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013 Annual Press Statement Dr. R.M. Marty M.

Natalegawa Minister For Foreign Affairs Republic of

Indonesia Jakarta, 4 January 2013
Friday, 04 January 2013
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Excellencies Ambassadors and Representatives of international organizations,

Distinguished members of the press, distinguished guests, distinguished colleagues from the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs,and distinguished colleagues at Indonesias Missions overseas,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Good morning and peace be upon us.
Praise be to Allah Almighty, for by His Grace we are bestowed with good health so that we can continue
to serve our country and nation.
On this auspicious occasion, allow me, on behalf of all officials and staff members of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Indonesias Representative Offices abroad, and on my own behalf, to extend to all of
you our best wishes for a Happy New Year 2013.
Distinguished guests,
On a similar occasion last year, I underscored that in the midst of growing uncertainties and complexity
of global and regional conditions, Indonesia would remain steadfast in pursuing global peace and
Waging peace and prosperity.
That was what Indonesias diplomacy and foreign policy undertook throughout 2012.
Our diplomacy worked to create and maintain stability, security and peace, at regional and global levels.
Our diplomatic machinery endeavoured to advance justice and prosperity at the regional and global
And we did all these in order to protect Indonesias national interests.

All these were undertaken as an implementation of our Constitutional mandate, to contribute to an

international order that is based on freedom, lasting peace, and social justice.
Distinguished guests,
Throughout 2012, Indonesias foreign policy was navigated in a global and regional condition that was
full of challenges and uncertainties.
It was a global condition that, on one hand, was generally marked by a relative peace among nations
yet, on the other hand, was characterized by conflict situations in many parts of the world that have
resulted in a significant number of casualties.
It was a global condition that, on one hand, was characterized by anxiety over prolonged economic
recession in certain regions while, at the same time, we were faced with an even more fundamental
challenge whereby a significant part of humanity still keep struggling to fulfill their most basic needs.
It was a global condition that, on one hand, was marked with recognition on the interdependency of the
international community in dealing with common challenges yet, on the other hand, was not necessarily
equipped with the capacity of the international community to take common responses.
And such a condition, where challenges abound, became even more complex due to the interlinkages of
the many issues faced by the international community. The interlinkages of global, regional and national
issues. The interlinkages of political-security, economic, environmental, and social issues.
Distinguished guests,
The aforementioned interlinkages of challenges are reflected in the Asia Pacific region. Indeed, all these
years the Asia Pacific region has provided solid evidence that stability and security are a prerequisite for
economic development. That is why throughout last year, Indonesias foreign policy never ceased to
make serious efforts to maintain regional stability and security against all challenges.
As we are aware, whatever the sources of challenge, for example, potential conflicts in the South China
Sea, other territorial disputes between States, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and
other forms of challenges, Indonesia has projected itself as part of the solution.
Not less importantly, throughout 2012, Indonesias foreign policy has strived to establish a regional
order. This was taken both in the form of institutional capacity building in the region and through the
strengthening of norms and principles that underline peaceful relationship among nations, to maintain
peace and security in the Asia Pacific region.
When there was doubt regarding ASEANs common stance on the South China Sea, for example,
Indonesia launched a 36-hour shuttle diplomacy to consolidate ASEANs position in line with the sixpoint principles. Furthermore, Indonesias diplomacy has pushed forward the momentum towards a
comprehensive implementation of the DoC, including through a regional code of conduct through the
agreement of the basic elements of the CoC and the submission of an initial draft of the CoC.

