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Individual Score:

Nilesh 26
Karan 54
Ashish 54
Nivetha 42
Abhishek 40
Kavish 56
Shivam 46

Team Score: 42
Average Score: 45.4

Team Work: 3.4

Survival of the Weak: 14
Resource Utilization: 16
Synergy: 16 (Absolute Value)
In a pursuit to survive as a team, the survival statistics as well as the group discussion indicated a
number of things including:

The person who has highest probability to survive: Nilesh

The person who contributed the most to the group: Abhishek and Nivetha
The person who was aggressive: None
The person who was withdrawn: Kavish
The person who kept the group together: Abhishek
The person who kept the focus on the task: Everyone
The person who managed the emotions of group: Ashish Singhi and Karan

Nilesh had the least difference with the experts perspective in terms of prioritizing his items available,
due to which he has the highest probability to survive
In terms of contribution in the group, Abhishek and Nivetha actively questioned every ranking of the items
and made the final conclusions for each.
No group member showed any signs of aggressiveness as everyone welcomed each others point of view
and collective decisions were made for each item
Kavish did not pitch in for any of the items, mostly because he seemed to be satisfied with the decisions
that were initially being made by the other group members and he preferred to listen than to contribute in
the group. He showed Conformity.
Abhishek took the final call for every item ranking and made sure each member was satisfied with the
final decision, if not, welcomed his or her perspective which is very crucial to keep the group together.
It is safe to say that everyone kept the focus on the task and there was no indication of Social Loafing; no
individual showed any tendency to expend less effort when working collectively than when working
individually, which resulted in zero role conflict.
Ashish and Karan were more inclined towards managing the emotions, which also created a high degree
of Cohesiveness within the group. While prioritizing, Ashish deduced and shared some members
perspective and discussed the reason for the individuals ranking of items before collectively rejecting it.
For example, Nileshs personal priority of ranking the 20 x 20 canvas was 1 whereas the collective
decision for Rank 1 was water. But Ashish persisted on reconsidering Nileshs perspective as he saw
Nilesh was very convinced with his point of view. Similarly, Karan considered the psychological and
motivational factor for every individual. He mentioned the priority of making a good start towards the

destination to stay psychologically sane and motivated by keeping the compass as a high priority.
Collectively, the group development stages can be depicted by the Five Stage Model:
1. Xxx : Forming Stage: The individuals realized the gravity of the situation and believed themselves
to be a part of the group since the beginning
2. Xxx: Storming Stage: After several discussions, at one point we realized a sense of hierarchy
within the group with Abhishek at the top as he took the final calls.
3. Xxx: Norming Stage: This stage was attained very quickly as the group demonstrated
cohesiveness soon enough
4. Performing Stage: There is was a strong sense of purpose; with every ranking the group
articulated the next step towards survival and made decisions to rank the next item accordingly.
5. Xxx: Adjourning Stage: The group was more concerned about the implementation of the activities
rather than the performance level to survive in the desert
Although the team work score indicates a high degree of teamwork and cohesiveness, the Statistics show
that the chances of survival for Kavish, Karan and Ashish increased by a big margin thanks to Nilesh. On
the other hand, the chances of Survival for Nilesh decreased by an equal margin because of them with a
moderate score on Resource Utilization.

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