Question (1) Discuss The Concept of Feasibility and Affordability

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Question (1) Discuss the concept of feasibility and affordability.

The decision to proceed with development of new systems, products, and services involves three basic questions:
1. Is the timing right to introduce a new system to the market/User, particularly in the commercial environment?
2. Is it economically feasible to develop a new system with the technologies currently available within budgetary
3. If development is economically feasible, will the User be able to afford the operating and maintenance costs
over the planned service life of the system.
You can innovate and develop the best widget or electronic mouse trap, however if the marketplace is not mentally or
skillfully ready for the device or can afford it, your efforts and investments may be futile therefore timing is critical to
User acceptance. The same is true for proposing new systems or capabilities to Users.
For this reason, most organizations develop a series of decision-making "gates" that qualify the maturity of a business
opportunity and incrementally increase the level of commitment such as funding. The intent is to ensure that the right
system/product solution is introduced at the right time for the right price and is readily accessible when the User is
ready to purchase.
System Feasibility and Affordability:
If a determination is made that the timing for a system, product, or service is RIGHT, the next challenge comes in
determining if the system, as currently specified, can be feasibly developed and produced with existing technologies
within the planned development and life cycle budget at acceptable risk for the User or Acquirer.
System feasibility ultimately focuses on four key questions:
1. What does the User want?
2. What does the user need?
3. What can the user afford?
4. What is the user willing to pay?

Question (2) what are the different phases of System Life Cycle?
The evolution of any system made by or known to humankind begins at the point of conception and ends at disposal.
This process is referred to as the system life cycle. The system life cycle serves structurally as the foundation for system
development. Human-made systems are conceptualized, planned, organized, scheduled, estimated, procured, deployed,
operated and supported, and disposed of using this structure.

Definition phase Procurement phase Development phase operation and support phase Disposal phase
The life cycle for any system, product, or service consists of a series of phases starting with system conception and
continuing through final disposal.
There are a number of ways to define a system life cycle. The typical system life cycle is composed of a series of phases
as mentioned below:
System definition phase
System procurement phase
System development phase
System operation and support phase
System production phase
System disposal phase
System definition phase:The System Definition Phase begins with recognition by the User that a new system or upgrade to an existing system,
product, or service is required to satisfy an operational need. When the System Definition Phase has reached sufficient
maturity, the Acquirer initiates the System Procurement Phase.
System procurement phase:The System Procurement Phase consists of those activities required to procure the new system or upgrades to the
existing system
System development phase:The System Development Phase consists of those activities required to translate the contract system specifications into
a physical system solution.
System operation and support phase:The System Operations and Support (O&S) Phase consists of User activities required to operate, maintain, and support
the system including training for system users to perform the system's operational mission.
System production phase:The System Production Phase consists of those activities required to produce small to large quantities of the system
System disposal phase:The System Disposal Phase consists of those activities required to phase out an existing or legacy system from active
duty. Each system or the lot of systems may be dispositional for sale, lease, storage or disposal.

Question (3) Discuss the concept of Logical Entity Relationships?

Logical Entity Relationships is a high level, functional association that exists between two system entities without regard
to physical implementation.
System element interactions can be characterized by two types of relationships: logical and physical.
Logical Entity Relationships:
The first step in identifying logical entity relationships is to simply recognize and acknowledge that some form of
association exists through deductive reasoning. You may not know the physical details of the relationship that is,
how they link up but you know a relationship does or will exist. Graphically, we depict these relationships as
simply a line between the two entities.
The second step is to characterize the logical relationship in terms of logical functions that is, what interaction
occurs between them must be provided to enable the two entities to associate with one another. When we
assemble the logical entities into a framework that graphically describes their relationships, we refer to the
diagram as logical architecture.

Question (4) Briefly explain the different physical Interface types?