When a territorial dispute in the region broke out, in a measured and appropriate manner, Indonesia
encouraged the maintenance of diplomatic communications that put forward diplomatic option for
dispute settlement.
When there were concerns and perception that the Asia Pacific region was facing an era of competition
that can threaten peace and stability, Indonesia put forward a need for a new viewpoint and paradigm
that dismiss such assumption.
That is an approach that put forward the principle of security, common interest and partnership. A
regional order that not only can manage the dynamic changes in the region, but also embrace it as a
factor that can be developed for common interest. It is a viewpoint that we call dynamic equilibrium.
Taking into account the interconnectedness of political, security, economic and social problems,
Indonesias diplomatic efforts in the Asia Pacific region touch all areas in a comprehensive manner. This
is particularly reflected on Indonesias efforts throughout 2012 to ensure a significant progress in the
achievement of the ASEAN Community in its three pillars.
Distinguished guests,
Also throughout the year 2012, while in general world prosperity continues to grow, we still witness not
only the impacts of global economic crisis, but also a significant part of humanity is still subject to abject
Of course, the economic condition in several Euro zone countries has had impacts on many dimensions
of life in those countries.
And of course, the economic development in the Euro zone has had an impact on the overall global
As for Indonesias foreign policy, particularly through what we call economic diplomacy, we have
worked hard throughout the year 2012 to minimize the negative impact of such development to
Indonesias economy. This means, among others, refining the priority areas of bilateral relations with
our strategic partners; and this also means increasing economic relations with countries that are nontraditional markets for Indonesia.
However, more than just striving to improve the economic resilience of Indonesia and the broader East
Asia region, throughout the year 2012, Indonesias diplomacy continuously put forward the interests of
developing countries.
In various forums such as ASEAN, APEC, G-20, WTO and the UN, including within the framework of
Rio+20 Summit and discussions on the Post 2015 Development Agenda, Indonesia always placed
emphasis on the importance of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive economic growth to ensure
that we have equitable global economic growth. This is an approach that we call as sustainable growth
with equity
At those high-level forums, Indonesia also continued to voice the need for a just global development
that will ensure the outcomes of development can benefit the international community as a whole.

Distinguished guests,
In line with our Constitutional mandate, in addition to the aforementioned efforts, Indonesias
diplomacy aims to actively contribute to the creation of a safer, more stable, more peaceful and more
prosperous world.
That is why Indonesian diplomacy has been conducted in a measured and appropriate way, whose
imprints are recorded in many parts of the world. From the Middle East to North Africa, for instance in
responding to the situation in Syria and Palestine, to Africa and Haiti, for instance through our
contribution to UN peacekeeping missions, to our own region through the participation of Indonesias
observer mission in the maintenance of peace in Southern Philippines.
That is also why the Indonesian multilateral diplomacy has actively worked in various forums; from
regional forum for cooperation such as the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) and the Melanesian Spearhead
Group (MSG) in Southwest Pacific to the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, the Non-Aligned
Movement, as well as the United Nations. We actively contribute.
And that is also why, whatever the transnational and global issues faced, from natural disasters, food
and energy security, to transnational crimes such as terrorism, trafficking and other types of threats,
Indonesian foreign policy always makes clear and concrete contribution.
Distinguished guests,
Of course, as a reflection of the close interlinkages between international and domestic issues, we
continue to make efforts on a number of issues. A particularly important issue in this regard is to
enhance the protection of Indonesian citizens abroad, as I will elaborate later on.
Distinguished guests,
In responding to those challenges at the regional and global levels, throughout 2012, Indonesian
diplomacy constantly pursues Indonesias national interest and is aimed to contribute to;
economic development for peoples welfare;
consolidation of democracy in Indonesia; and
the attainment of justice for all Indonesians.
Throughout the following year, 9 major issues will obtain particular attention:
First, to sharpen the priority areas of our bilateral cooperation with strategic partners and other friendly
This implies the refinement of our priority areas for cooperation with partner countries in line with the
available potential and possibilities that each country provides.
In addition to enhancing cooperation in trade, investment and tourism, this also involves cooperation in
such areas as food and energy security, defense, health and the environment.

