £22K a year.
. ship owners already maintain insurance for third party
liabilities so no additional policy costs will be incurred. July 2006
The Measuring Instruments Policy Costs: This implements the Measuring Instruments Directive Manufacturers of Exhaust £5K.
(Exhaust Gas Analysers) Complying with which sets up a type approval process to ensure that all Gas Analysers.
Regulations 2006. standards measuring instruments conform to central standards. September 2006

Administrative The Information Obligation is to apply for conformity

Burdens: certificate and to mark the analyser. This has a very
low impact because of the low volume of new models
produced. Standardisation will allow companies
greater access to the European market.

Table 4 New Regulations introduced from June 2005 to May 2009 which have an impact on Admin Burdens Baseline

The Measuring Instruments Policy Costs: This implements the Measuring Instruments Directive 15 Manufacturers of £85K.
(Taximeters) Regulations 2006. Complying with which sets up a type approval process to ensure that all Taximeters.
standards. measuring instruments conform to central standards. September 2006

Administrative The Information Obligation is to apply for conformity

Burdens: certificate and mark the instrument. This has a low
(Applying for impact because of the low volume of new models
certificates, produced. Standardisation will allow companies
marking greater access to the European market.
Mobile Air Conditioners Directive. Policy Costs: Vehicle MACs must be built to improved standards to Reduction in greenhouse Administrative costs are likely to be
developing reduce f-gas leakage. Then f-gases with a global gas emissions. insignificant as it will only involve a
EC Directive 2006/40/EC will control new units and warming potential over 150 will be banned for new slight amendment to existing forms.
the use of fluorinated gases in road retooling vehicles from 2011. Retrofitting of MAC systems using Manufacturers of air
vehicles. This measure aims to factories). such gases for all vehicles will be banned in 2017. conditioning units for Policy Costs (developing new units
reduce leakage of f-gases from Mobile vehicles will be affected. and retooling factories range between
Air Conditioner (MAC) systems and to Administrative £18 million and £67 million.
phase out those with a global warming Burdens:
potential that is over 150 times higher (Keeping
than CO2. Records).
All new vehicles & their components
must be type approved, confirming
that they meet required construction
standards, before entering service.
But only one test of a sample is
required for clearance.
On-line completion of maritime Admin costs The EC Maritime Statistics Directive (95/64/EC) iSDES is a new web-based We estimate that the new system will
statistical survey (see Table 1 - 2.9) requires returns on port traffic from ports and shipping data submission tool cost business £290k per annum
lines. replacing a CD based data
submission tool.

Railways and Other Guided Admin This legislation implements the majority of the Streamlining process for The new regulation has been costed
Transport Systems (Safety European Railway Safety Directive (RSD) and Network Rail and Train as £800k
Regulations) 2006 (ROGS). (see consolidated existing railway legislation (including Operating Companies
Table 1 - 5.33) removal of full "Safety Case" provisions for railways (TOCs) required to develop
excluded from RSD scope). Safety Management

TABLE 5 Key regulatory burdens from regulation that may be introduced between June 2009 and May 2010

Title/Policy area/ initiative Nature/Type of burden Description of the measure Outcome (inc. sectors Estimated cost Implementation
impacted) burden (admin or timeline:
policy) Milestones/deadlines
for delivery
CO2 emissions from new Admin A European regulation requiring car Vehicle Manufacturers £1.2 billion in policy Due to come into force
cars manufacturers to reduce the CO2 costs. Admin costs in January 2010
emissions of the cars they sell. Costs fall on vehicle £0.09m
manufacturers to
innovate and change
models. Large costs
also associated with the
secondary effects of
congestion, caused by
increased fuel efficiency
Euro 5 & 6 Light Duty Policy Tightens emissions standards for new Costs fall on vehicle £590 million in Due to be implemented
Vehicle Emissions cars and vans. manufacturers to raise policy costs. Admin 2011.
Standards. emissions standards on costs are expected
new vehicles. to be low.
Renewable energy directive Policy Transposition of Directive as replacement Costs relate to fuel and £520 million in Due to be implemented
(inc proposals on biofuels). for RTFO provisions. vehicle resource costs policy costs. Admin by 2010. The UK has
Admin as well as welfare loss costs may be high. to submit a National
due to reduced driving. Action Plan to the
Commission by the
end of June 2010
Euro VI (HGV and bus Policy Air quality improvements through tighter Costs fall on vehicle £120 million in Due to be implemented
engine emissions). emission standards. manufacturers to raise policy costs. Admin by 2010.
emissions standards on costs are expected
new vehicles. to be low.