You can develop the most innovative devices, computers, and algorithms. Yet, if those innovations are unable to reliably
interact and interoperate with their operating environment when required, they may be of limited or no value to the
entity. The purpose of an interface is to associate or physically connect a system, product, subsystem, assembly,
subassembly, or part level component to other components within its operating environment.
Physical Interface Types
Following are the types of physical Interface:
1. Mechanical Interfaces
Mechanical interfaces consist of boundaries that exist between two physical objects and include characterizations such
as function, form, and fit. Characterizations include:
Material Properties Composition
Dimensional Properties Length, width, and depth; mass properties such as weight, density, and shape
Structural Integrity Properties Shock, vibration, etc
Aerodynamic Properties Drag, fluid flow, etc
2. Electrical interfaces:
Electrical interfaces consist of direct electrical or electronic connections as well as electromagnetic transmission in free
air space. Attributes and properties include voltages, current, resistance, inductance, capacitance, grounding, shielding,
attenuation, and transmission delays
3. Optical Interfaces
Optical interfaces consist of the transmission or receipt of visible and invisible wavelengths of light. Attributes and
properties include intensity, frequency, special ranges, resolution, distortion, contrast, reflection, refraction, filtering,
modulation, attenuation, and polarization
4. Acoustical Interfaces
Acoustical interfaces consist of the creation, transmission, and receipt of frequencies that may be audible or inaudible to
humans. Attributes and properties include volume, frequency, modulation, and attenuation.
5. Natural Environment Interfaces
Natural environment interfaces consist of those elements that are natural occurrences of nature. Attributes and
properties include temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, altitude, wind, rain, snow, and ice
6. Chemical Interfaces
Chemical interfaces consist of interactions that occur when chemical substances are purposefully introduced or mixed
with other chemicals or other types of interfaces. Attributes and properties include heat, cold, explosive, toxicity, and
physical state changes
7. Biological Interfaces
Biological interfaces consist of those interfaces between living organisms or other types of interfaces. Attributes and
properties include touch, feel, smell, hearing, and sight.

Question (5) Define Mission, Mission Reliability, Phase of Operation, Operational Constraints and Time
A pre-planned exercise that integrates a series of sequential or concurrent operations or tasks with an expectation of
achieving outcome-based success criteria with quantifiable objectives.
Mission Reliability:
Mission reliability is the probability that a system will successfully accomplish a mission of a specific duration in a
prescribed operating environment and accomplish objectives without a failure event. Depending on the system
application, 100% mission reliability may be prohibitively expensive, but 90% mission reliability may be affordable.
Phase of Operation:
A high-level, objective-based abstraction representing a collection of system of interest (SOI) operations required to
support accomplishment of a system's mission. Human-made systems, especially cyclical systems, sequence through
three sets of objective-based actions to accomplish a mission:
1. Prepare for the mission
2. Conduct the mission
3. Perform post-mission actions and processing.
We characterize these objectives as the pre-mission, mission, and post-mission phases of operation. When
implemented, the system of interest (SOI) consisting of the mission system and support system must provide capabilities
and levels of performance to support these phases of operation.
Operational Constraints:
Initially identified in the Mission Need Statement (MNS). As a minimum, these constraints will consider the expected
threat and natural environments, the possible modes of transportation into and within expected areas of operation, the
expected (operating) environment, operational manning limitations, and existing infrastructure support capabilities.
Time Analysis:
Analytical task conducted to determine the time sequencing between two or more events and to define any resulting
time requirements.

Question (6) Explain the objective of SE process model

A construct derived from a highly iterative, problem solving-solution development methodology that can be applied
recursively to multiple levels of system design. The SE Process is more than simply a sequential end-to-end process. The
SE Process is an embedded element of a problem-solving/solution-development model that transforms a set of inputs
and operating constraints into a deliverable system, product, or service. Therefore, we apply the label SE Process Model.
SE Process Model Objective
The objective of the SE Process Model is enable SEs to transform and evolve a User's abstract operational need(s) into a
physical system design solution that represents the optimal balance of technical, technology, cost, schedule, and
support solutions and risks.
Entry Criteria:Entry criteria for the SE process are established by the system/product life cycle phase that implements the SE Process.
In the case of the System Development Phase, the SE Process Model is applied with the initiation of each entity or
configuration item (CI's) SE design. This includes the SYSTEM, PRODUCT, SUBSYSTEM, ASSEMBLY, SUBASSEMBLY, and
PART levels.
System solution domains, consisting of Requirements, Operations, Behavioral, and Physical Domain Solutions. Although
the domain solutions provide a useful means to characterize a system or one of its entities, individually, they do not help
us create the total system solution. We can solve this challenge by creating a system development model that enables
us to translate the User's vision into a preferred solution.
Decision support practices such as analyses, trade studies, prototypes, demonstrations, models, and simulations, etc. are
employed to provide recommendations for technical decisions that bound the system's solution space such as the
Requirements Domain Solution compliance
Exit Criteria:Since the SE Process Model is highly iterative and subject to development time constraints of the entity, exit criteria are
determined by:
Level of maturity required of the entity being designed and its required work products specifications, designs,
verification procedures, etc
Level of criticality and practicality in correcting discrepancies between specification requirements and
verification data subject to cost and schedule constraints.
The SE Process Model supports the development of numerous system/product life cycle phase work products and
quality records. When applied to a phase specific process, the SE Process produces four categories of work.
1. Requirements Domain Solution
2. Operations Domain Solution
3. Behavioral Domain Solution
4. Physical Domain Solution

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