Towards that direction, the bilateral framework for cooperation with friendly countries will be
continuously refined and optimized.
Second, in addition to further consolidating our traditional markets, our economic diplomacy will be
geared toward expanding our non-traditional markets.
Such effort continues to produce concrete results. As reflected by available data, up to mid mid-2012
Indonesias export to non-traditional markets of Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe grew
respectively by 46 %, 43% and 87% compared to the same period last year. This substantial increase was
made at the time Indonesias export to the traditional markets experienced negative growth.
With many special measures, even though the markets in Western Europe and North America were
rather sluggish due to the economic condition of countries in those regions, we still recorded positive
growth for our export to some countries such as Norway, Germany and the United Kingdom.
In line with the beginning of economic recovery in Europe and some of Indonesias traditional markets,
our economic diplomacy in 2013 will continue to seek further potentials and expand market penetration
in the non-traditional markets, and available opportunities in the traditional markets will be further
refined, particularly in our strategic partners.
Third, to intensify border diplomacy with our neighbors in accordance to Indonesias national interests
as well as the provisions and norms of international law.
Throughout 2012, we maintained the momentum of border diplomacy. No less than 32 border
negotiations with 7 countries have been held. 15 of those were maritime boundary negotiations and 17
were land boundary negotiations.
In general, there has been significant progress in maritime boundary negotiations at the technical level,
and there is high level encouragement to make further progress.
Fourth, to improve the protection of Indonesian citizens / Indonesian workers overseas by prioritizing on
3 aspects, namely prevention, early detection and protection.
Throughout 2012, various preventive efforts have begun to bear results: the number of reported cases
faced by Indonesian citizens abroad has decreased by almost 50%. From 38,880 cases in 2011 to 19,218
cases in 2012. This represents 0.43 % from the overall number of Indonesian citizens who are registered
to live abroad.
For sure, every single case faced by Indonesian citizens abroad was treated as a priority. Without
exception, regardless of the nature and issues involved. From legal cases involving Indonesian citizens
abroad, to rescue efforts and protection for Indonesian citizens from natural disasters and political
To give another example, efforts by the Government to facilitate the return of Indonesian citizens from
Syria since the conflict broke up have saved close to 5,000 Indonesian citizens.
Efforts by the Government to seek pardon and amnesty for Indonesian citizens facing the death penalty
since mid-2011 up to end of 2012 has shown concrete results.

110 Indonesian citizens have been freed from the threat of death penalty. Out of this number, 33 have
been granted amnesty and have returned home.
Preventive aspect is an important element for all of us to prevent, from the earliest stage, the possibility
of our citizens to be sentenced by the death penalty.
In 2013, the protection of Indonesian citizens will continue to be a priority for our diplomacy and foreign
In line with this commitment, the Foreign Ministry has drawn a grand design for the protection of
Indonesian citizens abroad.
The sharpening of preventive, early detection and protection aspects has become the main agenda.
A standard for assisting Indonesian citizens / Indonesian workers abroad has been drawn up as a
reference for all Indonesian Missions abroad in providing services and protection.
Every staff members, in Jakarta and in Indonesia Missions abroad, has made the protection agenda one
of the main priorities for their work.
Distinguished guests,
Fifth, to maintain peace and stability in the region.
Waging peace and stability.
Almost not a single issue in the region is without Indonesias contribution.
In the Southeast Asian region, for example, Indonesia along with other ASEAN countries has persistently
projected peaceful means as an option.
Among ASEAN countries, we already have more than enough instruments to make sure that diplomacy
always prevails.
The choice is our commitment to honor and implement them.
This also underlines Indonesias effort in addressing the issue of overlapping territorial claims in the
South China Sea.
As a matter principle, Indonesia believes that diplomacy must work and must have space.
In particular, Indonesias foreign policy in 2013 will aim to strengthen the momentum for
comprehensive implementation of the DoC of the South China Sea. Comprehensive includes progress
in the effort to reach a regional code of conduct.
Progress in the comprehensive implementation of the DoC is expected to be able to manage the
potentials for conflict in the South China Sea. Nevertheless, this requires our collective effort. This

