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A proposal submitted for research methodology assignment

Prepared by: Nesrudin Musa

Submitted to: Dr.Ing. Dereje H/mariem

Addis ababa university

Addis ababa institute of technology
School of Graduate Studies
Department of Electrical and computer Engineering
2014, september

The wireless speed limit alarm was developed to make the automobile deriving experience safer
and more convenient. The alarm involves transmitting a code, which represents the posted speed
limit, from strategically placed transmitters on the roads to a receiver mounted on the car. The
speed of the car is then compared to the posted speed limit, and the driver is then notified when
the limit is exceeded. Notification can occur in the form of flashing LED or a warning sound
from speaker. In addition, the posted speed limit is continuously shown on a digital display panel
that is mounted on the auto dashboard.

Statement of the problem

Traffic accident is global problem for a long time. It will cause massive social and economic
impact on the development of a given country. Currently its a series problem for under
developed countries. The main cause of this problem is speeding. In this project I will try to
design a system which helps us to minimize this problem.

A wireless speed limit alarm is the next step in making the automobile more convenient. A
wireless speed limit alarm not only makes driving easier for drivers, it also makes the roads
safer for them.
Ideally, the basic idea seen from the users eyes is as follows: Somewhere on the dashboard of
the automobile is a digital display indicating the current speed limit. This allows the driver to
always know the posted limit. Also on the dashboard are a small L.E.D. and a small speaker.
Should the driver exceed the speed limit; he/she has the option of being notified of their violation
by either the flashing of the light, or by a beeping noise from the speaker. The driver will also
be given the option of not being notified at all, in which case the wireless alarm is still being
used through the digital display that at least allows the driver to know without a doubt what the
limit is.
There are four basic sections to the speed limit alarm, including the transmitter logic, the receiver
logic, the actual transmitter and receiver with their antennas, and the data output options.
The transmitter logic includes logic components that function with the goal of consistently
delivering a series of bits, representing the speed limit, to the transmitter. The transmitter then
transmits the data digitally out into space. The receiver, mounted somewhere on an automobile,
accepts the data once it enters the speed limit zone. That data, which represents the speed limit,

is then compared to the actual speed of the auto in the receiver logic. The data received is then
decoded and converted to a signal that will display the speed limit on the display panel, and a
separate signal is also sent to each of the output options, including the speaker and the L.E.D. If
the driver is exceeding the speed limit, he/she is notified appropriately.
In addition to being able to choose the means of notification of speeding, the driver is also able
to incorporate a cushion. This is a number of miles per hour by which the speed limit can be
exceeded before the alarms are enabled. This feature would not be part of the basic speed limit
alarm, but would be available as an extra.
Two major goals that were kept in focus while designing the alarm included a low production
cost and reliability. Should the alarm become more than a prototype, hundreds of thousands of
transmitters and receivers will need to be produced. In order for the product to be a success, the
cost of production will have to be low.
Additionally, should the alarm replace or at least
complement the posted speed limit signs of today, accuracy and reliability are essential. The
larger the role of the wireless alarms, the greater their need for accuracy, and this is true for
obvious reasons. In order to achieve a functioning product with these two considerations in
mind, the design of the alarm was kept as simple as possible.
Originally, the design of the alarm involved synchronous data transfer from the transmitter to the
receiver. A packet of bits representing the speed limit would be shifted to the transmitter at a
rate specified by an on-board clock, and then received at a rate specified by a clock amid the
receiver logic. Knowing that the two clocks would not always be in phase with one another,
which could and would cause a portion of the data to be inaccurate, an asynchronous design was
chosen. This design change, while having a major impact on the receiver logic, only minutely
affected the original transmitter logic.

Literature review
The main components of the transmitter are a parallel-in/serial out shift register, two up/down
counters (Counter1 and Counter2), a J/K flip flop, and the Linx transmitter chip. Counter1
enables Counter2, which then enables the shift register to serially shift out its contents to the
Linx chip and be transmitted. Counter1 then disables Counter2 and hence the transmitting
process, allowing time for the signal to be received and processed by the receiving end, and the
cycle begins again when Counter1 enables Counter2. This process continuously loops,
alternating between transmitting and resting for as long as power is supplied to the device.
Linx Transmitter The data to be transmitted enters the Linx transmitter chip serially and is then
Code The speed code was chosen with efficiency and reliability in mind. Since the
transmitting and hence the receiving period (and consequentially the speeding/not speeding
update time) depends primarily on the length of the speed limit code, a code was chosen that
would minimize the operating period and still transmit the number of speeds necessary.
The receiver logic portion of the device was implemented using basic logic principles and
components. The receiver logic used three counters, two comparators and various simple logic
devices to implement the desired function. The data input from the receiver module had to be
used as both a control signal and a data signal. The initial design attempt involved using a serial
in parallel out shift register which would need to be clocked from the receiver board itself.

This proposal comprises the following general and specific objectives:
General objective: to make the automobile deriving experience safer and more convenient.
Specific objectives: some of the specific objectives are:
Successfully link the transmitter/receiver pair and limit the distances that the transmitter
will transmit to avoid crossover with other speed limit transmitters in the area.
Successfully integrate the speedometer with the data from the receiver by the use of a
Allow both the speed limit sign and the speedometer alarm to remain adjustable to the
users sensitivity needs.

Literature review: includes reading books, articles, simulation tools and other materials related
to wireless communication and programming that helps me in doing this paper.
System modeling: involves formulating mathematical relationship to achieve optimum values.
Simulation: simulating performance evaluating parameters in order to outline the significant
Analysis and interpretation of the results: different performance improvement will be
analyzed and interpreted by numeric parameters like how much and if present possible tradeoffs
will be mentioned.

Work plan
My work plan can be summarized in the table below

The budget required for the work to be done effectively, the following factors as summarized by the table with their
estimated amount must be considered.

Budget Category

Unit Cost (birr)

Daily wage

Secretarial work
Lunch cost while data
A4 Paper (per pack)
Flash disk (4GB)
Rewritable CDs
Printing the report
(both the proposal and
the final thesis)
Photo copy
Writing pad
Contingency (15%)
Grand Total


Multiplying factor
(No. of staff*no. of
working days)

Total cost (birr)


Unit cost (birr)

1.50(per page)

Multiplying factor

Total cost

7 (per pack)



1) Ben, C., K. Dennis, D. Lina, M. Stacy, M. Rae, S. Aric, S. Paul, T. Edmund and T. Mark,
2010. Design of a Motor Speed Controller for a Lightweight Electric Vehicle, pp: 559562.
2) Rajesh, K.M.H., N.N. Ramesh and S.M. Prakhya, 2010. Wireless Vehicular Accident
Detection and Reporting System. International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical
Technology, pp: 636-640.
3) Wu, l.S., 2011. Difference analysis of GPS data base sources based on vehicle location
system. IEEE J. Comput. Technol., pp: 421-425.
4) Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 4(18): 3323-3326,
2012 ISSN: 2040-7467

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