TABLE 5 Key regulatory burdens from regulation that may be introduced between June 2009 and May 2010

Traffic Management Act - Policy Costs:  Training - cost of courses and Improved traffic flow, Policy costs are Permit Schemes for
Control of Street works. (buying permits (where examinations for re-qualification of reduced congestion likely to be in Kent, TFL and London
Improving the coordination and adopted), supervisors and operatives every five (and hence reduced excess of £20 Boroughs due in force
management of street works. years (currently only need to re- emissions). There will million. January 2010
Strengthening enforcement Administrative Burdens: be a financial impact on
register every five years);
power for local authorities. (Keeping records, Providing streetworks
statutory information for third  Specification for reinstatement of undertakers; this is
parties, Returns and reports). opening in the highway (SROH) minor compared with
(greater use of recycled materials and the potential financial
first time permanent reinstatements); benefits to business and
 Statutory code of practice for safety will communities as a
be compulsory on local authorities whole. There is
(currently just undertakers) and minor potential to reduce
amendments to reflect best practice for administrative burdens
safe working. by simplification of
system, focus on getting
works right first time;
permit schemes will be
consistent across
country; exchange of
information on works
delivered electronically.
Those effected:
Statutory undertakers
(mainly utility
companies) and Local
Authorities will be

TABLE 5 Key regulatory burdens from regulation that may be introduced between June 2009 and May 2010

Fuel Quality Directive Policy Costs Requirement on fuel suppliers to reduce Fuel refiners and The costs to Consultation with
Amendment: Greenhouse (Increased Refining costs and lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of importers. business of the business ended in
Gas Reduction Targets. cost of higher biofuel use). their fuels by 10% between 2010 and various options November 2007.
2020 (expected to be primarily by the being discussed
Admin Burdens uptake of biofuels). In addition fuel quality range from £126 to This measure will not be
(Annual reporting by Fuel specifications are tightened in respect of £1,362 million. implemented by May
Suppliers). petrol vapour pressure, diesel polycyclic With environmental 2010.
aromatic hydrocarbon content and gas oil benefits of up to
sulphur content. £183 million (PM
and CO2 savings).
Suppliers will have to report annually on Admin costs are
the reductions achieved. difficult to quantify
at present as they
will depend on the
option chosen and
the reporting

TABLE 5 Key regulatory burdens from regulation that may be introduced between June 2009 and May 2010

Secondary Surveillance Policy Costs: The general aviation community may have Improved safety through A 3-phase Phase 1 will take effect
Radar (Mode S) (paying for transponder, plus to purchase, or upgrade to Mode S electronic conspicuity approach is now from 31 March 2008
Transponders in UK fitment, WTA licence and transponders. for ATC and ACAS. anticipated which (with a 4-year transition
Airspace - Phase 2. maintenance). will spread the cost period for those aircraft
General Aviation (this burden over a with SSR transponders.
We are modernising the Administrative Burdens: incorporates many longer period. This There will be no
Secondary Surveillance Radar (Cooperating with different types of small will be explored in regulatory burden on
system throughout all airspace audits/inspections, Keeping business and private further RIA stages General Aviation at this
in the UK. The implementation Records). fliers) will be affected. in 2007. time.
strategy aims to deliver safety
and capacity benefits to the CAA-led initiative Policy costs may Phase 2 Implemented in
aviation sector in the short to commenced to address be between £5 October 2009 but
medium term while providing a potential costs, million and £20 operators wishing to
mechanism with which to including certification, in million. operate aircraft in
satisfy the medium to long- conjunction with transponder mandatory
term ATC airspace industry and airspace have until
surveillance requirements in Government. 2012 to comply..
UK. It will also ensure that the Funding lines currently
UK complies with international Phase 3: Conduct
under development with further research and
standards for the carriage of regard to Low Powered
transponders. consultation on
SSR Transponder extending SSR
(LPST). transponder carriage
below FL100 outside
controlled airspace.