requires our willingness to always advance common interest in the region and mutual commitment to
always adhere to international law and international law of the seas.
Distinguished guests,
In the effort to maintain regional stability and peace, in 2013 Indonesia will consistently remind the
importance for all countries to adhere to the Bali Principles that were approved in the 2011 East Asia
Summit in Bali.
Principles that guide basic norms for conduct and international relations among countries in the Asia
Pacific region that consistently put forward peaceful means and avoid the threat and use of force.
Distinguished guests,
Our effort to maintain peace and stability in the region is a never-ending one and is not only conducted
in reaction to a potential conflict.
Indonesia believes that efforts to strengthen the regions capacity to prevent, manage, and resolve
conflicts are imperative.
For that reason, since Indonesia's Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2011, Indonesia initiated the establishment
of an ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, which was launched in Phnom Penh last November.
Insya Allah, in the years ahead, the Institute can contribute to the strengthening of ASEAN capacity in
preventing and resolving conflicts peacefully.
Distinguished guests,
Sixth, to consolidate democracy and human rights values in the region and at the global level.
In the last two years, despite a number of challenges that still face the countries in the ASEAN region, we
have witnessed positive development with regard to democracy and the promotion of human rights
values in the region.
This did not happen on its own.
In a deliberate and measured manner, since 2003 Indonesia, together with other ASEAN countries,
continues to push forward democracy and human rights as a priority agenda of the ASEAN Community.
Unlike in other regions, even though the challenges that we are still facing are not insignificant, the year
2012 has made a positive note with regard to the development of democracy and political
transformation in the region.
The development in Myanmar is a concrete example. Of course, democratization process is not without
challenges. And when the challenges arise, as a community, ASEAN countries join hands in providing
encouragement to remain consistent in the pursuit of democracy.
Distinguished guests,

In promoting and protecting human rights values in the region, we certainly note a positive
development with the adoption of the ASEAN Declaration on Human Rights in Phnom Penh last
The Human Rights Declaration is the outcome of our endeavor since 2003.
Indonesia recognizes that the adoption of the Declaration is part of a continued and collective process
by ASEAN member countries towards the establishment an ASEAN region that honors and respects
universal human rights values.
It has certainly become our common task to safeguard the implementation of the Declaration, including
through the establishment of other human rights instruments in the region, so that the Southeast Asia
region becomes an area that always upholds universal human rights values.
In a broader region, through the Bali Democracy Forum, Indonesia has consistently pushed forward the
agenda of democracy in Asia, through a process of dialogue and sharing of universal democratic values,
without ignoring each countrys special character and values.
Looking ahead, through the Bali Democracy Forum and other forums for the promotion of democracy at
the regional and global levels, Indonesia will focus on efforts to assist countries that are undergoing a
process of democratic transition. Such effort will help the process of democratic transformation run
smoothly in accordance with the wishes and agenda set by the countries concerned. The relevance of
such effort has certainly become more significant in line with the ongoing transformation in the Middle
Distinguished guests,
Seventh, to strengthen, along with other countries in the region, the regional economic resilience and
Indonesias diplomacy strives to promote and maintain a strong, sustainable and balanced economic
growth in the Southeast Asian region.
The completion of scorecard towards achieving the ASEAN Economic Community and Indonesias
preparedness for the Community continues to be the Governments attention.
Apart of that, as a concrete manifestation of the principle of ASEAN-led regional architecture building, in
this regard in the economic sector, we will mark the year 2013 with the commencement of the Regional
Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiation process. This is an effort to strengthen regional
economic resilience based on the spirit of partnership and mutual benefits among ASEAN countries and
their partner countries.
In 2013, through Indonesias Chairmanship of APEC, we have the potential to make concrete
contributions to the establishment of a future economic architecture.
An opportunity to, again, exemplify our leadership in the region.

By building upon many previous accomplishments of APEC, the President of Indonesia has set the theme
for APEC 2013, namely Resilient Asia Pacific, Engine of Global growth.
With this theme, Indonesia will continue to promote a stronger and resilient Asia Pacific as the
locomotive for worlds economic growth.
As Chairman of APEC in 2013, Indonesia has 3 main priorities, namely:
Attaining the Bogor Goals, with the focus of achieving the Bogor goals expansion of trade and
investment and structural reform;
Achieving Sustainable Growth with Equity, with the focus on the SMEs global competitiveness, financial
inclusion, food security, and health; as well as
Promoting Connectivity with the focus on physical connectivity including infrastructure and investment
development, maritime connectivity (blue economy), institutional connectivity and people-to-people
By acknowledging the development of a more complex regional architecture since the establishment of
APEC in 1989 and since the Indonesian chairmanship in 1994, Indonesia believes that under the
Indonesian Chairmanship of APEC in 2013, APEC will be able to contribute and give added values to the
Asia Pacific economic resilience, which in turn can contribute to the global economic growth and
prosperity of the worlds community.
Also in 2013, Indonesia, together with Columbia, will co-chair the Forum East Asia and Latin America
Cooperation (FEALAC).
The 2013 FEALAC Ministerial Meeting in Bali will focus on the effort to enhance cooperation between
Asia and Latin America to cope with contemporary global challenges, especially with regard to the global
economic downturn, which has not been completely recovered.
Eighth, to contribute to the maintenance of global peace, security, and justice.
As mandated by the Constitution, Indonesia will continue to contribute to the effort to establish peace,
stability and international security.
Throughout 2012, for instance, Indonesia exercised its diplomacy in the Middle East, both with regard to
the conflict in Syria and the situation in Palestine.
The stalemate of diplomacy with regard to the Syrian issue throughout 2012 must be immediately
resolved. The continued daily occurrence of casualties demands the international community to stand
united in pushing for the cessation of violence; in enabling humanitarian assistance, and in pushing
forward a political process that respects the wish of the Syrian people.
Furthermore, the issue of Palestine has been and will continue to be a top priority agenda for
Indonesias diplomacy and foreign policy.

Looking ahead, together with other members of the international community, Indonesias foreign policy
will strive to make even more progress compared to what has been achieved in 2012. That is, the
Observer State status of Palestine at the United Nations. This implies, among others, capacity building
for the State of Palestine; reconciliation between the Palestinian elements; as well as to encourage the
resumption of the Middle East peace process towards the fulfillment of the inalienable rights of the
Palestinian people in accordance with relevant UN resolutions and the principle of two states solution.
Distinguished guests,
Ninth, and finally, to promote a just global economic and development order.
An order that provides space for the entire international community to reap the fruits of development.
An order that provides opportunities for all countries to move forward and prosper, without exception.
In this regard, Indonesia bears a special responsibility.
As we are aware, on the issue of global development agenda, the President of the Republic of Indonesia,
along with the President of Liberia and the Prime Minister of the UK, has been chosen to co-Chair the
High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, who will provide inputs to
the United Nations Secretary-General on the directions of the post-2015 global development agenda.
A series of Panel meetings have been conducted in New York and London.
This process continues.
In 2013, the meeting will be conducted in Monrovia, Bali and will conclude in New York. At the final
meeting in New York, the President of Indonesia together with the Prime Minister of the UK and the
President of Liberia will officially submit the proposal for the post-2015 global development agenda to
the Secretary-General to be discussed by all UN Member States.
This is a big mandate for us as a nation to contribute significantly in setting up the direction of the global
development agenda ahead. With a clear, rational, and visionary concept, Indonesia has set the vision
and platform for the global development agenda that are oriented towards sustainable and equitable
economic growth. "Sustainable Growth with Equity".
Indonesia will also host of the WTO Ministerial meeting in 2013.
As host, Indonesia will play its role in preserving the sustainability of a fair, open and transparent
multilateral trading system.
Indonesia will strive to ensure that the international trading system is in line and supports the post-2015
global development agenda.
Distinguished guests,
Before concluding this annual statement, let me express our thanks and appreciation for the
contribution and partnership of all elements of the nation, especially our partner at the Commission I of

the House of Representatives, for the discharge of Indonesias diplomacy and foreign policy thoughout
I believe and I have every confidence that only through partnerships and synergy of the entire national
elements, diplomatic opportunities throughout the year 2012 can be achieved and we can also together
address the many challenges involved.
To our partners in the media, I also wish to extend our thanks and appreciation for the partnership that
have been forged so far. With your role and participation, for sure Indonesias diplomacy and foreign
policy can be well communicated to the public.
To this years winners of the Adam Malik Award, I wish to congratulate all of you for your achievements.
I believe that the remarkable cooperation that has been established all this time will continue to
strengthen in the future.
In welcoming the year of 2013, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is commited to maintain and enhance
good governance and its professionalism.
I have every confidence that all of us will work even harder in order to achieve Indonesias national
We will strive to work even more diligently to contribute to peace and prosperity for all.
To establish a more secure, peaceful, stable and prosperous world.
Insya Allah.
Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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