Table 5 Key regulatory burdens from regulation that may be introduced between June 2009 and May 2010

Table 6: - Information requests made to Local Authorities

1. These are needed to measure the new National Indicators from April 2008
(9 items)

 People killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents (NI 47) – Stats returns
from LAs obtained from police authorities.
 Children killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents (NI 48) - Stats returns
from LAs obtained from police authorities.
 Congestion – average journey time per mile during the morning peak (NI 167) -
Journey time data collected centrally by DfT from contractor.
 Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 168) – Local
Highway authority data.
 Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (NI
169) – Local Highway authority data.
 Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling (NI
175) – Local Transport Authority data.
 Local bus and light rail passenger journeys originating in the authority area (NI
177) – On board passenger surveys.
 Bus services running on time (NI 178) – Bus company data and local authority
spot surveys.
 Children travelling to school – mode of transport usually used (NI 198) - School
census data.
2. European or statutory requirement (5 items)

 Paper copies of Section 19 small bus permits issued by Local Authorities.

 List of impounded vehicles.
 Unlicensed vehicles clamped or impounded by local authority (and police).
 Procurement return (indicating contracts let under EU categories) for transport
sector bodies.
 Road lengths Survey.
3. Needed for financial management or policy development (12 items)

 Local Authority Bus Passenger Journeys (part by operator) Journeys

undertaken by bus – fare paying and concessionary.
 Disabled Persons Parking Badge Return – number of those in receipt of parking
permits – regulations from new guidance to apply.
 Concessionary Fare Arrangements Survey.
 Taxis and Private Hire Vehicle stock, with list of licensed drivers.
 Projected and actual spend on Major Transport Schemes (mostly over £5m).
 Urban congestion target delivery plan.
 Congestion Monitoring.
 Highway inventory and condition data.
 National Road Maintenance Condition Survey: Maintenance data.
 National Road Maintenance Condition Survey: SCRIM data.
 BVPI (z): Total slight casualties – data will still be collected.
 LTP2: Change in area wide road traffic mileage.

4. No longer needed (21 items)

Table 6: - Information requests made to Local Authorities

 National Road Maintenance Condition Survey: CHART data.

 BVPI 96: Principal Road Condition.
 BVPI 97a: Non-Principal Classified Road Condition.
 BVPI 97b: Unclassified road condition.
 BVPI 99(x): Total killed and seriously injured casualties.
 BVPI 99(y): Child killed and seriously injured casualties.
 BVPI 102: Public transport patronage.
 BVPI 104: Bus Satisfaction.
 BVPI 187: Footway condition.
 LTP1: accessibility target.
 LTP3: Cycling trips.
 LTP4: Mode share of journeys to school.
 LTP5: Bus punctuality indicator.
 LTP6: Changes in peak period traffic flows to urban centres.
 LTP7: Congestion (vehicle delay).
 LTP8 air quality target.
 4 x Local Transport Plan Finance Forms (LTPF1,2,3 and 4).
 Count of local authority street lights over 40 years old.

Contact details:
48. This document was produced by the Department for Transport’s Better
Regulation Unit. If you have any comments about the content of the plan or
suggestions for further measures to be included you can contact us as follows:

Better Regulation Unit

Europe International and Better Regulation Division
Department for Transport
Zone 2/25 Great Minster House
76 Marsham Street
London, SW1P 4DR

Tel: 0207 944 5339



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